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Humaira Begum 11y                            C&M                                     Campaign

                          The nature and purpose of campaigns

The two campaigns I have chosen to look at are the NHS Smoking campaign, Think! Drink
Driving campaign. I think that all these campaigns are important because they talk about
saving people’s lives and helping people to do the right thing in life.

The NHS Smoking campaign was launched to allow people to know that the NHS can help
them to quit smoking and how smoking can have an effect on you and those around you. This
campaign was supported by posters which tell you that if you’re hooked onto cigarettes the
NHS can get you hooked off them. They were also supported by several television adverts. I
looked on the NHS website and Tangina, Rubina and I created a presentation to show our

We looked at the NHS Smoking website to find out this information in our presentation. I think
that after making and presenting the power point to our class it had made me more aware on
the affects smoking can cause on pregnant smokers and also people around those that are
smoking. I am more aware about this issue because my dad smokes and my older sister has
asthma and it affects her a lot more then me and because she can’t breath in small place and
where there is somebody smoking.

The NHS website tells you what you need to know about smoking. You can also contact them
to get more information about smoking and how to quit.
Humaira Begum 11y                             C&M                                      Campaign

The NHS smoking website has stories of real life quitters to help smokers to quit and find out
how others got through quitting smoking. This is the story of Beverly and Alishia, Edgware
who are mother and daughter from London.

Real Life Quitters - Beverly and Alishia, Edgware:
Humaira Begum 11y                            C&M                                     Campaign

I watched the video below and found out that all the people that went to the NHS for help tried
to quit smoking on there own many times but they were unsuccessful. They tell us how they
quit and how they feel now about smoking. A couple tell us they use to smoke up to 60
cigarettes a day. They tell us that they saved over £500 a month which makes it £6,000 in a
year and now they plan to go to Kenya for holiday because of how much money they are
saving. In this video a man says that him and 9 other colleges of his went together to quit
smoking and 9 out of 10 of them actually quit smoking.
Humaira Begum 11y                              C&M                                      Campaign

                                                           This poster shows how much damage
                                                           pregnant smokers can do to there unborn
                                                           baby. The bold red text “STOP TODAY!” is
                                                           showing that if you stop smoking rite now
                                                           you will be saving your baby from being a
                                                           smoking addict and be a different from a
                                                           normal child. The text is in red because it is
                                                           the most important information on the
                                                           poster. The other text is in white and bold
                                                           because that piece of information is
                                                           important too. I think that this text
                                                           “SMOKING WILL SERIOUSLY DAMAGE
                                                           THE HEALTH OF YOUR UNBORN
                                                           CHILD. FOR THEIR SAKE STOP
                                                           TODAY!” is good because it shows the
                                                           audience that your child could be really
                                                           unhealthy and might die at a very young
                                                           age. The image of the unborn baby with
                                                           smoke around him/her shows that his/her
                                                           mother is a smoker and is risking his/her
                                                           life because she is damaging herself and
                                                           her child. I think that the image is really
                                                           successful on getting the message across
                                                           because it shows how a mother can take
                                                           there child’s life away and how it can affect
                                                           your child’s health in many ways. The NHS
                                                           logo is in the corner to show that the poster
                                                           is with the NHS.

I think that this campaign is really successful because on there website they have real life
stories of people that quit smoking and there is a video that tells you how and what they did to
quit smoking.

You can visit the URL below to read real life quitters stories:

“About 21% of Brits aged over 16 are smokers. And of those aged between 20 and 24, more
than 30% smoke. That means that kissing a quarter of the population of Britain is like kissing
an ashtray. It’s not just your breath that smells. Smoking dulls the skin, causes wrinkles
around the mouth and makes you look older.”

“Smoking causes more than 80% of deaths from lung cancer, bronchitis and emphysema
(chronic breathing difficulty), and a quarter of deaths from heart disease.”
Humaira Begum 11y                                 C&M                                   Campaign

                                                             This smoking
                                                             calculator shows
                                                             that there are about
                                                             4,000 poisonous
                                                             chemicals in the
                                                             tobacco smoke
                                                             entering your lungs.

                                                             This smoking
                                                             calculator shows on
                                                             average how much
                                                             a smoker that
                                                             smokes up to 20
                                                             cigarettes a day will
                                                             save in up to 10
                                                             years. After 10 years
                                                             they could save up
                                                             to £21,900.

The Think! Drink Driving campaign is a little similar to the NHS smoking campaign because
they both try to save other peoples lives and preventing deaths from happening. The Think!
Drink Driving campaign was created to make people aware about road safety and drink
driving affects you and everyone around you.

