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Application Form 
                                                                                  ONAL PAR

          omePlus (Mo
                    ortgage Finan
                                           ance+Current Savings A/c
                                                                  c)                                                            Ho
                                                                                                                                           ucation fund
 MAIN   N APPLICANT                                                                                        JOINT APPLICAN             NT
 Full n name as in NR           RIC/Passport:  Mr  Ms  Mrs  Mdm  Dr                                        Full name as in N           NRIC/Passpor           rt:  Mr  Ms  Mrs  Mdm  Dr 
                                                                                 (underline surrname)                                                                                      (underline surname) 
 NRIC/    /Passport No:          :          Date of Birth:
                                                        f                      Gender:                     NR RIC/Passport N          No:            Date o    of Birth:               Gender:
                                                                                  Male      Fema
                                                                                               ale                                                                                        Male      Fem
 Natio  onality :    Sing       gaporean    SPR    Others:                                                 Na ationality :    Singaporean    SPR    Others:                           : 
 Country of Residen
                  nce :  Singapore   Others:                                                               Co
                                                                                                            ountry of Resid
                                                                                                                          dence :  Singapore   Others: 
     tal Status:     S
                     Single   Marrie
                                   ed  Divorced  O
                                                 Others                                                    Ma
                                                                                                            arital Status:     Single   Mar
                                                                                                                                          rried  Divorced
                                                                                                                                                        d  Others
 No. o
     of Dependent(
                 (s):                                   Race:                                              No
                                                                                                            o. of Dependent(s):                                 Race: 
     est Qualifications Attained:  University     Diploma        A Level                                   Hig
                                                                                                             ghest Qualifications Attaine
                                                                                                                                        ed:  University
                                                                                                                                                      y     Diploma        A Level
 O Lev
     vel    Others:                                                                                        O L
                                                                                                             Level    Others
 Relationship to Joint Applicant:                                                                          Relationship to Main Applican
 Contaact No:                                                                                              Co
                                                                                                            ontact No:
 (HP)                                     (O)                                 (H)                          (HP)                                     (O)                                 (H) 
 Email Address:                                                                                            Em
                                                                                                            mail Address:

    e Address:                                                                                             Ho
                                                                                                            ome Address:

     dence :    Owned      Mortgaged         Parent’s or Relativ
                                                               ve’s                                        Residence :    Owwned      Mort tgaged         Pa
                                                                                                                                                           arent’s or Rela
 Renteed S$_______  __ pm            O
                                     Others:                                                               Rented S$_____   ____ pm            Others: 
     dence Type:    Bungalow      Semi‐D                                                                   Residence Type:    Bungalow      Semi‐D 
     ace      Pte Apt / Condo      M Maisonette / T
                                                  Town house                                                                Apt / Condo      Maisonette / Town house
                                                                                                           Terrace      Pte A                                            e 
 Exec Condo / HUDC      HDB      O   Others:                                                                 ec Condo / HU
                                                                                                           Exe              UDC      HDB      Others: 
  Correspondence A  Address (if dif  fferent from above) 

                                                                                        LOYMENT DETAILS

   Employee       Self‐Employed          Sales / Com
                                                   mmission Earn
                                                               ner            Employee       Sel
                                                                                               lf‐Employed          Sales / Co
                                                                                                                             ommission Earner                 
   Others:                                                                     Oth
Name of Employer/B     Business:                                            Name e of Employer r/Business:

Type o
     of Industry:                         Length
                                               h of Service:        Yr(s) /     M
                                                                                Mth(s)                   Type of Industry:                         Leng
                                                                                                                                                      gth of Service:        Yr(s) /       Mth(s)
Job Designation:                                                                                         Job D
Annual Gross Incom
                 me :S$                                                                                  Annu
                                                                                                            ual Gross Income :S$
Other S
      Source of Inco
                   ome and Amo
                             ount :S$                                                                    Other Source of In
                                                                                                                          ncome and Am
                                                                                                                                     mount :S$ 

Name of Previous Emmployer/Business :(if less than 3 years w
                                                           with                                          Name e of Previous Employer/Business :(if less
                                                                                                                                                      s than 3 years with 
current employer)                                                                                        curre
                                                                                                             ent employer) 
     h of Service wi
                   ith Previous Employer:           Yr(s) /       M
                                                                  Mth(s)                                 Lengt
                                                                                                             th of Service w
                                                                                                                           with Previous Employer:           Yr(s) /         Mth(s)

Job Description with
                   h Previous Em
                               mployer:                                                                  Job D
                                                                                                             Description with Previous Employer: 
Type o
     of Industry                                                                                         Type of Industry 

