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Powering TensorFlow with
big data
With Apache Beam, Flink & Spark bonus KF
Slides will be at:
● Prefered pronouns are she/her
● Developer Advocate at Google
● Apache Spark PMC
● co-author of Learning Spark & High Performance Spark
● Twitter: @holdenkarau
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● Code review livestreams: /
● Spark Talk Videos
● Talk feedback (if you are so inclined):
● Helping organize Data Track @ ITNEXT AMS - CFP Open!
Who I think you wonderful humans are?
● Nice enough people
● Don’t mind pictures of cats
● Maybe somewhat familiar with Tensorflow?
● Maybe somewhat familiar with Beam or Spark or Flink?
Lori Erickson
What will be covered?
● Why we need big data for deep learning
● The state of Java/Python integration
● And why this matters for Tensorflow
● Tools to simplify this (TFT, TFMA, TFDV, etc.)
● Pipelining & validation
Then choose your own demo or Q&A:
● TensorFlowOnSpark
● Tensorflow Transform on Apache Beam on {Apache Flink, Dataflow}
● Kubeflow w/Spark
Part of what lead to the success of Spark
● Integrated different tools which traditionally required different systems
○ Mahout, hive, etc.
● e.g. can use same system to do ML and SQL
*Often written in Python!
Apache Spark
SQL, DataFrames & Datasets
Python, &
Spark ML
bagel &
Graph X
Paul Hudson
What is Spark?
● General purpose distributed system
○ With a really nice API including Python :)
● Apache project (one of the most
● Must faster than Hadoop
● Good when too big for a single
● Built on top of two abstractions for
distributed data: RDDs & Datasets
Why people come to Spark:
Well this MapReduce
job is going to take
16 hours - how long
could it take to learn
Why people come to Spark:
My DataFrame won’t fit
in memory on my cluster
anymore, let alone my
MacBook Pro :( Maybe
this Spark business will
solve that...
Why this all matters?
What’s the state of non-JVM big data?
Most of the tools are built in the JVM, so how do we play together from Python?
● Pickling, Strings, JSON, XML, oh my!
● Unix pipes, Sockets, files, and mmapped files (sometimes in the same
What about if we don’t want to copy the data all the time?
● Or standalone “pure”* re-implementations of everything
○ Reasonable option for things like Kafka where you would have the I/O regardless.
○ Also cool projects like dask (pure python) -- but hard to talk to existing ecosystem
David Brown
The "state" of TF + Big Data
● TensorFlowOnSpark w/basic Apache Arrow
○ Still needs more work
○ New scheduler, with improvements in Spark 3
● Basic TF Transform on Apache Flink via Apache Beam
● New* Beam architecture allowing for better portability &
handling dependencies (like Tensorflow)
● feed_dict + scheduler luck
Vladimir Pustovit
So why do I need to power DL w/Big Data?
● Deep learning is most effective with large sample sets for training
● You need to clean your large datasets
● You also (probably)* need some feature preparation
○ even if you’re looking at mnist.csv you probably have _some_ feature prep
● You need to transform your datasets into the formats your DL wants
● Even if your just trying to raise some VC money it's going to go a lot better if
you add some keywords about a large proprietary dataset
TensorFlow isn’t enough on its own
● Enter TFX & friends like Kubeflow
○ Current related TFX OSS components: TF.Transform TF.Serving (with more coming)
● Alternative 1: Data prep in an "exportable" format and serve with Seldon
○ Yay extra RPCs?
● Alternatives 2: piles of custom code re-created at serving time.
○ Yay job security?
PROJennifer C.
How do I do feature prep? (old skool)
● Write custom preparation jobs in your favourite big data tool
○ I like Apache Spark, some folks like Apache Beam or Flink.
