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Research Design
PYC 5040: Advanced Research
Grant M. Heller, Ph.D.
The Scientific Attitude (Robson, 2002)
Proof, Disproof & Scientific
Progress (Leary, 2004)
• The logical impossibility of proof
o Theories cannot be proved b/c obtaining empirical support
for a hypothesis does not necessarily mean that the theory
from which the hypothesis was derived is true.
• The practical impossibility of disproof
o Unlike proof, disproof is a logically valid operation
o Absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of
• If not proof or disproof, then what?
o The scientific filter
Scientific filter
adapted by Leary (2004) from Bauer (1992)
1. All ideas: Scientific training, concern for professional
reputation, availability of resources (filters out
2. Initial Research Projects: Self-judgment of viability
(filters out dead ends & fringe topics)
3. Research programs: Peer review (filters methodological
biases & errors, unimportant contributions).
4. Published research: Use, replicability & extension by
others (filters out nonreplication, uninteresting &
nonuseful stuff)
5. Secondary Research Literature – Established
"Real World" vs.
"Academic" Research
Real World Emphasis
1. Solving problems
2. Robust results
3. Finding basis for
4. Often "in the field"
(e.g., hospital, busine
ss, school)
5. Constraints of
funding & time
Academic Emphasis
1. Advancing the
discipline (aka "basic
2. Est. relationships
3. Developing theory
4. Often "in the lab"
5. Potentially less
funding & time
(Robson, 2002)
"Real World" vs.
"Academic" Research (cont.)
Real World Emphasis
1. High consistency of
topic from 1 study to
2. Generalist researcher
3. Oriented to client
4. Viewed as dubious by
many academics
5. Need highly developed
social skills
Academic Emphasis
1. Little consistency of
topic from 1 study to
2. Specialist researcher
3. Oriented to academic
4. High academic
5. Need some social
(Robson, 2002)
Main steps when carrying out a
research project (Robson, 2002)
1) Start a research journal
2) Determine focus of project
3) Develop research questions
4) Choose research design
5) Select method(s)
6) Arrange practicalities
7) Collect data
8) Prep data for analysis
9) Analyze & Interpret data
10) Report & disseminate findings
General Design Issues
• Focus on turning research questions into projects.
• Strategies & tactics based on questions you want
to answer (Manstead & Semin, 1988).
o Research focus, questions, strategy & tactics
o River crossing analogy
• Hakim (1987):
o think like an architect
A framework for research
•Components to consider: (Robson, 2002)
1. Purpose(s)
2. Theory
3. Research questions
4. Methods
5. Sampling strategy
A framework for research
Research Questions
• Specific
questions, framed in
testable ways, that
provide impetus for
• Direct comparisons
are used;
conceptual models
are implied by these
Types of Research
1. Descriptive (what, when)
2. Explorative (correlations, descriptive)
3. Evaluative (applied, outcomes research)
4. Predictive (underlying causal model, correlations)
5. Explanatory (explicit causal model, experimental
6. Control (change cause, observe effect)
To formulate research questions, focus on variables
(not measures), and focus on predictive or
explanatory or control questions.
• Selection of research problem & design
should be based on theory
• THEORY: a conceptualization & explanation
of the phenomenon of interest (usually a
causal model)
o A theoretical framework guides the interpretation of
research results and guides the generation of further
o Explains a set of relationships among concepts
Importance of Theory
(Kazdin, 2003)
• Can bring order to areas
where findings are diffuse or
• Can explain the basis of
change & unite diverse
• Can direct our attention to
which moderators to study
• Application and extension of
knowledge to the world
beyond the laboratory
Theory building
Black, 1999
Cyclic life & evolution of a
Black, 1999
Operational Definitions
(Kazdin, 2003)
• Defining a concept on the basis of the
specific operations used in the study.
• Allows us to measure & quantify
• Concept: anxiety
• Operational definition: participants scoring at
or above 75th percentile on measure of
anxiety (e.g., GAD-7)
Operational Definitions:
Limitations (Kazdin, 2003)
• May oversimplify the concept of interest or
limit scope/focus
• May include features that are irrelevant or not
central to the original concept
o Unnecessary error or noise
• Use of single measures to define a concept
o May impede drawing general relationships among
Hypotheses (Leary, 2004)
• A Hypothesis is a specific proposition that
logically follows from the theory.
• Deriving hypotheses from theory involves
• Logical implications of a theory
• If the theory is true, what would we expect to
• Virtually all hypotheses can be reduced to an
if-then statement.