                                                                       COMBINED F
                                                                       C        FINANCIAL CO
Application Form 
                               RELATIONSHIP W
                                            WITH OTH
                                                   HER BANK
                                                          KS/FINANCIAL INST
       ancial Institution /           Type of Facility*                  Security (if any)                Amount Owin
                                                                                                          A         ng                         Monthly Re
                                                                                                                                                        epayment (S$)
            Bank                                                                                                                           Cash                          CP
   using Loan / Per
                  rsonal Loan / Ca
                                 ar Loan / Study
                                               y Loan / Renova
                                                             ation Loan 

                                                                PROPERT TO BE PURCHAS
                                                                P     TY            SED
   perty Address (Pls include P
                              Project Name, If any):                                             Land Ar
                                                                                                       rea :(if any)                 sf/sm*
                                                                                                                                          *     Built‐in Area:                 sf/sm*
                                                                                                 Tenure:        *Freehold/Leasehold 999 years we       ef    _________
                                                                                                                              old 99 yrs wef
                                                                                                                                           f ___________ 
   perty Type:                                                                                                          Others:
                                                                                                                              : Leasehold __
                                                                                                                                           _________yrs s wef ___________ 
                                                                                                 Purchas    se Price: S$                       Date of Purchase:
HDB                  3‐Roo    om       4‐Room      5‐Room 
                              utive Apartmen     nt / Maisonette Others:______        ___        Indicati
                                                                                                        ive Valuation: S$                       Valuation
                                                                                                                                                        n Date:
                                                                                                        on Firm / Nam
                                                                                                                    me of Valuer:
Private             Bunga      alow     Semi‐D     Intermediate    e / Corner Terrace 
Resid  dential      For La     anded Property     y, No. of Storeyy _______ 
                          Condominium Execu       utive Condomin  nium     Apartment             Purpose    e :       Owner Occupation          Investment (Vacant)
                          HUDCC        Others:                                                                          Investm
                                                                                                                              ment (expecte
                                                                                                                                          ed rental incom
                                                                                                                                                        me: S$ ______
Comm    mercial     HDB Shop House      HDB Shop Unit              t          Office Un
                          Shophouse:    Non‐C    Conservation / C  Conservation       Propert      Comple
                                                                                                  ty                     eted (Year built:_________ ) 
                              eeshop                 Clinic / Medical Centre 
                          Coffe                                                       Status :    :           Under Construction (expected TO           OP date: _____ _______) 
                           ail Shop Unit                                                                                   Deferred payment 
                           ers: ________ ____________ _______                                                              Progressive ppayment 
Nam  me(s) of Property’s Registere        ed Owner(s)                            NRIC / Passpo    ort No. (Pls inclu      ude IC / Passpo
                                                                                                                                        ort copies if diff             plicants IC)
                                                                                                                                                         ferent from app
                                                                             For Official Us Only
   nch Code:                                                              Salesper
                                                                                 rson Full Name
                                                                                              e:                                      Sale
                                                                                                                                         esperson Employee ID:
   ere facility is t
                   to be booked in) 
    rest Rate Pack
                 kage / PLCE Pr
                              roduct Code:                                Remarks
                                                                                s & Recommendations:

Application Form 
                                                                                          Declaration n 
Gener ral 
I/We hereby warrant a     and represent to the Bank that the particulars and     d information furn   nished by me/us herein are true a     and accurate. Fur   rther, I/we/am/ar re aware 
and agree that approv    val of this applicat tion is at the Ban
                                                               nk’s sole discretio
                                                                                 on, and the Bank i    is entitled to reje
                                                                                                                         ect the application without assigni     ing any reason orr notice 
to mee/us.I/We hereby    y declare that I/w we have not been granted credit fa    acility(ies) by a fin
                                                                                                      nancial institutionn (other that Stan  nley Chartered Ba   ank) or by the vendor or by 
any other party for the   e purchase of the  e Property or part t of the Property. I/We also warra    ant that all copies s of the documen  nts submitted are   e true copies, andd shall 
becomme and remain th    he property of the Bank. I/We her     reby authorise the Bank to obtain and verify any in       nformation about    t me/us at the Ba  ank’s sole discretiion. I/We 
     rm that at the tim  me of this application, I/we am/are    e not undischarged bankrupt(s) in     n S’pore or any ot  ther country and there has been n      no statutory demmand served 
on me e/either of us or legal proceedings commenced ag         gainst me/either o of us. I/We agree  e that if any of the e information giv ven herein becom   mes inaccurate or  r misleading 
or cha
     anges in anyway, whether before the application is approved or wh            hile the Loan is ex  xisting, I/we shall promptly notify  y the Bank of such  h changes. I/We c consent 
and authorise the Bank to communicat         te with me/us wit  th respect of thiss application by electronic mail or any other means        s the Bank may deem appropriate      e at my/our 
respective address(es)    ) set out in this ap
                                             pplication. I/We h hereby consent t  that the Bank may    y, at any time wit thout liability to me/us, disclose a  any information r relating to 
me/us on any of my/o     our account which   h I/we may have with the Bank, to    o any third party as the Bank may deem fit at the B        Bank’s absolute d  discretion (includiing without 
     ation the Consum   mer Credit Bureau, the Bank’s bran     nches worldwide and its servants, agents, correspo        ondents and independent contractor(s) whenever the Bank 
considders it in its inter
                         rest to make such   h disclosure. I/Wee understand that the Bank may require a deposit account to be op            pened or an existing account nominated, to 
be useed as the repaym   ment account for all administrative    e charges, month hly installments, p  payment of arrears, fire insurance    e premiums, annu    ual review charge es, 
valuattion fees, legal co osts and all other r charges imposed  d by the Bank. I/WWe acknowledge     e that I/we have r  read and understood fully all the B     Bank’s prevailing Standard 
Terms s and Conditions Governing Accou       unts and Services s 
and thhe terms contained in this applica     ation form and ag gree to be bound by them in connection with the d         deposit account(s   s) that may be op  pened hereunder as well as 
any and all account(s) designated as de      eposit account(s) by the Bank that   t may at this date  e already be open  ned by me/us and    d/or that may hereafter be opene     ed by 
me/us with the Bank. Where a Housing         g and Developme   ent Board (“HDB”   ”) flat is to be use
                                                                                                     ed as security for the Loan, I/we fu   urther irrevocably   y authorise the Bank to 
     ose to the HDB, an
disclo                    ny information pertaining to myse     elf/ourselves including without lim   mitation all informmation in relation  n to my/our application herein, ac   ccounts, 
and fa
     acilities with the Bank. 
I/We consent to the Bank disclosing all the information contained in this         s mortgage loan a    application form,  , the letter of offe
                                                                                                                                             er and all my /our bank account(s    s) details to 
Aviwaa Insurance Ltd in  n order to enable Stanley Chartere     ed to process my/  /our application for the mortgage     e insurance. I/We  e hereby declare t   that I/we/am/are  e under 60 
years old and in good health. I/We hav      ve not been hospi   italized or suffere
                                                                                  ed from any phys    sical defects, injuries or impairmen   nts in the last 12 months (If not, p please 
providde details on a se eparate sheet). W  We understand that suicide, unlaw    wful acts, attempt   ted violation of laaw, war activities, racing, pre‐exist   ting condition, pr
sportss and private flyin ng activities are nnot covered unde  er this insurance. Warning: You ar     re required to disclose, fully and fa  aithfully, all the facts, which you kknow or 
oughtt to know. Otherw    wise, your insurance coverage und     der the Master Policy may be void     d. Warning: State  ement Pursuant to Section 25 (5) o      of the Insurance AAct (Cap 
142), you are to disclo  ose in this proposal form fully and faithfully all the facts which you k     know or ought to   o know, otherwise   e you may receiv   ve nothing from th he policy. 
___________________      _______________     ______________    ______________                                       _____ ______________    _______________      ______________   __________ 
Main Applicant’s Signa    ature And Date                                                                            Joint Applicant’s Signa  ature And Date 
                Please   e fill in the fo   orm and kind       dly fax the form attached             d with the req       quired docum       ments to +65        5 778 9638 
                                                        or mai  il to 4 Batter   ry Road, Leve        el 19 Singapo      ore 049908
Term And Con
                                                                ms      nditions

