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A Tutorial @ IJCAI 2019
Federico Cerutti <>
P. Baroni T. Bench-Capon K. Budzynska P. Dunne
M. Giacomin A. Hunter T. Norman S. Parsons
C. Reed A. Toniolo M. Vallati S. Woltran
• Introduction to Formal Argumentation Theory
• Why it is important?
• Supporting scientific enquiry
• Structured argumentation
• Abstract Argumentation
• Algorithms and Implementations
1030H, in ROOM: 2405
Third International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation
(ICCMA’19) Award Ceremony
• Machine learning for argumentation
• Argumentation mining
• Machine learning for evaluating argumentation framework
• Argumentation for machine learning
• Are we using quality data?
• Arguing about the model: explanations and tellability
• Arguing about the algorithmic presence
why is it important?
7 Image: Wikipedia
All hypotheses and theories must be tested against observations of the natural
world, rather than resting solely on a priori reasoning, intuition, or revelation .
9 Image: Wikipedia
10 Image: Wikipedia
11 Image: Wikipedia
Paradigm Shift
12 Image: Wikipedia
13 Image: Wikipedia
Caluculs Ratiocinator
16 Image: Wikipedia
The path of the planet Uranus did not
conform to the path predicted by Newton’s
law of gravitation in presence of the known
• Human/instrument measure error
• Newton’s laws are mistaken
• An invisible magic teapot caused the
perturbation in order to show the
hubris of modern science
• …
• Newton’s laws—confirmed by a
significant amount of evidence—are
correct and the perturbation is caused
by another, unknown, planet
17 Image: Wikipedia
Scientific theories are capable of being
refuted: they are falsifiable
Verification and falsification are
different processes:
• No accumulation of confirming
instances is sufficient
• Only one contradicting instance
suffices to refute a theory
Scientific theories are tentative
18 Image: Wikipedia
computational models of argumentation
Supporting Reasoning with Different Types of Evidence in
Intelligence Analysis
Alice Toniolo_ Anthony Etuk Robin Wentao Ouyang
Tlmothy J-
N0Fman Federico Cerutti Mani Srivastava
DBPL 0f_C0ml3U“”Q SCIENCE Dept. of Computing Science University of California
University of Aberdeen, UK University of Aberdeen, UK Los Angeles, CA, USA
Nir Oren Timothy Dropps Paul Sullivan
Dept. of Computing Science John A_ Allen INTELPOINT Incorporated
University of Aberdeen, UK Honeywell, USA Pennsylvania, USA
Appears in: Proceedings of the 14th International
Conference on Autonomous Agents and ll/Iultiayent
Systems (AAJWAS 2015), Bordim, Elkind, Was.-3, Yolum
(ed5.), Mlay 4 8, 2015, Istcmbttl, Turkey.
[BL08] [PS13]
Does MMR vaccination cause autism?
Douglas Walton
Chris Reed
Fabrizio Macagno
Argumentation scheme for argument from correlation to cause
Correlation Premise: There is a positive correlation between A and B.
Conclusion: A causes B.
Critical questions are:
CQ1: Is there really a correlation between A and B?
CQ2: is there any reason to think that the correlation is any more than a
CQ3: Could there be some third factor, C, that is causing both A and B?
The Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 26:4, 487—51 1. © Cambridge University Press, 2011
Representing and classifying arguments on the
Semantic Web
Node Graph
Scheme Node
Rule of inference
application node
Conflict application
node (CA-Node)
application node
Derived concept
application node (e.g.
Rule of inference
Logical inference
inference scheme
Logical conflict
Logical preference
preference scheme
uses uses uses
26 Image from [Rah+11]
MMR vaccination
causes authism
It is possible that
MMR vaccination
is associated to
Early report
lleal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and
pervasive developmental disorder in children
A J Wake eld, S H Murch, A Anthony, J Linnell, D M Casson, M Malik, M Berelowitz, A P Dhillon, M A Thomson,
P Harvey, A Valentine, 5 E Davies, J A Walker-Smith
5|-|mma|'Y Introduction
" °9W several children Who, after a nP"" '
"‘ investigated a conser""' _m;mAn1".,,,
What else should
be true if the
causal link is true?
From Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children by Wakefield et al, The Lancet, 1998
MMR vaccination
causes authism
It is possible that
MMR vaccination
is associated to
Behavioural symptoms
were associated by
parents of 12 children
The New England
Iournal of Medicine
Copyright © 2002 by the Massachusetts Medical Society
VOLUME 347 N()VEMBER 7, 2002 NUMBER 19
I 7 "Tested that the measle
' +hat vaccina— ”“CCi11C C3“’
-nn- ’
From A Population-based Study of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccination and Autism by Madsen et al, The New England Journal of Medicine, 2002
What else should
be true if the
causal link is true?
MMR vaccination
causes authism
It is possible that
MMR vaccination
is associated to
Behavioural symptoms
were associated by
parents of 12 children
CQ1: There is no
correlation between
MMR vaccination
and autism
No statistical
correlation over
440,655 children
[Pra10] [MP13] [MP14]
35 From [MP13]
An argumentation system is as tuple AS = ⟨L, R, ν, ⟩ where:
• : L → 2L
: a contrariness function s.t. if φ ∈ ψ and:
• ψ /∈ ϕ, then ϕ is a contrary of ψ;
• ψ ∈ ϕ, then ϕ is a contradictory of ψ (ϕ = –ψ);
• R = Rd ∪ Rs: strict (Rs) and defeasible (Rd) inference rules s.t. Rd ∩ Rs = ∅;
• ν : Rd → L, is a partial function.*
P ⊆ L is consistent iff ∄φ, ψ ∈ P s.t. φ ̸∈ ψ, otherwise is inconsistent.
A knowledge base in an AS is Kn ∪ Kp = K ⊆ L; {Kn, Kp} is a partition of K; Kn contains
axioms that cannot be attacked; Kp contains ordinary premises that can be attacked.
An argumentation theory is a pair AT = ⟨AS, K⟩.
*Informally, ν(r) is a wff in L which says that the defeasible rule r is applicable.
36 From [MP13]
An argument a on the basis of a AT = ⟨AS, K⟩, AS = ⟨L, R, ν, ⟩ is:
1. φ if φ ∈ K with: Prem(a) = {φ}; Conc(a) = φ; Sub(a) = {φ};
Rules(a) = DefRules(a) = ∅; TopRule(a) = undefined.
2. a1, . . . , an −→ / =⇒ ψ if a1, . . . , an, with n ≥ 0, are arguments such that there exists a
strict/defeasible rule r = Conc(a1), . . . , Conc(an) −→ / =⇒ ψ ∈ Rs/Rd.
Prem(a) =
i=1 Prem(ai); Conc(a) = ψ;
Sub(a) =
i=1 Sub(ai) ∪ {a};
Rules(a) =
i=1 Rules(ai) ∪ {r};
DefRules(a) = {d | d ∈ Rules(a) ∩ Rd};
TopRule(a) = r
a is strict if DefRules(a) = ∅, otherwise defeasible; firm if Prem(a) ⊆ Kn, otherwise
37 From [MP13]
MMR vaccination
causes authism
It is possible that
MMR vaccination
is associated to
Behavioural symptoms
were associated by
parents of 12 children
CQ1: There is no
correlation between
MMR vaccination
and autism
No statistical
correlation over
440,655 children
MMR vaccination
causes authism
It is possible that
MMR vaccination
is associated to
Behavioural symptoms
were associated by
parents of 12 children
CQ1: There is no
correlation between
MMR vaccination
and autism
No statistical
correlation over
440,655 children
β =⇒ α
γ =⇒ β
ϵ =⇒ δ
δ ∈ β
Given a and b arguments, a defeats b iff a undercuts, successfully rebuts or successfully
undermines b, where:
• a undercuts b (on b′
) iff Conc(a) /∈ ν(r) for some b′
∈ Sub(b) s.t.
r = TopRule(b′
) ∈ Rd;
• a successfully rebuts b (on b′
) iff Conc(a) /∈ φ for some b′
∈ Sub(b) of the form
1 , . . . , b′′
n =⇒ –φ, and a ⊀ b′
• a successfully undermines b (on φ) iff Conc(a) /∈ φ, and φ ∈ Prem(b) ∩ Kp, and
a ⊀ φ.
AF is the abstract argumentation framework defined by AT = ⟨AS, K⟩ if A is the smallest
set of all finite arguments constructed from K; and → is the defeat relation on A.
40 From [MP13]
ε, ε ⇒ δ γ, γ ⇒ β
γ, γ ⇒ β, β ⇒ α
Arti cialIntelligence 77 (1995) 321v357
On the acceptability of arguments and its fundamental
role in nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming and
n-person games*
Phan Minh Dung*
A Dung argumentation framework AF is a pair
⟨A, → ⟩
where A is a set of arguments, and → is a binary relation on A i.e. →⊆ A × A.
43 Definitions from [Dun95]
A semantics is a way to identify sets of arguments (i.e. extensions)
“surviving the conflict together”
44 Definitions from [Dun95]
(Some) Semantics Properties
wailah-la unlina at 1-Iwmnscianca-dira+:t.corn
':.i; Science-.Direct Ani gal
E.LSI:'."v'lI:'.R. .eu:i:'.u'.-in Jnl::||igI:n»;::: m izrocm n75—:':m
On principle-based evaluation of extension-based
argumentation semantics ii’
Pietra Bamni, Massimiliano Giacomin *
The Kn0w[ed'ge Engineering Review, Vol. 26:4, 365-410. © Cambridge University Press, 2011
An introduction to argumentation semantics
45 Definitions from [BG07]
(Some) Semantics Properties
• Conflict-freeness
an attacking and an attacked argument can not stay together (∅ is c.f. by def.)
• Admissibility
• Reinstatement
• I-Maximality
46 Definitions from [BG07]
(Some) Semantics Properties
• Conflict-freeness
• Admissibility
the extension should be able to defend itself, „fight fire with fire” (∅ is adm. by def.)
• Reinstatement
• I-Maximality
47 Definitions from [BG07]
(Some) Semantics Properties
• Conflict-freeness
• Admissibility
• Reinstatement
if you defend some argument you should take it on board (∅ satisfies the principle
only if there are no unattacked arguments)
• I-Maximality
48 Definitions from [BG07]
(Some) Semantics Properties
• Conflict-freeness
• Admissibility
• Reinstatement
• I-Maximality
no extension is a proper subset of another one
49 Definitions from [BG07]
Complete Extension
Admissibility and reinstatement
Set of conflict-free arguments s.t. each defended argument is included
b a
f e
{a, c, d, e, g},
{a, b, c, e, g},
{a, c, e, g}
50 Definitions from [Dun95,BG07]
Preferred Extension
Admissibility and maximality
Maximum complete extensions
b a
f e
{a, c, d, e, g},
{a, b, c, e, g}
51 Definitions from [Dun95,BG07]
Stable Extension
Complete extensions attacking all the arguments outside
When exist, stable extensions are also preferred extensions
b a
f e
{a, c, d, e, g},
{a, b, c, e, g}
Complete Labellings
An argument is IN if all its attackers are OUT
An argument is OUT if at least one of its attackers is IN
Otherwise is UNDEC
53 Definitions from [BCG11]
Complete Labellings
Max. IN ≡ Preferred
b a
f e
{a, c, d, e, g}
54 Definitions from [Dun95,BCG11]
Complete Labellings
Max. IN ≡ Preferred
b a
f e
{a, b, c, e, g}
55 Definitions from [Dun95,BCG11]
Complete Labellings
No UNDEC ≡ Stable
b a
f e
{a, c, d, e, g}
56 Definitions from [Dun95,BCG11]
Complete Labellings
No UNDEC ≡ Stable
b a
f e
{a, b, c, e, g}
57 Definitions from [Dun95,BCG11]
Chapter 5
Complexity of Abstract Argumentation
Paul E. Dunne and Michael Wooldridge
I. Rahwan, G. R. Simari (cds.), Argunzerztarion in Ar‘!1j‘icial Intelligence,
DO] 10.1007/978—0—387—98197'-0-5. © Springer SCience+Business Media. LLC 2009
58 From [DW09]
σ = CO σ = GR σ = PR σ = ST
existsσ trivial trivial trivial np-c
caσ np-c polynomial np-c np-c
saσ polynomial polynomial Πp
2 -c conp-c
verσ polynomial polynomial conp-c polynomial
neσ np-c polynomial np-c np-c
59 From [DW09]
algorithms and implementations
(Handbook of Formal Argumentation, Pietro Baroni, Dov
Gabbay, Massimiliano Giacomin and Leendert van der
Torre, eds, 978-1-84890-275-6)
Non-Reduction Based Procedures
CSP-based approach
Given an AF:
1. create a variable for each argument whose domain is
always {0, 1} — ∀ai ∈ A, ∃xi ∈ X such that Di = {0, 1};
2. describe constraints associated to different
definitions of Dung’s argumentation framework: e.g.
{a, b} ⊆ A is D-conflict-free iff ¬(x1 = 1 ∧ x2 = 1);
3. solve the CSP problem.
ASP-based approach
πST = { in(X) ← not out(X), arg(X);
out(X) ← not in(X), arg(X);
← in(X), in(Y), defeat(X, Y);
defeated(X) ← in(Y), defeat(Y, X);
← out(X), not defeated(X)}.
Tests for subset-maximality exploit the metasp
optimisation frontend for the ASP-package
Second Order Logic
TCF = {∄N, M | r(N, M) ∧ s(N) ∧ s(M).}
∀N | att(N) ⇐⇒ ( a(N) ∧ ∃M | r(M, N) ∧ s(M) ).
∀N | def(N) ⇐⇒ ( a(N) ∧ ∀M | r(M, N) =⇒ att(M) ).
TST = {TAD. ∀N | a(N) =⇒ ( s(N) ⇐⇒ ¬att(N) ).}
SAT-based approaches
(¬xa ∨ ¬xb)∧
¬xc ∨
SAT-based approaches
Complete labelling: C→
in ∧ C←
in ∧ C→
out ∧ C←
out ∧ C→
undec ∧ C←
undec, where
• C→
in ≡ (Lab(a) = in ⇒ ∀b ∈ a−
Lab(b) = out);
• C←
in ≡ (Lab(a) = in ⇐ ∀b ∈ a−
Lab(b) = out);
• C→
out ≡ (Lab(a) = out ⇒ ∃b ∈ a−
: Lab(b) = in);
• C←
out ≡ (Lab(a) = out ⇐ ∃b ∈ a−
: Lab(b) = in);
• C→
undec ≡ (Lab(a) = undec ⇒ ∀b ∈ a−
Lab(b) ̸= in ∧ ∃c ∈ a−
: Lab(c) = undec);
• C←
undec ≡ (Lab(a) = undec ⇐ ∀b ∈ a−
Lab(b) ̸= in ∧ ∃c ∈ a−
: Lab(c) = undec).
