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BKITAtom, Nov 2011

                  Hieu Le Trung

WWW course
1st day

Today target
 Web and relative terms
   Web and web programming
   Website vs. webpage, domain vs. URL
 Course introduction
   Objective
   Content
   Useful tools
 HTML basic

Web & web programming
 Web in English language and web in our daily talks
 World Wide Web and internet

Web & web programming cont.
 Web programming, huh?
 For front-end developer: the war between browsers

Website and webpage
            Multiple webpage

            Under one domain


Domain vs. URL
 Domain
   Absolute                          • Relative
           •   /imgs/bg.png
          •   ../style/main.css

Course objective
 Understand our web
 Have the ability to implement a static webpage (maybe a
 Have the background to study more about web development.

What will we do?
 Get to know the “face” of our web (done before)
 Study the HTML language
 Study the CSS language

  Our case-study: a flower shop website
  Your assignment: blog theme building (just to be sure your effort
   is effectively)

Our friends
 Some major browsers
     IE 9
     Firefox 6+ with firebug add-on
     Chrome 14+
     Opera 11+
 A text editor
   Window notepad
   Notepad++, Gedit
   Netbeans, Eclipse
 W3School at , BkitClub forum

 Stand for Hypertext Markup Language
 A markup language, not a programming language
 An HTML document is eq. to a webpage
 Its brother: XHTML

HTML Element
<a href=“page1.html”>Click here</a>
<img src=“../image.jpg” alt=“hi!” />

o Start/Opening tag
o End/Closing tag
o Attribute: name=value
o Content: everything between the start and end tag

HTML charater reference
 See the HTML Character Entity Reference.html

Document type declaration
 One declaration for each HTML document
 Tell the browser how to render the HTML document and
  display it on the computer screen
 Keep your page being viewed as the same way in several
  browsers and system.

HTML document structure
<!DOCTYPE html>
                  Meta data: keywords, script, style sheet,
                  The content of your page: headings,
                  divisions, paragraphs, images, hyper links,

Today tags
 <title>
 <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>
 <div>, <p>
 <blockquote>, <q>
 <hr>, <br>
 <b>, <i>
 <span>

 Tags: opening and closing tag
 Set the page title
 Attributes: none
 Examples:

       <title>HTML introduction</title>
              The content of the document......

Heading tags (<h1> - <h6>)
 Tags: opening and closing tag
 Set the HTML headings
 Attributes: global attributes and event attributes
 Level: block
 Examples:

                          <h1>This    is   heading     1</h1>
                          <h2>This    is   heading     2</h2>
                          <h3>This    is   heading     3</h3>
                          <h4>This    is   heading     4</h4>
                          <h5>This    is   heading     5</h5>
                          <h6>This    is   heading     6</h6>

 Tags: opening and closing tag
 Define a division or a section. We usually use the <div>
  element to group HTML elements and format them with CSS.
  You can, but not recommended to, use <div> with text
 Attributes: global attributes and event attributes
 Level: block
 Examples:

  <h3>This is a heading</h3>
  <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
  <a href=“/some/where”>This is a link.</a>

 Tags: opening and closing tag
 Define a paragraph.
 Attributes: global attributes and event attributes
 Level: block
 Examples:

 <p>This is some text in a paragraph.</p>
 <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet <a href=”/a/link”>A
 link inside a paragraph</a></p>

 Tags: opening and closing tag
 The <blockquote> tag specifies a section that is quoted
  from another source.
 Attributes: cite, global attributes and event attributes
   cite: Specifies the source of the quotation
 Level: block
 Examples:
For 50 years, WWF has been protecting the future of
nature. The world’s leading conservation
organization, WWF works in 100 countries and is
supported by 1.2 million members in the United
States and close to 5 million globally.