This campaign is about making people aware that road safety is a really big thing in life
because every day people get killed because of drink driving. The aim of this campaign is to
stop drink driving and deaths on the road caused by drivers and encouraging the belief that 1
or 2 drinks before driving is too much and not worth the risk.

The THINK! Drink Drive campaign aims to:

    •   increase awareness of the personal consequences of a drink driving conviction
    •   encourage the belief that 1 or 2 drinks before driving is too many and not worth the
    •   reinforce and build the social stigma around drink driving
    •   Offer in-pub solutions to help drivers avoid consuming alcohol if they know they are
        going to drive

The current campaign targets 1-3 pint drink drivers, not ‘drunk drivers’, with a particular focus
on young men aged 17-29 years old. It doesn't focus on the increased risk of a crash, as our
research has found that young men believe:

    •   a crash is unlikely after 1 or 2 drinks
Humaira Begum 11y                             C&M                                        Campaign

    •   drink drive ads showing a crash are not relevant to them but to people who drive
        when drunk
    •   they're more likely to be over the limit and caught after 1 or 2 drinks

We found that the long-term implications of drink driving, such as imprisonment or a criminal
record, a 12 month driving ban or an endorsement that stays on your licence for 11 years are
much more shocking and compelling to this audience than the risk of crashing and harming
themselves or others.

Key messages for Christmas 2010:

    •   THINK! Don't drink and drive
    •   Get convicted of drink driving and you’ll be processed like any other criminal

Think! Drink Driving:

I looked on the Think! Drink driving website to find out information about the campaign. I
found out that the campaign is about people, about the citizens, about all of us. This
campaign was launched to reduce the amount of road casualties by 2010.

This is a statement from there website that tells us that they want roads to be safer for
everyone and want to stop drink driving.
" Tomorrow's roads: safer for everyone ".

About THINK!

The UK Government has an objective of reducing road deaths and serious injuries by 40 per
cent (50 per cent for children) by the year 2010 (using the average for 1994-98 as the
baseline). Key factors in achieving that objective are improved road user behaviour and
acceptance of engineering and enforcement initiatives that increase road safety. Education
and publicity play a key role in raising consumer awareness and acceptance.

Our road safety publicity aims to:

    •   ensure that there is a high profile for road safety as a matter for general concern
    •   complement police and local authority activities
    •   encourage broader support from private sector partners
    •   get across specific messages to target audiences
    •   generate media interest in road safety issues

It does this by:

    •   involving a broad spectrum of society in promoting safer roads for everyone
    •   encouraging and reinforcing attitudes that lead to safer and more considerate
        behaviour by all road users
    •   promoting understanding of the need for better road safety behaviour
    •   contributing to the general aim of reducing road casualties and meeting the casualty
        targets for year 2010
Humaira Begum 11y                             C&M                                       Campaign

Our basic approach is national publicity using a mix of emotion and facts that raise the profile
of road safety. We utilise a range of media channels - TV, radio, press, posters, ambient etc. -
to provide a national platform to stimulate complementary regional and local authority activity
and to encourage private sector companies to cascade messages to their employees and
customers. A range of free publicity material is made available to local authorities and others
to promote consistency of messages at national and local level. We have also entered into
sports sponsorship with the Rugby Football League and the English Football League to
enable us to get our messages across to a wider audience using a celebrity based approach.

Road Safety advertising has been a key priority for many years. In the past, advertising
focussed on specific themes such as drink drive and Seat belts. In recent years we have
communicated many more messages - such as fatigue and use of mobile phones. We wanted
people to see that these extra individual messages were part of an overall campaign to
improve road safety. So in June 2000, we launched a new campaign under one banner -
THINK! - to unite our various road safety messages.

The rationale for THINK!

The aim of Government road safety campaigns is to reinforce the need for drivers and other
road users to take responsibility for their own safety and for the safety of others on the road.
In the wider context, the theme of personal and social responsibility is central to the
Government's philosophy and to its transport policies to encourage more responsible travel

The encouragement of more people to walk or cycle instead of driving makes the promotion
of safety for more vulnerable road users and the responsible and considerate behaviour of
drivers even more important.

Road safety publicity campaigns raise public awareness that accidents do not just happen,
rather they are caused. Public awareness campaigns can help to influence the attitudes and
behaviours that cause accidents. They also create public acceptance for safety engineering
and police enforcement and they give national focus and context for local initiatives aimed at
making the roads safer and for third parties to carry road safety messages in the context of
their own commercial activities.

