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• Defn- Arrhythmia is deviation of heart from
normal RHYTHM.
1. HR- 60-100
2. Should origin from SAN
3. Cardiac impulse should propagate through
normal conduction pathway
4. with normal velocity.
Normal range
Simple tachyarrythmia
Paroxysmal TA
Atrial flutter
Atrial fibrillation
Mild bradyarrhythmias
moderate BA
Severe BA
Sinus arrythmia
Atrial arrhythmia
Nodal arrhythmia
Ventricular arrhytmia
Types of cardiac tissue
(on the basis of impulse generation)
(Ca++ driven tissues)
 Includes SA node, AV node, bundle of His,
Purkinje fibres
 Capable of generating their own impulse
 Normally SA node acts as Pacemaker of heart
CONTRACTILE FIBRES (Na+ driven tissues)
 Cannot generate own impulse
 Includes atria and ventricles
In automatic tissues In non-automatic
+30 mV
0 mV
-80 mV
-90 mV
Phase zero
Plateau phase
Phase 4
+30 mV
0 mV
-80 mV
-90 mV
 Occurs in atria, ventricles,
 Predominant ion in phase-
0 is Na+
 Conduction velocity more
 Selective channel blocker
is tetradotoxin , LA
 Occurs in SA node, A-V
 Predominant ion in
phase-0 is Ca2+
 Less
 Selective channel blockers
are calcium channel
 Automaticity
 Capacity of a cell to undergo spontaneous
diastolic depolarization
 Excitability
 Ability of a cell to respond to external stimulus
by depolariztion
 Threshold potential
 Level of intracellular negativity at which abrupt
and complete depolarization occurs
 Conduction velocity of impulse
 Determined primarily by slope of action
potential and amplitude of phase-0, any
reduction in slope leads to depression of
 Propagation of impulse
 Depends on ERP & Conduction velocity
Refractory period
Mechanisms of cardiac arrythmia
• Abnormal impulse generation:
• Depressed automaticity
• Enhanced automaticity
• Triggered activity (after depolarization):
• Delayed after depolarization
• Early after depolarization
• Abnormal impulse conduction:
• Conduction block
• Re-entry phenomenon
• Accessory tract pathways
Regulation by autonomic tone
Parasympathetic/Vagus Nerve
• Ach binds to M2 receptors
• Activate Ach dependent outward K+
conductance (thus hyperpolarisation)
• ↓ phase 4 AP
Sympathetic stimulation:
• Activation of β1 receptors
• Augmentation of L-type Ca2+ current
• Phase 4 AP slope increased
Phase 0
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
(Plateau Phase)
Class I:
Na + channel blockers.
- Pacemaker potential
Class III:
K + channel blockers
Class IV:
Ca ++ channel blockers
Class II:
Beta blockers
Classification of Anti-Arrhythmic Drugs
Classification of Anti-Arrhythmic Drugs
Phase 4
Phase 0
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
0 mV
Class I: block Na+ channels
Ia quinidine, procainamide,
disopyramide (1-10s)
Ib lignocaine (<1s)
Ic flecainide(>10s)
Class II: ß-adrenoceptor
antagonists atenolol, sotalol
Class III: prolong action potential
and prolong refractory period
amiodarone, dofetilide, sotalol
Class IV: Ca2+ channel antagonists
verapamil, diltiazem
• Bind to and block Na+ channels (and K+
• Act on initial rapid depolarisation
(slowing effect)
• Do not alter resting membrane potential
(Membrane Stabilisers).
• Bind preferentially to the open channel
• USE DEPENDENCE : The more the
channel is in use, the more drug is bound
Class I: Na+ Channel Blockers
Class I: Na+ Channel Blockers
• IA: Ʈrecovery moderate (1-10sec)
Prolong APD
• IB: Ʈrecovery fast (<1sec)
• IC: Ʈrecovery slow(>10sec)
Minimal effect on APD
Class IA
Alkaloid –
cinchona ,
isomer of
and k+
rinic and
mg/kg at
per min
mg q6h
6-8 hrs
eniaLong QT
and torsades
des pointes,
1:1 ventricular
response to
atrial flutter;
increased risk
of some
in patients
heart disease
Rise in blood levels
and toxicity of
digoxin due to
displacement from
tissue binding and
inhibition of
mediated renal and
biliary clearance of
Marked fall in BP in
patients receiving
Risk of torsades de
pointes is increased
by hypokalaemia
caused by diuretics.
Synergistic cardiac
depression with β-
blockers, verapamil,
K+ salts.
Quinidine inhibits
of the local
c procaine
and k+
15 mg/kg
over 60
min IV
ce 1–4
3-5 hrs
like syndrome
(more common
in slow
anorexia, nausea,
Long QT and
torsades des
pointes, 1:1
response to atrial
flutter; increased
risk of some
tachycardias in
patients with
structural heart
and k+
The primary
indication of
as a second
line drug for
prevention of
recurrences of
It may also be
used for
therapy after
of AF .
300 mg
c effects,
ng QT and
torsades des
pointes, 1:1
response to
atrial flutter;
increased risk
of some
in patients
with structural
heart disease
 Moricizine This Class IA drug delays Na+
channel recovery to a greater extent (also
classified as Class IC).
