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How can microbial interactions with
 the blood–brain barrier
 modulate astroglial and neuronal function?

Grab DJ, Chakravorty SJ, van der Heyde H, Stins MF
Cellular Microbiology (2011) 13(10), 1470–1478

                                                      Journal Reading
                                                      dr. Ersifa Fatimah
                                             dr. Paulus Sugianto, SpS(K)
The emerging of NVU concept
• Homeostatic signalling :
  Neuronal – Glial – vascular Endothelial
   maintaining normal brain function
• Observed in various neurological diseases: infection,
  degenerative dis., seizure, stroke, etc
BBB endothelial activation: Role & impact is unclear
• Beneficial vs Detrimental ?

BBB as relay station in modulate astroneuronal
functioning (scenarios & factors)
• Penetrate vs Sequestered in vasculature (Cerebral Malaria)
The BBB endothelium & the NVU
BBB: ‘just’ a lining for vessels?
 • Highly selective barrier between blood – CNS
 • To allow blood to flow & nutrients to pass into underlying tissue
 • Tight junction characteristic (compare: liver – fenestrae – plasma

Endothelium in different tissues is very heterogeneous in
expression of surface rec. & response to stimuli
 • Interaction with underlying tissues: Extracellular matrix, astrocytes,
 • Brain-trophic BBB-derived factors can promote differentiation of
   neuroprecursor cells.

Endothelial-activating components (incl. microbial
involvement) initiate certain brain diseases

• Gut-derived LPS (HIV-1, alcohol abuse, depression) 
  activate brain endothelium  astroglial activation signals /
  modulate neurological functioning  sickness-related
  behavioral changes
• Modulation of microglial function by peripheral inflammation
  also depends on the prior history & immune status
The role of BBB-EC activation in the development of
neurological diseases is still an understudied area of
In vitro BBB endothelial models to study its
    involvement in neurological diseases
In vitro model

• Single- / multi-cell

Culture of human brain EC

• Primary / Immortalized

Non-human / Non-Brain EC

Elicitation BBB-like characteristic

• Cultured on brain spesific extracellular matrix
• In combination multi-cell co-cultures
• Physical factors (vascular sheer stress, RBC interaction, TEER)  complex models

Microbes, BBB & neurological dysfunction;
        to cross or not to cross?
High plasma concentration of neurotropic microbes

    BBB crossing mechanism: transcellular, paracellular,
    Trojan Horse

         Neurons, microglia, astrocytes can be infected /
         activated by microbial toxins

              Innate immunity: microbial ligands + TLR  signal
              transduction via NFKB

                   Release of mediators by activated astroglia  alter
                   neurological function, affect BBB function & integrity

Not all pathogens that cause
neurological disease breach the vascular
       barrier and enter the CNS
• In low numbers, circulating microbes & toxins might not
  penetrate into CNS but can still activate BBB-EC to release
• Mild stimulation  increase expression of cell adhesion
  molecules, release cytokine/ chemokine
• Stronger stimulation  opening intercellular junction &
  increases barrier permeability  exposing brain to neurotoxic
  plasma substances, or antibody to ion channel  affecting
  neurological function
• How brain EC activation contributes in neuropathogenesis?

Plasmodium falciparum
• Parasite lives in an infected RBC (PRBC)
  remodels the PRBC surface with parasite-
  encoded proteins (PfEMP-1)  bind to
  endothelial receptor (ICAM-1) 
  sequestration of PRBCs in vascular lumen
  ???  neurological symptoms

PRBC-mediated activation of the host BBB-EC  increase expression of luminal
ICAM-1 & polarized release of cytokines to both luminal side & basal side.
Traditionally cytokines are thought to be released in luminal side in order to
alarm the immune system. However, circulating cytokines can also shuttle
across the BBB into CNS.
Add the conditioned BBB medium to astrocyte & neuronal culture 
concentration dependent activation of astrocytes & neurons disruption of
axonal transport & retraction of neuronal extensions. (~ axonal damage in
autopsies of px with CM)
Toxoplasma gondii

  BALB/c & C57BL/6
                          Retinal EC & BUVEC
   murine models
• ↑ induction of MHC I   • ↑ transcripts for E-,
  & II Ag                  P-selectin, VCAM-1,
• ↑ Cell adhesion          ICAM-1 within 1-4 h
  molecules              • ↑ inflammatory
  expression               mediators: RANTES,
• ↑ ALCAM expression       IL-8, GM-CSF, COX2,
• ↑ BBB permeability       iNOS, MCP-1,
                           Fractaline, GRO-1,      T. gondii crosses BBB 
                           IP10 persist at least   microglial infection &
                           up to 72 h post         astrocytes activation 
                           infection               activation & loss BBB integrity

Trypanosoma brucei

Upregulate brain endothelial
                                  Release IL-6, CXCL-8, CCL-2,
expression of ICAM-1, VCAM-
        1, E-selectin

                                 Trypanosoma transmigration
                                  requires cystein proteases
 Brain endothelial potentially
                                 Gαq-mediated Ca & Protease-
contribute to ↑ MMP2 in CSF
                                     Activated Receptor-2
        (in vitro study)
                                  signalling (in vitro & gene-
                                       profiling studies)

Borrelia burgdorferi

B. burgdorferi (/+ co-infection Anaplasma
phygocytophilum-infected neutrophils)  activation

↑ expression of host cell adhession molecules,
plasminogen activator & its receptor

↑ release of cytokines, chemokines, metalloprotease

• Loss of junctional molecules  BBB breakdown
  (biopsy & post mortem samples in vivo)
• High viral titres + secreted viral protein 
  activate BBB-EC  expression cell adhesion
  molecule, release cytokines (brain side)  affect
  neurological functioning
• Indirect pathogen-induced peripheral stimulus
  can also alter neurological function, doesn’t
  readily enter the CNS, but accumulates in BBB-EC
  but still astroglial activation is observed. (ie: LPS)
Mechanism for BBB-related
         neurological Modulation
Reduced release of neuroprotective secretions vs
Increased release of cytokine/chemokine, MMP

BBB-derived cytokines  glial cell migration, angiogenesis,
tumorigenesis, wound healing, modulate astrocyte-
neuronal interaction  neurological dysfunction

Which particular cytokines are involved? How they will
affect neuronal functioning? Their targets brain cell? 

Astrocyte secrete
In vitro BBB-CM models
• ↑ CCL20 transcript &   • CXCR2 present in      • Alteration of the
  release                  neuron  regulate       chemokine/ receptor
• ↑ CCR6 in cell           APMA type glutamate     ratio in the brain may
  resembling neuroglia     receptor function      be a mechanism to
  (oligodendrocyte)       ↑ receptor              modulate neuronal
  neuronal signal          cooperativety &         function, but when
  modulation/              postsynaptic            the BBB is
  transmission             transmission            overactivated, this
                           amplitude               may lead to neuronal
                         • CXCL1  modulate        dysfunction
                           Purkinje neuron
                           activity & ↑ ERK
                           phosphorylation in
                           cortical neuron

Reactive Nitrogen
     MMP & NO                    NO
• Released from BBB     • Alters connexin      • Trigger lipid
  EC  modulate           reduction of inter-     peroxidation 
  matrix – BBB EC         astrocytic gap-         affect brain
  interaction  ~         junction                parenchyma &
  barrier integrity       communications          vasculature 
• synaptic function &      could also affect     neurocognitive
  long term               astrocyte–BBB-EC        sequelae (ie:
  potentiation ~          or astrocyte–           sepsis)
  cleavage NR1            neurons
  subunit of NMDA         communications
  receptor & ICAM-5


An alteration in the ‘resting’ status of the
BBB-Ec by neurotropic microbes can lead to
modulation of astroglial/neuronal function

            An activated BBB could function as a
            communication-relay station between
            peripheral signals to the brain can
            contribute to symptoms ranging from
            mild symptom to serious neurological

• It is not clear at what point the altered release of these
  factors would tip the balance from playing a beneficial
  role in astroneuronal homeostasis and repair to a
  detrimental one leading to neurological dysfunction
• Many questions still remain and further clarification of
  interactions between the BBB-Ec and underlying CNS
  components are needed  lead to novel therapeutic
  targets for treating neurological dysfunction in a wide
  variety of disorders & be beneficial in the repair of
  astroneuronal function

Critical Appraisal
1.    Focus on a specific question
2.    Clearly defines the questions being addressed
3.    Methods of conducting search for relevant primary studies are described
4.    Primary studies are critically appraised, preferably in relation to explicit
      methodologic criteria
5.    When results of primary studies are being presented, research design and
      population studied are described
6.    Quantitative data from primary studies are summarized, preferably with CI or P
7.    Author obviously biased (-)
8.    No references or a scanty list of references (-)
9.    Summary statements regarding important issues are merely followed by one
      or more references (or no references) without further description of the
      studies or their results (-)
10.   Magnitude of effect is discussed
Thank You
How can microbial interactions with
the blood–brain barrier
modulate astroglial and neuronal function?
--Review of the Concepts

                                       Ersifa Fatimah, dr
                                                 PPDS Neurologi
                       Universitas Airlangga – RSUD dr Soetomo
                                                 Surabaya, 2012
Tight Junction
• Specific structures present between cells such as
  brain microvascular cells that ‘seal’ the
  monolayer and prevent passage of
  macromolecules between the luminal and
  abluminal sides of the cells.
• It has a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of
  the BBB.
• It is composed of molecules such as vascular
  endothelial (VE)-cadherin, zona occludens 1,
  junction adhesion molecules 1 to 3, or occludin.
• Microvascular Ecs, one cell is found per cross-section of a
  vessel (in capillaries).
• Not fenestrated, highly functional adherens, tight junctions
  [can be identified via the expression of zona occludens (ZO)-1,
  occludin, claudin, and junctional adhesion molecules (JAM-1,2,3) 
  high transendothelial electrical resistance that helps reduce
  paracellular flux of ions and small charged molecules in vivo]
• Brain ECs display higher numbers of mitochondria, have a
  low level of pinocytosis, and present higher numbers of
  microvilli at their surface.
• Brain ECs have a specialised basement membrane that is
  essential in the maintenance of the BBB.
• Astrocytes participate in the upregulation of several
  transport systems : GLUT-1, the L- and A-amino acid carrier
  systems , P-glycoprotein.
• Participate in the functioning of the metabolic BBB,
  whereby molecules that enter brain ECs due to their
  lipophilic nature or because of their affinity for some
  transport system can be converted by metabolic processes
  into chemical compounds that cannot cross their
  abluminal membrane. [Ex: L-dopa carried into the EC cytoplasm by
  LAT-1 transporter is enzymatically converted into dopamine and
  dihydroxyphenylacetic acid that are sequestered there]
Nomenclature & Principal Functions of Glial Cells
Astrocytes in BBB
• The most numerous cell types in the brain
• Astrocytes are central to the health of the CNS.
• Modulate synaptic transmission & ionic composition of
  the brain, control metabolic processes & microvascular
  behaviour, produce neurotrophins.
   – In recent years, it has become clear that their activities are
     drastically modified by ischaemia/ hypoxia & by cytokines,
     both of which are involved in several neuroinflammatory
• Provide physical support for neurons, control the
  extracellular milieu, act as a bioenergetic regulator, and
  influence vascular properties, for example, BBB integrity
  and blood flow.
• A glial syncytium with gap junctions  role in
  maintaining homeostasis, response amplification, and
  rapid cell–cell signalling via calcium waves.
   – Astrocytes play an essential role in CNS homeostasis via the
     numerous cooperative metabolic processes they establish
     with neurons, including neurotransmitter recycling, supply of
     energy metabolites, and mediation of neurovascular
   – Many of these astrocytic functions are mediated via gap
     junction communication. The combination of hexameric
     connexin Cx proteins determines the types of ions and
     small molecules that are able to pass from the cytoplasm
     of one cell into the next and therefore have a direct
     influence over astrocyte syncytium communication.
   – Distinct astrocyte subpopulations establish different connexin
     expression patterns in the CNS depending on physiological
     requirements of the tissue.
• Modulation of the CNS microenvironment including
  extracellular K+ homeostasis and pH.
• Astrocytes remove excess glutamate, the major excitatory
  neurotransmitter in the brain. When released in excess,
  glutamate is neurotoxic and can trigger neuronal cell
  death. Astrocytes remove excess glutamate from the
  extracellular space.
• Astrocytes supply glutamine to maintain glutamatergic
  neurotransmission–astroglial glutamate transport is
  essential for neuronal glutamatergic transmission by
  operating the glutamate–glutamine shuttle.
• Regulation of blood flow – subserving ‘neurovascular
• Regulation of water movement via aquaporin AQP-4 and
  AQP-9 on vascular endfeet.
• Astrocytes both produce and respond to
  immunomodulators, for example, through cytokine (ciliary
  neurotrophic factor, CNTF; leukaemia inhibitory factor, LIF)
  and chemokine (chemokine receptor, CCR; C-X-C
  chemokine receptor, CXCR) receptors and signalling.
• Formation of astrocytic scar – consisting of astrogliosis –
  which can have both beneficial and deleterious
  consequences on the brain parenchyma
Mechanisms by which pathogens cross the brain endothelial monolayer.
The b2 adrenergic receptor (b2R) and the chemokine receptor, CCR5, are given as examples; several other
receptors are known to serve as tools for central nervous system (CNS) invasion, as thoroughly reviewed in.
Abbreviations: MF, monocyte–macrophage; MPs, microparticles. From Trends in Parasitology, 2012
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the leukocyte adhesion and transmigration
Given an inflammatory stimulus, leukocytesinitially loosely adhere on the vascular ECs, rolling along
the blood vessel wall via transient selectin-mediated interactions (1). During the activation stage, both the
EC and leukocyte begin to upregulate expression and/or activity of adhesion receptors on the cellsurfaces
(2), and this is required for initiating the firm adhesion stage (3). Finally, leukocytes exit the bloodstream,
crossing theendothelium by the process known as transmigration or diapedesis (4). The mechanisms and
pathways by which transmigration occurs are poorly understood ….
Modes of leukocyte TEM: paracellular
        versus transcellular.
• Leukocytes can transmigrate across the endothelium via two
  independent routes. Use of the "paracellular" route requires
  transient junctional disruption as leukocytes migrate between
  adjacentECs. Paracellular TEM may involve a series of PECAM-
  enriched EC surface-connected membrane compartments that are
  located adjacent to the junctional region. Conversely, "transcellular"
  TEM involves leukocyte passage directly through an individual EC,
  bypassing the need to disassemble EC junctions. Local fusion
  of caveolae or vesiculo-vacuolar organelles may be a potential
  mechanism of transcellular pore formation. Recent data suggest
  that transcellular TEM is strongly dependent on the formation of
  "invasive podosomes" that are extended by the leukocyte, while EC
  apical cup structures may aid in both types of TEM.
Figure 2. Molecular components of EC and EC-leukocyte interactions.

ECs contain both adherens junctions and tight junctions. Transmembrane proteins located along the
paracellular cleft of two adjoining ECs interact, and thus provide the physical barrier to the
transmigrating leukocyte. Cytoplasmic junctional proteins provide a link between the transmembrane
proteins and the cellcytoskeleton. Leukocytes interact via integrins to EC adhesion molecules present on the
apical surface. In endothelial cells, adherens junctions and tight junctions can be interspersed along the
entire length of the lateral membrane.
Figure 3. Low molecular weight GTPases, via downstream effectors, are key participants
of EC signaling pathways involved in leukocyte TEM.
 (A) Signals transduced by EC adhesion molecules downstream of leukocyte engagement regulate activity of
 lowmolecular weight GTPases. GEFs activate the GTPase, enabling it to interact with downstream effectors. In
 turn, GAPs aid thehydrolysis of GTP to GDP, inactivating the GTPase and inhibiting downstream signaling events.
 (B) Effector signaling downstream from GTPase activation can control cell adhesion, cytoskeleton remodeling,
 and membrane dynamics. In turn, this influences barrier function, membrane fusion events, and the formation
 of cytoskeleton-enriched structures such as apical cups that are involved inleukocyte TEM.
Figure 4. Schematic diagram of signaling events initiated downstream of ICAM-
  1 engagement.
 Leukocyte binding to ICAM-1triggers diverse signaling pathways within the EC (highlighted in
red). Phosphorylation of target proteins (Section 4.1.3.), particularly the VE-cadherin complex (Section 4.1.4.),
production of ROS (Section 4.1.5.), activation of Rho family GTPases (Section 4.1.1.), and calcium
signaling (Section 4.1.2.) are centrally involved. These pathways all contribute to the junctional disruption
and/or actin remodeling that is permissive for leukocyte TEM to occur.
Figure 5. Schematic diagram of signaling pathways initiated downstream of VCAM-1
 Leukocyte adhesion to VCAM-1 mainly signals via Rac1-mediated ROS generation. ROS inhibition of
phosphatases and activation of redox-sensitive kinases serve to increase phosphorylation of junctional proteins,
and together with production of MMPs, leads to junctional disruption. The Rac effector PAK has also been
implicated in actin remodeling via MLC-generated tension and contractility.

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Microbial BBB Astroglia Neuron

  • 1. How can microbial interactions with the blood–brain barrier modulate astroglial and neuronal function? Grab DJ, Chakravorty SJ, van der Heyde H, Stins MF Cellular Microbiology (2011) 13(10), 1470–1478 Journal Reading dr. Ersifa Fatimah dr. Paulus Sugianto, SpS(K)
  • 2. Summary The emerging of NVU concept • Homeostatic signalling : Neuronal – Glial – vascular Endothelial  maintaining normal brain function • Observed in various neurological diseases: infection, degenerative dis., seizure, stroke, etc BBB endothelial activation: Role & impact is unclear • Beneficial vs Detrimental ? BBB as relay station in modulate astroneuronal functioning (scenarios & factors) • Penetrate vs Sequestered in vasculature (Cerebral Malaria) 2
  • 3. The BBB endothelium & the NVU BBB: ‘just’ a lining for vessels? • Highly selective barrier between blood – CNS • To allow blood to flow & nutrients to pass into underlying tissue • Tight junction characteristic (compare: liver – fenestrae – plasma exchange) Endothelium in different tissues is very heterogeneous in expression of surface rec. & response to stimuli • Interaction with underlying tissues: Extracellular matrix, astrocytes, pericytes • Brain-trophic BBB-derived factors can promote differentiation of neuroprecursor cells. 3
  • 4. Endothelial-activating components (incl. microbial involvement) initiate certain brain diseases • Gut-derived LPS (HIV-1, alcohol abuse, depression)  activate brain endothelium  astroglial activation signals / modulate neurological functioning  sickness-related behavioral changes • Modulation of microglial function by peripheral inflammation also depends on the prior history & immune status The role of BBB-EC activation in the development of neurological diseases is still an understudied area of research 4
  • 5. In vitro BBB endothelial models to study its involvement in neurological diseases In vitro model • Single- / multi-cell Culture of human brain EC • Primary / Immortalized Non-human / Non-Brain EC Elicitation BBB-like characteristic • Cultured on brain spesific extracellular matrix • In combination multi-cell co-cultures • Physical factors (vascular sheer stress, RBC interaction, TEER)  complex models (available) 5
  • 6. Microbes, BBB & neurological dysfunction; to cross or not to cross? High plasma concentration of neurotropic microbes BBB crossing mechanism: transcellular, paracellular, Trojan Horse Neurons, microglia, astrocytes can be infected / activated by microbial toxins Innate immunity: microbial ligands + TLR  signal transduction via NFKB Release of mediators by activated astroglia  alter neurological function, affect BBB function & integrity 6
  • 7. Not all pathogens that cause neurological disease breach the vascular barrier and enter the CNS • In low numbers, circulating microbes & toxins might not penetrate into CNS but can still activate BBB-EC to release signals • Mild stimulation  increase expression of cell adhesion molecules, release cytokine/ chemokine • Stronger stimulation  opening intercellular junction & increases barrier permeability  exposing brain to neurotoxic plasma substances, or antibody to ion channel  affecting neurological function • How brain EC activation contributes in neuropathogenesis? 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. Plasmodium falciparum • Parasite lives in an infected RBC (PRBC) remodels the PRBC surface with parasite- encoded proteins (PfEMP-1)  bind to endothelial receptor (ICAM-1)  sequestration of PRBCs in vascular lumen ???  neurological symptoms 9
  • 10. PRBC-mediated activation of the host BBB-EC  increase expression of luminal ICAM-1 & polarized release of cytokines to both luminal side & basal side. Traditionally cytokines are thought to be released in luminal side in order to alarm the immune system. However, circulating cytokines can also shuttle across the BBB into CNS. Add the conditioned BBB medium to astrocyte & neuronal culture  concentration dependent activation of astrocytes & neurons disruption of axonal transport & retraction of neuronal extensions. (~ axonal damage in autopsies of px with CM) 10
  • 11. Toxoplasma gondii BALB/c & C57BL/6 Retinal EC & BUVEC murine models • ↑ induction of MHC I • ↑ transcripts for E-, & II Ag P-selectin, VCAM-1, • ↑ Cell adhesion ICAM-1 within 1-4 h molecules • ↑ inflammatory expression mediators: RANTES, • ↑ ALCAM expression IL-8, GM-CSF, COX2, • ↑ BBB permeability iNOS, MCP-1, Fractaline, GRO-1, T. gondii crosses BBB  IP10 persist at least microglial infection & up to 72 h post astrocytes activation  infection activation & loss BBB integrity 11
  • 12. Trypanosoma brucei Upregulate brain endothelial Release IL-6, CXCL-8, CCL-2, expression of ICAM-1, VCAM- TNF-α 1, E-selectin Trypanosoma transmigration requires cystein proteases Brain endothelial potentially Gαq-mediated Ca & Protease- contribute to ↑ MMP2 in CSF Activated Receptor-2 (in vitro study) signalling (in vitro & gene- profiling studies) 12
  • 13. Borrelia burgdorferi B. burgdorferi (/+ co-infection Anaplasma phygocytophilum-infected neutrophils)  activation of BBB-EC ↑ expression of host cell adhession molecules, plasminogen activator & its receptor ↑ release of cytokines, chemokines, metalloprotease 13
  • 14. HIV • Loss of junctional molecules  BBB breakdown (biopsy & post mortem samples in vivo) • High viral titres + secreted viral protein  activate BBB-EC  expression cell adhesion molecule, release cytokines (brain side)  affect neurological functioning • Indirect pathogen-induced peripheral stimulus can also alter neurological function, doesn’t readily enter the CNS, but accumulates in BBB-EC but still astroglial activation is observed. (ie: LPS) 14
  • 15. Mechanism for BBB-related neurological Modulation Reduced release of neuroprotective secretions vs Increased release of cytokine/chemokine, MMP BBB-derived cytokines  glial cell migration, angiogenesis, tumorigenesis, wound healing, modulate astrocyte- neuronal interaction  neurological dysfunction Which particular cytokines are involved? How they will affect neuronal functioning? Their targets brain cell?  Unclear 15
  • 16. Astrocyte secrete In vitro BBB-CM models CXCL1,2,3 • ↑ CCL20 transcript & • CXCR2 present in • Alteration of the release neuron  regulate chemokine/ receptor • ↑ CCR6 in cell APMA type glutamate ratio in the brain may resembling neuroglia receptor function  be a mechanism to (oligodendrocyte)  ↑ receptor modulate neuronal neuronal signal cooperativety & function, but when modulation/ postsynaptic the BBB is transmission transmission overactivated, this amplitude may lead to neuronal • CXCL1  modulate dysfunction Purkinje neuron activity & ↑ ERK phosphorylation in cortical neuron 16
  • 17. Reactive Nitrogen MMP & NO NO Species • Released from BBB • Alters connexin  • Trigger lipid EC  modulate reduction of inter- peroxidation  matrix – BBB EC astrocytic gap- affect brain interaction  ~ junction parenchyma & barrier integrity communications vasculature  • synaptic function &  could also affect neurocognitive long term astrocyte–BBB-EC sequelae (ie: potentiation ~ or astrocyte– sepsis) cleavage NR1 neurons subunit of NMDA communications receptor & ICAM-5 17
  • 18. Conclusions An alteration in the ‘resting’ status of the BBB-Ec by neurotropic microbes can lead to modulation of astroglial/neuronal function An activated BBB could function as a communication-relay station between peripheral signals to the brain can contribute to symptoms ranging from mild symptom to serious neurological dysfunction 18
  • 19. 19
  • 20. • It is not clear at what point the altered release of these factors would tip the balance from playing a beneficial role in astroneuronal homeostasis and repair to a detrimental one leading to neurological dysfunction • Many questions still remain and further clarification of interactions between the BBB-Ec and underlying CNS components are needed  lead to novel therapeutic targets for treating neurological dysfunction in a wide variety of disorders & be beneficial in the repair of astroneuronal function 20
  • 21. Critical Appraisal 1. Focus on a specific question 2. Clearly defines the questions being addressed 3. Methods of conducting search for relevant primary studies are described 4. Primary studies are critically appraised, preferably in relation to explicit methodologic criteria 5. When results of primary studies are being presented, research design and population studied are described 6. Quantitative data from primary studies are summarized, preferably with CI or P values 7. Author obviously biased (-) 8. No references or a scanty list of references (-) 9. Summary statements regarding important issues are merely followed by one or more references (or no references) without further description of the studies or their results (-) 10. Magnitude of effect is discussed 21
  • 22. Thank You 22
  • 23. How can microbial interactions with the blood–brain barrier modulate astroglial and neuronal function? --Review of the Concepts Ersifa Fatimah, dr PPDS Neurologi Universitas Airlangga – RSUD dr Soetomo Surabaya, 2012
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  • 29. Tight Junction • Specific structures present between cells such as brain microvascular cells that ‘seal’ the monolayer and prevent passage of macromolecules between the luminal and abluminal sides of the cells. • It has a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the BBB. • It is composed of molecules such as vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin, zona occludens 1, junction adhesion molecules 1 to 3, or occludin.
  • 30. BBB-EC • Microvascular Ecs, one cell is found per cross-section of a vessel (in capillaries). • Not fenestrated, highly functional adherens, tight junctions [can be identified via the expression of zona occludens (ZO)-1, occludin, claudin, and junctional adhesion molecules (JAM-1,2,3)  high transendothelial electrical resistance that helps reduce paracellular flux of ions and small charged molecules in vivo] • Brain ECs display higher numbers of mitochondria, have a low level of pinocytosis, and present higher numbers of microvilli at their surface. • Brain ECs have a specialised basement membrane that is essential in the maintenance of the BBB.
  • 31. • Astrocytes participate in the upregulation of several transport systems : GLUT-1, the L- and A-amino acid carrier systems , P-glycoprotein. • Participate in the functioning of the metabolic BBB, whereby molecules that enter brain ECs due to their lipophilic nature or because of their affinity for some transport system can be converted by metabolic processes into chemical compounds that cannot cross their abluminal membrane. [Ex: L-dopa carried into the EC cytoplasm by LAT-1 transporter is enzymatically converted into dopamine and dihydroxyphenylacetic acid that are sequestered there]
  • 32. Nomenclature & Principal Functions of Glial Cells
  • 33. Astrocytes in BBB • The most numerous cell types in the brain • Astrocytes are central to the health of the CNS. • Modulate synaptic transmission & ionic composition of the brain, control metabolic processes & microvascular behaviour, produce neurotrophins. – In recent years, it has become clear that their activities are drastically modified by ischaemia/ hypoxia & by cytokines, both of which are involved in several neuroinflammatory diseases. • Provide physical support for neurons, control the extracellular milieu, act as a bioenergetic regulator, and influence vascular properties, for example, BBB integrity and blood flow.
  • 34. • A glial syncytium with gap junctions  role in maintaining homeostasis, response amplification, and rapid cell–cell signalling via calcium waves. – Astrocytes play an essential role in CNS homeostasis via the numerous cooperative metabolic processes they establish with neurons, including neurotransmitter recycling, supply of energy metabolites, and mediation of neurovascular coupling. – Many of these astrocytic functions are mediated via gap junction communication. The combination of hexameric connexin Cx proteins determines the types of ions and small molecules that are able to pass from the cytoplasm of one cell into the next and therefore have a direct influence over astrocyte syncytium communication. – Distinct astrocyte subpopulations establish different connexin expression patterns in the CNS depending on physiological requirements of the tissue.
  • 35. • Modulation of the CNS microenvironment including extracellular K+ homeostasis and pH. • Astrocytes remove excess glutamate, the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain. When released in excess, glutamate is neurotoxic and can trigger neuronal cell death. Astrocytes remove excess glutamate from the extracellular space. • Astrocytes supply glutamine to maintain glutamatergic neurotransmission–astroglial glutamate transport is essential for neuronal glutamatergic transmission by operating the glutamate–glutamine shuttle. • Regulation of blood flow – subserving ‘neurovascular coupling’. • Regulation of water movement via aquaporin AQP-4 and AQP-9 on vascular endfeet.
  • 36. • Astrocytes both produce and respond to immunomodulators, for example, through cytokine (ciliary neurotrophic factor, CNTF; leukaemia inhibitory factor, LIF) and chemokine (chemokine receptor, CCR; C-X-C chemokine receptor, CXCR) receptors and signalling. • Formation of astrocytic scar – consisting of astrogliosis – which can have both beneficial and deleterious consequences on the brain parenchyma
  • 38. Mechanisms by which pathogens cross the brain endothelial monolayer. The b2 adrenergic receptor (b2R) and the chemokine receptor, CCR5, are given as examples; several other receptors are known to serve as tools for central nervous system (CNS) invasion, as thoroughly reviewed in. Abbreviations: MF, monocyte–macrophage; MPs, microparticles. From Trends in Parasitology, 2012
  • 39. Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the leukocyte adhesion and transmigration cascade. Given an inflammatory stimulus, leukocytesinitially loosely adhere on the vascular ECs, rolling along the blood vessel wall via transient selectin-mediated interactions (1). During the activation stage, both the EC and leukocyte begin to upregulate expression and/or activity of adhesion receptors on the cellsurfaces (2), and this is required for initiating the firm adhesion stage (3). Finally, leukocytes exit the bloodstream, crossing theendothelium by the process known as transmigration or diapedesis (4). The mechanisms and pathways by which transmigration occurs are poorly understood ….
  • 40. Modes of leukocyte TEM: paracellular versus transcellular. • Leukocytes can transmigrate across the endothelium via two independent routes. Use of the "paracellular" route requires transient junctional disruption as leukocytes migrate between adjacentECs. Paracellular TEM may involve a series of PECAM- enriched EC surface-connected membrane compartments that are located adjacent to the junctional region. Conversely, "transcellular" TEM involves leukocyte passage directly through an individual EC, bypassing the need to disassemble EC junctions. Local fusion of caveolae or vesiculo-vacuolar organelles may be a potential mechanism of transcellular pore formation. Recent data suggest that transcellular TEM is strongly dependent on the formation of "invasive podosomes" that are extended by the leukocyte, while EC apical cup structures may aid in both types of TEM.
  • 41. Figure 2. Molecular components of EC and EC-leukocyte interactions. ECs contain both adherens junctions and tight junctions. Transmembrane proteins located along the paracellular cleft of two adjoining ECs interact, and thus provide the physical barrier to the transmigrating leukocyte. Cytoplasmic junctional proteins provide a link between the transmembrane proteins and the cellcytoskeleton. Leukocytes interact via integrins to EC adhesion molecules present on the apical surface. In endothelial cells, adherens junctions and tight junctions can be interspersed along the entire length of the lateral membrane.
  • 42. Figure 3. Low molecular weight GTPases, via downstream effectors, are key participants of EC signaling pathways involved in leukocyte TEM. (A) Signals transduced by EC adhesion molecules downstream of leukocyte engagement regulate activity of lowmolecular weight GTPases. GEFs activate the GTPase, enabling it to interact with downstream effectors. In turn, GAPs aid thehydrolysis of GTP to GDP, inactivating the GTPase and inhibiting downstream signaling events. (B) Effector signaling downstream from GTPase activation can control cell adhesion, cytoskeleton remodeling, and membrane dynamics. In turn, this influences barrier function, membrane fusion events, and the formation of cytoskeleton-enriched structures such as apical cups that are involved inleukocyte TEM.
  • 43. Figure 4. Schematic diagram of signaling events initiated downstream of ICAM- 1 engagement. Leukocyte binding to ICAM-1triggers diverse signaling pathways within the EC (highlighted in red). Phosphorylation of target proteins (Section 4.1.3.), particularly the VE-cadherin complex (Section 4.1.4.), production of ROS (Section 4.1.5.), activation of Rho family GTPases (Section 4.1.1.), and calcium signaling (Section 4.1.2.) are centrally involved. These pathways all contribute to the junctional disruption and/or actin remodeling that is permissive for leukocyte TEM to occur.
  • 44. Figure 5. Schematic diagram of signaling pathways initiated downstream of VCAM-1 engagement Leukocyte adhesion to VCAM-1 mainly signals via Rac1-mediated ROS generation. ROS inhibition of phosphatases and activation of redox-sensitive kinases serve to increase phosphorylation of junctional proteins, and together with production of MMPs, leads to junctional disruption. The Rac effector PAK has also been implicated in actin remodeling via MLC-generated tension and contractility.

Notas do Editor

  1. Critical Appraisal of Review ArticleBRIAN G. HUTCHISON, MD, CCFPCanadian Family Physician VOL 39: May 1993
  2. Frontiers in Bioscience 14, 2522-2545, January 1, 2009]Endothelial signaling in paracellular and transcellular leukocyte transmigrationErika S. WittchenDepartment of Cell and Developmental Biology and Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599-7295, USA