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Stephan Herrmann
Java 8 ready
Finding the best leverage
(How) Can I Move It?(How) Can I Move It?
Multiply the Available ForceMultiply the Available Force
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 3
Software re-shapes the world as we know it
Languages shape how we think about software
Tools shape how we work with languages
By empowering millions of software developers,
we might indeed “move the world”?
By empowering millions of software developers,
we might indeed “move the world”?
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 4
Java 8
– supporting innovation in the Java world
– bringing quality assurance to the Java world
Roles in Object Teams
– extending the Object-Oriented paradigm
Domain Specific Languages
– abstractions for sustainable retail applications
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 5
JDT ready for Java 8
Eclipse should „support“ Java 8:
Compiler should accept and compile Java 8
– analysis (resolve types, detect errors)
– produce class files
JDT/UI should support working with Java 8
– visualize
– modify
Java 8 ready
2013 / 2014
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 6
Java 8
A big step in the evolution of Java!
– λ
– default methods
– type annotations
– library enhancements
– …
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 7
Compiling λ
„Just“ a bit new syntax
personList.setLabelProvider(new LabelProvider<Person>() {
public String getLabel(Person p) {
return p.getFullName();
personList.setLabelProvider(p -> p.getFullName());
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 8
λ Backstage
Abbreviated code style relies on type inference
– „guess“ all the types that have been omitted
– deterministic
– no 7½ million years Deep Thought pondering
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 9
Prior Art – Aggravated
Lambdas are typically arguments to
generic library functions
– public static <T, K, U, M extends Map<K, U>>
Collector<T, ?, M> toMap(Function<? super T, ? extends K> keyMapper,
Function<? super T, ? extends U> valueMapper,
BinaryOperator<U> mergeFunction)
Would you prefer to call:
– Collectors.<Person,String,Integer,Map<String,Integer>>toMap(..)
– Collectors.toMap(..)
Similar for instantiation of a generic class (Java 7)
– Collector<String,Integer> coll = new MyCollector<>();
How does it work?
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 10
How it works
Solving this little example
– Map<String, Integer> test3(Stream<Person> persons) {
return persons.collect(Collectors.toMap(
p -> p.getLastName(),
p -> p.getAge(),
(i1, i2) -> i1+i2));
Produces these constraints:
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 11
How it works
Solving this little example
– Map<String, Integer> test3(Stream<Person> persons) {
return persons.collect(Collectors.toMap(
p -> p.getLastName(),
p -> p.getAge(),
(i1, i2) -> i1+i2));
Produces these constraints:
TypeBound K#3 :> java.lang.String
Dependency K#3 = K#3
TypeBound K#3 = java.lang.String
TypeBound K#3 <: java.lang.Object
Dependency R#0 = java.util.Map<K#3,U#4>
Dependency R#0 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,U#4>
Dependency R#0 = java.util.Map<K#3,java.lang.Integer>
TypeBound R#0 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer>
TypeBound R#0 <: java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer>
TypeBound R#0 <: java.lang.Object
TypeBound T#2 :> Person
Dependency T#2 = T#2
TypeBound T#2 = Person
TypeBound T#2 <: java.lang.Object
Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<K#3,U#4>
Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,U#4>
Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<K#3,java.lang.Integer>
TypeBound Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer>
Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = R#0
TypeBound Map<K#3,U#4>#6 <: java.lang.Object
TypeBound Map<K#3,U#4>#6 <: java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer>
TypeBound A#1 = java.lang.Object
TypeBound A#1 <: java.lang.Object
TypeBound U#4 :> java.lang.Integer
TypeBound U#4 = java.lang.Integer
Dependency U#4 = U#4
TypeBound U#4 <: java.lang.Object
TypeBound ?#5 = java.lang.Object
Dependency ?#5 = A#1
TypeBound ?#5 <: java.lang.Object
TypeBound K#3 :> java.lang.String
Dependency K#3 = K#3
TypeBound K#3 = java.lang.String
TypeBound K#3 <: java.lang.Object
