napoleon industrial revolution natural rights french revolution socialism otto von bismarck american revolution karl marx slavery aristotle plato pericles st helena elba waterloo montesquieu enlightenment rousseau trotsky capitalism lenin marxism metternich louis philippe victor hugo pope pius ix napoleon iii balance of power realpolitik congress of berlin roger keyes yellow journalism theodore roosevelt russo-japanese war hms dreadnought battle of lissa gladstone disraeli imperialism ironclads crimean war opium wars alfred thayer mahan george rodney george washington james wolfe charles saunders edward hawke minorca line tactics de grasse bougainville convoys judicial review u.s. constitution social contract communism marxist revisionists age of the democratic revolution john locke thomas hobbes natural law leviathan progressivism equality machiavelli alexandria parthenon socrates thucydides herodotus democracy cleisthenes' reforms agoge sparta athens hoplite phalanx polis ancient greece congress of vienna continental system peninsular war friedland tilsit austerlitz marengo toulon corsica coup of 18 brumaire 18 brumaire girondins locke marshall plan iron curtain truman doctrine lenins death ussr stalin revolution of 1905 duma tsar nicholas ii tsar nicholas i tsar alexander i " michael faraday immoveable object irresistible force revolutions of 1830-31 revolutions of 1820s compensation legitimacy hundred days turnvater jahn german confederation louis kossuth hungary maximillian i francis i frederick william iii nicholas i decembrist revolt thiers invasion of algeria expedition to spain guizot revolution of 1830 charles x louis xviii factory acts trade unions charles dickens jeremy bentham liberal party conservative party chartism repeal of the corn laws queen victoria robert peel great reform act of 1832 tolpuddle martyrs peterloo massacre luddism franz josef louis-napoleon nch republic second fre lamartine général cavaignac june days in france the frankfurt parliament frederich william iv emperor maximillian romanticism fades and realism prevails war between science and religion electricfication steamships second industrial revolution rostow's take-off stage military reforms paris peace conference siege of sevastopol charge of the light brigade russo-turkish hostility liberal revolution of 1848 the second opium war french indochina parisian urban renewal liberal reforms railroad development emperor napoleon iii president louis-napoleon roman republic garibaldi mazzini battle of koniggratz king wilhelm i of prussia helmuth von moltke the elder seven weeks war schleswig-holstein question prussian constitutional conflict franco-prussian war emancipation of the serfs alexander ii palmerstone george bernard shaw sigmund freud henri bergson bulgarian crisis of 1886-87 alliance systems russo-turkish war 1877-78 socialist revisionism anarchism milkhail bakunin communist manifesto' utopian socialism trade unionism rostow's stages of economic growth democracy in southern europe democracy in northern europe democracy in switzerland democracy in the netherlands democracy in belgium women's suffrage in britain the irish question towards a labor party british reform bill of 1867 anticlericalism dreyfus affair boulanger crisis panama crisis marshal macmahon adolphe thiers paris commune high seas fleet admiral tirpitz germany's place in the sun wilhelm ii reinsurance treaties triple alliance young turk revolution bulgaria rumania black hand bosnia and herzegovina serbia viennese culture the minorities of the austro-hungarian empire kaiser und könig (kuk) franz josef and elizabeth rasputin industrialism repression radicalism abolition of serfdom later entrants--japan and usa late entrants--germany and italy scramble for africa the great game the "other" colonialism vs imperialism assassination of austrian heir schleffen plan balkan wars central powers encirclement imperial rivalries arms race diplomatic steps toward ww i department of the us air force cold war revolt of the admirals unification controversy strategic bombing department of defense soviet submarine threat soviet atomic bomb berlin blockade lusitânia german navy mutiny october 1918 sussex pledge armistice november 1918 erich ludendorf paul hindenburg woodrow wilson unrestricted submarine warfare german spring offensive of 1918 three u-boat campaigns scheer beatty jellicoe hipper sea of marmara cape helles liman