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Oedipos And The Sphinx Essay
Oedipos and the Sphinx is an 811 inch by 411 inch oil painting that was created by Gustave Moreau.
He finished this work of art in Paris during 1864. He made himself known by this painting around
the middle of his career. While most French art in the 1860's was based on realistic subject matter,
Moreau's works were based on mythological creatures and stories. He drew his inspiration from
other artist such as Ingres and Andrea Mantegna who painted similar subjects. When looking at this
painting as a whole, you can tell that this is not a happy scene. The story behind this work of art is
that the sphinx has a riddle for Oedipos to solve, but if he can't he will be killed like the others that
are thrown into the hole. The sphinx looks very serious, and like she is already telling him the riddle.
The man looks serious as he is leaned against the mountain and staring into her eyes. I feel a sense
of determination as if the men that were murdered before him were his friends, and he now feels as
if it is his duty to solve the riddle. ... Show more content on ...
The artist used several different colors while creating this piece and they are all highly saturated.
One thing in particular that can be noticed is the fact that it is obviously daytime. The artist created a
very bright scene that lets you know this confrontation is happening in the daytime. Some other
notable areas of color include the mountains in the background, and the blood that is spilled in the
bottom right corner. The darker colors of the mountains in the background almost give a dreary
effect to the painting. It could also indicate that the mountains are far away, and that the two
communicating in the painting came a long way to get to where they are. The blood depicted in this
piece looks bright and fresh like the person was just killed. It gives the idea that the young man
talking to the sphinx could be
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Compare And Contrast Theseus And Oedipus
While I was analyzing the two Greek heroes Theseus and Oedipus origins, it became obvious that
they share quite a few differences and similarities as is common amongst heroes in Greek
mythology. The first similarity I found the two heroes shared was the love and honor their subjects
regarded their kings with. Theseus was revered for his strategic planning and how he used his power
to create an equal ruling between the power of the king and his people. He was acknowledged as
one of the first leaders to create a Democracy, allowing his people to have a say into how the
kingdom is ruled. "I myself, will be your leader in wars, and at all times the protector of laws, but
beyond this all my fellow citizens shall have equal rights with me" (216). By allowing the
inhabitants of Attica to access part of the power of the king, Theseus knew that his subjects would
abide by this ruling because of the value and gain they would receive from becoming a united
community. I feel this peaceful treaty between the two dynamics; the rich and the poor shows that
Theseus was an intelligent and courageous king worthy of the equal amounts of love and fear the
king instilled in the city of Athens. The way Theseus resolved the issue between the two class
systems leads me to believe that Theseus admirers rigid structure and control but since he is willing
to give some of his power to the citizens of Athens in order to keep peace, he became known as a
peaceful ruler instead of a forceful tyrant.
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Analysis: The Great Sphinx Of Giza
The notion that religion and science are equally balanced and complement each other because they
work together like yin and yang. Science provides an understanding of the physical structure to the
universe and religion provides the understanding into the human mortality and values. Michael
Cremo believed that religion and science are equally balanced when referring to the idea of
forbidden archeology, but many mainstream scientists would disagree that that religion and science
are completely different from one another. The term "forbidden archeology" refers to an idea argued
by Michael Cremo that there is an abundance of concrete evidence that is left behind by human
ancestors around the world proving that modern humans have existed on Earth ... Show more
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The monument has been a controversial case in the scientific community. Many scientist believe
that the Sphinx is thousands of years older than what is currently held in the history books. The
Sphinx is located on the Giza Plateau, west of the Nile River with the precise measurement of 241
feet long, 63 feet wide, and 66.34 feet high. Scientists conclude that the Sphinx was built in
resemblance to Pharaoh Khafre in 2500 B.C. The anomalies behind the science and architectural
design of the Sphinx provides concrete evidence that human origins have been around longer than
what is documented on records. A theory that many historians believed that the Sphinx is a
representation of the stars of Leo. The Egyptians had a great understanding knowledge in astronomy
which is the reason why researchers believed that ancient Egyptian architects chose to build the
Sphinx in resemblance to the constellation of Leo. A fascinating when observing the Sphinx is the
angle. The Sphinx intersects with the three of the Giza Pyramids which is identical to the angle of
the biggest star of Leo. The alignment with a row of stars is an exact formation of the Orion's belt
which provides evidence that ancient architects were able to use their knowledge of astronomy and
align an exact estimation to build the Sphinx at this particular location. When observing the
monument, the Sphinx is uniquely starring at a rising star where the mirror image of itself is
precisely aligned with the star of Leo. The Egyptians had a precise knowledge of art, engineering,
and architecture in which evidence proves that human origins have existed for more than millions of
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Oedipus The King By Sophocles
In the play, Oedipus the King written by Sophocles the main character Oedipus goes through many
tragedies that presents him as serious and superior to ordinary man. Oedipus' character does not
show how he is like an ordinary person. He is shown as a hero who is greater to the ordinary man
then again sometimes, he is view to be inferior to the ordinary man. Throughout the play, Oedipus
plays blindfold. Oedipus character acts more as if he has no part in the situation that occur. When
Oedipus opens the search of the death of King Laius. That is the first step toward his downfall.
Oedipus then covers up the murder when he hears the news. The investigation leads Oedipus's
discovery of more information about the murder and his fate.
Oedipus is the solver of the sphinx riddle; the riddle was "What goes on four feet in the morning,
two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening?" When Oedipus travelled to Thebes and the sphinx
posed the riddle to him. His answer was a "human being" because a human walks on all fours, on
two legs as an adult and with a walking stick when old.
Jocasta is superior to the "ordinary" girl, women, mother and wife. Even though she is the queen of
Thebes, it is not as beautiful as it sounds. When she was young she was first married to King Laius,
their marriage was a happy one. When she was with King Laius they received a prophecy. The
Prophecy stated, "King Laius would be murdered by his own son." So Jocasta has a very hard
decision to make which is
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Great Sphinx of Giza
The Sphinx of Giza is a symbol that has represented the essence of Egypt for thousands of years.
The body of a lion with the head of a king comes from the Egyptian culture symbolizing strength
and wisdom. The sphinx is a carved out of the living rock. Egyptologists believe that the sphinx was
built in 2500 BC in the fourth dynasty. From the north side the profile of the Sphinx reveals the
proportion of the body to the head. It would appear as though the head is small in proportion to the
body. Because of the changing desert terrain, the body of the Sphinx has been buried several times
over the past several thousand years. Most recently in 1905, the sand has been cleared away to
expose the magnitude and beauty of the entirety of ... Show more content on ...
The eyes are very big and open because of the blue eye liner that was used under the eye lids. Also,
the headdress is much more noticeable on the Sphinx in Las Vegas because it is colored. Unlike the
Sphinx of Giza, the structure of the face is not as conspicuous as the Sphinx in Las Vegas. There is
no color to the face structure such as the eyes and beard and are not carved as well as the Sphinx in
Las Vegas . Also, the body of the Sphinx in Las Vegas looks stronger, and shaped rounder. It catches
the eye more than any other sphinx, because of its location and structure. The two structures were
very well built, however due to the fact that the Sphinx in Las Vegas was built just a few years back
, it gave the designers the chance to make the new structure more modern and appealing. They used
the old structure of the Sphinx in Giza to create a more modernized copy of the old one. One of the
major differences I notice about the two structure is the color and line. The new object has more
carvings in the face and body. You notice a shine to the Sphinx in Las Vegas, the colors and perfect
carvings of the face and paws make it a perfect sculpture to look at. I chose the historical object of
the Sphinx in Giza because it is unlike the pyramids, it was carved out of the living rock. It is an
extraordinary object and one of the best know monuments in Egyptian architecture. The Luxor hotel
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Examples Of Dramatic Irony In Oedipus The King
"All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong and repairs the
evil. The only crime is pride" (Sophocles, Antigone). Oedipus became the king of Thebes after he
had left Corinth because of a prophecy that declared that he would kill his father and marry his
mother. On his way, he came across Laius, his true father and the king of Thebes, unknowingly in an
act of anger he killed him. As he arrived in Thebes he came to know of a sphinx who was terrorizing
the city and would not leave unless someone had solved its puzzle. Claiming victory by solving the
puzzle the people of the city declared him the king as Laius had been killed and he married the
queen, Jocasta which was his true mother. He came to the know of the truth much later. Dramatic
irony in Oedipus the King changes how the audience perceives Oedipus by making the audience
more sympathetic. For example, the audience first changes their opinion toward Oedipus due to the
dramatic irony in line 73. A plague was slaying the people of Thebes, but Oedipus said to the people
"sick as you are, not one is sick as I" even though ... Show more content on ...
Oedipus referred himself as a "stranger to the story, a stranger" to the act (Sophocles, 171). Oedipus
was assuming that he had nothing to do with the murder of Laius, but this is obviously false. As the
audience knows, Oedipus had unknowingly killed Laius himself. Oedipus had been traveling away
from Corinth when he ran into Laius. In a moment of temporary rage, Oedipus killed Laius
completely unknowing of what he had done. The audience became more sympathetic towards him
because they could relate to his sense of pride. They knew that everyone would have a moment in
their lives in which they were proud and when they would have to protect it. Oedipus is just one of
the many that were protecting his pride but he let it consume him and he was completely ignorant of
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Metaphors In Oedipus
In Ode IV, the Chorus uses similes and metaphors to showcase Oedipus's rise and fall from power.
To start, the Chorus praises Oedipus and describes his strengths which are "mind [is] a strong bow"
and "fortress against our sorrow" (65). Oedipus is known to be reliable in tough times due to his
mind; however, he is currently distressed over the truth behind his birth which does not indicate a
"fortress." This difference in past Oedipus and current Oedipus visibly contrasts the rise and fall of
power. The Chorus directly declares, "Your (Oedipus's) great days like ghosts gone" (65). Despite
Oedipus's triumphant days and past glory, it is all erased in the face of the truth. Also, ghosts are
often associated with death; it could be a foreshadowing for the Iocaste's death after Oedipus's past
is known. Another simile for describing Oedipus is "stood like a tower" when he encountered the
sphinx (65). He was strong and noble like a tower, yet now he is on the verge of ruin. Even towers
will crumble into ruins over time; it symbolizes Oedipus's eventual destructive end. The Chorus also
uses a pitying tone throughout the ode to describe the sadness that makes up Oedipus's life. For
example, "I who saw your days call no man blest" conveys the Chorus's pity towards Oedipus (65).
Oedipus who had lead a blessed life filled with success only has misery awaiting him; this causes
the Chorus to pity him. Since Oedipus is unable to have a satisfactory end, the Chorus considers the
fate of other people to be just as miserable as his. The Chorus even declares, "Most pitiful is this
man's story" (66). This further emphasizes the fact that Oedipus is the most unfortunate man to walk
Earth, his life filled with misfortune. Adding on, the Chorus states, "For I weep the world's outcast"
(66). Weep is naturally associated with unhappiness, and outcast implies having no one close. Since
he murdered his father and married his mother, he has committed blasphemous acts which will only
drive others away from him. Overall, the tone strongly supports the fact that Oedipus is the poor
victim of the gods' prophecies. The Chorus includes alliteration not only to create a rhythmic
pattern, but to also bring attention to certain phrases. One
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Compare And Contrast Hedda Gabler And Oedipus The King
Ibsen and Sophocles are two distinct writers from different periods and culture. They both wrote
plays and stories with strong protagonists who the readers don't enjoy, but, whose fate is somewhat
tragic in a sense that elicits the reader's sympathy for the sense of wasted potential and tragic loss.
Personally, I agree with this statement because from both authors' books like Ibsen "Hedda Gabler"
and Sophocles "Oedipus The King"; the readers did not like the main characters, but the reader does
sympathize. The protagonists from both plays do portray themselves as people that others don't like,
but as the plays goes on; the protagonists begin to reveal themselves and their struggles. In which,
the readers would sympathize.
On Sophocles text "Oedipus the King", Sophocles begin the play with the main character: Oedipus
is this heroic person who is to find out the cause of the disease that is spreading across the city and
causing so many to die. Oedipus is a person one is brave and intelligent because he was the one to
solve the sphinx riddle and to kill her. Ending the cycle of deaths of people who tried to enter the
city. On page 483, paragraph 4, Sophocles describes the backstory of how Oedipus becomes famous
in the city of Thebes, "... When he reached Thebes, he found the city oppressed by a dreadful female
monster, a Sphinx– part human, part lion, often also depicted in Greek art with the wings of an eagle
and the tail of a snake. The Sphinx refused to let anyone into the city unless they could answer her
riddle [...] She strangled and devoured all travelers who failed to answer the riddle. But Oedipus
gave the right answer. [...] The Sphinx was defeated, and Oedipus was welcomed into the city as a
savior. He married the newly widowed queen, Jocasta, and took over the throne." Readers who've
read this play learned whom Oedipus is. He is a fearful/head strong person who doesn't think first
before he acts. He goes into a situation head first and later finds out the dreadful result of his action.
Moreover, in Ibsen's text: "Hedda Gabbler", Ibsen starts off with Hedda: the main protagonist,
daughter of a general who marries Tesman, a writer. From the beginning, the reader can already tell
this is an unhappy
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What Is The Theme Of Blindness In Oedipus The King
With eyes wide open "How terrible is it to have wisdom, when it brings no profit to him who is
wise", are prolific words uttered by the blind man Tiresias in the 430 B.C. play by Sophocles,
Oedipus the King. Despite the fact that Oedipus was wise enough to solve the riddle of the sphinx,
he did not have enough insight to see what was before his very eyes which was the truth about who
he was and what he had done; not to mention the horrible faith of what his future held in store.
Because of Oedipus, it can be said that blindness appears in all people, even if they possess the
ability to "see" (Fosso, 27). Oedipus, for instance, sees his parents as strangers, his homecoming as
exile and hereditary kingship as an unconstitutional rule. Blindness is a dominant theme in the play
and it helps to highlight the irony in the fact the blind man was able to see what was about to
happen, while Oedipus in all his glory and with all his wisdom, with eyes wide open, was unable to
see the chaos that was unravelling before his very eyes. Oedipus' major downfall in the story stems
from his arrogant self–important behaviour and impulsive character; the ... Show more content on ...