A well written hypothesis
• Stated in declarative form
• Posit a relationship between variables
• Reflect a theory or body of literature upon
which they are based
• Be brief & to the point
• Be testable
• Null vs. Alternative (research) hypotheses
Choosing a research strategy
(Robson, 2011, pgs. 74 – 77)
B. Is your proposed study an EVALUATION?
A. Focus on:
A. Outcome: Fixed
B. Process: Flexible
C. Both: Multi-strategy
C. Do you wish to carry out ACTION RESEARCH?
A. Focus of improvement of practice, increased
understanding of practice & improvement of situation
A. If so, Flexible approach almost always used
D. E. F. What design strategy is most appropriate?
Choosing a research strategy
(Robson, 2011, pgs. 74 – 77) cont.
G. The purposes(s) helps
in selecting a strategy
H. The research
questions have a
strong influence on
the strategy
I. Specific methods
need not be tied to
particular research
Research Nuts & Bolts:
• Anything that varies
• A concept that can be measured
• Represents a class of outcomes that can take
on more than one value
• Types
o Independent
o Dependent
Difference between
concepts & variables
• Subjective impression
• No uniformity as to its
understanding among
different people
o as such, cannot be
Examples: effectiveness,
satisfaction, impact,
excellence, achievement,
domestic violence, self
esteem, etc.
• Measurable though the
degree of precision varies
from scale to scale &
variable to variable
Examples: Gender
(male/female), age, income,
weight, height, religion
attitude (subjective), etc.
Levels of measurement
• Nominal
o categorical (names or categories)
• Ordinal
• Interval
o equal distance between points
• Ratio
o equal distance + absolute zero point
 e.g., degrees Kelvin, distance, mass,
Research Design: Key
• Independent Variable (IV)
• Dependent Variable (DV)
• What effect does ___ (IV) have on ___ (DV) ?
• Experimental groups vs. Control groups
Variable (IV)
Variable (DV)
Mediating Variables
Ice Cream
Moderating Variables
Tx vs. Wait
Conceptual Models
• Graphical representation of a theory
o diagram of proposed relationships among theoretical
Concept (abstract, theoretical)
Variable (more detailed, specifically defined
Measure (operational definition)
• Conceptual models are useful for clarifying a
research question, aims & hypotheses
• Distinct from research design (later step in planning)
Mediating & Moderating
• Moderating variable(s)
o age
• Mediating variable(s)
o Motivation
o Coping Skills (Wykes & Spaulding, 2011)
Law of Parsimony /
Occam's Razor
• Are we looking for zebras?
• Can we explain the data
with concepts & models we
already know?
• Adopting the simpler of 2
solutions that account
equally well for the data.
Plausible Rival Hypotheses
• Other plausible explanations for our
• Example: imipramine (antidepressant)
vs. St. John’s Wort (herbal) in tx of
moderate depression.
o Woelk, 2000 found equal improvement
after tx
• Equal effect?
• What would you want to know?
• What do you think is really going on?
o Placebo effect
Correlation & Causation
Correlation does not mean causation...
Correlation & Causation
...but is a necessary component of a causal
• Inferring causality (Leary, 2004):
1. Covariation (correlation)
2. Temporal precedence (A then B)
3. All extraneous factors that might influence
the relationship between the variables of
interest are controlled or eliminated.
Basic Statistics Review
• Descriptive Statistics
o Measures of central tendency
 e.g., mean, median, mode
o Measures of variability
 e.g., range, standard deviation, standard
 error to the mean (SEM)
• Inferential statistics
o Goal: to make inferences about population from a sample
 Parametric
• e.g., t-tests, ANOVA, regression
 Nonparamentric
• e.g., chi square
Population vs. Sample
The Normal Distribution
Null Hypothesis Significance
Testing (NHST)
•If p < .05, then…
o Reject the null hypothesis in favor
of the alternative hypothesis.
•If p > .05, then…
o Fail to reject the null hypothesis
 or retain the null
What does NHST tell us??
• Assuming that the null hypothesis is true, p
would the odds of having attained results this or
more extreme by chance alone (assuming we have
a normal distribution).
• Tells us if our results are statistically significant
(different that practically or clinically significant).
o E.g., difference between two groups reaches a level of
statistical significance.
• Outcome is either or, does not inform us of strength
of effect.
o p = .001 is not more significant that p = .01.
NHST: Outcomes
Types of error
Threats to Statistical
Conclusion Validity (Kazdin, 2003)
• Low statistical power
• Variability in the procedures
• Subject heterogeneity
• Unreliability of the measures
• Multiple comparisons & error rates
Null Hypothesis Significance Testing
Cohen, "p < .05, the world is flat"
alpha inflation &
Type I Error (false +)
Statistical Power
• Probability of accepting a hypothesis (the null
hypothesis) when in actuality it is false
(aka, Type 2 error, false negative
• Sensitivity to effects of IV
• Probability is 1 – Beta
• Conventionally set at 0.80 (Cohen, 1988)
• Powerful designs are able to detect effects of
the IV more easily than less powerful
Methods to Increase Power
(Shadish, Cook & Campbell, 2002)
• Use matching, stratifying, blocking
• Measure & correct for covariates
• Use larger sample sizes
• Use equal cell sample sizes
• Improve measurement
• Increase the strength of treatment
• Increase the variability of treatment
• Use within-participants design
• Use homogenous participants selected to be responsive to tx
• Reduce random setting irrelevancies
• Ensure powerful statistical tests are used & assumptions met
Effect Size (E.S.)