von sanders mustafa kemal ataturk dardanelles kilid bahr winston churchill suvla bay gaba tepe battle of falkland islands-1915 battle of dogger bank churchill battle of heligoland bight david beatty battle of coronel the great white fleet panama canal naval arms race boxer rebellion alaskan boundary dispute intervention in latin america naval aviation submarines dreadnought roosevelt corollary adm george dewey "splendid little war" adm schley "white man's burden" adm sampson san juan hill guam uss maine philippines battle of manila bay first sino-japanese war meiji revolution matthew c. perry admiral togo treaty of portsmouth admiral rozhestvensky townsend harris crossint the t battle of the yalu port arthur emperor meiji whitehead torpedo pacific war turret torpedo boat armored cruiser anglo-german naval race polar exploration alfred mackinder boer war lord cromer cecil rhodes suez canal colonialism battle of mobile bay surrender at appomattox capture of fort fisher robert gould shaw siege of charleston riverine warfare vicksburg forts henry and donelson u.s. grant 1862 battle of new orleans shiloh admiral farragut island no. 10 david dixon porter uss monitor css virginia battle of hampton roads css hunley david ap catesby jones torpedoes davids john ericksson franklin buchanan raphael semmes gideon welles blockade commerce raiding blockade runners anaconda policy us-mexican war uss merrimack dahlgren gun john eriksson us naval academy george bancroft rifled cannon armstrong gun crystal palace romanticism early railroads samuel colt british india embargo freedom of the seas isaac hull chesapeake-leopard affair neutral rights president vs macedonian burning of washington steven decateur constitution vs guerriere impressment war of i812 battle of new orleans quasi-war with france navy act of 1794 preble's boys first barbary war humphreys frigates stephen decatur peninsular campaign wellington fourth coalition villeneuve calder collingwood battle of trafalgar 1805 nelson harvey anti-slavery movement banque de france assignats british fiscal policy code napoleon status of women in society battle of the nile peace of amiens battle of copenhagen 1801 vilarette-joyeuse henry dundas cuthbert collingwood adam duncan charles earl grey battle of cape st. vincent the glorious first of june 1794 horatio nelson john jervis earl st. vincent press gangs thomas troubridge james gambier richard howe lazare hoche emma hamilton battle of camperdown first coalition comte de guichen battle of cape st vincent 1780 battle of ushant 1778 carronade franklin first french fleet signal system beaumarchais battle of grenada comte de grasse vergennes newport rhode island firing on the down roll firing on the up roll comte d'orvilliers treaty of amity and commerce 1778 nathanael greene comte d'estaing richard kempenfelt prime meridian paul gauguin greenwich observatory abel tasman tahiti australia james cook celestial sphere new zealand world ocean transportation for crimes botany bay sandwich islands tasmania terra australis incognita greenwich mean time longitude foul weather jack byron natural man battle of trenton william howe battle of valcour island lord north lexington and concord kennebec river benedict arnold george iii sam adams siege of quebec 1775-76 richard montgomery taxes troops and tea henry clinton lord george germaine battle of saratoga john burgoyne battle of long island tom paine siege of boston first british empire india plains of abraham louis-antoine de bougainville jeffrey amherst louis-joseph de montcalm george pocock robert clive havana fall of quebec 1759 peace of paris 1763 morro castle capture of louisburg 1758 guadeloupe battle of quiberon bay 1759 diplomaticrevolution of 1756 close blockade braddock's defeat william pitt the elder fort necessity augustus keppel john byng french and indian war comte de conflans ohio country battle of lagos 1759 duc de belleisle edward boscawen maria theresa battle of culloden 1746 robert walpole frederick ii bonnie prince charlie first battle of finisterregeorge anson battle of toulon 1744 war of the austrian succession war of jenkins' ear 18th century ships and guns coffee houses south sea bubble samuel reichadson british enlightenment william hogarth the spectator mississippi bubble john law aphra behn duc d'orleans hannovarian georges isaac newton the beggar's opera daniel defoe roger bacon francis bacon paper money a