owasp security owasp zap agile scrum owasp zap dot net api software security continuous security secdevops prowareness application security security testing devouring security automated security scan devsecops security regression test zest owasp zap java api owasp zap python api devon performance appraisals dot net zap web application security automating onboarding culture asp.net offshoring container docker security docker owasp top 10 2017 meet up access control api authorization idor owasp top 10 authentication insecure web web security innovation ssdlc extreme programming people distributed technical debt behaviour recruitment xp communication practices high performance teams discussagile measure value product backlog priority metrics safe maximize value portfolio backlog scaled agile business value yearly appraisals induction kick off hr presentation encryption decouring security web.config aspnet_regiis viewstate dos asp.net security sslstrip securing asp.net clickjacking dot net bangalore dotnetblr port scanner zapproxy software quality insider threats policies and procedures intellectual property issues network complexity loss of control policies outsourcing keyloggers blacklists xss fuzz antixss inout sanitization xss antisamy xssme content security policy privilege escalation x-xss-protection samy cookie hijacking whitelists face off output encoding egress jaxb jaxp xdocument xpath injection xml bomb webgoat xxe dtd xpathvariableresolver external entities csrf billion laughs xml entities linq to xml xmldocument blind sql injection orm kali linux blacklist enema cat.net sqlmap sql injection netsparker sqli filter evasive techniques safe3si entity framework boolean blind sql injection least privilege northwind renouncedthoughts sqlol whitelist union based sql injection
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