 Tags: opening and closing tag
 Define a short quotation
 Attributes: cite, global attributes and event attributes
   cite: Specifies the source of the quotation
 Level: text
 Examples:

 <p>WWF's goal is to:
 <q>build a future where people live in harmony
 with nature</q>.
 We hope they succeed.</p>

<hr />
 Tags: opening and self-closing tag
 Creates a horizontal line in an HTML page.
 Attributes: global attributes and event attributes
 Level: block
 Examples:

<p>HTML is a language for describing web

<hr />

<p>CSS defines how to display HTML elements.</p>

<br />
 Tags: opening and self-closing tag
 Inserts a single line break. We just use it to insert a line
  break, not to separate two paragraphs.
 Attributes: global attributes and event attributes
 Level: block
 Examples:

<p>This text contains<br />a line break.</p>

Bold and itatic text: <b> & <i>
 Tags: opening and closing tag
 Specify a bold or itatic text.
 Attributes: global attributes and event attributes
 Level: text
 Examples:

 <p>It was a <b>red</b> house with a <b>blue</b>

 <p>He named his car <i>The lightning</i>, because
 it was very fast.</p>

 Tags: opening and closing tag
 Provide localized formatting within documents. This tag is
  also used to group inline elements.
 Attributes: global attributes and event attributes
 Level: text
 Examples:

<p>My mother has <span
style="color:lightblue">light blue</span>

Yêu cầu
Hiện thực một HTML document theo yêu cầu sau:

 Trên trình duyệt hiển thị tiêu đề của trang web là Cửa hàng
  hoa <tên cửa hàng>
 Có sử dụng <hr /> và quotation
 Có ít nhất hai đoạn, mỗi đoạn có ít nhất một heading
   Giới thiệu về cửa hàng
   Giới thiệu về chủ cửa hàng (có thể về bạn)
 Các nội dụng thêm

Chú ý: tệp tin có phần mở rộng là .html hoặc .htm
BKITAtom, Nov 2011

                  Hieu Le Trung

WWW course
2nd day

Today target
 HTML tags
     Link
     Image
     List
     Table
     Iframe
     Link, script and style

Hyper link <a>
 Tags: opening and closing tag
 Defines a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to
 Attributes: href, hreflang, rel, target global
  attributes and event attributes
 Level: inline

  Hyper link <a>

Attribute       Description
href            The URL of the page link goes to
hreflang        The language of the linked document
rel             The relationship between the current document and
                the linked document
target          How to open the linked document

Image <img>
 Tags: opening and self-closing tag
 Defines an image in an HTML page.
 Attributes: src, alt, height, width global attributes and
  event attributes
 Level: inline

  Image <img>

Attribute       Description
src             The URL of the image
alt             The alternate text for an image
width           The width of the image
height          The height of the image

URL Review


index.html   animal                           plants

                      cats.html     flowers            trees.html

                      dogs.html           roses.html

 HTML table
  What is a table?

                             Table header

Attribute Description
src        The URL of the image
alt        The alternate text for an image
                                             Table rows
width      The width of the image
height     The height of the image

         Table columns

HTML table – simple table
A simple table structure

                           Define a row
         <td></td>         Define a cell

HTML table – simple table
A simple table structure with spanning cell

                  Cell merged

                                              Cell merged

Use <td> attributes: colspan and rowspan

HTML table – more semantic
Additional elements: <th>, <thead>, <tbody> and
<tfoot> and <caption>

 <th>: define a header cell. It has the same attributes as the
  <td> element.

 <thead> Define the table headers

 <tbody> Define the table body

 <tfoot> Define the table footer

 The table header, body and footer elements have no visual

 <caption> Define the caption of the table

Use HTML table in layout
 Years ago, the story begins …

                               Now, we use CSS instead!

HTML list
• The first item                    1. The first item
• The second item                   2. The second item
• The third item                    3. The third item

   An unordered list                    An ordered list

We use <ul> or <ol> with the help of <li> tags to define
unordered (or ordered) list in HTML

HTML list
<ul>                                   <ol>
    <li></li>                              <li></li>
    <li></li>                              <li></li>
</ul>                                  </ol>
   An unordered list                        An ordered list

The list is no longer styled by HTML code in HTML5, we format
our lists by CSS.

The ordered list has the start attribute to set the initial value
for the first item of the list.

 HTML form
HTML forms are used to pass data to a server.
<form> tag defines a form. Its attributes:
      • action: specifies where to send the data of the form

      • enctype: specifies how form-data should be encoded
        before sending it to the server.
      • method: specifies how to send form data
      • name: the name of the form

Inside the <form> tag, we can define many elements.

