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Poverty and Disability:

  Looking inside a tie that really binds
               Cameron Crawford
           (Director of Research, IRIS)
Who are we talking about?

• People who say they have any difficulty hearing,
  seeing, communicating, walking, climbing stairs,
  bending, learning or doing any similar activities,
• People who say they have a physical condition,
  mental condition or health problem that reduces
  the amount or kind of activity they can do in any
  of the following:
   –   At home
   –   At school or work
   –   In other activities (e.g., transportation, leisure)

Who are we talking about?

• People who said yes to any of those questions
  on Statistics Canada’s Participation and
  Activity Limitation Survey (PALS) of 2001 or
  2006 are flagged as having a ‘disability’
  – Includes people with an intellectual disability and
    general learning difficulties (will show some
    breakout data)
• Others are flagged as not having a disability

Who are we talking about?

• Working-age people (15 to 64 years)
  – 2.4 million working-age people with
  – 18.7 million working-age people without
• People whose household incomes fall
  below the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO)

What’s the LICO?

• Basically, it’s where a household spends 20%
  or more of its income than the average for
  similar households for food, shelter and
• There is a before-tax and after-tax LICO
• I’m using the after-tax LICO because it takes
  into account tax credits that can leave a little
  more cash in people’s pockets
    People living on incomes below the LICO are
     sometimes said to be living below the “poverty
Why only working-age people?

• The low income rates for seniors with and
  without disabilities are very similar and are
  generally lower than for working-age people
• There are large numbers of seniors with
• To have included seniors would have
  ‘understated’ the extent of low income among
  people with disabilities

Why only working-age people?
                    After tax low income status of people with and without disabilities,
                                 by 5-year age groups (S ource: PALS 2006)
Percent below the

 after tax LICO



























                                                      Age group

                                                  No disab.         W/ disab.

Why only working-age?
           Percent with and without disabilities liv ing below the "pov erty
                     line", including and not including seniors

2 5 .0%
                                                                         2 0.5 %
2 0 .0%
                                      1 4 .4 %
1 5 .0 %
                  9 .7 %                             1 0.2 %
1 0.0 %

 5 .0%

 0 .0%
                No disa b.           W /disa b.     No disa b.          W /disa b.

                     In clu din g sen ior s           Not in clu din g sen ior s

What’s the employment situation –
employment rates?
• Low levels of                              Em ploy m ent rates by disability
                                                 status, 2001 and 2006
  employment for
  people with an                                 In t ell.              2 5 .5 %

                        Disability status
  intellectual disability                        disa b.                 2 7 .3 %

                                                                                 4 6 .5 %
                                            A n y disa b.
                                                                                4 3 .5 %

                                                                                              7 5 .5 %
                                              No disa b.
                                                                                              7 3 .7 %

                                                        0 .0 %   2 0 .0 % 4 0 .0 % 6 0 .0 % 8 0 . 0%
                                                                      % em ploy ed

                                                                      2 001     2 006

What’s the employment situation –
worked all year?
• Much lower                                    Worked 49 – 52 weeks in 2005, by
                                                       disability status
  likelihood of full-
  time or part-time                                  In t ell.
  work for 49 to 52                                            1 3 .0 % 5 .0 %

                            Disability status
                                                     disa b.

  weeks of the year                             A n y disa b.       2 8 .0 %        5 .9 %

  for people with an
  intellectual disability                         No disa b.             4 6 .0 %                6 .2 %

  (18% vs. 33.9% and                                       0 .0 %      2 0 .0 %       4 0 .0 %      6 0 .0 %
                                                                          % em ploy ed
                                                      W or ked fu ll-t im e      W or ked pa r t -t im e

What’s the employment situation –
                                          Need and unm et need for one or
• Quite widespread                        m ore job accom m odations, 2006
  need and unmet
  need for job

                      Disability status
                                               In t ell.                       2 0 .8 %
  accommodations                               disa b.                                    3 1 .5 %

  among people with
  an intellectual                         A n y disa b.
                                                                      1 3 .5 %
                                                                                    2 7 .1 %
                                                      0 .0%            2 0 .0 %              4 0 .0%