○ So long as it not
● Run it, train on the prepared data
● Rewrite your feature prep code to run at serving time
○ Error prone and sad
Enter: TF.Transform
● For pre-processing of your data
○ e.g. where you spend 90% of your dev time anyways
● Integrates into serving time :D
● Written in Python
● Runs on top of Apache Beam
○ Works really on Dataflow
○ On master this can run on Flink, but has bugs currently.
○ Please don’t use this in production today unless your on GCP/Dataflow
○ Python 2 only for now
PROKathryn Yengel
Defining a Transform processing function
def preprocessing_fn(inputs):
x = inputs['x']
y = inputs['y']
s = inputs['s']
x_centered = x - tft.mean(x)
y_normalized = tft.scale_to_0_1(y)
s_int = tft.string_to_int(s)
return { 'x_centered': x_centered,
'y_normalized': y_normalized, 's_int': s_int}
mean stddev
Reduce (full pass)
Implemented as a distributed
data pipeline
Instance-to-instance (don’t
change batch dimension)
Pure TensorFlow
mean stddev
Scale to ... Bag of Words / N-Grams
Bucketization Feature Crosses
Some common use-cases...
BEAM Beyond the JVM: Current release
● Works pretty well on Dataflow
● non-JVM BEAM on Apache Flink is relatively early stages
● tl;dr : uses grpc / protobuf
○ Similar to the common design but with more efficient representations (often)
● But exciting new plans to unify the runners and ease the support of different
languages (called SDKS)
○ See
BEAM Beyond the JVM: Master + Experiments
● Common interface for setting up jobs
● Portability framework allows SDK harnesses in arbitrary to be kicked off
● Runners ship in their own docker containers (goodbye dependency hell, hello
container hell)
○ Also for now rolling containers leaves something to be desired (e.g. edit docker file by hand)
● Hacked up Python SDK works with the new interface
● Go SDK talks to the new interface, still missing some features
BEAM Beyond the JVM: Master w/ experiments
So what does that look like?
Worker 1
Worker K
Sample of the chicago taxi data:
# Preserve this feature as a dense float, setting nan's to
the mean.
outputs[key] = transform.scale_to_z_score(inputs[key])
for key in taxi.VOCAB_FEATURE_KEYS:
# Build a vocabulary for this feature.
outputs[key] = transform.string_to_int(
inputs[key], top_k=taxi.VOCAB_SIZE,
for key in taxi.BUCKET_FEATURE_KEYS:
outputs[key] = transform.bucketize(inputs[key],
BEAM Beyond the JVM: The “future”
E.g. not now
This seems complicated, options?
● Spoiler: mostly it’s not better
○ Although it tends to be more finished
○ Sometimes it's different
● Different tradeoffs, maybe better for your use case but all tradeoffs
Kate Neilan
A quick detour into PySpark’s internals
+ + JSON
● The Python interface to Spark
● Same general technique used as the bases for the C#, R, Julia, etc.
interfaces to Spark
● Fairly mature, integrates well-ish into the ecosystem, less a Pythonrific API
● Has some serious performance hurdles from the design
So what does that look like?
Worker 1
Worker K
And in flink….
Worker 1
Worker K
So how does that impact Py[X]
forall X in {Big Data}-{Native Python Big Data}
● Double serialization cost makes everything more expensive
● Python worker startup takes a bit of extra time
● Python memory isn’t controlled by the JVM - easy to go over container limits if
deploying on YARN or similar
● Error messages make ~0 sense
● Dependency management makes limited sense
● features aren’t automatically exposed, but exposing them is normally simple
TensorFlowOnSpark, everyone loves mnist!
cluster =, mnist_dist_dataset.map_fun, args,
args.cluster_size, num_ps, args.tensorboard,
if args.mode == "train":
cluster.train(dataRDD, args.epochs)
The “future”*: faster interchange
● By future I mean availability today but running it in production is “adventurous”
● Unifying our cross-language experience
○ And not just “normal” languages, CUDA counts yo
Tambako The Jaguar
Andrew Skudder
*Arrow: Spark 2.3 and beyond & GPUs & R & Python & ….
