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BestPracticesonDeployingPROS withMicrosoftSQLServer MaximizevalueandoperationalefficiencyofPROSpricemanagementsoftware Dr.  Eduardo Castro, MSc Facebook: ecastrom Twitter: edocastro
Agenda BriefoverviewofthePROSPricingSolutionSuite andMicrosoft®SQLServer®2008R2 SomebestpracticesforthePROSPricingSolutionSuite onSQLServer Summaryandlinksforfurtherinformation
PROSPricingSolutionSuite High-performancescalablearchitecture Hundredsofmanyearsofdevelopmentandscienceeffortarecontained inonecommonsetofcode Arobustplatformthatsupportshigh-performance scalabilityandthatishighlyconfigurable 5
ScientificAnalyticsProvidesVisibility Findandcorrectlow-performingcustomers Gainvisibilityintopriceandmarginleakage Pinpointrootcauseofperformanceand targetimprovement Identify“priceoutliers”withinsegment,target pricingimprovementstovalueproposition Catchchangesinpricingandprofittrendswith alerts Evaluateactionswith“what-if”scenarios Providebenchmarksforpricingimprovement Customers Markets and segments Targeted actions
DealOptimizerandPricingOptimizer Control complex prices Manage price changes Control quotes and deals Centralizecontrolandadministrationofprices Establishpriceguidance Improveplanningandmanagementofpricechanges Approvepricechangesthroughworkflow Communicatepricechangestothefield MakepricesavailableforuseinquotesandERP Analyzeprofitabilityofquotesbeforesendingto customers Feedbacktosalesondealmarginsusingallprices andcosts Ensurepriceguidanceandmargintargetsaremet Managedealapprovalprocess Pricing Optimizer Deal Optimizer
ExampleScenario Salesportalwithintegratedpricingdata Microsoft®Office Microsoft®Excel® Microsoft®Word Microsoft®Outlook® Microsoft®InfoPath® • • • • Microsoft®SharePoint® Server Businessprocessesandforms (WF) Portals Collaboration BusinessDataCatalog(BDC) • • • • MicrosoftDynamics®CRM MicrosoftSQLServer AnalysisServices(SSAS)and IntegrationServices(SSIS) ReportingServices(SSRS) • • Microsoft®Office CommunicationsServer andOfficeCommunicator Microsoft® PerformancePoint®Server
WhatDoesMicrosoftOffer? Microsoft®.NETsupportonservercore InternetInformationServices(IIS)7.0, Microsoft®ASP.NET,andPHP BettertogetherwithWindows®7 Providescloudplatformforscalableapps Automatedservicemanagement Familiarprogrammingmodel,tools Enterprise-classdataplatform Deliversascalablebusinessintelligence (BI)platform Bringsrelationaldatabasemanagement system(RDBMS)tothecloud Extendsline-of-businessapplications Richtools,platformservices Flexibledeployment
SQLServerEnterpriseBenefits Unplanned downtime Reducedowntime thatresultsfrom unexpectedevents Business intelligence Deliverbusinessinsight bytransformingdata intoactionable Disasterrecovery Reduceimpactand quicklyrecoverfrom disasters knowledge EnterpriseEdition Reporting Provideinformation tothepeoplewho needittomake gooddecisions Planneddowntime Reducedowntimefor regularlyscheduled maintenance Server consolidation Reducehardware andsoftwarecostsby combiningservers
Agenda BriefoverviewofthePROSPricingSolutionSuiteand SQLServer2008R2 SomebestpracticesforthePROSPricingSolution SuiteonSQLServer Summaryandlinksforfurtherinformation
SelectWhichFeatures toInstall Thechoicesshownarethe minimumfeaturesforaPROS PricingSolutionSuitedatabase installation
UseaLow-PrivilegeWindowsAccountfor DatabaseandSQLServerAgentServices ItisbesttouseadomainaccountinsteadofaSQLServer accountoralocalaccount ConfiguretheserviceaccountinSQL Server2008SetupattheServer Configurationstep Youcanchangetheserviceaccountlater byusingConfigurationManagerif necessary
GrantPermissiontothe SQLServerService AccounttoAllowFast FileInitializations WithSQLServerEnterprise,you caninitializedatafilesinstantly GrantthePerformvolume maintenancetaskspermission tousefastfileinitialization
SetCollationtoWindowsCollationwhen YouConfigureSQLServer2008 PROSPricingSolutionSuiteis designedtouseWindowsCollation withSQLServer2008 Collationletsthedatabaseengine accountforvarioussorting, comparisonoftextacrosslanguages, andcasesensitivity Setthecollationattheinstancelevel toensurethatitaffectsalldatabases thatareusedbyPROSsoftware SetthecollationatthetimeSQL Serverisinstalled
ChoosetheSecurityMode Configuretheserverauthenticationduringsetup –UseMixedModeauthentication –IftheSQLServerinstance isalreadyinstalled, modifythemodefrom SQLServerManagement Studio WhenchoosingMixedMode,youare requiredtoprovideastrongpassword forthebuilt-insystemadministrator (sa)account.
