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Anatomy of Knowledge A Grounded Theory Investigation Towards a Knowledge Emergence Model for  High-Tech Organizations by  Debra A Jasinski August 2, 2005
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 2 Overview Knowledge Emergence The processes, conditions, interactions, and influences surrounding the creation, conversion, sharing, transfer, and use of knowledge in organizational settings (Kakihara & Sorensen, 2002; Nonaka et al., 2001).  Knowledge Emergence Environment The physical and social aspects of formal and informal systems conducive to knowledge creation and transfer (Kakihara & Sorensen, 2002; Nonaka et al., 2001).
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 3 Overview Jobs are becoming more information intensive Organizations are becoming repositories of knowledge (collective knowledge) Problems are too complex – must be solved by teams Teams need to be effective, high performing, &  must minimize duplication of effort The key to all of these issues is effective Knowledge Emergence
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 4 Background of Problem Tacit vs. Explicit Knowledge Polanyi (1958) Tacit knowledge is subconscious/hard to verbalize Forms the basis of explicit knowledge Nontransferable
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 5 Background of Problem Intellectual Capital & Knowledge Management Sveiby (1987) Value of knowledge Competitive advantage of knowledge Employees whose value lies more in what they know than in their skills Techniques for capturing and controlling knowledge
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 6 Background of Problem Knowledge Cycle & Environment Nonaka, Takeuchi, Nishiguchi (1995) Explicit to Tacit  to Explicit knowledge transfer SECI: Socialization, Externalization, Combination, Internalization Effect of work environment on knowledge cycle – “ba”
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 7 Background of Problem Communities of Practice Wenger (1996) Spontaneity & passion from common interest No management influence No competitive influences
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 8 Problem Statement There is no single, comprehensive model or instrument by which leaders and managers can establish, assess and/or develop high-tech knowledge emergence environments appropriate to their particular needs Leaders/managers: Must wade through collections of theories, approaches, tools, and barriers  From which they each must distill a method  To establish, assess and/or develop their KE environments Because no knowledge emergence environment model or instruments currently exists
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 9 Purpose of the Study The objective of this study The development of a high-tech KE model that will provide a systemic and comprehensive perspective from which to establish, assess and/or develop effective knowledge emergence environments.
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 10 Significance of the Study Differed from previous research in 3 aspects The study focused exclusively on high-tech organizations.  The researcher examined the entire spectrum of the knowledge emergence phenomenon as opposed to the narrow focus of many previous studies.  Strauss and Corbin’s conditional matrix (1990) formed the framework for the study, assuring comprehensive coverage of the phenomenon from the perspectives of the individual, team, management, leadership and the intervening organizations structures.
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 11 Significance to Leadership Current Large set of loosely related and simplified or generic proposals (Neef, 1999).  Issue No comprehensive view of their knowledge emergence needs in order to choose between the abundance of potential solutions presented.  Significance Provide leaders and managers with the ability to correlate knowledge attributes and methods with the existing processes and structures of their corporate environment.
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 12 Theoretical Framework Individuals Teams Management Communities Organizations Multinational Elements Leadership Technology
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 13 Study Framework
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 14 Sampling Procedure Convenience Sampling Snowball Sampling Purposive Sampling  Theoretical evolution and data saturation determined the final sample size of the study
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 15 Data Collection Data collection and analysis are not separate functions in grounded theory research  Interviewing is the predominate form of grounded theory data collection (Auerbach & Silverstein, 2003; Glaser, 2004; Strauss & Corbin, 1990, 1998).
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 16 Data Analysis A combination of open, axial, selective, and process coding  Formulation and testing of provisional hypothesis and theories Study the structure of each category, the “conditional context in which a category (phenomenon) is situated” (Strauss & Corbin, 1998, p. 123). Conditions: casual, intervening and contextual.
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 17 Demographic Data Participant demographics Personal  Age Gender Education level  Professional  Position in the company Number of years of high-tech experience Number of years at the company Corporate demographics.