* *
What does the future look like?*
Trust but verify.
Arrow (a poorly drawn big data view)
Logos trademarks of their respective projects
Juha Kettunen
Rewriting your code because why not
"add", lambda x, y: x + y, IntegerType())
add = pandas_udf(lambda x, y: x + y, IntegerType())
Jennifer C.
And we can do this in TFOnSpark*:
self.cluster_meta, qname))
Will Transform Into something magical (aka fast but unreliable) on
the next slide!
Delaina Haslam
Which becomes
train_func = TFSparkNode.train(self.cluster_info,
self.cluster_meta, qname)
def do_train(inputSeries1, inputSeries2):
# Sad hack for now
modified_series = map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]),
zip(inputSeries1, inputSeries2))
return pandas.Series([0] * len(inputSeries1))
And this now looks like:
Logos trademarks of their respective projects
Juha Kettunen
So how TF does this relate to TF?
● Tensorflow is in Python (kind of)
● At some point you want to get the data from your big data tool into Tensorflow
● Worst case: you can write out a bunch of files and read them back in
● Possibly better case: you use the things we talked about
Dask: a new beginning?
● Pure* python implementation
● Provides real enough DataFrame interface for distributed data
○ Much more like a Panda’s DataFrame than Spark’s DataFrames
● Also your standard-ish distributed collections
● Multiple backends
● Primary challenge: interacting with the rest of the big data ecosystem
○ Arrow & friends make this better, but it’s still a bit rough
● There is a proof-of-concept to bootstrap a dask cluster on Spark
● See &
Lisa Zins
Ok now what?
● Integrate this into your model serving pipeline of choice
○ Don’t have one or open to change? Checkout TFMA which can directly serve it
● There’s a guide (it doesn’t show Flink because not released yet) but steps are
○ But you’re not using this in production today anyways?
○ Right?
● Automate your pipeline so you don't have to run it every week by hand
● Validate that your models aren't getting worse
Nick Perla
(Optionally): Putting it together with Kubeflow
VIK hotels group
"The Machine Learning Toolkit
for Kubernetes"
- Kubeflow Website
Introducing* Kubeflow
VIK hotels group
Components Buffet
Paul Harrison
What are those pipelines?
“Kubeflow Pipelines is a platform for building and deploying portable, scalable
machine learning (ML) workflows based on Docker containers.” -
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of “pipeline components” (read “docker containers”)
each performing a function.
Building that pipeline?
Running that pipeline
Ok cool, but… we need to validate
Results from: Testing with Spark survey
So how do we validate our jobs?
● The idea is, at some point, you made software which worked.
○ If you don’t you probably want to run it a few times and manually validate it
● Maybe you manually tested and sampled your results
● Hopefully you did a lot of other checks too
● But we can’t do that every time, our pipelines are no longer write-once
run-once they are often write-once, run forever, and debug-forever.
Counters* to the rescue**!
● Both BEAM & Spark have their it own counters
○ Per-stage bytes r/w, shuffle r/w, record r/w. execution time, etc.
○ In UI can also register a listener from spark validator project
● We can add counters for things we care about
○ invalid records, users with no recommendations, etc.
○ Accumulators have some challenges (see SPARK-12469 for progress) but are an interesting
● We can _pretend_ we still have nice functional code
*Counters are your friends, but the kind of friends who steal your lunch money
** In a similar way to how regular expressions can solve problems….
Miguel Olaya
So what does that look like?
val parsed = data.flatMap(x => try {
} catch {
case _ =>
None // What's it's JSON
// Special business data logic (aka wordcount)
// Much much later* business error logic goes here
Pager photo by Vitachao CC-SA 3
Phoebe Baker
General Rules for making Validation rules
● According to a sad survey most people check execution time & record count
● spark-validator is still in early stages but interesting proof of concept
○ I have an updated variant of it that is going our OSS releasing process internally
● Sometimes your rules will miss-fire and you’ll need to manually approve a job
● Do you have property tests? Could be Validation rules
● Historical data
○ what did your counters look like yesterday
● Domain specific solutions
○ The best, but also the most work
Photo by:
Paul Schadler
% of data change
● Not just invalid records, if a field’s value changes everywhere it could still be
“valid” but have a different meaning
○ Remember that example about almost recommending illegal content?