The THINK! campaign was therefore launched:

    •   To contribute to achieving the targets for road casualty reduction by year 2010, as set
        out in the Government's policy strategy document " Tomorrow's roads: safer for
        everyone ".
    •   To use all the marketing tools available to us to get across road safety messages
        effectively and meaningfully.
    •   To draw together a wide range of road safety messages under a single concept.
    •   To get across specific advice to road users while impressing on all the need to
        THINK! while using the road.
    •   To help to stimulate a year round presence under a new road safety brand.
    •   To encourage new partnerships to associate with the brand in promoting road safety.

The THINK! campaign is not about the motorist as such, or the pedestrians, or cyclists, motor
cyclists, etc. It is aboutpeople, about the citizen, about each and all of us. It is about how we
all use our roads safely, whether we happen to be motoring, walking, cycling or whatever.
This is mainly to build a mood of "we're all in it together" to have greater effect.
Humaira Begum 11y                            C&M                                     Campaign

The expression, "show me the child at seven and I'll show you the adult" neatly encapsulates
our approach. We target people from childhood to adulthood, aiming to instil good practice at
a very early age with frequent reminders for teenagers and adults.

For 2008/9, we have developed separate child and adult marketing strategies - although both
will continue under the THINK! banner. The reason for separation is that in the case of
children and young people we are trying to influence the formation of habits, whereas with
adults we are trying to persuade people, mainly drivers, to change sometimes entrenched

Think! Drink Driving:

 This poster is
 showing that you
 will get caught
 drink driving even
 if you have done it
 only one time.
 The writing “GET
 CRIMINAL” is in
 bold grey writing
 to show the
 importance and it
 is the only piece
 of text on the
 poster. The image
 in the background
 shows a locked
 up cell door with a
 man looking
 through the hole
 on it. This poster
 is really effective
 because it shows
 where you will be
 if you drink drive
 and get caught by
 the police.

I think that the Think! Drink Driving campaign was successful because many people have
been caught drink driving or attempting to drive after a drink. Some people know not to drink
Humaira Begum 11y                              C&M                                       Campaign

drive because of the fines that they will be getting. On the Think! Drink Driving website it tells
you what fines you will get if you drink drive or even attempt to drink drive.

Drink driving

Sobering-up tricks do not work
Coffee and cold showers the morning after a night out don't help you sober up. Time is the
only way to get the alcohol out of your system and you could still be over the legal limit many
hours after drinking.

Drink driving and the law
The legal consequences of a drink driving conviction are severe and long-lasting.

Causing death by careless driving when under the influence of drink or drugs = 14
years' imprisonment, together with an unlimited fine, disqualification from driving for at least 2
years and a mandatory extended driving test.

Driving or attempting to drive while above the legal limit or unfit through drink or
drugs = 6 months' imprisonment, together with a fine of up to £5,000 and disqualification from
driving for at least 12 months (3 years if convicted twice in 10 years).

Being in charge of a vehicle whilst above the legal limit or unfit through drink or
drugs = 3 months' imprisonment, a fine of up to £2,500 and discretionary disqualification from

Refusing to provide a specimen of breath, blood or urine for analysis = 6 months'
imprisonment, together with a fine of up to £5,000 and disqualification from driving for at least
12 months.

Think! Drink Driving:

On the website it also show some of the accuses many people use when they get caught.
They don’t even think about how drink driving can affect there lives and other peoples live so
much. They could get there elves or someone else killed of seriously injured which could
change their life forever.

No drinks, no excuses

'I had a drink, but it was at lunchtime.'
Even a small drink at lunchtime makes you sleepier and impairs your driving.

'I feel fine to drive.'
Any amount of alcohol affects your judgement.

'I've only had a couple.'
Even a single drink makes you drive less well.

'I've had a meal.'
Alcohol still gets into your system and affects your driving.'
Humaira Begum 11y                              C&M                                       Campaign

'I can handle my drink.'
Alcohol affects everybody's driving for the worse. It creates a feeling of overconfidence,
makes judging distance and speed more difficult and slows your reactions so it takes longer
to stop.

'I'm only going down the road.'
A large proportion of all drink drive crashes occur within three miles of the start of the journey.

'I'm driving slowly and carefully.'
Alcohol actually makes you less alert and careful, however slowly you drive.

Think! Drink Driving:

The Think! Drink Driving have partners that offer support in communicating the don’t drink
drive message to the publics.

Drink driving

A wide range of partners provide valuable support in communicating the Don’t Drink and
Drive message to the public.

This Christmas, our primary partnership focus is our Driver Friendly initiative which launched
in December 2009. However, your organisation can still support the campaign outside of this
area - simply get in touch with think@23red.comwith details of how you would like to be

What is Driver Friendly?