With as much wisdom that it is said the Oedipus possesses, the one riddle that he cannot solve is the
one that involves himself and his lineage. His proclamation at the end of the story when he realizes
that the prophecy has indeed come true bears witness to this, he says "I have a deadly fear that the
old seer had eyes" (746–747). Of himself, he professes, "Oh God I think I have called curses on
myself in ignorance." (744–745) He later refers to himself as "the greatly miserable, the most
accursed, whom God too hates above all men on earth" (1344–1345). He blinds himself and says
that he will never see what he had done and what had been done to him, ironically, he was unable to
see throughout the entire play as well and his whole world collapsed before
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Tragic Fall of Oedipus Rex: Self-Inflicted or Fate
The tragic fall of Oedipus in Sophocles play "Oedipus Rex" is both self–inflicted and result of
events drawn from his own destiny. First off early on in Oedipus ' life his first deadly mistake
towards succeeding his self–inflicted downfall was the murder of his father the former king. In a
blind rage without any motive, he kills Liaus and his men at a rode crossing. Fate may have had led
him to that point but it was his own rage that resulted in his biggest mistake. Further evidence of his
self–inflicted downfall Oedipus ' was at the hands of his own ignorance. This ignorance combined
with his stubborn, determined attitude does not allow him foresight. This foresight would have led
to some restraint in his decision and rash actions. ... Show more content on ...
As Creon tries to convince him to go about things in a more timely, and sensible way Oedipus hears
none of it and still pursues his march of getting to the bottom laying the blame elsewhere all along
the way. As Creon and Teriesas both note suggestions to Oedipus ' involvement he still pursues
further investigation without the littlest consideration at his own guilt. This lack of foresight, and
understanding again is another cause to Oedipus ' self–inflicted downfall. However, there are many
factors that contribute his downfall that he could not have prevented and were truly acts of fate and
destiny. His self–assurance to his wisdom that was bred by his "mother–wit and not by bird–lore"
(as he takes a stab at Teriesas pg 37) really comes to surface during his encounter with a riddling
Sphinx. This inflated view of his wisdom later leads to his downfall. But it was only by fate that he
ignorant Oedipus was awarded a IQ freebie from the Sphinx. By answering his riddle he stepped
onto the path towards his soon to be place on the Theban throne. In addition to the Sphinx, the
adoption of Oedipus when he was young and abandoned into the house of Polybus was too only a
synergist factor in his rise to Kingship. Had he been born and raised by the Shepard who found him,
then his status would have refrained him heavily from succession his father. This too was an act of
fate, and at the tender age of only a few weeks, Oedipus had no say into the events that were to
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Mystery of the Great Sphinx of Giza: Understanding the...
Never before in history did any monument receive such wide attention from the public and media
like the Great Sphinx of Giza. The 73.5m long and 20m high (Dieter Arnold) stone carved statue not
only fascinates people from all around the world, but also created countless movie ideas, novels,
video games and raises questions to those who are interested. Undoubtedly, Sphinx has become one
of the most notable figures of ancient Egyptian culture just beside the pyramids in the eyes of
westerners. However, many questions remained in mysteries for almost decades until the excavation
of 1925 by Emile Baraize revealed the Sphinx's exotic design to the world's view. Why did the
ancient Egyptians build this massive structure? For what purpose would ... Show more content on ...
It was not until 1789 when Napoleon's army excavated the Sphinx's body out of the covering sand
partially during his mapping expedition of Giza plateau did the world was reminded of a long
forgotten ancient history. During the eighteenth centuries, several more excavations were done on
Sphinx by several foreign countries, private contractors and profit seeking corporations. Emile
Baraize was perhaps the first person who successfully uncovered the Sphinx entirely from the
burying sand ever since king Thutmose IV on 1936. To the world's view, the Sphinx's body was
heavily deteriorated due to sediment erosion and other geological factors. However, several never
before seen subsurface structures were found during the excavation. Such as two subsurface tunnels
and a temple which is built to worship the Sphinx. This raised many questions in the mind of
scholars and publics, why was the Sphinx built and what does its complex system implicate?
According to Mark Lehner, archaeologists can probably never understand the true purpose of the
Sphinx. However, as he suggested, we can draw assumption and speculation about the functions of
the Sphinx based on the general time line when it was built and the knowledge we had from that
time to further understand the Sphinx and its
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Riddles Of The Sphinx Essay
Riddles of the Sphinx is critically acclaimed and extremely hard to understand feature which uses
several interesting perspective of story telling. This movie generalizes the broad topic of feminism
in playful demonstration through camera lens. Interesting long 360 pans and close ups on Egyptian
Sphinx makes the movie outstandingly unique and delicate. Mainly focused in a story of a mother,
movie revolves around so many factors trying to make comparison between existing examples and
feminism theory. In Riddles of the Sphinx Mulvey and Woolen create an altogether different project
for the mother within the organizing system of the gaze.
The film opens with a view of pages being turned from a book titled Myths of woman. This scene
goes on ... Show more content on ...
Pan moves us slowly along entire room and kitchen. This sense of being closer to the characters
tends us to predict what might be the next move or who else or what else we could see in the house.
We also see Louise and Anna outside the home, Louise at work as a phone operator at a switchboard
and Anna at day care. Louise converses with other women workers, especially her friend Maxine,
about their working conditions and the possibility of having child care on the worksite. Visible in the
background of their break room is a poster depicting dunes within a desert scene an image
reminiscent of the films opening desert scene with the woman as sphinx suggesting power and
change from previous authority. In one of the following scenes, Louise's ex–husband asks them to
watch a film he is editing. Artist, writer and theorist Mary Kelly appears in the film reading from her
journal about problems she is having regarding her son going to day care. She is wearing a dark shirt
with lighter crescent shapes, the same that documents her own postpartum Project (1973–79)
maternal project.
At that time Kelly was in the midst of producing her groundbreaking project, whose concerns about
the formation of a maternal space in language and culture dovetail with those being explored by
Mulvey and Wollen. Riddles of the Sphinx also discusses on how social issues coexist with the
psychic space of maternal. In a following scene the mothers
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Oedipus, Not A God But A Man
By seeing through "the spell that hypnotized our lives," says the priest of Zeus, Oedipus "restored
our life" and, though left unsaid, became king of Thebes (OT 1). But with what riddle, with what
spell did the sphinx paralyze the city? Could it not be the same that drove Orestes to madness, the
coming into question of a cultural understanding no longer believable and the crisis that must follow
it? For Orestes, it is justice that hangs in suspense when, after killing his mother, he receives not a
settled conscience but a vision of women "like Gorgons/ shrouded in black, their heads wreathed,/
swarming serpents!" (1047 – 1049), and only Athena is able to construct new order, creating a new
justice, or rather a new understanding of justice, from the ashes of the old. But in Thebes, Oedipus,
not a god but a man, sees through the riddle, and this action, whether it constitutes a restoration of
the city's life or its refounding, coronates the beneficent tyrant.
Unfortunately, we cannot stop here but must continue, for this account of his blindness, in
neglecting his dealing with the sphinx and the relation of that to his familial crimes, leaves
undisclosed the nature of Oedipus himself. For if we understand the riddle of the sphinx as a coming
into question of a cultural understanding never before questioned, as a crumbling, in other words, of
the foundations of the old law, we must understand Oedipus as both the destroyer of the old law and
the founder of the new. This
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Oedipus: A Tragic Hero
Around 427 B.C Sophocles, the greatest playwriter of the Golden age, authored the epic tale of
Oedipus. The tale of Oedipus was written just over 2445 years ago and remains one of the best–
known tragedies of all time. In fact, to this day, just the mention of the word Oedipus conjures
negative feelings and connotations. The ultimate tragic hero Oedipus, unknowingly kills his own
father and then has a sexual relationship and subsequent marriage to his mother. However, this
relationship emerged without Oedipus or his mother, Jocasta, prior knowledge that they were kin in
anyway. Oedipus, in fact, truly exemplifies a tragic hero as Aristotle himself defined one to be.
From the start of his life, Oedipus was thrown into series of tragic events that would shape not just
his life but the lives of everyone he was associated with. The story of Oedipus has received
worldwide acclaim and has been praised as one of the "greatest achievements of Greek dramatic
art". When Sophocles wrote Oedipus, he did so in a way that pioneered what a true tragic hero
should be and it was written in way that has continued to impact the moral compass and emotions to
those that read this epic tale, still to this very day.
The story starts with Oedipus being ... Show more content on ...
As an infant, Oedipus had done nothing to deserve the punishment he received from his father,
having his feet tied and being left at a mounting side to die. His entire life he acted in way that he
viewed would prevent the unwanted prophecy from becoming true. His intentions were pure and his
morals were beyond reproach, however he repeatedly and unknowingly fell into his predetermined
fate. Oedipus became the villain of his unmoral deeds not because of he was evil or wicked but
because of a life time of coincidence and
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American Sphinx Thomas Jefferson Sparknotes
"American Sphinx: The character of Thomas Jefferson"
A book by Joseph J. Ellis.
Copyright 1997 Vintage.
Joseph J. Ellis, a historian who was educated at the College of William and Mary and Yale, is a Ford
Foundation Professor of History at Mount Holyoke University. He has written four books on
historical topics, centered on the time Jefferson was alive, dealing with issues and personalities
Jefferson dealt with firsthand. After authoring a book on a politician such as John Adams, Ellis
seems to have felt a need or want to focus on Jefferson, presumably because of his status as
founding father and main contributor to the constitution.
Ellis's ... Show more content on ...
This trait in Ellis's writing and teaching style is what really grabbed me and got me interested in the
book. How wise is the person who realizes that as scholarly as they may be, there may always be a
better opinion out there? Joseph has presented to me a most noble way to write. He has
circumvented my prejudice against authors who insist that their ideas and methods are the only
thoughts that exist.
In terms of the presentation of information, Ellis pieced together the life and work of Jefferson
according to eras, or phases in the life of Thomas J. Starting with Philadelphia 1775–1776,
Jefferson's story begins as the prominent, educated young man entering a world of radical politicians
and commoners striving for their independence. This chapter describes how Jefferson established
himself as an excellent literary figure in the developing American insurrection by publishing a
pamphlet entitled, "A summary view of the rights of British America." This document, though never
officially accepted as a plan of action was "simple and emphatic, with a dramatic flair that that
previewed certain passages in the Declaration of Independence (e.g., "Single acts of tyranny may be
ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished
period, and pursued unalterably thro' every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate,
systematical plan of reducing us to slavery"). [Pg. 34] As the text
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Sphinx Research Paper
Olufemi Palmer
Dr. Josef Wegner
NELC 062
3 March 2017
A Statue of a Sphinx (Object E12326) A sphinx is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the
head of a human. These creatures were built as sculptures near the temples as guardians. A sphinx
symbolizes the intelligence of man united with the physical dominance of a lion (Giblin 121). The
sphinx is a purely Egyptian creation, that was first started in the 4th dynasty at about 2575 BCE
(Giblin 23). In Egypt sphinxes were generally associated with the sun god and with the king as a
"living image. (Zivie–Coche 148). The sun god was a vital part of Egyptian theology in almost
every dynasty. The sun–disk God, Aten became the monotheistic focus of Egyptian theology while
Re and Atun were very prominent Egyptian gods that also represented the sun. Whenever sphinxes
were placed in front of Egyptian temples, they had a solar symbol or significance attached to it.
The Granite Sphinx of Ramses II wears a headdress and false beard to signify representation of a
king and serves as a protective entity to temples and pyramids. The false beard was tied to the
divinity of the Pharaoh (Redford 308). The beard is an innovation of the New Kingdom and did not
exist during the Old or the Middle Kingdom (Zivie–Coche 148). Many ... Show more content on ...
Although it was so deep into the season that excavation was useless, digging further proved that the
object was the sphinx's tail. The Alabaster Sphinx weighs about 90 tons and is 26 feet long and 13
feet tall. Although it has weathered over the centuries, the Alabaster Sphinx of Memphis remains
spectacular. The monument stood outside of the Temple of Ptah along with the Colossus of Ramses
II (Wegner 215).The Alabaster Sphinx spent several years on its side in water, which could have
potentially caused damage to the
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Compare Hedda Gabler And Oedipus The King
Ibsen and Sophocles are two very distinct writers from different periods and culture. They both
wrote plays and stories with strong protagonists who the readers don't enjoy but, whose fate are
somewhat tragic in a sense that elicits the reader's sympathy for the sense of wasted potential and
tragic loss. In a sense, I do agree with this statement because from both authors books like Ibsen
"Hedda Gabler" and Sophocles "Oedipus The King"; the main characters are not liked by most
readers, but the reader do sympathize with the characters. In Sophocles text "Oedipus the King",
Sophocles begins the play with the main character: Oedipus being this heroic person who is to find
out the cause of the disease that is spreading across the city and causing so many to die. Oedipus is
describing as someone one is brave and very intelligent because he was the one to solve the sphinx
riddle and to kill her. Ending cycle of deaths of people who tried to enter the city. In page 483,
paragraph 4, Sophocles describes the backstory of how Oedipus becomes famous in the city of
Thebes, "...When he reached Thebes, he found the city oppressed by a dreadful female monster, a
Sphinx– part human, part lion, often also depicted in Greek art with the wings of an eagle and the
tail of a snake. The Sphinx refused to let anyone into the city unless they could answer her riddle
[...] She strangled and devoured all travelers who failed to answer the riddle. But Oedipus gave the
right answer. [...] The Sphinx was
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The Importance Of The Great Sphinx
The Great Sphinx was a very large structure built in ancient Egypt. It was very important to the
Egyptians and it did many things for them. It is also the one of largest, ancient freestanding
structures that is still standing today, meaning that there are no supports holding it up. The Sphinx
has been a symbol of Egypt for many years.
King Khafre, one of Egypt's many pharaohs, commissioned the Sphinx. It was estimated to be built
around 2500 BC. Khafre reigned from 2520 BC to 2494 BC, so people presume that the Sphinx was
built in the Old Kingdom, which is the first of the three kingdoms and lasted from 2575–2465.
Khafre was a man that had a lot of architectural talent because he built a structure that lasted for
about 3500 years. The Sphinx was 66 feet tall, 241 feet long, and 63 feet wide. It sits in a reclining
position, with its paws facing forward, toward east, pointing to the dawn of the star Regulus in the
summer solstice. Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo, and was aligned with the
Sphinx at about 2300 BC during the summer solstice. The Sphinx is believed to represent the
pharaoh, Khafre. It guards the gates of Giza, where the pyramid of Khafre stands. The Sphinx was
not built brick by brick, like the Great Pyramid of Egypt, but it was carved from a huge mass of
limestone from the Giza Plateau.