                                                           Need job a ccom .      Un m et n eed

What’s the employment situation –
• Where working:                                         Av erage and m edian
                                                       (m iddle v alue) earnings,
  – People with any                                   by disability status (2005)*

    disability draw about                              In t ell.    $1 3 ,6 9 3
    70% of the earnings

                              Disability status
                                                       disa b.      $1 8 ,0 4 7

    of people without                             A n y disa b.
                                                                    $1 8 ,5 2 1
                                                                    $2 6 ,6 2 2

    disabilities                                    No disa b.
                                                                    $2 7 ,4 9 6
                                                                    $3 7 ,3 8 4
  – People with an                                                 $0               $2 0,0 0 0             $4 0 ,0 0 0
    intellectual disability                                    * For people 15 years and older

    draw about 50%                                                           A v er a g e        Media n

What’s the total income situation?

• People with an                                             Av erage and m edian
  intellectual disability                                (m iddle v alue) total incom e,
                                                          by disability status (2005)*
  have a total income from
  all sources of about 40%                                In t ell.    $1 0 ,4 1 5

                                 Disability status
                                                          disa b.      $1 5 ,2 4 7

  of the total income of                                               $1 9 ,1 9 9
                                                     A n y disa b.
  people without                                                       $2 8 ,5 0 3

  disabilities                                         No disa b.
                                                                       $2 7 ,4 9 6
                                                                       $3 7 ,3 0 9

  – About 40.9% of the average                                        $0              $2 0 ,0 0 0          $4 0 ,0 0 0

    and 37.9% of the median                                           * For people 15 years and older

    (middle value)                                                              A v er a g e     Media n

What about social assistance?
• People with an                                          Received social assist ance, 2005

  intellectual disability are
  quite likely to be
                                                         In t ell.
  attached to provincial

                                Disability status
                                                                                                 4 5 .5 %
                                                         disa b.

  social assistance systems
  (45.5% vs. 17% of people                          A n y disa b.          1 7 .0 %

  with any disability)                                          0 .0 %   2 0 .0 %     4 0 .0 %        6 0 .0 %

How suitable is the housing?
• People with any form of                              Housing in need of m ajor repairs
  learning difficulty are
  more likely to be living in                            Any
  places that require major                                                             1 3 .2 %

                                Disability status
                                                      lea r n in g

  repairs (e.g., structural,                        A n y disa b.                     1 2 .1 %

  wiring, plumbing)                                   No disa b.         6 .6 %

                                                                0 .0 %     1 0 .0 %                2 0 .0 %

What’s the poverty situation –in
                                                       Pov erty rates by disability status,
• People with disabilities                                            2006
  are twice as likely to be
  living below the poverty                               In t ell.
  line (20.5% vs. 10.2%)                                                                          2 6 .8 %

                                Disability status
                                                         disa b.

   – 500,000 working-age                            A n y disa b.                       2 0 .5 %
     people with disabilities
     are in low income                                No disa b.             1 0 .2 %
                                                                0 .0 %             2 0 .0 %                  4 0 .0 %
• People with an intellectual                                            % below a ft er -t a x LICO
  disability are almost three
  times more likely (26.8%)                                                      In g en er a l

What’s the poverty situation –by
living arrangements?
• People with                                        Pov erty rates by disability status and
  disabilities living                                 selected liv ing arrangem ents, 2006

  alone or with                                                                                           6 0.0 %

  unrelated others are                          In t ell. disa b.                                    5 2 .7 %
                                                                                                                    7 3 .2 %

                            Disability status
  most likely to be                               A n y disa b.
                                                                                                      5 5 .0 %
                                                                                                           6 1 .2 %

  living below the                                                                 2 7 .4 %
                                                                                                     5 3 .5 %

  poverty line                                      No disa b.
                                                                                 2 3 .3 %
                                                                                          3 6 .9 %

• People with an                                               0.0%      2 0 .0 %     4 0 .0 %       6 0 .0%     8 0 .0%

  intellectual disability                                                  % below a ft er -t a x LICO

  are particularly so                           A lon e
                                                A lon e or w ith u n r ela ted
                                                                                      W ith on e or m or e u n r ela t ed