ConfiguretheDatabaseEngineService toAutomaticallyStart Decidewhichservicestoautomaticallystartduringserver configuration: ConfigureSQLServer Agentwithastartup typeofManualfor productiondatabase servers Configurethe WindowsServer® failoverclusterservice withastartuptypeof Manual Configureastand- alonedatabase instancewithastartup typeofAutomatic Afterinstallation,youcanchangeservicestartup typesinSQLServerConfigurationManager
UseBestPractices toSizeandPlace tempdb Movetempdbtoahigh- performance,fault-tolerant diskvolume(RAID1orRAID 10volumeonfastdisks,or solid-statedrive)during installationorbyusingthe ALTERDATABASEstatement Sizetempdbappropriately Presizetoasufficientlylargesize Ensurethatallthefilesintempdbare identicalinsizebecauseSQLServer 2008usesaproportional-fillalgorithm IncreasetheFILEGROWTHsettingto 50MB Consideraddingmultipledatafilesto thetempdbfilegroup
Configurethe MemoryforSQL Server IfyourPROSPricingSolutionSuite database(data+indexes)isoris expectedtobemuchlargerthanthe totalRAMonthedatabaseserver,PROS recommendsconfiguringtheminimum andmaximumservermemoryoptionsin SQLServer Physical RAM 8GB 16GB 24GB 32GB 48GB 64GB 96GB 128GB MinSQLServermemory 4,096MB 8,192MB 12,288MB 16,384MB 32,768MB 49,152MB 73,728MB 104,448MB MaxSQLServermemory 5,120MB(5GB) 12,288MB(12GB) 18,432MB(18GB) 25,600MB(25GB) 39,936MB(39GB) 56,320MB(55GB) 88,0640MB(86GB) 120,832MB(118GB)
UseData Compression (SQLServer EnterpriseOnly) Datacompressionprovidesspace savingsondisk Becausedatacompressionreduces theamountofdiskI/O,ittendsto improveperformance Datapagesarealsocompressedin thebufferpool,increasingthe effectiveamountofapplication datathatcanbeaccessedfromthe datacacheratherthandisk
Plan,Document, andTestthe Backupand RecoveryStrategy forthePROS Database Themostimportantongoingmaintenance taskforabusiness-criticaldatabasesuchas PROSPricingSolutionSuiteismanaging backups IfyouuseFullrecovery,backupmultiple timesperday IfyouuseSimplerecovery,backupatleast onceaday Storebackupsoffsitewheneverpossible Includeregularbackupsaspartofyour overallstrategy IfyouareusingSQLServer2008Enterprise, usebackupcompression o.