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 18 Presentation & Analysis of Data Observations about the knowledge emergence environments Influence of leadership Influence of management Influence of teams influence of individuals Influence of the organizational structure Influence of communities Influence of multi-national elements Influence of technology Other influences.
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 19 Conclusions Two categories of themes The combined significance of each of the framework elements to knowledge emergence The common characteristics of each element
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 20 Theme 1 Management was the primary influence on knowledge emergence in large organizations. The attitudes and skills of the manager were the primary elements in the effectiveness of knowledge emergence processes. Management as an interpretor  Create clarity of goals per Bailey and Clark (2001).  Formal leaders were far removed from the main body of employees Managers controlled the goals, success criteria, rewards.  Knowledge workers must be rewarded for sharing knowledge (Kyriakidou, 2004)
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 21 Theme 2 In small organizations, the formal leadership was the primary source of knowledge emergence influence Leader drove or formulated the organization’s culture (De Long & Davenport, 2003; De Long & Fahey, 2000)  An organization’s culture was a reflection of its leadership (Corno et al., 1999) The line between formal leadership and management was nearly indistinguishable in small organizations The participants spoke of leaders and managers interchangeably Formal leaders were very active and visible within the organization Visibility may have accounted for the close association in the small organizations  Close association might also have assured that management mimicked the knowledge emergence values of the leadership
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 22 Theme 3 All significant knowledge emergence work occurred in the team environment Reasons The complexity of the high-tech environment The nature of the problems addressed required a large variety of information  Success required more knowledge than any one person could provide It took a team to fully develop an individual’s idea Interactions Combination process -- the integration of knowledge from multiple source to create new knowledge (Nonaka et al.’s, 1998, 2000)  The synergy that can happen in teams Lack of political interference when a group works together as equals
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 23 Theme 4 Individuals and Organizational Structures were important contributors to knowledge emergence effectiveness Knowledge exists in the mind of the individual In the work environment, value was not realized until the knowledge was shared and transformed into a work product “Knowledge is not produced by passively perceiving individuals, but by interacting social groups engaged in particular activities” (Arthur & Parker, 2002, p. 38) The organizational structure was the physical manifestation of the knowledge emergence values of the company Hiring policies, reward and recognition policies, communication policies, departmentalization, and financial accounting all reflect the importance that the company placed on knowledge emergence effectiveness Organizational structures could not inspire creativity or innovation
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 24 Theme 5 Technology, Communities, & Multinational components were not  significant influences on knowledge emergence Ancillary to the knowledge emergence processes Sometimes augmenting them, sometimes hindering them Technology Technology improved the efficiency of humans by removing physical constraints (Bhatt, 2001) Communication tools - communication was essential to knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer The use of technology was both prevalent and second nature to technical professionals Communities Provided opportunities to learn and exchange ideas  Could provide a type of intrinsic reward value such as recognition of expertise (Hisop, 2003) Multinational elements  International counterparts were sources of cultural and political information
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 25 THEMES 1 - 5
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 26 Theme 6 There exists a commonality of attributes within each of the elements of the study framework Commonality is independent of organization size or type While the significance of the elements varied with organization size, the attributes within each element were remarkably consistent across most of the participants.  In some cases, particularly where knowledge emergence was effective, participants identified the attributes as present in their organization.  In other cases, participants noted the absence of the attributes.
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 27 THEME 6
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 28 Limitations The Participants  The Scope The Subjective Nature of the knowledge emergence process
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 29 Conclusions 5 Themes evolved from study framework Organization size was the primary data differentiator Commonality of attributes is the 6th Theme Attributes were independent of organization size.