Driver Friendly aims to improve the night out experience for designated drivers and
encourages them to stick to soft drinks through a range of benefits and offers.

Thousands of pubs, bars and restaurants throughout the country have been involved in the
initiative, along with the soft drinks industry.

Coca-Cola GB is leading the way for Christmas 2010, and their Designated Driver promotion
is part of an ongoing planned programme of Driver Friendly promotions.

The Designated Driver campaign will be live in approximately 8,000 pubs from the 10th-31st
December, and provides drivers with a buy one, get one free offer on Coke and Diet Coke.

How can my venue/organisation become Driver Friendly?
Humaira Begum 11y                           C&M                                     Campaign

    1. It’s simple. Provide some form of offer linked to the purchase of non-alcoholic drinks,
       to reward drivers. If you are running the Coca-Cola promotion, you are already doing
       this for Christmas 2010.
    2. Display the Driver Friendly window sticker in your pub door/window for as long as you
       are running Driver Friendly promotions. (Please remove whenever you are not
       running a promotion.)

How can the Driver Friendly team help you run promotions?

The THINK! partnerships team can supply you with a Driver Friendly promotional kit to enable
you to run your own offer, plus make sure you are updated on any future promotional offers
available to run in your pub.

To register for your kit and become an official Driver Friendly partner, contact us
on .

When you receive your kit, please be aware that you will be contacted by
the partnerships team to confirm the offer(s) you plan to run.

Driver Friendly partners for Christmas 2010

Leading drinks manufacturer Coca-Cola is pleased to be continuing their partnership
with Driver Friendly to encourage more people to share safer driving over the 2010 festive
period. Coca-Cola's Christmas 2010 ‘Designated Driver’ campaign follows on from the
success of last year, allowing thousands of venues across the country to reward designated
drivers with free Coke and Diet Coke during December. Leading on-trade venues involved

To find a Driver Friendly venue near you, visit the Coca – Cola pub finder tool here.

The THINK! Drink Drive campaign and Driver Friendly initiative is also supported by the
following industry bodies:

The British Beer and Pub Association is pleased to support THINK! through promoting
THINK! campaigns to our members and through them to Britain's pubs. THINK! Don't Drink
and Drive campaigns are vital in complementing the BBPA's clear message - if you are
having a drink, then leave your car at home.
Humaira Begum 11y                            C&M                                      Campaign

The British Soft Drinks Association is pleased to support THINK! and theDon't Drink and
Drive message. Enjoy a soft drink instead.

Think! Drink Driving:

Driver tiredness

The facts

Driver sleepiness is estimated to account for around one fifth of accidents on major roads,
and is responsible for around 300 deaths per year.

THINK! strategy for driver tiredness

The March 2008 THINK! driver tiredness campaign was launched as part of our wider Driving
for Work campaign. Research has shown that people who drive for work behave in a risky
way on the road, including driving while tired. The fatigue campaign has been developed with
the work driver as a key target audience.

Think! Drink Driving:

Both of the campaign messages was to help the world be a better place and stopping deaths
from happening. The NHS Smoking campaign and the Think! Drink Driving campaign both
have similarities because they are both here to save lives. They also have some differences
because the NHS Smoking campaign are here to help people to stop smoking and realising
how much money they spend on cigarettes and that they don’t have enough money for
anything else. The Think! Drink Driving campaign is a little different because they are dealing
with the law being broken by drink driving offences.

The details of the campaigns were that they both want to help people to make the rite
decision and that they need to know what they have been doing wrong.
Humaira Begum 11y                          C&M                                     Campaign

   Think! Drink Driving –            NHS Smoking –
   I think that this poster is       I think that this poster is successful on
   successful on getting there       getting there message across to the
   message to the public             public because the image of the boy
   because it shows 4 bottles of     looking at his reflection makes you
   alcohol someone has drunk         think about what will happen to your
   and then went for a drive in      child when you die from smoking. The
   there car and got caught by       image makes the poster more
   the police and know they are      successful. You will think to yourself
   again having a drink and          about who will look after them and
   thinking about if they should     you’ll have many questions going
   dive and if they will get         through your head. The bold text “I’m
   caught. The Text says “How        not worried about my spots. I’m
   much will your next round         worried my dad will die from smoking.”
   cost” which shows that they       Makes you think about the boy and if
   got fined a lot of money the      his mum is still alive or not and if his
   time before.                      dad dies from smoking what’s going to
                                     happen to him. On the bottom of the
                                     poster is says “Over 2,000 people die
   Similarities                      every week in the UK from smoking
   The similarities of the           related diseases.” This shows that you
   posters are that they both        don’t have to be a smoker to die from
   want to make people think         smoking.
   about their actions and what
   they should do in the future.
   They both also have there
   logos on the poster.

