翰林英語 hanlin past continuous exotic food 公館國中 gerund 過去進行式 write a letter green sea turtles taipei tree frogs black faced spoonbills poem teach poetry english teaching debate worksheet worksheet gift shape poem 數量不定代名詞 earth day sportsday comparatives linking verbs picture book health quotes bear feels sick adjective to infinitive 不定詞 動名詞 02 hanlin english b3 u5 reading a ji shi infinitive ving career job to vr past simple past continuous tense 授予動詞 grammar charity syrian drowned boy donate refugee story circle graphic organizer animal family tree information gap halloween teaching grammar festivals sequence chart the crocodile and the dentist emily dickinson poetry easter poker face graduation speech 寿司 sushi pizza pearl milk tea hamburger storytelling protected animals polar bears formosa sika deer formosan rock monkey formosan black bear cherry salmon polar bears english oral report english party activity christmas super beauty game house cooking dialogue evaluation make cookies health teaching english as a foreign language sickness 國中英語 補救教學
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