Dependency R#0 = java.util.Map<K#3,U#4>
Dependency R#0 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,U#4>
Dependency R#0 = java.util.Map<K#3,java.lang.Integer>
TypeBound R#0 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer>
TypeBound R#0 <: java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer>
TypeBound R#0 <: java.lang.Object
TypeBound T#2 :> Person
Dependency T#2 = T#2
TypeBound T#2 = Person
TypeBound T#2 <: java.lang.Object
Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<K#3,U#4>
Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,U#4>
Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<K#3,java.lang.Integer>
TypeBound Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer>
Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = R#0
TypeBound Map<K#3,U#4>#6 <: java.lang.Object
TypeBound Map<K#3,U#4>#6 <: java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer>
TypeBound A#1 = java.lang.Object
TypeBound A#1 <: java.lang.Object
TypeBound U#4 :> java.lang.Integer
TypeBound U#4 = java.lang.Integer
Dependency U#4 = U#4
TypeBound U#4 <: java.lang.Object
TypeBound ?#5 = java.lang.Object
Dependency ?#5 = A#1
TypeBound ?#5 <: java.lang.Object
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 12
Chicken and Egg
Type inference
– Infers types of arguments
based on a given method signature
– Selects method
e.g., based on types of arguments
<U> void m(Listener<U> l);
<T> void m(Consumer<T> c);
m(a -> print(a));
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 13
Genesis of a new Java Feature
abstractly capture
the concepts
implement the spec,
the full spec,
and nothing but the spec
compare behavior
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 14
Take-Away Java 8
Second implementation improves quality
Java is a Monster
– E.g.: overloading conflicts with type inference ...
– „Orthogonality in Language Design –
Why and how to fake it.“ [Herrmann 2003]
ECJ is an enabler
– used by implementations for „working with Java 8“
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 15
No own invention: Don't interpret!
– No influence on the direction of change
– Some influence on the quality
Interact with users / bug reporters
Be part of a big step for the Java world
– Acknowledged in the JLS 8 preface 
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 16
Quality of Java as a Language
– governed by a specification (JLS)
Quality of Java Programs?
– can JDT help developers avoiding problems / bugs?
– which problems?
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 17
Quality of Java as a Language
– governed by a specification (JLS)
Quality of Java Programs?
– can JDT help developers avoiding problems / bugs?
– which problems?
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 18
An Old Problem
– Tony Hoare introduced Null references in ALGOL W
– “simply because it was so easy to implement”
– “The Billion Dollar Mistake”
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 19
An Old Problem
– Tony Hoare introduced Null references in ALGOL W
– “simply because it was so easy to implement”
– “The Billion Dollar Mistake”
– All Java software is threatened by risk of NPE
– Can we bid „bye-bye“ to NPE?
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 20
1. Flow Analysis
Flow Analysis in the Compiler
– needed to check „definite assignment“
– was extended for null information in Eclipse 3.1
– gradually improved ever since
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 21
1. Flow Analysis
Flow Analysis in the Compiler
– needed to check „definite assignment“
– was extended for null information in Eclipse 3.1
– gradually improved ever since
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 22
1. Flow Analysis
Flow Analysis in the Compiler
– needed to check „definite assignment“
– was extended for null information in Eclipse 3.1
– gradually improved ever since
– high precision
– some warnings can be perceived as „false positives“
– (slightly) incomplete analysis of loops
– no inter procedural analysis!
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 23
1. Flow Analysis
Flow Analysis in the Compiler
– needed to check „definite assignment“
– was extended for null information in Eclipse 3.1
– gradually improved ever since
– high precision
– some warnings can be perceived as „false positives“
– (slightly) incomplete analysis of loops
– no inter procedural analysis!