Let us also define C↔
in ≡ C→
in ∧ C←
in, C↔
out ≡ C→
out ∧ C←
out, C↔
undec ≡ C→
undec ∧ C←
, with i, o, u ∈ {→, ←, ↔, ∼}, i.e. Ci
≡ Ci
in ∧ Co
out ∧ Cu
undec, where
in = C∼
out = C∼
undec = ⊤ (in other words, the symbol ∼ denotes that the corresponding
term is not present in the encoding). For instance, C→↔∼ ≡ C→
in ∧ C↔
69 From [CGV19]
C→→→ C←←←
C↔→← C↔←→ C→↔← C←↔→ C→←↔ C←→↔C∼↔↔ C↔∼↔ C↔↔∼
C→→↔ C→↔→ C↔→→ C←←↔C←↔←C↔←←
C→↔↔ C↔→↔ C↔↔→ C↔↔←C←↔↔
70 From [CGV19]
C↔→↔C←↔↔C→↔↔ C↔←↔ C↔↔→ C↔↔←
C↔∼↔C↔→→ C↔←←C←←↔C∼↔↔C→→↔ C→↔→ C↔↔∼ C←↔←
C←←← C→→→
71 From [CGV19]
in ≡
Ia ∨
{b | b→a}
in ≡
{b | b→a}
¬Ia ∨ Ob
72 From [CGV19]
Input: Γ “ xA, Ry, C˚ P C, xπS
All, πS
All;O, πS
All;I, πS
O, πS
I y P tJ, Ku5
Output: xLs Ď LSTpΓq, blockingy
1: if πS
All then
2: return ALLSatS
cnfpC˚, Γq ^
Ua, πS
All;I, πS
3: end if
4: Ls :“ H, blocking :“ J
5: do
6: stb :“ SatS
cnfpC˚, Γq ^
Ua ^ blocking
7: if stb ‰ H then
8: if πS
O then
9: blocking :“ blocking ^
10: end if
11: if πS
I then
12: blocking :“ blocking ^
13: end if
14: Ls :“ Ls Y tstbu
15: end if
16: while stb ‰ H
17: return xLs , blockingy
Input: Γ “ xA, Ry, C˚ P C, xπP
S , πS
All, πS
All;O, πS
All;I, πS
O, πS
I , πP
iO, πP
iI , πP
eO, πP
eIy P
tJ, Ku10
Output: Ls Ď LSTpΓq
1: Lp :“ H, blocking :“ J
2: if πP
S then
3: xLp, blockingy :“ SAT-EL-ST
Γ, C˚, xπS
All, πS
All;O, πS
All;I, πS
O, πS
I y
4: end if
5: do
6: iblock :“ J, prf :“ H
7: do
8: cmp :“ SatS pcnfpC˚, Γq ^ blocking ^ iblockq
9: if cmp ! “ H then
10: prf :“ cmp
11: iblock :“
12: if πP
iO then
13: iblock :“ iblock ^
14: end if
15: if πP
iI then
16: iblock :“ iblock ^
17: end if
18: end if
19: while cmp ‰ H ^ U-ARGSpcmpq ‰ H
20: if prf ‰ H then
21: Lp :“ Lp Y tprf u
22: if πP
eO then
23: blocking :“ blocking ^
aPI-ARGSpprf q
24: end if
25: if πP
eI then
26: blocking :“ blocking ^
aPO-ARGSpprf q
27: end if
28: end if
29: while prf ‰ H
30: if Lp “ H then
31: Lp “ tLUu
32: end if
33: return Lp
73 From [CGV19]
IPC Score
IPC(s, P) =
0 if P is unsolved
1 + log10
) otherwise
tP(s) denotes the time needed by solver s to solve P
P is the minimum amount of time required by any considered solver to solve P
C→→→ ≡ C→
in ∧ C→
out ∧ C→
undec is the most efficient encoding of complete labellings
C→→→ C←←← C→→↔ C→↔→ C←←↔ C←↔← C↔→→ C↔←← C↔↔∼ C↔∼↔ C∼↔↔ C→↔↔ C←↔↔ C↔→↔ C↔←↔ C↔↔→ C↔↔← C↔↔↔
(highest best)
C→→→ C←←← C→→↔ C→↔→ C←←↔ C←↔← C↔→→ C↔←← C↔↔∼ C↔∼↔ C∼↔↔ C→↔↔ C←↔↔ C↔→↔ C↔←↔ C↔↔→ C↔↔← C↔↔↔
(highest best)
75 From [CGV19]
C→→→ ≡ C→
in ∧ C→
out ∧ C→
undec is the most efficient encoding of complete labellings
C→→→ C←←← C→→↔ C→↔→ C←←↔ C←↔← C↔→→ C↔←← C↔↔∼ C↔∼↔ C∼↔↔ C→↔↔ C←↔↔ C↔→↔ C↔←↔ C↔↔→ C↔↔← C↔↔↔
(highest best)
C→→→ C←←← C→→↔ C→↔→ C←←↔ C←↔← C↔→→ C↔←← C↔↔∼ C↔∼↔ C∼↔↔ C→↔↔ C←↔↔ C↔→↔ C↔←↔ C↔↔→ C↔↔← C↔↔↔
(highest best)
76 From [CGV19]
C→→→ ≡ C→
in ∧ C→
out ∧ C→
undec is the most efficient encoding of complete labellings
undec ≜ {C→→→, C→↔→, C↔→→, C↔↔∼ , C↔↔→}
undec ≡
{b | b→a}
Ua ∨ ¬Ub ∨
{c | c→a} Ic
Only two non-redundant encodings in ¬C←
undec: C→→→ and C↔↔∼ , but C↔↔∼ de facto becomes
redundant for stable semantics (difference in the case of preferred semantics less
77 From [CGV19]
More in the paper (spoiler alert):
• Using an ALLSAT solver leads to a significant improvement for enumerating stable
• Enumerating stable labellings first can lead to a significant improvement for
enumerating preferred labellings
• The improved algorithm for skeptical acceptance w.r.t. preferred semantics leads to
significant improvements (and was decisive for ICCMA 2017)
78 From [CGV19]
MMR vaccination
causes authism
It is possible that
MMR vaccination
is associated to
Behavioural symptoms
were associated by
parents of 12 children
CQ1: There is no
correlation between
MMR vaccination
and autism
No statistical
correlation over
440,655 children
β =⇒ α
γ =⇒ β
ϵ =⇒ δ
δ ∈ β
ε, ε ⇒ δ γ, γ ⇒ β
γ, γ ⇒ β, β ⇒ α
MMR vaccination
causes authism
It is possible that
MMR vaccination
is associated to
Behavioural symptoms
were associated by
parents of 12 children
CQ1: There is no
correlation between
MMR vaccination
and autism
No statistical
correlation over
440,655 children
This research was sponsored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.K. Ministry
of Defence and was accomplished under Agreement Number W911NF-06-3-0001. The
views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the author(s) and should
not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of
the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, the U.S. Government, the U.K. Ministry of Defence or
the U.K. Government. The U.S. and U.K. Governments are authorized to reproduce and
distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation
The current development of CISpaces2.0 is funded by the DSTL Defence Accellerator
programme under agreement number ACC102157. This project is led by Timothy Norman,
and is a collaborative effort with Alice Toniolo, Federico Cerutti and Stuart Middleton.
CISpaces has been developed and tested with the help of professional intelligence
Analysts have highlighted that CISpaces is useful for training and provides an
effective means to record an audit trail that includes important elements of the
reasoning processes involved in the analysis of competing hypotheses
CISpaces has been deployed on a dedicated machine at the ARL Adelphi Laboratory
Center has been deployed on the UK Joint Forces Intelligence Group
experimental servers has been used in an in-depth analysis of the case of Prosecutor v.
Karadžić, MICT-13-55-A, that lead to the submission of an Amicus Curiae* to the UN
International Criminal Tribunal
Username: demo
Password: demo
Karadžić was knowledgeable
of the intent to kill Bosnian
Generally, if the Accused knew
that Bosnian Muslims had been
recently killed by Bosnian Serb
forces [in Kravica Warehouse]
then he might have known that
it may occur that Bosnian Serb
forces would kill other Bosnian
Muslim in the future
to Effect
In this case Karadžić knew
that Bosnian Muslim
have been killed by Bosnian
Serb Forces
The Chamber finds it
inconceivable that Kovač
did not discuss the
developments on the
ground in Srebrenica on
13 July (Para 5767)
At 2010h on 13 July 1995
Karadžić talked on the phone
with Deronjić [about moving
prisoners to Zvornik, ed.]
(Para 5772)
to hypho-
At 2010h on 13 July 1995
Karadžić talked on the phone
with Deronjić [moving
prisoners to a place different
from Zvornik ed.] (Para 5772)
The Chamber therefore finds
that [...] the Accused conveyed
to Deronjić the direction that
the detainees should be
transferred to Zvornik
(Para 5773)
to hypho-
Davidović had urged Deronjić
to “use [his] connections”
with the Accused in order
to have the buses moved
(Para 5773)
Before speaking to the
Accused Deronjić had
previously complained to
Beara about the detainees’
presence in Bratunac
(Para 5773)
Beara and Deronjić later
argued about whether the
detainees would be killed in
Bratunac or would be
transferred to Zvornik
for that purpose (Para 5773)
Deronjić [...] [said] that the
Accused had instructed him
that all detainees should
be transferred to Zvornik
(Para 5773)
to hypho-
to hypho-
The Chamber has no doubt
that [...] [on 14 July]
Deronjić and the Accused ,
they both discussed the
killings [...], and the
implementation of the
Accused’s order to transport
the detainees [...] to Zvornik
(Para 5808)
to hypho-
to hypho-
During the second meeting
[with the Srebrenica
representatives, ed.],
Deronjić reported on the
situation in Srebrenica
(Para 5808)
The Chamber received
evidence that there was no
mention or discussion about
the executions of detainees
in Srebrenica during the
meeting with the Srebrenica
representatives (Para 5808)
to hypho-
Deronjić’s participation in
the efforts to bury the bodies
of those killed at the Kravica
Warehouse, starting in the
early hours of 14 July
(Para 5808)
Simić testified that Deronjić
told him that he had
informed the Accused about
the events at the Kravica
Warehouse the day after the
incident (Para 5808)
The only reasonable inference
is that Bajagić reported the
events in Srebrenica he had
witnessed [...] to the Accused
during their meeting on 15
July. (Para 5783)
The extremely late hour
of their meeting (Para 5783)
The Accused had invited
Bajagić to Pale (Para 5783)
Bajagić had substantive
knowledge of the events in
Srebrenica (Para 5783)
Meeting Bajagić in Pale at an
extremely late hour, given that
Bajagić had substantive
knowledge of the events in
Srebrenica implies that
Bajagić reported the events he
had witnessed
The Chamber finds it
incredible that Kovač would
not have discussed these
matters with the Accused
(Para 5782)
Kovač gathered additional
important information that
he ultimately relayed back to
the Accused when he returned
to Pale on 14 July. (Para 5806)
On 13 July Mladić informed
Karadžić that Srebrenica “[wa]s
done” (Para 5768).
Srebrenica had fallen on 11
July, hence Karadžić should
have known by 13 July
(Para 5770, fn 19596)
Inference 4.a
Inference 4.b
Inference 4.cX
Inference 4.d
Inference 4.e
Mladić informing Karadžić, on 13 July,
that Srebrenica “[wa]s done” when
Srebrenica had fallen on 11 July, hence
Karadžić should have known by 13 July
implies that Karadžić was knowledgeable
of the intent to kill Bosnian Muslims
Nikolić testimony
(Para 5312, fn 18025)
McDermott Rees and Cerutti 2018
Gatete was responsible for the
killings of Tutsis in Rwankuba
sector, Murambi commune, on 7
April 1994 (1).
Gatete participated in a joint
criminal enterprise to conduct
killings on 7 April1994 (2).
A meeting took place on 7 April
1994 in the Rwankuba sector
office courtyard (4).
Gatete made a significant
contribution to the achievement
of the common plan (32).
Gatete ordered the Interhamwe
at the meeting on 7 April 1994 to
‘work relentlessly’ (33).
Gatete told those present to
‘sensitise’ others to the killings
No meeting took place in the
sector office on 7 April 1994 (15).
BBR testimony (5).
BBR testimony (34).
AIZ testimony (36).
LA40 testimony (18)
LA40 testimony (43).
LA41 testimony (39). LA43 testimony (41)
LA40 could not see
the sector office at
all times on 7 April
1994 (42).
LA41 could not see
the sector office at
all times on 7 April
1994 (38).
LA43 could not see
the sector office at
all times on 7 April
1994 (40).
LA41 testimony (16) LA43 testimony (17)
AIZ testimony (6).
89 From [CNT18]
• We can help humans in structuring their reasoning
• We can reduce the effect some biases, in particular confirmation bias, via
argumentation schemes and critical questions
• We have machineries to derive arguments and attacks
• We have machineries to derive acceptable arguments on the basis of different
• The performance of such machineries vary dramatically on the basis of a variety of
ROOM: 2405
Third International Competition on Computational Models of
Argumentation (ICCMA’19) Award Ceremony
machine learning for argumentation
Magic Box 1
Creation of Arguments
Magic Box 2
Evaluation of Arguments
96 Handbook of Formal Argumentation, Pietro Baroni, Dov Gabbay, Massimiliano Giacomin and Leendert van der Torre, eds, 978-1-84890-275-6
large resources
of NL texts
97 Image from [BV18]
large resources
of NL texts
scheme (theory)
98 Image from [BV18]
Node Graph
Scheme Node
Rule of inference
application node
Conflict application
node (CA-Node)
application node
Derived concept
application node (e.g.
Rule of inference
Logical inference
inference scheme
Logical conflict
Logical preference
preference scheme
uses uses uses
99 Image from [Rah+11]
Bob says: Lower taxes
stimulate the economy
Bob says: The government
will inevitably lower the tax
Wilma says: Why?