What’s the poverty situation –by
housing tenure?
• People with                                    Disability and low incom e by
                                                        housing tenure

  disabilities living                     Ow n ed by

  in rental housing
                                                                  1 2 .6 %
                                         som eon e in
                                                                1 0 .1 %

                        Housing tenure
                                                             5 .5 %

  are much more
                                          h ou seh old

                                                                                                         5 1 .9 %

  likely to be living                        Ren t ed
                                                                                 2 4 .7 %
                                                                                                   4 4 .0 %

  in poverty (44%)                                  0 .0 %            2 0 .0 %          4 0 .0 %          6 0 .0 %
                                                                % bel ow a ft er -t a x LICO

                                               No disa b.    A n y disa b.        Lea r n in g diffic.

What do we know more generally
about poverty and disability?
Low income, disability and visible
minority status
• Visible minority                            Low incom e, disability and v isible
                                                      m inority status

  status rather than
  disability seems to                                  No disa bilit y               1 0 .2 %

                        Disability status
  be key to whether                           No disa bilit y , v isible
                                                    m in or it y
                                                                                                 2 2 .3 %

  people live in                                      A n y disa bilit y                        2 0 .5 %

  poverty                                   A n y disa bilit y , v isible
                                                    m in or it y
                                                                                                 2 1 .8 %

                                                                       0 .0 %   1 0 .0 % 2 0 .0 % 3 0 .0 %
                                                                            % below a ft er -t a x LICO

Low income, disability and
Aboriginal person status
• Aboriginal persons                                     Low incom e, disability and
  with disabilities are                                   Aboriginal Person status

  quite likely to have
                                                                      No dis a bility           1 0.2 %
  low incomes (38.1%)

                          Disability status
                                              No dis a bility, Abo rigina l pe rs o n                 1 9 .5 %

                                                                     Any dis a bility                  2 0 .5 %

                                              Any dis a bility, Abo rigina l pe rs o n                              3 8 .1 %

                                                                                    0 .0 %        2 0 .0 %        4 0 .0 %
                                                                                         % below a ft er -t a x LICO

Low income, disability and gender

• Disability rather                         Low incom e, disability and gender

  than gender seems
  to be a stronger                            No disa bilit y , m en           9 .3 %

                      Disability status
  predictor of low                          No disa bilit y , w om en            1 1 .1 %

  income                                     A n y disa bilit y , m en                  1 9 .6 %

                                          A n y disa bilit y , w om en                      2 1 .3 %

                                                                    0 .0 %        2 0 .0 %             4 0 .0 %
                                                                         % below a ft er -t a x LICO

Low income, disability and level of
• Level of education is a               Low income, disability and level of
  strong predictor of low
  income                                                    0.0%
                                                                   % below after-tax LICO
                                                                     1 0.0%   20.0%     30.0%    40.0%

• As education level                                                          14.2%
                                    Less than high school                                  28.7%
  increases, the likelihood                                                                 31.0%

  of living in poverty                        High school
  decreases                   Trades certificate or diploma
    However, this is less                                             8.3%
                                                     College                   17.0%
      clearly the case                                                                   27.8%

      where people have                         University
      learning difficulties              No disab.    Any disab.    Any learning diffic.

Low income and degree of disability

• As the severity of                                        Percet below the after-tax LICO,
                                                                by degree of disability

  disability increases,
  so does the                                    V er y sev er e                                     3 0 .7 %

  likelihood of living

                          Degree of disability
                                                       Sev er e                               2 5 .5 %

  in poverty
                                                    Moder a te                     1 8 .3 %

                                                          Mild                1 4 .5 %

                                                              0.0%   1 0.0%      2 0 .0 %      3 0.0%           4 0 .0 %

Low income and general health
                                                    Disability and low incom e by
• Generally, as their                                      general health

  level of general
  health gets poorer,                       Fa ir or poor                                              2 7 .8 %

  there is increased

                           General health
                                                    Good                          1 2 .2 %
  likelihood that
  people with                               Ex cellen t or
                                             v er y g ood
                                                                                   1 3 .3 %

  disabilities will live
                                                        0 .0 %         1 0 .0 %          2 0 .0 %     3 0 .0 %
  in poverty                                                     % bel ow t h e a ft er -t a x LICO