The campaigns were very successful because they had television adverts, posters, leaflets
and partners to get there message across to the public.

I think that both of the campaigns I have looked at are very serious issues because If you
listen to the campaign messages then you would understand that they are trying to save our
Humaira Begum 11y                          C&M                                     Campaign

lives and making the world a better place for everyone. The NHS Smoking campaign gives
you a lot of support and advice on what people can do for their benefit and for others. The
Think! Drink Driving campaign was launched to make the roads much safer for everyone and
stopping deaths from happening.

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Essay campaign

  • 1. Humaira Begum 11y C&M Campaign The nature and purpose of campaigns The two campaigns I have chosen to look at are the NHS Smoking campaign, Think! Drink Driving campaign. I think that all these campaigns are important because they talk about saving people’s lives and helping people to do the right thing in life. The NHS Smoking campaign was launched to allow people to know that the NHS can help them to quit smoking and how smoking can have an effect on you and those around you. This campaign was supported by posters which tell you that if you’re hooked onto cigarettes the NHS can get you hooked off them. They were also supported by several television adverts. I looked on the NHS website and Tangina, Rubina and I created a presentation to show our class. We looked at the NHS Smoking website to find out this information in our presentation. I think that after making and presenting the power point to our class it had made me more aware on the affects smoking can cause on pregnant smokers and also people around those that are smoking. I am more aware about this issue because my dad smokes and my older sister has asthma and it affects her a lot more then me and because she can’t breath in small place and where there is somebody smoking. The NHS website tells you what you need to know about smoking. You can also contact them to get more information about smoking and how to quit.
  • 2. Humaira Begum 11y C&M Campaign The NHS smoking website has stories of real life quitters to help smokers to quit and find out how others got through quitting smoking. This is the story of Beverly and Alishia, Edgware who are mother and daughter from London. Real Life Quitters - Beverly and Alishia, Edgware:
  • 3. Humaira Begum 11y C&M Campaign I watched the video below and found out that all the people that went to the NHS for help tried to quit smoking on there own many times but they were unsuccessful. They tell us how they quit and how they feel now about smoking. A couple tell us they use to smoke up to 60 cigarettes a day. They tell us that they saved over £500 a month which makes it £6,000 in a year and now they plan to go to Kenya for holiday because of how much money they are saving. In this video a man says that him and 9 other colleges of his went together to quit smoking and 9 out of 10 of them actually quit smoking.
  • 4. Humaira Begum 11y C&M Campaign This poster shows how much damage pregnant smokers can do to there unborn baby. The bold red text “STOP TODAY!” is showing that if you stop smoking rite now you will be saving your baby from being a smoking addict and be a different from a normal child. The text is in red because it is the most important information on the poster. The other text is in white and bold because that piece of information is important too. I think that this text “SMOKING WILL SERIOUSLY DAMAGE THE HEALTH OF YOUR UNBORN CHILD. FOR THEIR SAKE STOP TODAY!” is good because it shows the audience that your child could be really unhealthy and might die at a very young age. The image of the unborn baby with smoke around him/her shows that his/her mother is a smoker and is risking his/her life because she is damaging herself and her child. I think that the image is really successful on getting the message across because it shows how a mother can take there child’s life away and how it can affect your child’s health in many ways. The NHS logo is in the corner to show that the poster is with the NHS. I think that this campaign is really successful because on there website they have real life stories of people that quit smoking and there is a video that tells you how and what they did to quit smoking. You can visit the URL below to read real life quitters stories: “About 21% of Brits aged over 16 are smokers. And of those aged between 20 and 24, more than 30% smoke. That means that kissing a quarter of the population of Britain is like kissing an ashtray. It’s not just your breath that smells. Smoking dulls the skin, causes wrinkles around the mouth and makes you look older.” “Smoking causes more than 80% of deaths from lung cancer, bronchitis and emphysema (chronic breathing difficulty), and a quarter of deaths from heart disease.”