Lower taxes stimulate
the economy
An application of the
argument scheme for
Argument from Positive
The government will
inevitably lower the tax
100 Inference Anchoring Theory, IAT, Katarzyna Budzynska and Chris Reed. Whence inference. Technical report, University of Dundee, 2011.
Various argument structures
Risk of over-engineering
103 Proceedings of SAFA 2016,
Should contraception be covered by health insurance?
1. Noes because that’s not something you need.
2. You probably shouldn’t make that blanket statement, without
any qualifiers or exceptions. For many women, birth control
pills are very important and are necessary to daily life
3. What about Viagra, should that be covered by health
4. Women have the right to choose what to do with their bodies.
5. It is true that women have the right to choose what they wish
to do with their bodies, but they have absolutely no power to
force insurance companies to pay for them. That should be
left up to the insurance company, and not the woman.
106 From [Cer+16]
large resources
of NL texts
scheme (theory)
107 Image from [BV18]
large resources
of NL texts
scheme (theory)
108 Image from [BV18]
large resources
of NL texts
scheme (theory)
110 Image from [BV18]
Definition (Cohen’s kappa)
The agreement between two annotators who each classify N items into C mutually
exclusive categories†
κ =
po − pe
1 − pe
= 1 −
1 − po
1 − pe
• po is the relative observed agreement among annotators
• pe is the probability of chance agreement (the probabilities of each annotator
randomly saying each category)
• 0.41–0.60 moderate, 0.61–0.80 substantial, 0.81–1 almost perfect agreement‡
†Jacob Cohen. A coefficient of agreement for nominal scales. Educational and Psychological Measurement,
20:3746, 1960.
‡J.R. Landis and G.G. Koch. The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data. Biometrics,
33:159174, 1977.
large resources
of NL texts
scheme (theory)
grammars +
112 Image from [BV18]
• Argumentative discourse unit segmentation
Unit size ranges from single-word to paragraph
• Typed segmentation
Facts? Opinions?
• Relations, directions, type
‡Iyad Rahwan, Fouad Zablith, and Chris Reed. Laying the foundations for a World Wide Argument Web.
Artificial Intelligence, 171(10), pages 897–921, 2007.116
large resources
of NL texts
scheme (theory)
grammars +
117 Image from [BV18]
large resources
of NL texts
scheme (theory)
grammars +
& recall
118 Image from [BV18]
• Recall
tp + fn
How often arguments have been missed out?
• Precision
tp + fp
How often magical arguments appeared
• F1 score 2
precision · recall
precision + recall
large resources
of NL texts
scheme (theory)
grammars +
& recall
120 Image from [BV18]
• Argumentation mining is hard
• It relies on a substantial number of assumptions, including which theory you want to
• It is a fast dynamic world across formal argumentation and linguistics
Magic Box 1
Creation of Arguments
Magic Box 2
Evaluation of Arguments
I have a set of AFs that want to analyse, I know the problem I am working on, I picked up
a solver that works decently.
...but, in order to deploy the system, I need it to be faster.
Let’s learn something then.
124 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Learning: idea
Generic solver
(about the
problem, solver,
Knowledge-boosted approach
125 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Extracting additional knowledge could, in principle, be easy. But...
126 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Which Kind of Knowledge?
• Combination and Selection of solvers
• Configuration of solvers
• Configuration (Reformulation) of AFs
Here we focus on knowledge that can be automatically extracted.
127 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Combining and Selecting Solvers
(Solver selection can be seen as a particular case of portfolio configuration)
• Static: the same portfolio is used for analysing any AF
• Dynamic: portfolio is configured according to some characteristics of the AF
128 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Static Portfolio: Process
129 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Static Portfolio
Defined by:
1. the selected solvers;
2. the order in which solvers will be run; and
3. the runtime allocated to each solver.
130 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Static Portfolio: Approaches
Each component solver has been allocated maxRuntime
k seconds. Solvers selected/ordered
according to overall PAR10
From an empty portfolio, we iteratively add either a new solver component, or extend the
allocated CPU-time of a solver already added to the portfolio, depending on what
maximises the increment of the PAR10 score of the portfolio
Penalised Average Runtime 10.
PAR10(s, P) =
10 ∗ T if P is unsolved
tP(s) otherwise
T indicates the considered timeout; tP(s) denotes the time needed by solver s to solve P
131 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Dynamic Portfolio: Process
132 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Dynamic Portfolio
For each AF, a vector of features is computed.
Similar instances should have similar feature vectors.
Portfolios are configured using empirical performance models
133 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Dynamic Portfolio: Features
Features can be extracted from different representations of an AF§
E.g., Directed graph representation.
• Graph size features: number of vertices, number of edges, ratios vertices–edges and
inverse, and graph density
• Degree features: average, standard deviation, maximum, minimum degree values
across the nodes in the graph.
• SCC features: number of SCCs, average, standard deviation, maxi- mum and
minimum size.
• Graph structure: presence of auto-loops, number of isolated vertices, etc
Similarly, features can be extracted by considering undirected graph, or matrix
§F. Cerutti, M. Giacomin, and M. Vallati. Algorithm selection for preferred extensions enumeration. In
Computational Models of Argument - Proceedings of COMMA, pages 221–232, 2014
134 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Dynamic Portfolio: Approaches
It classifies a given AF into a single category which corresponds to the single solver predicted to be the fastest
and allocates it all the available CPU-time
Given the predicted runtime of each solver, the solver predicted to be the fastest is selected and it has
allocated all the available CPU-time
Initially we select the solver predicted to be the fastest, but we allocate only its predicted CPU-time +10%. If
such a solver does not solve the given AF in the allocated time, it is stopped and no longer available to be
selected, and the process iterates by selecting a different solver
135 [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Some interesting results
when using representative
training instances..
System Cov. PAR10
VBS 91.4 562.9
Classify 89.7 665.2
1-Regression 88.6 734.7
M-Regression 82.8 1068.3
FDSS 80.0 1311.4
Cegartix 79.1 1350.4
Shared-2 73.2 1678.0
Shared-3 69.4 1892.0
ArgSemSAT 69.1 1916.2
LabSATSolver 66.8 2050.3
prefMaxSAT 66.8 2057.2
Shared-4 65.7 2105.5
Shared-5 63.3 2240.3
DIAMOND 61.0 2417.0
136 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Selection of Solvers
System Class. M-Reg.
ArgSemSAT 0 253
ArgTools 311 305
ASGL 6 36
Cegartix 221 403
Conarg 157 122
CoQuiAas 43 44
GRIS 153 278
LabSATSolver 13 208
prefMaxSAT 297 301
137 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Leave-one-set-out Scenario: Can We Generalise?
Barabasi-Albert Erdös-Rényi StableM Watts-Strogatz
System Cov. PAR10 Cov. PAR10 Cov. PAR10 Cov. PAR10
Classify 78.9 1321.4 88.6 745.0 74.4 1574.3 89.5 677.8
1-Regression 76.3 1479.0 63.0 2255.2 76.5 1453.9 83.0 1079.9
M-Regression 70.4 1828.4 67.3 2039.7 77.0 1434.7 79.6 1267.6
FDSS 69.1 1916.2 80.9 1245.5 79.1 1341.9 78.6 1380.0
Shared-2 73.2 1678.0 73.2 1678.0 74.2 1620.4 73.2 1678.0
Shared-3 69.4 1892.0 67.3 2007.9 69.5 1896.7 69.4 1892.0
Shared-4 65.7 2106.2 65.7 2101.1 65.7 2108.1 65.7 2103.9
Shared-5 63.3 2240.9 63.4 2235.8 63.3 2242.9 63.3 2242.9
138 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
• Portfolio systems generally outperform basic solvers;
• If the training instances are representative of testing AFs, the existing set of features
is informative for selecting most suitable solvers;
• Classification-based portfolios show good generalisation performance;
• Static portfolios are usually the approaches which are less sensitive to different
training sets.
Configuration of Algorithms
Solvers can be configured to improve performance on a class of problems / instances.
§F. Hutter, H. H. Hoos, K. Leyton-Brown, and T. Stützle. Paramils: An automatic algorithm configuration
framework. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR), 36:267–306, 2009
140 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Configuration of Algorithms
There exists several configuration approaches, based on different underlying ideas.
For the sake of this talk, we focus on SMAC,¶
used for configuring ArgSemSAT
¶F. Hutter, H. H. Hoos, K. Leyton-Brown, and K. P. Murphy. Time-bounded sequential parameter optimization.
In Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 4th International Conference, LION, pages 281–298, 2010
141 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Configuration of the Solver
Parameter Domain Default
SOLVER-ExtEnc {001111, 010101, 010111, ......, 111111} 101010
GLUCOSE-gc-frac [0.0, 500.0] 0.2
GLUCOSE-rnd-freq [0.0, 1.0] [0.0
GLUCOSE-cla-decay [0.0, 1.0] 0.999
GLUCOSE-max-var-decay [0.0, 1.0] 0.95
GLUCOSE-var-decay [0.0, 1.0] 0.8
GLUCOSE-phase-saving 0,1,2 2
GLUCOSE-ccmin-mode 0,1,2 2
GLUCOSE-K [0.0, 1.0] 0.8
GLUCOSE-R [1.0, 5.0] 1.4
GLUCOSE-szTrailQueue [10,10000] (int) 5000
GLUCOSE-szLBDQueue [10,10000] (int) 50
GLUCOSE-simp-gc-frac [0.0, 5000.0] 0.5
GLUCOSE-sub-lim [-1,10000] (int) 20
GLUCOSE-cl-lim [-1,10000] (int) 1000
GLUCOSE-grow [-10000,10000] (int) 0
GLUCOSE-incReduceDB [0,10000] (int) 300
GLUCOSE-firstReduceDB [0,10000] (int) 2000
GLUCOSE-specialIncReduceDB [0,10000] (int) 1000
GLUCOSE-minLBDFrozenClause [0,10000] (int) 30
142 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Configuration of the Framework
Order arguments/attacks according to:
1. The number of attacks received;
2. The number of attacks to other arguments;
3. The presence of self-attacks;
4. The difference between the number of received attacks and the number of attacks to
other arguments;
5. Being an argument in a mutual attack.
+ arguments can be listed following a direct or inverse order
Ordering of arguments and attacks are independent
143 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Configuration of the Framework (2)
a1 a3 a2
List of arguments ordered according to the number of
received attacks and, subsequently, the number of outgoing
attacks; and the list of attacks ordered prioritising self-attacks
and, subsequently, the number of outgoing attacks
144 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Parameter Domain Default
args_ingoingFirst [-1.0,1.0] 0
args_outgoingFirst [-1.0,1.0] 0.2
args_autoFirst [-1.0,1.0] -1
args_eachOther [-1.0,1.0] -1
args_differenceFirst [-1.0,1.0] -1
atts_ingoingFirst [-1.0,1.0] 0
atts_outgoingFirst [-1.0,1.0] 0
atts_autoFirst [-1.0,1.0] 0.2
atts_eachOther [-1.0,1.0] 0
atts_differenceFirst [-1.0,1.0] 0
atts_orders {0,1,2,3,4} 0
0 Same ordering applied to the first argument of the attack pair
1 Same ordering applied to the second argument of the attack pair
2 Inverse ordering applied to the first argument of the attack pair
3 Inverse ordering applied to the second argument of the attack pair
4 Attack-specific ordering
145 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Results: Representative Training Instances
Set Configuration IPC Score PAR10 Fastest ( )
Barabasi-Albert Default 78.0 1921.0 2.5
Configured 125.2 1863.1 60.5
Erdös-Rényi Default 56.8 3426.5 16.5
Configured 60.4 3329.2 18.0
Watts-Strogatz Default 116.6 1967.3 28.0
Configured 118.1 1967.9 23.5
General Default 110.0 1665.4 11.0
Configured 143.0 1376.8 62.5
146 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Results: Cross-Validation
Training sets Test sets
Barabasi-Albert Erdös-Rényi Watts-Strogatz General
Barabasi-Albert 119.2 6.9 34.5 42.8
Erdös-Rényi 92.3 58.6 105.3 125.7
Watts-Strogatz 116.2 52.6 115.6 129.2
General 87.5 57.6 113.5 133.2
147 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Configuration: Most Important Single Parameters
Set 1st 2nd 3rd
Barabasi-Albert S-ExtEnc (011111) G-firstReduceDB (1528) G-cla-decay (0.32)
Erdös-Rényi F-autoFirst (-1.00) G-rnd-freq (0.00) G-K (0.26)
Watts-Strogatz S-ExtEnc (101010) G-Grow (0) G-rnd-freq (0.08)
General S-ExtEnc (101010) G-R (2.09) G-cla-decay (0.99)
148 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
Configuration: Interaction Between Parameters
149 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
• We demonstrate that joint AF-solver configuration has a statistically significant
impact on the performance of ArgSemSAT;
• We demonstrate the synergies between AFs configuration and SAT solvers behaviour;
• We open new, exciting possibilities in the area of learning for improving performance
of abstract argumentation solvers.
Can we predict the number of extensions?
153 From [VCG19]
Groups of Feature
DG UG Graph Matrix All
Level 1
Accuracy 90.2 84.6 90.1 91.1 91.4
Precision (E∆(PR) = {∅}) 93.7 91.0 93.7 93.7 93.5
Precision (|E∆(PR)| = 1, E∆(PR) ̸= {∅}) 79.4 63.3 79.4 84.9 85.6
Precision (|E∆(PR)| > 1) 90.7 87.3 90.7 90.5 91.2
Level 2
Accuracy 85.4 64.9 85.3 86.7 86.3
Precision (|E∆(PR)| ≤ χ) 89.1 71.5 88.9 90.0 90.0
Precision (|E∆(PR)| > χ) 78.3 47.5 85.3 80.0 79.2
154 From [VCG19]
Groups of Feature
DG UG Graph Matrix All
RMSE 1.18 2.45 1.18 1.24 1.81
155 From [VCG19]
AF derived from r : ¬a, ¬b → c
156 From [VCG19]
Groups of Feature
DG UG Graph Matrix All
Level 1
Accuracy 100.0 92.4 100.0 100.0 100.0
Level 2
Accuracy 94.4 56.3 94.4 78.8 86.5
Precision (|E∆(PR)| ≤ χ) 33.3 0.0 33.3 0.0 0.0
Precision (|E∆(PR)| > χ) 96.8 92.8 96.8 94.7 95.2
157 From [VCG19]
Groups of Feature
DG UG Graph Matrix All
RMSE 12.9 1.3 5.8 15.5 38.0
158 From [VCG19]
• We can develop a model able to predict, with an overall accuracy of 91.4%, whether
or not an AF has a unique empty preferred extension;
• We can distinguish when there is one or more preferred extensions;
• If more than one preferred extension is predicted, predictive models are able to
predict their log-number;
• It is possible to discriminate around a pivotal number of extension with an accuracy
≥ 90.0% .
argumentation for machine learning
Data Model Inferencing
PresenceDirect Human Involvement
162 From [CGV18], Figure based upon Diakopoulos N. Accountability in algorithmic decision making. Communications of the ACM. 2016; 59(2): 56-62.