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 24
2. Null Annotations
Use @NonNull and @Nullable
– declare contracts for methods (and fields)
Use @NonNullByDefault
– to alleviate the annotation burden
(70% of „good API“ are @NonNull by intention)
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 25
2. Null Annotations
Use @NonNull and @Nullable
– declare contracts for methods (and fields)
Use @NonNullByDefault
– to alleviate the annotation burden
(70% of „good API“ are @NonNull by intention)
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 26
2. Null Annotations
Use @NonNull and @Nullable
– declare contracts for methods (and fields)
Use @NonNullByDefault
– to alleviate the annotation burden
(70% of „good API“ are @NonNull by intention)
– detect contract violations
definition, usage and specialization
– feed context information into flow analysis
– does not cover: generics (type parameters, type variables)
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 27
2. Null Annotations
Use @NonNull and @Nullable
– declare contracts for methods (and fields)
Use @NonNullByDefault
– to alleviate the annotation burden
(70% of „good API“ are @NonNull by intention)
– detect contract violations
definition, usage and specialization
– feed context information into flow analysis
– does not cover: generics (type parameters, type variables)
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 28
3. Null Type Annotations
@NonNull and @Nullable „Everywhere“
– JSR 308: Annotations on Java Types
„Make nullness a part of the type system“
Two kinds of types
those that include null
those that don't
@interface NonNull5 {}
void java5(@NonNull5 String arg);
arg is qualified to be non-null
@interface NonNull8 {}
void java8(@NonNull8 String arg);
String is qualified to be non-null
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 29
3. Null Type Annotations
@NonNull and @Nullable „Everywhere“
– JSR 308: Annotations on Java Types
„Make nullness a part of the type system“
Two kinds of types
those that include null
those that don't
@interface NonNull5 {}
void java5(@NonNull5 String arg);
arg is qualified to be non-null
@interface NonNull8 {}
void java8(@NonNull8 String arg);
String is qualified to be non-null
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 30
3. Null Type Annotations
@NonNull and @Nullable „Everywhere“ 2014
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 31
3. Null Type Annotations
@NonNull and @Nullable „Everywhere“ 2014
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 32
4. External Annotations
Attach annotations to libraries 2015
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 33
4. External Annotations
Attach annotations to libraries 2015
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 34
4. External Annotations
The bad news:
– No more excuse
– You've got some home work to do
Existing code:
– who is responsible for handling null?
– recover design that probably has decayed?
New code:
– start by saying @NonNullByDefault
– always be explicit about null (or avoid it)
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 35
Not the only tool for null analysis
But the most complete main-stream solution
– to the tiniest, most embarrassing problem in Java
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 36
Paradigm Shift?
Paradigms connect ...
– metaphors (intuition)
– technical solution (precise semantics)
„Languages shape how we think about software“
– null annotations
not a paradigm
– functional programming
the shift happened before my time
Object-oriented programming
– a paradigm shift in the 1980s
– is this the end of evolution?
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 37
Reconsider Inheritance
– Derive a new concept from an existing one
– Describe only the differences
– May coincide with subtyping
– Doesn't scale
– Cannot model changes over time
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 38
Player Token
Move Rule validate(Move m)
Player Token
Move Rule validate(Move m)
≙ Chess.Move
≙ BoardGame.Move
Move Rule
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 39
Introducing Object Teams
team class Chess
– package (namespace) & class (instances)
team class Chess extends BoardGame
– aka Family Polymorphism
propagating specialization
typesafe covariance
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 40
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 41
– Dynamism:
roles can come and go
(same base object)
– Multiplicities:
one base can play several roles
(different/same role types)
playedBy Relationship
joe: Person
Role Base
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 42
Introducing Object Teams
team class Chess
– package (namespace) & class (instances)
team class Chess extends BoardGame
– aka Family Polymorphism
class Student playedBy Person
– „inheritance“ among instances
sharing of common properties
Arbitrary mix of language features?
Arbitrary mix of language features?
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 43
Roles & Teams
Roles depend on context
– contexts are reified as Teams
Each team instance can be (de)activated
– active team instances contribute to the system state
– dispatch considers system state
c :Companyc :Company
hire(Person p)
hire(Person p)
getPhoneNo ← getPhoneNo
Off On
if (c.isActive())
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 44
– years of research (since 1999)
– years of engineering
– new paradigm?
powerful new metaphors
precise underpinning
Move the world?
– big step
– few adopters
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 45
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 46
Separation of concerns …
– … can we identify the pure business logic?
– … how do you port your app to a new platform?