• Way of expressing the difference between
conditions (e.g., treatment vs. control).
• A common metric that can be used between
• Magnitude of effect
o Often classified into small, medium, large
4 Categories of E.S.
(Ferguson, 2009)
1. Group differences indices
a. magnitude of difference between 2 or more variables
b. e.g., Cohen's d
2. Strength of association indices
a. magnitude of shared variance between variables
b. e.g., Pearson's r
3. Corrected estimates
a. estimates correcting for sampling error
b. e.g., Adjusted R2
4. Risk estimates
a. more commonly used in medical outcome research
b. e.g., relative risk (RR) & odds ratio (OR).
Suggested E.S.
Interpretation (Ferguson, 2009)
Type of E.S.
RMPE "Moderate"
Cohen's d,
Glass' delta,
Hedges g
0.41 1.15 2.70
Strength of
r, R, partial
r, rh
0.2 0.5 0.8
r2, R2, eta
adj. R2
0.04 0.25 0.64
Risk Estimates RR, OR 2.0 (interpret
w/ caution)
3.0 4.0
A reliable measure is consistent or repeatable.
more of different types of reliability later...
but is reliability enough?
phrenelogy was reliable...
but was it valid?
• Internal Validity
o extent to which the changes in the study DV can be
attributed to changes in the IV
• External Validity
o extent to which the results can be generalized
Validity (cont)
• Example
o Progress in therapy
• Did therapy cause the improvement?
Threats to Internal Validity
• History
• Maturation
• Testing
• Instrumentation
• Statistical
• Differential
• Experimental
mortality (attrition)
• Selection X
maturation interaction
• Statistical conclusion
validity (lack of
• Subject heterogeneity
Threats to Internal Validity
• Remember the acronym: MRS SMITH
o Maturation
o Regression to the mean
o Selection of subjects
o Selection by maturation interaction
o Mortality
o Instrumentation
o Testing
o History
Threats to External Validity
• Reactive effect of testing
• Reactive effect of experimental
• Interaction between selection bias and the IV
• Multiple treatment interference
Defense against threats to
• for External Validity
o Random selection of subjects
• for Internal Validity
o Random assignment to conditions
• Various research designs have
stronger internal or external validity
o often a balancing act: External vs. Internal
o Mook (1983) "In defense of External
Regression to the Mean
How to Reduce RTM
1. Random allocation to comparison groups
2. Selection of Ss based on multiple
3. Estimate size of RTM
a. can be subtracted from observed change to give an
adjusted estimate
4. Statistical control of covariates (i.e., ANCOVA)
(Barnette, van der Pols & Dobson, 2005).
Other forms of Validity
• Face Validity
• Content Validity
• Construct Validity
o Convergent
o Discriminant
• Criterion Validity
o Predictive Validity
Range Restrictions
• Beware of range
restrictions in data
• You can miss the big
• Beware of floor and
ceiling effects as well
Fixed or Flexible design?
• Some projects using social research
methods are pre-planned in detail: they have
FIXED designs (commonly referred to as
quantitative research).
• Others expect the plan to change or evolve
while the project is underway: their design is
FLEXIBLE (commonly referred to as
qualitative research).
Fixed Designs
• Pre-specify exactly what you plan to happen
BEFORE (a priori) the main data collection.
• Examples are experiments and surveys.
• They typically rely almost exclusively on
quantitative data collection (and are often
referred to as quantitative research).
• more to come...
Flexible Designs
• Initial planning is limited to the focus of the research and
(possibly) to setting out some general research
• Details of the design change depending on the initial
• Examples are grounded theory and ethnographic
• They typically rely largely on the collection of qualitative
data (and are often referred to as qualitative research)
though some quantitative data is often also collected.
• More to come...

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General Research Design Issues in Psychology

  • 1. General Research Design Issues PYC 5040: Advanced Research Grant M. Heller, Ph.D.