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 30 Leadership Implications When knowledge emergence is critical or important to the success of the company Knowledge emergence values were an integral part of the corporate vision Knowledge emergence behaviors were evident throughout the company In small organizations, knowledge emergence values emanated directly from the formal leadership and were mimicked by management In large organizations, the values most directly felt by knowledge workers were those of management If the manager supported knowledge emergence behaviors, then creativity and innovation could flourish If the manager was primarily task-focused, then knowledge emergence was severely hindered Leaders assured that knowledge work was team-oriented
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 31 Leadership Implications Leaders must determine how important knowledge emergence is to the long-term success of their organization Leaders must assure that the appropriate level of knowledge emergence values are an integral component of the corporate values Leaders must assure that the organizational structure mirrors those values, most critically at the managerial level Leaders must assure that the organization supports a team-oriented structure for its knowledge work
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 32 Recommendations Expanded beyond the United States to determine if the models hold true internationally Mid-sized organizations warrant a closer examination A mixed quantitative/quantitative approach using the same framework  Focus groups  Two possible case studies Examination of an effective knowledge emergence organization using the same framework encompassing a larger population of people from each framework element A comparative study of an organization examining knowledge emergence effectiveness before and after application of the models developed in this study
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 33 Summary The findings provide high-tech leaders and manager with a familiar framework for addressing knowledge emergence in their organizations Figure 2 serves as a guide for knowledge emergence in each area of focus based on organizational size and relative level of potential influence Figure 3 provides a summary of common attributes for successful knowledge emergence organizations for each element of framework With these two models, a leader can formulate a plan for developing the knowledge emergence effectiveness of their organization
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 34 References Arthur, M., & Parker, P. (2002). Technology, community, and the practice of HRM. Human Resource Planning, 38 - 46.  Auerbach, c., & Silverstein, L. (2003). Qualitative data. N.Y.: New York University Press.  Bailey, C., & Clarke, M. (2001). Managing knowledge for personal and organisational benefit. Journal of Knowledge Management, 32, 58.  Bhatt, G. (2001). Knowledge management in organizations: Examining the interaction between technologies, techniques and people. Journal of Knowledge Management, 5, 68-75.  Corno, F., Reinmoeller, P., & Nonaka, I. (1999). Knowledge creation within industrial systems. Journal of Management & Governance, 3, 379. De Long, D. W., & Davenport, T. (2003). Better practices for retaining organizational knowledge: Lessons from the leading edge. Employment Relations Today, 30, 51. De Long, D. W., & Fahey, L. (2000). Diagnosing cultural barriers to knowledge management. The Academy of Management Executive, 14, 113.
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 35 References Glaser, B. (2002). Conceptualization: On theory and theorizing using grounded theory. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 1, 1-32.  Hisop, D. (2003). The complex relations between communities of practice and the implementation of technological innovations. International Journal of innovation management, 7, 163--188. Kakihara, M., & Sorensen, C. (2002). Exploring knowledge emergence: From chaos to organizational knowledge. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 5, 48.  Kyriakidou, O. (2004). Developing a knowledge sharing culture. Management Services, 48, 22-24.  Neef, D. (1999). Making the case for knowledge management: the bigger picture. Management Decision, 37, 72-78.  Nonaka, I., Konno, N., & Toyama, R. (2001). Emergence of "ba". In I. Nonaka & T. Nishiguchi (Eds.), Knowledge emergence: Social, technical and evolutionary dimensions of knowledge creation. N.Y.: Oxford University Press.
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 36 References Nonaka, I., & Takeuchi, H. (1995). The knowledge-creating company: How Japanese companies create the dynamics of innovation. N.Y.: Oxford University Press.  Polanyi, M. F. D. (1966). The tacit dimension. Glouchester, Ma.: Doubleday & Company, Inc.  Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research. Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. Thousand Oaks, Ca.: Sage Publications.  Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1998). Basics of qualitative research. Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, Ca.: Sage Publications.  Sveiby, K. E., & Lloyd, T. (1987). Managing know-how: Increase profits by harnessing the creativity in your company. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Limited.  Wenger, E. (1996). Communities of practice: The social fabric of a learning organization. The Healthcare Forum Journal, 39, 20.
