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Irmak Sirer
Irmak Sirer
The Anatomy
of a Data Science
Oh cool.
Pretty good. Space and stuff.
AGE 14
Omigod Omigod Omigod.
Epic masterpiece is epic!!!!1!
I'm in love with Leia.
AGE 17
AGE 30
When you think about it, it's not that good.
AGE 30
When you think about it, it's not that good.
Ah, who am I kidding? It's amazing.
I'm still in love with Leia.
I mean... look at her.
What determines
how much I like a movie?
What determines
how much I like a movie?
A personal question
on something
I am passionate about
How do I boost my sales?
A business question
Can I identify experts in each division
of my company and bring them
together to collaborate?
Another business question
What do customers out there
think and say
about my products?
Another business question
The Anatomy
of a
Data Science Project
Finding the right questions
Right metrics
Knowing what’s been done
Start with question, not data
Iterative design process
Moving targets
Start with question, not data
Iterative design process
Moving targets
Find Data
Clean Data
Manage Data
Find Data
Clean Data
Manage Data
Machine Learning
Applied Math
Open source tools
Pandas, Scikit.learn
SQL, Mongo
Javascript, d3, Flask
Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Mahoot
Interactive Dashboards
Easy to read graphs
Explaining well, adapting to audience
Interactive Dashboards
Easy to read graphs
Explaining well, adapting to audience
Ultimate Goal & Product: Insights
What determines
how much I like a movie?
What determines
how much I like a movie?
Is my reaction to a
movie / book / song
How much will I like
The Book of Eli?
1 billion
user ratings
I have a soulmate in taste
I have a soulmate in taste
Irmak Frrmack
I have a soulmate in taste
Watched the same movies
Irmak Frrmack
I have a soulmate in taste
Watched the same movies
Gave the exact same ratings
Irmak Frrmack
I have a soulmate in taste
Watched the same movies
Gave the exact same ratings
Except The Book of Eli
Irmak Frrmack
I have a soulmate in taste
Frrmack watched The Book of Eli
Irmak Frrmack
I have a soulmate in taste
Irmak Frrmack
Oh man, it was…
I have a soulmate in taste
Irmak Frrmack
Oh man, it was…
I have a soulmate in taste
Irmak Frrmack
Oh man, it was…
No perfect soulmates in real life
Almost soulmate 1
No perfect soulmates in real life
Almost soulmate 1 Almost soulmate 2
No perfect soulmates in real life
Almost soulmate 1 Almost soulmate 2
Almost soulmate 3
No perfect soulmates in real life
Almost soulmate 1 Almost soulmate 2
Almost soulmate 4Almost soulmate 3
No perfect soulmates in real life
87% soulmate 74% soulmate
95% soulmate82% soulmate
No perfect soulmates in real life
No perfect soulmates in real life
No perfect soulmates in real life
Works well for movies that everybody rates
Quite bad with movies that only few people rate
Some movies are especially difficult to predict
Biggest error source: popular but weird
15% of all errors from ONE movie
Trivial: Mean score of everyone
Trivial: Mean score of everyone
Error: (RMSE) 1.0540 stars
Trivial: Mean score of everyone
Error: (RMSE) 1.0540 stars
Error: (RMSE) 0.9525 stars
Trivial: Mean score of everyone
Error: (RMSE) 1.0540 stars
Error: (RMSE) 0.9525 stars
Trivial: Mean score of everyone
Error: (RMSE) 1.0540 stars
Error: (RMSE) 0.9525 stars
Better rankings  Better recommendations
Trivial: Mean score of everyone
Error: (RMSE) 1.0540 stars
Error: (RMSE) 0.9525 stars
Better rankings  Better recommendations
+ 8.6%  + 1200% people watch top recommendation
BigChaos Netflix Prize Repo
Error: 0.9525 stars
Error: 0.9525 stars
for a 10% improvement
Error: 0.9525 stars
Bring it down to:
Error: 0.8563 stars
for a 10% improvement
BellKor’s Pragmatic Chaos
How did they do it?
How did they do it?
How did they do it?
Solid assumptions
You have a certain taste.
Your taste dictates a hidden rating for Book of Eli.
When you watch it, this rating is revealed to you.
How did they do it?
Solid assumptions
You have a certain taste.
Your taste dictates a hidden rating for Book of Eli.
When you watch it, this rating is revealed to you.
How did they do it?
Your rating changes with time.
How did they do it?
Your rating changes with time.
It depends on...
How did they do it?
Your rating changes with time.