Are we using quality data?
1. it should follow an argumentation process constructing reasons for/against competing claims;
2. evidential arguments should increase/reduce confidence in claims;
3. ceteris paribus, the more independent and sound arguments for a given claim, the greater our
confidence in such a claim;
4. a single argument can be conclusive for confirming or refuting a claim;
5. arguments and theories can themselves be questioned;
6. some arguments can be stronger than others;
7. in the absence of information about relative strength, contradictory arguments still play an
important role in decision making;
8. it is desirable to develop systems using sound, formal languages for argumentation but that
can be translated to and from intuitive natural language interfaces;
9. a rational agent can choose the hypothesis that has the greatest confidence among all the
competing hypotheses, unless there are grounds to argue against such a confidence;
10. a rational agent not forced to choose may defer a decision on the grounds that the arguments
are unwarranted.
¶J. Fox, 2011. Arguing about the evidence: a logical approach. In Proc. of the British Academy, Vol. 171. 151–182.
Please refer to the first part of this tutorial
Data Model Inferencing
PresenceDirect Human Involvement
166 From [CGV18], Figure based upon Diakopoulos N. Accountability in algorithmic decision making. Communications of the ACM. 2016; 59(2): 56-62.
Arguing about the model
170 Image from [Tom+18]
Walton and Krabbe
• Information seeking
• Inquiry
• Persuasion
• Negotiation
• Deliberation
• Eristic
171 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
Information-seeking dialogue
One participant obtains information from another.
172 From [WK95], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
• Walton and Krabbe discuss a number of kinds of information-seeking dialogue.
• Expert consultation
Layman elicits the expert’s opinion.
• Didactic
Dialogue aims to turn the layman into an expert.
• Interview
Obtain the opinion of one party.
• Interrogation
Extract information from one party.
• …
173 From [WK95], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
Inquiry dialogue
Participants collaborate in finding a proof.
174 From [WK95], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
Persuasion dialogue
One participant tries to convince another about a proposition.
175 From [WK95], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
Negotiation dialogue
Participants discuss how to divide a scare resource.
176 From [WK95], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
Deliberation dialogue
Participants discuss a course of action.
177 From [WK95], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
Eristic dialogue
Participants quarrel. Argument as a substitute for fighting.
178 From [WK95], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
Initial Situation
Conflict Open Problem Unsatisfactory
Spread of
Stable Agree-
Persuasion Inquiry Information
Settlement /
Decision (Not) to
Negotiation Deliberation
Reaching a
179 From [WK95]
Other forms of dialogue
• Walton and Krabbe made no claim that this set of dialogue types was exhaustive.
…it has not been our aim to give a complete or comprehensive account of all the
different types of dialogue …
180 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
Non-cooperation dialogue
One party aims to prolong the dialogue as long as possible.
181 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
How can we operationalise it?
• Protocols, in the sense we consider them here, are a means of restricting the bounds
of an interaction.
• Set context.
• Place constraints.
• If one agent operates using a different protocol from another, confusion is likely.
183 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
When entering a railway compartment,
make sure to shake hands with all the
(Gerard Hoffnung)
184 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
What is a protocol?
• One way to define a protocol is in terms of the dialogues that it permits.
• An utterance is an instantiated locution:
µ = assert(p)
• A dialogue is a sequence of utterances:
δ = assert(p), challenge(p), assert(q, q → p), accept(q), . . .
• A protocol π is then a function from a dialogue to a set of utterances:
π : δ → U
since a protocol, in general, doesn’t restrict an agent’s choice of utterance to a
185 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
Here is a more explicit protocol
1. A asks question(p).
2. B replies with either assert(p) or assert(¬p) if it can, and assert(U) if it cannot.
3. A accepts B’s response if it can, or challenges.
4. B replies to a challenge with an assert(S), where S is the support of an argument for
the last proposition challenged by A.
5. Go to 3 for each proposition in S in turn.
6. A accepts p if it can.
187 From [PWA03], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsonss
• U indicates that B cannot give an answer.
• U cannot be challenged and as soon as it is asserted, the dialogue terminates
without the question being resolved.
• Note that A accepts whenever possible.
• A is only able to challenge when unable to accept.
• In such a case challenge is the only locution other than accept that it is allowed to
make. B then has to give a response if it has one.
• Note also that there is a general prohibition against an agent making the same
utterance twice. Doing so terminates the dialogue.
188 From [PWA03], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
(image by Sumon Azhar)
189 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
• Clearly this is a rather restrictive protocol — doesn’t allow that much flexibility in
what agents can do.
• That was actually what we intended.
• Wanted a set of simple protocols in order to be able to analyse them relatively easily.
• Turns out that they are still rather interesting.
190 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
German Stock Market
How can I help you?
Explain Henkel in detail
Henkel (HEN3) stock price depends on Bayer
(BAYN) stock price.
When BAYN stock price changes, there is high
confidence that HEN3 stock price is very likely to
change <0.8, 0.1, 0.1>.
When BAYN stock price does not change, there
is high confidence that HEN3 stock price is
somewhat unlikely to change <0.3, 0.6, 0.1>.
Please remember that the three numbers above
represent respectively the belief, disbelief, and
uncertanty of the conditional opinions.
192 From [Bra+18]
German Stock Market
How can I help you?
What happens in detail if both Porsche
and Continental stock prices change?
When both Porsche and Continental stock prices change:
There is high confidence that BMW stock price is unlikely
to change <0.2, 0.7, 0.1>.
There is low confidence that Porsche (PAH3) stock price is
somewhat likely to change <0.2, 0.1, 0.7>.
There is low confidence that Volkswagen (VOW3) stock
price is somewhat likely to change. <0.1, 0.05, 0.85>.
There is high confidence that Daimler (DAI) stock price is
unlikely to change <0.15, 0.75, 0.1>.
Please remember that the three numbers above represent
respectively the belief, disbelief, and uncertanty of the
marginal opinions computed on the basis of the given
193 From [Bra+18]
German Stock Market
How can I help you?
Bayer depends on Daimler
Did you mean:
the stock ‘BAYN’ depends on the stock ‘DAI’.?
Ok, I have updated the graph to the right with
that information (please note the red arrow) and
recomputed the opinions.
194 From [Bra+18]
• Explaining a model is an act of communication
• An autonomous agent can engage with a human using a formal protocol
• Interfaces using controlled natural languages can support such a conversation
Path in
1. Sake
2. Unagi
3. Ika
198 Image from [Xu+18]
x1 ¬x2 ¬x3 ¬x1 x2 x3
A compiled decomposable and
deterministic circuit for the
exactly-one constraint with 3
Pr(x1) Pr(¬x2) Pr(¬x3) Pr(¬x1) Pr(x2) Pr(x3)
× × ×
The corresponding arithmetic circuit for the
exactly-one constraint with 3 variables
199 Images from [Xu+18]
Argumentation should be closer to human experience, right?
The Experiment
• Presenting each participant with a text followed by a questionnaire
• Each participant is shown a single (randomly selected) text
• Four domains:
1. weather forecast
2. political debate
3. used car sale
4. romantic relationship
• Two KBs: base case, and extended case
• The base case always consider two arguments a1 and a2 with two contradicting
conclusions; and a preference in favour of a2
• The extended case reinstates a1 (somehow)
• Participants are asked to determine which of the following positions they think is
• I agree with a1
• I agree with a2
• I can’t agree with either a1 or a2
202 From [CTO14]
H1: In the base cases the majority of participants will agree with a2
H2: In the extended cases the majority of participants will agree that they cannot
conclude anything from the text
203 From [CTO14]
Distribution of acceptability of actors’ positions
Base cases Extended cases
PA = a1; PB = a2; PU = neither
Distribution of the final conclusion is statistically significant
Base cases, χ2
analysis (2, N=77)=37.74, p < 0.001;
Extended cases χ2
(2, N=84)=8.0, p < 0.02
204 From [CTO14]
In this experiment participants seem to have a skeptical
Steps Person Statement Content
1 to 5 P1 A Hospital staff members do not need to receive flu
1 to 5 P2 B Hospital staff members are exposed to the flu virus
a lot. Therefore, it would be good for them to
receive flu shots in order to stay healthy.
2 to 5 P1 C The virus is only airborne and it is sufficient to wear
a mask in order to protect yourself. Therefore, a
vaccination is not necessary.
3 to 5 P2 D The flu virus is not just airborne, it can be
transmitted through touch as well. Hence, a mask is
insufficient to protect yourself against the virus.
4 to 5 P1 E The flu vaccine causes flu in order to gain immunity.
Making people sick, who otherwise might have
stayed healthy, is unreasonable.
5 P2 F The flu vaccine does not cause flu. It only has some
side effects, such as headaches, that can be
mistaken for flu symptoms.
207 From [PH18]
• Agreement: the participants were asked to state how much they agree or disagree
with a given statement.
• Relation: the participants were asked to state how they viewed the relation between
the statements.
208 From [PH18]
Conclusions of [PH18]
Observation 1 The data supports the use of the constellation approach to probabilistic
argumentation for modelling the argument graphs representing the views
of dialogue participants.
Observation 4 The data supports the use of bipolar argumentation frameworks.
• Kind of true that argumentation semantics are intuitive for humans
• There are plenty of caveats
• See also Ruth Byrne “Counterfactuals in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI):
Evidence from Human Reasoning” @ IJCAI
Data Model Inferencing
PresenceDirect Human Involvement
211 From [CGV18], Figure based upon Diakopoulos N. Accountability in algorithmic decision making. Communications of the ACM. 2016; 59(2): 56-62.
Human experts are often allowed
to draw on their own experience and specialised training to make inferences
from and deductions about the cumulative information available to them that
might well elude an untrained person
Argument from Autonomous Inferencing
Major Premise: A is an autonomous system trained in subject domain S containing
proposition P.
Minor Premise: A asserts that proposition P is true (or false).
Conclusion: P is true (or false).
Critical questions
CQ1: What are A’s maker interests?
CQ2: Is A’s assertion internally consistent?
CQ3: Is A training adequate to make a judgement about P?
CQ4: Is the provenance of A’s judgement about P sound?
CQ5: Is A’s assertion consistent with the known fact of the case (based on evidence
independent from A)?
CQ6: Is A’s assertion consistent with other, independent autonomous systems’
214 From [CGV18]
215 Image:
• Introduction to Formal Argumentation Theory
• Why it is important?
• Supporting scientific enquiry
• Structured argumentation
• Abstract Argumentation
• Algorithms and Implementations
• Machine learning for argumentation
• Argumentation mining
• Machine learning for evaluating argumentation framework
• Argumentation for machine learning
• Are we using quality data?
• Arguing about the model: explanations and tellability
• Arguing about the algorithmic presence

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Mais de Federico Cerutti (20)

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Machine Learning and Argumentation: A Tutorial

  • 2. 2
  • 3. P. Baroni T. Bench-Capon K. Budzynska P. Dunne M. Giacomin A. Hunter T. Norman S. Parsons C. Reed A. Toniolo M. Vallati S. Woltran 3
  • 4. • Introduction to Formal Argumentation Theory • Why it is important? • Supporting scientific enquiry • Structured argumentation • Abstract Argumentation • Algorithms and Implementations 1030H, in ROOM: 2405 Third International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation (ICCMA’19) Award Ceremony • Machine learning for argumentation • Argumentation mining • Machine learning for evaluating argumentation framework • Argumentation for machine learning • Are we using quality data? • Arguing about the model: explanations and tellability • Arguing about the algorithmic presence 4
  • 5. why is it important?