V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 37 Thank-you

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Anatomy Of Knowledge

  • 1. Anatomy of Knowledge A Grounded Theory Investigation Towards a Knowledge Emergence Model for High-Tech Organizations by Debra A Jasinski August 2, 2005
  • 2. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 2 Overview Knowledge Emergence The processes, conditions, interactions, and influences surrounding the creation, conversion, sharing, transfer, and use of knowledge in organizational settings (Kakihara & Sorensen, 2002; Nonaka et al., 2001). Knowledge Emergence Environment The physical and social aspects of formal and informal systems conducive to knowledge creation and transfer (Kakihara & Sorensen, 2002; Nonaka et al., 2001).
  • 3. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 3 Overview Jobs are becoming more information intensive Organizations are becoming repositories of knowledge (collective knowledge) Problems are too complex – must be solved by teams Teams need to be effective, high performing, & must minimize duplication of effort The key to all of these issues is effective Knowledge Emergence
  • 4. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 4 Background of Problem Tacit vs. Explicit Knowledge Polanyi (1958) Tacit knowledge is subconscious/hard to verbalize Forms the basis of explicit knowledge Nontransferable
  • 5. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 5 Background of Problem Intellectual Capital & Knowledge Management Sveiby (1987) Value of knowledge Competitive advantage of knowledge Employees whose value lies more in what they know than in their skills Techniques for capturing and controlling knowledge
  • 6. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 6 Background of Problem Knowledge Cycle & Environment Nonaka, Takeuchi, Nishiguchi (1995) Explicit to Tacit to Explicit knowledge transfer SECI: Socialization, Externalization, Combination, Internalization Effect of work environment on knowledge cycle – “ba”
  • 7. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 7 Background of Problem Communities of Practice Wenger (1996) Spontaneity & passion from common interest No management influence No competitive influences
  • 8. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 8 Problem Statement There is no single, comprehensive model or instrument by which leaders and managers can establish, assess and/or develop high-tech knowledge emergence environments appropriate to their particular needs Leaders/managers: Must wade through collections of theories, approaches, tools, and barriers From which they each must distill a method To establish, assess and/or develop their KE environments Because no knowledge emergence environment model or instruments currently exists
  • 9. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 9 Purpose of the Study The objective of this study The development of a high-tech KE model that will provide a systemic and comprehensive perspective from which to establish, assess and/or develop effective knowledge emergence environments.
  • 10. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 10 Significance of the Study Differed from previous research in 3 aspects The study focused exclusively on high-tech organizations. The researcher examined the entire spectrum of the knowledge emergence phenomenon as opposed to the narrow focus of many previous studies. Strauss and Corbin’s conditional matrix (1990) formed the framework for the study, assuring comprehensive coverage of the phenomenon from the perspectives of the individual, team, management, leadership and the intervening organizations structures.
  • 11. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 11 Significance to Leadership Current Large set of loosely related and simplified or generic proposals (Neef, 1999). Issue No comprehensive view of their knowledge emergence needs in order to choose between the abundance of potential solutions presented. Significance Provide leaders and managers with the ability to correlate knowledge attributes and methods with the existing processes and structures of their corporate environment.
  • 12. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 12 Theoretical Framework Individuals Teams Management Communities Organizations Multinational Elements Leadership Technology
  • 13. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 13 Study Framework
  • 14. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 14 Sampling Procedure Convenience Sampling Snowball Sampling Purposive Sampling Theoretical evolution and data saturation determined the final sample size of the study
  • 15. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 15 Data Collection Data collection and analysis are not separate functions in grounded theory research Interviewing is the predominate form of grounded theory data collection (Auerbach & Silverstein, 2003; Glaser, 2004; Strauss & Corbin, 1990, 1998).
  • 16. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 16 Data Analysis A combination of open, axial, selective, and process coding Formulation and testing of provisional hypothesis and theories Study the structure of each category, the “conditional context in which a category (phenomenon) is situated” (Strauss & Corbin, 1998, p. 123). Conditions: casual, intervening and contextual.
  • 17. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 17 Demographic Data Participant demographics Personal Age Gender Education level Professional Position in the company Number of years of high-tech experience Number of years at the company Corporate demographics.