  • 2. The Scientific Attitude (Robson, 2002) •Systematic •Skeptical •Ethical
  • 3. Proof, Disproof & Scientific Progress (Leary, 2004) • The logical impossibility of proof o Theories cannot be proved b/c obtaining empirical support for a hypothesis does not necessarily mean that the theory from which the hypothesis was derived is true. • The practical impossibility of disproof o Unlike proof, disproof is a logically valid operation o Absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence. • If not proof or disproof, then what? o The scientific filter
  • 4. Scientific filter adapted by Leary (2004) from Bauer (1992) 1. All ideas: Scientific training, concern for professional reputation, availability of resources (filters out nonsense) 2. Initial Research Projects: Self-judgment of viability (filters out dead ends & fringe topics) 3. Research programs: Peer review (filters methodological biases & errors, unimportant contributions). 4. Published research: Use, replicability & extension by others (filters out nonreplication, uninteresting & nonuseful stuff) 5. Secondary Research Literature – Established Knowledge
  • 5. "Real World" vs. "Academic" Research Real World Emphasis 1. Solving problems 2. Robust results 3. Finding basis for action 4. Often "in the field" (e.g., hospital, busine ss, school) 5. Constraints of funding & time Academic Emphasis 1. Advancing the discipline (aka "basic research") 2. Est. relationships 3. Developing theory 4. Often "in the lab" 5. Potentially less funding & time constraints? (Robson, 2002)
  • 6. "Real World" vs. "Academic" Research (cont.) Real World Emphasis 1. High consistency of topic from 1 study to another 2. Generalist researcher 3. Oriented to client needs 4. Viewed as dubious by many academics 5. Need highly developed social skills Academic Emphasis 1. Little consistency of topic from 1 study to another 2. Specialist researcher 3. Oriented to academic peers 4. High academic prestige 5. Need some social skills (Robson, 2002)
  • 7. Main steps when carrying out a research project (Robson, 2002) 1) Start a research journal 2) Determine focus of project 3) Develop research questions 4) Choose research design 5) Select method(s) 6) Arrange practicalities 7) Collect data 8) Prep data for analysis 9) Analyze & Interpret data 10) Report & disseminate findings
  • 8. General Design Issues • Focus on turning research questions into projects. • Strategies & tactics based on questions you want to answer (Manstead & Semin, 1988). o Research focus, questions, strategy & tactics o River crossing analogy • Hakim (1987): o think like an architect
  • 9. A framework for research design •Components to consider: (Robson, 2002) 1. Purpose(s) 2. Theory 3. Research questions 4. Methods 5. Sampling strategy
  • 10. A framework for research design Research Questions Purpose(s) Conceptual framework Sampling strategy Methods
  • 11. Research Questions • Specific questions, framed in testable ways, that provide impetus for studies. • Direct comparisons are used; conceptual models are implied by these comparisons
  • 12. Types of Research Questions 1. Descriptive (what, when) 2. Explorative (correlations, descriptive) 3. Evaluative (applied, outcomes research) 4. Predictive (underlying causal model, correlations) 5. Explanatory (explicit causal model, experimental regressions) 6. Control (change cause, observe effect) To formulate research questions, focus on variables (not measures), and focus on predictive or explanatory or control questions.
  • 13. Theory • Selection of research problem & design should be based on theory • THEORY: a conceptualization & explanation of the phenomenon of interest (usually a causal model) o A theoretical framework guides the interpretation of research results and guides the generation of further studies o Explains a set of relationships among concepts
  • 14. Importance of Theory (Kazdin, 2003) • Can bring order to areas where findings are diffuse or multiple • Can explain the basis of change & unite diverse outcomes • Can direct our attention to which moderators to study • Application and extension of knowledge to the world beyond the laboratory
  • 16. Cyclic life & evolution of a theory Black, 1999
  • 17. Operational Definitions (Kazdin, 2003) • Defining a concept on the basis of the specific operations used in the study. • Allows us to measure & quantify • Concept: anxiety • Operational definition: participants scoring at or above 75th percentile on measure of anxiety (e.g., GAD-7)
  • 18. Operational Definitions: Limitations (Kazdin, 2003) • May oversimplify the concept of interest or limit scope/focus • May include features that are irrelevant or not central to the original concept o Unnecessary error or noise • Use of single measures to define a concept o May impede drawing general relationships among concepts
  • 19. Hypotheses (Leary, 2004) • A Hypothesis is a specific proposition that logically follows from the theory. • Deriving hypotheses from theory involves deduction. • Logical implications of a theory • If the theory is true, what would we expect to observe? • Virtually all hypotheses can be reduced to an if-then statement.
  • 20. A well written hypothesis • Stated in declarative form • Posit a relationship between variables • Reflect a theory or body of literature upon which they are based • Be brief & to the point • Be testable • Null vs. Alternative (research) hypotheses
  • 21. Choosing a research strategy (Robson, 2011, pgs. 74 – 77) A. FIXED, FLEXIBLE, or MULTI-STRATEGY? B. Is your proposed study an EVALUATION? A. Focus on: A. Outcome: Fixed B. Process: Flexible C. Both: Multi-strategy C. Do you wish to carry out ACTION RESEARCH? A. Focus of improvement of practice, increased understanding of practice & improvement of situation A. If so, Flexible approach almost always used D. E. F. What design strategy is most appropriate?