Software product line
– Many mechanisms to offer extensibility
– Shortage of extensibility on demand
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 47
Business Logic
Domain Objects
– Entities
Flow / Processes
– States / Steps
– Transitions
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 48
Domain Specific Languages
Textual modeling languages (9)
– syntax
– semantics
name resolution, validation
– IDE functions
navigation, outline, search, hover, quick fix, …
Separate but connected
– Inter-language integration
– Diagrams are derived
– Light-weight documentation
tightly integrated with Mylyn WikiText
Mix-n-match plug-in integration
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 49
Separate, but Connected
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 50
Safe for any Future
Generate source code
– for new target platforms
Interpret models @ runtime
– cool for monitoring, debugging …
Migrate existing models
– to new versions of the language
Thanks to EMF underpinning!
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 51
Draw from Experience
Full type checking
– all types are nonnull by default
– optional types are marked, e.g., Item?
Customization on demand
– all models can be specialized
– propagating specialization
Player Token
Move Rule
Player Token
Move Rule
Move Rule
Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 52
Move the World?
It's the taking part that counts
Resolving the tiniest,
most embarrassing problem in Java
Big progress,
at a low multiplication factor.
Mix-n-match paradigm shift,
for one mid-sized company.

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Eclipse Day India 2015 - Keynote - Stephan Herrmann

  • 1. 8 Stephan Herrmann Java 8 ready NPE Languages Tools Innovation
  • 2. Finding the best leverage (How) Can I Move It?(How) Can I Move It? Multiply the Available ForceMultiply the Available Force
  • 3. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 3 Leverage ● Software re-shapes the world as we know it ● Languages shape how we think about software ● Tools shape how we work with languages By empowering millions of software developers, we might indeed “move the world”? By empowering millions of software developers, we might indeed “move the world”?
  • 4. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 4 Agenda ● Java 8 – supporting innovation in the Java world ● @NonNull – bringing quality assurance to the Java world ● Roles in Object Teams – extending the Object-Oriented paradigm ● Domain Specific Languages – abstractions for sustainable retail applications
  • 5. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 5 JDT ready for Java 8 ● Eclipse should „support“ Java 8: ● Compiler should accept and compile Java 8 – analysis (resolve types, detect errors) – produce class files ● JDT/UI should support working with Java 8 – visualize – modify Java 8 ready 8 2013 / 2014
  • 6. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 6 Java 8 ● A big step in the evolution of Java! – λ – default methods – type annotations – library enhancements – … 8
  • 7. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 7 Compiling λ ● „Just“ a bit new syntax 8 personList.setLabelProvider(new LabelProvider<Person>() { public String getLabel(Person p) { return p.getFullName(); } }); personList.setLabelProvider(p -> p.getFullName()); personList.setLabelProvider(Person::getFullName);
  • 8. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 8 λ Backstage ● Abbreviated code style relies on type inference ● Challenges – „guess“ all the types that have been omitted – deterministic – no 7½ million years Deep Thought pondering 8
  • 9. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 9 Prior Art – Aggravated ● Lambdas are typically arguments to generic library functions – public static <T, K, U, M extends Map<K, U>> Collector<T, ?, M> toMap(Function<? super T, ? extends K> keyMapper, Function<? super T, ? extends U> valueMapper, BinaryOperator<U> mergeFunction) ● Would you prefer to call: – Collectors.<Person,String,Integer,Map<String,Integer>>toMap(..) ● or: – Collectors.toMap(..) ● Similar for instantiation of a generic class (Java 7) – Collector<String,Integer> coll = new MyCollector<>(); ● How does it work? 8
  • 10. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 10 How it works ● Solving this little example – Map<String, Integer> test3(Stream<Person> persons) { return persons.collect(Collectors.toMap( p -> p.getLastName(), p -> p.getAge(), (i1, i2) -> i1+i2)); } ● Produces these constraints: 8