● Join and see number of rows different on each side
● Expensive operation, but if your data changes slowly / at a constant ish rate
○ Sometimes done as a separate parallel job
● Can also be used on output if applicable
○ You do have a table/file/as applicable to roll back to right?
TFDV: Magic*
● Counters, schema inference, anomaly detection, oh my!
# Compute statistics over a new set of data
new_stats = tfdv.generate_statistics_from_csv(NEW_DATA)
# Compare how new data conforms to the schema
anomalies = tfdv.validate_statistics(new_stats, schema)
# Display anomalies inline
Not just data changes: Software too
● Things change! Yay! Often for the better.
○ Especially with handling edge cases like NA fields
○ Don’t expect the results to change - side-by-side run + diff
● Have an ML model?
○ Welcome to new params - or old params with different default values.
○ We’ll talk more about that later
● Excellent PyData London talk about how this can impact
ML models
○ Done with sklearn shows vast differences in CVE results only changing
the version number
Optional Demos: (or early Q&A)
● Go on beam on Flink Wordcount
● Spark on Kubeflow?
● Tensorflow Transform on Beam on Flink
● TensorflowOnSpark
● Tensorflow Data Validation on Beam On Dataflow
● TFMA + TFT example guide -
● Apache Beam github repo (w/early alpha portable Flink support)-
● TFMA Example fork for use w/Beam on Flink -
● TensorFlowOnSpark -
● Spark Deep Learning Pipelines -
● flink-tensorflow -
● TF.Transform -
● Beam portability design:
● Beam on Flink + portability
PROR. Crap Mariner
And some upcoming talks:
● April
○ Spark Summit
○ Strata London
● May
○ KiwiCoda Mania
○ KubeCon Barcelona
● June
○ Scala Days EU
○ Berlin Buzzwords
● July
○ OSCON Portland
○ Skills Matter meetup in London
● August
○ ScalaWorld
k thnx bye :)
Will tweet results
“eventually” @holdenkarau
Do you want more realistic
benchmarks? Share your UDFs!
Pssst: Have feedback on the presentation? Give me a
shout ( if you feel comfortable doing
so :)
Give feedback on this presentation
I have some free books on
Spark if anyone wants :)
Q&A session this afternoon

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Powering tensor flow with big data using apache beam, flink, and spark cern 2019 (3)

  • 1. @holdenkarau Powering TensorFlow with big data With Apache Beam, Flink & Spark bonus KF @holdenkarau
  • 2. @holdenkarau Slides will be at: CatLoversShow
  • 3. @holdenkarau Holden: ● Prefered pronouns are she/her ● Developer Advocate at Google ● Apache Spark PMC ● co-author of Learning Spark & High Performance Spark ● Twitter: @holdenkarau ● Slide share ● Code review livestreams: / ● Spark Talk Videos ● Talk feedback (if you are so inclined): ● Helping organize Data Track @ ITNEXT AMS - CFP Open!