MonitorIndex Fragmentation,and DefragmentWhen Necessary Fragmentationcanreducethespeedof dataaccessandresultinslower applicationperformance Totellwhichindexeshave fragmentationproblems,use sys.dm_db_physical_stats() Trackfragmentationwith avg_fragmentation_in_percent,and chooseacourseofaction Notes: –Reorganizinganindexdoesnotblock useraccesstotheindex –Rebuildingorre-creatingtheindexdoes preventuseraccesstotheindex oToavoidblocking,useALTERINDEX REBUILDwiththeONLINE=ONoption oOnlineindexrebuildrequiresSQLServer 2008Enterprise Fragmentation <5% 5%-30% >30% Recommendedaction Donothing Reorganizewith ALTERINDEXREORGANIZE Rebuildwith ALTERINDEXREBUILDWITH (ONLINE=ON) or CREATEINDEXwithDROP_EXISTING=ON
CheckDatabaseIntegrityRegularly UseDBCCCHECKDB Itisbesttoincludedatabaseintegritychecksinascheduled job Ifproblemsaredetected,restorefromthebackup,orusea repairoptiononDBCCCHECKDB
UsethePROS Auto-Generated IndexedViews PROSautomaticallycreatesthe indexedviewstooptimizequeriesof lookups Indexedviewsareautomatically createdbasedonpricingdimension levels
SettheMaximum Degreeof Parallelism (MDOP)to1 Thisvalueidentifiesthenumber ofthreadsusedtoexecutea parallelplan Changingthissettingreduces blocking,deadlocks,andlocks PROSsoftwareparallelizeswork intheapplicationtier
PROSScientificAnalytics performanceisoptimizedusing AnalysisServices AnalysisServiceswilloptimizePROS performancebasedonuserqueries UseAnalysis ServicesUsage- BasedOptimization
ConsiderCube Partitioningwith MoreThan20 MillionRecords CubepartitioningallowsAnalysis Servicestoleveragemultiplecores –Improvescubeprocessingtime –Improvesquerytime Microsoftgenerallyrecommendsthat partitionsdonothavemorethan20 millionrecords Increasethemaximumnumberof databaseconnectionswhenthenumber ofpartitionsisabove10 –Formoreinformation,seesection 6.10oftheAnalysisServices PerformanceTuningGuide
IncreaseAnalysis ServicesThread Parameters Consideranincreaseof Threadpool/Query/MaxThreadstoless thanorequalto2timesthenumberof cores –Increasesthenumberofqueriesthatcan beservicesconcurrently Consideranincreaseof Threadpool/Process/MaxThreadstoless thanorequalto10timesthenumberof cores –Increasesthenumberofthreadsusedby thestorageengineduringqueryand processingoperations
LimittheNumber ofColumnsin Reportstoa SpecificWorkflow EaseofPROSconfigurationcan resultinmeasureexplosionon reports Limitthenumberofinitial measuresondefault configuration Usersarestillabletoaddand rearrangemeasuresandsaveas aFavorite
PROSInstallerallowsfor specificationofmultiplewebtier andapplicationtierprocesses PROSthreadingarchitectureand dramaticimprovementsincaching technologypromptuseoffewer processeswithincreasedthread limits FavorSingleWeb TierandApplication TierPROS Processesper Server
Consider BackgroundDeal Evaluationand ScheduledPrice Evaluation Largedealscanautomaticallybe senttothebackgroundfor evaluationtofreeupthe browserforotherPROSusage. Anemailissentwhen evaluationiscomplete. Masspriceevaluationscanbe triggeredadhocorputona schedulethroughtheuser interface.
Performance Tools System Performance Monitor (Perfmon) SQL Profiler Trace Dynamic Management Views/Functions DBCC commands SQLDiag (Shipped with SQL 2005/2008) SQLIO, SQLIOSim KernRate Debugging tools (Windbg, DebugDiag,…) More…
	Performance Tools Cont.	- What’s new in SQL Server 2008 Data Collector & Management Data Warehouse (MDW) Extended Events Activity Monitor New DMVs/DMFs
MDW Architecture MDW Host MDW Client Workstation Target Server Snapshot Data Management Studio dcexec.exe MDW Reports SSIS Pkgs Cache Files Collection Set Metadata SQL Agent Job Metadata msdb
Management Data Warehouse Time line Navigation control Resource usage
New and Improved DMVs Memory allocation tracking sys.dm_os_memory_brokers sys.dm_os_memory_nodes Reqource Governor sys.dm_resource_governor_configuration sys.dm_resource_governor_resource_pools sys.dm_resource_governor_workload_groups Query performance (hash value for query and plan) sys.dm_exec_query_stats Sys.dm_exec_requests sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats sys.dm_exec_trigger_stats More…
Bottleneck Analysis Bottleneck – A point or component of a process where throughput is the slowest. Understanding where time is spent Elapsed Time = Running + Waiting Key is the waiting - what type of wait(s)?