Low income and help needed with
everyday activities
• The likelihood of          Low income and help needed with

  living in poverty                 everyday activities

  increases as the gap                             0.0%
                                                       % below after-tax LICO
                                                               20.0%           40.0%
  widens between help      Neither receive nor need
  needed and help                    help
                                                                1 6.8%

  received with          Receive all the help needed             1 8.5%

  everyday activities     Receive only some of the
                                help needed

                           Receive none of the help

Low income and type of community

• People with and              Low income, disability and type of
  without disabilities
  are more likely to be         0.0%
                                        % below after-tax LICO
                                          10.0%            20.0%              30.0%
  living in poverty if in
  urban communities         Rural

                                               1 1 .4%
  (cities, towns) than
  rural (e.g., farming)                        1 1 .3%
  communities                                                         22.9%

                                          No disab.      Any disab.

Low income and all-year
• People with and                  Low income, disability and all-year
  without disabilities
  are less likely to be                0.0%
                                                % below after-tax LICO
                                              5.0%      1 0.0%      1 5.0%   20.0%      25.0%
  living in poverty if                        4 .0 %
  employed all year       49-52 weeks FT
                                                  5 .8 %

                                                           9 .4 %
                          49-52 weeks PT
                                                                         1 5 .8 %

                                                            1 0 .2 %
                                                                                    2 0.5 %

                                                     No disab.      Any disab.

How many people with disabilities are at
heightened risk of living in poverty?
• Have less than high       • Say they are in fair to
  school graduation, or       poor health, or
• Need more help than       • Are not working, or
  they receive, or          • Last worked more
• Have a severe to very       than a year ago or
  severe level of             never worked, or
  disability, or            • Live alone or with
                              unrelated others
• Most working-age people with disabilities (82.7%
or 2 million) meet at least one of these criteria
How many people with disabilities are at
REALLY heightened risk of living in
• Have less than high       • Say they are in fair to
  school graduation,           poor health) and
  and                       • (Are not working, or
• Need more help than       • Last worked more
  they receive, and            than a year ago or
• (Have a severe to very       never worked) and
  severe level of           • Live alone or with
  disability or                unrelated others
• 45,ooo people with disabilities (1.8%) meet all
of these criteria and so are at very high risk
Heightened and very high risks of
• Poverty rate among   • Poverty rate among
  heightened risk        very high risk group
  group with             with disabilities:

• 23.9% vs. 20.5%      • 89.1% vs. 20.5%

Finding a sizeable middle ground

• How many people with disabilities fall
  somewhere between these extremes?
• Who are these people?
• Where would it be best to target policy and
  program efforts to ensure good returns for the
  public investment to help people with
  disabilities avoid and get out of poverty?
• Stay tuned for more!

IRIS – Institute for Research &
Development on Inclusion & Society
• Began in 1969 – as National Institute on Mental
  Retardation – human resources training, service
  development and program evaluation based on
  ‘Principles of Normalization’
• 1986 – The Roeher Institute – Policy research,
  information & training – cross-disability
• 2008 – IRIS – focus on research and social
  development to advance inclusion – links
  between disability, gender, ethno-racial-cultural