   HTML form elements
             Defines an input control (textbox, password box,
<input />
             submit and cancel button, radio, checkbox)
<textarea>   Defines a multi-line text input control
<label>      Defines a label for an input element
<fieldset>   Defines a border around elements in a form
<legend>     Defines a caption for a fieldset element
<select>     Defines a select list (drop-down list)
<optgroup>   Defines a group of related options in a select list
<option>     Defines an option in a select list
<button>     Defines a push button


 Tags: opening and closing tag
 Defines preformatted text. This section is displayed in
  monospace font and it preserves both space and line break.
 Attributes: global attributes and event attributes
 Level: block

 Tags: opening and closing tag
 Define a client-side script, such as a JavaScript.
 Attributes: src global attributes and event attributes
   src the URL to the external script file
 Level: none

HTML comments
 The browser ignores these comment when rendering the
  HTML document.
 Usage:

<!-- The comment -->

 Use comments to quickly view your changes in a “safety”
  way or in debugging process.

And more HTML tags …

Tag              Description
<style>          Define an internal style for the HTML
<base>           Set the base URL for all relative URL in the
                 HTML document
<link>           Define the relationship between a document
                 and a external source (especially a style
<meta>           Provide metadata for the document
<object>         Embed an object to the HTML document
                 (usually a shockwave flash object)

      Even more in

Internal frame <iframe>
 Tags: opening and closing tag
 Embed an external HTML document in to this document.
 Attributes: src global attributes and event attributes
 Level: block

      Even more in

Your task (30 min)
Improve your flower shop website. Be sure that you have at
least 03 pages:
   Home page: introduce your shop, the shop location, your slogan,
    what you sell …
   Showcase page: introduce which flower you have in your store,
    their price, their description, ….
   About page: introduce yourself

You can use images in the /action/imgs folder

Next subject

Cascading Style Sheet
BKITAtom, Nov 2011
        Hieu Le Trung

WWW course

          3rd day
       Introduction                    Text formation
           Content and style               Text align
           CSS and CSS attachment          Color and text color
           HTML class and id
       Cascading Style Sheet
           Syntax
           The “cascading”
           CSS selector (simple)
       CSS width, height
           Length and percentage
           Width and height

       Any document has two aspects: content and style

                             You see
    How is it

    What is

                         You understand

       CSS stands for “Cascading Style Sheet”
       It’s a W3C recommendation
       CSS defines how to display HTML elements

       Define style of each element by its style attribute.
       Define style inside the <style></style> of the HTML
       Use <link> tag to define a link to an external style
           <link rel=“stylesheet”
            href=“url/to/the/css/file” type=“text/css” />

       Import external style to current style
           /* CSS rule (in a CSS file or inside the
            <style> tag) */
            @import url(“url/to/the/css/file”);
       Both of them are one of the HTML global element
       An id should be unique in a HTML document.
       A class can be applied to many elements in a HTML
    <div id=“main” class=“doc-section”>
        <h1 class=“title”>......</h1>
        <div class=“post”>


       Introduction                    Text formation
           Content and style               Text align
           CSS and CSS attachment          Color and text color
           HTML class and id
       Cascading Style Sheet
           The “cascading”
           CSS Syntax
           CSS selector (simple)
       CSS width, height
           Length and percentage
           Width and height

       The higher priority rules overrides the lower one
           The style in style attribute (not recommended)
           The style inside the <style> tag
           The style “imported” inside the <style> tag via @import
           The external style sheet which is linked to by the <link> tag
           The style “imported” inside an external style sheet.
           The default browser style
       The style defined later overrides the previous one.
       View more at

       A set of rules
       A rules
           One selector
           One or more declaration

       Each declaration
           A css property
           Its value: length, percent, color, url, constant
    Define the elements this rule applies to
    A selector can be one or a sequence of
        Universal selector *
        HTML element
         h1 { ... }
        Id definition
         #mainwrap { ... }
        Class definition
         .post { ... }
    Selectors can be grouped
        h1, h2, .post, #wrap { ... }
    See more at
    Any p element inside a blockquote element
        blockquote p { … }
    Any h1 element inside a element which the id is
        #sidebox h1 { … }
    Any p element have the class custom-para
        p.custom-para { … }

    Introduction                    Text formation
        Content and style               Text align
        CSS and CSS attachment          Color and text color
        HTML class and id
    Cascading Style Sheet
        The “cascading”
        CSS Syntax
        CSS selector (simple)
    CSS width, height
        Width and height
        Length and percentage



           ELEMENT        height

    width: set the width of an element

         Value     Description

         auto      The browser calculates the width. This is default

         length    Defines the width in px, cm, etc.

