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Computati     Functo
    on           r

APPLICATIVE        For loop

A type of            A type of value
Zero or one    Option[T]
Zero or more   List[T]
Later          Future[T]
Depend on S    State[S, T]
Ext. effects   IO[T]
Create computations?

Option[T]     Some(t)

List[T]       List(t)

Future[T]     future(t)

State[S, T]   state(s => (s, t))

IO[T]         IO(t)


Compute a value
Use computations?

Option[T]     Some(2)

List[T]       List(1, 2)

Future[T]     future(calculate)

State[S, T]   state(s => (s, s+1))

IO[T]         IO(println(“hello”))

K[T] map f

           Use the value
Functors map

Option[T]     modify the value

List[T]       modify the values

Future[T]     modify later

State[S, T]   modify ts

IO[T]         modify the action
getUser(props: Properties): String
getPassword(props: Properties): String

getConnection(user: String, pw: String):
Connection = {
  if (user != null && pw != null)

getConnection(getUser(p), getPassword(p))
getUser(props: Properties): Option[String]
getPassword(props: Properties): Option[String]

getConnection(user: String, pw: String):
Connection = {
  if (user != null && pw != null)

getConnection(?, ?)

f(a, b)

f(K[a], K[b])
Use Pointed

f(a:A, b:B): C

fk: K[A => B => C]

    K[A => B] <*> K[A]
Apply the function
    K[A => B => C] <*>
    K[A]           <*> K[B]
         K[B => C] <*> K[B]

Currying ftw!

K(f) <*> K(a) <*> K(b)

Apply „f‟ to „a‟ and „b‟ “inside” „K‟

K(f) <*> K(a) <*> K(b)

Apply „f‟ to „a‟ and „b‟ “inside” „K‟

Some(getConnection.curried) <*>
user(p)                     <*>

(user(p) <**> password(p))(mkConnection)

mkConnection <$> user(p) <*> password(p)

future(discount(_,_))) <*>
future(amount)         <*>

: Future[Double]
List(plus1) <*> List(1, 2, 3)

List(2, 3, 4)

List(plus1, plus2) <*> List(1, 2, 3)

== List(2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5)

ratings <*> clients

List(plus1, plus2, plus3) <*>

List(1,    2,      3)

== List(1, 4, 6)
Applicative State
val add     = (i: Int) => (j: Int) => i+j
val times   = (i: Int) => (j: Int) => i*j

// 0 -> 1, 2, 3, 4
val s1     = modify((i: Int) => i+1)

(add     <$> s1 <*> s1)(1) == ?
(times   <$> s1 <*> s1)(1) == ?
Applicative State
                             current state
            +1=2   +1=3
(add     <$> s1 <*> s1)(1) == (3, 5)

                           add 2 previous states
            +1=2   +1=3
(times   <$> s1 <*> s1)(1) == (3, 6)

                          multiply 2 previous states
Monad, remember?
def unit[A](a: =>A): M[A]

def bind[A, B](ma: M[A])(f: A => M[B]): M[B]
Monad => Applicative
def point(a: =>A) = Monad[M].unit(a)

def <*>[A, B](mf: M[A=>B])(ma: M[A]):M[B] =
  Monad[M].bind(mf) { f =>
    Monad[M].bind(ma) { a =>
      f(a) // M[B]
    } // M[B]
  } // M[B]
The “for” loop
val basket = Basket(orange, apple)
var count = 0

val juices = Basket[Juice]()
for (fruit <- basket) {
  count = count + 1
  juices.add(              “mapping”

 same container for the result
def traverse(f: A => F[B]): T[A] => F[T[B]]

                Applicative             Same
Traverse a List

List(x, y, z): List[A]

f: A => F[B]
Traverse a List
       Apply „f‟ to „z‟

F(::) <*> F(z) <*> F(Nil)

“Rebuild” the list

   F(z :: Nil)
Traverse a List

F(::) <*> F(y) <*> F(z :: Nil)