  • 8. Empiricism All hypotheses and theories must be tested against observations of the natural world, rather than resting solely on a priori reasoning, intuition, or revelation . 8
  • 17. The path of the planet Uranus did not conform to the path predicted by Newton’s law of gravitation in presence of the known planets. Explanations: • Human/instrument measure error • Newton’s laws are mistaken • An invisible magic teapot caused the perturbation in order to show the hubris of modern science • … • Newton’s laws—confirmed by a significant amount of evidence—are correct and the perturbation is caused by another, unknown, planet 17 Image: Wikipedia
  • 18. Scientific theories are capable of being refuted: they are falsifiable Verification and falsification are different processes: • No accumulation of confirming instances is sufficient • Only one contradicting instance suffices to refute a theory Scientific theories are tentative 18 Image: Wikipedia
  • 19. computational models of argumentation
  • 20. Supporting Reasoning with Different Types of Evidence in Intelligence Analysis Alice Toniolo_ Anthony Etuk Robin Wentao Ouyang Tlmothy J- N0Fman Federico Cerutti Mani Srivastava DBPL 0f_C0ml3U“”Q SCIENCE Dept. of Computing Science University of California University of Aberdeen, UK University of Aberdeen, UK Los Angeles, CA, USA Nir Oren Timothy Dropps Paul Sullivan Dept. of Computing Science John A_ Allen INTELPOINT Incorporated University of Aberdeen, UK Honeywell, USA Pennsylvania, USA Appears in: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and ll/Iultiayent Systems (AAJWAS 2015), Bordim, Elkind, Was.-3, Yolum (ed5.), Mlay 4 8, 2015, Istcmbttl, Turkey. [Ton+15] 20
  • 22. Does MMR vaccination cause autism? 22
  • 23. Douglas Walton Chris Reed Fabrizio Macagno ARGUMENTATION SCHEMES [WRM08] 23
  • 24. Argumentation scheme for argument from correlation to cause Correlation Premise: There is a positive correlation between A and B. Conclusion: A causes B. Critical questions are: CQ1: Is there really a correlation between A and B? CQ2: is there any reason to think that the correlation is any more than a coincidence? CQ3: Could there be some third factor, C, that is causing both A and B? 24
  • 25. The Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 26:4, 487—51 1. © Cambridge University Press, 2011 doi:10.1017/S0269888911000191 Representing and classifying arguments on the Semantic Web IYAD RAHWAN1‘2, B_ITA BANIHASHEMI3, CHRIS REED4, DOUGLAS WALTON” and SHERIEF ABDALLAH” [Rah+11] 25
  • 26. Node Graph (argument network) has-a Information Node (I-Node) is-a Scheme Node S-Node has-a Edge is-a Rule of inference application node (RA-Node) Conflict application node (CA-Node) Preference application node (PA-Node) Derived concept application node (e.g. defeat) is-a ... ContextScheme Conflict scheme contained-in Rule of inference scheme Logical inference scheme Presumptive inference scheme ... is-a Logical conflict scheme is-a ... Preference scheme Logical preference scheme is-a ... Presumptive preference scheme is-a uses uses uses 26 Image from [Rah+11]
  • 27. MMR vaccination causes authism C-2-C It is possible that MMR vaccination is associated to autism 27
  • 28. EARLY REPORT Early report lleal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children A J Wake eld, S H Murch, A Anthony, J Linnell, D M Casson, M Malik, M Berelowitz, A P Dhillon, M A Thomson, P Harvey, A Valentine, 5 E Davies, J A Walker-Smith 5|-|mma|'Y Introduction 1177 " °9W several children Who, after a nP"" ' "‘ investigated a conser""' _m;mAn1".,,, 28
  • 29. Support What else should be true if the causal link is true? 29 From Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children by Wakefield et al, The Lancet, 1998
  • 30. MMR vaccination causes authism C-2-C It is possible that MMR vaccination is associated to autism Behavioural symptoms were associated by parents of 12 children Witn 30
  • 31. The New England Iournal of Medicine Copyright © 2002 by the Massachusetts Medical Society VOLUME 347 N()VEMBER 7, 2002 NUMBER 19 A POPULATION-BASED STUDY OF MEASLES, MUMPS, AND RUBELLA VACCINATION AND AUTISM KREESTEN MELDGAARD MADSEN, M.D., ANDERS HVIID, M.Sc., MOGENS VESTERGAARD, M.D., DIANA SCHENDEL, PH.D., JAN WOHLFAHRT, M.Sc., POUL THORSEN, M.D., J(ZiRN OLSEN, M.D., AND MADS MELBYE, M.D. ABS""‘ I 7 "Tested that the measle ' +hat vaccina— ”“CCi11C C3“’ -nn- ’ 31
  • 32. Support 32 From A Population-based Study of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccination and Autism by Madsen et al, The New England Journal of Medicine, 2002
  • 33. Support What else should be true if the causal link is true? Support Support 33
  • 34. MMR vaccination causes authism C-2-C It is possible that MMR vaccination is associated to autism Behavioural symptoms were associated by parents of 12 children Witn CQ1: There is no correlation between MMR vaccination and autism CON E-2-H No statistical correlation over 440,655 children 34
  • 36. ASPIC+ An argumentation system is as tuple AS = ⟨L, R, ν, ⟩ where: • : L → 2L : a contrariness function s.t. if φ ∈ ψ and: • ψ /∈ ϕ, then ϕ is a contrary of ψ; • ψ ∈ ϕ, then ϕ is a contradictory of ψ (ϕ = –ψ); • R = Rd ∪ Rs: strict (Rs) and defeasible (Rd) inference rules s.t. Rd ∩ Rs = ∅; • ν : Rd → L, is a partial function.* P ⊆ L is consistent iff ∄φ, ψ ∈ P s.t. φ ̸∈ ψ, otherwise is inconsistent. A knowledge base in an AS is Kn ∪ Kp = K ⊆ L; {Kn, Kp} is a partition of K; Kn contains axioms that cannot be attacked; Kp contains ordinary premises that can be attacked. An argumentation theory is a pair AT = ⟨AS, K⟩. *Informally, ν(r) is a wff in L which says that the defeasible rule r is applicable. 36 From [MP13]
  • 37. ASPIC+ An argument a on the basis of a AT = ⟨AS, K⟩, AS = ⟨L, R, ν, ⟩ is: 1. φ if φ ∈ K with: Prem(a) = {φ}; Conc(a) = φ; Sub(a) = {φ}; Rules(a) = DefRules(a) = ∅; TopRule(a) = undefined. 2. a1, . . . , an −→ / =⇒ ψ if a1, . . . , an, with n ≥ 0, are arguments such that there exists a strict/defeasible rule r = Conc(a1), . . . , Conc(an) −→ / =⇒ ψ ∈ Rs/Rd. Prem(a) = ∪n i=1 Prem(ai); Conc(a) = ψ; Sub(a) = ∪n i=1 Sub(ai) ∪ {a}; Rules(a) = ∪n i=1 Rules(ai) ∪ {r}; DefRules(a) = {d | d ∈ Rules(a) ∩ Rd}; TopRule(a) = r a is strict if DefRules(a) = ∅, otherwise defeasible; firm if Prem(a) ⊆ Kn, otherwise plausible. 37 From [MP13]
  • 38. MMR vaccination causes authism C-2-C It is possible that MMR vaccination is associated to autism Behavioural symptoms were associated by parents of 12 children Witn CQ1: There is no correlation between MMR vaccination and autism CON E-2-H No statistical correlation over 440,655 children α β γ δ ε 38
  • 39. MMR vaccination causes authism C-2-C It is possible that MMR vaccination is associated to autism Behavioural symptoms were associated by parents of 12 children Witn CQ1: There is no correlation between MMR vaccination and autism CON E-2-H No statistical correlation over 440,655 children α β γ δ ε β =⇒ α γ =⇒ β ϵ =⇒ δ δ ∈ β 39
  • 40. ASPIC+ Given a and b arguments, a defeats b iff a undercuts, successfully rebuts or successfully undermines b, where: • a undercuts b (on b′ ) iff Conc(a) /∈ ν(r) for some b′ ∈ Sub(b) s.t. r = TopRule(b′ ) ∈ Rd; • a successfully rebuts b (on b′ ) iff Conc(a) /∈ φ for some b′ ∈ Sub(b) of the form b′′ 1 , . . . , b′′ n =⇒ –φ, and a ⊀ b′ ; • a successfully undermines b (on φ) iff Conc(a) /∈ φ, and φ ∈ Prem(b) ∩ Kp, and a ⊀ φ. AF is the abstract argumentation framework defined by AT = ⟨AS, K⟩ if A is the smallest set of all finite arguments constructed from K; and → is the defeat relation on A. 40 From [MP13]
  • 41. γε ε, ε ⇒ δ γ, γ ⇒ β γ, γ ⇒ β, β ⇒ α 41
  • 42. Artificial Intelligence Arti cialIntelligence 77 (1995) 321v357 On the acceptability of arguments and its fundamental role in nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming and n-person games* Phan Minh Dung* [Dun95] 42
  • 43. Definition A Dung argumentation framework AF is a pair ⟨A, → ⟩ where A is a set of arguments, and → is a binary relation on A i.e. →⊆ A × A. 43 Definitions from [Dun95]
  • 44. A semantics is a way to identify sets of arguments (i.e. extensions) “surviving the conflict together” 44 Definitions from [Dun95]
  • 45. (Some) Semantics Properties wailah-la unlina at 1-Iwmnscianca-dira+:t.corn ':.i; Science-.Direct Ani gal Intelligence:1 E.LSI:'."v'lI:'.R. .eu:i:'.u'.-in Jnl::||igI:n»;::: m izrocm n75—:':m www.r:I:i::1.r'icr.r:nn1.-'|m::3n:.':3r1iI11 On principle-based evaluation of extension-based argumentation semantics ii’ Pietra Bamni, Massimiliano Giacomin * [BG07] The Kn0w[ed'ge Engineering Review, Vol. 26:4, 365-410. © Cambridge University Press, 2011 doi:10.1017J/S0269888911000166 An introduction to argumentation semantics PIETRO BARONI‘, MARTIN CAMINADA2 and MASSIMILIANO GlACOMIN' [BCG11] 45 Definitions from [BG07]
  • 46. (Some) Semantics Properties • Conflict-freeness an attacking and an attacked argument can not stay together (∅ is c.f. by def.) • Admissibility • Reinstatement • I-Maximality 46 Definitions from [BG07]
  • 47. (Some) Semantics Properties • Conflict-freeness • Admissibility the extension should be able to defend itself, „fight fire with fire” (∅ is adm. by def.) • Reinstatement • I-Maximality 47 Definitions from [BG07]
  • 48. (Some) Semantics Properties • Conflict-freeness • Admissibility • Reinstatement if you defend some argument you should take it on board (∅ satisfies the principle only if there are no unattacked arguments) • I-Maximality 48 Definitions from [BG07]
  • 49. (Some) Semantics Properties • Conflict-freeness • Admissibility • Reinstatement • I-Maximality no extension is a proper subset of another one 49 Definitions from [BG07]
  • 50. Complete Extension Admissibility and reinstatement Set of conflict-free arguments s.t. each defended argument is included b a c d f e gh    {a, c, d, e, g}, {a, b, c, e, g}, {a, c, e, g}    50 Definitions from [Dun95,BG07]
  • 51. Preferred Extension Admissibility and maximality Maximum complete extensions b a c d f e gh    {a, c, d, e, g}, {a, b, c, e, g}    51 Definitions from [Dun95,BG07]
  • 52. Stable Extension Complete extensions attacking all the arguments outside When exist, stable extensions are also preferred extensions b a c d f e gh    {a, c, d, e, g}, {a, b, c, e, g}    52
  • 53. Complete Labellings An argument is IN if all its attackers are OUT An argument is OUT if at least one of its attackers is IN Otherwise is UNDEC 53 Definitions from [BCG11]
  • 54. Complete Labellings Max. IN ≡ Preferred b a c d f e gh    {a, c, d, e, g}    54 Definitions from [Dun95,BCG11]
  • 55. Complete Labellings Max. IN ≡ Preferred b a c d f e gh    {a, b, c, e, g}    55 Definitions from [Dun95,BCG11]
  • 56. Complete Labellings No UNDEC ≡ Stable b a c d f e gh    {a, c, d, e, g}    56 Definitions from [Dun95,BCG11]
  • 57. Complete Labellings No UNDEC ≡ Stable b a c d f e gh    {a, b, c, e, g}    57 Definitions from [Dun95,BCG11]
  • 58. Chapter 5 Complexity of Abstract Argumentation Paul E. Dunne and Michael Wooldridge I. Rahwan, G. R. Simari (cds.), Argunzerztarion in Ar‘!1j‘icial Intelligence, DO] 10.1007/978—0—387—98197'-0-5. © Springer SCience+Business Media. LLC 2009 [DW09] 58 From [DW09]
  • 59. σ = CO σ = GR σ = PR σ = ST existsσ trivial trivial trivial np-c caσ np-c polynomial np-c np-c saσ polynomial polynomial Πp 2 -c conp-c verσ polynomial polynomial conp-c polynomial neσ np-c polynomial np-c np-c 59 From [DW09]
  • 61. (Handbook of Formal Argumentation, Pietro Baroni, Dov Gabbay, Massimiliano Giacomin and Leendert van der Torre, eds, 978-1-84890-275-6) 61
  • 63. CSP-based approach Given an AF: 1. create a variable for each argument whose domain is always {0, 1} — ∀ai ∈ A, ∃xi ∈ X such that Di = {0, 1}; 2. describe constraints associated to different definitions of Dung’s argumentation framework: e.g. {a, b} ⊆ A is D-conflict-free iff ¬(x1 = 1 ∧ x2 = 1); 3. solve the CSP problem. 63
  • 64. ASP-based approach πST = { in(X) ← not out(X), arg(X); out(X) ← not in(X), arg(X); ← in(X), in(Y), defeat(X, Y); defeated(X) ← in(Y), defeat(Y, X); ← out(X), not defeated(X)}. Tests for subset-maximality exploit the metasp optimisation frontend for the ASP-package gringo/claspD. 64
  • 65. Second Order Logic TCF = {∄N, M | r(N, M) ∧ s(N) ∧ s(M).} TAD = { ∀N | att(N) ⇐⇒ ( a(N) ∧ ∃M | r(M, N) ∧ s(M) ). ∀N | def(N) ⇐⇒ ( a(N) ∧ ∀M | r(M, N) =⇒ att(M) ). } TST = {TAD. ∀N | a(N) =⇒ ( s(N) ⇐⇒ ¬att(N) ).} 65
  • 66. SAT-based approaches ∧ a→b (¬xa ∨ ¬xb)∧ ∧ b→c  ¬xc ∨ ∨ a→b xa   66
  • 68. 68
  • 69. Complete labelling: C→ in ∧ C← in ∧ C→ out ∧ C← out ∧ C→ undec ∧ C← undec, where • C→ in ≡ (Lab(a) = in ⇒ ∀b ∈ a− Lab(b) = out); • C← in ≡ (Lab(a) = in ⇐ ∀b ∈ a− Lab(b) = out); • C→ out ≡ (Lab(a) = out ⇒ ∃b ∈ a− : Lab(b) = in); • C← out ≡ (Lab(a) = out ⇐ ∃b ∈ a− : Lab(b) = in); • C→ undec ≡ (Lab(a) = undec ⇒ ∀b ∈ a− Lab(b) ̸= in ∧ ∃c ∈ a− : Lab(c) = undec); • C← undec ≡ (Lab(a) = undec ⇐ ∀b ∈ a− Lab(b) ̸= in ∧ ∃c ∈ a− : Lab(c) = undec). Let us also define C↔ in ≡ C→ in ∧ C← in, C↔ out ≡ C→ out ∧ C← out, C↔ undec ≡ C→ undec ∧ C← undec. Ci o u , with i, o, u ∈ {→, ←, ↔, ∼}, i.e. Ci o u ≡ Ci in ∧ Co out ∧ Cu undec, where C∼ in = C∼ out = C∼ undec = ⊤ (in other words, the symbol ∼ denotes that the corresponding term is not present in the encoding). For instance, C→↔∼ ≡ C→ in ∧ C↔ out. 69 From [CGV19]