  • 11. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 11 How it works ● Solving this little example – Map<String, Integer> test3(Stream<Person> persons) { return persons.collect(Collectors.toMap( p -> p.getLastName(), p -> p.getAge(), (i1, i2) -> i1+i2)); } ● Produces these constraints: TypeBound K#3 :> java.lang.String Dependency K#3 = K#3 TypeBound K#3 = java.lang.String TypeBound K#3 <: java.lang.Object Dependency R#0 = java.util.Map<K#3,U#4> Dependency R#0 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,U#4> Dependency R#0 = java.util.Map<K#3,java.lang.Integer> TypeBound R#0 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> TypeBound R#0 <: java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> TypeBound R#0 <: java.lang.Object TypeBound T#2 :> Person Dependency T#2 = T#2 TypeBound T#2 = Person TypeBound T#2 <: java.lang.Object Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<K#3,U#4> Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,U#4> Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<K#3,java.lang.Integer> TypeBound Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = R#0 TypeBound Map<K#3,U#4>#6 <: java.lang.Object TypeBound Map<K#3,U#4>#6 <: java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> TypeBound A#1 = java.lang.Object TypeBound A#1 <: java.lang.Object TypeBound U#4 :> java.lang.Integer TypeBound U#4 = java.lang.Integer Dependency U#4 = U#4 TypeBound U#4 <: java.lang.Object TypeBound ?#5 = java.lang.Object Dependency ?#5 = A#1 TypeBound ?#5 <: java.lang.Object TypeBound K#3 :> java.lang.String Dependency K#3 = K#3 TypeBound K#3 = java.lang.String TypeBound K#3 <: java.lang.Object Dependency R#0 = java.util.Map<K#3,U#4> Dependency R#0 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,U#4> Dependency R#0 = java.util.Map<K#3,java.lang.Integer> TypeBound R#0 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> TypeBound R#0 <: java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> TypeBound R#0 <: java.lang.Object TypeBound T#2 :> Person Dependency T#2 = T#2 TypeBound T#2 = Person TypeBound T#2 <: java.lang.Object Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<K#3,U#4> Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,U#4> Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<K#3,java.lang.Integer> TypeBound Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> Dependency Map<K#3,U#4>#6 = R#0 TypeBound Map<K#3,U#4>#6 <: java.lang.Object TypeBound Map<K#3,U#4>#6 <: java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer> TypeBound A#1 = java.lang.Object TypeBound A#1 <: java.lang.Object TypeBound U#4 :> java.lang.Integer TypeBound U#4 = java.lang.Integer Dependency U#4 = U#4 TypeBound U#4 <: java.lang.Object TypeBound ?#5 = java.lang.Object Dependency ?#5 = A#1 TypeBound ?#5 <: java.lang.Object 8
  • 12. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 12 Chicken and Egg ● Type inference – Infers types of arguments ● based on a given method signature ● Overloading – Selects method ● e.g., based on types of arguments <U> void m(Listener<U> l); <T> void m(Consumer<T> c); … m(a -> print(a));
  • 13. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 13 Genesis of a new Java Feature spec abstractly capture the concepts ecj implement the spec, the full spec, and nothing but the spec deviation bug? bug? bug? compare behavior javac 8
  • 14. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 14 Take-Away Java 8 ● Second implementation improves quality ● Java is a Monster – E.g.: overloading conflicts with type inference ... – „Orthogonality in Language Design – Why and how to fake it.“ [Herrmann 2003] ● ECJ is an enabler – used by implementations for „working with Java 8“ 8
  • 15. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 15 Contribution ● No own invention: Don't interpret! – No influence on the direction of change – Some influence on the quality ● Interact with users / bug reporters ● Be part of a big step for the Java world – Acknowledged in the JLS 8 preface  8
  • 16. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 16 Quality ● Quality of Java as a Language – governed by a specification (JLS) ● Quality of Java Programs? – can JDT help developers avoiding problems / bugs? – which problems?
  • 17. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 17 Quality ● Quality of Java as a Language – governed by a specification (JLS) ● Quality of Java Programs? – can JDT help developers avoiding problems / bugs? – which problems?