It depends on...
how many you rated that day
your average rating for the day
which movies you rated on this day
shown Netflix prediction
Y. Koren, The BellKor Solution to the Netflix Grand Prize. 2009
Trivial: Mean score of everyone
Error: 1.0540 stars
Error: 0.9525 stars
Y. Koren, The BellKor Solution to the Netflix Grand Prize. 2009
Trivial: Mean score of everyone
Error: 1.0540 stars
Error: 0.9525 stars
Your time dependent rating tendencies
Trivial: Mean score of everyone
Error: 1.0540 stars
Error: 0.9525 stars
Your time dependent rating tendencies
Error: 0.9278 stars
Y. Koren, The BellKor Solution to the Netflix Grand Prize. 2009
Trivial: Mean score of everyone
Error: 1.0540 stars
Error: 0.9525 stars
Your time dependent rating tendencies
Error: 0.9278 stars
Y. Koren, The BellKor Solution to the Netflix Grand Prize. 2009
Trivial: Mean score of everyone
Error: 1.0540 stars
Error: 0.9525 stars
Your time dependent rating tendencies
Error: 0.9278 stars
without looking at which movies you like/hate!
Y. Koren, The BellKor Solution to the Netflix Grand Prize. 2009
What does this suggest?
What does this suggest?
We cannot compare a movie with all others we've seen.
What does this suggest?
We cannot compare a movie with all others we've seen.
We compare it to a limited set.
What does this suggest?
We cannot compare a movie with all others we've seen.
We compare it to a limited set.
Liking (real time & remembered) depends on time and
What does this suggest?
We cannot compare a movie with all others we've seen.
We compare it to a limited set.
Liking (real time & remembered) depends on time and
Other people's opinions affect our own (followers / hipsters)
What does this suggest?
We cannot compare Book of Eli with all movies we've seen.
We compare it to a limited set.
Liking (real time & remembered) depends on time and
Other people's opinions affect our own (followers / hipsters)
An experiment
Music Lab: A website for downloading music
An experiment
Same website: Music download and rating
M.J. Salganik, P.S. Dodds, D.J. Watts. Science, 311:854-856, 2006
An experiment
Music Lab: A website for downloading music
Alternative A:
Other people's ratings invisible
An experiment
Music Lab: A website for downloading music
Alternative A:
Other people's ratings invisible
More or less equal ratings
An experiment
Music Lab: A website for downloading music
Alternative A:
Other people's ratings invisible
Alternative B:
All ratings visible
More or less equal ratings
An experiment
Music Lab: A website for downloading music
Alternative A:
Other people's ratings invisible
Alternative B:
All ratings visible
More or less equal ratings
Several songs snowball in popularity
An experiment
Music Lab: A website for downloading music
Alternative A:
Other people's ratings invisible
Alternative B:
All ratings visible
More or less equal ratings
Several songs snowball in popularity
It's different songs for each trial
Social influence plays a big part in determining hits and misses
Problems with rating movies
We cannot compare a movie with all others we've seen.
We compare it to a limited set.
Liking (real time & remembered) depends on time and
Other people's opinions affect our own.
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
Amazing! Total
Tuesday 3am Sunday 12pm
Liking (real time & remembered) depends on time and
Other people's opinions affect our own.
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
Dependent on many other
environmental factors
besides our taste
We cannot compare a movie with all others we've seen.
We compare it to a limited set.
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
Difficult to describe
accurately and consistently
with a number
Predicting aside,
can I even reliably rate & rank movies
I’ve seen in terms of enjoyment?
Irmak Frrmack
What are your
top twenty
Irmak Frrmack
What are your
top twenty
Irmak Frrmack
I like Star Wars.
What are your
top twenty
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
Can’t we do
about this?
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
“Enjoyment” from a movie is very
high dimensional information
“Enjoyment” from a movie is very
high dimensional information
Rating means projecting this onto a single
But sometimes you just want to do the
best projection you can
What is my top twenty?
We cannot compare a movie with all others we've seen.
We compare it to a limited set.
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
Trying to rate Star Wars
Trying to rate Star Wars
Trying to rate Star Wars
Map enjoyment
to a specific scale
Trying to rate Star Wars
Map enjoyment
to a specific scale
Trying to rate Star Wars
Map enjoyment
to a specific scale
Trying to rate Star Wars
choose corresponding rating
for this degree of liking
Trying to rate Star Wars
But we cannot keep
this entire history of
enjoyment in mind
Trying to rate Star Wars
But we cannot keep
this entire history of
enjoyment in mind
We fuzzily remember
a small subset
Trying to rate Star Wars
But we cannot keep
this entire history of
enjoyment in mind
We fuzzily remember
a small subset
We map based on this subset
Trying to rate Star Wars
But we cannot keep
this entire history of
enjoyment in mind
We fuzzily remember
a small subset
We map based on this subset
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
Can’t we do
about this?
We can certainly handle
single comparisons
We can certainly handle
single comparisons
We can certainly handle
single comparisons
less vague
We can certainly handle
single comparisons
little information
I can manually compare it with all others
And find exactly where it belongs
right after Indiana Jones
right before The Princess
Full ranking: Compare all pairs
That’s a bit
too much effort
for me
1,000,000 comparisons?