  • 70. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 C→→→ C←←← C↔→← C↔←→ C→↔← C←↔→ C→←↔ C←→↔C∼↔↔ C↔∼↔ C↔↔∼ C→→↔ C→↔→ C↔→→ C←←↔C←↔←C↔←← C→↔↔ C↔→↔ C↔↔→ C↔↔←C←↔↔ C↔↔↔ 70 From [CGV19]
  • 71. C↔↔↔ C↔→↔C←↔↔C→↔↔ C↔←↔ C↔↔→ C↔↔← C↔∼↔C↔→→ C↔←←C←←↔C∼↔↔C→→↔ C→↔→ C↔↔∼ C←↔← C←←← C→→→ 71 From [CGV19]
  • 72. C← in ≡ ∧ {a∈A}  Ia ∨   ∨ {b | b→a} (¬Ob)     C→ in ≡ ∧ {a∈A}   ∧ {b | b→a} ¬Ia ∨ Ob   … 72 From [CGV19]
  • 73. SAT-EL-ST Input: Γ “ xA, Ry, C˚ P C, xπS All, πS All;O, πS All;I, πS O, πS I y P tJ, Ku5 Output: xLs Ď LSTpΓq, blockingy 1: if πS All then 2: return ALLSatS ˜ cnfpC˚, Γq ^ ľ aPA Ua, πS All;I, πS All;O ¸ 3: end if 4: Ls :“ H, blocking :“ J 5: do 6: stb :“ SatS ˜ cnfpC˚, Γq ^ ľ aPA Ua ^ blocking ¸ 7: if stb ‰ H then 8: if πS O then 9: blocking :“ blocking ^ ł aPI-ARGSpstbq Oa 10: end if 11: if πS I then 12: blocking :“ blocking ^ ł aPO-ARGSpstbq Ia 13: end if 14: Ls :“ Ls Y tstbu 15: end if 16: while stb ‰ H 17: return xLs , blockingy SAT-EL-PR Input: Γ “ xA, Ry, C˚ P C, xπP S , πS All, πS All;O, πS All;I, πS O, πS I , πP iO, πP iI , πP eO, πP eIy P tJ, Ku10 Output: Ls Ď LSTpΓq 1: Lp :“ H, blocking :“ J 2: if πP S then 3: xLp, blockingy :“ SAT-EL-ST ` Γ, C˚, xπS All, πS All;O, πS All;I, πS O, πS I y ˘ 4: end if 5: do 6: iblock :“ J, prf :“ H 7: do 8: cmp :“ SatS pcnfpC˚, Γq ^ blocking ^ iblockq 9: if cmp ! “ H then 10: prf :“ cmp 11: iblock :“ ľ Ia aPI-ARGSpcmpq ^ ľ Oa aPO-ARGSpcmpq 12: if πP iO then 13: iblock :“ iblock ^ ł Oa aPU-ARGSpcmpq 14: end if 15: if πP iI then 16: iblock :“ iblock ^ ł Ia aPU-ARGSpcmpq 17: end if 18: end if 19: while cmp ‰ H ^ U-ARGSpcmpq ‰ H 20: if prf ‰ H then 21: Lp :“ Lp Y tprf u 22: if πP eO then 23: blocking :“ blocking ^ ł Oa aPI-ARGSpprf q 24: end if 25: if πP eI then 26: blocking :“ blocking ^ ł Ia aPO-ARGSpprf q 27: end if 28: end if 29: while prf ‰ H 30: if Lp “ H then 31: Lp “ tLUu 32: end if 33: return Lp 73 From [CGV19]
  • 74. IPC Score IPC(s, P) =    0 if P is unsolved 1 1 + log10 ( TP(s) T∗ P ) otherwise tP(s) denotes the time needed by solver s to solve P T∗ P is the minimum amount of time required by any considered solver to solve P 74
  • 75. C→→→ ≡ C→ in ∧ C→ out ∧ C→ undec is the most efficient encoding of complete labellings C→→→ C←←← C→→↔ C→↔→ C←←↔ C←↔← C↔→→ C↔←← C↔↔∼ C↔∼↔ C∼↔↔ C→↔↔ C←↔↔ C↔→↔ C↔←↔ C↔↔→ C↔↔← C↔↔↔ 155.00 160.95 166.89 172.84 178.79 184.73 190.68 Minisat EE-ST, ICCMA2015 (highest best) C→→→ C←←← C→→↔ C→↔→ C←←↔ C←↔← C↔→→ C↔←← C↔↔∼ C↔∼↔ C∼↔↔ C→↔↔ C←↔↔ C↔→↔ C↔←↔ C↔↔→ C↔↔← C↔↔↔ 240.00 250.20 260.41 270.61 280.82 291.02 301.23 Minisat EE-ST, ICCMA2017 (highest best) 75 From [CGV19]
  • 76. C→→→ ≡ C→ in ∧ C→ out ∧ C→ undec is the most efficient encoding of complete labellings C→→→ C←←← C→→↔ C→↔→ C←←↔ C←↔← C↔→→ C↔←← C↔↔∼ C↔∼↔ C∼↔↔ C→↔↔ C←↔↔ C↔→↔ C↔←↔ C↔↔→ C↔↔← C↔↔↔ 150.00 156.78 163.56 170.34 177.12 183.91 190.69 Minisat EE-PR, ICCMA2015 (highest best) C→→→ C←←← C→→↔ C→↔→ C←←↔ C←↔← C↔→→ C↔←← C↔↔∼ C↔∼↔ C∼↔↔ C→↔↔ C←↔↔ C↔→↔ C↔←↔ C↔↔→ C↔↔← C↔↔↔ 160.00 169.13 178.26 187.38 196.51 205.64 214.77 Minisat EE-PR, ICCMA2017 (highest best) 76 From [CGV19]
  • 77. C→→→ ≡ C→ in ∧ C→ out ∧ C→ undec is the most efficient encoding of complete labellings ¬C← undec ≜ {C→→→, C→↔→, C↔→→, C↔↔∼ , C↔↔→} C← undec ≡ ∧ {a∈A} (∧ {b | b→a} ( Ua ∨ ¬Ub ∨ (∨ {c | c→a} Ic ))) Only two non-redundant encodings in ¬C← undec: C→→→ and C↔↔∼ , but C↔↔∼ de facto becomes redundant for stable semantics (difference in the case of preferred semantics less noticeable) 77 From [CGV19]
  • 78. More in the paper (spoiler alert): • Using an ALLSAT solver leads to a significant improvement for enumerating stable labellings • Enumerating stable labellings first can lead to a significant improvement for enumerating preferred labellings • The improved algorithm for skeptical acceptance w.r.t. preferred semantics leads to significant improvements (and was decisive for ICCMA 2017) 78 From [CGV19]
  • 79. MMR vaccination causes authism C-2-C It is possible that MMR vaccination is associated to autism Behavioural symptoms were associated by parents of 12 children Witn CQ1: There is no correlation between MMR vaccination and autism CON E-2-H No statistical correlation over 440,655 children α β γ δ ε β =⇒ α γ =⇒ β ϵ =⇒ δ δ ∈ β 79
  • 80. γε ε, ε ⇒ δ γ, γ ⇒ β γ, γ ⇒ β, β ⇒ α 80
  • 81. MMR vaccination causes authism C-2-C It is possible that MMR vaccination is associated to autism Behavioural symptoms were associated by parents of 12 children Witn CQ1: There is no correlation between MMR vaccination and autism CON E-2-H No statistical correlation over 440,655 children α β γ δ ε 81
  • 82. This research was sponsored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.K. Ministry of Defence and was accomplished under Agreement Number W911NF-06-3-0001. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the author(s) and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, the U.S. Government, the U.K. Ministry of Defence or the U.K. Government. The U.S. and U.K. Governments are authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation hereon. The current development of CISpaces2.0 is funded by the DSTL Defence Accellerator programme under agreement number ACC102157. This project is led by Timothy Norman, and is a collaborative effort with Alice Toniolo, Federico Cerutti and Stuart Middleton. 82
  • 83. CISpaces has been developed and tested with the help of professional intelligence analysts Analysts have highlighted that CISpaces is useful for training and provides an effective means to record an audit trail that includes important elements of the reasoning processes involved in the analysis of competing hypotheses CISpaces has been deployed on a dedicated machine at the ARL Adelphi Laboratory Center has been deployed on the UK Joint Forces Intelligence Group experimental servers has been used in an in-depth analysis of the case of Prosecutor v. Karadžić, MICT-13-55-A, that lead to the submission of an Amicus Curiae* to the UN International Criminal Tribunal * 83
  • 85. Karadžić was knowledgeable of the intent to kill Bosnian Muslims Generally, if the Accused knew that Bosnian Muslims had been recently killed by Bosnian Serb forces [in Kravica Warehouse] then he might have known that it may occur that Bosnian Serb forces would kill other Bosnian Muslim in the future Cause to Effect In this case Karadžić knew that Bosnian Muslim have been killed by Bosnian Serb Forces The Chamber finds it inconceivable that Kovač did not discuss the developments on the ground in Srebrenica on 13 July (Para 5767) Opinion At 2010h on 13 July 1995 Karadžić talked on the phone with Deronjić [about moving prisoners to Zvornik, ed.] (Para 5772) Evidence to hypho- thesis At 2010h on 13 July 1995 Karadžić talked on the phone with Deronjić [moving prisoners to a place different from Zvornik ed.] (Para 5772) CON CON The Chamber therefore finds that [...] the Accused conveyed to Deronjić the direction that the detainees should be transferred to Zvornik (Para 5773) CON Evidence to hypho- thesis Davidović had urged Deronjić to “use [his] connections” with the Accused in order to have the buses moved (Para 5773) Before speaking to the Accused Deronjić had previously complained to Beara about the detainees’ presence in Bratunac (Para 5773) Beara and Deronjić later argued about whether the detainees would be killed in Bratunac or would be transferred to Zvornik for that purpose (Para 5773) Deronjić [...] [said] that the Accused had instructed him that all detainees should be transferred to Zvornik (Para 5773) Evidence to hypho- thesis Evidence to hypho- thesis The Chamber has no doubt that [...] [on 14 July] Deronjić and the Accused , they both discussed the killings [...], and the implementation of the Accused’s order to transport the detainees [...] to Zvornik (Para 5808) Opinion Evidence to hypho- thesis Evidence to hypho- thesis During the second meeting [with the Srebrenica representatives, ed.], Deronjić reported on the situation in Srebrenica (Para 5808) The Chamber received evidence that there was no mention or discussion about the executions of detainees in Srebrenica during the meeting with the Srebrenica representatives (Para 5808) CON Evidence to hypho- thesis Deronjić’s participation in the efforts to bury the bodies of those killed at the Kravica Warehouse, starting in the early hours of 14 July (Para 5808) Witness Testimony Simić testified that Deronjić told him that he had informed the Accused about the events at the Kravica Warehouse the day after the incident (Para 5808) The only reasonable inference is that Bajagić reported the events in Srebrenica he had witnessed [...] to the Accused during their meeting on 15 July. (Para 5783) Opinion The extremely late hour of their meeting (Para 5783) The Accused had invited Bajagić to Pale (Para 5783) Bajagić had substantive knowledge of the events in Srebrenica (Para 5783) Meeting Bajagić in Pale at an extremely late hour, given that Bajagić had substantive knowledge of the events in Srebrenica implies that Bajagić reported the events he had witnessed Unstated Unstated Abductive Inference Opinion The Chamber finds it incredible that Kovač would not have discussed these matters with the Accused (Para 5782) Kovač gathered additional important information that he ultimately relayed back to the Accused when he returned to Pale on 14 July. (Para 5806) Opinion On 13 July Mladić informed Karadžić that Srebrenica “[wa]s done” (Para 5768). Srebrenica had fallen on 11 July, hence Karadžić should have known by 13 July (Para 5770, fn 19596) Abductive Inference Inference 4.a Inference 4.b Inference 4.cX Inference 4.d Inference 4.e Unstated Mladić informing Karadžić, on 13 July, that Srebrenica “[wa]s done” when Srebrenica had fallen on 11 July, hence Karadžić should have known by 13 July implies that Karadžić was knowledgeable of the intent to kill Bosnian Muslims Nikolić testimony (Para 5312, fn 18025) Witness Testimony Witness Testimony McDermott Rees and Cerutti 2018 85
  • 86. 86
  • 87. 87
  • 88. 88
  • 89. Gatete was responsible for the killings of Tutsis in Rwankuba sector, Murambi commune, on 7 April 1994 (1). Gatete participated in a joint criminal enterprise to conduct killings on 7 April1994 (2). A meeting took place on 7 April 1994 in the Rwankuba sector office courtyard (4). Gatete made a significant contribution to the achievement of the common plan (32). Gatete ordered the Interhamwe at the meeting on 7 April 1994 to ‘work relentlessly’ (33). Gatete told those present to ‘sensitise’ others to the killings (35). No meeting took place in the sector office on 7 April 1994 (15). BBR testimony (5). BBR testimony (34). AIZ testimony (36). LA40 testimony (18) LA40 testimony (43). LA41 testimony (39). LA43 testimony (41) LA40 could not see the sector office at all times on 7 April 1994 (42). LA41 could not see the sector office at all times on 7 April 1994 (38). LA43 could not see the sector office at all times on 7 April 1994 (40). LA41 testimony (16) LA43 testimony (17) AIZ testimony (6). PRO PRO PRO PRO CON CON CON CON CON CON CON LPK LPK LPK LPK LPK LPK LPK LPK LPK LPK 89 From [CNT18]
  • 90. 90
  • 91. 91
  • 92. • We can help humans in structuring their reasoning • We can reduce the effect some biases, in particular confirmation bias, via argumentation schemes and critical questions • We have machineries to derive arguments and attacks • We have machineries to derive acceptable arguments on the basis of different criteria • The performance of such machineries vary dramatically on the basis of a variety of parameters 92
  • 93. 1030H ROOM: 2405 Third International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation (ICCMA’19) Award Ceremony 93
  • 94. machine learning for argumentation
  • 95. Magic Box 1 Creation of Arguments Magic Box 2 Evaluation of Arguments 95
  • 96. [BV18] 96 Handbook of Formal Argumentation, Pietro Baroni, Dov Gabbay, Massimiliano Giacomin and Leendert van der Torre, eds, 978-1-84890-275-6
  • 97. large resources of NL texts 97 Image from [BV18]
  • 98. large resources of NL texts annotation scheme (theory) 98 Image from [BV18]
  • 99. Node Graph (argument network) has-a Information Node (I-Node) is-a Scheme Node S-Node has-a Edge is-a Rule of inference application node (RA-Node) Conflict application node (CA-Node) Preference application node (PA-Node) Derived concept application node (e.g. defeat) is-a ... ContextScheme Conflict scheme contained-in Rule of inference scheme Logical inference scheme Presumptive inference scheme ... is-a Logical conflict scheme is-a ... Preference scheme Logical preference scheme is-a ... Presumptive preference scheme is-a uses uses uses 99 Image from [Rah+11]
  • 100. Bob says: Lower taxes stimulate the economy Bob says: The government will inevitably lower the tax rate. Wilma says: Why? Challenging Substantiating Asserting Asserting Challenging Lower taxes stimulate the economy An application of the argument scheme for Argument from Positive Consequences The government will inevitably lower the tax rate. Arguing 100 Inference Anchoring Theory, IAT, Katarzyna Budzynska and Chris Reed. Whence inference. Technical report, University of Dundee, 2011.