  • 18. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 18 An Old Problem ● 1965 – Tony Hoare introduced Null references in ALGOL W – “simply because it was so easy to implement” – “The Billion Dollar Mistake” PhotographbyRama,WikimediaCommons,Cc-by-sa-2.0-fr
  • 19. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 19 An Old Problem ● 1965 – Tony Hoare introduced Null references in ALGOL W – “simply because it was so easy to implement” – “The Billion Dollar Mistake” ● Today – All Java software is threatened by risk of NPE – Can we bid „bye-bye“ to NPE? NPE NPE
  • 20. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 20 2005 1. Flow Analysis ● Flow Analysis in the Compiler – needed to check „definite assignment“ – was extended for null information in Eclipse 3.1 – gradually improved ever since NPE
  • 21. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 21 2005 1. Flow Analysis ● Flow Analysis in the Compiler – needed to check „definite assignment“ – was extended for null information in Eclipse 3.1 – gradually improved ever since NPE
  • 22. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 22 1. Flow Analysis ● Flow Analysis in the Compiler – needed to check „definite assignment“ – was extended for null information in Eclipse 3.1 – gradually improved ever since +1 – high precision -1 – some warnings can be perceived as „false positives“ – (slightly) incomplete analysis of loops – no inter procedural analysis! NPE
  • 23. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 23 1. Flow Analysis ● Flow Analysis in the Compiler – needed to check „definite assignment“ – was extended for null information in Eclipse 3.1 – gradually improved ever since +1 – high precision -1 – some warnings can be perceived as „false positives“ – (slightly) incomplete analysis of loops – no inter procedural analysis! NPE NPE
  • 24. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 24 2. Null Annotations ● Use @NonNull and @Nullable – declare contracts for methods (and fields) ● Use @NonNullByDefault – to alleviate the annotation burden ● (70% of „good API“ are @NonNull by intention) 2012 NPE
  • 25. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 25 2. Null Annotations ● Use @NonNull and @Nullable – declare contracts for methods (and fields) ● Use @NonNullByDefault – to alleviate the annotation burden ● (70% of „good API“ are @NonNull by intention) 2012 NPE
  • 26. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 26 2. Null Annotations ● Use @NonNull and @Nullable – declare contracts for methods (and fields) ● Use @NonNullByDefault – to alleviate the annotation burden ● (70% of „good API“ are @NonNull by intention) +1 – detect contract violations ● definition, usage and specialization – feed context information into flow analysis -1 – does not cover: generics (type parameters, type variables) 2012 NPE
  • 27. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 27 2. Null Annotations ● Use @NonNull and @Nullable – declare contracts for methods (and fields) ● Use @NonNullByDefault – to alleviate the annotation burden ● (70% of „good API“ are @NonNull by intention) +1 – detect contract violations ● definition, usage and specialization – feed context information into flow analysis -1 – does not cover: generics (type parameters, type variables) 2012 NPE NPE
  • 28. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 28 3. Null Type Annotations ● @NonNull and @Nullable „Everywhere“ – JSR 308: Annotations on Java Types ● „Make nullness a part of the type system“ Two kinds of types ● those that include null ● those that don't 2014 NPE +1 @Target(ElementType.PARAMETER) @interface NonNull5 {} void java5(@NonNull5 String arg); arg is qualified to be non-null @Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE) @interface NonNull8 {} void java8(@NonNull8 String arg); String is qualified to be non-null
  • 29. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 29 3. Null Type Annotations ● @NonNull and @Nullable „Everywhere“ – JSR 308: Annotations on Java Types ● „Make nullness a part of the type system“ Two kinds of types ● those that include null ● those that don't 2014 NPE +1 @Target(ElementType.PARAMETER) @interface NonNull5 {} void java5(@NonNull5 String arg); arg is qualified to be non-null @Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE) @interface NonNull8 {} void java8(@NonNull8 String arg); String is qualified to be non-null
  • 30. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 30 NPE 3. Null Type Annotations ● @NonNull and @Nullable „Everywhere“ 2014 NPE +1
  • 31. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 31 NPE 3. Null Type Annotations ● @NonNull and @Nullable „Everywhere“ 2014 NPE +1
  • 32. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 32 4. External Annotations ● Attach annotations to libraries 2015 NPE
  • 33. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 33 4. External Annotations ● Attach annotations to libraries 2015 NPE
  • 34. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 34 4. External Annotations ● The bad news: – No more excuse – You've got some home work to do ● Existing code: – who is responsible for handling null? – recover design that probably has decayed? ● New code: – start by saying @NonNullByDefault – always be explicit about null (or avoid it) NPE
  • 35. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 35 Contribution ● Not the only tool for null analysis ● But the most complete main-stream solution – to the tiniest, most embarrassing problem in Java NPE NPE
  • 36. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 36 Paradigm Shift? ● Paradigms connect ... – metaphors (intuition) – technical solution (precise semantics) ● „Languages shape how we think about software“ – null annotations ● not a paradigm – functional programming ● the shift happened before my time ● Object-oriented programming – a paradigm shift in the 1980s – is this the end of evolution?