  • 5. @holdenkarau Who I think you wonderful humans are? ● Nice enough people ● Don’t mind pictures of cats ● Maybe somewhat familiar with Tensorflow? ● Maybe somewhat familiar with Beam or Spark or Flink? Lori Erickson
  • 6. @holdenkarau What will be covered? ● Why we need big data for deep learning ● The state of Java/Python integration ● And why this matters for Tensorflow ● Tools to simplify this (TFT, TFMA, TFDV, etc.) ● Pipelining & validation Then choose your own demo or Q&A: ● TensorFlowOnSpark ● Tensorflow Transform on Apache Beam on {Apache Flink, Dataflow} ● Kubeflow w/Spark
  • 7. Part of what lead to the success of Spark ● Integrated different tools which traditionally required different systems ○ Mahout, hive, etc. ● e.g. can use same system to do ML and SQL *Often written in Python! Apache Spark SQL, DataFrames & Datasets Structured Streaming Scala, Java, Python, & R Spark ML bagel & Graph X MLLib Scala, Java, PythonStreaming Graph Frames Paul Hudson
  • 8. What is Spark? ● General purpose distributed system ○ With a really nice API including Python :) ● Apache project (one of the most active) ● Must faster than Hadoop Map/Reduce ● Good when too big for a single machine ● Built on top of two abstractions for distributed data: RDDs & Datasets
  • 9. Why people come to Spark: Well this MapReduce job is going to take 16 hours - how long could it take to learn Spark? dougwoods
  • 10. Why people come to Spark: My DataFrame won’t fit in memory on my cluster anymore, let alone my MacBook Pro :( Maybe this Spark business will solve that... brownpau
  • 11. Why this all matters? cuatrok77
  • 12. What’s the state of non-JVM big data? Most of the tools are built in the JVM, so how do we play together from Python? ● Pickling, Strings, JSON, XML, oh my! Over ● Unix pipes, Sockets, files, and mmapped files (sometimes in the same program) What about if we don’t want to copy the data all the time? ● Or standalone “pure”* re-implementations of everything ○ Reasonable option for things like Kafka where you would have the I/O regardless. ○ Also cool projects like dask (pure python) -- but hard to talk to existing ecosystem David Brown
  • 13. @holdenkarau The "state" of TF + Big Data ● TensorFlowOnSpark w/basic Apache Arrow ○ Still needs more work ○ New scheduler, with improvements in Spark 3 ● Basic TF Transform on Apache Flink via Apache Beam ● New* Beam architecture allowing for better portability & handling dependencies (like Tensorflow) ● feed_dict + scheduler luck Vladimir Pustovit
  • 14. @holdenkarau So why do I need to power DL w/Big Data? ● Deep learning is most effective with large sample sets for training ● You need to clean your large datasets ● You also (probably)* need some feature preparation ○ even if you’re looking at mnist.csv you probably have _some_ feature prep ● You need to transform your datasets into the formats your DL wants ● Even if your just trying to raise some VC money it's going to go a lot better if you add some keywords about a large proprietary dataset
  • 15. @holdenkarau TensorFlow isn’t enough on its own ● Enter TFX & friends like Kubeflow ○ Current related TFX OSS components: TF.Transform TF.Serving (with more coming) ● Alternative 1: Data prep in an "exportable" format and serve with Seldon ○ Yay extra RPCs? ● Alternatives 2: piles of custom code re-created at serving time. ○ Yay job security? PROJennifer C.
  • 16. @holdenkarau How do I do feature prep? (old skool) ● Write custom preparation jobs in your favourite big data tool ○ I like Apache Spark, some folks like Apache Beam or Flink. ○ So long as it not ● Run it, train on the prepared data ● Rewrite your feature prep code to run at serving time ○ Error prone and sad
  • 17. @holdenkarau Enter: TF.Transform ● For pre-processing of your data ○ e.g. where you spend 90% of your dev time anyways ● Integrates into serving time :D ● OSS ● Written in Python ● Runs on top of Apache Beam ○ Works really on Dataflow ○ On master this can run on Flink, but has bugs currently. ○ Please don’t use this in production today unless your on GCP/Dataflow ○ Python 2 only for now PROKathryn Yengel
  • 18. @holdenkarau Defining a Transform processing function def preprocessing_fn(inputs): x = inputs['x'] y = inputs['y'] s = inputs['s'] x_centered = x - tft.mean(x) y_normalized = tft.scale_to_0_1(y) s_int = tft.string_to_int(s) return { 'x_centered': x_centered, 'y_normalized': y_normalized, 's_int': s_int}
  • 19. @holdenkarau mean stddev normalize multiply quantiles bucketize Analyzers Reduce (full pass) Implemented as a distributed data pipeline Transforms Instance-to-instance (don’t change batch dimension) Pure TensorFlow
  • 21. @holdenkarau Scale to ... Bag of Words / N-Grams Bucketization Feature Crosses tft.ngrams tft.string_to_int tf.string_split tft.scale_to_z_score tft.apply_buckets tft.quantiles tft.string_to_int tf.string_join ... Some common use-cases...