The Sphinx was built with three tunnels leading to somewhere, but the erosion has blocked them off,
which doesn't allow historians to figure our where they led. It was also built with a tomb for Khafre
the man who commissioned the Sphinx. The erosion made the Sphinx slowly crumble, which led to
parts of the face falling off. Because of the changing of the desert terrain, the sand had buried the
Sphinx completely. People started to dig it up again in 1817, and they soon uncovered the chest and
then the feet. Lastly, they restored the head and completely revealed the whole Sphinx in 1905.
The Sphinx was interpreted as a sun god, specifically Horus of the Horizon. The Sphinx had a body
the shape of a lion, and a head the shape of a pharaoh. It has become a symbol of wisdom and
strength. In the book, Temples, Tombs, and Hieroglyphs, written by Barbara Mertz, it says, "It
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Sphinx Of Giza Essay
A lot of people become amazed when they see how majestic the pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx
are. Have people ever thought of how or why those huge monuments were built? These structures,
which had an important role in history, now become a great form of tourism for Egypt. There are a
lot of mysteries regarding the pyramids and the Sphinx, and many humans may not understand some
of these things. Why is the peak of the Pyramid of Giza not completed? Or why isn't Khufu's body
in his burial chamber? Not all of those questions have a correct answer. The Great Sphinx and the
pyramids of Egypt have existed since thousands of years ago and were built by Ancient Egyptian
Kings mostly to honor and symbolize themselves. Or do others believe someone else built them and
for another reason? The Great Sphinx of Giza, believed to be a national symbol of Egypt, was built
to honor and symbolize Egypt's King during those times. It was built in the Old Kingdom near Cairo
in Egypt, during King Khafre's reign. The people believe that the Sphinx's head contains their King's
face, Khafre's. Still other theories suggest that King Khufu might have been the one to build the
Sphinx with his face on its head. This fierce–looking creature is really a combination of the head of
a woman and a lion's body. ... Show more content on ...
It was built with around two and a half million limestone blocks, being able to reach a weight of
seventy tons. The pyramid was built northern to the Giza Plateau, ten miles from Cairo. Khufu
began the construction of the pyramid, which was meant to be his tomb. A lot of underground
passages are found inside, with the King's burial chamber found in the middle. Khufu's sarcophagus
was supposed to be found in his tomb, but it was robbed a long time ago. The pyramid was not
finished since the peak is flat and not pointed. No one knows why, it remains a
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The Myth Of The Sphinx, An Oracle, And An Incestuous...
With all of the myths that have come to life on the big screen, this is one that may never make it. It
can be said that with all of the elements it possess it would be a prime opportunity to bring to life the
different aspects of humanity and its myth. Bringing the myth of the sphinx, an oracle, and an
incestuous family of epic proportions. Each of these different myths played a large role in Greek
mythology and other myths around the world.
Seeking the difference between each evolution of Oedipus's journey and how each aspect defines
him. Sphinxes are seen in many different Greek myths are a part of the Titan class. Exploring their
raw power and intellectual abilities plays into societal desire. Oracles are simple oracle and fortune
tellers depending on the information they are providing. This plays a key role in the perception that
man have about their abilities. And looking into the incestuous family complex that caused the fall
of a society. This is something that has been seen in many cultures under many different situations.
How the Greeks display chaos in Oedipus can be deflected. This myth depict and display different
binding facts about the culture and how it was transferred to written word shows that how people
identified perspective values. It can be said it is all due to the chaos that humans inherently possess.
In some cases Sphinx's were used are guardians to great treasures or personal protection (Unknown,
2016). It was described to have
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The Hero : The Story Of Oedipus As The Hero
Oedipus as the Hero Have an estranged relationship with your mother? If yes, here's what not to do.
The story of Oedipus begins with his father, Laius, king of Thebes, being informed by an oracle that
he'd be slain by his son. Upon hearing this news, Laius binds Oedipus' feet together and leaves him
on a mountain for death. The baby is rescued by a shepherd and brought to the king of Corinth.
In a few years, Oedipus also visits an oracle and is informed that he's destined to kill his father and
marry his mother. Thinking that the king and queen of Corinth are his biological parents, he packs
up and leaves to avoid this fate. Arriving at a crossroads, Oedipus encounters a man. This man starts
an argument and Oedipus settles it by committing atrocities, such as killing the man and his guards.
After trekking a little longer, he comes across the town of Thebes. Guarding this town is a sphinx.
The creature forces anyone who wants to enter to answer a riddle. If they cannot find the correct
answer, the sphinx eats them alive and that's the end of it. Oedipus answers correctly and sends the
sphinx into distress, so much so that it commits suicide. The town rejoices and awards Oedipus with
the role of king of Thebes and the hand of the widowed queen, Jocasta. Oedipus accepts the awards,
unaware that Jocasta is his mother and that he killed his father, the king. The two have several
children and live happily until a plague falls upon the town. The plague cannot be remedied until
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Thebes In Oedipus The King
Question: According to the Priest, what are the condition in Thebes.
Answer: As Oedipus walks through his palace doors he is welcomed by his people begging for
guidance and assistance. The kneeling Priest catches the attention of Oedipus, and in response he
asks the Priest to speak up for his people. The Priest exemplifies to his king the people's desperate
situation as he notes, "'Thebes is dying...cattle sicken and die,/ and the women die in labor, children
stillborn,/ and the plague"'(OT 31–34). The Priest illustrates to Oedipus his kingdoms frantic
position. He shows his leader the horrible plague that has affected their whole society. Oedipus must
take action to save his people from the looming death that has been afflicted upon them. ... Show
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Creon announces to his king, "'Drive the corruption from the land,/ don't harbor it any longer, past
all cure,/ don't nurse it in your soil–root it out!"'(OT 109–111). Creon extends his information by
revealing that Oedipus must "'Banish the man, or pay back bloOT with bloOT./ Murder sets the
plague storm on the city"'(OT 113–114). It is evident that the only way for the people of Thebes to
end their suffering is if Oedipus finds the murderer of their former king. The passage declares that
the man who is responsible for the plague is still within the kingdom walls. Oedipus must banish
this man from his kingdom in order to liberate his citizens from the
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The Sphinx Edgar Allan Poe
The Sphinx
The Sphinx is a story written by Edgar Allan Poe, which in comparison to many of his other stories
is very short. The Sphinx takes place in the nineteenth century during an outbreak of cholera, where
the narrator and his friend try to avoid the outbreak by staying outside of town. One day when the
narrator was reading he looked out the window of the house and saw a huge creature on the side of
the hill. When the narrator decided to tell his friend about the sighting he saw the creature once
again on the hillside. When he tried to point out the creature to his friend he did not see it. The
narrator had begun to think that he was either going mad or possibly contracted the disease, since he
had a vision a few days before and now his ... Show more content on ...
He was not highly regarded in his community and kept to himself most of the time. I have come to
believe that many of Poe's stories could have been written from his experiences. For example in The
Fall of the House of Usher, the narrator goes to Roderick Usher's house to help because he was
dying and going insane. After the narrator stayed with his friend for a few days he began to feel like
he was starting to lose his mind. In comparison to The House of Usher, Emerson's short story the
Sphinx, also brings an element of insanity to the table. However in this case it was the narrator
himself who began to feel like he was going insane. The element of insanity is present in many of
Poe's stories. Since this element seems to appear so much it can be inferred that Poe himself could
have possibly going insane. Even though The Sphinx is not as in depth like many of Poe's major
works, it is still significant. For example, It is true that this story of a man "who thinks he sees a
huge animal on a distant hill, when in reality he has been looking at an insect"4 has not much to
offer in terms of complexity, technique, and range of allusion if compared with Poe's more famous
tales. Yet this should not altogether blind one to its important implications" (Shenkel 1985). Even
though The Sphinx is a very short story, I believe it is a baseline story for the rest of Emerson's
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Complications Of The Marcher In Henry James'sThe Beast In...
Henry James wrote an ambiguous story titled The Beast in the Jungle, which can lead to many
interpretations. May Bartram being an angelic woman while John Marcher is an ignorant fool, being
the most common interpretation. Bartram's response to Marchers' secret predicament is unusual
because she remains by his side yet gets no material items or marital status. It can only be assumed
that the satisfaction Bartram gets is not from a positive friendship, because Marcher does not even
offer a true friendship, but from a fiend like obsession with his life and a desire to torment him. John
Marcher first met May Bartram in Italy, which is also when he first found out about the beast.
Marcher did not yet have a name for the beast, but he knew he was destined for an occurrence more
unique than the general populace. Marcher told Bartram of his future fate back in because he
subconsciously knew that their fates were intertwined. Unfortunately for Marcher, Bartram was the
beast, thus making her cryptic sphinx like behavior her secret. Bartram captivated Marcher with her
otherworldly appearance, convinced John to tell her his secret, and fully developed the thought of
the beast in Johns mind. May uses Marchers secret to the best of her ability, so John asks "Then you
will watch with me?" Which definitively starts Bartram's obsession with Johns life (James 483).
May Bartram understands how Marcher feels about other people knowing his secret and knows that
she is the sole person alive who knows about his fear that comes along with it. May uses the secret
as leverage over John to keep him there with her so she can watch him slowly suffer with the fact he
might never know what the beast is or the possibility of there not being a beast at all. John mentions
his fears in the beginning to May when they reconciled "the apprehension that haunts me–that I live
with day by day" by not knowing the Beast starts to take away his life slowly (James 483). Near the
end of the story Bartram slips up and mentions that John has already been touched by the beast but
that he has not noticed it. John becomes desperate to know the beast, but is not at all concerned with
Mays deterring health, because the need to know the beast has taken full
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Comparison Of The Prince And The Sphinx
Literature is a part of every civilization in the world and numerous works from different cultures
often parallel one another. In Ancient Egypt, between the paws of the Great Sphinx, lies a fourteen–
foot red granite tablet. This tablet, known as the Dream Stele, is inscribed with the tale of The Prince
and The Sphinx. This story is about the prince, Thutmose IV, and his unusual interaction with the
god, Harmachis or "Horus in the Horizon," who is "a manifestation of the sun god" and is often
depicted as a sphinx (Hornung, 130). This story is not unique to Ancient Egypt since there is a
similar story found in the Bible. In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, there is the story of Joseph.
Joseph, a shepherd from Canaan, was an interpreter of dreams who found himself in quite the
predicament. Both of these tales have uncanny similarities to each other.
The first parallel between the two stories is that both Thutmose IV and Joseph had many brothers
and half–brothers who hated them because they were the favorite sons. Their brothers held such
jealousy against them that they tried to kill them. In the tale of The Prince and The Sphinx,
Thutmose IV was the "Pharaoh's favourite son," because of this his brothers were "forever plotting
against him...the plots were aimed at his very life" (Green, 57). The same is true for Joseph, "Israel
loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old
age...When his brothers saw that their father loved him more
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The Mysterious Great Sphinx of Giza Essay
I Thought There Would Be Answers: The Mysterious Great Sphinx of Giza
At the request of Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 1800's Dominique Vivant Baron Denon French
artist and diplomat was to record the exploits and accomplishments of Bonaparte's Egyptian
campaign. In 1802, he published his travels. "The perfection given by the Egyptians to the
representations of their animals proves that they were not without an idea of that bold style which
expresses much character in a few lines, and their execution tended to the grave, and to ideal
perfection, as we have already remarked in instance of the Sphinx." The generally accepted date of
the great Sphinx of Giza is 2500BC attributed to Pharaoh Khafre of the fourth dynasty. If this is the
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The Sphinx represents the guardian of the Giza plateau. Revered in Ancient Egypt the feline form
has a long association with royalty, power and protection. An evacuation lead by French
archaeologist Dr. Alain Zivie believed inscriptions suggest Egyptians bred lions as well as buried
them in sacred cemeteries. In 2001, Zive and his crew found a mummified lion in the tomb of a
woman understood to be the wet nurse of Pharaoh Tutankhamen dated to 1430. The wear of the
lion's teeth indicate it lived to old age and was in captivity.
One theorist, Robert Temple, declares the Sphinx is not a lion at all, because of the flat back, lack of
mane, and the disproportion of the head. He believes the original statue was craved before the old
kingdom and portrayed the Egyptian god Anubis, with a head of a jackal and body of a man (see
figure 1). Anubis is traditionally associated with mummification and the afterlife. Temple believes
that between 2200–2000BC, the monument was defaced then re–carved during the fourth dynasty in
the image of Pharaoh Khafre. He also presumes the Sphinx enclosure was flooded with Nile water
to make an island. He uses a passage from Herodotus that discusses the cruelty of Pharaoh Khufu
and how the slaves had to dig the moat for his burial chamber "For this they said, the ten years were
spent, and for the underground he caused to be made as sepulchral chambers for himself in an
island, having
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What Makes Oedipus The King Successful
Oedipus is a man of nimble response and great intuition. The opening of Oedipus the King, shows
the qualities make him a distinguished ruler who prepares for his subjects' needs. During the being
of Oedipus the King, a plague disrupts the piece of Thebes, leaving the people to beg their king to
act quickly to end the plague. Oedipus is naturally a step ahead of his people as he had sent his
brother–in–law, Creon to the oracle located at Delphi for guidance on how to end said plague. It is
seen continuously that Oedipus's quirk of acting swiftly, also noting that this swift action has a
dangerous side. This point is proven when he re–telling the story of killing the band of travelers who
attempted to push him off a three–way crossroad, which shows that Oedipus has the ability to react
feverishly. As the ... Show more content on ...
Oedipus had just saved Thebes from the curse of the Sphinx and became a king essentially
overnight. However, he is stubborn in his ruling. He announces his name boastfully as though it
were itself a curative charm: "Here I am myself– / you all know me, the world knows my fame: / I
am Oedipus" (7–9). His demise comes into full bloom at the realization of his prophecy becoming
true, however, leading to him blinding himself, and begging to be banished. His over boastful
personality, along with his swiftness, cause him to think that only he himself can out run his fate,
only having his fate be many steps ahead. At the end of his tragedy, Oedipus's name has becomes an
obscenity, that in another section of the play, Oedipus at Colonus, one of the Chorus characters is
extremely frightened to even hear it and cries: "You, you're that man?"
