IA Summit 2012: Mapping the Experience

Chris Risdon Há 12 anos

How to Determine the ROI of Anything

Gary Vaynerchuk Há 9 anos

The 7 Principles of Conversion Centered Design

Kissmetrics on SlideShare Há 10 anos

Dear CMO. Your Marketing Plan is Broken

Distilled Há 11 anos

Data Driven Design Research Personas

Todd Zaki Warfel Há 16 anos

Social media around the world 2011

Steven Van Belleghem Há 12 anos

What The F**K is Social Media?

Martafy! Há 15 anos


leisa reichelt Há 15 anos

Tagging: Five Emerging Trends

gsmith Há 16 anos

Storytelling - A Compelling Design Tool

Dorelle Rabinowitz Há 16 anos

Designing Your Reputation System

Bryce Glass Há 16 anos

Vincent Everts December presentatie

Vincent Everts Há 16 anos

Consument2.0, een kennismaking

Martijn Hulst Há 16 anos