  • 22. @holdenkarau BEAM Beyond the JVM: Current release ● Works pretty well on Dataflow ● non-JVM BEAM on Apache Flink is relatively early stages ● tl;dr : uses grpc / protobuf ○ Similar to the common design but with more efficient representations (often) ● But exciting new plans to unify the runners and ease the support of different languages (called SDKS) ○ See Emma
  • 23. @holdenkarau BEAM Beyond the JVM: Master + Experiments ● Common interface for setting up jobs ● Portability framework allows SDK harnesses in arbitrary to be kicked off ● Runners ship in their own docker containers (goodbye dependency hell, hello container hell) ○ Also for now rolling containers leaves something to be desired (e.g. edit docker file by hand) ● Hacked up Python SDK works with the new interface ● Go SDK talks to the new interface, still missing some features Nick
  • 24. @holdenkarau BEAM Beyond the JVM: Master w/ experiments *ish *ish *ish Nick portability
  • 25. @holdenkarau So what does that look like? Driver Worker 1 Docker grpc Worker K Docker grpc
  • 26. @holdenkarau Sample of the chicago taxi data: for key in taxi.DENSE_FLOAT_FEATURE_KEYS: # Preserve this feature as a dense float, setting nan's to the mean. outputs[key] = transform.scale_to_z_score(inputs[key]) for key in taxi.VOCAB_FEATURE_KEYS: # Build a vocabulary for this feature. outputs[key] = transform.string_to_int( inputs[key], top_k=taxi.VOCAB_SIZE, num_oov_buckets=taxi.OOV_SIZE) for key in taxi.BUCKET_FEATURE_KEYS: outputs[key] = transform.bucketize(inputs[key], taxi.FEATURE_BUCKET_COUNT)
  • 27. @holdenkarau BEAM Beyond the JVM: The “future” E.g. not now *ish *ish *ish Nick portability *ish *ish
  • 28. @holdenkarau This seems complicated, options? ● Spoiler: mostly it’s not better ○ Although it tends to be more finished ○ Sometimes it's different ● Different tradeoffs, maybe better for your use case but all tradeoffs Kate Neilan
  • 29. @holdenkarau A quick detour into PySpark’s internals + + JSON TimOve
  • 30. @holdenkarau PySpark ● The Python interface to Spark ● Same general technique used as the bases for the C#, R, Julia, etc. interfaces to Spark ● Fairly mature, integrates well-ish into the ecosystem, less a Pythonrific API ● Has some serious performance hurdles from the design
  • 31. @holdenkarau So what does that look like? Driver py4j Worker 1 Worker K pipe pipe
  • 33. @holdenkarau So how does that impact Py[X] forall X in {Big Data}-{Native Python Big Data} ● Double serialization cost makes everything more expensive ● Python worker startup takes a bit of extra time ● Python memory isn’t controlled by the JVM - easy to go over container limits if deploying on YARN or similar ● Error messages make ~0 sense ● Dependency management makes limited sense ● features aren’t automatically exposed, but exposing them is normally simple
  • 34. @holdenkarau TensorFlowOnSpark, everyone loves mnist! cluster =, mnist_dist_dataset.map_fun, args, args.cluster_size, num_ps, args.tensorboard, TFCluster.InputMode.SPARK) if args.mode == "train": cluster.train(dataRDD, args.epochs) Lida
  • 35. @holdenkarau The “future”*: faster interchange ● By future I mean availability today but running it in production is “adventurous” ● Unifying our cross-language experience ○ And not just “normal” languages, CUDA counts yo Tambako The Jaguar
  • 36. @holdenkarau Andrew Skudder *Arrow: Spark 2.3 and beyond & GPUs & R & Python & …. * *
  • 37. @holdenkarau What does the future look like?* *Source: *Vendor benchmark. Trust but verify.