  • 22. Choosing a research strategy (Robson, 2011, pgs. 74 – 77) cont. G. The purposes(s) helps in selecting a strategy H. The research questions have a strong influence on the strategy I. Specific methods need not be tied to particular research strategies
  • 23. Research Nuts & Bolts: Variables • Anything that varies • A concept that can be measured • Represents a class of outcomes that can take on more than one value • Types o Independent o Dependent
  • 24. Difference between concepts & variables Concepts • Subjective impression • No uniformity as to its understanding among different people o as such, cannot be measured Examples: effectiveness, satisfaction, impact, excellence, achievement, domestic violence, self esteem, etc. Variables • Measurable though the degree of precision varies from scale to scale & variable to variable Examples: Gender (male/female), age, income, weight, height, religion attitude (subjective), etc.
  • 25. Levels of measurement • Nominal o categorical (names or categories) • Ordinal • Interval o equal distance between points • Ratio o equal distance + absolute zero point  e.g., degrees Kelvin, distance, mass, time
  • 26. Research Design: Key Concepts • Independent Variable (IV) • Dependent Variable (DV) • What effect does ___ (IV) have on ___ (DV) ? • Experimental groups vs. Control groups Independent Variable (IV) Dependent Variable (DV)
  • 28. Moderating Variables Therapy (IV) Tx vs. Wait List Symptom Reduction (DV) Intelligence (moderator)
  • 29. Conceptual Models • Graphical representation of a theory o diagram of proposed relationships among theoretical concepts Concept (abstract, theoretical) Variable (more detailed, specifically defined meaning) Measure (operational definition) • Conceptual models are useful for clarifying a research question, aims & hypotheses • Distinct from research design (later step in planning)
  • 30. Mediating & Moderating Effects • Moderating variable(s) o age • Mediating variable(s) o Motivation o Coping Skills (Wykes & Spaulding, 2011)
  • 31. Law of Parsimony / Occam's Razor • Are we looking for zebras? • Can we explain the data with concepts & models we already know? • Adopting the simpler of 2 solutions that account equally well for the data.
  • 32. Plausible Rival Hypotheses • Other plausible explanations for our results? • Example: imipramine (antidepressant) vs. St. John’s Wort (herbal) in tx of moderate depression. o Woelk, 2000 found equal improvement after tx • Equal effect? • What would you want to know? • What do you think is really going on? o Placebo effect
  • 33. Correlation & Causation Correlation does not mean causation...
  • 34. Correlation & Causation ...but is a necessary component of a causal model. • Inferring causality (Leary, 2004): 1. Covariation (correlation) 2. Temporal precedence (A then B) 3. All extraneous factors that might influence the relationship between the variables of interest are controlled or eliminated.
  • 35. Basic Statistics Review • Descriptive Statistics o Measures of central tendency  e.g., mean, median, mode o Measures of variability  e.g., range, standard deviation, standard  error to the mean (SEM) • Inferential statistics o Goal: to make inferences about population from a sample  Parametric • e.g., t-tests, ANOVA, regression  Nonparamentric • e.g., chi square
  • 38. Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST) •If p < .05, then… o Reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis. •If p > .05, then… o Fail to reject the null hypothesis  or retain the null
  • 39. What does NHST tell us?? • Assuming that the null hypothesis is true, p would the odds of having attained results this or more extreme by chance alone (assuming we have a normal distribution). • Tells us if our results are statistically significant (different that practically or clinically significant). o E.g., difference between two groups reaches a level of statistical significance. • Outcome is either or, does not inform us of strength of effect. o p = .001 is not more significant that p = .01.
  • 42. Threats to Statistical Conclusion Validity (Kazdin, 2003) • Low statistical power • Variability in the procedures • Subject heterogeneity • Unreliability of the measures • Multiple comparisons & error rates
  • 43. Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST) Cohen, "p < .05, the world is flat"
  • 44. alpha inflation & Type I Error (false +)
  • 45. Statistical Power • Probability of accepting a hypothesis (the null hypothesis) when in actuality it is false (aka, Type 2 error, false negative • Sensitivity to effects of IV • Probability is 1 – Beta • Conventionally set at 0.80 (Cohen, 1988) • Powerful designs are able to detect effects of the IV more easily than less powerful designs.
  • 46. Methods to Increase Power (Shadish, Cook & Campbell, 2002) • Use matching, stratifying, blocking • Measure & correct for covariates • Use larger sample sizes • Use equal cell sample sizes • Improve measurement • Increase the strength of treatment • Increase the variability of treatment • Use within-participants design • Use homogenous participants selected to be responsive to tx • Reduce random setting irrelevancies • Ensure powerful statistical tests are used & assumptions met
  • 47. Effect Size (E.S.) • Way of expressing the difference between conditions (e.g., treatment vs. control). • A common metric that can be used between studies • Magnitude of effect o Often classified into small, medium, large
  • 48. 4 Categories of E.S. (Ferguson, 2009) 1. Group differences indices a. magnitude of difference between 2 or more variables b. e.g., Cohen's d 2. Strength of association indices a. magnitude of shared variance between variables b. e.g., Pearson's r 3. Corrected estimates a. estimates correcting for sampling error b. e.g., Adjusted R2 4. Risk estimates a. more commonly used in medical outcome research b. e.g., relative risk (RR) & odds ratio (OR).