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Poverty and Disability

  • 1. Poverty and Disability: Looking inside a tie that really binds Cameron Crawford (Director of Research, IRIS)
  • 2. Who are we talking about? • People who say they have any difficulty hearing, seeing, communicating, walking, climbing stairs, bending, learning or doing any similar activities, and/or • People who say they have a physical condition, mental condition or health problem that reduces the amount or kind of activity they can do in any of the following: – At home – At school or work – In other activities (e.g., transportation, leisure) 2
  • 3. Who are we talking about? • People who said yes to any of those questions on Statistics Canada’s Participation and Activity Limitation Survey (PALS) of 2001 or 2006 are flagged as having a ‘disability’ – Includes people with an intellectual disability and general learning difficulties (will show some breakout data) • Others are flagged as not having a disability 3
  • 4. Who are we talking about? • Working-age people (15 to 64 years) – 2.4 million working-age people with disabilities – 18.7 million working-age people without disabilities • People whose household incomes fall below the Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) 4
  • 5. What’s the LICO? • Basically, it’s where a household spends 20% or more of its income than the average for similar households for food, shelter and clothing • There is a before-tax and after-tax LICO • I’m using the after-tax LICO because it takes into account tax credits that can leave a little more cash in people’s pockets  People living on incomes below the LICO are sometimes said to be living below the “poverty line” 5
  • 6. Why only working-age people? • The low income rates for seniors with and without disabilities are very similar and are generally lower than for working-age people • There are large numbers of seniors with disabilities • To have included seniors would have ‘understated’ the extent of low income among people with disabilities 6
  • 7. Why only working-age people? After tax low income status of people with and without disabilities, by 5-year age groups (S ource: PALS 2006) Percent below the 25.0 after tax LICO 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 + 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 9 4 l 85 ta -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -4 -4 -5 -5 -6 -6 -7 -7 -8 To 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Age group No disab. W/ disab. 7
  • 8. Why only working-age? Percent with and without disabilities liv ing below the "pov erty line", including and not including seniors 2 5 .0% 2 0.5 % 2 0 .0% 1 4 .4 % 1 5 .0 % 9 .7 % 1 0.2 % 1 0.0 % 5 .0% 0 .0% No disa b. W /disa b. No disa b. W /disa b. In clu din g sen ior s Not in clu din g sen ior s 8
  • 9. What’s the employment situation – employment rates? • Low levels of Em ploy m ent rates by disability status, 2001 and 2006 employment for people with an In t ell. 2 5 .5 % Disability status intellectual disability disa b. 2 7 .3 % 4 6 .5 % A n y disa b. 4 3 .5 % 7 5 .5 % No disa b. 7 3 .7 % 0 .0 % 2 0 .0 % 4 0 .0 % 6 0 .0 % 8 0 . 0% % em ploy ed 2 001 2 006 9
  • 10. What’s the employment situation – worked all year? • Much lower Worked 49 – 52 weeks in 2005, by disability status likelihood of full- time or part-time In t ell. work for 49 to 52 1 3 .0 % 5 .0 % Disability status disa b. weeks of the year A n y disa b. 2 8 .0 % 5 .9 % for people with an intellectual disability No disa b. 4 6 .0 % 6 .2 % (18% vs. 33.9% and 0 .0 % 2 0 .0 % 4 0 .0 % 6 0 .0 % % em ploy ed 52.2%) W or ked fu ll-t im e W or ked pa r t -t im e 10
  • 11. What’s the employment situation – accommodations? Need and unm et need for one or • Quite widespread m ore job accom m odations, 2006 need and unmet need for job Disability status In t ell. 2 0 .8 % accommodations disa b. 3 1 .5 % among people with an intellectual A n y disa b. 1 3 .5 % 2 7 .1 % disability 0 .0% 2 0 .0 % 4 0 .0% Need job a ccom . Un m et n eed 11
  • 12. What’s the employment situation – earnings? • Where working: Av erage and m edian (m iddle v alue) earnings, – People with any by disability status (2005)* disability draw about In t ell. $1 3 ,6 9 3 70% of the earnings Disability status disa b. $1 8 ,0 4 7 of people without A n y disa b. $1 8 ,5 2 1 $2 6 ,6 2 2 disabilities No disa b. $2 7 ,4 9 6 $3 7 ,3 8 4 – People with an $0 $2 0,0 0 0 $4 0 ,0 0 0 intellectual disability * For people 15 years and older draw about 50% A v er a g e Media n 12