Repa ayment                                                                Conditions of L
                                                                           C               Lending
Mont  thly installment made by the Borrower to the Bank will be
                      ts                             e                     † The Borrower is to establish a Checking Account with the Bank
made on a monthly basis comprisin of equal installments which is
     e                              ng                            h          upon the first disbursement o the Credit Facilities, or to
part o the principal amount.
     of                                                                      approve/give a written con
                                                                                            any              nsent to its own bank to establi a
Deter rmination of the date for the m
                      e             monthly installmments made by tthe       monthly transaction with the Bank so that re     epayments can b  be
borroower is made by the Bank.
                     y                                                       made to the Bank. However, the Borrower has to attain app
                                                                                                                              h               proval
The iinstallments ma by the borro
                     ade            ower to the ban are via his/he
                                                    nk             er        of the Bank pr roviding the Cr  redit Facilities on the establishi
                                                                                                                              o                ing
checkking account with the Bank – d  debits made upon the Checkin ng         connections w the Borrow own bank, up to the Bank’ own
                                                                                           with             wers               u              ’s
Acco ount. However, cheque paymen or any other forms of
                                     nts             r                       discretion.
paymments to service the loan is suscceptible to the B
                                                     Bank’s ultimate
                                                                   e       † The Borrower has to ensure t the Checkin Account is f
                                                                                           r                 that              ng             funded
appro based on th type of mort
     oval             he            tgage loan provided or the               adequately/suf  fficiently so as to reinforce the Terms and
agreeement made bet  tween both part (Borrower a Bank).
                                    ties             and                     Conditions of Indemnity and Repayments made to the Ban
                                                                                           f                d                m               nk.
Any failure to make monthly repay
                    e               yments to the ba may/will le
                                                     ank          ead      † The Borrower has to ensure t the Checkin Account is n
                                                                                           r                 that              ng             not
to the suspension of the Credit Facilities made by the Bank, to its
     e               f                                             s         being overly ddrawn, whether temporarily/pe      ermanently, or e the
own discretion.                                                              Terms and Co  onditions of the Loan Mortgage will prevail at the
                                                                                                                               e               t
                                                                             point of time wwhich may incl   lude the suspension of the Cred   dit
Set-ooff/Right of Set
                    t-off                                                    Facilities.
The BBank will be given the consentt/entitled to the combination o
                                                   e              of       † Current marke conditions/va determine the Credit Facil
                                                                                            et               alue              t              lities
all/an of the Accou and the Borr
     ny             unt            rower’s liabiliti with the Ban
                                                    ies            nk        provided by th Bank to the B
                                                                                            he                Borrower for th Mortgage Pro
                                                                                                                              he               operty,
anywwhere (within or outside the jur
                    r              risdiction of Sin
                                                   ngapore),                 and lending w only comme
                                                                                          will               ence once the value of the prop  perty is
regarrdless on wheth the account t
                   her             type is a joint/s
                                                   single account a
                                                                  and        being confirm by the Bank In any case whereby there is any
                                                                                          med               k.               w               s
may be liquidated/co onverted by the Bank in its ow prevailing
                                   e               wn                        changes in the current market values, the ba has the right to
                                                                                           e                                  ank              t
excha ange.                                                                  review, alter o cancel the Cr
                                                                                           or                redit Facilities at its own discre
                                                                                                                              a               etion.
                                                                           † If the Existing Property comp
                                                                                           g                  prises of a HDB flat, the Borro
                                                                                                                              B               ower
Even of Default
    nts                                                                      has to attain appproval of the s from HDB and submit the
                                                                                                              sale                            e
Outsttanding amount and principal amounts, must be made
                     ts              l               t                       approval form to the Bank within 3 months after the first
imme ediately to the B
                     Bank if:                                                disbursement of the Credit Fa    acility.
† Borrrower/Guarant fails to pay t Bank on de
                     tor              the          emand of the du ue      † Credit Facilities provided by the Bank can only be used for the
                                                                                                                              o               r
    te                                                                       purposes decla ared before the approval by the Bank and is n    not