 It has been used to suppress VE and WPW
arrhythmias, AF prevention
 but the CAST II study has found it to
increase mortality in post-MI patients.
 dosage100–400mg q8h orally t1/2 3–13hrs
 Blocks inactivated sodium channels more than open
 Relatively selective for partially depolarized cells
 Selectively acts on diseased myocardium
 Rapid onset & shorter duration of action
 Useful only in ventricular arrhythmias , Digitalis
induced ventricular arrnhythmias
× Lidocaine decreases APD in PF and ventricular muscle, but
has practically no effect on APD and ERP of atrial fibres
 Atrial action potentials are so short that the Na+ channel
is in the inactivated state only briefly compared with
diastolic (recovery) times, which are relatively long
 T ½ = 8 min – distributive, 2 hrs – elimination
 Used in:
Ventricular arrhythmia
Digoxin induced arrhythmia
 Dose=1–3 mg/kg at 20–50 mg/min maintainance 1–4 mg/min iv
Adverse effects
 The main toxicity is dose related neurological effects:
 Drowsiness, nausea, paresthesias, blurred vision, disorientation,
nystagmus, twitchings and fits.
 Lidocaine has practically no proarrhythmic potential and is the least
cardiotoxic antiarrhythmic.
 Only excessive doses cause cardiac depression and hypotension
 Local anaesthetic
 Inactive orally
 Given IV for antiarrhythmic action
 Na+ channel blockade which occurs
 Only in inactive state of Na+ channels
 CNS side effects in high doses
 Action lasts only for 15 min
 Inhibits purkinje fibres and ventricles but
 No action on AVN and SAN so
 Effective in Ventricular arrhythmias only
 Oral analogue of lignocaine
 Mexiletine is almost completely absorbed
orally, 90% metabolized in liver and excreted
in urine; plasma t½ 9–12 hours.
 It reduces automaticity in PF, both by
decreasing phase-4 slope and by increasing
threshold voltage
 Use:
 chronic treatment of ventricular arrhythmias
associated with previous MI
 Tremor is early sign of mexiletine toxicity
 Bradycardia, hypotension and accentuation
of A-V block may attend i.v. injection of
 Neurological—tremor, nausea and vomiting
are common; dizziness, confusion, blurred
vision,ataxia can occur.
 Dosage 150–300 mg q8–12h orally
 Structurally similar to lignocaine but can be
administered orally t1/2 – 11-23 hrs
 Serious non cardiac side effects like
pulmonary fibrosis, agranulocytosis,
thrombocytopenia limit its use
Class I C drugs
Encainide, Flecainide, Propafenone
Have minimal effect on
Are most potent sodium
channel blockers
Risk of cardiac arrest ,
sudden death so not
used commonly
May be used in severe
ventricular arrhythmias
 Structural similarity with propranolol & has -blocking
 T ½ - 2 – 10 hrs
 Undergoes variable first pass metabolism
 USES Reserve drug for ventricular arrhythmias, re-
entrant tachycardia involving accesory pathway,to
maintain sinus rhythum in AF dosage 150–300 mg q8h
 Adverse effects:nausea,vomiting,bitter taste,blurred
vision,constipation and is proarrhythmic
 C/I in structural heart disease
 Orally active antiarrhythmic
 Metabolized by microsomal enzymes (t ½ - 20 hrs)
 Used for ventricular tachyarrhythmias &
maintenance of sinus rhythm in patients with
paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and/or atrial flutter
 C/I in pts with structural heart disease
 Adverse events :
 Heart failure, dizziness, headache , Blurred vision
■ Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Test
(CAST Trial):
■When Flecainide & other Class Ic given
prophylactically to patients convalescing
from Myocardial Infarction it increased
mortality by 2½ fold. Therefore the trial had
to be prematurely terminated
Ia Ib Ic
Moderate Na
channel blockade
Mild Na channel
Marked Na channel
Slow rate of rise of
Phase 0
Limited effect on
Phase 0
Markedly reduces
rate of rise of phase
refractoriness by
blocking several
types of K channels
Little effect on
refractoriness as
there is minimal
effect on K channels
refractoriness by
blocking delayed
rectifier K channels
Lengthen APD &
Shorten APD &
No effect on APD &
Prolong PR, QRS QT unaltered or
slightly shortened
Markedly prolong
 Depress phase 4 depolarization of
pacemaker cells,
 Slow sinus as well as AV nodal conduction
↑ ERP, prolong AP Duration by ↓ AV
 Reduce myocardial oxygen demand
 Well tolerated, Safer
β Adrenergic
β Blockers
↑ magnitude of Ca2+ current &
slows its inactivation
↓ Intracellular Ca2+ overload
↑ Pacemaker current→↑ heart
↓Pacemaker current→↓ heart
↑ DAD & EAD mediated
Inhibits after-depolarization
mediated automaticity
• Major drugs
• Acebutolol & esmolol, more selective β1-adrenoceptor
antagonists Used to treat ventricular arrhythmias
• Propranolol, metoprolol, nadolol, and timolol frequently
used to prevent recurrent MI
• Esmolol 500 micro g/kg iv over 1 min maintainance 50
micro g/kg per min for AF/AFL rate control
• Metoprolol 5mg over 3 to 5 min iv 3 doses maintainance
1.25 to 5 mg 6th hrly for SVT,AF rate control,exercise
induced VT, long QT
• Acebutolol 200–400 mg q12h oral
• Atenolol 25–100mg per d oral
• Metoprolol 25–100 q6h oral
 Control supraventricular arrhythmias
 Atrial flutter, fibrillation, PSVT
 Treat tachyarrhythmias caused by
 Hyperthyroidism Pheochromocytoma,
during anaesthesia with halothane
 Digitalis induced tachyarrythmias
 Prophylactic in post-MI
 Ventricular arrhythmias in prolonged QT
Class III drugs
↑APD & ↑RP by
blocking the K+
Block IK
k+ and
ed na+
β blocking
action ,
t VT
nt VF
in AF
n for 10
min iv
for 6 hrs
nce 0.5-
t1/2 3 to
8 wks
hypo- and
bradycardia, AV
block, increase in
long QT and
torsades des
pointes, 1:1
conduction with
atrial flutter
digoxin and
warfarin levels
by reducing their
renal clearance.