  F(y :: z :: Nil)

F(::) <*> F(x) <*> F(y::z::Nil)

  F(x :: y :: z :: Nil)
Traverse a
            Binary Tree
                    y       z

        y   z   y       z
                                    y   z

def sequence[F: Applicative]:
  T[F[A]] => F[T[A]] =

Execute concurrently?
val examples: Seq[Example] =
  Seq(e1, e2, e3)
                         Sequence of promises
val executing: Seq[Promise[Result]] = => promise(e.execute))

val results: Promise[Seq[Result]] =

                        Promise of a sequence
Measure with
trait Monoid[A] {
  val zero: A; def append(a: A, b: A): A

def measure[T: Traversable, M : Monoid]
  (f: A => M): T[A] => M

Count elements:        Int Monoid
Accumulate elements:   List Monoid

def measure[T: Traversable, M : Monoid]
  (f: A => M) =

 traverse(a => f(a))
                  “Phantom “ type
case class Const[M, +A](value: M)

new Applicative[Const[M, *]] {
  def point(a: =>A) = Const(Monoid[M].zero)

    def <*>(f: Const[M, A=>B], a: Const[M, A]) =
      Const(Monoid[M].append(f.value, a.value))
Applicative => Monad

def unit[A](a: =>A) = Const(Monoid[M].zero)

def bind[A, B](ma: Const[M, A])
              (f: A => Const[M, B]) =
=> but no value `a: A` to be found!
Sum up all sizes
def sumSizes[A : Size](seq: Seq[A]) =
  measure(a => Size[A].size(a))(seq)

Collect all sizes
def collectSizes[A : Size](seq: Seq[A]) =
  measure(a => List(Size[A].size(a)))(seq)
def contents[A](tree: Tree[A]): List[A] =
  measure(a => List(a))(tree)

                     =>        List(x, y, z)

       y     z
def shape[A](tree: Tree[A]): Tree[Unit] =
  map(a => ())(tree)

                     =>        .

       y     z                      .       .

def map[A, B](f: A => B): T[A] =>
  traverse(a => Ident(f(a)))
                                Identity monad
def decompose[A](tree: Tree[A]) =
  (contents(tree), shape(tree))

                               List(x, y, z)

       y     z                 .

                                    .     .

                              Not very efficient…
Applicative products
case class Product[F1[_], F2[_], A](
  first: F1[A], second: F2[A])

F1: Applicative, F2: Applicative
def point[A, B](a: => A) =
  Product[F1, F2, B](Pointed[F1].point(a),

def <*>[A, B](f: Product[F1, F2, A => B]) =
  (c: Product[F1, F2, A]) =>
      Product[F1, F2, B](f.first <*> c.first,
                         f.second <*> c.second)
`contents              ⊗     shape`
F1 = Const[List[A], *]
F2 = Ident[*]
val contents = (a: A) => Const[List[A], Unit](List(a))
val shape    = (a: A) => Ident(())

val contentsAndShape:
  A => Product[Const[List[A], _], Ident[_], *] =
    contents ⊗ shape

Type indifference 
One parameter type constructor
trait Apply[F[_]] {
  def <*>[A, B](f: F[A => B]): F[A] => F[B]

List[Int]: Monoid Applicative => Const[List[Int], _]
({type l[a]=Const[List[Int], a]})#l
Type indifference 
Anonymous type
 ({type l[a]=Const[List[Int], a]})#l
Type member
({type l[a]=Const[List[Int], a]})#l
Type projection
({type l[a]=Const[List[Int], a]})#l
type ApplicativeProduct =
({type l[a]=Product[Const[List[A],_],Ident[_],a]})#l
Type indifference 
def measure[M : Monoid](f: T => M): M =
  traverse(t => Monoid[M].unit(f(t))).value