         %         Defines the width in percent of the containing block

                   Specifies that the value of the width property should
                   be inherited from the parent element


    height: set the height of an element

         Value     Description

         auto      The browser calculates the height. This is default

         length    Defines the height in px, cm, etc.

         %         Defines the height in percent of the containing block

                   Specifies that the value of the height property should
                   be inherited from the parent element


    Length: px, em, mm, cm, in, pt

    Notation      Meaning

    px            One pixel in normal screen display

    em            The font height

    pt            1/72 inch

    mm, cm, in    millimeters, centimeters, inches

    Percentage: %
    max-width
    min-width
    max-height
    min-height

    Introduction                    Text formation
        Content and style               Text align
        CSS and CSS attachment          Color and text color
        HTML class and id
    Cascading Style Sheet
        The “cascading”
        CSS Syntax
        CSS selector (simple)
    CSS width, height
        Width and height
        Length and percentage

    Specifies the horizontal alignment of text in an element.

         Value         Description
         left          Aligns the text to the left (default if ltr)
         right         Aligns the text to the right (default if rtl)

         center        Centers the text

                       Stretches the lines so that each line has equal width
                       (like in newspapers and magazines)
                       Specifies that the value of the text-align property should
                       be inherited from the parent element


    Specifies the color of text (foreground color)

Value          Description

               Specifies the text color. Look at CSS Color Values for a
               complete list of possible color values.

               Specifies that the color should be inherited from the parent
inherit        element. IE8 requires !DOCTYPE, IE9 and above support this

    RGB color model
    HSL color model (CSS3 – advanced)

    CSS color name: red, white, navy, …
    Numerical CSS color values:
        RGB or RRGGBB values: #06f, #00ff27,…
        RGBA values (CSS3): rgba(r, g, b, alpha) or
         rgba(r%, g%, b%, alpha)
    transparent
    More at:


     Do more, get more …

    Firebug

    Rainbow color tool

    Improve your previous website by applying the new CSS

Next subject

     CSS text formation (cont.), CSS font and CSS box model

BKITAtom, Dec 2011
        Hieu Le Trung

WWW course

          4th day
       Text formation (cont)              Background
           Text decoration                    Image and color
           Text Transformation                Position and repeat and
           Text-indent                         attachment
       Font properties
           Font families
           Font size and line height
           Font style
           Font weight
           Font variation

       text-decoration: set the width of an element
Value                   Description
none                    Defines a normal text. This is default
underline               Defines a line below the text

overline                Defines a line above the text

line-through            Defines a line through the text

blink                   Defines a blinking text
                        Specifies that the value of the text-decoration property
                        should be inherited from the parent element
       text-transform: controls the capitalization of text.
    Value          Description
    none           No capitalization. The text renders as it is. This is default

    capitalize     Transforms the first character of each word to uppercase

    uppercase      Transforms all characters to uppercase

    lowercase      Transforms all characters to lowercase

                   Specifies that the value of the text-transform property
                   should be inherited from the parent element

       text-ident: specifies the indentation of the first line in
        a text-block.

                   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lugens quia
           quod ait regem ut casus homini interimat potius
           accipiet. Rationem non potentiae Apollonium
           contigit cum obiectum dixit. Dionysiadis eum est se
           sed esse deprecor.


    Value       Description

    length      Defines a fixed indentation in px, pt, cm, em, etc.

                Defines the indentation in % of the width of the parent

                Specifies that the value of the text-indent property should
                be inherited from the parent element


       Text formation (cont)              Background
           Text decoration                    Image and color
           Text Transformation                Position and repeat and
           Text-indent                         attachment
       Font properties
           Font families
           Font size and line height
           Font style
           Font weight
           Font variation

       Serif and Sans-serif fonts

       Times New Roman,                Arial, Tahoma, Verdana,
        Georgia                          Segoe UI, Ubuntu

       Monospace fonts
           Courier New, Lucida Console, Consolas, Ubuntu
       font-family: set font of the element

          Value               Description

                              A prioritized list of font family names
                              and/or generic family names

                              Specifies that the font family should be
                              inherited from the parent element


       Try each font in the declared list until the browser finds
        this font in the local machine.
    font-size: set size of a font
Value                      Description
xx-small, x-small,
small, medium, large, Sets the font-size to a certain size
x-large, xx-large
                           Sets the font-size to a smaller size than the
                           parent element
                           Sets the font-size to a larger size than the
                           parent element
length                     Sets the font-size to a fixed size in px, cm, etc.
                           Sets the font-size to a percent of the parent
                           element's font size
                           Specifies that the font size should be inherited
                           from the parent element
    line-height: specifies the line height.