Additive A-V
block can occur
in patients
receiving β
blockers or
calcium channel
Inducers and
inhibitors of
decrease and
 Antiarrhythmic
 Multiple actions
 Iodine containing
 Orally used mainly
 Duration of action is very long (t ½ = 3-8
 APD & ERP increases
 Resistant AF, V tach, Recurrent VF are
 On prolonged use- pulmonary fibrosis
 Neuropathy may occur
 Eye : corneal microdeposits may occur
• Bretylium:
― Adrenergic neuron blocker used in resistant ventricular arrhythmias
― Major direct action is prolongation of APD and ERP, due to K+
channel blockade
• Sotalol:
– Beta blocker
– Also prolongs cardiac action potentials by inhibiting delayed
rectifier and possibly other K+ currents
– AF/VT prevention
– 80–160mg q12h with t1/2 of 12hrs
• Dofetilide, Ibutilide :
– Selective K+ channel blocker
– use in AF to convert or maintain sinus rhythm
– Dofetilide 0.125–0.5 mg q12h orally with t1/2 10hrs
– Ibutilide 1 mg over 10 min iv if over 60 kg
 Dronedarone –used in AF/AFL,C/I in
CHF,LF 400 mg q12 hr orally
 Vernakalant –under trials
 Azimilide –under trials
 Tedisamil-under trials
Calcium channel blockers (Class IV)
• Inhibit the inward
movement of calcium
↓ contractility,
automaticity , and AV
• Verapamil &
It blocks L type Ca2+ channels
The basic action of verapamil is to depress Ca2+ mediated
This suppresses automaticity or reentry dependent on
slow response
The most consistent action of verapamil is prolongation of
A-V nodal ERP.
As a result A-V conduction is markedly slowed and reentry
involving A-V node is terminated
• Uses:
– Terminate PSVT 5–10 mg over 3–5 min IV
maintainance 2.5–10 mg/h
– control ventricular rate in atrial flutter or fibrillation
80–120mg q6–8h orally
• Drug interactions:
– Displaces digoxin from binding sites
– ↓ renal clearance of digoxin
– CI in sick sinus and partial heart block
×The direct cardiac actions of diltiazem are similar to those of
×It is an alternative to verapamil for PSVT.
×For rapid control of ventricular rate in AF or AFl, i.v.
diltiazem is preferred over verapamil,because
it can be more easily titrated to the target heart rate,
causes less hypotension and myocardial depression
can be used even in the presence of mild-to-
moderate CHF.
0.25 mg/kg IV over 3–5 min (max 20 mg)
maintainance 5–15 mg/h
30–60 mg q6h orally
Other antiarrhythmics
• Adenosine :
– Purine nucleoside having short and rapid action
– IV suppresses automaticity, AV conduction and dilates
– Drug of choice for PSVT 6–18 mg (rapid bolus) t1/2 10 sec
– Adverse events:
• Nausea, dyspnoea, flushing, headache ,bronchospasm
• All arrhythmias potentiated by profound pauses, atrial
Drug interactions -Dipyridamole potentiates its action by inhibiting
uptake, while theophylline/ caffeine antagonize its action by blocking
adenosine receptors
• Acts on specific G protein-coupled adenosine
• Activates AcH sensitive K+ channels channels in
SA node, AV node & Atrium
• Shortens APD, hyperpolarization & ↓
• Inhibits effects of ↑ cAMP with sympathetic
• ↓ Ca currents
• ↑AV Nodal refractoriness & inhibit DAD’s
 Atropine: Used in sinus bradycardia ,av
 Digitalis: Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter
0.125–0.5mg qd orally
0.25 mg q2h iv until 1 mg
• Its mechanism of action is unknown but
may influence Na+/K+ATPase, Na+
channels, certain K+ channels & Ca2+
• Use: Digitalis induced arrhythmias if
hypomagnesemia present, refractory
ventricular tachyarrythmias, Torsade de
pointes even if serum Mg2+ is normal
• Given 1g over 20mins
Anti arrhythmic drugs
Anti arrhythmic drugs

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Anti arrhythmic drugs

  • 3. A-RHYTHM –IA • Defn- Arrhythmia is deviation of heart from normal RHYTHM. • RHYTHM 1. HR- 60-100 2. Should origin from SAN 3. Cardiac impulse should propagate through normal conduction pathway 4. with normal velocity.