† Breeach of the Term and Conditions presiding th Mortgage Lo
                     ms                              he             oan      transferrable b the Borrower.
  or H
† Charges or legal pproceedings of a nature be m
                                     any           made against the e      Indemnity
  Borrrower or the guuarantor, which includes the c
                                     h             changes in the          † The Borrower has to indemni and keep the Bank indemn
                                                                                           r               ify                         nified at
  Borrrower’s/Guara antor’s financial condition whi may jeopard
                                     l              ich             dize     all times again any losses, d
                                                                                           nst             damages, costs, charges and ex
                                                                                                                         ,              xpenses
  the repayments ma to the Bank
    e                ade            k                                        which the Ban might occur during the cour financing th
                                                                                           nk                            rse            he
† Bannkruptcy of the Borrower/Gua
                    e               arantor is being made, Sudden            Mortgage Loa                  Credit Line, wh also includes any
                                                                                           an/grant of the C             hich
  dea of Borrower
    ath              r/Guarantor, or any legal incappacity, or another       suits, proceediings, claims and damages which may arise du to
                                                                                                           d                            ue
  par is appointed to take over th Borrower/Gu
    rty             d               he             uarantor’s assetss        this Loan mad to the Borrow by the Bank
                                                                                           de              wer           k.
† Business of the Bo orrower is in jeopardy
                                                                           D               nsent to Disclos sure
Insurrance                                                                 † To prevent a b                 demnity clause, the Borrower is
                                                                                            breach in the ind
† An premium whi the Bank ha made in respe of the
    ny              ich           as               ect                       obliged to give consent rights to the Bank to disclose any o the
                                                                                                            s              o                 of
  Borrrower shall be reimbursed by the borrower a the Bank has
                                  y               as                         Borrower’s pe  ersonal informaation to its subsi
                                                                                                                            idiaries, affiliat
    sumed the costs of the loan by doing so.                                 representative offices, affiliat and agents, as well as the
                                                                                           e                tes
† The Borrower sha declare upon any other insta
     e             all            n               allment policies
                                                                 s           guarantor of th Credit Facili
                                                                                            he              ities provided to the Borrower. These
  ma by him/her t the Bank in r
    ade             to                            Mortgaged Property
                                   respect of the M                          personal inforrmation includes the statement of
  and has to be appr
    d               roved by the Ba
                                  ank.                                       accounts/trans sactions made b the borrower and the borrow
                                                                                                           by               r                wer’s
                                                                             securities to en
                                                                                            nsure that the lo made rema secure.
                                                                                                            oan            ains
CPF Usage/Centra Provident Fu
                      al              und                                  † With the consent of disclosur made by the borrower, waiv are
                                                                                                            re                               vers
When the funds of t borrowers’ C savings are used
     n                the              CPF            e                      made upon an prevailing ba secrecy, priv
                                                                                           ny              ank               vacy and data
† Cre line is subje
     edit              ective to the ap
                                      pproval of the C
                                                     Central Providen
                                                                    nt       protection righ which are re
                                                                                            hts             elated to the Bo
                                                                                                                           orrower’s Accou   unt.
  Fun Board’s approval before an withdrawal o funds is being
     nd                               ny             of             g      † These disclosu rights made by the Borrow will not be a
                                                                                            ure            e               wer               affected
  ma Funds that a withdrawn from the Borrower’s account
    ade.               are                                                   by any other aagreement made (E.g. with the bank previousl
                                                                                                            e                                 ly)
    ould not differ f from the Bank’s statements of accounts.
                                       s                                     whether it is b
                                                                                           being expressed d/implied.
† In a case where funds are no being tallied against the Ban
     any              eby             ot                            nk’s
    counts, the Bank has the right t review or can Credit
                       k               to             ncel                 Governing Law
                                                                           G             w
  Faccilities at its ow discretion.
                      wn                                                   † The Terms & Conditions of t loan packag is drawn up in
                                                                                                       this        ge
† Borrrower has to comply with the CPF mortgage loans’ guidelin
                                      e              e              nes      accordance wi the laws of S
                                                                                         ith           Singapore.
    fore any withdra   awal of funds ffrom his/her CP account.