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Sphinx At Giza
. Egyptians hunted these beasts for sport. Who shot Off the Sphinx's Nose? : The Great Couchant
Sphinx of Giza is a large human–headed lion carved out of large mounds of natural rock. Sphinx is
the largest Monolith statue in the world, known to Guard the front of Khafra's Pyramid. It is
popularly believed that Napoleon's troops shot off the nose of the Famous Sphinx at Giza. Around
1737 there were some sketches taken, the Sphinx appears to be sans a nose in it and also its more
than 60 years before Napoleon reached Egypt. It is said that an Islamic Cleric Sa'im al–Dahr
damaged it as he didn't approve of 'graven images'. He was eventually hanged in 1378 for
Vandalism. Religious Communities and Scriptures: Ancient Egyptians were
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Ignorance In Oedipus The King
Oedipus's ignorance led him to believe the prophecy wasn't. He bad mouthed the gods because he
was the one to defeat the sphinx and not one of them. He believed that since he achieved said
victory that nothing bad will happen to him, which invoked his inner blindness, ultimately causing
his downfall.
His anger was a flaw. On his way to thebes, the king tries to clear the road so that he can ride
through the street with no traffic. Oedipus gets mad and runs them off of the road, striking up a fight
and kills everyone, including the king of thebes. This and solving the riddle of the sphinx caused
him to think he was the best man to ever live and anyone who said different was wrong. Thus, he
became blind to his own prophecy. When teiresias explains Oedipus's prophecy to him, he denies is,
calling the gods liars and saying they are jealous. ... Show more content on ...
He flees corinth to save himself from the gods curse. While yes, he does show strength throughout,
it always casts a shadow of cowardice. For example, one may think that when oedipus blinded
himself, it was an act of of strength, when in reality, it was him being afraid of seeing others
reactions. Once Creon found out that the prophecy was true about Oedipus, Oedipus asks him to
spare him and just exile him instead of killing him.
However, Oedipus's major flaw is his denial of the prophecy. He is constantly doubting the prophet
teiresias, saying he was better than that of the prophecy and calling him and the gods liars. His
opinion does not change about the prophecy until it basically hits him on the head. The disrespect he
shows the gods from calling them liars is enough to give him a punishable death. In the last scene,
he finally realizes he is the one in the prophecy. The news is too much for him to handle so he blinds
himself out of
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Greek Mythology: The Sphinx
The Sphinx Φιξ
The Sphinx is a mythical creature derived from Greek and Egyptian Mythology. "Sphinx" is said to
mean "to squeeze". This creature is described to have had the human head of a woman, the body of a
lion, the wings of an eagle, and the tail of a serpent. While many consider this creature to be
mystical and wondrous, I beg to differ. While beautiful on the outside, I believe the Sphinx was a
monstrous, evil creature. The Sphinx was a creature praised by the Ancient Egyptians, and was
featured in some of their most famous artwork as a guard and protector. However, according to
Greek mythology, the sphinx was a more troublesome creature due to the fact that she caused
torture, death, and famine among thousands, specifically to those residing in the city of Thebes. As
previously stated, I believe The Sphinx is not a creature to be praised, but a purely monstrous being.
It is my intention to convince you of this. According to Greek Mythology, the Sphinx stood guard
outside the city of Thebes. Each traveller who tried to enter the gates were given a riddle. If they
solved the riddle, they were allowed to enter, if not they were killed ... Show more content on ...
According to Greek mythology, upon The Sphinx's death, Oedipus was crowned king of Thebes.
The city proceeded to celebrate the death of The Sphinx, as they were finally free from her wrath.
Artwork involving the sphinx has been made since the 15th century! The image was painted on
vases, ivories, and other metals. But mainly, the image of the Sphinx appeared on temples. The
Sphinx was always associated with protection and guardianship. But, in actuality– who was the
Sphinx really protecting? Was it the thousands of innocent people she murdered and devoured? In
reality, The Sphinx was the one people needed protection
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Oedipus Essay
Sophocles "Oedipus the King" is a tragic play which discusses the
tragic discovery of Oedipus that he has killed his father and married
his mother. The story of Oedipus was well known to the athenian 's.
Oedipus is the embodiement of the perfect Athenian. He is
self–confident, intelligent, and strong willed. Ironically these are the
very traits which bring about his tragic discovery. Oedipus gained
the rule of Thebes by answering the riddle of Sphinx. Sophocles
used the riddle of the sphinx as a metaphor for the 3 phases of
Oedipus ' life and to further characterized him as a tragic man.
The Sphinx posed the following riddle to all who came to obtain the
rule of thebes: "What is it that walks on 4 feet and 2 feet and 3 feet ... Show more content on ...
He is very dilligent in the
inquiriy and finally comes to the horrible truth that he himself is the
murderer. Jocasta kills herself at the horrible realization that she has
layed with her son and Oedipus puts out his eyes at finally seeing
the truth. This fulfills the final part of the Sphinx 's riddle for Oedipus
will have to walk with a cane for the rest of his life because of his
blindness, this will give him the 3 feet which man walks with at the
end of his years.
Oedipus used his intellect and diligence to answer the riddle of the
Sphinx. Many of the most intelligent young men of thebes has been
killed attempting to answer the riddle but Oedipus proved his
intelligence superior to theirs. Oedipus uses the same intelligence
and perseverance to find the killer of Laius. He does not give up his
search even when Jocasta warns him to stop and let the matter rest.
He calls the shepard and interrogates him till he discovers the
horrifying truth that he is the killer. Oedipus ' intelligence was
ultimately his flaw. Also, if Oedipus had not had been as
coarageous he would have have never ventured to answer the riddle
of the Sphinx. Thus even though he had killed his father he would
have never become king of Thebes and laid with his mother. In
addition, if Oedipus had had the courage but not the intelligence the
Spinx would have killed him for answering the riddle incorrectly.
Sophocles used this to characterized Oedipus as a tragic
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Oscar Jacobson, who was also an art professor for the university, founded the Fred jones Jr. museum
of art in 1936 (Wikipedia 2016). The museum is home to over ten thousand beautiful and very
valuable pieces of art, including sculptures, paintings, and even some books. Recently, the museum
had a collection of busts from the Immortales collection in Rome. This was the first time that many
of these pieces have ever left Italy and was the only place in the United States that they have been.
Whenever you are approaching the museum from the main entrance you are greeted by a beautiful
bronze sculpture entitled "Sphinx". The piece was designed and cast by Columbian artist Fernando
Botero, who is known for his often–oversized cartoon like creations. ... Show more content on ...
I felt as though it was just a completely different setup, the mahogany wood did not fit well with the
plain white stonewalls of the rest of the exhibits. It was also set up as if it was a house with couches
and tables but they were not for sitting on and so it just takes up space. It can be distracting from
actual paintings displayed there. However, other then the distractions the mahogany wood was
beautiful. It almost transported the viewers into a different time period. It was a weird choice when
compared to the rest of the museum, but if you were to examine just those two rooms by their selves
then you can appreciate the effort took in designing the setup. The last thing that has not been
addressed with the critique is the setup of the gift shop, however, I personally did not get the
opportunity to look into the gift shop so I can not comment on its setup, but if the gift shop is
anything like the rest of the museum then I am sure that it is a nice store with great products for sale.
In conclusion, the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art is a wonderful example of an art museum. It is one
of the nicest museums in the country on a college campus. The museum also is always free, free
admission to such a huge collection of artwork is not something that happens very often and we are
blessed as a university to
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Sphinx At Giza
. Egyptians hunted these beasts for sport. Who shot Off the Sphinx's Nose? : The Great Couchant
Sphinx of Giza is a large human–headed lion carved out of large mounds of natural rock. Sphinx is
the largest Monolith statue in the world, known to Guard the front of Khafra's Pyramid. It is
popularly believed that Napoleon's troops shot off the nose of the Famous Sphinx at Giza. Around
1737 there were some sketches taken, the Sphinx appears to be sans a nose in it and also its more
than 60 years before Napoleon reached Egypt. It is said that an Islamic Cleric Sa'im al–Dahr
damaged it as he didn't approve of 'graven images'. He was eventually hanged in 1378 for
Vandalism. Religious Communities and Scriptures: Ancient Egyptians were
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The Great Sphinx From The Khafre's Pyramids
The great Sphinx from the old kingdom is built near the south side of Khafre's pyramids. A hybrid
colossus, representing Amen–Re. The original name from the old kingdom was Shesep Ankh Atum,
meaning "the living image of Amen–Re .it is Carved from a single block of line stone, It's 240 feet
long . Standing 65 feet tall, it is the largest free standing monument still. The book of dead illustrates
the sphinx representing the sun god, because Amen–Re was believed to emerged as a lion bathed in
the light before he created the Paradise of Egypt. This explain the strange flat back due to Amen–Re
landing on it, while descending from the heavens in a boat. This phenomenon is depicted in
hieroglyphics throughout Egypt's artifacts from the old
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Theme Of Fate In Oedipus The King
In Sophocles' Oedipus the King, the element of fate versus freewill shows up frequently all through
the play. It is foreseen to Oedipus' parents, Jocasta and Laius, that their child would grow up to
slaughter his father and wed his mother. Jocasta and Laius endeavor to dispose of their child,
however, fate triumphs. Oedipus' fate all through the play has been chosen by the fate which adds to
his annihilation. Various societies and cultures all through history have embraced similar
perspectives, accepting a fate or destiny for their lives. Such points of view are very common is
Greek myths who had confidence in "the three Fates" – goddesses who controlled the lives of
individuals and the world in general. Clotho the youngest spins the thread of human life. She
decides who will be born and when. Lachesis, a matron, measures the thread deciding a person's lot
in life. She is shown with a measuring stick, a scroll, a book, or a globe that represents the
horoscope. Atropos, the oldest, choses the mechanism of death and ends the life of each mortal by
cutting their thread. She is usually portrayed with a cutting instrument, a scroll, a wax tablet, a
sundial, or a pair of scales. Even in modern day, some Christian philosophies incorporate destiny as
fate. Many Jews acknowledge that their God has an arrangement for their people and nation.
There are various occurrences of duality in Oedipus. Oedipus could be considered a blessing for the
city of Thebes, at the same time he also
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Is Oedipus Rex A High Minded Man?
Martin 1
Olivia Martin
Mr. Lillie
Humanities A/ Period 2
11 October, 2014
Does Oedipus fit the qualities of a high­
minded man?
In Greek society entertainment, like the theatre, was an enormous part of many lives.
Theatre represented a culture and values found in Greek society. Theatre was also a way for many
different of people to enjoy similar things, despite being from different classes.
Rex was one of the major plays shown in Greek society. Sophocles' Oedipus Rex tells the hardship
of a man named Oedipus, the King of Thebes, and his conquest to defy his destiny. Yet despite his
hardship, he still represents some of the qualities ... Show more content on ...
This passage is about how the priest is telling the story of Oedipus, and how he overthrows the
Sphinx. Oedipus helps the lives of many by taking out the Sphinx, this act causes many to see him
as a hero who leads and seeks out honour. This honour Oedipus gains is from a great act of bravery.
Oedipus' act of heroism was done for honour. The honour he earned is similar to how
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Sphinx Research Paper
A Sphinx is a mythical creature with a lion body with a human's head ,and occasionally wings.
Sphinxes were first created by egyptians ,and they generally wore nemes also known as a head
dress. Nemes is another symbol of ancient Egyptian crown jewels. It is a striped rectangular cloth
that is blue ,and gold worn by the pharaohs.The exact date when the first Sphinx first appeared is
unknown but we think it was build in 2500 BC. The word sphinx comes from greek grammarians.
Which is a person who studies and writes about grammar. The Sphinx of Giza is the most
recognizable statue connected with ancient Egypt. Sphinxes are carved from the natural limestone
from the Giza plateau. In ancient Greek culture, the first sphinxes to appear in sculpture, appeared
from the 7th century BCE. The Great Sphinx of Giza is located on the Giza plateau, which is about
10 kilometers west of Cairo, on the west bank of the ... Show more content on ...
The bricks are made of mud and straw. They mixed the mud and straw. After they did that they
would put them into molds. They would place them in the sun so the would dry on till they were
hard like bricks. The rich people's homes had 10 rooms and not the richest people only had one
room in the house. Poor people had paint in the house. For the rich people got whitewash to the wall
of the house. The rich homes only had yellow or blue they even would paint the roof. The poor
would get beaten earth. Some rich people had a room for their gods. Most house need repair for all
of the floods. The poor sleeped on the floor. The rich steeped in a bed and the women would sleep in
a different room which also had a bed. The kid were most likely playing on the roof top.
How they lived in
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Characteristics Of Oedipus
Corah Hauser
Ms. Windish
English II
3 December 2017
Oedipus as the Hero Have an estranged relationship with your mother? If yes, do not take any
family advice from Oedipus. Many think Oedipus to be a burden or some kind of mistake, but he
really has much more depth aside from his flaws. The story shows that he has many positive
attributes. Contrary to popular belief, Oedipus can be seen in a different light. Oedipus is a hero and
an example to many because he overcomes many obstacles, fends for himself, and is a selfless
Throughout the story, Oedipus overcomes very many obstacles. The story of Oedipus begins with
his father, Laius, king of Thebes, being informed by an oracle that he'd be slain by his son. Upon
hearing this news, Laius binds Oedipus' feet together and leaves him on a mountain for death. The
baby is rescued by a shepherd and brought to the king of Corinth ("The Story of Oedipus"). Even
though he had very troubled childhood, he still became an honorable man and leader.
Once Oedipus sets off on his own, he encounters yet another obstacle: the sphinx. Outside of the
town of Thebes is this sphinx. The creature forces anyone who wants to enter to answer a riddle. If
they cannot find the correct answer, the sphinx eats them alive and that's the end of it. Oedipus
answers correctly and sends the sphinx into distress, so much so that it commits suicide ("The Story
of Oedipus:"). Overcoming the sphinx shows that he is fearless and willing to do whatever he
needed to do to escape his fate.
Even at a young age, Oedipus fends for himself and doesn't rely on others to care for him and
complete tasks he can do himself. Oedipus visits an oracle when he's older and is informed that he's
destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Thinking that the king and queen of Corinth are his
biological parents, he packs up and leaves to avoid this fate. Arriving at a crossroads, Oedipus
encounters a man. This man starts an argument and Oedipus settles it by committing atrocities, such
as killing the man and his guards ("The Story of Oedipus"). At the crossroads, he avoids further
danger by getting rid of the man who began the altercation. Oedipus embarks on a long journey and
makes it safely to his
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The Tragedy Of Oedipus The King
The Greek drama "Oedipus The King" evidently leads to the unveiling of a tragedy. Oedipus, the
protagonist of the play uncovers his tragic birth story and the curse he had been baring his whole
life. Oedipus is notorious for his personal insight that helped him defeat Sphinx, which lead him to
becoming the king of Thebes. He is admired by the people of Thebes and is considered to be a
mature, inelegant and a rational leader. From his birth, his story began with a prophecy that Oedipus
would grow up to kill his father and marry his mother. Through out the play numerous people, who
tell him of his unknown past, visit Oedipus. Blind to the truth he casts them away until a blind man
named Therisis gives a sight of truth to Oedipus. As Oedipus learns the truth he realizes the great
evil his life carries. After finding his wife and also mother hung in her bedroom, Oedipus blinds
himself with the gold pins that held Jocasta's robe. Oedipus blind to the truth is finally able to see
when the old blind man visits him and tells him the truth about his life. Both metaphorically and
physically sight plays a significant role in understanding the irony of a blind man seeing the truth
while Oedipus who isn't blind doesn't seem to the truth that's right in front of him.
