Social media means business

Ian Lurie Há 11 anos

10 Beliefs Presentation Design

Slides That Rock Há 12 anos

How to Write an RFP for Social Media

Kendall Morris Há 12 anos

Psychology of Social Media (conducted while at AMP Agency)

removed_1ba262f8199578fb0c9de2e0196c1af8 Há 12 anos

Social media around the world 2011

Steven Van Belleghem Há 12 anos

Presentation Secrets

Alexei Kapterev Há 12 anos

Designing Information: Making it Immersive

Deuce Bradshaw Há 12 anos

Chasing your dreams. One year travelling and working

Ine Dehandschutter Há 14 anos

Facebook Best Practices for Educators - eMarketing Techniques

WorkSmart Integrated Marketing Há 14 anos

Facebook Strategies For The Classroom

Kevin Lim Há 16 anos

What the F**K is Social Media: One Year Later

The Espresso Group Há 14 anos

Technology Vision

padmasree Há 14 anos

Leadership : An Introduction

Alwyn Lau Há 14 anos