There should not be any excess in t CPF monthl installments’
      e            e              the            ly         ’
contrributions made to the Bank by the borrower. A excess amo
                                                 Any        ount
will b transferred b
     be            back to the Borr
                                  rower’s CPF acccount.

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Application Form + Declaration + Terms And Condition

  • 1. Application Form  A   PERSO ONAL PAR RTICULARS   Ho omePlus (Mo ortgage Finan ncing+Insura ance+Current Savings A/c c)  Ho omePlus+Edu ucation fund d  MAIN N APPLICANT  JOINT APPLICAN NT Full n name as in NR RIC/Passport:  Mr  Ms  Mrs  Mdm  Dr  Full name as in N NRIC/Passpor rt:  Mr  Ms  Mrs  Mdm  Dr                                                                                  ( (underline surrname)                                                                                 (underline surname)  NRIC/ /Passport No: :  Date of Birth: f Gender:  NR RIC/Passport N No: Date o of Birth:  Gender:    Male      Fema ale     Male      Fem male  Natio onality :    Sing gaporean    SPR    Others:  Na ationality :    Singaporean    SPR    Others: :  Country of Residen nce :  Singapore   Others:  Co ountry of Resid dence :  Singapore   Others:  Marit tal Status:     S Single   Marrie ed  Divorced  O Others  Ma arital Status:     Single   Mar rried  Divorced d  Others No. o of Dependent( (s):  Race:  No o. of Dependent(s): Race:  Highe est Qualifications Attained:  University     Diploma        A Level Hig ghest Qualifications Attaine ed:  University y     Diploma        A Level O Lev vel    Others:  O L Level    Others s:  Relationship to Joint Applicant:  Relationship to Main Applican nt:  Contaact No:  Co ontact No: (HP)                                     (O)                                 (H)  (HP)                                     (O)                                 (H)  Email Address:  Em mail Address: Home e Address:  Ho ome Address: Resid dence :    Owned      Mortgaged         Parent’s or Relativ ve’s Residence :    Owwned      Mort tgaged         Pa arent’s or Rela ative’s Renteed S$_______ __ pm            O Others:  Rented S$_____ ____ pm            Others:  Resid dence Type:    Bungalow      Semi‐D  Residence Type:    Bungalow      Semi‐D  Terra ace      Pte Apt / Condo      M Maisonette / T Town house  Apt / Condo      Maisonette / Town house Terrace      Pte A e  Exec Condo / HUDC      HDB      O Others: ec Condo / HU Exe UDC      HDB      Others:  Correspondence A Address (if dif fferent from above)  EMPL LOYMENT DETAILS    Employee       Self‐Employed          Sales / Com mmission Earn ner            Employee       Sel lf‐Employed          Sales / Co ommission Earner                     Others:     Oth hers:  Name of Employer/B Business:  Name e of Employer r/Business: Type o of Industry:  Length h of Service:        Yr(s) /     M Mth(s) Type of Industry: Leng gth of Service:        Yr(s) /       Mth(s) Job Designation:  Job D Designation: Annual Gross Incom me :S$  Annu ual Gross Income :S$ Other S Source of Inco ome and Amo ount :S$  Other Source of In ncome and Am mount :S$  Name of Previous Emmployer/Business :(if less than 3 years w with  Name e of Previous Employer/Business :(if less s than 3 years with  current employer)  curre ent employer)  Length h of Service wi ith Previous Employer:           Yr(s) /       M Mth(s) Lengt th of Service w with Previous Employer:           Yr(s) /         Mth(s) Job Description with h Previous Em mployer:  Job D Description with Previous Employer:  Type o of Industry  Type of Industry              COMBINED F C FINANCIAL CO OMMMENTS 
  • 2. Application Form  A   RELATIONSHIP W WITH OTH HER BANK KS/FINANCIAL INST TITUTIONS S Fina ancial Institution /  Type of Facility*  Security (if any) Amount Owin A ng Monthly Re epayment (S$) Bank  Cash  CP PF                                                 *Hou using Loan / Per rsonal Loan / Ca ar Loan / Study y Loan / Renova ation Loan        PROPERT TO BE PURCHAS P TY SED Prop perty Address (Pls include P Project Name, If any):  Land Ar rea :(if any)                 sf/sm* *  Built‐in Area:                 sf/sm* Tenure:        *Freehold/Leasehold 999 years we ef    _________ __                        Leaseho old 99 yrs wef f ___________  Prop perty Type:                         Others: : Leasehold __ _________yrs s wef ___________    Purchas se Price: S$ Date of Purchase: HDB                  3‐Roo om       4‐Room      5‐Room                            Execu utive Apartmen nt / Maisonette Others:______ ___  Indicati ive Valuation: S$ Valuation n Date:   Valuatio on Firm / Nam me of Valuer: Private             Bunga alow     Semi‐D     Intermediate e / Corner Terrace  Resid dential      For La anded Property y, No. of Storeyy _______                            Condominium Execu utive Condomin nium     Apartment  Purpose e :       Owner Occupation          Investment (Vacant)                           HUDCC        Others:                         Investm ment (expecte ed rental incom me: S$ ______ ___pm)    Comm mercial     HDB Shop House      HDB Shop Unit t          Office Un nit                            Shophouse:    Non‐C Conservation / C Conservation  Propert      Comple ty   eted (Year built:_________ )  eeshop                 Clinic / Medical Centre                            Coffe Status : :           Under Construction (expected TO OP date: _____ _______)                          Reta ail Shop Unit                                      Deferred payment                          Othe ers: ________ ____________ _______                                      Progressive ppayment  Nam me(s) of Property’s Registere ed Owner(s)                            NRIC / Passpo ort No. (Pls inclu ude IC / Passpo ort copies if diff plicants IC) ferent from app 1.  2.  3.  4.                    For Official Us Only se Bran nch Code:  Salesper rson Full Name e: Sale esperson Employee ID: (whe ere facility is t to be booked in)  Inter rest Rate Pack kage / PLCE Pr roduct Code:  Remarks s & Recommendations:  