  • 5. 100 60 Normal range 150 Simple tachyarrythmia 250 Paroxysmal TA 350 Atrial flutter . 500 Atrial fibrillation 40 Mild bradyarrhythmias 20 moderate BA Severe BA
  • 6. ARRHYTHMIAS Sinus arrythmia Atrial arrhythmia Nodal arrhythmia (junctional) Ventricular arrhytmia SVT
  • 7. Types of cardiac tissue (on the basis of impulse generation) • AUTOMATIC/ PACEMAKER/ CONDUCTING FIBRES (Ca++ driven tissues)  Includes SA node, AV node, bundle of His, Purkinje fibres  Capable of generating their own impulse  Normally SA node acts as Pacemaker of heart • NON-AUTOMATIC MYOCARDIAL CONTRACTILE FIBRES (Na+ driven tissues)  Cannot generate own impulse  Includes atria and ventricles
  • 8. MYOCARDIAL ACTION POTENTIAL In automatic tissues In non-automatic tissues
  • 10. +30 mV 0 mV -80 mV -90 mV OUTSIDE MEMBRANE INSIDE Na+ 0 4 3 2 1 K+ Ca++K+ At p K+ Na+ K+ Ca++ Na+ K+ Na+ Resting open Inactivated Phase zero depolarization Early repolarization Plateau phase Rapid Repolarization phase Phase 4 depolarization
  • 12. +30 mV 0 mV -80 mV -90 mV OUTSIDE MEMBRANE INSIDE Na+ 0 4 3 2 1 K+ Ca++K+ At p K+ Na+ K+ Ca++ Na+ K+
  • 13. FAST CHANNEL AP SLOW CHANNEL AP  Occurs in atria, ventricles, PF  Predominant ion in phase- 0 is Na+  Conduction velocity more  Selective channel blocker is tetradotoxin , LA  Occurs in SA node, A-V node  Predominant ion in phase-0 is Ca2+  Less  Selective channel blockers are calcium channel blockers
  • 14. COMMON TERMS  Automaticity  Capacity of a cell to undergo spontaneous diastolic depolarization  Excitability  Ability of a cell to respond to external stimulus by depolariztion  Threshold potential  Level of intracellular negativity at which abrupt and complete depolarization occurs
  • 15. COMMON TERMS  Conduction velocity of impulse  Determined primarily by slope of action potential and amplitude of phase-0, any reduction in slope leads to depression of conduction  Propagation of impulse  Depends on ERP & Conduction velocity
  • 17. Mechanisms of cardiac arrythmia • Abnormal impulse generation: • Depressed automaticity • Enhanced automaticity • Triggered activity (after depolarization): • Delayed after depolarization • Early after depolarization • Abnormal impulse conduction: • Conduction block • Re-entry phenomenon • Accessory tract pathways
  • 18. Regulation by autonomic tone Parasympathetic/Vagus Nerve stimulation: • Ach binds to M2 receptors • Activate Ach dependent outward K+ conductance (thus hyperpolarisation) • ↓ phase 4 AP Sympathetic stimulation: • Activation of β1 receptors • Augmentation of L-type Ca2+ current • Phase 4 AP slope increased
  • 19. Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 R.M.P (Plateau Phase) Class I: Na + channel blockers. - Pacemaker potential - - - Class III: K + channel blockers - Class IV: Ca ++ channel blockers Class II: Beta blockers Classification of Anti-Arrhythmic Drugs
  • 20. Classification of Anti-Arrhythmic Drugs (Vaughan-Williams-Singh..1969) Phase 4 Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 0 mV - 80m V II I III IV Class I: block Na+ channels Ia quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide (1-10s) Ib lignocaine (<1s) Ic flecainide(>10s) Class II: ß-adrenoceptor antagonists atenolol, sotalol Class III: prolong action potential and prolong refractory period amiodarone, dofetilide, sotalol Class IV: Ca2+ channel antagonists verapamil, diltiazem
  • 21.
  • 22. • Bind to and block Na+ channels (and K+ also) • Act on initial rapid depolarisation (slowing effect) • Do not alter resting membrane potential (Membrane Stabilisers). • Bind preferentially to the open channel state • USE DEPENDENCE : The more the channel is in use, the more drug is bound Class I: Na+ Channel Blockers
  • 23.
  • 24. Class I: Na+ Channel Blockers • IA: Ʈrecovery moderate (1-10sec) Prolong APD • IB: Ʈrecovery fast (<1sec) Shorten • IC: Ʈrecovery slow(>10sec) Minimal effect on APD
  • 26. DRUG MOA AP USES DOSAGE ADVERSE EFFECTS DRUG INTERACTIO NS Quinidine Alkaloid – cinchona , dextro isomer of quinine Blocks activated na+ channels and k+ channels Antimusca rinic and alpha blocking property INC APD INC ERP Conver t/preve nt AF/VT 6–10 mg/kg at 0.3–0.5 mg/kg per min IV 300–600 mg q6h orally t1/2 6-8 hrs Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, cinchonism, thrombocytop eniaLong QT and torsades des pointes, 1:1 ventricular response to atrial flutter; increased risk of some ventricular tachycardias in patients with structural heart disease Rise in blood levels and toxicity of digoxin due to displacement from tissue binding and inhibition of Pglycoprotein mediated renal and biliary clearance of digoxin. Marked fall in BP in patients receiving vasodilators. Risk of torsades de pointes is increased by hypokalaemia caused by diuretics. Synergistic cardiac depression with β- blockers, verapamil, K+ salts. Quinidine inhibits CYP2D6:
  • 27. DRUG MOA AP USES DOSAGE ADVERSE EFFECTS DRUG INTERAC TIONS Procainam ide orally active amide derivative of the local anaestheti c procaine Blocks activated na+ channels and k+ channels Antimusca rinic INC APD INC ERP Monom orphic VT, WPW Syndro me,AF 15 mg/kg over 60 min IV with maintainan ce 1–4 mg/min 250–500 q3–6h orally t1/2 3-5 hrs Lupus erythematosus- like syndrome (more common in slow acetylators), anorexia, nausea, neutropenia Long QT and torsades des pointes, 1:1 ventricular response to atrial flutter; increased risk of some ventricular tachycardias in patients with structural heart disease
  • 28. DRUG MOA AP USES DOSA GE ADVERSE EFFECTS DRUG INTERAC TIONS Disopyra mide Blocks activated na+ channels and k+ channels Antimusca rinic INC APD INC ERP The primary indication of disopyramide is as a second line drug for prevention of recurrences of ventricular arrhythmia. It may also be used for maintenance therapy after cardioversion of AF . 100– 300 mg q6–8h orally t1/2 4-10 hrs Anticholinergi c effects, decreased myocardial contractilityLo ng QT and torsades des pointes, 1:1 ventricular response to atrial flutter; increased risk of some ventricular tachycardias in patients with structural heart disease Contrain dications are—sick sinus, cardiac failuren