  • 49. Suggested E.S. Interpretation (Ferguson, 2009) Type of E.S. Est. Included Indices RMPE "Moderate" effect "Strong" effect Group Difference Cohen's d, Glass' delta, Hedges g 0.41 1.15 2.70 Strength of Association r, R, partial r, rh tau 0.2 0.5 0.8 Squared Association Indices r2, R2, eta squared, adj. R2 0.04 0.25 0.64 Risk Estimates RR, OR 2.0 (interpret w/ caution) 3.0 4.0
  • 50. Reliability A reliable measure is consistent or repeatable. more of different types of reliability later...
  • 51. but is reliability enough? phrenelogy was reliable... but was it valid?
  • 52. Validity • Internal Validity o extent to which the changes in the study DV can be attributed to changes in the IV • External Validity o extent to which the results can be generalized
  • 53. Validity (cont) • Example o Progress in therapy • Did therapy cause the improvement? Measure at Intake Measure at Termination Therapy
  • 54. Threats to Internal Validity • History • Maturation • Testing • Instrumentation • Statistical regression • Differential selection • Experimental mortality (attrition) • Selection X maturation interaction • Statistical conclusion validity (lack of power) • Subject heterogeneity
  • 55. Threats to Internal Validity • Remember the acronym: MRS SMITH o Maturation o Regression to the mean o Selection of subjects o Selection by maturation interaction o Mortality o Instrumentation o Testing o History
  • 56. Threats to External Validity • Reactive effect of testing • Reactive effect of experimental arrangements • Interaction between selection bias and the IV • Multiple treatment interference
  • 57. Defense against threats to validity • for External Validity o Random selection of subjects • for Internal Validity o Random assignment to conditions • Various research designs have stronger internal or external validity o often a balancing act: External vs. Internal o Mook (1983) "In defense of External Invalidity"
  • 58. Regression to the Mean (RTM) How to Reduce RTM 1. Random allocation to comparison groups 2. Selection of Ss based on multiple measurements 3. Estimate size of RTM a. can be subtracted from observed change to give an adjusted estimate 4. Statistical control of covariates (i.e., ANCOVA) (Barnette, van der Pols & Dobson, 2005).
  • 59. Other forms of Validity • Face Validity • Content Validity • Construct Validity o Convergent o Discriminant • Criterion Validity o Predictive Validity
  • 60. Range Restrictions • Beware of range restrictions in data • You can miss the big picture • Beware of floor and ceiling effects as well
  • 61. Fixed or Flexible design? • Some projects using social research methods are pre-planned in detail: they have FIXED designs (commonly referred to as quantitative research). • Others expect the plan to change or evolve while the project is underway: their design is FLEXIBLE (commonly referred to as qualitative research).
  • 62. Fixed Designs • Pre-specify exactly what you plan to happen BEFORE (a priori) the main data collection. • Examples are experiments and surveys. • They typically rely almost exclusively on quantitative data collection (and are often referred to as quantitative research). • more to come...
  • 63. Flexible Designs • Initial planning is limited to the focus of the research and (possibly) to setting out some general research questions. • Details of the design change depending on the initial findings. • Examples are grounded theory and ethnographic studies. • They typically rely largely on the collection of qualitative data (and are often referred to as qualitative research) though some quantitative data is often also collected. • More to come...

Notas do Editor

  1. It is important to have a scientific attitude in our approach to research…Systematic: means giving serious thought to what you are doing, and how &amp; why you are doing it. In particular, being explicit ure of the observations that are made, the circumstances in which they are made, and the role you are making them. Skeptical: refers to subjecting your ideas to possible disconfirmation. It also involves considering alternative hypotheses and interpretations and subjecting the observations and preliminary conclusions made to scrutiny (by yourself initially, then by others).Ethical: means you follow a code of conduct for the research which ensures that the interests and concerns of those taking part in, or possibly affected by, the research are safeguarded.
  2. River crossing analogy:Research Focus: The general goal or objective of crossing the riverResearch Questions: Information you need to know – how many people will be crossing the river? How often? How deep is the river? How far? Current?Research Strategy: What strategy you choose to cross the river: Walk (bridge), swim, fly, boat/ferryResearch Tactics: Specific type of boat/ferry, bridge, aircraft, etc.Hakim (1987) designer of a research project needs to think like an architect. Person carrying out research needs to think like the builder or contractor. May be the same person (for small studies) or may be separate. Design deals with aims, purposes, intentions, plans within the practical constraints of time, location, budget, staff.Also depends on style of designer (innovative vs. conservative) and style of who is paying for research and audience and consumer of your final product (always consider your audience).