harlot's progress henry fielding tulip bubble guerre de course battle of malaga queen anne's war austrian netherlands bomb ketch war of the spanish succession newfoundland asiento peace of utrecht 1713 gibraltar sidney godolphin new france acadia battle of la hogue massing battle of barfleur breaking jacobite rebellion of 1715 doubling bank of england sebastian vauban battle of beachy head battle of the boyne john churchill duke of marlborough fighting instructions formalist school arthur herbert lord torrington earl of shaftesbury melee school jacobite wars battle of sole bay secret treaty of dover medway raid stuart restoration jean baptiste colbert charles ii stuart new york cromwell james duke of york de witt brothers royal african company war of the league of augsburg peace of breda louis xiv samuel pepys generals-at-sea blake and monck william iii of orange and england rampjaar 1672 michael de ruyter mercantilism spice islands amsterdam dutch east indies women's social status battle of the downs dutch slave trade wic voc dutch masters martin tromp dutch independence secured spanish treasure fleets elisabeth i of england transatlantic slave trade francis drake spanish golden age dutch 80 year war reformation sea power voyages of exploration and discovery american constitution battle of the saints breaking the line charles douglas treaty of paris 1783 yorktown cornwallis graves battle of the virginia capes ho chi minh john hersey gar alperovitz enola gay nagasaki v-j day hiroshima firebombing okinawa curtis lemay battle of the philippine sea biak hollandia tinian saipan peleliu amphibious doctrine u.s. marine corps carrier doctrine logistics midway rendova rabaul new guinea munda new britain hellenistic science hellenistic philosophy hellenistic religions hellenistic arts tunisia morocco safi amphibious warfare operation torch port lyautey oran fedala casablanca conference algeria algiers destroyer escorts "first happy time escort carriers hf/df das boot the united nations wolf pack operations otto kretschmer " u-boat pens dönitz enigma asdic " sonar u-boats u-505 "big bay slaughter antisubmarine warfare el alamein operation ironclad tobruk malta rommel cape matapan afrika korps taranto mussolini mers el kebir scharnhorst's last cruise st. nazaire raid dieppe raid operation sealion sink the bismarck tirpitz destroyed fall of france altmark affair u-47 invasion of norway graf spee phony war neutrality acts march of fascist aggression disarmament versailles treaty world war i league of nations john f. kennedy why england slept original intent living constitution obama great society " jfk reagan revolution borking fdr lochner era "court packing plan new deal wilson prisons cruel and unusual punishment waterboarding death penalty right to counsel protection from self-incrimination rights of the accused probable cause searches and seizures heller case nra gun culture right to bear arms second amendment sullivan law school prayer " freedom of the press first amendment flag salute "no establishment freedom of assembly and petition " "free exercise of religion free speech populists progressives dred scott marbury v. madison ratifying the u.s. constitution u.s. constitutional convention bill of rights large state plan articles of confederation philadelphia convention sherman compromise small state plan annapolis convention critical period ratification mt vernon conference 3/5ths compromise rights of englishmen session outline u. s. constitution introduction to presentations " original intent "living constitution constitutional interpretation we the people bacon's rebellion english constitution 1215-1689 american state constitutions king philip's war american colonial history thomas paine slave trade irish rights edmund burke of civil government burke jefferson hobbes causes of the french revolution poliical philosophy revolution of 1848 balanced constitution ancien regime separation of powers spirit of the laws whig stuart absolutism tory glorious revolution materialism contract theory wars of religion english civil war state of nature declaration of independence thomas jefferson right to rebel the prince the politics granicus hydaspes alexander's successors cosmopolis gaugamela persian empire alexander the great issus diadochi leuctra philip ii thrasybulus. epaminondas macedonian phalanx oligarchy timocracy tyranny dialogues plato's republic plato's theory of forms (ideas) philosopher kings justice american government high school civics political philosophy koine greek paul antioch eratosthenes pergamum selucids ptolemy attalids jesus maccabees archimedes isis hellenism golden age philosophy tragedy history euripides aeschylus pythagoras thales exekias phidias sophocles nicias long walls brasidas hegemony peloponnesian war themistocles miltiades persian wars delium lysander sicilain expedition alcibiades review and intro athena heracles lycurgus solon miletus cypselus apoikiai gyges tyrants massalia syracuse carthage corinth ionia archaic greece greek dark ages prehistory ionians dorians schliemann mycenaean minoan odyssey archaeology homeric greek aeolians blegen homer linear b iliad sixth coalition introduction to napoleon part 2 the return quatre bras and ligny napoleon's first abdication invasion of france 1814 german nationalism battle of leipzig dresden bautzen lutzen schwarzenberg blücher moscow fire borodino kutusov crossing the nieman berezina smolensk tsar alexander russian campaign battle of leipzig 1813 hunderd days vitoria salamanca "scum of the earth sorauren badajoz barossa talavera reverse slope " riflemen portugal baylen sir john moore dos de mayo josephine egypt first italian campaign general suvorov admiral nelson jena-auerstadt greand armee third coalition websites dvds books aspern-essling wagram eylau countess waleska auerstadt jena grande arme the boulogne camp concordat first empire civil code seapower egyptian campaign army of italy 13 vendemiaire napoleonic wars napoleons egyptian campaign french directory united irishmen american quasi-war with france napoleons first italian campaign spithead mutiny babeuf barras quiberon white terror thermidore songs of the french revolution 14 frimaire law of suspects enrages dantonists terror general maximum hebertists fleurus jourdan dumouriez valmy gribeauval jemappes levee en masse carnot guibert feuillants august 10 civil constitution of the clergy constitution of the year i jacobins second french revolution constitution of 1791 flight to varennes national convention marie antoinette louis xvi bastille cahiers mirabeau estates general sieyes declaration of the rights of man and the citizen october 5 great fear lafayette national assembly voltaire diderot newton medieval worldview french enlightenment salons scientific revolution medieval monarchy the great war for empire french origins sun king france and the american revolution french nation mccarthyism the doctors plot mao huac korean war the rosenbergs first lightning tito potsdam berlin airlift victorious february bizonia atomic diplomacy yalta teheran operation bagration fall of berlin sevastopol kursk siege of leningrad hitler-stalin non-aggression pact operation barbarossa soviet finnish war soviet-japanese war in mongolia stalingrad great terror holodomor permanent revolution show trials socialism in one country 5 year plan politburo nationalities question february revolution russian civil war joseph stalin october revolution comintern polish-soviet war of 1920 john reed spartakus weimar soviet ark bela kuhn munich soviet useful idiots red scare tachanka czech legion wrangel black army trans-siberian railroad allied intervention deniken kolchak armored trains nestor makhno armored cars red army tanks white armies peace of brest-litovsk kerensky government april theses parvus july uprising winter palace inessa armand krupskaya sealed train finland station constituent assembly aurora kronstadt sailors kornilov affair srs stolypin russian economy 18811914 okhrana congress of berlin 1878 witte tsar alexander iii "tollpuddle marx "evolutionary engels "industrial unions plehkanov martyrs revolution nihilism zemstvo law liberal revolutions concert of europe tsar paul westernizers polish november uprising 1831 narodnaya volya petrashevsky circle slavophils tsar alexander ii polish january uprising 1863 narodniks liberation of the serfs intelligentsia vladimir" "third "ivan kahn "kievan rurik concept" iii" genghis russia iv\' "alexander rome novgorod "st port water sophia" "kievskaya mudry" "yaroslav nevsky" rus" "warm untergang fuehrerbunker berlin fall heights seelow uprising warsaw remagen bulge garden market valkyrie scholl sophie rose white tresckow bonhoeffer stauffenberg keynote camps concentration fire reichstag rearmament ss sa nazi hitler
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