  • 29.  Moricizine This Class IA drug delays Na+ channel recovery to a greater extent (also classified as Class IC).  It has been used to suppress VE and WPW arrhythmias, AF prevention  but the CAST II study has found it to increase mortality in post-MI patients.  dosage100–400mg q8h orally t1/2 3–13hrs
  • 31. LIGNOCAINE  Blocks inactivated sodium channels more than open state  Relatively selective for partially depolarized cells  Selectively acts on diseased myocardium  Rapid onset & shorter duration of action  Useful only in ventricular arrhythmias , Digitalis induced ventricular arrnhythmias × Lidocaine decreases APD in PF and ventricular muscle, but has practically no effect on APD and ERP of atrial fibres  Atrial action potentials are so short that the Na+ channel is in the inactivated state only briefly compared with diastolic (recovery) times, which are relatively long
  • 32.  T ½ = 8 min – distributive, 2 hrs – elimination  Used in: Ventricular arrhythmia Digoxin induced arrhythmia  Dose=1–3 mg/kg at 20–50 mg/min maintainance 1–4 mg/min iv Adverse effects  The main toxicity is dose related neurological effects:  Drowsiness, nausea, paresthesias, blurred vision, disorientation, nystagmus, twitchings and fits.  Lidocaine has practically no proarrhythmic potential and is the least cardiotoxic antiarrhythmic.  Only excessive doses cause cardiac depression and hypotension
  • 33.  Local anaesthetic  Inactive orally  Given IV for antiarrhythmic action  Na+ channel blockade which occurs  Only in inactive state of Na+ channels  CNS side effects in high doses  Action lasts only for 15 min  Inhibits purkinje fibres and ventricles but  No action on AVN and SAN so  Effective in Ventricular arrhythmias only
  • 34. MEXILETINE  Oral analogue of lignocaine  Mexiletine is almost completely absorbed orally, 90% metabolized in liver and excreted in urine; plasma t½ 9–12 hours.  It reduces automaticity in PF, both by decreasing phase-4 slope and by increasing threshold voltage  Use:  chronic treatment of ventricular arrhythmias associated with previous MI  Tremor is early sign of mexiletine toxicity
  • 35.  Bradycardia, hypotension and accentuation of A-V block may attend i.v. injection of mexiletine.  Neurological—tremor, nausea and vomiting are common; dizziness, confusion, blurred vision,ataxia can occur.  Dosage 150–300 mg q8–12h orally
  • 36. TOCAINIDE  Structurally similar to lignocaine but can be administered orally t1/2 – 11-23 hrs  Serious non cardiac side effects like pulmonary fibrosis, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia limit its use
  • 37. Class I C drugs Encainide, Flecainide, Propafenone Have minimal effect on repolarization Are most potent sodium channel blockers Risk of cardiac arrest , sudden death so not used commonly May be used in severe ventricular arrhythmias
  • 38. PROPAFENONE  Structural similarity with propranolol & has -blocking action  T ½ - 2 – 10 hrs  Undergoes variable first pass metabolism  USES Reserve drug for ventricular arrhythmias, re- entrant tachycardia involving accesory pathway,to maintain sinus rhythum in AF dosage 150–300 mg q8h  Adverse effects:nausea,vomiting,bitter taste,blurred vision,constipation and is proarrhythmic  C/I in structural heart disease
  • 39. Flecainde Flecainide  Orally active antiarrhythmic  Metabolized by microsomal enzymes (t ½ - 20 hrs)  Used for ventricular tachyarrhythmias & maintenance of sinus rhythm in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and/or atrial flutter & WPW  C/I in pts with structural heart disease  Adverse events :  Heart failure, dizziness, headache , Blurred vision
  • 40. Flecainde ■ Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Test (CAST Trial): ■When Flecainide & other Class Ic given prophylactically to patients convalescing from Myocardial Infarction it increased mortality by 2½ fold. Therefore the trial had to be prematurely terminated
  • 41. Ia Ib Ic Moderate Na channel blockade Mild Na channel blockade Marked Na channel blockade Slow rate of rise of Phase 0 Limited effect on Phase 0 Markedly reduces rate of rise of phase 0 Prolong refractoriness by blocking several types of K channels Little effect on refractoriness as there is minimal effect on K channels Prolong refractoriness by blocking delayed rectifier K channels Lengthen APD & repolarization Shorten APD & repolarization No effect on APD & repolarization Prolong PR, QRS QT unaltered or slightly shortened Markedly prolong PR & QRS
  • 42. BETA BLOCKERS  Depress phase 4 depolarization of pacemaker cells,  Slow sinus as well as AV nodal conduction ↑ ERP, prolong AP Duration by ↓ AV conduction  Reduce myocardial oxygen demand  Well tolerated, Safer
  • 43. β Adrenergic Stimulation β Blockers ↑ magnitude of Ca2+ current & slows its inactivation ↓ Intracellular Ca2+ overload ↑ Pacemaker current→↑ heart rate ↓Pacemaker current→↓ heart rate ↑ DAD & EAD mediated arrhythmias Inhibits after-depolarization mediated automaticity
  • 44. • Major drugs • Acebutolol & esmolol, more selective β1-adrenoceptor antagonists Used to treat ventricular arrhythmias • Propranolol, metoprolol, nadolol, and timolol frequently used to prevent recurrent MI • Esmolol 500 micro g/kg iv over 1 min maintainance 50 micro g/kg per min for AF/AFL rate control • Metoprolol 5mg over 3 to 5 min iv 3 doses maintainance 1.25 to 5 mg 6th hrly for SVT,AF rate control,exercise induced VT, long QT • Acebutolol 200–400 mg q12h oral • Atenolol 25–100mg per d oral • Metoprolol 25–100 q6h oral
  • 45.  Control supraventricular arrhythmias  Atrial flutter, fibrillation, PSVT  Treat tachyarrhythmias caused by adrenergic  Hyperthyroidism Pheochromocytoma, during anaesthesia with halothane  Digitalis induced tachyarrythmias  Prophylactic in post-MI  Ventricular arrhythmias in prolonged QT syndrome USE’S