A well–written tragedy is filled with irony. Oedipus The King is a great representation of a dramatic
irony play. When reading the play the audience is very much aware of the outcome of the hero's
action far before the hero
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Oedipos And The Sphinx Essay

  • 1. Oedipos And The Sphinx Essay Oedipos and the Sphinx is an 811 inch by 411 inch oil painting that was created by Gustave Moreau. He finished this work of art in Paris during 1864. He made himself known by this painting around the middle of his career. While most French art in the 1860's was based on realistic subject matter, Moreau's works were based on mythological creatures and stories. He drew his inspiration from other artist such as Ingres and Andrea Mantegna who painted similar subjects. When looking at this painting as a whole, you can tell that this is not a happy scene. The story behind this work of art is that the sphinx has a riddle for Oedipos to solve, but if he can't he will be killed like the others that are thrown into the hole. The sphinx looks very serious, and like she is already telling him the riddle. The man looks serious as he is leaned against the mountain and staring into her eyes. I feel a sense of determination as if the men that were murdered before him were his friends, and he now feels as if it is his duty to solve the riddle. ... Show more content on ... The artist used several different colors while creating this piece and they are all highly saturated. One thing in particular that can be noticed is the fact that it is obviously daytime. The artist created a very bright scene that lets you know this confrontation is happening in the daytime. Some other notable areas of color include the mountains in the background, and the blood that is spilled in the bottom right corner. The darker colors of the mountains in the background almost give a dreary effect to the painting. It could also indicate that the mountains are far away, and that the two communicating in the painting came a long way to get to where they are. The blood depicted in this piece looks bright and fresh like the person was just killed. It gives the idea that the young man talking to the sphinx could be ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Compare And Contrast Theseus And Oedipus While I was analyzing the two Greek heroes Theseus and Oedipus origins, it became obvious that they share quite a few differences and similarities as is common amongst heroes in Greek mythology. The first similarity I found the two heroes shared was the love and honor their subjects regarded their kings with. Theseus was revered for his strategic planning and how he used his power to create an equal ruling between the power of the king and his people. He was acknowledged as one of the first leaders to create a Democracy, allowing his people to have a say into how the kingdom is ruled. "I myself, will be your leader in wars, and at all times the protector of laws, but beyond this all my fellow citizens shall have equal rights with me" (216). By allowing the inhabitants of Attica to access part of the power of the king, Theseus knew that his subjects would abide by this ruling because of the value and gain they would receive from becoming a united community. I feel this peaceful treaty between the two dynamics; the rich and the poor shows that Theseus was an intelligent and courageous king worthy of the equal amounts of love and fear the king instilled in the city of Athens. The way Theseus resolved the issue between the two class systems leads me to believe that Theseus admirers rigid structure and control but since he is willing to give some of his power to the citizens of Athens in order to keep peace, he became known as a peaceful ruler instead of a forceful tyrant. ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Analysis: The Great Sphinx Of Giza The notion that religion and science are equally balanced and complement each other because they work together like yin and yang. Science provides an understanding of the physical structure to the universe and religion provides the understanding into the human mortality and values. Michael Cremo believed that religion and science are equally balanced when referring to the idea of forbidden archeology, but many mainstream scientists would disagree that that religion and science are completely different from one another. The term "forbidden archeology" refers to an idea argued by Michael Cremo that there is an abundance of concrete evidence that is left behind by human ancestors around the world proving that modern humans have existed on Earth ... Show more content on ... The monument has been a controversial case in the scientific community. Many scientist believe that the Sphinx is thousands of years older than what is currently held in the history books. The Sphinx is located on the Giza Plateau, west of the Nile River with the precise measurement of 241 feet long, 63 feet wide, and 66.34 feet high. Scientists conclude that the Sphinx was built in resemblance to Pharaoh Khafre in 2500 B.C. The anomalies behind the science and architectural design of the Sphinx provides concrete evidence that human origins have been around longer than what is documented on records. A theory that many historians believed that the Sphinx is a representation of the stars of Leo. The Egyptians had a great understanding knowledge in astronomy which is the reason why researchers believed that ancient Egyptian architects chose to build the Sphinx in resemblance to the constellation of Leo. A fascinating when observing the Sphinx is the angle. The Sphinx intersects with the three of the Giza Pyramids which is identical to the angle of the biggest star of Leo. The alignment with a row of stars is an exact formation of the Orion's belt which provides evidence that ancient architects were able to use their knowledge of astronomy and align an exact estimation to build the Sphinx at this particular location. When observing the monument, the Sphinx is uniquely starring at a rising star where the mirror image of itself is precisely aligned with the star of Leo. The Egyptians had a precise knowledge of art, engineering, and architecture in which evidence proves that human origins have existed for more than millions of ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Oedipus The King By Sophocles In the play, Oedipus the King written by Sophocles the main character Oedipus goes through many tragedies that presents him as serious and superior to ordinary man. Oedipus' character does not show how he is like an ordinary person. He is shown as a hero who is greater to the ordinary man then again sometimes, he is view to be inferior to the ordinary man. Throughout the play, Oedipus plays blindfold. Oedipus character acts more as if he has no part in the situation that occur. When Oedipus opens the search of the death of King Laius. That is the first step toward his downfall. Oedipus then covers up the murder when he hears the news. The investigation leads Oedipus's discovery of more information about the murder and his fate. Oedipus is the solver of the sphinx riddle; the riddle was "What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening?" When Oedipus travelled to Thebes and the sphinx posed the riddle to him. His answer was a "human being" because a human walks on all fours, on two legs as an adult and with a walking stick when old. Jocasta is superior to the "ordinary" girl, women, mother and wife. Even though she is the queen of Thebes, it is not as beautiful as it sounds. When she was young she was first married to King Laius, their marriage was a happy one. When she was with King Laius they received a prophecy. The Prophecy stated, "King Laius would be murdered by his own son." So Jocasta has a very hard decision to make which is ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Great Sphinx of Giza The Sphinx of Giza is a symbol that has represented the essence of Egypt for thousands of years. The body of a lion with the head of a king comes from the Egyptian culture symbolizing strength and wisdom. The sphinx is a carved out of the living rock. Egyptologists believe that the sphinx was built in 2500 BC in the fourth dynasty. From the north side the profile of the Sphinx reveals the proportion of the body to the head. It would appear as though the head is small in proportion to the body. Because of the changing desert terrain, the body of the Sphinx has been buried several times over the past several thousand years. Most recently in 1905, the sand has been cleared away to expose the magnitude and beauty of the entirety of ... Show more content on ... The eyes are very big and open because of the blue eye liner that was used under the eye lids. Also, the headdress is much more noticeable on the Sphinx in Las Vegas because it is colored. Unlike the Sphinx of Giza, the structure of the face is not as conspicuous as the Sphinx in Las Vegas. There is no color to the face structure such as the eyes and beard and are not carved as well as the Sphinx in Las Vegas . Also, the body of the Sphinx in Las Vegas looks stronger, and shaped rounder. It catches the eye more than any other sphinx, because of its location and structure. The two structures were very well built, however due to the fact that the Sphinx in Las Vegas was built just a few years back , it gave the designers the chance to make the new structure more modern and appealing. They used the old structure of the Sphinx in Giza to create a more modernized copy of the old one. One of the major differences I notice about the two structure is the color and line. The new object has more carvings in the face and body. You notice a shine to the Sphinx in Las Vegas, the colors and perfect carvings of the face and paws make it a perfect sculpture to look at. I chose the historical object of the Sphinx in Giza because it is unlike the pyramids, it was carved out of the living rock. It is an extraordinary object and one of the best know monuments in Egyptian architecture. The Luxor hotel might ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Examples Of Dramatic Irony In Oedipus The King "All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride" (Sophocles, Antigone). Oedipus became the king of Thebes after he had left Corinth because of a prophecy that declared that he would kill his father and marry his mother. On his way, he came across Laius, his true father and the king of Thebes, unknowingly in an act of anger he killed him. As he arrived in Thebes he came to know of a sphinx who was terrorizing the city and would not leave unless someone had solved its puzzle. Claiming victory by solving the puzzle the people of the city declared him the king as Laius had been killed and he married the queen, Jocasta which was his true mother. He came to the know of the truth much later. Dramatic irony in Oedipus the King changes how the audience perceives Oedipus by making the audience more sympathetic. For example, the audience first changes their opinion toward Oedipus due to the dramatic irony in line 73. A plague was slaying the people of Thebes, but Oedipus said to the people "sick as you are, not one is sick as I" even though ... Show more content on ... Oedipus referred himself as a "stranger to the story, a stranger" to the act (Sophocles, 171). Oedipus was assuming that he had nothing to do with the murder of Laius, but this is obviously false. As the audience knows, Oedipus had unknowingly killed Laius himself. Oedipus had been traveling away from Corinth when he ran into Laius. In a moment of temporary rage, Oedipus killed Laius completely unknowing of what he had done. The audience became more sympathetic towards him because they could relate to his sense of pride. They knew that everyone would have a moment in their lives in which they were proud and when they would have to protect it. Oedipus is just one of the many that were protecting his pride but he let it consume him and he was completely ignorant of ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Metaphors In Oedipus In Ode IV, the Chorus uses similes and metaphors to showcase Oedipus's rise and fall from power. To start, the Chorus praises Oedipus and describes his strengths which are "mind [is] a strong bow" and "fortress against our sorrow" (65). Oedipus is known to be reliable in tough times due to his mind; however, he is currently distressed over the truth behind his birth which does not indicate a "fortress." This difference in past Oedipus and current Oedipus visibly contrasts the rise and fall of power. The Chorus directly declares, "Your (Oedipus's) great days like ghosts gone" (65). Despite Oedipus's triumphant days and past glory, it is all erased in the face of the truth. Also, ghosts are often associated with death; it could be a foreshadowing for the Iocaste's death after Oedipus's past is known. Another simile for describing Oedipus is "stood like a tower" when he encountered the sphinx (65). He was strong and noble like a tower, yet now he is on the verge of ruin. Even towers will crumble into ruins over time; it symbolizes Oedipus's eventual destructive end. The Chorus also uses a pitying tone throughout the ode to describe the sadness that makes up Oedipus's life. For example, "I who saw your days call no man blest" conveys the Chorus's pity towards Oedipus (65). Oedipus who had lead a blessed life filled with success only has misery awaiting him; this causes the Chorus to pity him. Since Oedipus is unable to have a satisfactory end, the Chorus considers the fate of other people to be just as miserable as his. The Chorus even declares, "Most pitiful is this man's story" (66). This further emphasizes the fact that Oedipus is the most unfortunate man to walk Earth, his life filled with misfortune. Adding on, the Chorus states, "For I weep the world's outcast" (66). Weep is naturally associated with unhappiness, and outcast implies having no one close. Since he murdered his father and married his mother, he has committed blasphemous acts which will only drive others away from him. Overall, the tone strongly supports the fact that Oedipus is the poor victim of the gods' prophecies. The Chorus includes alliteration not only to create a rhythmic pattern, but to also bring attention to certain phrases. One ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Compare And Contrast Hedda Gabler And Oedipus The King Ibsen and Sophocles are two distinct writers from different periods and culture. They both wrote plays and stories with strong protagonists who the readers don't enjoy, but, whose fate is somewhat tragic in a sense that elicits the reader's sympathy for the sense of wasted potential and tragic loss. Personally, I agree with this statement because from both authors' books like Ibsen "Hedda Gabler" and Sophocles "Oedipus The King"; the readers did not like the main characters, but the reader does sympathize. The protagonists from both plays do portray themselves as people that others don't like, but as the plays goes on; the protagonists begin to reveal themselves and their struggles. In which, the readers would sympathize. On Sophocles text "Oedipus the King", Sophocles begin the play with the main character: Oedipus is this heroic person who is to find out the cause of the disease that is spreading across the city and causing so many to die. Oedipus is a person one is brave and intelligent because he was the one to solve the sphinx riddle and to kill her. Ending the cycle of deaths of people who tried to enter the city. On page 483, paragraph 4, Sophocles describes the backstory of how Oedipus becomes famous in the city of Thebes, "... When he reached Thebes, he found the city oppressed by a dreadful female monster, a Sphinx– part human, part lion, often also depicted in Greek art with the wings of an eagle and the tail of a snake. The Sphinx refused to let anyone into the city unless they could answer her riddle [...] She strangled and devoured all travelers who failed to answer the riddle. But Oedipus gave the right answer. [...] The Sphinx was defeated, and Oedipus was welcomed into the city as a savior. He married the newly widowed queen, Jocasta, and took over the throne." Readers who've read this play learned whom Oedipus is. He is a fearful/head strong person who doesn't think first before he acts. He goes into a situation head first and later finds out the dreadful result of his action. Moreover, in Ibsen's text: "Hedda Gabbler", Ibsen starts off with Hedda: the main protagonist, daughter of a general who marries Tesman, a writer. From the beginning, the reader can already tell this is an unhappy ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. What Is The Theme Of Blindness In Oedipus The King With eyes wide open "How terrible is it to have wisdom, when it brings no profit to him who is wise", are prolific words uttered by the blind man Tiresias in the 430 B.C. play by Sophocles, Oedipus the King. Despite the fact that Oedipus was wise enough to solve the riddle of the sphinx, he did not have enough insight to see what was before his very eyes which was the truth about who he was and what he had done; not to mention the horrible faith of what his future held in store. Because of Oedipus, it can be said that blindness appears in all people, even if they possess the ability to "see" (Fosso, 27). Oedipus, for instance, sees his parents as strangers, his homecoming as exile and hereditary kingship as an unconstitutional rule. Blindness is a dominant theme in the play and it helps to highlight the irony in the fact the blind man was able to see what was about to happen, while Oedipus in all his glory and with all his wisdom, with eyes wide open, was unable to see the chaos that was unravelling before his very eyes. Oedipus' major downfall in the story stems from his arrogant self–important behaviour and impulsive character; the ... Show more content on ... With as much wisdom that it is said the Oedipus possesses, the one riddle that he cannot solve is the one that involves himself and his lineage. His proclamation at the end of the story when he realizes that the prophecy has indeed come