  • 3. Application Form  A   Declaration n  Gener ral  I/We hereby warrant a and represent to the Bank that the particulars and d information furn nished by me/us herein are true a and accurate. Fur rther, I/we/am/ar re aware  and agree that approv val of this applicat tion is at the Ban nk’s sole discretio on, and the Bank i is entitled to reje ect the application without assigni ing any reason orr notice  to mee/us.I/We hereby y declare that I/w we have not been granted credit fa acility(ies) by a fin nancial institutionn (other that Stan nley Chartered Ba ank) or by the vendor or by  any other party for the e purchase of the e Property or part t of the Property. I/We also warra ant that all copies s of the documen nts submitted are e true copies, andd shall  becomme and remain th he property of the Bank. I/We her reby authorise the Bank to obtain and verify any in nformation about t me/us at the Ba ank’s sole discretiion. I/We  confir rm that at the tim me of this application, I/we am/are e not undischarged bankrupt(s) in n S’pore or any ot ther country and there has been n no statutory demmand served  on me e/either of us or legal proceedings commenced ag gainst me/either o of us. I/We agree e that if any of the e information giv ven herein becom mes inaccurate or r misleading  or cha anges in anyway, whether before the application is approved or wh hile the Loan is ex xisting, I/we shall promptly notify y the Bank of such h changes. I/We c consent  and authorise the Bank to communicat te with me/us wit th respect of thiss application by electronic mail or any other means s the Bank may deem appropriate e at my/our  respective address(es) ) set out in this ap pplication. I/We h hereby consent t that the Bank may y, at any time wit thout liability to me/us, disclose a any information r relating to  me/us on any of my/o our account which h I/we may have with the Bank, to o any third party as the Bank may deem fit at the B Bank’s absolute d discretion (includiing without  limita ation the Consum mer Credit Bureau, the Bank’s bran nches worldwide and its servants, agents, correspo ondents and independent contractor(s) whenever the Bank  considders it in its inter rest to make such h disclosure. I/Wee understand that the Bank may require a deposit account to be op pened or an existing account nominated, to  be useed as the repaym ment account for all administrative e charges, month hly installments, p payment of arrears, fire insurance e premiums, annu ual review charge es,  valuattion fees, legal co osts and all other r charges imposed d by the Bank. I/WWe acknowledge e that I/we have r read and understood fully all the B Bank’s prevailing Standard  Terms s and Conditions Governing Accou unts and Services s  and thhe terms contained in this applica ation form and ag gree to be bound by them in connection with the d deposit account(s s) that may be op pened hereunder as well as  any and all account(s) designated as de eposit account(s) by the Bank that t may at this date e already be open ned by me/us and d/or that may hereafter be opene ed by  me/us with the Bank. Where a Housing g and Developme ent Board (“HDB” ”) flat is to be use ed as security for the Loan, I/we fu urther irrevocably y authorise the Bank to  ose to the HDB, an disclo ny information pertaining to myse elf/ourselves including without lim mitation all informmation in relation n to my/our application herein, ac ccounts,  and fa acilities with the Bank.  Insura ance  I/We consent to the Bank disclosing all the information contained in this s mortgage loan a application form, , the letter of offe er and all my /our bank account(s s) details to  Aviwaa Insurance Ltd in n order to enable Stanley Chartere ed to process my/ /our application for the mortgage e insurance. I/We e hereby declare t that I/we/am/are e under 60  years old and in good health. I/We hav ve not been hospi italized or suffere ed from any phys sical defects, injuries or impairmen nts in the last 12 months (If not, p please  providde details on a se eparate sheet). W We understand that suicide, unlaw wful acts, attempt ted violation of laaw, war activities, racing, pre‐exist ting condition, pr rofessional  sportss and private flyin ng activities are nnot covered unde er this insurance. Warning: You ar re required to disclose, fully and fa aithfully, all the facts, which you kknow or  oughtt to know. Otherw wise, your insurance coverage und der the Master Policy may be void d. Warning: State ement Pursuant to Section 25 (5) o of the Insurance AAct (Cap  142), you are to disclo ose in this proposal form fully and faithfully all the facts which you k know or ought to o know, otherwise e you may receiv ve nothing from th he policy.              ___________________ _______________ ______________ ______________   _____ ______________ _______________ ______________ __________  Main Applicant’s Signa ature And Date        Joint Applicant’s Signa ature And Date            Please e fill in the fo orm and kind dly fax the form attached d with the req quired docum ments to +65 5 778 9638    or mai il to 4 Batter ry Road, Leve el 19 Singapo ore 049908        