  • 46. Class III drugs ↑APD & ↑RP by blocking the K+ channels
  • 48. DRUG MOA AP USES DOSA GE ADVERSE EFFECTS DRUG INTERACTION S Amioda rone Blocks k+ and inactivat ed na+ channels β blocking action , Blocks Ca2+ channels INC APD INC ERP Resistan t VT Reccure nt VF For sinus rhythm in AF SVT WPW 15mgmi n for 10 min iv then 1mgmin for 6 hrs maintena nce 0.5- 1mg Min 100- 400mg qid t1/2 3 to 8 wks Tremor, peripheral neuropathy, pulmonary inflammation, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, photosensitivity Sinus bradycardia, AV block, increase in defibrillation thresholdRare: long QT and torsades des pointes, 1:1 ventricular conduction with atrial flutter digoxin and warfarin levels by reducing their renal clearance. Additive A-V block can occur in patients receiving β blockers or calcium channel blockers. Inducers and inhibitors of CYP3A4 respectively decrease and increase amiodarone levels.
  • 49.  Antiarrhythmic  Multiple actions  Iodine containing  Orally used mainly  Duration of action is very long (t ½ = 3-8 weeks)  APD & ERP increases  Resistant AF, V tach, Recurrent VF are indications  On prolonged use- pulmonary fibrosis  Neuropathy may occur  Eye : corneal microdeposits may occur
  • 50. • Bretylium: ― Adrenergic neuron blocker used in resistant ventricular arrhythmias ― Major direct action is prolongation of APD and ERP, due to K+ channel blockade • Sotalol: – Beta blocker – Also prolongs cardiac action potentials by inhibiting delayed rectifier and possibly other K+ currents – AF/VT prevention – 80–160mg q12h with t1/2 of 12hrs • Dofetilide, Ibutilide : – Selective K+ channel blocker – use in AF to convert or maintain sinus rhythm – Dofetilide 0.125–0.5 mg q12h orally with t1/2 10hrs – Ibutilide 1 mg over 10 min iv if over 60 kg
  • 51.  Dronedarone –used in AF/AFL,C/I in CHF,LF 400 mg q12 hr orally  Vernakalant –under trials  Azimilide –under trials  Tedisamil-under trials NEWER CLASS 3 DRUGS
  • 52. Calcium channel blockers (Class IV) • Inhibit the inward movement of calcium ↓ contractility, automaticity , and AV conduction. • Verapamil & diltiazem
  • 53. Verapamil It blocks L type Ca2+ channels The basic action of verapamil is to depress Ca2+ mediated depolarization. This suppresses automaticity or reentry dependent on slow response The most consistent action of verapamil is prolongation of A-V nodal ERP. As a result A-V conduction is markedly slowed and reentry involving A-V node is terminated
  • 54. • Uses: – Terminate PSVT 5–10 mg over 3–5 min IV maintainance 2.5–10 mg/h – control ventricular rate in atrial flutter or fibrillation 80–120mg q6–8h orally • Drug interactions: – Displaces digoxin from binding sites – ↓ renal clearance of digoxin – CI in sick sinus and partial heart block
  • 55. ×The direct cardiac actions of diltiazem are similar to those of verapamil ×It is an alternative to verapamil for PSVT. ×For rapid control of ventricular rate in AF or AFl, i.v. diltiazem is preferred over verapamil,because it can be more easily titrated to the target heart rate, causes less hypotension and myocardial depression can be used even in the presence of mild-to- moderate CHF. Diltiazem DOSAGE 0.25 mg/kg IV over 3–5 min (max 20 mg) maintainance 5–15 mg/h 30–60 mg q6h orally
  • 56. Other antiarrhythmics • Adenosine : – Purine nucleoside having short and rapid action – IV suppresses automaticity, AV conduction and dilates coronaries – Drug of choice for PSVT 6–18 mg (rapid bolus) t1/2 10 sec – Adverse events: • Nausea, dyspnoea, flushing, headache ,bronchospasm • All arrhythmias potentiated by profound pauses, atrial fibrillation Drug interactions -Dipyridamole potentiates its action by inhibiting uptake, while theophylline/ caffeine antagonize its action by blocking adenosine receptors
  • 57. Adenosine • Acts on specific G protein-coupled adenosine receptors • Activates AcH sensitive K+ channels channels in SA node, AV node & Atrium • Shortens APD, hyperpolarization & ↓ automaticity • Inhibits effects of ↑ cAMP with sympathetic stimulation • ↓ Ca currents • ↑AV Nodal refractoriness & inhibit DAD’s
  • 59.  Atropine: Used in sinus bradycardia ,av block  Digitalis: Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter 0.125–0.5mg qd orally 0.25 mg q2h iv until 1 mg
  • 60. Magnesium • Its mechanism of action is unknown but may influence Na+/K+ATPase, Na+ channels, certain K+ channels & Ca2+ channels • Use: Digitalis induced arrhythmias if hypomagnesemia present, refractory ventricular tachyarrythmias, Torsade de pointes even if serum Mg2+ is normal • Given 1g over 20mins

Editor's Notes

  1. Deviation from the normal pattern of cardiac rhythm May occur when there is disturbance in initiation or conduction of cardiac impulse Range from asymptomatic to life threatening
  2. Non automatic fibres: these are ordinary working myocardial fibres, cannot generate the impulse of their own, during diastole RMP remains stable -90mV inside. When stimulated they depolarize rapidly (Fast phase-0) with considerable overshoot (+30mV), rapid return to near isoelectric level 0mV (Phase-1), maintenance of membrane potential at this level for a considerable period of time (Phase-2) plateau phase during which calcium ions flow in and bring about contraction, then relatively rapid repolarization (Phase-3) mainly by continued extrusion of potassium via potassium channel, phase 4 resting phase, in this phase the final ionic reconstitution of cell is achieved by na-k+ exchange pump which actively pushes Na+ out of cell and K+ into the cell. The resting membrane potential once attained doesnot decay (stable- phase4). Automatic fibres: they are present in SA node, AV node and his-purkinje system. i.e the specialized conducting tissue(in addition patches are present around interatrial septum, A-V ring and around openings of great veins. The most charecteristic feature of these fibres is the phae 4 or slow diastolic depolarization i.e after repolarizing to the maximum value membrane potential decays spontaneously when it reaches a critical threshold value –sudden depolariztion occurs automatically . Thus they are capable of generating their own impulse. The rate of impulse generation by a particular fibre depends upon the value of maximum diastolic potential , slope of phase 4 depolarization and value of threshold potential . Why SA node acts as pacemaker: SA node has steepest phase-4 depolarization undergoes self excitation and propogates the implse to the rest of the heart- acts a pacemaker. Other fibres which also undergo phase 4 depolarization but at a slower rate receive propogated impulsebefore reaching threshold valueand remain as latent pacemakers.
