social media twitter telemedicine diabetes medical education artificial intelligence ethics gestational diabetes facebook telehealth infodemic machine learning blended learning artificial neural network chatgpt misinformation teleconsultation deep learning healthcare flipped classroom personal learning network health informatics covid-19 visual abstract #healthxph large language models higher education physician technology digital health remote learning disinformation webside manner flipped learning endocrinology diabetes mellitus ehealth vitamin d nutrition obesity escape room student engagement online learning electronic health records moodle google patient empowerment learning management system patient safety mobile apps hormones medical professionalism informatics professionalism mhealth information technology apps smartphones patients internet medicine metabolic syndrome large multimodal models electronic medical records health professions education virtual visit virtual training zoom breakout educational technology samr model hypertension infodemiology televisit universal healthcare big data dr. google research dissemination altmetric laboratory testing youtube gamification elderly social media marketing infographic health research team-based learning tpack librarian health behavior social media policy health literacy teledermatology wearables continuing professional development blogging curation epatient privacy and confidentiality hyperthyroidism research #doctors20 tweet chat health information systems chat health prediabetes smartphone cardiovascular disease osteoporosis diet research ethics general ai narrow ai strong ai weak ai reinforcement learning decision tree random forest unsupervised learning supervised learning bloom's taxonomy alexa gemini claude justice autonomy non-maleficence beneficence llms idea tool red checklist documentation quality pdqi-9 surgical registry natural language processing precision medicine drug discovery public trust context collapse physician influencer gen z gamified learning teletriage pediatrics digitalization concept map jamboard healthcare marketing health marketing social media influencer telephone consultation telepresenter telerheumatology telephone triage nurse navigator nursing samr academic branding portfolio health worker safety digital citizenship library virtual reality conferencing application zoom social determinant of health competencies clinical vignette postgraduate curriculum learning design community of inquiry engagement social listening dentistry teledentistry assessment open educational resources heart failure head and neck surgery otolaryngology pandemic residency training blog virtual osce academic integrity internal medicine arts education teded lesson flipgrid edpuzzle edtech openimis health financing microbiology specificity sensitivity orthopedics physician-patient relationship clinical informatics reputation career tenure academic promotion health policy and systems research tweetorial internet prescription neural network complementary alternative medicine medical pluralism empowerment catholic pope francis hypothyroidism goiter employment endocrine peer-to-peer healthcare medical practice cyberlibel patient complaints medical research social good patient activation patient engagement communication millennials social innovation tweetation health communication medical conferences visual storytelling physicians exercise sms scientific literacy netiquette pharmacy étiquette elearning #meded pharmacology patient journey social network quantified self care hacking device divide cancer patient-centered care health information infrastructure geographic information systems #pcch2015 mobile health calcium glucocorticoid excess hyperparathyroidism conversation dok bru endocrine witch manifesto #hcsmph incretin mimetics insulin connectivism teaching innovation psychiatry global health critical illness policy disaster risk reduction disaster preparedness community resilience medical nutrition therapy hapo iadpsg chronic disease pituitary illness script health care app analysis systems pcos metabolism guideline diabetes mellitus type 2 health promotion screening diabetes prevention lifestyle modification aging growth hormone dhea web 20 coronary artery disease sarcopenia tuberculosis pregnancy kidney nephrolithiasis erectile dysfunction perimenopause
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