  • 38. @holdenkarau Arrow (a poorly drawn big data view) Logos trademarks of their respective projects Juha Kettunen *ish
  • 39. @holdenkarau Rewriting your code because why not spark.catalog.registerFunction( "add", lambda x, y: x + y, IntegerType()) => add = pandas_udf(lambda x, y: x + y, IntegerType()) Jennifer C.
  • 40. @holdenkarau And we can do this in TFOnSpark*: unionRDD.foreachPartition(TFSparkNode.train(self.cluster_info, self.cluster_meta, qname)) Will Transform Into something magical (aka fast but unreliable) on the next slide! Delaina Haslam
  • 41. @holdenkarau Which becomes train_func = TFSparkNode.train(self.cluster_info, self.cluster_meta, qname) @pandas_udf("int") def do_train(inputSeries1, inputSeries2): # Sad hack for now modified_series = map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), zip(inputSeries1, inputSeries2)) train_func(modified_series) return pandas.Series([0] * len(inputSeries1)) ljmacphee
  • 42. @holdenkarau And this now looks like: Logos trademarks of their respective projects Juha Kettunen *ish
  • 43. @holdenkarau So how TF does this relate to TF? ● Tensorflow is in Python (kind of) ● At some point you want to get the data from your big data tool into Tensorflow ● Worst case: you can write out a bunch of files and read them back in ● Possibly better case: you use the things we talked about
  • 44. Dask: a new beginning? ● Pure* python implementation ● Provides real enough DataFrame interface for distributed data ○ Much more like a Panda’s DataFrame than Spark’s DataFrames ● Also your standard-ish distributed collections ● Multiple backends ● Primary challenge: interacting with the rest of the big data ecosystem ○ Arrow & friends make this better, but it’s still a bit rough ● There is a proof-of-concept to bootstrap a dask cluster on Spark ● See & Lisa Zins
  • 45. @holdenkarau Ok now what? ● Integrate this into your model serving pipeline of choice ○ Don’t have one or open to change? Checkout TFMA which can directly serve it ● There’s a guide (it doesn’t show Flink because not released yet) but steps are similar ○ But you’re not using this in production today anyways? ○ Right? ● Automate your pipeline so you don't have to run it every week by hand ● Validate that your models aren't getting worse Nick Perla
  • 46. @holdenkarau (Optionally): Putting it together with Kubeflow VIK hotels group "The Machine Learning Toolkit for Kubernetes" - Kubeflow Website
  • 49. @holdenkarau What are those pipelines? “Kubeflow Pipelines is a platform for building and deploying portable, scalable machine learning (ML) workflows based on Docker containers.” - Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of “pipeline components” (read “docker containers”) each performing a function.
  • 52. @holdenkarau Ok cool, but… we need to validate Results from: Testing with Spark survey
  • 54. @holdenkarau So how do we validate our jobs? ● The idea is, at some point, you made software which worked. ○ If you don’t you probably want to run it a few times and manually validate it ● Maybe you manually tested and sampled your results ● Hopefully you did a lot of other checks too ● But we can’t do that every time, our pipelines are no longer write-once run-once they are often write-once, run forever, and debug-forever.