Disk I/O Bottleneck Analysis Monitor and identify I/O bottleneck Resource Monitor & Performance Monitor MDW DMV & Extended Events What is driving high I/O load? Inefficient query plan Too much data to read/write Slow I/O subsystem
Resource Monitor File level I/O throughput and disk response time
Agenda BriefoverviewofthePROSPricingSolutionSuiteand SQLServer2008 SomebestpracticesforthePROSPricingSolutionSuite onSQLServer Summaryandlinksforfurtherinformation
Summary SQLServer2008R2 isreadyformission- critical,enterprise deploymentsof PROSPricing SolutionSuite Usingthebest practicesdescribedin thispresentationhelps avoidandminimize performanceproblems Thestrategicalliance betweenPROSand Microsoftdelivers measurablebenefits
LinksforFurtherInformation Readthe“MicrosoftSQLServer2008R2Partner SolutionCaseStudy” SQLServer2008informationcanbefoundinBooksOnline  SQL Server 2008 Books Online: 4D7A-B628-0A98145BCB97&displaylang=en SQL Server 2008R2 Product Documentation (TechNet): SQL Server“Denali” Product Documentation (TechNet): – – – SeetheSQL Server Best Practices( us/sqlserver/bb671430.aspx)portalfortechnicalwhitepapers,theSQLServerBest PracticesToolbox,Top10Lists,andotherresources TheSQL Server Analysis Services Performance Guide ( 4078-a050-ae39912d2e43&DisplayLang=en)providesthedetailsbehindthebest practicesmentioned  
QuestionsandAnswers SubmittextquestionsbyusingtheAskbutton Don’tforgettofilloutthesurvey Forupcomingandpreviouslylivewebcasts,visit Gotwebcastcontentideas?Contactusat
BestPracticesonDeployingPROS withMicrosoftSQLServer MaximizevalueandoperationalefficiencyofPROSpricemanagementsoftware Dr.  Eduardo Castro, MSc Facebook: ecastrom Twitter: edocastro

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Mejores Practicas Implementar PRO SQL Server

  • 1. BestPracticesonDeployingPROS withMicrosoftSQLServer MaximizevalueandoperationalefficiencyofPROSpricemanagementsoftware Dr. Eduardo Castro, MSc Facebook: ecastrom Twitter: edocastro
  • 2. Agenda BriefoverviewofthePROSPricingSolutionSuite andMicrosoft®SQLServer®2008R2 SomebestpracticesforthePROSPricingSolutionSuite onSQLServer Summaryandlinksforfurtherinformation
  • 3. PROSPricingSolutionSuite High-performancescalablearchitecture Hundredsofmanyearsofdevelopmentandscienceeffortarecontained inonecommonsetofcode Arobustplatformthatsupportshigh-performance scalabilityandthatishighlyconfigurable 5
  • 4. ScientificAnalyticsProvidesVisibility Findandcorrectlow-performingcustomers Gainvisibilityintopriceandmarginleakage Pinpointrootcauseofperformanceand targetimprovement Identify“priceoutliers”withinsegment,target pricingimprovementstovalueproposition Catchchangesinpricingandprofittrendswith alerts Evaluateactionswith“what-if”scenarios Providebenchmarksforpricingimprovement Customers Markets and segments Targeted actions
  • 5. DealOptimizerandPricingOptimizer Control complex prices Manage price changes Control quotes and deals Centralizecontrolandadministrationofprices Establishpriceguidance Improveplanningandmanagementofpricechanges Approvepricechangesthroughworkflow Communicatepricechangestothefield MakepricesavailableforuseinquotesandERP Analyzeprofitabilityofquotesbeforesendingto customers Feedbacktosalesondealmarginsusingallprices andcosts Ensurepriceguidanceandmargintargetsaremet Managedealapprovalprocess Pricing Optimizer Deal Optimizer
  • 6. ExampleScenario Salesportalwithintegratedpricingdata Microsoft®Office Microsoft®Excel® Microsoft®Word Microsoft®Outlook® Microsoft®InfoPath® • • • • Microsoft®SharePoint® Server Businessprocessesandforms (WF) Portals Collaboration BusinessDataCatalog(BDC) • • • • MicrosoftDynamics®CRM MicrosoftSQLServer AnalysisServices(SSAS)and IntegrationServices(SSIS) ReportingServices(SSRS) • • Microsoft®Office CommunicationsServer andOfficeCommunicator Microsoft® PerformancePoint®Server