  • 13. What’s the total income situation? • People with an Av erage and m edian intellectual disability (m iddle v alue) total incom e, by disability status (2005)* have a total income from all sources of about 40% In t ell. $1 0 ,4 1 5 Disability status disa b. $1 5 ,2 4 7 of the total income of $1 9 ,1 9 9 A n y disa b. people without $2 8 ,5 0 3 disabilities No disa b. $2 7 ,4 9 6 $3 7 ,3 0 9 – About 40.9% of the average $0 $2 0 ,0 0 0 $4 0 ,0 0 0 and 37.9% of the median * For people 15 years and older (middle value) A v er a g e Media n 13
  • 14. What about social assistance? • People with an Received social assist ance, 2005 intellectual disability are quite likely to be In t ell. attached to provincial Disability status 4 5 .5 % disa b. social assistance systems (45.5% vs. 17% of people A n y disa b. 1 7 .0 % with any disability) 0 .0 % 2 0 .0 % 4 0 .0 % 6 0 .0 % 14
  • 15. How suitable is the housing? • People with any form of Housing in need of m ajor repairs learning difficulty are more likely to be living in Any places that require major 1 3 .2 % Disability status lea r n in g repairs (e.g., structural, A n y disa b. 1 2 .1 % wiring, plumbing) No disa b. 6 .6 % 0 .0 % 1 0 .0 % 2 0 .0 % 15
  • 16. What’s the poverty situation –in general? Pov erty rates by disability status, • People with disabilities 2006 are twice as likely to be living below the poverty In t ell. line (20.5% vs. 10.2%) 2 6 .8 % Disability status disa b. – 500,000 working-age A n y disa b. 2 0 .5 % people with disabilities are in low income No disa b. 1 0 .2 % situations 0 .0 % 2 0 .0 % 4 0 .0 % • People with an intellectual % below a ft er -t a x LICO disability are almost three times more likely (26.8%) In g en er a l 16
  • 17. What’s the poverty situation –by living arrangements? • People with Pov erty rates by disability status and disabilities living selected liv ing arrangem ents, 2006 alone or with 6 0.0 % unrelated others are In t ell. disa b. 5 2 .7 % 7 3 .2 % Disability status most likely to be A n y disa b. 5 5 .0 % 6 1 .2 % living below the 2 7 .4 % 5 3 .5 % poverty line No disa b. 2 3 .3 % 3 6 .9 % • People with an 0.0% 2 0 .0 % 4 0 .0 % 6 0 .0% 8 0 .0% intellectual disability % below a ft er -t a x LICO are particularly so A lon e A lon e or w ith u n r ela ted W ith on e or m or e u n r ela t ed 17
  • 18. What’s the poverty situation –by housing tenure? • People with Disability and low incom e by housing tenure disabilities living Ow n ed by in rental housing 1 2 .6 % som eon e in 1 0 .1 % Housing tenure the 5 .5 % are much more h ou seh old 5 1 .9 % likely to be living Ren t ed 2 4 .7 % 4 4 .0 % in poverty (44%) 0 .0 % 2 0 .0 % 4 0 .0 % 6 0 .0 % % bel ow a ft er -t a x LICO No disa b. A n y disa b. Lea r n in g diffic. 18
  • 19. What do we know more generally about poverty and disability?
  • 20. Low income, disability and visible minority status • Visible minority Low incom e, disability and v isible m inority status status rather than disability seems to No disa bilit y 1 0 .2 % Disability status be key to whether No disa bilit y , v isible m in or it y 2 2 .3 % people live in A n y disa bilit y 2 0 .5 % poverty A n y disa bilit y , v isible m in or it y 2 1 .8 % 0 .0 % 1 0 .0 % 2 0 .0 % 3 0 .0 % % below a ft er -t a x LICO 20
  • 21. Low income, disability and Aboriginal person status • Aboriginal persons Low incom e, disability and with disabilities are Aboriginal Person status quite likely to have No dis a bility 1 0.2 % low incomes (38.1%) Disability status No dis a bility, Abo rigina l pe rs o n 1 9 .5 % Any dis a bility 2 0 .5 % Any dis a bility, Abo rigina l pe rs o n 3 8 .1 % 0 .0 % 2 0 .0 % 4 0 .0 % % below a ft er -t a x LICO 21
  • 22. Low income, disability and gender • Disability rather Low incom e, disability and gender than gender seems to be a stronger No disa bilit y , m en 9 .3 % Disability status predictor of low No disa bilit y , w om en 1 1 .1 % income A n y disa bilit y , m en 1 9 .6 % A n y disa bilit y , w om en 2 1 .3 % 0 .0 % 2 0 .0 % 4 0 .0 % % below a ft er -t a x LICO 22