  • 5. Humaira Begum 11y C&M Campaign This smoking calculator shows that there are about 4,000 poisonous chemicals in the tobacco smoke entering your lungs. This smoking calculator shows on average how much a smoker that smokes up to 20 cigarettes a day will save in up to 10 years. After 10 years they could save up to £21,900. The Think! Drink Driving campaign is a little similar to the NHS smoking campaign because they both try to save other peoples lives and preventing deaths from happening. The Think! Drink Driving campaign was created to make people aware about road safety and drink driving affects you and everyone around you. This campaign is about making people aware that road safety is a really big thing in life because every day people get killed because of drink driving. The aim of this campaign is to stop drink driving and deaths on the road caused by drivers and encouraging the belief that 1 or 2 drinks before driving is too much and not worth the risk. The THINK! Drink Drive campaign aims to: • increase awareness of the personal consequences of a drink driving conviction • encourage the belief that 1 or 2 drinks before driving is too many and not worth the risk • reinforce and build the social stigma around drink driving • Offer in-pub solutions to help drivers avoid consuming alcohol if they know they are going to drive The current campaign targets 1-3 pint drink drivers, not ‘drunk drivers’, with a particular focus on young men aged 17-29 years old. It doesn't focus on the increased risk of a crash, as our research has found that young men believe: • a crash is unlikely after 1 or 2 drinks
  • 6. Humaira Begum 11y C&M Campaign • drink drive ads showing a crash are not relevant to them but to people who drive when drunk • they're more likely to be over the limit and caught after 1 or 2 drinks We found that the long-term implications of drink driving, such as imprisonment or a criminal record, a 12 month driving ban or an endorsement that stays on your licence for 11 years are much more shocking and compelling to this audience than the risk of crashing and harming themselves or others. Key messages for Christmas 2010: • THINK! Don't drink and drive • Get convicted of drink driving and you’ll be processed like any other criminal Think! Drink Driving: page=Campaign&whoareyou_id=/think/whoareyou/teens I looked on the Think! Drink driving website to find out information about the campaign. I found out that the campaign is about people, about the citizens, about all of us. This campaign was launched to reduce the amount of road casualties by 2010. This is a statement from there website that tells us that they want roads to be safer for everyone and want to stop drink driving. " Tomorrow's roads: safer for everyone ". About THINK! The UK Government has an objective of reducing road deaths and serious injuries by 40 per cent (50 per cent for children) by the year 2010 (using the average for 1994-98 as the baseline). Key factors in achieving that objective are improved road user behaviour and acceptance of engineering and enforcement initiatives that increase road safety. Education and publicity play a key role in raising consumer awareness and acceptance. Our road safety publicity aims to: • ensure that there is a high profile for road safety as a matter for general concern • complement police and local authority activities • encourage broader support from private sector partners • get across specific messages to target audiences • generate media interest in road safety issues It does this by: • involving a broad spectrum of society in promoting safer roads for everyone • encouraging and reinforcing attitudes that lead to safer and more considerate behaviour by all road users • promoting understanding of the need for better road safety behaviour • contributing to the general aim of reducing road casualties and meeting the casualty targets for year 2010
  • 7. Humaira Begum 11y C&M Campaign Our basic approach is national publicity using a mix of emotion and facts that raise the profile of road safety. We utilise a range of media channels - TV, radio, press, posters, ambient etc. - to provide a national platform to stimulate complementary regional and local authority activity and to encourage private sector companies to cascade messages to their employees and customers. A range of free publicity material is made available to local authorities and others to promote consistency of messages at national and local level. We have also entered into sports sponsorship with the Rugby Football League and the English Football League to enable us to get our messages across to a wider audience using a celebrity based approach. Road Safety advertising has been a key priority for many years. In the past, advertising focussed on specific themes such as drink drive and Seat belts. In recent years we have communicated many more messages - such as fatigue and use of mobile phones. We wanted people to see that these extra individual messages were part of an overall campaign to improve road safety. So in June 2000, we launched a new campaign under one banner - THINK! - to unite our various road safety messages. The rationale for THINK! The aim of Government road safety campaigns is to reinforce the need for drivers and other road users to take responsibility for their own safety and for the safety of others on the road. In the wider context, the theme of personal and social responsibility is central to the Government's philosophy and to its transport policies to encourage more responsible travel choices. The encouragement of more people to walk or cycle instead of driving makes the promotion of safety for more vulnerable road users and the responsible and considerate behaviour of drivers even more important. Road safety publicity campaigns raise public awareness that accidents do not just happen, rather they are caused. Public awareness campaigns can help to influence the attitudes and behaviours that cause accidents. They also create public acceptance for safety engineering and police enforcement and they give national focus and context for local initiatives aimed at making the roads safer and for third parties to carry road safety messages in the context of their own commercial activities. The THINK! campaign was therefore launched: • To contribute to achieving the targets for road casualty reduction by year 2010, as set out in the Government's policy strategy document " Tomorrow's roads: safer for everyone ". • To use all the marketing tools available to us to get across road safety messages effectively and meaningfully. • To draw together a wide range of road safety messages under a single concept. • To get across specific advice to road users while impressing on all the need to THINK! while using the road. • To help to stimulate a year round presence under a new road safety brand. • To encourage new partnerships to associate with the brand in promoting road safety. The THINK! campaign is not about the motorist as such, or the pedestrians, or cyclists, motor cyclists, etc. It is aboutpeople, about the citizen, about each and all of us. It is about how we all use our roads safely, whether we happen to be motoring, walking, cycling or whatever. This is mainly to build a mood of "we're all in it together" to have greater effect.
