north macedonia crna gora slovenia montenegro national forestry reform uprava za šume finansiranje šumarstva slovenija reforma sistema v gozdarstvu gozdarska politika gozdarska zakonodaja gozdarstvo sustainable forest development šumarska strategija šumarska politika forestry policy forest legislation forest management forest strategy forestry organisation ekonomska održivost izvodljivost strategije izvodljivost reforme državna šumarska kompanija šumarsko državno preduzeće model reorganizacije reforma šumarstva program razvoja šuma zakon o šumama šumarski sektor resilience of black pine black pine forest development the highest black pine trees black pine primary forest crna poda forest administration reform forestry reorganisation models european forestry organisation forest management reform forestry institutions reform national forestry agency georgia new law on forests forestry legal system forest sector reform norh macedonia forest(ry) financing forest(ry) measures national forestry action plan national forestry programme forest(ry) financing system forestry institutions reorganisation of forestry closer-to-nature forestry national forestry strategy doprinos šumarstva gdp-u komercijalne funkcije javne funkcije administrativne funkcije fond za šume usluge u javnom interesu ekonomska izvodljivost ekonomika državnog preduzeća prodaja drveta izvođenje radova u šumarstvu (re)organizacija šumarstva državno šumarsko preduzeće koncesije korišćenje šuma recommendations for the reform forestry sector recommendations for change institutional set-up forestry sector developments forestry balkans sustainable forest policy and institutions šumarsko zakonodavstvo privatno šumarstvo politika ruralnog razvoja ipard 2 program training of close-to-nature sylvicultural techniqu virgin forest education and study tours close-to-nature forest managers managed near natural forest forest natura 2000 managers west balkans state forest company state forest wood value chains state forest economy state forest managemnt state forest resources state forest law forest condition forest utilisation illegal felling
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