  3. RMP IS -90 MV Cardiac bounded by a lipoprotein membrane which has receptor channels crossing it WHEN AN ATRIAL OR VENTRICULAR CELL RECIEVES An action potential it starts depolarising in response to it..and sodium starts entering it Intracellular negativity starts diminishing When such depolarisation reaches a threshold potential, the sodium channels open abruptly Na enters cell in large quantities CELL MEMBRANE ACTION POTENTIAL CHANGES FROM -90 TO ALMOST +30MV Phase 0: rapid depolarisation…fast selective inflow of na ions During latter part, ca ions also enter the cell via na channels Frther in phase 1 and 2 ca ions enter thru slow ca channels THE CONFORMATION OF THE SODIUM CHANNELS HENCE CHANGES TO INACTIVE STATE The ca which enters the cell in dis manner causes release of ca from sarcoplasmic reticulumraising the conc of ca within the cells This intracellular free ca interacts with actin myocin system and causes contraction of heart Afetr this, phase 1: short rapid repolarisation due to beginning of outflow of potassium and entry of cloride ions into the cells, MEMBRANE CHARGE CHANGES FROM +30 TO ALMOST 0 MV IN VERY SHORT TIME Phase 2 : prolonged plateau phase.. Balance bw ca enterin the cell and k leavin the cell..VOLTAGE SENSITIVE SLOW l type CA CHANNELS OPEN …SLOW INWARD CA CURRENT BALANCED BY SLOW OUTWARD K CURRENT..DEPOLARISATION = REPOLARISATION Phase 3 : rapid repolarisation.. CA CHANNELS CLOSE…K CHANNELS OPEN..Contimued extrusion of k…RESUMES INITIAL NEGATIVITY FROM PHASE 0 TO 3 THERE HAS BEEN A GAIN OF NA AND A LOSS OF K ..THIS IS NOW REVERTED AND BALANCED BY NA K ATPASE Phase 4: resting phase..ELECTRICALLY STABLE… Ionic reconstitution of cell is reachieved by na k exchange pump RMP MAINTAINED BY OUTWARD K LEAK CURRENTS AND NA CA EXCHANGERS The cycle is then repeated Inactivation gates of sodium channels in resting membranes close over the potential range of -75 to -55mv Cardiac sodium channel protein shows 3 different conformations Depolarisation to threshold voltage results in opening of the activation gates of sodium channel thus causing markerdly increased sodium permeability Brief intense sodium current , conductance of fast sodium channel suddenly increases in response to depolarising stimulUs Very large influx of na accounts for phase 0 depolarisation Clusure of inactivation gates result Remain inactivated till mid phase 3 to permit a new propagated response to external stimulus…refractory period.. Cardiac calcium channels are L type Phase 1 and 2 : turning off nodium current, waxing and waning of calcium curent, slow development of repolarising potassium current, calcium enters ..potassium leaves.. Phase 3: complete inactivation of sodium and calcium currents and full opening of potassium 2 types of main potassium currents involved in phase 3 : ikr and iks Certain potassium channels are open at rest also…”inward rectifier” channels In addition there are 2 energy requiring exchange pumps in cardiac myocyte cell membrane…na k exchange pump…and and na-ca exchange pump Normally na ions concentrated extracellularly and vice versa for k cions Thus have a tendency odf diffusion along concentration gradient This diffusion is opposed by na k pump This pump operates contimuously and does not switch on and off during action potential of cardiac cells
  4. Action potential in automatic tissues less negative resting membrane potential ,Maximum diastolic potential lies near -60 mv slow diastolic depolarization (phase 4), which generates an action potential as the membrane voltage reaches threshold action potential upstrokes (phase 0) are slow(mediated by calcium rather than sodium current) Action potential is longer Conduction velocity is slow, Refractory period longer Less overshoot low amplitude RMP not stable and full repolarisation at -60mV Phase 1 2 3 indistinguishable Spontaneous Depolarisation occurs due to: Slow, inward Ca2+ currents Slow, inward Na+ currents called “Funny Currents” Ca influx and not of na dominates the depolarisation and is largely responsible for initiation and propagation of ap Thus cardiac automaticity is decreased by calcium channel blockers in case of slow channel AP Steeper the diastolic depolarisation, higher is the pacemaker rate SA node has the steepest phase 4 depolarisation Other nodal cells can become pacemakers when their own intrinsic rate of depolarisation is greater than SA node(latent pacemakers) In all pacemaker cells, the outward potassium current during phase 4 is smaller, which keeps the cell with automaticity in a less negative potential (near depolarisation state -60mv). The depolarising inward calcium currents are large enough to gradually depolarise the cell during diastole Vagal discharge and beta blockers slow the phase 4 slope Tachycardia is caused by increased paceamkers discharge ..due to increased phase 4 slope..reasons may be: hypokalemia, beta stimulation, positive chronotropic drugs, fibre strech, acidosis, partial depolarisation by currents of injury
  5. Coronary sinus opening also ERP< APD in fast channel, ERP> APD in slow channel , slow channel AP can occur in purkinje fibres also, but it has much longer duration with prominent plateu phase.