  • 7. WhatDoesMicrosoftOffer? Microsoft®.NETsupportonservercore InternetInformationServices(IIS)7.0, Microsoft®ASP.NET,andPHP BettertogetherwithWindows®7 Providescloudplatformforscalableapps Automatedservicemanagement Familiarprogrammingmodel,tools Enterprise-classdataplatform Deliversascalablebusinessintelligence (BI)platform Bringsrelationaldatabasemanagement system(RDBMS)tothecloud Extendsline-of-businessapplications Richtools,platformservices Flexibledeployment
  • 8. SQLServerEnterpriseBenefits Unplanned downtime Reducedowntime thatresultsfrom unexpectedevents Business intelligence Deliverbusinessinsight bytransformingdata intoactionable Disasterrecovery Reduceimpactand quicklyrecoverfrom disasters knowledge EnterpriseEdition Reporting Provideinformation tothepeoplewho needittomake gooddecisions Planneddowntime Reducedowntimefor regularlyscheduled maintenance Server consolidation Reducehardware andsoftwarecostsby combiningservers
  • 9. Agenda BriefoverviewofthePROSPricingSolutionSuiteand SQLServer2008R2 SomebestpracticesforthePROSPricingSolution SuiteonSQLServer Summaryandlinksforfurtherinformation
  • 10. SelectWhichFeatures toInstall Thechoicesshownarethe minimumfeaturesforaPROS PricingSolutionSuitedatabase installation
  • 11. UseaLow-PrivilegeWindowsAccountfor DatabaseandSQLServerAgentServices ItisbesttouseadomainaccountinsteadofaSQLServer accountoralocalaccount ConfiguretheserviceaccountinSQL Server2008SetupattheServer Configurationstep Youcanchangetheserviceaccountlater byusingConfigurationManagerif necessary
  • 12. GrantPermissiontothe SQLServerService AccounttoAllowFast FileInitializations WithSQLServerEnterprise,you caninitializedatafilesinstantly GrantthePerformvolume maintenancetaskspermission tousefastfileinitialization
  • 13. SetCollationtoWindowsCollationwhen YouConfigureSQLServer2008 PROSPricingSolutionSuiteis designedtouseWindowsCollation withSQLServer2008 Collationletsthedatabaseengine accountforvarioussorting, comparisonoftextacrosslanguages, andcasesensitivity Setthecollationattheinstancelevel toensurethatitaffectsalldatabases thatareusedbyPROSsoftware SetthecollationatthetimeSQL Serverisinstalled
  • 14. ChoosetheSecurityMode Configuretheserverauthenticationduringsetup –UseMixedModeauthentication –IftheSQLServerinstance isalreadyinstalled, modifythemodefrom SQLServerManagement Studio WhenchoosingMixedMode,youare requiredtoprovideastrongpassword forthebuilt-insystemadministrator (sa)account.
  • 15. ConfiguretheDatabaseEngineService toAutomaticallyStart Decidewhichservicestoautomaticallystartduringserver configuration: ConfigureSQLServer Agentwithastartup typeofManualfor productiondatabase servers Configurethe WindowsServer® failoverclusterservice withastartuptypeof Manual Configureastand- alonedatabase instancewithastartup typeofAutomatic Afterinstallation,youcanchangeservicestartup typesinSQLServerConfigurationManager
  • 16. UseBestPractices toSizeandPlace tempdb Movetempdbtoahigh- performance,fault-tolerant diskvolume(RAID1orRAID 10volumeonfastdisks,or solid-statedrive)during installationorbyusingthe ALTERDATABASEstatement Sizetempdbappropriately Presizetoasufficientlylargesize Ensurethatallthefilesintempdbare identicalinsizebecauseSQLServer 2008usesaproportional-fillalgorithm IncreasetheFILEGROWTHsettingto 50MB Consideraddingmultipledatafilesto thetempdbfilegroup
  • 17. Configurethe MemoryforSQL Server IfyourPROSPricingSolutionSuite database(data+indexes)isoris expectedtobemuchlargerthanthe totalRAMonthedatabaseserver,PROS recommendsconfiguringtheminimum andmaximumservermemoryoptionsin SQLServer Physical RAM 8GB 16GB 24GB 32GB 48GB 64GB 96GB 128GB MinSQLServermemory 4,096MB 8,192MB 12,288MB 16,384MB 32,768MB 49,152MB 73,728MB 104,448MB MaxSQLServermemory 5,120MB(5GB) 12,288MB(12GB) 18,432MB(18GB) 25,600MB(25GB) 39,936MB(39GB) 56,320MB(55GB) 88,0640MB(86GB) 120,832MB(118GB)