     Value     Description

     normal    A normal line height. This is default
               A number that will be multiplied with the current font
               size to set the line height
     length    A fixed line height in px, pt, cm, etc.
     %         A line height in percent of the current font size
               Specifies that the value of the line-height property should
               be inherited from the parent element

    font-weight: sets how thick or thin characters in text
     should be displayed.
     Value                Description
     normal               Defines normal characters. This is default
     bold                 Defines thick characters
     bolder               Defines thicker characters
     lighter              Defines lighter characters
     100,    200,   300, Defines from thin to thick characters. 400 is
     400,    500,   600, the same as normal, and 700 is the same as
     700,    800,   900 bold
                          Specifies that the font weight should be
                          inherited from the parent element

    font-style: set the font style of the text

         Value           Description
                         The browser displays a normal font style. This is
         italic          The browser displays an italic font style

         oblique         The browser displays an oblique font style

                         Specifies that the font style should be inherited
                         from the parent element


    Font-variation: decide whether this text appears in
     the small-cap format.
         Value        Description

         normal       The browser displays a normal font. This is default

         small-caps   The browser displays a small-caps font
                      Specifies that the font variant should be inherited
                      from the parent element


    font: sets all the font properties in one declaration.

Value             Description
font-style        Specifies the font style. See font-style for possible values
                  Specifies the font variant. See font-variant for possible
                  Specifies the font weight. See font-weight for possible
                  Specifies the font size and the line-height. See font-size
                  and line-height for possible values
font-family       Specifies the font family. See font-family for possible values

    Text formation (cont)              Background
        Text decoration                    Image and color
        Text Transformation                Position and repeat and
        Text-indent                         attachment
    Font properties
        Font families
        Font size and line height
        Font style
        Font weight
        Font variation

    background-color: sets the background color of an
    Include padding and border, not margin (read more in the
     5th day)

         Value         Description
                       Specifies the background color. Look at CSS Color Values
                       for a complete list of possible color values.

                       Specifies that the background color should be
                       transparent. This is default

                       Specifies that the background color should be inherited
                       from the parent element
    background-image: sets the background image for an

Value        Description

url('URL') The URL to the image

none         No background image will be displayed. This is default

             Specifies that the background image should be inherited from
             the parent element

    background-repeat: sets if/how a background image
     will be repeated.
    Value       Description

                The background image will be repeated both vertically and
                horizontally. This is default

    repeat-x    The background image will be repeated only horizontally

    repeat-y    The background image will be repeated only vertically

    no-repeat   The background-image will not be repeated

                Specifies that the setting of the background-repeat property
                should be inherited from the parent element

    ackground-attachment: sets whether a background
     image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page.

Value      Description

           The background image scrolls with the rest of the page. This is

fixed      The background image is fixed

           Specifies that the setting of the background-attachment property
           should be inherited from the parent element

    background-position: sets the starting position of a
     background image.

Value           Description
left top
left center
left bottom
right top
right center    If you only specify one keyword, the other value will be "center"
right bottom
center top
center center
center bottom
                The first value is the horizontal position and the second value is the vertical.
x% y%           The top left corner is 0% 0%. The right bottom corner is 100% 100%. If you
                only specify one value, the other value will be 50%. . Default value is: 0% 0%
                The first value is the horizontal position and the second value is the vertical.
                The top left corner is 0 0. Units can be pixels (0px 0px) or any other CSS
xpos ypos
                units. If you only specify one value, the other value will be 50%.You can mix
                % and positions
                Specifies that the setting of the background-position property should be
                inherited from the parent element
    background: sets all the background properties in one

Value                Description

background-color     Specifies the background color to be used
                     Specifies the position of the background images
background-repeat    Specifies how to repeat the background images

background-          Specifies whether the background images are fixed or
attachment           scrolls with the rest of the page

background-image     Specifies ONE or MORE background images to be used


     Do more, get more …

    Improve your previous website by applying the new CSS

Next subject

         CSS box model

BKITAtom, Dec 2011
        Hieu Le Trung

WWW course

          5th day
       Box model
           Border
           Margin
           Padding
       Float and clear
           Float
           Clear
       Display and Position
           Display
           Position