  3. Design concerns the various things that should be considered and kept in mind when doing research. Robson proposes 5 primary components to consider:1.) Purpose(s): What is the study trying to achieve? What is your objective? Why is it being done? Are you seeking to describe something, or to explain or understand something? Are you trying to assess the effectiveness of something? Is it in response to some problem or issue for which solutions are sought? Is it hoped to change something as a result of the study?2.) Theory: What theory will guide or inform your study? How will you understand the findings? What conceptual framework links the phenomena you are studying?3.) Research questions: What questions are you trying to answer? What do you need to know to achieve the purpose(se) of the study? What is feasible to ask given the time and resources that you have available?4.) Methods: What specific techniques (e.g., questionnaires, instruments, measures, interviews, participant observation) will you use to collect data? How will the data be analyzed? How do you show that the data are trustworthy? (use validated instruments, consult the literature to see what is being used).5.) Sampling strategy: From whom will you seek data? Identify your population – how will you attain a representative sample (convenience sample, simple random, stratified random sample, cluster sample, etc). How will you balance the need to be selective with the need to collect all the data required?All these aspects need to be inter-related and kept in balance. In flexible designs there should be repeated revisiting of all these elements. The detailed framework emerges during the study.
  4. A good research design framework should have high compatibility among purposes, theory, research questions, methods and sampling strategies.Purpose and theory should inform your research questions, which should inform your methods and sampling strategy.If the only research questions you can get answers are not directly relevant to the purpose of the study, then something needs to change (probably the research question)If your research questions do not link to theory, it is unlikely that you will produce answers of value (chp 3, p 61). In this case, developing theory needs to take place or research questions need to change.If the methods and/or sampling strategy are not providing answers to the research questions, something should change. Collect additional data, extend the sampling or cut down or modify the research question (example: using university convenience sample: primarily young females: could try to recruit more diverse sample, or pair down study to looking at young females).In fixed design research, you have to get this all right before you start your project (hence, the importance of pilot work – always run a pilot when possible)In flexible designs, you have to sort this all out by the conclusion of your study. In the real world, research isn’t always as neat and tidy as this. Some research questions may remain stubbornly unanswerable given limitations in sampling, data collection and resources example: effectiveness of interventions to prevent suicide 10.3 deaths per 100,000 person years (2002 statistics)
  5. Can provide perspective
  6. This slide provides an overview of what is involved in choosing a research strategy, and seeks to sensitize you to the pertinent issues to consider.Is a FIXED, FLEXIBLE or MULTI-STRATEGY design strategy appropriate? : a FIXED design calls for tight prespecification before you reach the main data-collection stage. If you can’t prespecify the design, don’t use the fixed approach. Data are almost always in the form of numbers; hence this type is commonly referred to as a QUANTITATIVE strategy. A FLEXIBLE design evolves during data collection. Data are typically non-numerical (usually in the form of words); hence this type is often referred to as a QUALITATIVE strategy. A MULTI-STRATEGY design combines substantial elements of both fixed and flexible design. A common type has a flexible phase followed by a fixed phase. Note: flexible designs can include the collection of small amounts of quantitative data Similarly, fixed designs can include the collection of small amounts of qualitative data.Is your proposed study an EVALUATION? Are you trying to establish the worth or value of something such as an intervention, innovation or service? This could be approached using either a fixed, flexible or multi-strategy design strategy depending on the specific purpose of the evaluation. If the focus is on an OUTCOME a fixed design is probably indicated, if it is on a PROCESS a flexible design is probably preferred. Many evaluations have an interest in both outcomes and process, and use multi-strategy design.Do you wish to carry out action research (pg. 188 Robson)? Is an action agenda central to your concerns? This typically involves direct participation in the research by others likely to be involved, coupled with an intention to initiate change. A FLEXIBLE approach is almost always used (see chat. 8 pg. 188) If you opt for a FIXED design strategy, which type is most appropriate? Two broad interpretations are widely recognized: experimental and non-experimental designs (box 4.1 on pg. 78 summarizes)If you opt for a FLEXIBLE design strategy, which type is most appropriate? Flexible designs have developed from a wide range of very different traditions. Three of these are widely used in real world studies. These are case studies, ethnographic studies and grounded theory studies. (see box 4.2 on p. 79)If you are considering a Multi-strategy design, which type is most appropriate? It may well be that a strategy which combines fixed and flexible design elements seems to be appropriate for the study with which you are involved. One or more case studies might be linked to an experiment. Alternatively a small experiment might be incorporated actually within a case study. Issues involved in the carrying out of multi-strategy designs are discussed in chapt. 7.