  • 18. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 18 Presentation & Analysis of Data Observations about the knowledge emergence environments Influence of leadership Influence of management Influence of teams influence of individuals Influence of the organizational structure Influence of communities Influence of multi-national elements Influence of technology Other influences.
  • 19. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 19 Conclusions Two categories of themes The combined significance of each of the framework elements to knowledge emergence The common characteristics of each element
  • 20. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 20 Theme 1 Management was the primary influence on knowledge emergence in large organizations. The attitudes and skills of the manager were the primary elements in the effectiveness of knowledge emergence processes. Management as an interpretor Create clarity of goals per Bailey and Clark (2001). Formal leaders were far removed from the main body of employees Managers controlled the goals, success criteria, rewards. Knowledge workers must be rewarded for sharing knowledge (Kyriakidou, 2004)
  • 21. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 21 Theme 2 In small organizations, the formal leadership was the primary source of knowledge emergence influence Leader drove or formulated the organization’s culture (De Long & Davenport, 2003; De Long & Fahey, 2000) An organization’s culture was a reflection of its leadership (Corno et al., 1999) The line between formal leadership and management was nearly indistinguishable in small organizations The participants spoke of leaders and managers interchangeably Formal leaders were very active and visible within the organization Visibility may have accounted for the close association in the small organizations Close association might also have assured that management mimicked the knowledge emergence values of the leadership
  • 22. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 22 Theme 3 All significant knowledge emergence work occurred in the team environment Reasons The complexity of the high-tech environment The nature of the problems addressed required a large variety of information Success required more knowledge than any one person could provide It took a team to fully develop an individual’s idea Interactions Combination process -- the integration of knowledge from multiple source to create new knowledge (Nonaka et al.’s, 1998, 2000) The synergy that can happen in teams Lack of political interference when a group works together as equals
  • 23. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 23 Theme 4 Individuals and Organizational Structures were important contributors to knowledge emergence effectiveness Knowledge exists in the mind of the individual In the work environment, value was not realized until the knowledge was shared and transformed into a work product “Knowledge is not produced by passively perceiving individuals, but by interacting social groups engaged in particular activities” (Arthur & Parker, 2002, p. 38) The organizational structure was the physical manifestation of the knowledge emergence values of the company Hiring policies, reward and recognition policies, communication policies, departmentalization, and financial accounting all reflect the importance that the company placed on knowledge emergence effectiveness Organizational structures could not inspire creativity or innovation
  • 24. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 24 Theme 5 Technology, Communities, & Multinational components were not significant influences on knowledge emergence Ancillary to the knowledge emergence processes Sometimes augmenting them, sometimes hindering them Technology Technology improved the efficiency of humans by removing physical constraints (Bhatt, 2001) Communication tools - communication was essential to knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer The use of technology was both prevalent and second nature to technical professionals Communities Provided opportunities to learn and exchange ideas Could provide a type of intrinsic reward value such as recognition of expertise (Hisop, 2003) Multinational elements International counterparts were sources of cultural and political information
  • 25. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 25 THEMES 1 - 5
  • 26. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 26 Theme 6 There exists a commonality of attributes within each of the elements of the study framework Commonality is independent of organization size or type While the significance of the elements varied with organization size, the attributes within each element were remarkably consistent across most of the participants. In some cases, particularly where knowledge emergence was effective, participants identified the attributes as present in their organization. In other cases, participants noted the absence of the attributes.
  • 27. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 27 THEME 6
  • 28. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 28 Limitations The Participants The Scope The Subjective Nature of the knowledge emergence process
  • 29. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 29 Conclusions 5 Themes evolved from study framework Organization size was the primary data differentiator Commonality of attributes is the 6th Theme Attributes were independent of organization size.