       Every element can be considered as a box





       For border, margin, padding, we have 4 sub-
        elements in the top, right, bottom and left of the
        formated element.
       For a PROP property, we also have another 4 properties:
           PROP-left: defines the left PROP property
           PROP-right: defines the right PROP property
           PROP-top: defines the top PROP property
           PROP-bottom: defines the bottom PROP property

       The PROP property can also be written in a shortand
        way using one of the following:

    Defines the top , right, bottom,       Defines value for all four side of the
    left value of the PROP                 formated PROP property

    PROP: VALUE VALUE                      PROP: VALUE VALUE VALUE

        Defines the top and bottom, left    Defines the top , left and right,
        and right value of the PROP         bottom value of the PROP

       border: format the border of a element
    Properties      Description

    border-width The width of the border

    border-style The style of the border

    border-color The color of the border

    border          The shortand property

       border-width: sets the width of the border of an
         Value     Description
         thin      Specifies a thin border
         medium    Specifies a medium border. This is default
         thick     Specifies a thick border
         length    Allows you to define the thickness of the border

                   Specifies that the border width should be inherited
                   from the parent element

       border-style: sets the style of the border of an


       border-color: sets the style of the border of an

    Value           Description
                    Specifies the background color. Look at CSS Color Values
                    for a complete list of possible color values
                    Specifies that the border color should be transparent. This
                    is default
                    Specifies that the border color should be inherited from
                    the parent element

     Value     Description
     auto      The browser calculates a margin
     length    Specifies a margin in px, pt, cm, etc. Default value is 0px
               Specifies a margin in percent of the width of the containing
               Specifies that the margin should be inherited from the parent


Value          Description

length         Specifies the padding in px, pt, cm, etc. Default value is 0px

%              Specifies the padding in percent of the width of the containing element

inherit        Specifies that the padding should be inherited from the parent element


    Box model
        Border
        Margin
        Padding
    Float and clear
        Float
        Clear
    Display and Position
        Display
        Position

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~~~~~
                                A floating element allows other elements
                                wrap around it if there is a space

     Without floating   The block element is floating

    float: specifies whether or not a box (an element)
     should float.

    Value      Description
    left       The element floats to the left

    right      The element floats the right

               The element is not floated, and will be displayed just where it
               occurs in the text. This is default

               Specifies that the value of the float property should be inherited
               from the parent element

    clear: specifies which sides of an element where other
     floating elements are not allowed.

Value      Description
left       No floating elements allowed on the left side
right      No floating elements allowed on the right side
both       No floating elements allowed on either the left or the right side
none       Default. Allows floating elements on both sides

           Specifies that the value of the clear property should be inherited from
           the parent element

    Box model
        Border
        Margin
        Padding
    Float and clear
        Float
        Clear
    Display and Position
        Display
        Position

    position: specifies the type of positioning method used
     for an element (static, relative, absolute or fixed).

Value      Description
           Elements renders in order, as they appear in the document flow. This is
           The element is positioned relative to its first positioned (not static)
           ancestor element
fixed      The element is positioned relative to the browser window
           The element is positioned relative to its normal position, so "left:20" adds
           20 pixels to the element's LEFT position

inherit    The value of the position property is inherited from the parent element

    display: specifies the type of box an element should

Value          Description

none           The element will generate no box at all
               The element will generate a block box (a line break before and after
               the element)
               The element will generate an inline box (no line break before or
               after the element). This is default
inline-block   The element will generate a block box, laid out as an inline box

               The element will generate an inline box (like <table>, with no line
               break before or after)

Value           Description
                The element will generate a block box, and an inline box for
                the list marker
                The element will generate a block or inline box, depending on
                The element will behave like a table (like <table>, with a line
                break before and after)
table-caption   The element will behave like a table caption (like <caption>)

table-cell      The element will behave like a table cell

table-column    The element will behave like a table column

table-column-   The element will behave like a table column group (like
group           <colgroup>)
Value             Description
                  The element will behave like a table footer row group
                  The element will behave like a table header row group
table-row         The element will behave like a table row
table-row-group   The element will behave like a table row group

                  Specifies that the value of the display property should be
                  inherited from the parent element


     Do more, get more …

    Improve your previous website by applying the new CSS
     rules. You should re-layout it without using table int the
     main layout.