  7. G. The purpose helps in selecting the strategy: The strategies discussed above represent different ways of collecting and analysing empirical evidence. Each has its particular strengths and weaknesses. It is also commonly suggested that there is a hierarchical relationship between the different strategies, related to the purpose of the research; that…Flexible (qualitative) strategies are appropriate for exploratory workNon-experimental fixed strategies appropriate for descriptive studiesExperiments are appropriate for explanatory studiesH. The research questions have a strong influence on the strategy to be chosen…How many? How much? Who? Where? Questions suggest use of a non-experimental fixed design (survey research)What? How? Why? Often best addressed with flexible designsSpecific methods of investigation need not be tied to particular research strategies. The methods or techniques used to collect information, what might be called the tactics of inquery, such as questionnaires of various kinds of observation, are sometimes regared as necessarily linked to particular research strategies. Thus, in fixed non-experimental designs, surveys may be seen as being carried out by structured questionnaire and experiments through specialized forms of observation, often requiring the use of measuring instruments of some sophistication. In flexible designs, grounded theory studies were often viewed as interview-based and ethnographic studies seen as entirely based on participant observation. However, it is not necessarily a tight or necessary linkage.
  8. Another way to think about this issue is that a moderator variable is one that influences the strength of a relationship between two other variables, and a mediator variable is one that explains the relationship between the two other variables. As an example, let&apos;s consider the relation between social class (SES) and frequency of breast self-exams (BSE). Age might be a moderator variable, in that the relation between SES and BSE could be stronger for older women and less strong or nonexistent for younger women. Education might be a mediator variable in that it explains why there is a relation between SES and BSE. When you remove the effect of education, the relation between SES and BSE disappears.
  9. Equivalent doses? Sometimes a medication is distributed at a subtherapeutic dose. For example X mg is the therapeutic dose of imipramine, but y dose is used in the study.Sample size?Length of study? (maybe not long enough for antidepressant to have an effect?Comparing apples and oranges.Placebo effect.
  10. P &lt; .0001 is really, really significant!
  11. Pg. 70Variability in the procedures – If variability is minimized, the likelihood of detecting a true difference between the treatments or treatment and control conditions is increased. In terms of our formula for effect size, the differences between groups will be divided by a measure of variability; this measure will be larger when there is more and smaller when less uncontrolled variation. The larger the variability, the lower the effect size evident for a given difference between groups.
  12. History: Things that have changed in the participants’ environments other than those forming a direct part of the inquiry (e.g., occurrence of major air disaster during study of effectiveness of desensitization programme on persons with fear of air travel).Testing: Changes occurring as a result of practice and experience gained by participants on any pre-tests (e.g., asking opinions about factory farming of animals before some intervention may lead respondents to think about the issues and develop more negative attitudes). Instrumentation: Some aspect(s) of the way participants were measured changed between pre-test and post-test (e.g., raters in observational study using a wider or narrower definition of a particular behavior as they get more familiar with the situation).Regression (to the mean): If participants are chosen because they are unusual or atypical (e.g., high scores) later testing will tend to give less unusual scores (“regression to the mean”); e.g., in an intervention programme with pupils with learning difficulties where ten highest-scoring pupils in a special unit are matched with ten of the lowest-scoring pupils in a mainstream school, regression effects will tend to show the former performing relatively worse on a subsequent test. See further details on p. 142.Mortality: Participants dropping out of the study (e.g., in study of adult literacy programme – selective drop-out of those who are making little progress).Maturation: Growth, change or development in participants unrelated to the treatment enquiry (e.g., evaluation extended athletics training programme with teenagers – intervening in height, weight and general maturity).Selection: Initial differences between groups prior to involvement in the enquiry (e.g., the use of an arbitrary non-random rule to produce two groups ensures they differ in one respect which may correlate with others).Selection by maturation interaction: Predisposition of groups to grow apart (or together if initially different); e.g., use of groups of boys and girls initially matched on physical strength in a study of fitness programme.Experimenter Bias: can influence research results in subtle ways. Ambiguity about causal direction: Does A cause B, or B cause A? (e.g., in any correlational study, unless it is known that A precedes B, or vice versa – or some other logical analysis is possibleDiffusion of treatments: When one group learns information or otherwise inadvertently receives aspects of a treatment intended only for a second group (e.g., in a quasi-experimental study of two classes in the same school).Compensatory equalization of treatments: If one group receives “special” treatment, there will be organizational and other pressures for a control group to receive it (e.g., nurses in a hospital study may improve the treatment of a control group on grounds of fairness).Compensatory rivalry: As above but an effect on the participants themselves – referred to as the “John Henry” effect after the steel worker who killed himself through over exertion to prove his superiority to the new steam drill; e.g., when a group in an organization sees itself under threat from a planned change in another part of the organization and improves performance).