For real…
def measure[M : Monoid](f: A => M): M =
 traverse[(type l[a]=Const[M, a]})#l, A, Any] { t =>
Accumulate and map
def collect[F[_] : Applicative, A, B]
  (f: A => F[Unit], g: A => B) = {

    traverse { a: A =>
      Applicative[F].point((u: Unit) => g(a)) <*> f(a))

val count = (i: Int) => state((n: Int) => (n+1, ()))
val map   = (i: Int) => i.toString

tree.collect(count, map).apply(0)
  (2, Bin(Leaf("1"), Leaf("2")))
Label and map
def disperse(F[_] : Applicative, A, B, C]
  (f: F[B], g: A => B => C): T[A] => F[T[C]]

val tree = Bin(Leaf(1.1), Bin(Leaf(2.2), Leaf(3.3)))

val label = modify((n:Int) => n+1)
val name = (p1:Double) => (p2:Int) => p1+" node is "+p2

tree.disperse(label, name).apply(0)._2

 Bin(Leaf("1.1 node is 1"),
      Bin(Leaf("2.2 node is 2"), Leaf("3.3 node is 3")))
EIP `measure`
Map and count
def measure[F[_] : Applicative, A, B]
  (f: F[B], g: A => C): T[A] => F[C]

val crosses = modify((s: String) => s+"x")
val map     = (i: Int) => i.toString

tree.measure(crosses, map).apply("")
("xxx", Bin(Leaf("1"), Bin(Leaf("2"),

                                           mapped depend state depend on
   function   map element   create state
                                              on state       element

collect           X              X                              X
disperse          X              X               X
measure           X              X
traverse          X              X               X              X
reduce                           X                              X
reduceConst                      X
map               X
def findMatches(divs: Seq[Int], nums: Seq[Int])

findMatches(Seq(2, 3, 4), Seq(1, 6, 7, 8, 9))
=> Seq((2, 6), (3, 9), (4, 8))

With Traverse?
def findMatches(divs: Seq[Int], nums: Seq[Int]) = {

    case class S(matches: Seq[(Int, Int)] = Seq[(Int, Int)](),
                 remaining: Seq[Int])

    val initialState = S(remaining = nums)

    def find(div: Int) = modify { (s: S) =>
      s.remaining.find(_ % div == 0).map { (n: Int) =>
        S(s.matches :+ div -> n, s.remaining - n)

val results = new ListBuffer

for (a <- as) {
  val currentSize = a.size
  total += currentSize

F1 (map) then F2 (sum)
     F2 [F1[_]] => Applicative?
Shape + content => assembled
def assemble[F[_] : Applicative, A]:
  (f: F[Unit], g: List[A]): T[A] => F[A]

val shape: BinaryTree[Unit] = Bin(Leaf(()), Leaf(()))

shape.assemble(List(1, 2))
 (List(), Some(Bin(Leaf(1), Leaf(2))))

shape.assemble(List(1, 2, 3))
 (List(3), Some(Bin(Leaf(1), Leaf(2))))

 (List(), None)
def takeHead: State[List[B], Option[B]] =
  state { s: List[B] =>
    s match {
      case Nil     => (Nil, None)
      case x :: xs => (xs, Some(x))

 F1: Option[_]                  An element to insert

F2 :State[List[A], _]           the rest of the list

F2 [F1]: State[List[A], Option[_]]     An applicative
def assemble[F[_] : Applicative, A]
  (f: F[Unit], list: List[A]) =

Monadic composition
M : Monad
val f: B => M[C]
val g: A => M[B]

val h: A => M[C] = f   • g

traverse(f) • traverse(g) == traverse(f • g)
Monadic composition
Yes if the Monad is commutative
 val xy = for {                   val yx = for {
   x <- (mx: M[X])                  y <- (my: M[Y])
                      xy == yx
   y <- (my: M[Y])                  x <- (mx: M[X])
 } yield (x, y)                   } yield (x, y)