  • 8. Humaira Begum 11y C&M Campaign The expression, "show me the child at seven and I'll show you the adult" neatly encapsulates our approach. We target people from childhood to adulthood, aiming to instil good practice at a very early age with frequent reminders for teenagers and adults. For 2008/9, we have developed separate child and adult marketing strategies - although both will continue under the THINK! banner. The reason for separation is that in the case of children and young people we are trying to influence the formation of habits, whereas with adults we are trying to persuade people, mainly drivers, to change sometimes entrenched habits. Think! Drink Driving: This poster is showing that you will get caught drink driving even if you have done it only one time. The writing “GET CAUGHT DRINK DRIVING AND YOU’LL BE PROCESSED LIKE ANY OTHER CRIMINAL” is in bold grey writing to show the importance and it is the only piece of text on the poster. The image in the background shows a locked up cell door with a man looking through the hole on it. This poster is really effective because it shows where you will be if you drink drive and get caught by the police. I think that the Think! Drink Driving campaign was successful because many people have been caught drink driving or attempting to drive after a drink. Some people know not to drink
  • 9. Humaira Begum 11y C&M Campaign drive because of the fines that they will be getting. On the Think! Drink Driving website it tells you what fines you will get if you drink drive or even attempt to drink drive. Drink driving Sobering-up tricks do not work Coffee and cold showers the morning after a night out don't help you sober up. Time is the only way to get the alcohol out of your system and you could still be over the legal limit many hours after drinking. Drink driving and the law The legal consequences of a drink driving conviction are severe and long-lasting. Causing death by careless driving when under the influence of drink or drugs = 14 years' imprisonment, together with an unlimited fine, disqualification from driving for at least 2 years and a mandatory extended driving test. Driving or attempting to drive while above the legal limit or unfit through drink or drugs = 6 months' imprisonment, together with a fine of up to £5,000 and disqualification from driving for at least 12 months (3 years if convicted twice in 10 years). Being in charge of a vehicle whilst above the legal limit or unfit through drink or drugs = 3 months' imprisonment, a fine of up to £2,500 and discretionary disqualification from driving. Refusing to provide a specimen of breath, blood or urine for analysis = 6 months' imprisonment, together with a fine of up to £5,000 and disqualification from driving for at least 12 months. Think! Drink Driving: page=Advice&whoareyou_id= On the website it also show some of the accuses many people use when they get caught. They don’t even think about how drink driving can affect there lives and other peoples live so much. They could get there elves or someone else killed of seriously injured which could change their life forever. No drinks, no excuses 'I had a drink, but it was at lunchtime.' Even a small drink at lunchtime makes you sleepier and impairs your driving. 'I feel fine to drive.' Any amount of alcohol affects your judgement. 'I've only had a couple.' Even a single drink makes you drive less well. 'I've had a meal.' Alcohol still gets into your system and affects your driving.'
  • 10. Humaira Begum 11y C&M Campaign 'I can handle my drink.' Alcohol affects everybody's driving for the worse. It creates a feeling of overconfidence, makes judging distance and speed more difficult and slows your reactions so it takes longer to stop. 'I'm only going down the road.' A large proportion of all drink drive crashes occur within three miles of the start of the journey. 'I'm driving slowly and carefully.' Alcohol actually makes you less alert and careful, however slowly you drive. Think! Drink Driving: page=Advice&whoareyou_id= The Think! Drink Driving have partners that offer support in communicating the don’t drink drive message to the publics. Drink driving A wide range of partners provide valuable support in communicating the Don’t Drink and Drive message to the public. This Christmas, our primary partnership focus is our Driver Friendly initiative which launched in December 2009. However, your organisation can still support the campaign outside of this area - simply get in touch with think@23red.comwith details of how you would like to be involved. What is Driver Friendly? Driver Friendly aims to improve the night out experience for designated drivers and encourages them to stick to soft drinks through a range of benefits and offers. Thousands of pubs, bars and restaurants throughout the country have been involved in the initiative, along with the soft drinks industry. Coca-Cola GB is leading the way for Christmas 2010, and their Designated Driver promotion is part of an ongoing planned programme of Driver Friendly promotions. The Designated Driver campaign will be live in approximately 8,000 pubs from the 10th-31st December, and provides drivers with a buy one, get one free offer on Coke and Diet Coke. How can my venue/organisation become Driver Friendly?