  • 23. Low income, disability and level of education • Level of education is a Low income, disability and level of education strong predictor of low income 0.0% % below after-tax LICO 1 0.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% • As education level 14.2% Less than high school 28.7% increases, the likelihood 31.0% of living in poverty High school 11.1% 20.2% 29.0% decreases Trades certificate or diploma 9.2% 17.8% 25.5%  However, this is less 8.3% College 17.0% clearly the case 27.8% where people have University 8.2% 12.4% 19.9% learning difficulties No disab. Any disab. Any learning diffic. 23
  • 24. Low income and degree of disability • As the severity of Percet below the after-tax LICO, by degree of disability disability increases, so does the V er y sev er e 3 0 .7 % likelihood of living Degree of disability Sev er e 2 5 .5 % in poverty Moder a te 1 8 .3 % Mild 1 4 .5 % 0.0% 1 0.0% 2 0 .0 % 3 0.0% 4 0 .0 % 24
  • 25. Low income and general health Disability and low incom e by • Generally, as their general health level of general health gets poorer, Fa ir or poor 2 7 .8 % there is increased General health Good 1 2 .2 % likelihood that people with Ex cellen t or v er y g ood 1 3 .3 % disabilities will live 0 .0 % 1 0 .0 % 2 0 .0 % 3 0 .0 % in poverty % bel ow t h e a ft er -t a x LICO 25
  • 26. Low income and help needed with everyday activities • The likelihood of Low income and help needed with living in poverty everyday activities increases as the gap 0.0% % below after-tax LICO 20.0% 40.0% widens between help Neither receive nor need needed and help help 1 6.8% received with Receive all the help needed 1 8.5% everyday activities Receive only some of the 24.8% help needed Receive none of the help 35.8% needed 26
  • 27. Low income and type of community • People with and Low income, disability and type of community without disabilities are more likely to be 0.0% % below after-tax LICO 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% living in poverty if in urban communities Rural 5.6% 1 1 .4% (cities, towns) than rural (e.g., farming) 1 1 .3% Urban communities 22.9% No disab. Any disab. 27
  • 28. Low income and all-year employment • People with and Low income, disability and all-year employment without disabilities are less likely to be 0.0% % below after-tax LICO 5.0% 1 0.0% 1 5.0% 20.0% 25.0% living in poverty if 4 .0 % employed all year 49-52 weeks FT 5 .8 % 9 .4 % 49-52 weeks PT 1 5 .8 % 1 0 .2 % Total 2 0.5 % No disab. Any disab. 28
  • 29. How many people with disabilities are at heightened risk of living in poverty? • Have less than high • Say they are in fair to school graduation, or poor health, or • Need more help than • Are not working, or they receive, or • Last worked more • Have a severe to very than a year ago or severe level of never worked, or disability, or • Live alone or with unrelated others • Most working-age people with disabilities (82.7% or 2 million) meet at least one of these criteria 29
  • 30. How many people with disabilities are at REALLY heightened risk of living in poverty? • Have less than high • Say they are in fair to school graduation, poor health) and and • (Are not working, or • Need more help than • Last worked more they receive, and than a year ago or • (Have a severe to very never worked) and severe level of • Live alone or with disability or unrelated others • 45,ooo people with disabilities (1.8%) meet all of these criteria and so are at very high risk 30
  • 31. Heightened and very high risks of poverty • Poverty rate among • Poverty rate among heightened risk very high risk group group with with disabilities: disabilities: • 23.9% vs. 20.5% • 89.1% vs. 20.5% 31
  • 32. Finding a sizeable middle ground • How many people with disabilities fall somewhere between these extremes? • Who are these people? • Where would it be best to target policy and program efforts to ensure good returns for the public investment to help people with disabilities avoid and get out of poverty? • Stay tuned for more! 32
  • 33. IRIS – Institute for Research & Development on Inclusion & Society • Began in 1969 – as National Institute on Mental Retardation – human resources training, service development and program evaluation based on ‘Principles of Normalization’ • 1986 – The Roeher Institute – Policy research, information & training – cross-disability • 2008 – IRIS – focus on research and social development to advance inclusion – links between disability, gender, ethno-racial-cultural status 33