State is *not* commutative
val mx = state((n: Int) => (n+1, n+1))
val my = state((n: Int) => (n+1, n+1))
xy.apply(0) == (2, (1, 2))
yx.apply(0) == (2, (2, 1))
Applicative composition vs
      Monadic composition
Not commutative functions => fusion
Seq(1,2,3).traverse(times2 ⊙ plus1) == 4
 State[Int, State[Int, Seq[Int]]]

Seq(1,2,3).traverse(times2) ⊙
Seq(1,2,3).traverse(plus1) == 4
 State[Int, Seq[State[Int, Int]]
Monadic composition:
Commutative functions
val plus1 = (a: A) => state((n: Int) => (n+1, a))
val plus2 = (a: A) => state((n: Int) => (n+2, a))
val times2 = (a: A) => state((n: Int) => (n*2, a))

plus1 and plus2 are commutative
plus1 and times2 are not commutative:

(0 + 1) * 2 != (0 * 2) + 1
Monadic composition:
 Commutative functions => fusion
Seq(1,2,3).traverse(plus2 ∎ plus1) == 10
Seq(1,2,3).traverse(plus2) ∎
  Seq(1,2,3).traverse(plus1) == 10

 Not commutative functions => no fusion
Seq(1,2,3).traverse(times2 ∎ plus1) == 22
Seq(1,2,3).traverse(times2) ∎
  Seq(1,2,3).traverse(plus1) == 32

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Here is how I would implement findMatches using traverse:def findMatchesF_: Applicative(divs: SeqInt, nums: SeqInt): FSeq(Int, Int) = { traverse(div => nums.traverse(n => if(n % div == 0) ApplicativeF.pure((div, n)) else ApplicativeF.pure(None))) (divs).map(_.flatten)}// Usage:findMatches(Seq(2,3,4), Seq(1,6,7,8,9))This traverses the divs, mapping each to a traverse of nums to find matches

  • 1.
  • 2. Computati Functo on r APPLICATIVE For loop Traverse
  • 3. Computation K[T] A type of A type of value computation
  • 4. Computations Zero or one Option[T] Zero or more List[T] Later Future[T] Depend on S State[S, T] Ext. effects IO[T]
  • 5. Create computations? Option[T] Some(t) List[T] List(t) Future[T] future(t) State[S, T] state(s => (s, t)) IO[T] IO(t)
  • 6. Pointed K[T].point(t) Compute a value
  • 7. Use computations? Option[T] Some(2) List[T] List(1, 2) Future[T] future(calculate) State[S, T] state(s => (s, s+1)) IO[T] IO(println(“hello”))
  • 8. Functor K[T] map f Use the value
  • 9. Functors map Option[T] modify the value List[T] modify the values Future[T] modify later State[S, T] modify ts IO[T] modify the action
  • 10. Applicative Before getUser(props: Properties): String getPassword(props: Properties): String getConnection(user: String, pw: String): Connection = { if (user != null && pw != null) .... } getConnection(getUser(p), getPassword(p))
  • 11. Applicative After getUser(props: Properties): Option[String] getPassword(props: Properties): Option[String] getConnection(user: String, pw: String): Connection = { if (user != null && pw != null) .... } getConnection(?, ?)
  • 13. Use Pointed f(a:A, b:B): C point fk: K[A => B => C]
  • 14. Applicative K[A => B] <*> K[A] == K[B] Apply the function
  • 15. Applicative K[A => B => C] <*> K[A] <*> K[B] == K[B => C] <*> K[B] == Currying ftw! K[C]
  • 16. Applicative K(f) <*> K(a) <*> K(b) Apply „f‟ to „a‟ and „b‟ “inside” „K‟
  • 17. Applicative K(f) <*> K(a) <*> K(b) Apply „f‟ to „a‟ and „b‟ “inside” „K‟
  • 18. Applicative Option Some(getConnection.curried) <*> user(p) <*> password(p)
  • 19. Applicative Option (user(p) <**> password(p))(mkConnection) mkConnection <$> user(p) <*> password(p)
  • 20. Applicative Future future(discount(_,_))) <*> future(amount) <*> future(rate) : Future[Double]
  • 21. Applicative List List(plus1) <*> List(1, 2, 3) List(2, 3, 4)
  • 22. Applicative List List(plus1, plus2) <*> List(1, 2, 3) == List(2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5) ratings <*> clients
  • 23. Applicative ZipList List(plus1, plus2, plus3) <*> List(1, 2, 3) == List(1, 4, 6)
  • 24. Applicative State val add = (i: Int) => (j: Int) => i+j val times = (i: Int) => (j: Int) => i*j // 0 -> 1, 2, 3, 4 val s1 = modify((i: Int) => i+1) (add <$> s1 <*> s1)(1) == ? (times <$> s1 <*> s1)(1) == ?
  • 25. Applicative State current state +1=2 +1=3 (add <$> s1 <*> s1)(1) == (3, 5) add 2 previous states +1=2 +1=3 (times <$> s1 <*> s1)(1) == (3, 6) multiply 2 previous states
  • 26. Monad, remember? Unit def unit[A](a: =>A): M[A] Bind def bind[A, B](ma: M[A])(f: A => M[B]): M[B]
  • 27. Monad => Applicative Point def point(a: =>A) = Monad[M].unit(a) Apply def <*>[A, B](mf: M[A=>B])(ma: M[A]):M[B] = Monad[M].bind(mf) { f => Monad[M].bind(ma) { a => f(a) // M[B] } // M[B] } // M[B]
  • 28. The “for” loop val basket = Basket(orange, apple) var count = 0 val juices = Basket[Juice]() accumulation for (fruit <- basket) { count = count + 1 juices.add( “mapping” } same container for the result
  • 29.
  • 30. Traverse Traversable def traverse(f: A => F[B]): T[A] => F[T[B]] Applicative Same structure
  • 31. Traverse a List List(x, y, z): List[A] f: A => F[B]
  • 32. Traverse a List Apply „f‟ to „z‟ F(::) <*> F(z) <*> F(Nil) “Rebuild” the list F(z :: Nil)
  • 33. Traverse a List F(::) <*> F(y) <*> F(z :: Nil) F(y :: z :: Nil) F(::) <*> F(x) <*> F(y::z::Nil) F(x :: y :: z :: Nil)
  • 34. Traverse a Binary Tree f x y z x x y z y z y z
  • 35. `sequence` def sequence[F: Applicative]: T[F[A]] => F[T[A]] = traverse(identity)
  • 36. `sequence` Execute concurrently? val examples: Seq[Example] = Seq(e1, e2, e3) Sequence of promises val executing: Seq[Promise[Result]] = => promise(e.execute)) val results: Promise[Seq[Result]] = executing.sequence Promise of a sequence
  • 37. Measure with Monoids trait Monoid[A] { val zero: A; def append(a: A, b: A): A } def measure[T: Traversable, M : Monoid] (f: A => M): T[A] => M Count elements: Int Monoid Accumulate elements: List Monoid
  • 38. `measure` def measure[T: Traversable, M : Monoid] (f: A => M) = traverse(a => f(a))
  • 39. `Const` “Phantom “ type case class Const[M, +A](value: M) new Applicative[Const[M, *]] { def point(a: =>A) = Const(Monoid[M].zero) def <*>(f: Const[M, A=>B], a: Const[M, A]) = Const(Monoid[M].append(f.value, a.value)) }
  • 40. Applicative => Monad Unit def unit[A](a: =>A) = Const(Monoid[M].zero) Bind def bind[A, B](ma: Const[M, A]) (f: A => Const[M, B]) = => but no value `a: A` to be found!
  • 41. `measure` Sum up all sizes def sumSizes[A : Size](seq: Seq[A]) = measure(a => Size[A].size(a))(seq) Collect all sizes def collectSizes[A : Size](seq: Seq[A]) = measure(a => List(Size[A].size(a)))(seq)
  • 42. `contents` def contents[A](tree: Tree[A]): List[A] = measure(a => List(a))(tree) x => List(x, y, z) y z
  • 43. `shape` def shape[A](tree: Tree[A]): Tree[Unit] = map(a => ())(tree) x => . y z . . def map[A, B](f: A => B): T[A] => traverse(a => Ident(f(a))) Identity monad
  • 44. `decompose` def decompose[A](tree: Tree[A]) = (contents(tree), shape(tree)) List(x, y, z) x => y z . . . Not very efficient…
  • 45. Applicative products case class Product[F1[_], F2[_], A]( first: F1[A], second: F2[A]) F1: Applicative, F2: Applicative def point[A, B](a: => A) = Product[F1, F2, B](Pointed[F1].point(a), Pointed[F2].point(a)) def <*>[A, B](f: Product[F1, F2, A => B]) = (c: Product[F1, F2, A]) => Product[F1, F2, B](f.first <*> c.first, f.second <*> c.second)
  • 46. `contents ⊗ shape` F1 = Const[List[A], *] F2 = Ident[*] val contents = (a: A) => Const[List[A], Unit](List(a)) val shape = (a: A) => Ident(()) val contentsAndShape: A => Product[Const[List[A], _], Ident[_], *] = contents ⊗ shape tree.traverse(contentsAndShape)
  • 47. Type indifference  One parameter type constructor trait Apply[F[_]] { def <*>[A, B](f: F[A => B]): F[A] => F[B] } List[Int]: Monoid Applicative => Const[List[Int], _] ({type l[a]=Const[List[Int], a]})#l
  • 48. Type indifference  Anonymous type ({type l[a]=Const[List[Int], a]})#l Type member ({type l[a]=Const[List[Int], a]})#l Type projection ({type l[a]=Const[List[Int], a]})#l type ApplicativeProduct = ({type l[a]=Product[Const[List[A],_],Ident[_],a]})#l
  • 49. Type indifference  Measure def measure[M : Monoid](f: T => M): M = traverse(t => Monoid[M].unit(f(t))).value For real… def measure[M : Monoid](f: A => M): M = traverse[(type l[a]=Const[M, a]})#l, A, Any] { t => Monoid[M].point(f(t)) }.value
  • 50. `collect` Accumulate and map def collect[F[_] : Applicative, A, B] (f: A => F[Unit], g: A => B) = { traverse { a: A => Applicative[F].point((u: Unit) => g(a)) <*> f(a)) } } val count = (i: Int) => state((n: Int) => (n+1, ())) val map = (i: Int) => i.toString tree.collect(count, map).apply(0)  (2, Bin(Leaf("1"), Leaf("2")))