  6. In normal heart automaticity is maximum in SA node (Pacemaker). In diseased heart, other areas of myocardium may may develop automaticity and become focus of ectopic impulse generation and arrhythmias. Excitability: can be conceived in terms of minimum intensity of stimulus required to depolarize the cell membrane. It depends upon the level of resting(diastolic) intracellular negativity, if negeativity decreases eg from -90mV TO -70mV excitability of cell increases. Threshold potential: if threshold potential is raised changed from -70 to -60 mV Automaticity of tissue is supressed.
  7. A drug which reduces phase zero slope(at any given RMP) will shift membrane responsiveness curve to right and impede the conduction. Reverse occurs if a drug shifts curve to left. Normally purkinje fibres have highest conduction velocity 4000 mm/sec
  8. Protective mechanism and keeps the heart rate in check, prevents arrhythmias and coordinates muscle contraction It extends from phase 0 uptill sufficient recovery of Na channels. Divided into:
  9. Class Ib drug blocks sodium channels more in inactivated state than open state but do not delay the channel recovery they do not deprss AV condcution or prolong APD Even shorten Than with long APD ( Na + channels remain inactivated for long period of time Normal ventricular fibres are minmally affected , depolarized damaged fibres are significantly depressed Brevity of AP and lack of lidocaine effect on channel recovery may explain its inefficacy in atrial arrhythmias No significant hemodynamic effect No significant autonomic actions
  10. IV preparation must not contain preservative , symapthomimetic or vasoconstrictor 1-3 mg/min infusion Clinical Pharmacokinetics High first pass metabolism half-life 1–2 hours a loading dose of 150–200 mg administered over about 15 minutes should be followed by a maintenance infusion of 2–4 mg/min
  11. 400 mg loading dose then 200 mg 8 hrly Contraindicated in patients with AV block as it may accelerate AV block 450- 750 mg of mexiletine orally per day provides significant relief in diabetic neuropathy
  12. Although uses are similar to lidocaine 3:1000 Can also cause nausea, dizziness, paraesthesia, numbness
  13. Can precipitate CHF by depressing AV CONDUCTION and ALSO CAN CAUSE bronchospasm. Dose = 200 mg tds Morcizine has properties of all 3 classes but as it prolongs qrs it has been placed along with class Ic drugs
  14. Usual dose = 100- 200 mg bd orally how ever these drugs are proarrhythmic even when normal doses are administered to patients with sick sinus syndrome pre exixting ventricular tachyarrhythmia, ventricular ectopy or previous MI Currently reserved for life threatening refractory ventricular arrhythmias who do not have CORONARY ATRETY DISEASE. LIKELY HOOD OF DEVELOPING TORSADES DE POINTES IIS SERIOUS DRAWBACK OF THESE DRUGS, OTHER ADVERSE EFFECTS INCLUDE VISUAL DISTURBANCES , DIZZINESS, NAUSEA AND HEADACHE.
  15. Slow sinus as well as av nodal conduction which results in decrease in HR and increase PR atrial depolarization, QT and QRS are not significantly altered.
  16. Propranolol, acebutolol esmolol have been aprroved for antiarrhythmic use
  17. Class III drugs block outward K+ channels during phase III of action potential These drugs prolong the duration of action potential without without affecting phase 0 of action potential or resting membrane potential they instead prolong ERP
  18. Bretylium became obsolete because of poor bioavailability and development of tolerance, reintroduced as antiarrhythmic for parenteral use. Main adverse effect is postural hypotension , nausea, vomiting . Long term use may result in swelling of parotid gland particularly at meal time. It is contraindicated in digitalis induced arrhythmias and cardiogenic shock.
  19. Dronaderone: amiodarone like drug without iodine atoms so no pulmonary or thyroid toxicity. Has shorter half life 1-2 days compared to months Vernakalant mixed sodium and potassium channel blocker Azimilide: blocks rapid and slow components of potassium channels low incidence of torsades de pointes Tedisamil: