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Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Quality is the ability of a product or service to
consistently meet or exceed customer expectations.
What is Quality
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Evolution of Quality Management
• 1924 - Statistical process control charts
• 1930 - Tables for acceptance sampling
• 1940’s - Statistical sampling techniques
• 1950’s - Quality assurance/TQC
• 1960’s - Zero defects
• 1970’s - Quality assurance in services
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Quality Assurance vs. Strategic Approach
• Quality Assurance
– Emphasis on finding and correcting defects before
reaching market
• Strategic Approach
– Proactive, focusing on preventing mistakes from
– Greater emphasis on customer satisfaction
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The Quality Gurus
• Walter Shewhart (“Father of statistical quality control”)
• W. Edwards Deming
• Joseph M. Juran
• Armand Feignbaum
• Philip B. Crosby
• Kaoru Ishikawa
• Genichi Taguchi
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Key Contributors to Quality Management
Ohno and
Known for
14 points; special & common causes of
Quality is fitness for use; quality trilogy
Quality is a total field
Quality is free; zero defects
Cause-and effect diagrams; quality
Taguchi loss function
Continuous improvenment
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
• Quality management is becoming increasingly important to
the leadership and management of all organisations.
• It is necessary to identify Quality Management as a distinct
discipline of management and lay down universally
understood and accepted rules for this discipline.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
"A quality management principle is a comprehensive and
fundamental rule / belief, for leading and operating an
organisation, aimed at continually improving performance
over the long term by focusing on customers while
addressing the needs of all other stake holders".
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
The Eight Principles are:
1. Customer-Focused Organisation
2. Leadership
3. Involvement of People
4. Process Approach
5. System Approach to Management
6. Continual Improvement
7. Factual Approach to Decision Making and
8. Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 1: Customer Focused Organisation
Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should
understand current and future customer needs, meet customer
requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 1: Customer Focused Organisation
Applying the principle of customer-focused organisation leads to
the following actions:
• Understanding the whole range of customer needs and
expectations for products, delivery, price, dependability, etc.
• Ensuring a balanced approach among customers and other
stakeholders (owners, people, suppliers, local communities and
society at large) needs and expectations.
• Communicating these needs and expectations throughout the
• Measuring customer satisfaction and acting on results, and
• Managing customer relationships.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 1: Customer Focused Organisation
Beneficial applications of this principle include:
For policy and strategy formulation, making customer needs and
the needs of other stakeholders understood throughout the
For goal and target setting, ensuring that relevant goals and targets
are directly linked to customer needs and expectations;
For operational management, improving the performance of the
organisation to meet customer needs;
For human resources management, ensuring the people have the
knowledge and skills required to satisfy the organisation’s
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 2: Leadership
Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the
organisation. They should create and maintain the internal
environment in which people can become fully involved in
achieving the organisation’s objectives.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 2: Leadership
Applying the principle of leadership leads to the following actions:
• Being proactive and leading by example,
• Understanding and responding to changes in the external
• Considering the needs of all stakeholders including customers,
owners, people, suppliers, local communities and society at large,
• Establishing a clear vision of the organisation’s future,
• Establishing shared values and ethical role models at all levels of the
• Building trust and eliminating fear,
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 2: Leadership
• Providing people with the required resources and freedom to act
with responsibility and accountability,
• Inspiring, encouraging and recognizing people’s contributions,
• Promoting open and honest communication,
• Educating, training and coaching people,
• Setting challenging goals and targets, and
• Implementing strategy to achieve these goals and targets.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 2: Leadership
Beneficial applications of this principle include:
For policy and strategy formulation, establishing and communicating
a clear vision of the organisation’s future;
For goal and target setting, translating the vision of the organisation
into measurable goals and targets;
For operational management, empowered and involved people
achieve the organisation’s objectives;
For human resource management, having an empowered, motivated,
well informed and stable workforce.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 3: Involvement of people
People at all levels are the essence of an organisation and their full
involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organisation’s
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Principles of Quality Management
Principle 3: Involvement of people
Applying the principle of involvement of people leads to the
following actions by the people:
• Accepting ownership and responsibility to solve problems,
• Actively seeking opportunities to make improvements,
• Actively seeking opportunities to enhance their competencies,
knowledge and experience,
• Freely sharing knowledge and experience in teams and groups,
• Focusing on the creation of value for customers,
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Principles of Quality Management
Principle 3: Involvement of people
• Being innovative and creative in furthering the organisations
• Better representing the organisation to customers, local
communities and society at large,
• Deriving satisfaction from their work, and be enthusiastic and proud
to be part of the organisation.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 3: Involvement of people
Beneficial applications of this principle include:
• For policy and strategy formulation, people effectively contributing
to improvement of the policy and strategies of the organisation;
• For goal and target setting, people sharing ownership of the
organisation’s goals;
• For operational management, people being involved in appropriate
decisions and process improvements;
• For human resource management, people being more satisfied with
their jobs and being actively involved in their personal growth and
development, for the organisation’s benefit.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 4: Process approach
A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and
related resources are managed as a process.
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Principles of Quality Management
Principle 4: Process approach
Applying the principle of process approach leads to the following
• Defining the process to achieve the desired result,
• Identifying and measuring the inputs and outputs of the process,
• Identifying the interfaces of the process with the functions of the
• Evaluating possible risks, consequences and impacts of processes on
customers, suppliers and other stakeholders of the process,
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 4: Process approach
• Establishing clear responsibility, authority, and accountability for
managing the process,
• Identifying the internal and external customers, suppliers and other
stakeholders of the process
• When designing processes, consideration is given to process steps,
activities, flows, control measures, training needs, equipment,
methods, information, materials and other resources to achieve the
desired result.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 4: Process approach
Beneficial applications of this principle include:
For policy and strategy formulation, utilizing defined processes
throughout the organisation will lead to more predictable results,
better use of resources, shorter, cycle times and lower costs;
For goal and target setting, understanding the capability of processes
enables the creation of challenging goals and targets;
for operational management, adopting the process approach for all
operations results in lower costs, prevention of errors, control of
variation, shorter cycle times and more predictable outputs;
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 4: Process approach
For human resource management establishing cost efficient
processes for human resource management, such as hiring, education
and training, enables the alignment of these processes with the needs
of the organisation and produces a more capable workforce.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 5: System approach to management
Identifying, understanding and managing a system of interrelated
processes for a given objective improves the organisation’s
effectiveness and efficiency.
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Principles of Quality Management
Principle 5: System approach to management
Applying the principle of system approach to management leads to
the following actions:
• Defining the system by identifying or developing the processes that
affect a given objective,
• Structuring the system to achieve the objective in the most efficient
• Understanding the interdependencies among the processes of the
• Continually improving the system through measurement and
evaluation, and
• Establishing resource constraints prior to action.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 5: System approach to management
Beneficial applications of this principle include:
• For policy and strategy formulation, the creation of comprehensive
and challenging plans that link functional and process inputs;
• For goal and target setting, the goals and targets of individual
processes are aligned with the organisation’s key objectives;
• For operational management, a broader overview of the
effectiveness of processes which leads to understanding the causes of
problems and timely improvement actions;
• For human resource management, provides a better understanding
of roles and responsibilities for achieving common objectives thereby
reducing cross functional barriers and improving teamwork.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 6: Continual improvement
Continual improvement should be a permanent objective of the
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Principles of Quality Management
Principle 6: Continual improvement
Applying the principle of continual improvement leads to the
following actions:
• Making continual improvement of products, processes and systems
an objective for every individual in the organisation,
• Applying the basic improvement concepts of incremental
improvement and breakthrough improvement,
• Using periodic assessments against established criteria of excellence
to identify areas for potential improvement,
• Continually improving the efficiency and effectiveness of all
• Promoting prevention based activities,
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 6: Continual improvement
• Providing every member of the organisation with appropriate
education and training, on the methods and tools of continual
improvement such as:
• The Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle,
• Problem solving, process re-engineering, and process innovation,
• Establishing measures and goals to guide and track improvements,
and recognizing improvements.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 6: Continual improvement
Beneficial applications of this principle include:
For policy and strategy formulation, creating and achieving more
competitive business plans through the integration of continual
improvement with strategic and business planning;
For goal and target setting, setting realistic and challenging
improvement goals and providing the resources to achieve them;
For operational management, involving people in the organisation in
the continual improvement of processes;
For human resource management, providing all people in the
organisation with the tools, opportunities, and encouragement to
improve products, processes and systems.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 7: Factual approach to decision making
Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information.
Applying the principle of factual approach to decision making leads
to the following actions:
• Taking measurements and collecting data and information relevant
to the objective,
• Ensuring the data and information are sufficiently accurate, reliable
and accessible,
• Analysing the data and information using valid methods,
• Understanding the value of appropriate statistical techniques, and
making decisions and taking action based on the results of logical
analysis balance with experience and intuition.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 7: Factual approach to decision making
Beneficial applications of this principle include:
For policy and strategy formulation, strategies based on relevant data
and information are more realistic and more likely to be achieved;
For goal and target setting, using relevant comparative data and
information to set realistic and challenging goals and targets;
For operational management, data and information are the basis for
understanding both process and system performance to guide
improvements and prevent future problems;
For human resource management, analysing data and information
from sources such as people surveys, suggestions and focus groups to
guide the formulation of human resource policies.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 8: Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
An organisation and its suppliers are interdependent, and a mutually
beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 8: Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
Applying the principle of mutually beneficial supplier relationships
leads to the following actions:
• Identifying and selecting key suppliers,
• Establishing supplier relationships that balance short-term gains with
long-term considerations for the organisation and society at large,
• Creating clear and open communications, initiating joint
development and improvement of products and processes, jointly
establishing a clear understanding of customers’ needs,
• Sharing information and future plans, and recognizing supplier
improvements and achievements.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Principles of Quality Management
Principle 8: Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
Beneficial applications of this principle include:
For policy and strategy formulation, creating competitive advantage
through the development of strategic alliances or partnerships with
For goal and target setting, establishing more challenging goals and
targets through early involvement and participation of suppliers;
For operational management, creating and managing supplier
relationships to ensure reliable, on-time, defect-free delivery of
For human resource management, developing and enhancing
supplier capabilities through supplier training, and joint improvement
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Dimensions of Quality
• Performance - main characteristics of the product/service
• Aesthetics - appearance, feel, smell, taste
• Special Features - extra characteristics
• Conformance - how well product/service conforms to customer’s
• Reliability - consistency of performance
• Durability - useful life of the product/service
• Perceived Quality - indirect evaluation of quality (e.g. reputation)
• Serviceability - service after sale
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Examples of Quality Dimensions
1. Performance
2. Aesthetics
3. Special features
Everything works, fit &
Ride, handling, grade of
materials used
Interior design, soft touch
Gauge/control placement
Cellular phone, CD
Auto Repair
All work done, at agreed
Friendliness, courtesy,
Competency, quickness
Clean work/waiting area
Location, call when ready
Computer diagnostics
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Examples of Quality Dimensions (Cont’d)
5. Reliability
6. Durability
7. Perceived
8. Serviceability
Infrequency of breakdowns
Useful life in miles, resistance
to rust & corrosion
Top-rated car
Handling of complaints and/or
requests for information
Auto Repair
Work done correctly,
ready when promised
Work holds up over
Award-winning service
Handling of complaints
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Service Quality
• Convenience
• Reliability
• Responsiveness
• Time
• Assurance
• Courtesy
• Tangibles
9-41Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Examples of Service Quality
Dimension Examples
1. Convenience Was the service center conveniently located?
2. Reliability Was the problem fixed?
3. Responsiveness Were customer service personnel willing and able to
answer questions?
4. Time How long did the customer wait?
5. Assurance Did the customer service personnel seem
knowledgeable about the repair?
6. Courtesy Were customer service personnel and the cashier
friendly and courteous?
7. Tangibles Were the facilities clean, personnel neat?
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Challenges with Service Quality
• Customer expectations often change
• Different customers have different expectations
• Each customer contact is a “moment of truth”
• Customer participation can affect perception of quality
• Fail-safing must be designed into the system
9-43Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Determinants of Quality
Ease of
to design
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Determinants of Quality (cont’d)
• Quality of design
– Intension of designers to include or exclude features in a
product or service
• Quality of conformance
– The degree to which goods or services conform to the intent of
the designers
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
The Consequences of Poor Quality
• Loss of business
• Liability
• Productivity
• Costs
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Responsibility for Quality
• Top management
• Design
• Procurement
• Production/operations
• Quality assurance
• Packaging and shipping
• Marketing and sales
• Customer service
9-47Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Costs of Quality
• Failure Costs - costs incurred by defective parts/products or
faulty services.
• Internal Failure Costs
– Costs incurred to fix problems that are detected before
the product/service is delivered to the customer.
• External Failure Costs
– All costs incurred to fix problems that are detected after
the product/service is delivered to the customer.
9-48Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Costs of Quality (continued)
• Appraisal Costs
– Costs of activities designed to ensure quality or
uncover defects
• Prevention Costs
– All TQ training, TQ planning, customer assessment,
process control, and quality improvement costs to
prevent defects from occurring
9-49Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Ethics and Quality
• Substandard work
– Defective products
– Substandard service
– Poor designs
– Shoddy workmanship
– Substandard parts and materials
Having knowledge of this and failing to correct
and report it in a timely manner is unethical.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Quality Awards
• Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
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Quality Awards
• Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
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Quality Awards
• Benefits of Baldrige Competition
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• Financial success
• Winners share their knowledge
• The process motivates employees
• The process provides a well-designed quality system
• The process requires obtaining data
• The process provides feedback
Quality Awards
• European Quality Award
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Prizes intended to identify role models
• Leadership
• Customer focus
• Corporate social responsibility
• People development and involvement
• Results orientation
Quality Awards
• The Deming Prize
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
• Honoring W. Edwards Deming
• Japan’s highly coveted award
• Main focus on statistical quality control
(The Deming Prize is a Japanese award given to companies to recognize their
efforts in quality improvement. The award is named after W. Edwards Deming, who
visited Japan after World War II upon the request of Japanese industrial leaders and
While there, he gave a series of lectures on quality. The Japanese considered
him such an important quality guru that they named the quality award after him.)
Quality Certification
• ISO 9000
– Set of international standards on quality management
and quality assurance, critical to international business
• ISO 14000
– A set of international standards for assessing a
company’s environmental performance
9-56Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
ISO 9000 Standards
– System requirements
– Management
– Resource
– Realization
– Remedial
9-57Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
ISO 9000 Standards
In December 2000 the first major changes to ISO 9000 were made, introducing the
following three new standards:
ISO 9000:2000–Quality Management Systems–Fundamentals and Standards: Provides the
terminology and definitions used in the standards. It is the starting point for
understanding the system of standards.
ISO 9001:2000–Quality Management Systems–Requirements: This is the standard used for
the certification of a firm’s quality management system. It is used to demonstrate the
conformity of quality management systems to meet customer requirements.
ISO 9004:2000–Quality Management Systems–Guidelines for Performance: Provides
guidelines for establishing a quality management system. It focuses not only on
meeting customer requirements but also on improving performance.
9-58Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
ISO 9000 Quality Management Principles
• Customer focus
• Leadership
• People involvement
• Process approach
• A systems approach to management
• Continual improvement
• Factual approach to decision making
• Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
9-59Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
ISO 14000
• ISO 14000 - A set of international standards for assessing a
company’s environmental performance
• Standards focus on three major areas
– Management systems standards measure systems development
and integration of environmental responsibility into the overall
– Operations standards include the measurement of consumption
of natural resources and energy.
– Environmental systems standards measure emissions, effluents,
and other waste systems.
9-60Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Total Quality Management
A philosophy that involves everyone in an organization in a
continual effort to improve quality and achieve customer
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
The TQM Approach
1. Find out what the customer wants
2. Design a product or service that meets or exceeds
customer wants
3. Design processes that facilitates doing the job right the
first time
4. Keep track of results
5. Extend these concepts to suppliers
9-62Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Elements of TQM
1. Continual improvement
2. Competitive benchmarking
3. Employee empowerment
4. Team approach
5. Decisions based on facts
6. Knowledge of tools
7. Supplier quality
8. Champion
9. Quality at the source
10. Suppliers
9-63Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Continuous Improvement
• Philosophy that seeks to make never-ending
improvements to the process of converting
inputs into outputs.
• Kaizen: Japanese
word for continuous
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Quality at the Source
The philosophy of making each worker
responsible for the quality of his or her
9-65Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Six Sigma
• Statistically
– Having no more than 3.4 defects per million
• Conceptually
– Program designed to reduce defects
– Requires the use of certain tools and techniques
Six sigma: A business process for improving quality, reducing
costs, and increasing customer satisfaction.
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Six Sigma Programs
• Six Sigma programs
– Improve quality
– Save time
– Cut costs
• Employed in
– Design
– Production
– Service
– Inventory management
– Delivery
9-67Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Six Sigma Management
• Providing strong leadership
• Defining performance metrics
• Selecting projects likely to succeed
• Selecting and training appropriate people
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Six Sigma Technical
• Improving process performance
• Reducing variation
• Utilizing statistical models
• Designing a structured improvement strategy
9-69Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Six Sigma Team
• Top management
• Program champions
• Master “black belts”
• “Black belts”
• “Green belts”
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Six Sigma Process
• Define
• Measure
• Analyze
• Improve
• Control
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Obstacles to Implementing TQM
• Lack of:
– Company-wide definition of quality
– Strategic plan for change
– Customer focus
– Real employee empowerment
– Strong motivation
– Time to devote to quality initiatives
– Leadership
9-72Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
• Poor inter-organizational communication
• View of quality as a “quick fix”
• Emphasis on short-term financial results
• Internal political and “turf” wars
Obstacles to Implementing TQM
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Criticisms of TQM
1. Blind pursuit of TQM programs
2. Programs may not be linked to strategies
3. Quality-related decisions may not be tied to market
4. Failure to carefully plan a program
9-74Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Basic Steps in Problem Solving
1. Define the problem and establish an improvement goal
2. Define measures and collect data
3. Analyze the problem
4. Generate potential solutions
5. Choose a solution
6. Implement the solution
7. Monitor the solution to see if it accomplishes the goal
9-75Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
The PDSA Cycle
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
The Process Improvement Cycle
Implement the
Improved process
Select a
Seek ways to
Improve it
Design an
Improved process
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Process Improvement
Process Improvement: A systematic approach to improving a
• Process mapping
• Analyze the process
• Redesign the process
9-78Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Process Improvement and Tools
• Process improvement - a systematic approach to
improving a process
– Process mapping
– Analyze the process
– Redesign the process
• Tools
– There are a number of tools that can be used for
problem solving and process improvement
– Tools aid in data collection and interpretation, and
provide the basis for decision making
9-79Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Basic Quality Tools
• Flowcharts
• Check List
• Histograms
• Pareto Charts
• Scatter diagrams
• Control charts
• Cause-and-effect diagrams
• Run charts
9-80Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Basic Quality Tools
• A flowchart is a schematic diagram of the sequence of steps
involved in an operation or process. It provides a visual tool
that is easy to use and understand.
• By seeing the steps involved in an operation or process,
everyone develops a clear picture of how the operation
works and where problems could arise.
9-81Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Basic Quality Tools
• Checklists are a simple way of gathering data so that decisions
can be based on facts, rather than anecdotal evidence.
• It is a simple yet effective fact-finding tool that allows the worker
to collect specific information regarding the defects observed.
9-82Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Basic Quality Tools
• A histogram is a chart that shows the frequency distribution
of observed values of a variable.
9-83Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
80% of the
may be
attributed to
20% of the
80% of the
may be
attributed to
20% of the
Loose Other
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Pareto Analysis: Few quality problems are important, whereas many
others are not critical.
Basic Quality Tools
9-85Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Scatter diagrams are graphs that show how two variables are
related to one another. They are particularly useful in detecting the
amount of correlation, or the degree of linear relationship, between
two variables.
Basic Quality Tools
9-86Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Control Chart: The charts are made by plotting in sequence the
measured values of samples taken from a process.
Basic Quality Tools
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Cause-and-Effect Diagram: They are charts that identify potential
causes for particular quality problems. They are often called fishbone
diagrams because they look like the bones of a fish. The “head” of the
fish is the quality problem.
9-87Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Basic Quality Tools
Run Chart
Time (Ho urs )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (Hours)
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Basic Quality Tools
Tracking Improvements
Process not centered
and not stable
Process centered
and stable
Additional improvements
made to the process
Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Methods for Generating Ideas
• Brainstorming
• Quality circles
• Interviewing
• Benchmarking
• 5W2H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How, How Much)
9-90Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Quality Circles
• Team approach
– List reduction
– Balance sheet
– Paired comparisons
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Benchmarking Process
• Identify a critical process that needs improvement
• Identify an organization that excels in this process
• Contact that organization
• Analyze the data
• Improve the critical process
9-92Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune

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Quality Management Principles Confidential Report

  • 2. Quality is the ability of a product or service to consistently meet or exceed customer expectations. 9-2 What is Quality Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 3. Evolution of Quality Management • 1924 - Statistical process control charts • 1930 - Tables for acceptance sampling • 1940’s - Statistical sampling techniques • 1950’s - Quality assurance/TQC • 1960’s - Zero defects • 1970’s - Quality assurance in services 9-3Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 4. Quality Assurance vs. Strategic Approach • Quality Assurance – Emphasis on finding and correcting defects before reaching market • Strategic Approach – Proactive, focusing on preventing mistakes from occurring – Greater emphasis on customer satisfaction 9-4Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 5. The Quality Gurus • Walter Shewhart (“Father of statistical quality control”) • W. Edwards Deming • Joseph M. Juran • Armand Feignbaum • Philip B. Crosby • Kaoru Ishikawa • Genichi Taguchi 9-5Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 6. Key Contributors to Quality Management 9-6 Contributor Deming Juran Feignbaum Crosby Ishikawa Taguchi Ohno and Shingo Known for 14 points; special & common causes of variation Quality is fitness for use; quality trilogy Quality is a total field Quality is free; zero defects Cause-and effect diagrams; quality circles Taguchi loss function Continuous improvenment Quality Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 7. Principles of Quality Management • Quality management is becoming increasingly important to the leadership and management of all organisations. • It is necessary to identify Quality Management as a distinct discipline of management and lay down universally understood and accepted rules for this discipline. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 8. Principles of Quality Management "A quality management principle is a comprehensive and fundamental rule / belief, for leading and operating an organisation, aimed at continually improving performance over the long term by focusing on customers while addressing the needs of all other stake holders". Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 9. Principles of Quality Management The Eight Principles are: 1. Customer-Focused Organisation 2. Leadership 3. Involvement of People 4. Process Approach 5. System Approach to Management 6. Continual Improvement 7. Factual Approach to Decision Making and 8. Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 10. Principles of Quality Management Principle 1: Customer Focused Organisation Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, meet customer requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 11. Principles of Quality Management Principle 1: Customer Focused Organisation Applying the principle of customer-focused organisation leads to the following actions: • Understanding the whole range of customer needs and expectations for products, delivery, price, dependability, etc. • Ensuring a balanced approach among customers and other stakeholders (owners, people, suppliers, local communities and society at large) needs and expectations. • Communicating these needs and expectations throughout the organisation, • Measuring customer satisfaction and acting on results, and • Managing customer relationships. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 12. Principles of Quality Management Principle 1: Customer Focused Organisation Beneficial applications of this principle include: For policy and strategy formulation, making customer needs and the needs of other stakeholders understood throughout the organisation; For goal and target setting, ensuring that relevant goals and targets are directly linked to customer needs and expectations; For operational management, improving the performance of the organisation to meet customer needs; For human resources management, ensuring the people have the knowledge and skills required to satisfy the organisation’s customers. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 13. Principles of Quality Management Principle 2: Leadership Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organisation. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organisation’s objectives. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 14. Principles of Quality Management Principle 2: Leadership Applying the principle of leadership leads to the following actions: • Being proactive and leading by example, • Understanding and responding to changes in the external environment, • Considering the needs of all stakeholders including customers, owners, people, suppliers, local communities and society at large, • Establishing a clear vision of the organisation’s future, • Establishing shared values and ethical role models at all levels of the organisation, • Building trust and eliminating fear, Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 15. Principles of Quality Management Principle 2: Leadership • Providing people with the required resources and freedom to act with responsibility and accountability, • Inspiring, encouraging and recognizing people’s contributions, • Promoting open and honest communication, • Educating, training and coaching people, • Setting challenging goals and targets, and • Implementing strategy to achieve these goals and targets. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 16. Principles of Quality Management Principle 2: Leadership Beneficial applications of this principle include: For policy and strategy formulation, establishing and communicating a clear vision of the organisation’s future; For goal and target setting, translating the vision of the organisation into measurable goals and targets; For operational management, empowered and involved people achieve the organisation’s objectives; For human resource management, having an empowered, motivated, well informed and stable workforce. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 17. Principles of Quality Management Principle 3: Involvement of people People at all levels are the essence of an organisation and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organisation’s benefit. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 18. Principles of Quality Management Principle 3: Involvement of people Applying the principle of involvement of people leads to the following actions by the people: • Accepting ownership and responsibility to solve problems, • Actively seeking opportunities to make improvements, • Actively seeking opportunities to enhance their competencies, knowledge and experience, • Freely sharing knowledge and experience in teams and groups, • Focusing on the creation of value for customers, Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 19. Principles of Quality Management Principle 3: Involvement of people • Being innovative and creative in furthering the organisations objectives, • Better representing the organisation to customers, local communities and society at large, • Deriving satisfaction from their work, and be enthusiastic and proud to be part of the organisation. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 20. Principles of Quality Management Principle 3: Involvement of people Beneficial applications of this principle include: • For policy and strategy formulation, people effectively contributing to improvement of the policy and strategies of the organisation; • For goal and target setting, people sharing ownership of the organisation’s goals; • For operational management, people being involved in appropriate decisions and process improvements; • For human resource management, people being more satisfied with their jobs and being actively involved in their personal growth and development, for the organisation’s benefit. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 21. Principles of Quality Management Principle 4: Process approach A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 22. Principles of Quality Management Principle 4: Process approach Applying the principle of process approach leads to the following actions: • Defining the process to achieve the desired result, • Identifying and measuring the inputs and outputs of the process, • Identifying the interfaces of the process with the functions of the organisation, • Evaluating possible risks, consequences and impacts of processes on customers, suppliers and other stakeholders of the process, Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 23. Principles of Quality Management Principle 4: Process approach • Establishing clear responsibility, authority, and accountability for managing the process, • Identifying the internal and external customers, suppliers and other stakeholders of the process • When designing processes, consideration is given to process steps, activities, flows, control measures, training needs, equipment, methods, information, materials and other resources to achieve the desired result. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 24. Principles of Quality Management Principle 4: Process approach Beneficial applications of this principle include: For policy and strategy formulation, utilizing defined processes throughout the organisation will lead to more predictable results, better use of resources, shorter, cycle times and lower costs; For goal and target setting, understanding the capability of processes enables the creation of challenging goals and targets; for operational management, adopting the process approach for all operations results in lower costs, prevention of errors, control of variation, shorter cycle times and more predictable outputs; Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 25. Principles of Quality Management Principle 4: Process approach For human resource management establishing cost efficient processes for human resource management, such as hiring, education and training, enables the alignment of these processes with the needs of the organisation and produces a more capable workforce. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 26. Principles of Quality Management Principle 5: System approach to management Identifying, understanding and managing a system of interrelated processes for a given objective improves the organisation’s effectiveness and efficiency. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 27. Principles of Quality Management Principle 5: System approach to management Applying the principle of system approach to management leads to the following actions: • Defining the system by identifying or developing the processes that affect a given objective, • Structuring the system to achieve the objective in the most efficient way, • Understanding the interdependencies among the processes of the system, • Continually improving the system through measurement and evaluation, and • Establishing resource constraints prior to action. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 28. Principles of Quality Management Principle 5: System approach to management Beneficial applications of this principle include: • For policy and strategy formulation, the creation of comprehensive and challenging plans that link functional and process inputs; • For goal and target setting, the goals and targets of individual processes are aligned with the organisation’s key objectives; • For operational management, a broader overview of the effectiveness of processes which leads to understanding the causes of problems and timely improvement actions; • For human resource management, provides a better understanding of roles and responsibilities for achieving common objectives thereby reducing cross functional barriers and improving teamwork. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 29. Principles of Quality Management Principle 6: Continual improvement Continual improvement should be a permanent objective of the organisation. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 30. Principles of Quality Management Principle 6: Continual improvement Applying the principle of continual improvement leads to the following actions: • Making continual improvement of products, processes and systems an objective for every individual in the organisation, • Applying the basic improvement concepts of incremental improvement and breakthrough improvement, • Using periodic assessments against established criteria of excellence to identify areas for potential improvement, • Continually improving the efficiency and effectiveness of all processes, • Promoting prevention based activities, Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 31. Principles of Quality Management Principle 6: Continual improvement • Providing every member of the organisation with appropriate education and training, on the methods and tools of continual improvement such as: • The Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, • Problem solving, process re-engineering, and process innovation, • Establishing measures and goals to guide and track improvements, and recognizing improvements. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 32. Principles of Quality Management Principle 6: Continual improvement Beneficial applications of this principle include: For policy and strategy formulation, creating and achieving more competitive business plans through the integration of continual improvement with strategic and business planning; For goal and target setting, setting realistic and challenging improvement goals and providing the resources to achieve them; For operational management, involving people in the organisation in the continual improvement of processes; For human resource management, providing all people in the organisation with the tools, opportunities, and encouragement to improve products, processes and systems. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 33. Principles of Quality Management Principle 7: Factual approach to decision making Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information. Applying the principle of factual approach to decision making leads to the following actions: • Taking measurements and collecting data and information relevant to the objective, • Ensuring the data and information are sufficiently accurate, reliable and accessible, • Analysing the data and information using valid methods, • Understanding the value of appropriate statistical techniques, and making decisions and taking action based on the results of logical analysis balance with experience and intuition. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 34. Principles of Quality Management Principle 7: Factual approach to decision making Beneficial applications of this principle include: For policy and strategy formulation, strategies based on relevant data and information are more realistic and more likely to be achieved; For goal and target setting, using relevant comparative data and information to set realistic and challenging goals and targets; For operational management, data and information are the basis for understanding both process and system performance to guide improvements and prevent future problems; For human resource management, analysing data and information from sources such as people surveys, suggestions and focus groups to guide the formulation of human resource policies. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 35. Principles of Quality Management Principle 8: Mutually beneficial supplier relationships An organisation and its suppliers are interdependent, and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 36. Principles of Quality Management Principle 8: Mutually beneficial supplier relationships Applying the principle of mutually beneficial supplier relationships leads to the following actions: • Identifying and selecting key suppliers, • Establishing supplier relationships that balance short-term gains with long-term considerations for the organisation and society at large, • Creating clear and open communications, initiating joint development and improvement of products and processes, jointly establishing a clear understanding of customers’ needs, • Sharing information and future plans, and recognizing supplier improvements and achievements. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 37. Principles of Quality Management Principle 8: Mutually beneficial supplier relationships Beneficial applications of this principle include: For policy and strategy formulation, creating competitive advantage through the development of strategic alliances or partnerships with suppliers; For goal and target setting, establishing more challenging goals and targets through early involvement and participation of suppliers; For operational management, creating and managing supplier relationships to ensure reliable, on-time, defect-free delivery of supplies; For human resource management, developing and enhancing supplier capabilities through supplier training, and joint improvement efforts Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 38. Dimensions of Quality 9-38 • Performance - main characteristics of the product/service • Aesthetics - appearance, feel, smell, taste • Special Features - extra characteristics • Conformance - how well product/service conforms to customer’s expectations • Reliability - consistency of performance • Durability - useful life of the product/service • Perceived Quality - indirect evaluation of quality (e.g. reputation) • Serviceability - service after sale Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 39. Examples of Quality Dimensions 9-39 Dimension 1. Performance 2. Aesthetics 3. Special features (Product) Automobile Everything works, fit & finish Ride, handling, grade of materials used Interior design, soft touch Gauge/control placement Cellular phone, CD player (Service) Auto Repair All work done, at agreed price Friendliness, courtesy, Competency, quickness Clean work/waiting area Location, call when ready Computer diagnostics Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 40. Examples of Quality Dimensions (Cont’d) 9-40 Dimension 5. Reliability 6. Durability 7. Perceived quality 8. Serviceability (Product) Automobile Infrequency of breakdowns Useful life in miles, resistance to rust & corrosion Top-rated car Handling of complaints and/or requests for information (Service) Auto Repair Work done correctly, ready when promised Work holds up over time Award-winning service department Handling of complaints Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 41. Service Quality • Convenience • Reliability • Responsiveness • Time • Assurance • Courtesy • Tangibles 9-41Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 42. Examples of Service Quality Dimension Examples 1. Convenience Was the service center conveniently located? 2. Reliability Was the problem fixed? 3. Responsiveness Were customer service personnel willing and able to answer questions? 4. Time How long did the customer wait? 5. Assurance Did the customer service personnel seem knowledgeable about the repair? 6. Courtesy Were customer service personnel and the cashier friendly and courteous? 7. Tangibles Were the facilities clean, personnel neat? 9-42 Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 43. Challenges with Service Quality • Customer expectations often change • Different customers have different expectations • Each customer contact is a “moment of truth” • Customer participation can affect perception of quality • Fail-safing must be designed into the system 9-43Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 44. Determinants of Quality 9-44 Service Ease of use Conforms to design Design Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 45. Determinants of Quality (cont’d) 9-45 • Quality of design – Intension of designers to include or exclude features in a product or service • Quality of conformance – The degree to which goods or services conform to the intent of the designers Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 46. The Consequences of Poor Quality • Loss of business • Liability • Productivity • Costs 9-46Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 47. Responsibility for Quality • Top management • Design • Procurement • Production/operations • Quality assurance • Packaging and shipping • Marketing and sales • Customer service 9-47Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 48. Costs of Quality • Failure Costs - costs incurred by defective parts/products or faulty services. • Internal Failure Costs – Costs incurred to fix problems that are detected before the product/service is delivered to the customer. • External Failure Costs – All costs incurred to fix problems that are detected after the product/service is delivered to the customer. 9-48Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 49. Costs of Quality (continued) • Appraisal Costs – Costs of activities designed to ensure quality or uncover defects • Prevention Costs – All TQ training, TQ planning, customer assessment, process control, and quality improvement costs to prevent defects from occurring 9-49Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 50. Ethics and Quality • Substandard work – Defective products – Substandard service – Poor designs – Shoddy workmanship – Substandard parts and materials 9-50 Having knowledge of this and failing to correct and report it in a timely manner is unethical. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 51. Quality Awards • Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award 08/01/16 Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 52. Quality Awards • Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award 08/01/16 Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 53. Quality Awards • Benefits of Baldrige Competition 08/01/16 Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune • Financial success • Winners share their knowledge • The process motivates employees • The process provides a well-designed quality system • The process requires obtaining data • The process provides feedback
  • 54. Quality Awards • European Quality Award 08/01/16 Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune Prizes intended to identify role models • Leadership • Customer focus • Corporate social responsibility • People development and involvement • Results orientation
  • 55. Quality Awards • The Deming Prize Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune • Honoring W. Edwards Deming • Japan’s highly coveted award • Main focus on statistical quality control (The Deming Prize is a Japanese award given to companies to recognize their efforts in quality improvement. The award is named after W. Edwards Deming, who visited Japan after World War II upon the request of Japanese industrial leaders and engineers. While there, he gave a series of lectures on quality. The Japanese considered him such an important quality guru that they named the quality award after him.)
  • 56. Quality Certification • ISO 9000 – Set of international standards on quality management and quality assurance, critical to international business • ISO 14000 – A set of international standards for assessing a company’s environmental performance 9-56Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 57. ISO 9000 Standards Requirements – System requirements – Management – Resource – Realization – Remedial 9-57Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 58. ISO 9000 Standards In December 2000 the first major changes to ISO 9000 were made, introducing the following three new standards: ISO 9000:2000–Quality Management Systems–Fundamentals and Standards: Provides the terminology and definitions used in the standards. It is the starting point for understanding the system of standards. ISO 9001:2000–Quality Management Systems–Requirements: This is the standard used for the certification of a firm’s quality management system. It is used to demonstrate the conformity of quality management systems to meet customer requirements. ISO 9004:2000–Quality Management Systems–Guidelines for Performance: Provides guidelines for establishing a quality management system. It focuses not only on meeting customer requirements but also on improving performance. 9-58Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 59. ISO 9000 Quality Management Principles • Customer focus • Leadership • People involvement • Process approach • A systems approach to management • Continual improvement • Factual approach to decision making • Mutually beneficial supplier relationships 9-59Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 60. ISO 14000 • ISO 14000 - A set of international standards for assessing a company’s environmental performance • Standards focus on three major areas – Management systems standards measure systems development and integration of environmental responsibility into the overall business. – Operations standards include the measurement of consumption of natural resources and energy. – Environmental systems standards measure emissions, effluents, and other waste systems. 9-60Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 61. Total Quality Management A philosophy that involves everyone in an organization in a continual effort to improve quality and achieve customer satisfaction. 9-61 T Q M Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 62. The TQM Approach 1. Find out what the customer wants 2. Design a product or service that meets or exceeds customer wants 3. Design processes that facilitates doing the job right the first time 4. Keep track of results 5. Extend these concepts to suppliers 9-62Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 63. Elements of TQM 1. Continual improvement 2. Competitive benchmarking 3. Employee empowerment 4. Team approach 5. Decisions based on facts 6. Knowledge of tools 7. Supplier quality 8. Champion 9. Quality at the source 10. Suppliers 9-63Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 64. Continuous Improvement • Philosophy that seeks to make never-ending improvements to the process of converting inputs into outputs. • Kaizen: Japanese word for continuous improvement. 9-64Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 65. Quality at the Source The philosophy of making each worker responsible for the quality of his or her work. 9-65Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 66. Six Sigma • Statistically – Having no more than 3.4 defects per million • Conceptually – Program designed to reduce defects – Requires the use of certain tools and techniques 9-66 Six sigma: A business process for improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing customer satisfaction. Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 67. Six Sigma Programs • Six Sigma programs – Improve quality – Save time – Cut costs • Employed in – Design – Production – Service – Inventory management – Delivery 9-67Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 68. Six Sigma Management • Providing strong leadership • Defining performance metrics • Selecting projects likely to succeed • Selecting and training appropriate people 9-68Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 69. Six Sigma Technical • Improving process performance • Reducing variation • Utilizing statistical models • Designing a structured improvement strategy 9-69Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 70. Six Sigma Team • Top management • Program champions • Master “black belts” • “Black belts” • “Green belts” 9-70Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 71. Six Sigma Process • Define • Measure • Analyze • Improve • Control 9-71 DMAIC Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 72. Obstacles to Implementing TQM • Lack of: – Company-wide definition of quality – Strategic plan for change – Customer focus – Real employee empowerment – Strong motivation – Time to devote to quality initiatives – Leadership 9-72Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 73. • Poor inter-organizational communication • View of quality as a “quick fix” • Emphasis on short-term financial results • Internal political and “turf” wars 9-73 Obstacles to Implementing TQM Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 74. Criticisms of TQM 1. Blind pursuit of TQM programs 2. Programs may not be linked to strategies 3. Quality-related decisions may not be tied to market performance 4. Failure to carefully plan a program 9-74Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 75. Basic Steps in Problem Solving 1. Define the problem and establish an improvement goal 2. Define measures and collect data 3. Analyze the problem 4. Generate potential solutions 5. Choose a solution 6. Implement the solution 7. Monitor the solution to see if it accomplishes the goal 9-75Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 76. The PDSA Cycle 9-76 Plan Do Study Act Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 77. The Process Improvement Cycle 9-77 Implement the Improved process Select a process Study/document Seek ways to Improve it Design an Improved process Evaluate Document Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 78. Process Improvement Process Improvement: A systematic approach to improving a process • Process mapping • Analyze the process • Redesign the process 9-78Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 79. Process Improvement and Tools • Process improvement - a systematic approach to improving a process – Process mapping – Analyze the process – Redesign the process • Tools – There are a number of tools that can be used for problem solving and process improvement – Tools aid in data collection and interpretation, and provide the basis for decision making 9-79Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 80. Basic Quality Tools • Flowcharts • Check List • Histograms • Pareto Charts • Scatter diagrams • Control charts • Cause-and-effect diagrams • Run charts 9-80Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 81. Basic Quality Tools Flowcharts • A flowchart is a schematic diagram of the sequence of steps involved in an operation or process. It provides a visual tool that is easy to use and understand. • By seeing the steps involved in an operation or process, everyone develops a clear picture of how the operation works and where problems could arise. 9-81Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 82. Basic Quality Tools Checklist • Checklists are a simple way of gathering data so that decisions can be based on facts, rather than anecdotal evidence. • It is a simple yet effective fact-finding tool that allows the worker to collect specific information regarding the defects observed. 9-82Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 83. Basic Quality Tools Histogram • A histogram is a chart that shows the frequency distribution of observed values of a variable. 9-83Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 84. 9-84 80% of the problems may be attributed to 20% of the causes. 80% of the problems may be attributed to 20% of the causes. Smeared print Numberofdefects Off center Missing label Loose Other Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune Pareto Analysis: Few quality problems are important, whereas many others are not critical. Basic Quality Tools
  • 85. 9-85Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune Scatter diagrams are graphs that show how two variables are related to one another. They are particularly useful in detecting the amount of correlation, or the degree of linear relationship, between two variables. Basic Quality Tools
  • 86. 9-86Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune Control Chart: The charts are made by plotting in sequence the measured values of samples taken from a process. Basic Quality Tools 970 980 990 1000 1010 1020 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 UCL LCL
  • 87. Cause-and-Effect Diagram: They are charts that identify potential causes for particular quality problems. They are often called fishbone diagrams because they look like the bones of a fish. The “head” of the fish is the quality problem. 9-87Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune Basic Quality Tools
  • 88. Run Chart 9-88 Time (Ho urs ) 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.5 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.58 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Time (Hours) Diameter Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune Basic Quality Tools
  • 89. Tracking Improvements 9-89 UCL LCL LCL LCL UCL UCL Process not centered and not stable Process centered and stable Additional improvements made to the process Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 90. Methods for Generating Ideas • Brainstorming • Quality circles • Interviewing • Benchmarking • 5W2H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How, How Much) 9-90Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 91. Quality Circles • Team approach – List reduction – Balance sheet – Paired comparisons 9-91Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune
  • 92. Benchmarking Process • Identify a critical process that needs improvement • Identify an organization that excels in this process • Contact that organization • Analyze the data • Improve the critical process 9-92Confidential to SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Pune