true bears witness to this, he says "I have a deadly fear that the old seer had eyes" (746–747). Of himself, he professes, "Oh God I think I have called curses on myself in ignorance." (744–745) He later refers to himself as "the greatly miserable, the most accursed, whom God too hates above all men on earth" (1344–1345). He blinds himself and says that he will never see what he had done and what had been done to him, ironically, he was unable to see throughout the entire play as well and his whole world collapsed before ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Tragic Fall of Oedipus Rex: Self-Inflicted or Fate The tragic fall of Oedipus in Sophocles play "Oedipus Rex" is both self–inflicted and result of events drawn from his own destiny. First off early on in Oedipus ' life his first deadly mistake towards succeeding his self–inflicted downfall was the murder of his father the former king. In a blind rage without any motive, he kills Liaus and his men at a rode crossing. Fate may have had led him to that point but it was his own rage that resulted in his biggest mistake. Further evidence of his self–inflicted downfall Oedipus ' was at the hands of his own ignorance. This ignorance combined with his stubborn, determined attitude does not allow him foresight. This foresight would have led to some restraint in his decision and rash actions. ... Show more content on ... As Creon tries to convince him to go about things in a more timely, and sensible way Oedipus hears none of it and still pursues his march of getting to the bottom laying the blame elsewhere all along the way. As Creon and Teriesas both note suggestions to Oedipus ' involvement he still pursues further investigation without the littlest consideration at his own guilt. This lack of foresight, and understanding again is another cause to Oedipus ' self–inflicted downfall. However, there are many factors that contribute his downfall that he could not have prevented and were truly acts of fate and destiny. His self–assurance to his wisdom that was bred by his "mother–wit and not by bird–lore" (as he takes a stab at Teriesas pg 37) really comes to surface during his encounter with a riddling Sphinx. This inflated view of his wisdom later leads to his downfall. But it was only by fate that he ignorant Oedipus was awarded a IQ freebie from the Sphinx. By answering his riddle he stepped onto the path towards his soon to be place on the Theban throne. In addition to the Sphinx, the adoption of Oedipus when he was young and abandoned into the house of Polybus was too only a synergist factor in his rise to Kingship. Had he been born and raised by the Shepard who found him, then his status would have refrained him heavily from succession his father. This too was an act of fate, and at the tender age of only a few weeks, Oedipus had no say into the events that were to ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Mystery of the Great Sphinx of Giza: Understanding the... Never before in history did any monument receive such wide attention from the public and media like the Great Sphinx of Giza. The 73.5m long and 20m high (Dieter Arnold) stone carved statue not only fascinates people from all around the world, but also created countless movie ideas, novels, video games and raises questions to those who are interested. Undoubtedly, Sphinx has become one of the most notable figures of ancient Egyptian culture just beside the pyramids in the eyes of westerners. However, many questions remained in mysteries for almost decades until the excavation of 1925 by Emile Baraize revealed the Sphinx's exotic design to the world's view. Why did the ancient Egyptians build this massive structure? For what purpose would ... Show more content on ... It was not until 1789 when Napoleon's army excavated the Sphinx's body out of the covering sand partially during his mapping expedition of Giza plateau did the world was reminded of a long forgotten ancient history. During the eighteenth centuries, several more excavations were done on Sphinx by several foreign countries, private contractors and profit seeking corporations. Emile Baraize was perhaps the first person who successfully uncovered the Sphinx entirely from the burying sand ever since king Thutmose IV on 1936. To the world's view, the Sphinx's body was heavily deteriorated due to sediment erosion and other geological factors. However, several never before seen subsurface structures were found during the excavation. Such as two subsurface tunnels and a temple which is built to worship the Sphinx. This raised many questions in the mind of scholars and publics, why was the Sphinx built and what does its complex system implicate? According to Mark Lehner, archaeologists can probably never understand the true purpose of the Sphinx. However, as he suggested, we can draw assumption and speculation about the functions of the Sphinx based on the general time line when it was built and the knowledge we had from that time to further understand the Sphinx and its ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Riddles Of The Sphinx Essay Riddles of the Sphinx is critically acclaimed and extremely hard to understand feature which uses several interesting perspective of story telling. This movie generalizes the broad topic of feminism in playful demonstration through camera lens. Interesting long 360 pans and close ups on Egyptian Sphinx makes the movie outstandingly unique and delicate. Mainly focused in a story of a mother, movie revolves around so many factors trying to make comparison between existing examples and feminism theory. In Riddles of the Sphinx Mulvey and Woolen create an altogether different project for the mother within the organizing system of the gaze. The film opens with a view of pages being turned from a book titled Myths of woman. This scene goes on ... Show more content on ... Pan moves us slowly along entire room and kitchen. This sense of being closer to the characters tends us to predict what might be the next move or who else or what else we could see in the house. We also see Louise and Anna outside the home, Louise at work as a phone operator at a switchboard and Anna at day care. Louise converses with other women workers, especially her friend Maxine, about their working conditions and the possibility of having child care on the worksite. Visible in the background of their break room is a poster depicting dunes within a desert scene an image reminiscent of the films opening desert scene with the woman as sphinx suggesting power and change from previous authority. In one of the following scenes, Louise's ex–husband asks them to watch a film he is editing. Artist, writer and theorist Mary Kelly appears in the film reading from her journal about problems she is having regarding her son going to day care. She is wearing a dark shirt with lighter crescent shapes, the same that documents her own postpartum Project (1973–79) maternal project. At that time Kelly was in the midst of producing her groundbreaking project, whose concerns about the formation of a maternal space in language and culture dovetail with those being explored by Mulvey and Wollen. Riddles of the Sphinx also discusses on how social issues coexist with the psychic space of maternal. In a following scene the mothers ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Oedipus, Not A God But A Man By seeing through "the spell that hypnotized our lives," says the priest of Zeus, Oedipus "restored our life" and, though left unsaid, became king of Thebes (OT 1). But with what riddle, with what spell did the sphinx paralyze the city? Could it not be the same that drove Orestes to madness, the coming into question of a cultural understanding no longer believable and the crisis that must follow it? For Orestes, it is justice that hangs in suspense when, after killing his mother, he receives not a settled conscience but a vision of women "like Gorgons/ shrouded in black, their heads wreathed,/ swarming serpents!" (1047 – 1049), and only Athena is able to construct new order, creating a new justice, or rather a new understanding of justice, from the ashes of the old. But in Thebes, Oedipus, not a god but a man, sees through the riddle, and this action, whether it constitutes a restoration of the city's life or its refounding, coronates the beneficent tyrant. Unfortunately, we cannot stop here but must continue, for this account of his blindness, in neglecting his dealing with the sphinx and the relation of that to his familial crimes, leaves undisclosed the nature of Oedipus himself. For if we understand the riddle of the sphinx as a coming into question of a cultural understanding never before questioned, as a crumbling, in other words, of the foundations of the old law, we must understand Oedipus as both the destroyer of the old law and the founder of the new. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Oedipus: A Tragic Hero Around 427 B.C Sophocles, the greatest playwriter of the Golden age, authored the epic tale of Oedipus. The tale of Oedipus was written just over 2445 years ago and remains one of the best– known tragedies of all time. In fact, to this day, just the mention of the word Oedipus conjures negative feelings and connotations. The ultimate tragic hero Oedipus, unknowingly kills his own father and then has a sexual relationship and subsequent marriage to his mother. However, this relationship emerged without Oedipus or his mother, Jocasta, prior knowledge that they were kin in anyway. Oedipus, in fact, truly exemplifies a tragic hero as Aristotle himself defined one to be. From the start of his life, Oedipus was thrown into series of tragic events that would shape not just his life but the lives of everyone he was associated with. The story of Oedipus has received worldwide acclaim and has been praised as one of the "greatest achievements of Greek dramatic art". When Sophocles wrote Oedipus, he did so in a way that pioneered what a true tragic hero should be and it was written in way that has continued to impact the moral compass and emotions to those that read this epic tale, still to this very day. The story starts with Oedipus being ... Show more content on ... As an infant, Oedipus had done nothing to deserve the punishment he received from his father, having his feet tied and being left at a mounting side to die. His entire life he acted in way that he viewed would prevent the unwanted prophecy from becoming true. His intentions were pure and his morals were beyond reproach, however he repeatedly and unknowingly fell into his predetermined fate. Oedipus became the villain of his unmoral deeds not because of he was evil or wicked but because of a life time of coincidence and ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. American Sphinx Thomas Jefferson Sparknotes "American Sphinx: The character of Thomas Jefferson" A book by Joseph J. Ellis. Copyright 1997 Vintage. Joseph J. Ellis, a historian who was educated at the College of William and Mary and Yale, is a Ford Foundation Professor of History at Mount Holyoke University. He has written four books on historical topics, centered on the time Jefferson was alive, dealing with issues and personalities Jefferson dealt with firsthand. After authoring a book on a politician such as John Adams, Ellis seems to have felt a need or want to focus on Jefferson, presumably because of his status as founding father and main contributor to the constitution. Ellis's ... Show more content on ... This trait in Ellis's writing and teaching style is what really grabbed me and got me interested in the book. How wise is the person who realizes that as scholarly as they may be, there may always be a better opinion out there? Joseph has presented to me a most noble way to write. He has circumvented my prejudice against authors who insist that their ideas and methods are the only thoughts that exist. In terms of the presentation of information, Ellis pieced together the life and work of Jefferson according to eras, or phases in the life of Thomas J. Starting with Philadelphia 1775–1776, Jefferson's story begins as the prominent, educated young man entering a world of radical politicians and commoners striving for their independence. This chapter describes how Jefferson established himself as an excellent literary figure in the developing American insurrection by publishing a pamphlet entitled, "A summary view of the rights of British America." This document, though never officially accepted as a plan of action was "simple and emphatic, with a dramatic flair that that previewed certain passages in the Declaration of Independence (e.g., "Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably thro' every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematical plan of reducing us to slavery"). [Pg. 34] As the text ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Sphinx Research Paper Olufemi Palmer Dr. Josef Wegner NELC 062 3 March 2017 A Statue of a Sphinx (Object E12326) A sphinx is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human. These creatures were built as sculptures near the temples as guardians. A sphinx symbolizes the intelligence of man united with the physical dominance of a lion (Giblin 121). The sphinx is a purely Egyptian creation, that was first started in the 4th dynasty at about 2575 BCE (Giblin 23). In Egypt sphinxes were generally associated with the sun god and with the king as a "living image. (Zivie–Coche 148). The sun god was a vital part of Egyptian theology in almost every dynasty. The sun–disk God, Aten became the monotheistic focus of Egyptian theology while Re and Atun were very prominent Egyptian gods that also represented the sun. Whenever sphinxes were placed in front of Egyptian temples, they had a solar symbol or significance attached to it. The Granite Sphinx of Ramses II wears a headdress and false beard to signify representation of a king and serves as a protective entity to temples and pyramids. The false beard was tied to the divinity of the Pharaoh (Redford 308). The beard is an innovation of the New Kingdom and did not exist during the Old or the Middle Kingdom (Zivie–Coche 148). Many ... Show more content on ... Although it was so deep into the season that excavation was useless, digging further proved that the object was the sphinx's tail. The Alabaster Sphinx weighs about 90 tons and is 26 feet long and 13 feet tall. Although it has weathered over the centuries, the Alabaster Sphinx of Memphis remains spectacular. The monument stood outside of the Temple of Ptah along with the Colossus of Ramses II (Wegner 215).The Alabaster Sphinx spent several years on its side in water, which could have potentially caused damage to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Compare Hedda Gabler And Oedipus The King Ibsen and Sophocles are two very distinct writers from different periods and culture. They both wrote plays and stories with strong protagonists who the readers don't enjoy but, whose fate are somewhat tragic in a sense that elicits the reader's sympathy for the sense of wasted potential and tragic loss. In a sense, I do agree with this statement because from both authors books like Ibsen "Hedda Gabler" and Sophocles "Oedipus The King"; the main characters are not liked by most readers, but the reader do sympathize with the characters. In Sophocles text "Oedipus the King", Sophocles begins the play with the main character: Oedipus being this heroic person who is to find out the cause of the disease that is spreading across the city and causing so many to die. Oedipus is describing as someone one is brave and very intelligent because he was the one to solve the sphinx riddle and to kill her. Ending cycle of deaths of people who tried to enter the city. In page 483, paragraph 4, Sophocles describes the backstory of how Oedipus becomes famous in the city of Thebes, "...When he reached Thebes, he found the city oppressed by a dreadful female monster, a Sphinx– part human, part lion, often also depicted in Greek art with the wings of an eagle and the tail of a snake. The Sphinx refused to let anyone into the city unless they could answer her riddle [...] She strangled and devoured all travelers who failed to answer the riddle. But Oedipus gave the right answer. [...] The Sphinx was ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Importance Of The Great Sphinx The Great Sphinx was a very large structure built in ancient Egypt. It was very important to the Egyptians and it did many things for them. It is also the one of largest, ancient freestanding structures that is still standing today, meaning that there are no supports holding it up. The Sphinx has been a symbol of Egypt for many years. King Khafre, one of Egypt's many pharaohs, commissioned the Sphinx. It was estimated to be built around 2500 BC. Khafre reigned from 2520 BC to 2494 BC, so people presume that the Sphinx was built in the Old Kingdom, which is the first of the three kingdoms and lasted from 2575–2465. Khafre was a man that had a lot of architectural talent because he built a structure that lasted for about 3500 years. The Sphinx was 66 feet tall, 241 feet long, and 63 feet wide. It sits in a reclining position, with its paws facing forward, toward east, pointing to the dawn of the star Regulus in the summer solstice. Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation of Leo, and was aligned with the Sphinx at about 2300 BC during the summer solstice. The Sphinx is believed to represent the pharaoh, Khafre. It guards the gates of Giza, where the pyramid of Khafre stands. The Sphinx was not built brick by brick, like the Great Pyramid of Egypt, but it was carved from a huge mass of limestone from the Giza Plateau. The Sphinx was built with three tunnels leading to somewhere, but the erosion has blocked them off, which doesn't allow historians to figure our where they led. It was also built with a tomb for Khafre the man who commissioned the Sphinx. The erosion made the Sphinx slowly crumble, which led to parts of the face falling off. Because of the changing of the desert terrain, the sand had buried the Sphinx completely. People started to dig it up again in 1817, and they soon uncovered the chest and then the feet. Lastly, they restored the head and completely revealed the whole Sphinx in 1905. ( The Sphinx was interpreted as a sun god, specifically Horus of the Horizon. The Sphinx had a body the shape of a lion, and a head the shape of a pharaoh. It has become a symbol of wisdom and strength. In the book, Temples, Tombs, and Hieroglyphs, written by Barbara Mertz, it says, "It ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Sphinx Of Giza Essay A lot of people become amazed when they see how majestic the pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx are. Have people ever thought of how or why those huge monuments were built? These structures, which had an important role in history, now become a great form of tourism for Egypt. There are a lot of mysteries regarding the pyramids and the Sphinx, and many humans may not understand some of these things. Why is the peak of the Pyramid of Giza not completed? Or why isn't Khufu's body in his burial chamber? Not all of those questions have a correct answer. The Great Sphinx and the pyramids of Egypt have existed since thousands of years ago and were built by Ancient Egyptian Kings mostly to honor and symbolize themselves. Or do others believe someone else built them and for another reason? The Great Sphinx of Giza, believed to be a national symbol of Egypt, was built to honor and symbolize Egypt's King during those times. It was built in the Old Kingdom near Cairo in Egypt, during King Khafre's reign. The people believe that the Sphinx's head contains their King's face, Khafre's. Still other theories suggest that King Khufu might have been the one to build the Sphinx with his face on its head. This fierce–looking creature is really a combination of the head of a woman and a lion's body. ... Show more content on ... It was built with around two and a half million limestone blocks, being able to reach a weight of seventy tons. The pyramid was built northern to the Giza Plateau, ten miles from Cairo. Khufu began the construction of the pyramid, which was meant to be his tomb. A lot of underground passages are found inside, with the King's burial chamber found in the middle. Khufu's sarcophagus was supposed to be found in his tomb, but it was robbed a long time ago. The pyramid was not finished since the peak is flat and not pointed. No one knows why, it remains a ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Myth Of The Sphinx, An Oracle, And An Incestuous... Oedipus With all of the myths that have come to life on the big screen, this is one that may never make it. It can be said that with all of the elements it possess it would be a prime opportunity to bring to life the different aspects of humanity and its myth. Bringing the myth of the sphinx, an oracle, and an incestuous family of epic proportions. Each of these different myths played a large role in Greek mythology and other myths around the world. Seeking the difference between each evolution of Oedipus's journey and how each aspect defines him. Sphinxes are seen in many different Greek myths are a part of the Titan class. Exploring their raw power and intellectual abilities plays into societal desire. Oracles are simple oracle and fortune tellers depending on the information they are providing. This plays a key role in the perception that man have about their abilities. And looking into the incestuous family complex that caused the fall of a society. This is something that has been seen in many cultures under many different situations. How the Greeks display chaos in Oedipus can be deflected. This myth depict and display different binding facts about the culture and how it was transferred to written word shows that how people identified perspective values. It can be said it is all due to the chaos that humans inherently possess. Discussion In some cases Sphinx's were used are guardians to great treasures or personal protection (Unknown, 2016). It was described to have ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The Hero : The Story Of Oedipus As The Hero Oedipus as the Hero Have an estranged relationship with your mother? If yes, here's what not to do. The story of Oedipus begins with his father, Laius, king of Thebes, being informed by an oracle that he'd be slain by his son. Upon hearing this news, Laius binds Oedipus' feet together and leaves him on a mountain for death. The baby is rescued by a shepherd and brought to the king of Corinth. In a few years, Oedipus also visits an oracle and is informed that he's destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Thinking that the king and queen of Corinth are his biological parents, he packs up and leaves to avoid this fate. Arriving at a crossroads, Oedipus encounters a man. This man starts an argument and Oedipus settles it by committing atrocities, such as killing the man and his guards. After trekking a little longer, he comes across the town of Thebes. Guarding this town is a sphinx. The creature forces anyone who wants to enter to answer a riddle. If they cannot find the correct answer, the sphinx eats them alive and that's the end of it. Oedipus answers correctly and sends the sphinx into distress, so much so that it commits suicide. The town rejoices and awards Oedipus with the role of king of Thebes and the hand of the widowed queen, Jocasta. Oedipus accepts the awards, unaware that Jocasta is his mother and that he killed his father, the king. The two have several children and live happily until a plague falls upon the town. The plague cannot be remedied until ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Thebes In Oedipus The King Question: According to the Priest, what are the condition in Thebes. Answer: As Oedipus walks through his palace doors he is welcomed by his people begging for guidance and assistance. The kneeling Priest catches the attention of Oedipus, and in response he asks the Priest to speak up for his people. The Priest exemplifies to his king the people's desperate situation as he notes, "'Thebes is dying...cattle sicken and die,/ and the women die in labor, children stillborn,/ and the plague"'(OT 31–34). The Priest illustrates to Oedipus his kingdoms frantic position. He shows his leader the horrible plague that has affected their whole society. Oedipus must take action to save his people from the looming death that has been afflicted upon them. ... Show more content on ... Creon announces to his king, "'Drive the corruption from the land,/ don't harbor it any longer, past all cure,/ don't nurse it in your soil–root it out!"'(OT 109–111). Creon extends his information by revealing that Oedipus must "'Banish the man, or pay back bloOT with bloOT./ Murder sets the plague storm on the city"'(OT 113–114). It is evident that the only way for the people of Thebes to end their suffering is if Oedipus finds the murderer of their former king. The passage declares that the man who is responsible for the plague is still within the kingdom walls. Oedipus must banish this man from his kingdom in order to liberate his citizens from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. The Sphinx Edgar Allan Poe The Sphinx The Sphinx is a story written by Edgar Allan Poe, which in comparison to many of his other stories is very short. The Sphinx takes place in the nineteenth century during an outbreak of cholera, where the narrator and his friend try to avoid the outbreak by staying outside of town. One day when the narrator was reading he looked out the window of the house and saw a huge creature on the side of the hill. When the narrator decided to tell his friend about the sighting he saw the creature once again on the hillside. When he tried to point out the creature to his friend he did not see it. The narrator had begun to think that he was either going mad or possibly contracted the disease, since he had a vision a few days before and now his ... Show more content on ... He was not highly regarded in his community and kept to himself most of the time. I have come to believe that many of Poe's stories could have been written from his experiences. For example in The Fall of the House of Usher, the narrator goes to Roderick Usher's house to help because he was dying and going insane. After the narrator stayed with his friend for a few days he began to feel like he was starting to lose his mind. In comparison to The House of Usher, Emerson's short story the Sphinx, also brings an element of insanity to the table. However in this case it was the narrator himself who began to feel like he was going insane. The element of insanity is present in many of Poe's stories. Since this element seems to appear so much it can be inferred that Poe himself could have possibly going insane. Even though The Sphinx is not as in depth like many of Poe's major works, it is still significant. For example, It is true that this story of a man "who thinks he sees a huge animal on a distant hill, when in reality he has been looking at an insect"4 has not much to offer in terms of complexity, technique, and range of allusion if compared with Poe's more famous tales. Yet this should not altogether blind one to its important implications" (Shenkel 1985). Even though The Sphinx is a very short story, I believe it is a baseline story for the rest of Emerson's ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Complications Of The Marcher In Henry James'sThe Beast In... Henry James wrote an ambiguous story titled The Beast in the Jungle, which can lead to many interpretations. May Bartram being an angelic woman while John Marcher is an ignorant fool, being the most common interpretation. Bartram's response to Marchers' secret predicament is unusual because she remains by his side yet gets no material items or marital status. It can only be assumed that the satisfaction Bartram gets is not from a positive friendship, because Marcher does not even offer a true friendship, but from a fiend like obsession with his life and a desire to torment him. John Marcher first met May Bartram in Italy, which is also when he first found out about the beast. Marcher did not yet have a name for the beast, but he knew he was destined for an occurrence more unique than the general populace. Marcher told Bartram of his future fate back in because he subconsciously knew that their fates were intertwined. Unfortunately for Marcher, Bartram was the beast, thus making her cryptic sphinx like behavior her secret. Bartram captivated Marcher with her otherworldly appearance, convinced John to tell her his secret, and fully developed the thought of the beast in Johns mind. May uses Marchers secret to the best of her ability, so John asks "Then you will watch with me?" Which definitively starts Bartram's obsession with Johns life (James 483). May Bartram understands how Marcher feels about other people knowing his secret and knows that she is the sole person alive who knows about his fear that comes along with it. May uses the secret as leverage over John to keep him there with her so she can watch him slowly suffer with the fact he might never know what the beast is or the possibility of there not being a beast at all. John mentions his fears in the beginning to May when they reconciled "the apprehension that haunts me–that I live with day by day" by not knowing the Beast starts to take away his life slowly (James 483). Near the end of the story Bartram slips up and mentions that John has already been touched by the beast but that he has not noticed it. John becomes desperate to know the beast, but is not at all concerned with Mays deterring health, because the need to know the beast has taken full ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Comparison Of The Prince And The Sphinx Literature is a part of every civilization in the world and numerous works from different cultures often parallel one another. In Ancient Egypt, between the paws of the Great Sphinx, lies a fourteen– foot red granite tablet. This tablet, known as the Dream Stele, is inscribed with the tale of The Prince and The Sphinx. This story is about the prince, Thutmose IV, and his unusual interaction with the god, Harmachis or "Horus in the Horizon," who is "a manifestation of the sun god" and is often depicted as a sphinx (Hornung, 130). This story is not unique to Ancient Egypt since there is a similar story found in the Bible. In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, there is the story of Joseph. Joseph, a shepherd from Canaan, was an interpreter of dreams who found himself in quite the predicament. Both of these tales have uncanny similarities to each other. The first parallel between the two stories is that both Thutmose IV and Joseph had many brothers and half–brothers who hated them because they were the favorite sons. Their brothers held such jealousy against them that they tried to kill them. In the tale of The Prince and The Sphinx, Thutmose IV was the "Pharaoh's favourite son," because of this his brothers were "forever plotting against him...the plots were aimed at his very life" (Green, 57). The same is true for Joseph, "Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age...When his brothers saw that their father loved him more ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. The Mysterious Great Sphinx of Giza Essay I Thought There Would Be Answers: The Mysterious Great Sphinx of Giza At the request of Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 1800's Dominique Vivant Baron Denon French artist and diplomat was to record the exploits and accomplishments of Bonaparte's Egyptian campaign. In 1802, he published his travels. "The perfection given by the Egyptians to the representations of their animals proves that they were not without an idea of that bold style which expresses much character in a few lines, and their execution tended to the grave, and to ideal perfection, as we have already remarked in instance of the Sphinx." The generally accepted date of the great Sphinx of Giza is 2500BC attributed to Pharaoh Khafre of the fourth dynasty. If this is the ... Show more content on ... The Sphinx represents the guardian of the Giza plateau. Revered in Ancient Egypt the feline form has a long association with royalty, power and protection. An evacuation lead by French archaeologist Dr. Alain Zivie believed inscriptions suggest Egyptians bred lions as well as buried them in sacred cemeteries. In 2001, Zive and his crew found a mummified lion in the tomb of a woman understood to be the wet nurse of Pharaoh Tutankhamen dated to 1430. The wear of the lion's teeth indicate it lived to old age and was in captivity. One theorist, Robert Temple, declares the Sphinx is not a lion at all, because of the flat back, lack of mane, and the disproportion of the head. He believes the original statue was craved before the old kingdom and portrayed the Egyptian god Anubis, with a head of a jackal and body of a man (see figure 1). Anubis is traditionally associated with mummification and the afterlife. Temple believes that between 2200–2000BC, the monument was defaced then re–carved during the fourth dynasty in the image of Pharaoh Khafre. He also presumes the Sphinx enclosure was flooded with Nile water to make an island. He uses a passage from Herodotus that discusses the cruelty of Pharaoh Khufu and how the slaves had to dig the moat for his burial chamber "For this they said, the ten years were spent, and for the underground he caused to be made as sepulchral chambers for himself in an island, having ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. What Makes Oedipus The King Successful Oedipus is a man of nimble response and great intuition. The opening of Oedipus the King, shows the qualities make him a distinguished ruler who prepares for his subjects' needs. During the being of Oedipus the King, a plague disrupts the piece of Thebes, leaving the people to beg their king to act quickly to end the plague. Oedipus is naturally a step ahead of his people as he had sent his brother–in–law, Creon to the oracle located at Delphi for guidance on how to end said plague. It is seen continuously that Oedipus's quirk of acting swiftly, also noting that this swift action has a dangerous side. This point is proven when he re–telling the story of killing the band of travelers who attempted to push him off a three–way crossroad, which shows that Oedipus has the ability to react feverishly. As the ... Show more content on ... Oedipus had just saved Thebes from the curse of the Sphinx and became a king essentially overnight. However, he is stubborn in his ruling. He announces his name boastfully as though it were itself a curative charm: "Here I am myself– / you all know me, the world knows my fame: / I am Oedipus" (7–9). His demise comes into full bloom at the realization of his prophecy becoming true, however, leading to him blinding himself, and begging to be banished. His over boastful personality, along with his swiftness, cause him to think that only he himself can out run his fate, only having his fate be many steps ahead. At the end of his tragedy, Oedipus's name has becomes an obscenity, that in another section of the play, Oedipus at Colonus, one of the Chorus characters is extremely frightened to even hear it and cries: "You, you're that man?" ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Sphinx At Giza . Egyptians hunted these beasts for sport. Who shot Off the Sphinx's Nose? : The Great Couchant Sphinx of Giza is a large human–headed lion carved out of large mounds of natural rock. Sphinx is the largest Monolith statue in the world, known to Guard the front of Khafra's Pyramid. It is popularly believed that Napoleon's troops shot off the nose of the Famous Sphinx at Giza. Around 1737 there were some sketches taken, the Sphinx appears to be sans a nose in it and also its more than 60 years before Napoleon reached Egypt. It is said that an Islamic Cleric Sa'im al–Dahr damaged it as he didn't approve of 'graven images'. He was eventually hanged in 1378 for Vandalism. Religious Communities and Scriptures: Ancient Egyptians were ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Ignorance In Oedipus The King Oedipus's ignorance led him to believe the prophecy wasn't. He bad mouthed the gods because he was the one to defeat the sphinx and not one of them. He believed that since he achieved said victory that nothing bad will happen to him, which invoked his inner blindness, ultimately causing his downfall. His anger was a flaw. On his way to thebes, the king tries to clear the road so that he can ride through the street with no traffic. Oedipus gets mad and runs them off of the road, striking up a fight and kills everyone, including the king of thebes. This and solving the riddle of the sphinx caused him to think he was the best man to ever live and anyone who said different was wrong. Thus, he became blind to his own prophecy. When teiresias explains Oedipus's prophecy to him, he denies is, calling the gods liars and saying they are jealous. ... Show more content on ... He flees corinth to save himself from the gods curse. While yes, he does show strength throughout, it always casts a shadow of cowardice. For example, one may think that when oedipus blinded himself, it was an act of of strength, when in reality, it was him being afraid of seeing others reactions. Once Creon found out that the prophecy was true about Oedipus, Oedipus asks him to spare him and just exile him instead of killing him. However, Oedipus's major flaw is his denial of the prophecy. He is constantly doubting the prophet teiresias, saying he was better than that of the prophecy and calling him and the gods liars. His opinion does not change about the prophecy until it basically hits him on the head. The disrespect he shows the gods from calling them liars is enough to give him a punishable death. In the last scene, he finally realizes he is the one in the prophecy. The news is too much for him to handle so he blinds himself out of ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Greek Mythology: The Sphinx The Sphinx Φιξ The Sphinx is a mythical creature derived from Greek and Egyptian Mythology. "Sphinx" is said to mean "to squeeze". This creature is described to have had the human head of a woman, the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle, and the tail of a serpent. While many consider this creature to be mystical and wondrous, I beg to differ. While beautiful on the outside, I believe the Sphinx was a monstrous, evil creature. The Sphinx was a creature praised by the Ancient Egyptians, and was featured in some of their most famous artwork as a guard and protector. However, according to Greek mythology, the sphinx was a more troublesome creature due to the fact that she caused torture, death, and famine among thousands, specifically to those residing in the city of Thebes. As previously stated, I believe The Sphinx is not a creature to be praised, but a purely monstrous being. It is my intention to convince you of this. According to Greek Mythology, the Sphinx stood guard outside the city of Thebes. Each traveller who tried to enter the gates were given a riddle. If they solved the riddle, they were allowed to enter, if not they were killed ... Show more content on ... According to Greek mythology, upon The Sphinx's death, Oedipus was crowned king of Thebes. The city proceeded to celebrate the death of The Sphinx, as they were finally free from her wrath. Artwork involving the sphinx has been made since the 15th century! The image was painted on vases, ivories, and other metals. But mainly, the image of the Sphinx appeared on temples. The Sphinx was always associated with protection and guardianship. But, in actuality– who was the Sphinx really protecting? Was it the thousands of innocent people she murdered and devoured? In reality, The Sphinx was the one people needed protection ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Oedipus Essay Sophocles "Oedipus the King" is a tragic play which discusses the tragic discovery of Oedipus that he has killed his father and married his mother. The story of Oedipus was well known to the athenian 's. Oedipus is the embodiement of the perfect Athenian. He is self–confident, intelligent, and strong willed. Ironically these are the very traits which bring about his tragic discovery. Oedipus gained the rule of Thebes by answering the riddle of Sphinx. Sophocles used the riddle of the sphinx as a metaphor for the 3 phases of Oedipus ' life and to further characterized him as a tragic man. The Sphinx posed the following riddle to all who came to obtain the rule of thebes: "What is it that walks on 4 feet and 2 feet and 3 feet ... Show more content on ... He is very dilligent in the inquiriy and finally comes to the horrible truth that he himself is the murderer. Jocasta kills herself at the horrible realization that she has layed with her son and Oedipus puts out his eyes at finally seeing the truth. This fulfills the final part of the Sphinx 's riddle for Oedipus will have to walk with a cane for the rest of his life because of his blindness, this will give him the 3 feet which man walks with at the
  • 122. end of his years. Oedipus used his intellect and diligence to answer the riddle of the Sphinx. Many of the most intelligent young men of thebes has been killed attempting to answer the riddle but Oedipus proved his intelligence superior to theirs. Oedipus uses the same intelligence and perseverance to find the killer of Laius. He does not give up his search even when Jocasta warns him to stop and let the matter rest. He calls the shepard and interrogates him till he discovers the horrifying truth that he is the killer. Oedipus ' intelligence was ultimately his flaw. Also, if Oedipus had not had been as coarageous he would have have never ventured to answer the riddle of the Sphinx. Thus even though he had killed his father he would have never become king of Thebes and laid with his mother. In addition, if Oedipus had had the courage but not the intelligence the Spinx would have killed him for answering the riddle incorrectly. Sophocles used this to characterized Oedipus as a tragic ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Sphinx Oscar Jacobson, who was also an art professor for the university, founded the Fred jones Jr. museum of art in 1936 (Wikipedia 2016). The museum is home to over ten thousand beautiful and very valuable pieces of art, including sculptures, paintings, and even some books. Recently, the museum had a collection of busts from the Immortales collection in Rome. This was the first time that many of these pieces have ever left Italy and was the only place in the United States that they have been. Whenever you are approaching the museum from the main entrance you are greeted by a beautiful bronze sculpture entitled "Sphinx". The piece was designed and cast by Columbian artist Fernando Botero, who is known for his often–oversized cartoon like creations. ... Show more content on ... I felt as though it was just a completely different setup, the mahogany wood did not fit well with the plain white stonewalls of the rest of the exhibits. It was also set up as if it was a house with couches and tables but they were not for sitting on and so it just takes up space. It can be distracting from actual paintings displayed there. However, other then the distractions the mahogany wood was beautiful. It almost transported the viewers into a different time period. It was a weird choice when compared to the rest of the museum, but if you were to examine just those two rooms by their selves then you can appreciate the effort took in designing the setup. The last thing that has not been addressed with the critique is the setup of the gift shop, however, I personally did not get the opportunity to look into the gift shop so I can not comment on its setup, but if the gift shop is anything like the rest of the museum then I am sure that it is a nice store with great products for sale. In conclusion, the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art is a wonderful example of an art museum. It is one of the nicest museums in the country on a college campus. The museum also is always free, free admission to such a huge collection of artwork is not something that happens very often and we are blessed as a university to ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Sphinx At Giza . Egyptians hunted these beasts for sport. Who shot Off the Sphinx's Nose? : The Great Couchant Sphinx of Giza is a large human–headed lion carved out of large mounds of natural rock. Sphinx is the largest Monolith statue in the world, known to Guard the front of Khafra's Pyramid. It is popularly believed that Napoleon's troops shot off the nose of the Famous Sphinx at Giza. Around 1737 there were some sketches taken, the Sphinx appears to be sans a nose in it and also its more than 60 years before Napoleon reached Egypt. It is said that an Islamic Cleric Sa'im al–Dahr damaged it as he didn't approve of 'graven images'. He was eventually hanged in 1378 for Vandalism. Religious Communities and Scriptures: Ancient Egyptians were ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. The Great Sphinx From The Khafre's Pyramids The great Sphinx from the old kingdom is built near the south side of Khafre's pyramids. A hybrid colossus, representing Amen–Re. The original name from the old kingdom was Shesep Ankh Atum, meaning "the living image of Amen–Re .it is Carved from a single block of line stone, It's 240 feet long . Standing 65 feet tall, it is the largest free standing monument still. The book of dead illustrates the sphinx representing the sun god, because Amen–Re was believed to emerged as a lion bathed in the light before he created the Paradise of Egypt. This explain the strange flat back due to Amen–Re landing on it, while descending from the heavens in a boat. This phenomenon is depicted in hieroglyphics throughout Egypt's artifacts from the old ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Theme Of Fate In Oedipus The King In Sophocles' Oedipus the King, the element of fate versus freewill shows up frequently all through the play. It is foreseen to Oedipus' parents, Jocasta and Laius, that their child would grow up to slaughter his father and wed his mother. Jocasta and Laius endeavor to dispose of their child, however, fate triumphs. Oedipus' fate all through the play has been chosen by the fate which adds to his annihilation. Various societies and cultures all through history have embraced similar perspectives, accepting a fate or destiny for their lives. Such points of view are very common is Greek myths who had confidence in "the three Fates" – goddesses who controlled the lives of individuals and the world in general. Clotho the youngest spins the thread of human life. She decides who will be born and when. Lachesis, a matron, measures the thread deciding a person's lot in life. She is shown with a measuring stick, a scroll, a book, or a globe that represents the horoscope. Atropos, the oldest, choses the mechanism of death and ends the life of each mortal by cutting their thread. She is usually portrayed with a cutting instrument, a scroll, a wax tablet, a sundial, or a pair of scales. Even in modern day, some Christian philosophies incorporate destiny as fate. Many Jews acknowledge that their God has an arrangement for their people and nation. There are various occurrences of duality in Oedipus. Oedipus could be considered a blessing for the city of Thebes, at the same time he also ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Is Oedipus Rex A High Minded Man? Martin 1 Olivia Martin Mr. Lillie Humanities A/ Period 2 11 October, 2014 Does Oedipus fit the qualities of a high­ minded man? In Greek society entertainment, like the theatre, was an enormous part of many lives. Theatre represented a culture and values found in Greek society. Theatre was also a way for many different of people to enjoy similar things, despite being from different classes. Oedipus Rex was one of the major plays shown in Greek society. Sophocles' Oedipus Rex tells the hardship of a man named Oedipus, the King of Thebes, and his conquest to defy his destiny. Yet despite his hardship, he still represents some of the qualities ... Show more content on ... This passage is about how the priest is telling the story of Oedipus, and how he overthrows the Sphinx. Oedipus helps the lives of many by taking out the Sphinx, this act causes many to see him as a hero who leads and seeks out honour. This honour Oedipus gains is from a great act of bravery. Oedipus' act of heroism was done for honour. The honour he earned is similar to how Aristotle ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Sphinx Research Paper Sphinx A Sphinx is a mythical creature with a lion body with a human's head ,and occasionally wings. Sphinxes were first created by egyptians ,and they generally wore nemes also known as a head dress. Nemes is another symbol of ancient Egyptian crown jewels. It is a striped rectangular cloth that is blue ,and gold worn by the pharaohs.The exact date when the first Sphinx first appeared is unknown but we think it was build in 2500 BC. The word sphinx comes from greek grammarians. Which is a person who studies and writes about grammar. The Sphinx of Giza is the most recognizable statue connected with ancient Egypt. Sphinxes are carved from the natural limestone from the Giza plateau. In ancient Greek culture, the first sphinxes to appear in sculpture, appeared from the 7th century BCE. The Great Sphinx of Giza is located on the Giza plateau, which is about 10 kilometers west of Cairo, on the west bank of the ... Show more content on ... The bricks are made of mud and straw. They mixed the mud and straw. After they did that they would put them into molds. They would place them in the sun so the would dry on till they were hard like bricks. The rich people's homes had 10 rooms and not the richest people only had one room in the house. Poor people had paint in the house. For the rich people got whitewash to the wall of the house. The rich homes only had yellow or blue they even would paint the roof. The poor would get beaten earth. Some rich people had a room for their gods. Most house need repair for all of the floods. The poor sleeped on the floor. The rich steeped in a bed and the women would sleep in a different room which also had a bed. The kid were most likely playing on the roof top. https://www.dragon How they lived in ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Characteristics Of Oedipus Corah Hauser Ms. Windish English II 3 December 2017 Oedipus as the Hero Have an estranged relationship with your mother? If yes, do not take any family advice from Oedipus. Many think Oedipus to be a burden or some kind of mistake, but he really has much more depth aside from his flaws. The story shows that he has many positive attributes. Contrary to popular belief, Oedipus can be seen in a different light. Oedipus is a hero and an example to many because he overcomes many obstacles, fends for himself, and is a selfless leader. Throughout the story, Oedipus overcomes very many obstacles. The story of Oedipus begins with his father, Laius, king of Thebes, being informed by an oracle that he'd be slain by his son. Upon hearing this news, Laius binds Oedipus' feet together and leaves him on a mountain for death. The baby is rescued by a shepherd and brought to the king of Corinth ("The Story of Oedipus"). Even though he had very troubled childhood, he still became an honorable man and leader. Once Oedipus sets off on his own, he encounters yet another obstacle: the sphinx. Outside of the town of Thebes is this sphinx. The creature forces anyone who wants to enter to answer a riddle. If they cannot find the correct answer, the sphinx eats them alive and that's the end of it. Oedipus answers correctly and sends the sphinx into distress, so much so that it commits suicide ("The Story of Oedipus:"). Overcoming the sphinx shows that he is fearless and willing to do whatever he needed to do to escape his fate. Even at a young age, Oedipus fends for himself and doesn't rely on others to care for him and complete tasks he can do himself. Oedipus visits an oracle when he's older and is informed that he's destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Thinking that the king and queen of Corinth are his biological parents, he packs up and leaves to avoid this fate. Arriving at a crossroads, Oedipus encounters a man. This man starts an argument and Oedipus settles it by committing atrocities, such as killing the man and his guards ("The Story of Oedipus"). At the crossroads, he avoids further danger by getting rid of the man who began the altercation. Oedipus embarks on a long journey and makes it safely to his ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. The Tragedy Of Oedipus The King The Greek drama "Oedipus The King" evidently leads to the unveiling of a tragedy. Oedipus, the protagonist of the play uncovers his tragic birth story and the curse he had been baring his whole life. Oedipus is notorious for his personal insight that helped him defeat Sphinx, which lead him to becoming the king of Thebes. He is admired by the people of Thebes and is considered to be a mature, inelegant and a rational leader. From his birth, his story began with a prophecy that Oedipus would grow up to kill his father and marry his mother. Through out the play numerous people, who tell him of his unknown past, visit Oedipus. Blind to the truth he casts them away until a blind man named Therisis gives a sight of truth to Oedipus. As Oedipus learns the truth he realizes the great evil his life carries. After finding his wife and also mother hung in her bedroom, Oedipus blinds himself with the gold pins that held Jocasta's robe. Oedipus blind to the truth is finally able to see when the old blind man visits him and tells him the truth about his life. Both metaphorically and physically sight plays a significant role in understanding the irony of a blind man seeing the truth while Oedipus who isn't blind doesn't seem to the truth that's right in front of him. A well–written tragedy is filled with irony. Oedipus The King is a great representation of a dramatic irony play. When reading the play the audience is very much aware of the outcome of the hero's action far before the hero ... Get more on ...