  • 51. `disperse` Label and map def disperse(F[_] : Applicative, A, B, C] (f: F[B], g: A => B => C): T[A] => F[T[C]] val tree = Bin(Leaf(1.1), Bin(Leaf(2.2), Leaf(3.3))) val label = modify((n:Int) => n+1) val name = (p1:Double) => (p2:Int) => p1+" node is "+p2 tree.disperse(label, name).apply(0)._2  Bin(Leaf("1.1 node is 1"), Bin(Leaf("2.2 node is 2"), Leaf("3.3 node is 3")))
  • 52. EIP `measure` Map and count def measure[F[_] : Applicative, A, B] (f: F[B], g: A => C): T[A] => F[C] val crosses = modify((s: String) => s+"x") val map = (i: Int) => i.toString tree.measure(crosses, map).apply("") ("xxx", Bin(Leaf("1"), Bin(Leaf("2"), Leaf("3"))))
  • 53. Traversals mapped depend state depend on function map element create state on state element collect X X X disperse X X X measure X X traverse X X X X reduce X X reduceConst X map X
  • 54. Quizz def findMatches(divs: Seq[Int], nums: Seq[Int]) findMatches(Seq(2, 3, 4), Seq(1, 6, 7, 8, 9)) => Seq((2, 6), (3, 9), (4, 8)) With Traverse?
  • 55. Quizz def findMatches(divs: Seq[Int], nums: Seq[Int]) = { case class S(matches: Seq[(Int, Int)] = Seq[(Int, Int)](), remaining: Seq[Int]) val initialState = S(remaining = nums) def find(div: Int) = modify { (s: S) => s.remaining.find(_ % div == 0).map { (n: Int) => S(s.matches :+ div -> n, s.remaining - n) }.getOrElse(s) } divs.traverse(find).exec(initialState).matches }
  • 56. Composition val results = new ListBuffer for (a <- as) { val currentSize = a.size total += currentSize results.add(total) } F1 (map) then F2 (sum) F2 [F1[_]] => Applicative?
  • 57. `assemble` Shape + content => assembled def assemble[F[_] : Applicative, A]: (f: F[Unit], g: List[A]): T[A] => F[A] val shape: BinaryTree[Unit] = Bin(Leaf(()), Leaf(())) shape.assemble(List(1, 2))  (List(), Some(Bin(Leaf(1), Leaf(2)))) shape.assemble(List(1, 2, 3))  (List(3), Some(Bin(Leaf(1), Leaf(2)))) shape.assemble(List(1))  (List(), None)
  • 58. `assemble` def takeHead: State[List[B], Option[B]] = state { s: List[B] => s match { case Nil => (Nil, None) case x :: xs => (xs, Some(x)) } } F1: Option[_] An element to insert F2 :State[List[A], _] the rest of the list F2 [F1]: State[List[A], Option[_]] An applicative
  • 59. `assemble` def assemble[F[_] : Applicative, A] (f: F[Unit], list: List[A]) = traverse(takeHead).apply(list)
  • 60. Monadic composition M : Monad val f: B => M[C] val g: A => M[B] val h: A => M[C] = f • g Fusion? traverse(f) • traverse(g) == traverse(f • g)
  • 61. Monadic composition Yes if the Monad is commutative val xy = for { val yx = for { x <- (mx: M[X]) y <- (my: M[Y]) xy == yx y <- (my: M[Y]) x <- (mx: M[X]) } yield (x, y) } yield (x, y) State is *not* commutative val mx = state((n: Int) => (n+1, n+1)) val my = state((n: Int) => (n+1, n+1)) xy.apply(0) == (2, (1, 2)) yx.apply(0) == (2, (2, 1))
  • 62. Applicative composition vs Monadic composition Not commutative functions => fusion Seq(1,2,3).traverse(times2 ⊙ plus1) == 4  State[Int, State[Int, Seq[Int]]] Seq(1,2,3).traverse(times2) ⊙ Seq(1,2,3).traverse(plus1) == 4  State[Int, Seq[State[Int, Int]]
  • 63. Monadic composition: conjecture Commutative functions val plus1 = (a: A) => state((n: Int) => (n+1, a)) val plus2 = (a: A) => state((n: Int) => (n+2, a)) val times2 = (a: A) => state((n: Int) => (n*2, a)) plus1 and plus2 are commutative plus1 and times2 are not commutative: (0 + 1) * 2 != (0 * 2) + 1
  • 64. Monadic composition: conjecture Commutative functions => fusion Seq(1,2,3).traverse(plus2 ∎ plus1) == 10 Seq(1,2,3).traverse(plus2) ∎ Seq(1,2,3).traverse(plus1) == 10 Not commutative functions => no fusion Seq(1,2,3).traverse(times2 ∎ plus1) == 22 Seq(1,2,3).traverse(times2) ∎ Seq(1,2,3).traverse(plus1) == 32