  • 103. [Cer+16] 103 Proceedings of SAFA 2016,
  • 104. 104
  • 105. Should contraception be covered by health insurance? 105
  • 106. Y N #1 + #2 - #3 #4 - + #5 2 + + - - 1. Noes because that’s not something you need. 2. You probably shouldn’t make that blanket statement, without any qualifiers or exceptions. For many women, birth control pills are very important and are necessary to daily life 3. What about Viagra, should that be covered by health insurance? 4. Women have the right to choose what to do with their bodies. 5. It is true that women have the right to choose what they wish to do with their bodies, but they have absolutely no power to force insurance companies to pay for them. That should be left up to the insurance company, and not the woman. 106 From [Cer+16]
  • 107. large resources of NL texts annotation scheme (theory) 107 Image from [BV18]
  • 108. large resources of NL texts annotation scheme (theory) annotated corpus training test 108 Image from [BV18]
  • 110. large resources of NL texts annotation scheme (theory) annotated corpus training test kappa 110 Image from [BV18]
  • 111. Definition (Cohen’s kappa) The agreement between two annotators who each classify N items into C mutually exclusive categories† κ = po − pe 1 − pe = 1 − 1 − po 1 − pe where: • po is the relative observed agreement among annotators • pe is the probability of chance agreement (the probabilities of each annotator randomly saying each category) • 0.41–0.60 moderate, 0.61–0.80 substantial, 0.81–1 almost perfect agreement‡ †Jacob Cohen. A coefficient of agreement for nominal scales. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 20:3746, 1960. ‡J.R. Landis and G.G. Koch. The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data. Biometrics, 33:159174, 1977. 111
  • 112. large resources of NL texts annotation scheme (theory) annotated corpus training test kappa grammars + classifiers 112 Image from [BV18]
  • 113. 113
  • 115. • Argumentative discourse unit segmentation Unit size ranges from single-word to paragraph • Typed segmentation Facts? Opinions? • Relations, directions, type 115
  • 116. ‡Iyad Rahwan, Fouad Zablith, and Chris Reed. Laying the foundations for a World Wide Argument Web. Artificial Intelligence, 171(10), pages 897–921, 2007.116
  • 117. large resources of NL texts annotation scheme (theory) annotated corpus training test kappa grammars + classifiers automatically annotated arguments 117 Image from [BV18]
  • 118. large resources of NL texts annotation scheme (theory) annotated corpus training test kappa grammars + classifiers automatically annotated arguments cf. precision & recall 118 Image from [BV18]
  • 119. • Recall tp tp + fn How often arguments have been missed out? • Precision tp tp + fp How often magical arguments appeared • F1 score 2 precision · recall precision + recall 119
  • 120. large resources of NL texts annotation scheme (theory) annotated corpus training test kappa grammars + classifiers automatically annotated arguments cf. precision & recall . . . real arguments . . . automatically extracted arguments 120 Image from [BV18]
  • 121. • Argumentation mining is hard • It relies on a substantial number of assumptions, including which theory you want to use • It is a fast dynamic world across formal argumentation and linguistics 121
  • 122. Magic Box 1 Creation of Arguments Magic Box 2 Evaluation of Arguments 122
  • 124. I have a set of AFs that want to analyse, I know the problem I am working on, I picked up a solver that works decently. ...but, in order to deploy the system, I need it to be faster. Let’s learn something then. 124 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 125. Learning: idea Generic solver Knowledge (about the problem, solver, ...) Knowledge-boosted approach 125 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 126. However... Extracting additional knowledge could, in principle, be easy. But... 126 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 127. Which Kind of Knowledge? • Combination and Selection of solvers • Configuration of solvers • Configuration (Reformulation) of AFs Here we focus on knowledge that can be automatically extracted. 127 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 128. Combining and Selecting Solvers (Solver selection can be seen as a particular case of portfolio configuration) • Static: the same portfolio is used for analysing any AF • Dynamic: portfolio is configured according to some characteristics of the AF 128 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 129. Static Portfolio: Process 129 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 130. Static Portfolio Defined by: 1. the selected solvers; 2. the order in which solvers will be run; and 3. the runtime allocated to each solver. 130 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 131. Static Portfolio: Approaches Shared-k Each component solver has been allocated maxRuntime k seconds. Solvers selected/ordered according to overall PAR10 FDSS From an empty portfolio, we iteratively add either a new solver component, or extend the allocated CPU-time of a solver already added to the portfolio, depending on what maximises the increment of the PAR10 score of the portfolio Penalised Average Runtime 10. PAR10(s, P) = { 10 ∗ T if P is unsolved tP(s) otherwise T indicates the considered timeout; tP(s) denotes the time needed by solver s to solve P 131 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 132. Dynamic Portfolio: Process 132 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 133. Dynamic Portfolio For each AF, a vector of features is computed. Similar instances should have similar feature vectors. Portfolios are configured using empirical performance models 133 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 134. Dynamic Portfolio: Features Features can be extracted from different representations of an AF§ E.g., Directed graph representation. • Graph size features: number of vertices, number of edges, ratios vertices–edges and inverse, and graph density • Degree features: average, standard deviation, maximum, minimum degree values across the nodes in the graph. • SCC features: number of SCCs, average, standard deviation, maxi- mum and minimum size. • Graph structure: presence of auto-loops, number of isolated vertices, etc Similarly, features can be extracted by considering undirected graph, or matrix representation. §F. Cerutti, M. Giacomin, and M. Vallati. Algorithm selection for preferred extensions enumeration. In Computational Models of Argument - Proceedings of COMMA, pages 221–232, 2014 134 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 135. Dynamic Portfolio: Approaches Classification-based Classify It classifies a given AF into a single category which corresponds to the single solver predicted to be the fastest and allocates it all the available CPU-time Regression-based 1-Regression Given the predicted runtime of each solver, the solver predicted to be the fastest is selected and it has allocated all the available CPU-time M-regression Initially we select the solver predicted to be the fastest, but we allocate only its predicted CPU-time +10%. If such a solver does not solve the given AF in the allocated time, it is stopped and no longer available to be selected, and the process iterates by selecting a different solver 135 [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 136. Some interesting results when using representative training instances.. EE-PR System Cov. PAR10 VBS 91.4 562.9 Classify 89.7 665.2 1-Regression 88.6 734.7 M-Regression 82.8 1068.3 FDSS 80.0 1311.4 Cegartix 79.1 1350.4 Shared-2 73.2 1678.0 Shared-3 69.4 1892.0 ArgSemSAT 69.1 1916.2 LabSATSolver 66.8 2050.3 prefMaxSAT 66.8 2057.2 Shared-4 65.7 2105.5 Shared-5 63.3 2240.3 DIAMOND 61.0 2417.0 … 136 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 137. Selection of Solvers EE-PR System Class. M-Reg. ArgSemSAT 0 253 ArgTools 311 305 ASGL 6 36 ASPARTIX-D 2 80 ASPARTIX-V 1 99 Cegartix 221 403 Conarg 157 122 CoQuiAas 43 44 DIAMOND 0 65 GRIS 153 278 LabSATSolver 13 208 prefMaxSAT 297 301 137 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 138. Leave-one-set-out Scenario: Can We Generalise? EE-PR Barabasi-Albert Erdös-Rényi StableM Watts-Strogatz System Cov. PAR10 Cov. PAR10 Cov. PAR10 Cov. PAR10 Classify 78.9 1321.4 88.6 745.0 74.4 1574.3 89.5 677.8 1-Regression 76.3 1479.0 63.0 2255.2 76.5 1453.9 83.0 1079.9 M-Regression 70.4 1828.4 67.3 2039.7 77.0 1434.7 79.6 1267.6 FDSS 69.1 1916.2 80.9 1245.5 79.1 1341.9 78.6 1380.0 Shared-2 73.2 1678.0 73.2 1678.0 74.2 1620.4 73.2 1678.0 Shared-3 69.4 1892.0 67.3 2007.9 69.5 1896.7 69.4 1892.0 Shared-4 65.7 2106.2 65.7 2101.1 65.7 2108.1 65.7 2103.9 Shared-5 63.3 2240.9 63.4 2235.8 63.3 2242.9 63.3 2242.9 138 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 139. • Portfolio systems generally outperform basic solvers; • If the training instances are representative of testing AFs, the existing set of features is informative for selecting most suitable solvers; • Classification-based portfolios show good generalisation performance; • Static portfolios are usually the approaches which are less sensitive to different training sets. 139
  • 140. Configuration of Algorithms Solvers can be configured to improve performance on a class of problems / instances. §F. Hutter, H. H. Hoos, K. Leyton-Brown, and T. Stützle. Paramils: An automatic algorithm configuration framework. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR), 36:267–306, 2009 140 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 141. Configuration of Algorithms There exists several configuration approaches, based on different underlying ideas. For the sake of this talk, we focus on SMAC,¶ used for configuring ArgSemSAT ¶F. Hutter, H. H. Hoos, K. Leyton-Brown, and K. P. Murphy. Time-bounded sequential parameter optimization. In Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 4th International Conference, LION, pages 281–298, 2010 141 Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 142. Configuration of the Solver Parameter Domain Default SOLVER-ExtEnc {001111, 010101, 010111, ......, 111111} 101010 GLUCOSE-gc-frac [0.0, 500.0] 0.2 GLUCOSE-rnd-freq [0.0, 1.0] [0.0 GLUCOSE-cla-decay [0.0, 1.0] 0.999 GLUCOSE-max-var-decay [0.0, 1.0] 0.95 GLUCOSE-var-decay [0.0, 1.0] 0.8 GLUCOSE-phase-saving 0,1,2 2 GLUCOSE-ccmin-mode 0,1,2 2 GLUCOSE-K [0.0, 1.0] 0.8 GLUCOSE-R [1.0, 5.0] 1.4 GLUCOSE-szTrailQueue [10,10000] (int) 5000 GLUCOSE-szLBDQueue [10,10000] (int) 50 GLUCOSE-simp-gc-frac [0.0, 5000.0] 0.5 GLUCOSE-sub-lim [-1,10000] (int) 20 GLUCOSE-cl-lim [-1,10000] (int) 1000 GLUCOSE-grow [-10000,10000] (int) 0 GLUCOSE-incReduceDB [0,10000] (int) 300 GLUCOSE-firstReduceDB [0,10000] (int) 2000 GLUCOSE-specialIncReduceDB [0,10000] (int) 1000 GLUCOSE-minLBDFrozenClause [0,10000] (int) 30 142 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 143. Configuration of the Framework Order arguments/attacks according to: 1. The number of attacks received; 2. The number of attacks to other arguments; 3. The presence of self-attacks; 4. The difference between the number of received attacks and the number of attacks to other arguments; 5. Being an argument in a mutual attack. + arguments can be listed following a direct or inverse order Ordering of arguments and attacks are independent 143 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 144. Configuration of the Framework (2) a1 a3 a2 arg(a1). arg(a2). arg(a3). att(a1,a3). att(a2,a2). att(a3,a1). att(a3,a2). arg(a2). arg(a3). arg(a1). att(a2,a2). att(a3,a2). att(a3,a1). att(a1,a3). List of arguments ordered according to the number of received attacks and, subsequently, the number of outgoing attacks; and the list of attacks ordered prioritising self-attacks and, subsequently, the number of outgoing attacks 144 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 145. Parametrisation Parameter Domain Default args_ingoingFirst [-1.0,1.0] 0 args_outgoingFirst [-1.0,1.0] 0.2 args_autoFirst [-1.0,1.0] -1 args_eachOther [-1.0,1.0] -1 args_differenceFirst [-1.0,1.0] -1 atts_ingoingFirst [-1.0,1.0] 0 atts_outgoingFirst [-1.0,1.0] 0 atts_autoFirst [-1.0,1.0] 0.2 atts_eachOther [-1.0,1.0] 0 atts_differenceFirst [-1.0,1.0] 0 atts_orders {0,1,2,3,4} 0 0 Same ordering applied to the first argument of the attack pair 1 Same ordering applied to the second argument of the attack pair 2 Inverse ordering applied to the first argument of the attack pair 3 Inverse ordering applied to the second argument of the attack pair 4 Attack-specific ordering 145 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 146. Results: Representative Training Instances Set Configuration IPC Score PAR10 Fastest ( ) Barabasi-Albert Default 78.0 1921.0 2.5 Configured 125.2 1863.1 60.5 Erdös-Rényi Default 56.8 3426.5 16.5 Configured 60.4 3329.2 18.0 Watts-Strogatz Default 116.6 1967.3 28.0 Configured 118.1 1967.9 23.5 General Default 110.0 1665.4 11.0 Configured 143.0 1376.8 62.5 146 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 147. Results: Cross-Validation Training sets Test sets Barabasi-Albert Erdös-Rényi Watts-Strogatz General Barabasi-Albert 119.2 6.9 34.5 42.8 Erdös-Rényi 92.3 58.6 105.3 125.7 Watts-Strogatz 116.2 52.6 115.6 129.2 General 87.5 57.6 113.5 133.2 147 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 148. Configuration: Most Important Single Parameters Set 1st 2nd 3rd Barabasi-Albert S-ExtEnc (011111) G-firstReduceDB (1528) G-cla-decay (0.32) Erdös-Rényi F-autoFirst (-1.00) G-rnd-freq (0.00) G-K (0.26) Watts-Strogatz S-ExtEnc (101010) G-Grow (0) G-rnd-freq (0.08) General S-ExtEnc (101010) G-R (2.09) G-cla-decay (0.99) 148 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 149. Configuration: Interaction Between Parameters 149 From [CVG17], Slide courtesy of Mauro Vallati
  • 150. • We demonstrate that joint AF-solver configuration has a statistically significant impact on the performance of ArgSemSAT; • We demonstrate the synergies between AFs configuration and SAT solvers behaviour; • We open new, exciting possibilities in the area of learning for improving performance of abstract argumentation solvers. 150
  • 152. Can we predict the number of extensions? 152
  • 154. Groups of Feature DG UG Graph Matrix All Level 1 Accuracy 90.2 84.6 90.1 91.1 91.4 Precision (E∆(PR) = {∅}) 93.7 91.0 93.7 93.7 93.5 Precision (|E∆(PR)| = 1, E∆(PR) ̸= {∅}) 79.4 63.3 79.4 84.9 85.6 Precision (|E∆(PR)| > 1) 90.7 87.3 90.7 90.5 91.2 Level 2 Accuracy 85.4 64.9 85.3 86.7 86.3 Precision (|E∆(PR)| ≤ χ) 89.1 71.5 88.9 90.0 90.0 Precision (|E∆(PR)| > χ) 78.3 47.5 85.3 80.0 79.2 154 From [VCG19]
  • 155. Groups of Feature DG UG Graph Matrix All RMSE 1.18 2.45 1.18 1.24 1.81 155 From [VCG19]
  • 156. AF derived from r : ¬a, ¬b → c 156 From [VCG19]
  • 157. Groups of Feature DG UG Graph Matrix All Level 1 Accuracy 100.0 92.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 Level 2 Accuracy 94.4 56.3 94.4 78.8 86.5 Precision (|E∆(PR)| ≤ χ) 33.3 0.0 33.3 0.0 0.0 Precision (|E∆(PR)| > χ) 96.8 92.8 96.8 94.7 95.2 157 From [VCG19]
  • 158. Groups of Feature DG UG Graph Matrix All RMSE 12.9 1.3 5.8 15.5 38.0 158 From [VCG19]
  • 159. • We can develop a model able to predict, with an overall accuracy of 91.4%, whether or not an AF has a unique empty preferred extension; • We can distinguish when there is one or more preferred extensions; • If more than one preferred extension is predicted, predictive models are able to predict their log-number; • It is possible to discriminate around a pivotal number of extension with an accuracy ≥ 90.0% . 159
  • 162. 1010101 0101101 1110001 0101010 1010100 1010101 0101101 1110001 0101010 1010100 1010101 0101101 1110001 0101010 1010100 λ λ π Data Model Inferencing Algorithmic PresenceDirect Human Involvement 162 From [CGV18], Figure based upon Diakopoulos N. Accountability in algorithmic decision making. Communications of the ACM. 2016; 59(2): 56-62.