  • 37. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 37 Reconsider Inheritance +1 – Derive a new concept from an existing one – Describe only the differences – May coincide with subtyping -1 – Doesn't scale – Cannot model changes over time
  • 38. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 38 Scale Player Token Move Rule validate(Move m) Player Token Move Rule validate(Move m) BoardGame Chess ≙ Chess.Move ≙ BoardGame.Move Token Move Rule
  • 39. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 39 Introducing Object Teams ● team class Chess – package (namespace) & class (instances) ● team class Chess extends BoardGame – aka Family Polymorphism ● propagating specialization ● typesafe covariance
  • 40. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 40 Change Person name Employee salary
  • 41. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 41 Change ● Properties – Dynamism: roles can come and go (same base object) – Multiplicities: one base can play several roles (different/same role types) playedBy Relationship Person name Employee salary «playedBy» name=”joe” joe: Person :Student matr=0815 «base» :Employee salary=100 «base» :Employee salary=2000 «base» Employee salary Role Base Person name
  • 42. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 42 Introducing Object Teams ● team class Chess – package (namespace) & class (instances) ● team class Chess extends BoardGame – aka Family Polymorphism ● class Student playedBy Person – „inheritance“ among instances ● sharing of common properties ● overriding Arbitrary mix of language features? Synergy? Arbitrary mix of language features? Synergy?
  • 43. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 43 Roles & Teams ● Roles depend on context – contexts are reified as Teams ● Each team instance can be (de)activated – active team instances contribute to the system state – dispatch considers system state :Person phoneNo getPhoneNo() c :Companyc :Company name hire(Person p) name hire(Person p) :Employee officePhoneNo getPhoneNo ← getPhoneNo «playedBy» getPhoneNo() Off On if (c.isActive()) getPhoneNo()
  • 44. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 44 Contribution ● Ingredients – years of research (since 1999) – years of engineering – new paradigm? ● powerful new metaphors ● precise underpinning ● Move the world? – big step – few adopters
  • 45. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 45 SIMPLY RETAIL
  • 46. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 46 Goals ● Separation of concerns … – … can we identify the pure business logic? – … how do you port your app to a new platform? ● Software product line – Many mechanisms to offer extensibility – Shortage of extensibility on demand
  • 47. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 47 Business Logic ● Domain Objects – Entities ● attributes ● references ● Flow / Processes – States / Steps – Transitions ● event ● condition ● action
  • 48. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 48 Domain Specific Languages ● Textual modeling languages (9) – syntax ● grammar – semantics ● name resolution, validation – IDE functions ● navigation, outline, search, hover, quick fix, … ● Separate but connected – Inter-language integration – Diagrams are derived – Light-weight documentation ● tightly integrated with Mylyn WikiText Mix-n-match plug-in integration
  • 49. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 49 Separate, but Connected
  • 50. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 50 Safe for any Future ● Generate source code – for new target platforms ● Interpret models @ runtime – cool for monitoring, debugging … ● Migrate existing models – to new versions of the language ● Thanks to EMF underpinning!
  • 51. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 51 Draw from Experience ● Full type checking – all types are nonnull by default – optional types are marked, e.g., Item? ● Customization on demand – all models can be specialized – propagating specialization Player Token Move Rule Player Token Move Rule BoardGame Chess Token Move Rule NPE
  • 52. Stephan Herrmann: Innovation through languages and tools? - Eclipse Day India 2015 # 52 Move the World? spec ecjjavac It's the taking part that counts Resolving the tiniest, most embarrassing problem in Java Big progress, at a low multiplication factor. Mix-n-match paradigm shift, for one mid-sized company. NPE