  • 11. Humaira Begum 11y C&M Campaign 1. It’s simple. Provide some form of offer linked to the purchase of non-alcoholic drinks, to reward drivers. If you are running the Coca-Cola promotion, you are already doing this for Christmas 2010. 2. Display the Driver Friendly window sticker in your pub door/window for as long as you are running Driver Friendly promotions. (Please remove whenever you are not running a promotion.) How can the Driver Friendly team help you run promotions? The THINK! partnerships team can supply you with a Driver Friendly promotional kit to enable you to run your own offer, plus make sure you are updated on any future promotional offers available to run in your pub. To register for your kit and become an official Driver Friendly partner, contact us on . When you receive your kit, please be aware that you will be contacted by the partnerships team to confirm the offer(s) you plan to run. Driver Friendly partners for Christmas 2010 Leading drinks manufacturer Coca-Cola is pleased to be continuing their partnership with Driver Friendly to encourage more people to share safer driving over the 2010 festive period. Coca-Cola's Christmas 2010 ‘Designated Driver’ campaign follows on from the success of last year, allowing thousands of venues across the country to reward designated drivers with free Coke and Diet Coke during December. Leading on-trade venues involved include: To find a Driver Friendly venue near you, visit the Coca – Cola pub finder tool here. The THINK! Drink Drive campaign and Driver Friendly initiative is also supported by the following industry bodies: The British Beer and Pub Association is pleased to support THINK! through promoting THINK! campaigns to our members and through them to Britain's pubs. THINK! Don't Drink and Drive campaigns are vital in complementing the BBPA's clear message - if you are having a drink, then leave your car at home.
  • 12. Humaira Begum 11y C&M Campaign The British Soft Drinks Association is pleased to support THINK! and theDon't Drink and Drive message. Enjoy a soft drink instead. Think! Drink Driving: page=Partners&whoareyou_id=/think/whoareyou/teens Driver tiredness The facts Driver sleepiness is estimated to account for around one fifth of accidents on major roads, and is responsible for around 300 deaths per year. THINK! strategy for driver tiredness The March 2008 THINK! driver tiredness campaign was launched as part of our wider Driving for Work campaign. Research has shown that people who drive for work behave in a risky way on the road, including driving while tired. The fatigue campaign has been developed with the work driver as a key target audience. Think! Drink Driving: whoareyou_id=/think/whoareyou/teens&page=Overview Both of the campaign messages was to help the world be a better place and stopping deaths from happening. The NHS Smoking campaign and the Think! Drink Driving campaign both have similarities because they are both here to save lives. They also have some differences because the NHS Smoking campaign are here to help people to stop smoking and realising how much money they spend on cigarettes and that they don’t have enough money for anything else. The Think! Drink Driving campaign is a little different because they are dealing with the law being broken by drink driving offences. The details of the campaigns were that they both want to help people to make the rite decision and that they need to know what they have been doing wrong.
  • 13. Humaira Begum 11y C&M Campaign Think! Drink Driving – NHS Smoking – I think that this poster is I think that this poster is successful on successful on getting there getting there message across to the message to the public public because the image of the boy because it shows 4 bottles of looking at his reflection makes you alcohol someone has drunk think about what will happen to your and then went for a drive in child when you die from smoking. The there car and got caught by image makes the poster more the police and know they are successful. You will think to yourself again having a drink and about who will look after them and thinking about if they should you’ll have many questions going dive and if they will get through your head. The bold text “I’m caught. The Text says “How not worried about my spots. I’m much will your next round worried my dad will die from smoking.” cost” which shows that they Makes you think about the boy and if got fined a lot of money the his mum is still alive or not and if his time before. dad dies from smoking what’s going to happen to him. On the bottom of the poster is says “Over 2,000 people die Similarities every week in the UK from smoking The similarities of the related diseases.” This shows that you posters are that they both don’t have to be a smoker to die from want to make people think smoking. about their actions and what they should do in the future. They both also have there logos on the poster. The campaigns were very successful because they had television adverts, posters, leaflets and partners to get there message across to the public. I think that both of the campaigns I have looked at are very serious issues because If you listen to the campaign messages then you would understand that they are trying to save our
  • 14. Humaira Begum 11y C&M Campaign lives and making the world a better place for everyone. The NHS Smoking campaign gives you a lot of support and advice on what people can do for their benefit and for others. The Think! Drink Driving campaign was launched to make the roads much safer for everyone and stopping deaths from happening.