We don’t need all of them
We don’t need all of them
We don’t need all of them
We don’t need all of them
I have some information about
Compare a random sample of pairs
Use a ranking algorithm that utilizes
all the information
Good idea!
Elo rating system
Elo rating system
Elo rating system
Elo rating system
Elo rating system
“hotness” range
Elo rating system
7.00 8.00
+1.50-1.50 +1.50-1.50
Elo rating system
7.00 8.00
+1.50-1.50 +1.50-1.50
7.12 7.68
Elo rating system
7.00 8.00
7.12 7.68
+1.50-1.50 +1.50-1.50
Elo rating system
7.00 8.00
7.12 7.68
+1.50-1.50 +1.50-1.50
Elo rating system
7.00 8.00
+150-150 +150-150
to win
to win
Elo rating system
How do we find out what these ranges are?
Elo rating system
Start with the same guess for every contender
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Elo rating system
5.00 5.00
Elo rating system
5.00 5.00
Elo rating system
5.12 4.88
Update the best guesses accordingly
Elo rating system
5.12 5.00
Elo rating system
5.24 4.88
Elo rating system
5.24 5.00
Elo rating system
5.14 5.10
We don’t need all comparisons
I have some information about
Elo rating system
7.61 4.02
Elo rating system
7.61 4.02
to win
to win
Elo rating system
to win
to win
Elo rating system
to win
to win
Elo rating system
We now have scores on a single scale
9.07 8.42 6.40 4.88 4.20 3.03
Elo rating system
We now have scores on a single scale
(estimates of people’s appreciation levels)
9.07 8.42 6.40 4.88 4.20 3.03
Elo rating system
and a ranking
1 2 3 4 5 6
9.07 8.42 6.40 4.88 4.20 3.03
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
Can we somehow apply
this to movies, then?
We can do better
We can do better
Bayesian ranking algorithms
We can do better
Bayesian ranking algorithms
(The Elo Killer)
We can do better
Bayesian ranking algorithms
(The Elo Killer)
Bayesian ranking
4.46 4.01
+- +-
Liking (real time & remembered) depends on time and
Other people's opinions affect our own.
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
Bayesian ranking
4.46 4.01
+- +-
Bayesian ranking
4.46 4.01
+- +-
to win
to win
to draw
Bayesian ranking
Bayesian ranking
? 4.3
Best guess
for the center
Bayesian ranking
? 4.3
It could be
centered around
It could also be
centered around
Bayesian ranking
? 4.2
centered around
Bayesian ranking
? 4.4
Less likely
but even around
Bayesian ranking
? 4.5
Bayesian ranking
? 4.3
3.5 4 4.5 5
Bayesian ranking
? 4.3
3.5 4 4.5 5
Few comparisons: Lots of uncertainty
(anything from 2.3 to 4.5 is quite possible)
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4 4.5
After many comparisons: Quite sure
(pretty much between 4.11 to 4.18)
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4 4.5
Bayesian ranking
Bayesian ranking
Lord of
the Rings
2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Bayesian ranking
Lord of
the Rings
2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
How did they do it?
Your rating changes with time.
A small, constant increase
in uncertainty before each
3.5 4 4.5 5
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
Great! We have a system!
I don’t want to
spend too much
time on this
How many is too many?
Minimum Effort
Maximum Information
Minimum Effort
Maximum Information
1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3
Minimum Effort
Maximum Information
Minimum Effort
Maximum Information
Minimum Effort
Maximum Information
Not reliable by itself
Still carries a lot of information
Minimum Effort
Maximum Information
1 3 5
Minimum Effort
Maximum Information
1 3 5 1 3 5
I don’t want to
spend too much
time on this
What else can we do?
Minimum Effort
Maximum Information
Minimum Effort
Maximum Information
I can calculate the expected amount
of information from a comparison!
Minimum Effort
Maximum Information
Minimum Effort
Maximum Information
Certain about both movies
Won’t learn a lot
Minimum Effort
Maximum Information
Certain about both movies
Won’t learn a lot
Minimum Effort
Maximum Information
Certain about both movies
Won’t learn a lot
Don’t know much about either
Will learn a lot
regardless of outcome
Irmak Frrmack
What are your
top twenty
Quantifying human reactions are hard
tv shows
importance of issues
what to spend ‘fun’ budget on
teams in different sports
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
Amazing! Total
Tuesday 3am Sunday 12pm
Quantifying human reactions are hard
Start with a rating,
pose the correct comparisons
Quantifying human reactions are hard
Start with a rating,
pose the correct comparisons
Every decision gets us closer
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
Amazing! Total
Tuesday 3am Sunday 12pm
Many comparisons for a movie
over different days
averages out mood and other factors
Degree of liking is
sensitive and vague
Amazing! Total
Tuesday 3am Sunday 12pm
The Anatomy
of a
Data Science Project
The Anatomy
of a
Data Science Project

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The Anatomy of a Data Science Project

Editor's Notes

  1. Social influence plays a big part in determining hits and misses