  • 163. Are we using quality data? 163
  • 164. 1. it should follow an argumentation process constructing reasons for/against competing claims; 2. evidential arguments should increase/reduce confidence in claims; 3. ceteris paribus, the more independent and sound arguments for a given claim, the greater our confidence in such a claim; 4. a single argument can be conclusive for confirming or refuting a claim; 5. arguments and theories can themselves be questioned; 6. some arguments can be stronger than others; 7. in the absence of information about relative strength, contradictory arguments still play an important role in decision making; 8. it is desirable to develop systems using sound, formal languages for argumentation but that can be translated to and from intuitive natural language interfaces; 9. a rational agent can choose the hypothesis that has the greatest confidence among all the competing hypotheses, unless there are grounds to argue against such a confidence; 10. a rational agent not forced to choose may defer a decision on the grounds that the arguments are unwarranted. ¶J. Fox, 2011. Arguing about the evidence: a logical approach. In Proc. of the British Academy, Vol. 171. 151–182. 164
  • 165. Please refer to the first part of this tutorial 165
  • 166. 1010101 0101101 1110001 0101010 1010100 1010101 0101101 1110001 0101010 1010100 1010101 0101101 1110001 0101010 1010100 λ λ π Data Model Inferencing Algorithmic PresenceDirect Human Involvement 166 From [CGV18], Figure based upon Diakopoulos N. Accountability in algorithmic decision making. Communications of the ACM. 2016; 59(2): 56-62.
  • 167. Arguing about the model 167
  • 170. 170 Image from [Tom+18]
  • 171. Walton and Krabbe [WK95] • Information seeking • Inquiry • Persuasion • Negotiation • Deliberation • Eristic 171 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 172. Information-seeking dialogue One participant obtains information from another. 172 From [WK95], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 173. • Walton and Krabbe discuss a number of kinds of information-seeking dialogue. • Expert consultation Layman elicits the expert’s opinion. • Didactic Dialogue aims to turn the layman into an expert. • Interview Obtain the opinion of one party. • Interrogation Extract information from one party. • … 173 From [WK95], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 174. Inquiry dialogue Participants collaborate in finding a proof. 174 From [WK95], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 175. Persuasion dialogue One participant tries to convince another about a proposition. 175 From [WK95], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 176. Negotiation dialogue Participants discuss how to divide a scare resource. 176 From [WK95], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 177. Deliberation dialogue Participants discuss a course of action. 177 From [WK95], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 178. Eristic dialogue Participants quarrel. Argument as a substitute for fighting. 178 From [WK95], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 179. Initial Situation Conflict Open Problem Unsatisfactory Spread of Information MainGoal Stable Agree- ment/Resolution Persuasion Inquiry Information Seeking Practical Settlement / Decision (Not) to Act Negotiation Deliberation Reaching a (Provisional) Accommodation Eristic 179 From [WK95]
  • 180. Other forms of dialogue • Walton and Krabbe made no claim that this set of dialogue types was exhaustive. …it has not been our aim to give a complete or comprehensive account of all the different types of dialogue … 180 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 181. Non-cooperation dialogue One party aims to prolong the dialogue as long as possible. 181 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 182. How can we operationalise it? 182
  • 183. • Protocols, in the sense we consider them here, are a means of restricting the bounds of an interaction. • Set context. • Place constraints. • If one agent operates using a different protocol from another, confusion is likely. 183 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 184. When entering a railway compartment, make sure to shake hands with all the passengers. (Gerard Hoffnung) 184 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 185. What is a protocol? • One way to define a protocol is in terms of the dialogues that it permits. • An utterance is an instantiated locution: µ = assert(p) • A dialogue is a sequence of utterances: δ = assert(p), challenge(p), assert(q, q → p), accept(q), . . . • A protocol π is then a function from a dialogue to a set of utterances: π : δ → U since a protocol, in general, doesn’t restrict an agent’s choice of utterance to a singleton. 185 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 187. Here is a more explicit protocol 1. A asks question(p). 2. B replies with either assert(p) or assert(¬p) if it can, and assert(U) if it cannot. 3. A accepts B’s response if it can, or challenges. 4. B replies to a challenge with an assert(S), where S is the support of an argument for the last proposition challenged by A. 5. Go to 3 for each proposition in S in turn. 6. A accepts p if it can. 187 From [PWA03], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsonss
  • 188. • U indicates that B cannot give an answer. • U cannot be challenged and as soon as it is asserted, the dialogue terminates without the question being resolved. • Note that A accepts whenever possible. • A is only able to challenge when unable to accept. • In such a case challenge is the only locution other than accept that it is allowed to make. B then has to give a response if it has one. • Note also that there is a general prohibition against an agent making the same utterance twice. Doing so terminates the dialogue. 188 From [PWA03], Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 189. (image by Sumon Azhar) 189 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 190. • Clearly this is a rather restrictive protocol — doesn’t allow that much flexibility in what agents can do. • That was actually what we intended. • Wanted a set of simple protocols in order to be able to analyse them relatively easily. • Turns out that they are still rather interesting. 190 Slide courtesy of Simon Parsons
  • 192. German Stock Market DAIDAI BMW PAH3 VOW3 CON BAYN HEN3 BEI3 How can I help you? Explain Henkel in detail Henkel (HEN3) stock price depends on Bayer (BAYN) stock price. When BAYN stock price changes, there is high confidence that HEN3 stock price is very likely to change <0.8, 0.1, 0.1>. When BAYN stock price does not change, there is high confidence that HEN3 stock price is somewhat unlikely to change <0.3, 0.6, 0.1>. Please remember that the three numbers above represent respectively the belief, disbelief, and uncertanty of the conditional opinions. 192 From [Bra+18]
  • 193. German Stock Market DAIDAI BMW PAH3 VOW3 CON BAYN HEN3 BEI3 How can I help you? What happens in detail if both Porsche and Continental stock prices change? When both Porsche and Continental stock prices change: There is high confidence that BMW stock price is unlikely to change <0.2, 0.7, 0.1>. There is low confidence that Porsche (PAH3) stock price is somewhat likely to change <0.2, 0.1, 0.7>. There is low confidence that Volkswagen (VOW3) stock price is somewhat likely to change. <0.1, 0.05, 0.85>. There is high confidence that Daimler (DAI) stock price is unlikely to change <0.15, 0.75, 0.1>. Please remember that the three numbers above represent respectively the belief, disbelief, and uncertanty of the marginal opinions computed on the basis of the given knowledge. 193 From [Bra+18]
  • 194. German Stock Market DAIDAI BMW PAH3 VOW3 CON BAYN HEN3 BEI3 How can I help you? Bayer depends on Daimler Did you mean: the stock ‘BAYN’ depends on the stock ‘DAI’.? Yes Ok, I have updated the graph to the right with that information (please note the red arrow) and recomputed the opinions. 194 From [Bra+18]
  • 195. • Explaining a model is an act of communication • An autonomous agent can engage with a human using a formal protocol • Interfaces using controlled natural languages can support such a conversation 195
  • 199. x1 ¬x2 ¬x3 ¬x1 x2 x3 A compiled decomposable and deterministic circuit for the exactly-one constraint with 3 variables Pr(x1) Pr(¬x2) Pr(¬x3) Pr(¬x1) Pr(x2) Pr(x3) × × × + The corresponding arithmetic circuit for the exactly-one constraint with 3 variables 199 Images from [Xu+18]
  • 200. Argumentation should be closer to human experience, right? 200
  • 202. The Experiment • Presenting each participant with a text followed by a questionnaire • Each participant is shown a single (randomly selected) text • Four domains: 1. weather forecast 2. political debate 3. used car sale 4. romantic relationship • Two KBs: base case, and extended case • The base case always consider two arguments a1 and a2 with two contradicting conclusions; and a preference in favour of a2 • The extended case reinstates a1 (somehow) • Participants are asked to determine which of the following positions they think is accurate: • I agree with a1 • I agree with a2 • I can’t agree with either a1 or a2 202 From [CTO14]
  • 203. Hypotheses H1: In the base cases the majority of participants will agree with a2 H2: In the extended cases the majority of participants will agree that they cannot conclude anything from the text 203 From [CTO14]
  • 204. Analysis 0 15 30 45 60 PA PB PU % Distribution of acceptability of actors’ positions Base cases Extended cases PA = a1; PB = a2; PU = neither Distribution of the final conclusion is statistically significant Base cases, χ2 analysis (2, N=77)=37.74, p < 0.001; Extended cases χ2 (2, N=84)=8.0, p < 0.02 204 From [CTO14]
  • 205. In this experiment participants seem to have a skeptical attitude 205
  • 207. Steps Person Statement Content 1 to 5 P1 A Hospital staff members do not need to receive flu shots. 1 to 5 P2 B Hospital staff members are exposed to the flu virus a lot. Therefore, it would be good for them to receive flu shots in order to stay healthy. 2 to 5 P1 C The virus is only airborne and it is sufficient to wear a mask in order to protect yourself. Therefore, a vaccination is not necessary. 3 to 5 P2 D The flu virus is not just airborne, it can be transmitted through touch as well. Hence, a mask is insufficient to protect yourself against the virus. 4 to 5 P1 E The flu vaccine causes flu in order to gain immunity. Making people sick, who otherwise might have stayed healthy, is unreasonable. 5 P2 F The flu vaccine does not cause flu. It only has some side effects, such as headaches, that can be mistaken for flu symptoms. 207 From [PH18]
  • 208. Tasks • Agreement: the participants were asked to state how much they agree or disagree with a given statement. • Relation: the participants were asked to state how they viewed the relation between the statements. 208 From [PH18]
  • 209. Conclusions of [PH18] Observation 1 The data supports the use of the constellation approach to probabilistic argumentation for modelling the argument graphs representing the views of dialogue participants. … Observation 4 The data supports the use of bipolar argumentation frameworks. 209
  • 210. • Kind of true that argumentation semantics are intuitive for humans • There are plenty of caveats • See also Ruth Byrne “Counterfactuals in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): Evidence from Human Reasoning” @ IJCAI 210
  • 211. 1010101 0101101 1110001 0101010 1010100 1010101 0101101 1110001 0101010 1010100 1010101 0101101 1110001 0101010 1010100 λ λ π Data Model Inferencing Algorithmic PresenceDirect Human Involvement 211 From [CGV18], Figure based upon Diakopoulos N. Accountability in algorithmic decision making. Communications of the ACM. 2016; 59(2): 56-62.
  • 213. Human experts are often allowed “ to draw on their own experience and specialised training to make inferences from and deductions about the cumulative information available to them that might well elude an untrained person „ 213
  • 214. Argument from Autonomous Inferencing Major Premise: A is an autonomous system trained in subject domain S containing proposition P. Minor Premise: A asserts that proposition P is true (or false). Conclusion: P is true (or false). Critical questions CQ1: What are A’s maker interests? CQ2: Is A’s assertion internally consistent? CQ3: Is A training adequate to make a judgement about P? CQ4: Is the provenance of A’s judgement about P sound? CQ5: Is A’s assertion consistent with the known fact of the case (based on evidence independent from A)? CQ6: Is A’s assertion consistent with other, independent autonomous systems’ assertions? 214 From [CGV18]
  • 216. • Introduction to Formal Argumentation Theory • Why it is important? • Supporting scientific enquiry • Structured argumentation • Abstract Argumentation • Algorithms and Implementations • Machine learning for argumentation • Argumentation mining • Machine learning for evaluating argumentation framework • Argumentation for machine learning • Are we using quality data? • Arguing about the model: explanations and tellability • Arguing about the algorithmic presence 216
  • 217. 217