  • 18. UseData Compression (SQLServer EnterpriseOnly) Datacompressionprovidesspace savingsondisk Becausedatacompressionreduces theamountofdiskI/O,ittendsto improveperformance Datapagesarealsocompressedin thebufferpool,increasingthe effectiveamountofapplication datathatcanbeaccessedfromthe datacacheratherthandisk
  • 19. Plan,Document, andTestthe Backupand RecoveryStrategy forthePROS Database Themostimportantongoingmaintenance taskforabusiness-criticaldatabasesuchas PROSPricingSolutionSuiteismanaging backups IfyouuseFullrecovery,backupmultiple timesperday IfyouuseSimplerecovery,backupatleast onceaday Storebackupsoffsitewheneverpossible Includeregularbackupsaspartofyour overallstrategy IfyouareusingSQLServer2008Enterprise, usebackupcompression o.
  • 20. MonitorIndex Fragmentation,and DefragmentWhen Necessary Fragmentationcanreducethespeedof dataaccessandresultinslower applicationperformance Totellwhichindexeshave fragmentationproblems,use sys.dm_db_physical_stats() Trackfragmentationwith avg_fragmentation_in_percent,and chooseacourseofaction Notes: –Reorganizinganindexdoesnotblock useraccesstotheindex –Rebuildingorre-creatingtheindexdoes preventuseraccesstotheindex oToavoidblocking,useALTERINDEX REBUILDwiththeONLINE=ONoption oOnlineindexrebuildrequiresSQLServer 2008Enterprise Fragmentation <5% 5%-30% >30% Recommendedaction Donothing Reorganizewith ALTERINDEXREORGANIZE Rebuildwith ALTERINDEXREBUILDWITH (ONLINE=ON) or CREATEINDEXwithDROP_EXISTING=ON
  • 21. CheckDatabaseIntegrityRegularly UseDBCCCHECKDB Itisbesttoincludedatabaseintegritychecksinascheduled job Ifproblemsaredetected,restorefromthebackup,orusea repairoptiononDBCCCHECKDB
  • 22. UsethePROS Auto-Generated IndexedViews PROSautomaticallycreatesthe indexedviewstooptimizequeriesof lookups Indexedviewsareautomatically createdbasedonpricingdimension levels
  • 23. SettheMaximum Degreeof Parallelism (MDOP)to1 Thisvalueidentifiesthenumber ofthreadsusedtoexecutea parallelplan Changingthissettingreduces blocking,deadlocks,andlocks PROSsoftwareparallelizeswork intheapplicationtier
  • 24. PROSScientificAnalytics performanceisoptimizedusing AnalysisServices AnalysisServiceswilloptimizePROS performancebasedonuserqueries UseAnalysis ServicesUsage- BasedOptimization
  • 25. ConsiderCube Partitioningwith MoreThan20 MillionRecords CubepartitioningallowsAnalysis Servicestoleveragemultiplecores –Improvescubeprocessingtime –Improvesquerytime Microsoftgenerallyrecommendsthat partitionsdonothavemorethan20 millionrecords Increasethemaximumnumberof databaseconnectionswhenthenumber ofpartitionsisabove10 –Formoreinformation,seesection 6.10oftheAnalysisServices PerformanceTuningGuide
  • 26. IncreaseAnalysis ServicesThread Parameters Consideranincreaseof Threadpool/Query/MaxThreadstoless thanorequalto2timesthenumberof cores –Increasesthenumberofqueriesthatcan beservicesconcurrently Consideranincreaseof Threadpool/Process/MaxThreadstoless thanorequalto10timesthenumberof cores –Increasesthenumberofthreadsusedby thestorageengineduringqueryand processingoperations
  • 27. LimittheNumber ofColumnsin Reportstoa SpecificWorkflow EaseofPROSconfigurationcan resultinmeasureexplosionon reports Limitthenumberofinitial measuresondefault configuration Usersarestillabletoaddand rearrangemeasuresandsaveas aFavorite
  • 28. PROSInstallerallowsfor specificationofmultiplewebtier andapplicationtierprocesses PROSthreadingarchitectureand dramaticimprovementsincaching technologypromptuseoffewer processeswithincreasedthread limits FavorSingleWeb TierandApplication TierPROS Processesper Server
  • 29. Consider BackgroundDeal Evaluationand ScheduledPrice Evaluation Largedealscanautomaticallybe senttothebackgroundfor evaluationtofreeupthe browserforotherPROSusage. Anemailissentwhen evaluationiscomplete. Masspriceevaluationscanbe triggeredadhocorputona schedulethroughtheuser interface.