  • 55. @holdenkarau Counters* to the rescue**! ● Both BEAM & Spark have their it own counters ○ Per-stage bytes r/w, shuffle r/w, record r/w. execution time, etc. ○ In UI can also register a listener from spark validator project ● We can add counters for things we care about ○ invalid records, users with no recommendations, etc. ○ Accumulators have some challenges (see SPARK-12469 for progress) but are an interesting option ● We can _pretend_ we still have nice functional code *Counters are your friends, but the kind of friends who steal your lunch money ** In a similar way to how regular expressions can solve problems…. Miguel Olaya
  • 56. @holdenkarau So what does that look like? val parsed = data.flatMap(x => try { Some(parse(x)) happyCounter.add(1) } catch { case _ => sadCounter.add(1) None // What's it's JSON } } // Special business data logic (aka wordcount) // Much much later* business error logic goes here Pager photo by Vitachao CC-SA 3 Phoebe Baker
  • 57. @holdenkarau General Rules for making Validation rules ● According to a sad survey most people check execution time & record count ● spark-validator is still in early stages but interesting proof of concept ○ I have an updated variant of it that is going our OSS releasing process internally ● Sometimes your rules will miss-fire and you’ll need to manually approve a job ● Do you have property tests? Could be Validation rules ● Historical data ○ what did your counters look like yesterday ● Domain specific solutions ○ The best, but also the most work Photo by: Paul Schadler
  • 58. @holdenkarau % of data change ● Not just invalid records, if a field’s value changes everywhere it could still be “valid” but have a different meaning ○ Remember that example about almost recommending illegal content? ● Join and see number of rows different on each side ● Expensive operation, but if your data changes slowly / at a constant ish rate ○ Sometimes done as a separate parallel job ● Can also be used on output if applicable ○ You do have a table/file/as applicable to roll back to right?
  • 59. @holdenkarau TFDV: Magic* ● Counters, schema inference, anomaly detection, oh my! # Compute statistics over a new set of data new_stats = tfdv.generate_statistics_from_csv(NEW_DATA) # Compare how new data conforms to the schema anomalies = tfdv.validate_statistics(new_stats, schema) # Display anomalies inline tfdv.display_anomalies(anomalies)
  • 60. @holdenkarau Not just data changes: Software too ● Things change! Yay! Often for the better. ○ Especially with handling edge cases like NA fields ○ Don’t expect the results to change - side-by-side run + diff ● Have an ML model? ○ Welcome to new params - or old params with different default values. ○ We’ll talk more about that later ● Excellent PyData London talk about how this can impact ML models ○ Done with sklearn shows vast differences in CVE results only changing the version number Francesco
  • 61. @holdenkarau Optional Demos: (or early Q&A) ● Go on beam on Flink Wordcount ● Spark on Kubeflow? ● Tensorflow Transform on Beam on Flink ● TensorflowOnSpark ● Tensorflow Data Validation on Beam On Dataflow
  • 62. @holdenkarau References ● TFMA + TFT example guide - ● Apache Beam github repo (w/early alpha portable Flink support)- ● TFMA Example fork for use w/Beam on Flink - ● TensorFlowOnSpark - ● Spark Deep Learning Pipelines - ● flink-tensorflow - ● TF.Transform - ● Beam portability design: ● Beam on Flink + portability PROR. Crap Mariner
  • 63. @holdenkarau And some upcoming talks: ● April ○ Spark Summit ○ Strata London ● May ○ KiwiCoda Mania ○ KubeCon Barcelona ● June ○ Scala Days EU ○ Berlin Buzzwords ● July ○ OSCON Portland ○ Skills Matter meetup in London ● August ○ ScalaWorld
  • 64. @holdenkarau k thnx bye :) Will tweet results “eventually” @holdenkarau Do you want more realistic benchmarks? Share your UDFs! Pssst: Have feedback on the presentation? Give me a shout ( if you feel comfortable doing so :) Give feedback on this presentation I have some free books on Spark if anyone wants :) Q&A session this afternoon