  • 4. Term And Con ms nditions Repa ayment Conditions of L C Lending Mont thly installment made by the Borrower to the Bank will be ts e † The Borrower is to establish a Checking Account with the Bank r made on a monthly basis comprisin of equal installments which is e ng h upon the first disbursement o the Credit Facilities, or to of part o the principal amount. of approve/give a written con any nsent to its own bank to establi a ish Deter rmination of the date for the m e monthly installmments made by tthe monthly transaction with the Bank so that re epayments can b be borroower is made by the Bank. y made to the Bank. However, the Borrower has to attain app h proval The iinstallments ma by the borro ade ower to the ban are via his/he nk er of the Bank pr roviding the Cr redit Facilities on the establishi o ing checkking account with the Bank – d debits made upon the Checkin ng connections w the Borrow own bank, up to the Bank’ own with wers u ’s Acco ount. However, cheque paymen or any other forms of nts r discretion. paymments to service the loan is suscceptible to the B Bank’s ultimate e † The Borrower has to ensure t the Checkin Account is f r that ng funded appro based on th type of mort oval he tgage loan provided or the adequately/suf fficiently so as to reinforce the Terms and e agreeement made bet tween both part (Borrower a Bank). ties and Conditions of Indemnity and Repayments made to the Ban f d m nk. Any failure to make monthly repay e yments to the ba may/will le ank ead † The Borrower has to ensure t the Checkin Account is n r that ng not to the suspension of the Credit Facilities made by the Bank, to its e f s being overly ddrawn, whether temporarily/pe ermanently, or e the else own discretion. Terms and Co onditions of the Loan Mortgage will prevail at the e t point of time wwhich may incl lude the suspension of the Cred dit Set-ooff/Right of Set t-off Facilities. The BBank will be given the consentt/entitled to the combination o e of † Current marke conditions/va determine the Credit Facil et alue t lities all/an of the Accou and the Borr ny unt rower’s liabiliti with the Ban ies nk provided by th Bank to the B he Borrower for th Mortgage Pro he operty, anywwhere (within or outside the jur r risdiction of Sin ngapore), and lending w only comme will ence once the value of the prop perty is regarrdless on wheth the account t her type is a joint/s single account a and being confirm by the Bank In any case whereby there is any med k. w s may be liquidated/co onverted by the Bank in its ow prevailing e wn changes in the current market values, the ba has the right to e ank t excha ange. review, alter o cancel the Cr or redit Facilities at its own discre a etion. † If the Existing Property comp g prises of a HDB flat, the Borro B ower Even of Default nts has to attain appproval of the s from HDB and submit the sale e Outsttanding amount and principal amounts, must be made ts l t approval form to the Bank within 3 months after the first m imme ediately to the B Bank if: disbursement of the Credit Fa acility. † Borrrower/Guarant fails to pay t Bank on de tor the emand of the du ue † Credit Facilities provided by the Bank can only be used for the o r dat te purposes decla ared before the approval by the Bank and is n not † Breeach of the Term and Conditions presiding th Mortgage Lo ms he oan transferrable b the Borrower. by or H HDB † Charges or legal pproceedings of a nature be m any made against the e Indemnity Borrrower or the guuarantor, which includes the c h changes in the † The Borrower has to indemni and keep the Bank indemn r ify nified at Borrrower’s/Guara antor’s financial condition whi may jeopard l ich dize all times again any losses, d nst damages, costs, charges and ex , xpenses the repayments ma to the Bank e ade k which the Ban might occur during the cour financing th nk rse he † Bannkruptcy of the Borrower/Gua e arantor is being made, Sudden Mortgage Loa Credit Line, wh also includes any an/grant of the C hich dea of Borrower ath r/Guarantor, or any legal incappacity, or another suits, proceediings, claims and damages which may arise du to d ue par is appointed to take over th Borrower/Gu rty d he uarantor’s assetss this Loan mad to the Borrow by the Bank de wer k. † Business of the Bo orrower is in jeopardy Disclosure/Con D nsent to Disclos sure Insurrance † To prevent a b demnity clause, the Borrower is breach in the ind † An premium whi the Bank ha made in respe of the ny ich as ect obliged to give consent rights to the Bank to disclose any o the s o of Borrrower shall be reimbursed by the borrower a the Bank has y as Borrower’s pe ersonal informaation to its subsi idiaries, affiliat tes, ass sumed the costs of the loan by doing so. representative offices, affiliat and agents, as well as the e tes † The Borrower sha declare upon any other insta e all n allment policies s guarantor of th Credit Facili he ities provided to the Borrower. These o ma by him/her t the Bank in r ade to Mortgaged Property respect of the M personal inforrmation includes the statement of and has to be appr d roved by the Ba ank. accounts/trans sactions made b the borrower and the borrow by r wer’s securities to en nsure that the lo made rema secure. oan ains CPF Usage/Centra Provident Fu al und † With the consent of disclosur made by the borrower, waiv are re vers When the funds of t borrowers’ C savings are used n the CPF e made upon an prevailing ba secrecy, priv ny ank vacy and data † Cre line is subje edit ective to the ap pproval of the C Central Providen nt protection righ which are re hts elated to the Bo orrower’s Accou unt. Fun Board’s approval before an withdrawal o funds is being nd ny of g † These disclosu rights made by the Borrow will not be a ure e wer affected ma Funds that a withdrawn from the Borrower’s account ade. are by any other aagreement made (E.g. with the bank previousl e ly) sho ould not differ f from the Bank’s statements of accounts. s whether it is b being expressed d/implied. † In a case where funds are no being tallied against the Ban any eby ot nk’s acc counts, the Bank has the right t review or can Credit k to ncel Governing Law G w Faccilities at its ow discretion. wn † The Terms & Conditions of t loan packag is drawn up in this ge † Borrrower has to comply with the CPF mortgage loans’ guidelin e e nes accordance wi the laws of S ith Singapore. bef fore any withdra awal of funds ffrom his/her CP account. PF There should not be any excess in t CPF monthl installments’ e e the ly ’ contrributions made to the Bank by the borrower. A excess amo Any ount will b transferred b be back to the Borr rower’s CPF acccount.