  • 30. Performance Tools System Performance Monitor (Perfmon) SQL Profiler Trace Dynamic Management Views/Functions DBCC commands SQLDiag (Shipped with SQL 2005/2008) SQLIO, SQLIOSim KernRate Debugging tools (Windbg, DebugDiag,…) More…
  • 31. Performance Tools Cont. - What’s new in SQL Server 2008 Data Collector & Management Data Warehouse (MDW) Extended Events Activity Monitor New DMVs/DMFs
  • 32. MDW Architecture MDW Host MDW Client Workstation Target Server Snapshot Data Management Studio dcexec.exe MDW Reports SSIS Pkgs Cache Files Collection Set Metadata SQL Agent Job Metadata msdb
  • 33. Management Data Warehouse Time line Navigation control Resource usage
  • 34. New and Improved DMVs Memory allocation tracking sys.dm_os_memory_brokers sys.dm_os_memory_nodes Reqource Governor sys.dm_resource_governor_configuration sys.dm_resource_governor_resource_pools sys.dm_resource_governor_workload_groups Query performance (hash value for query and plan) sys.dm_exec_query_stats Sys.dm_exec_requests sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats sys.dm_exec_trigger_stats More…
  • 35. Bottleneck Analysis Bottleneck – A point or component of a process where throughput is the slowest. Understanding where time is spent Elapsed Time = Running + Waiting Key is the waiting - what type of wait(s)?
  • 36. Disk I/O Bottleneck Analysis Monitor and identify I/O bottleneck Resource Monitor & Performance Monitor MDW DMV & Extended Events What is driving high I/O load? Inefficient query plan Too much data to read/write Slow I/O subsystem
  • 37. Resource Monitor File level I/O throughput and disk response time
  • 38. Agenda BriefoverviewofthePROSPricingSolutionSuiteand SQLServer2008 SomebestpracticesforthePROSPricingSolutionSuite onSQLServer Summaryandlinksforfurtherinformation
  • 39. Summary SQLServer2008R2 isreadyformission- critical,enterprise deploymentsof PROSPricing SolutionSuite Usingthebest practicesdescribedin thispresentationhelps avoidandminimize performanceproblems Thestrategicalliance betweenPROSand Microsoftdelivers measurablebenefits
  • 40. LinksforFurtherInformation Readthe“MicrosoftSQLServer2008R2Partner SolutionCaseStudy” SQLServer2008informationcanbefoundinBooksOnline  SQL Server 2008 Books Online: 4D7A-B628-0A98145BCB97&displaylang=en SQL Server 2008R2 Product Documentation (TechNet): SQL Server“Denali” Product Documentation (TechNet): – – – SeetheSQL Server Best Practices( us/sqlserver/bb671430.aspx)portalfortechnicalwhitepapers,theSQLServerBest PracticesToolbox,Top10Lists,andotherresources TheSQL Server Analysis Services Performance Guide ( 4078-a050-ae39912d2e43&DisplayLang=en)providesthedetailsbehindthebest practicesmentioned  
  • 41. QuestionsandAnswers SubmittextquestionsbyusingtheAskbutton Don’tforgettofilloutthesurvey Forupcomingandpreviouslylivewebcasts,visit Gotwebcastcontentideas?Contactusat
  • 42. BestPracticesonDeployingPROS withMicrosoftSQLServer MaximizevalueandoperationalefficiencyofPROSpricemanagementsoftware Dr. Eduardo Castro, MSc Facebook: ecastrom Twitter: edocastro