  • 30. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 30 Leadership Implications When knowledge emergence is critical or important to the success of the company Knowledge emergence values were an integral part of the corporate vision Knowledge emergence behaviors were evident throughout the company In small organizations, knowledge emergence values emanated directly from the formal leadership and were mimicked by management In large organizations, the values most directly felt by knowledge workers were those of management If the manager supported knowledge emergence behaviors, then creativity and innovation could flourish If the manager was primarily task-focused, then knowledge emergence was severely hindered Leaders assured that knowledge work was team-oriented
  • 31. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 31 Leadership Implications Leaders must determine how important knowledge emergence is to the long-term success of their organization Leaders must assure that the appropriate level of knowledge emergence values are an integral component of the corporate values Leaders must assure that the organizational structure mirrors those values, most critically at the managerial level Leaders must assure that the organization supports a team-oriented structure for its knowledge work
  • 32. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 32 Recommendations Expanded beyond the United States to determine if the models hold true internationally Mid-sized organizations warrant a closer examination A mixed quantitative/quantitative approach using the same framework Focus groups Two possible case studies Examination of an effective knowledge emergence organization using the same framework encompassing a larger population of people from each framework element A comparative study of an organization examining knowledge emergence effectiveness before and after application of the models developed in this study
  • 33. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 33 Summary The findings provide high-tech leaders and manager with a familiar framework for addressing knowledge emergence in their organizations Figure 2 serves as a guide for knowledge emergence in each area of focus based on organizational size and relative level of potential influence Figure 3 provides a summary of common attributes for successful knowledge emergence organizations for each element of framework With these two models, a leader can formulate a plan for developing the knowledge emergence effectiveness of their organization
  • 34. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 34 References Arthur, M., & Parker, P. (2002). Technology, community, and the practice of HRM. Human Resource Planning, 38 - 46. Auerbach, c., & Silverstein, L. (2003). Qualitative data. N.Y.: New York University Press. Bailey, C., & Clarke, M. (2001). Managing knowledge for personal and organisational benefit. Journal of Knowledge Management, 32, 58. Bhatt, G. (2001). Knowledge management in organizations: Examining the interaction between technologies, techniques and people. Journal of Knowledge Management, 5, 68-75. Corno, F., Reinmoeller, P., & Nonaka, I. (1999). Knowledge creation within industrial systems. Journal of Management & Governance, 3, 379. De Long, D. W., & Davenport, T. (2003). Better practices for retaining organizational knowledge: Lessons from the leading edge. Employment Relations Today, 30, 51. De Long, D. W., & Fahey, L. (2000). Diagnosing cultural barriers to knowledge management. The Academy of Management Executive, 14, 113.
  • 35. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 35 References Glaser, B. (2002). Conceptualization: On theory and theorizing using grounded theory. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 1, 1-32. Hisop, D. (2003). The complex relations between communities of practice and the implementation of technological innovations. International Journal of innovation management, 7, 163--188. Kakihara, M., & Sorensen, C. (2002). Exploring knowledge emergence: From chaos to organizational knowledge. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 5, 48. Kyriakidou, O. (2004). Developing a knowledge sharing culture. Management Services, 48, 22-24. Neef, D. (1999). Making the case for knowledge management: the bigger picture. Management Decision, 37, 72-78. Nonaka, I., Konno, N., & Toyama, R. (2001). Emergence of "ba". In I. Nonaka & T. Nishiguchi (Eds.), Knowledge emergence: Social, technical and evolutionary dimensions of knowledge creation. N.Y.: Oxford University Press.
  • 36. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 36 References Nonaka, I., & Takeuchi, H. (1995). The knowledge-creating company: How Japanese companies create the dynamics of innovation. N.Y.: Oxford University Press. Polanyi, M. F. D. (1966). The tacit dimension. Glouchester, Ma.: Doubleday & Company, Inc. Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research. Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. Thousand Oaks, Ca.: Sage Publications. Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1998). Basics of qualitative research. Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, Ca.: Sage Publications. Sveiby, K. E., & Lloyd, T. (1987). Managing know-how: Increase profits by harnessing the creativity in your company. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Limited. Wenger, E. (1996). Communities of practice: The social fabric of a learning organization. The Healthcare Forum Journal, 39, 20.
  • 37. V2 - 4/15/2010 Copyright 2005@DAJasinski 37 Thank-you