BKITAtom, Dec 2011
         Hieu Le Trung

WWW course

          6th day
       List formating
           List style
           List style image
           List style position
           List style type
       Table formating
       Link formating
           “lovehate” rule

       replaces the list-item marker with an image. replaces the
        list-item marker with an image.

         Value     Description
         url       The path to the image to be used as a list-item marker
                   No image will be displayed. Instead, the list-style-type
         none      property will define what type of list marker will be
                   rendered.This is default
                   Specifies that the value of the list-style-image property
                   should be inherited from the parent element

       specifies if the list-item markers should appear inside or
        outside the content flow.

         Value     Description
                   Indents the marker and the text. The bullets appear inside the
                   content flow
                   Keeps the marker to the left of the text. The bullets appears
                   outside the content flow. This is default
                   Specifies that the value of the list-style-position property
                   should be inherited from the parent element

       specifies the type of list-item marker in a list.

Value                   Description
armenian                The marker is traditional Armenian numbering
circle                  The marker is a circle
cjk-ideographic         The marker is plain ideographic numbers
decimal                 The marker is a number.This is default for <ol>
decimal-leading-        The marker is a number with leading zeros (01, 02, 03,
zero                    etc.)
disc                    The marker is a filled circle.This is default for <ul>
georgian                The marker is traditional Georgian numbering
hebrew                  The marker is traditional Hebrew numbering


              The value of the listStyleType property is inherited from
              parent element
lower-alpha   The marker is lower-alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)
lower-greek   The marker is lower-greek
lower-latin   The marker is lower-latin (a, b, c, d, e, etc.)
lower-roman   The marker is lower-roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.)
none          No marker is shown
square        The marker is a square
upper-alpha   The marker is upper-alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)
upper-latin   The marker is upper-latin (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)
upper-roman   The marker is upper-roman (I, II, III, IV,V, etc.)

       sets all the list properties in one declaration.

Value              Description
                   Specifies the type of list-item marker. See list-style-type for possible
list-style-        Specifies where to place the list-item marker. See list-style-position
position           for possible values
                   Specifies the type of list-item marker. See list-style-image for possible
                   Specifies that the value of the list-style property should be inherited
                   from the parent element

       List formating
           List style
           List style image
           List style position
           List style type
       Table formating
       Link formating
           “lovehate” rule


     Column 1       Column 2            Column 3

    Lorem          Novoire idimu               $ 5,000

    Ispum       Sactum liner practist         $13,000

    Consepti       Echemica sisto             $ 25,300

    Lavarine        Clarif Woodi              $11,000

    Outes       Sentia Cloro Sacture           $ 8,700


         How do you
         do it in CSS?

    List formating
        List style
        List style image
        List style position
        List style type
    Table formating
    Link formating
        “lovehate” rule

    What is a hyperlink?
    Its default display.

            Link         Visited       Hover         Active

         • Normal      • A link      • Your       • You’re
           apperance     have been     mouse is     pressing
                         visited       over the     the left
                                       anchor.      mouse

    :link
    :visited
    :hover
    :active

    So we have to defines these elements in a certain order
     call “LoVeHAte”
    Pseudo elements will be discussed more in the next class.


     Do more, get more …

    Improve your previous website by applying the new CSS
     rules.You should re-layout it without using table int the
     main layout.

BKITAtom, Dec 2011
         Hieu Le Trung

WWW course

          7th day
       CSS 3 new features
           Border-radius
           Box-shadow
           Opacity
       CSS media type
       CSS selector review
       Assignment discuss

       Add rounded borders to elements!

        IE9+     Firefox 4+   Chrome 14+     Opera        Safari 4+

       border-radius: 1-4 length|% / 1-4 length|%;

       Horizontal radius/ Vertical radius
       top-left -> top-right -> bottom-right -> bottom-left

       Attaches one or more drop-shadows to the box.

        IE9+     Firefox 4+   Chrome 14+   Opera        Safari 5.1.1+

       box-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur spread
        color inset;

       Attaches one or more drop-shadows to the box.
Value             Description
                  Required. The position of the horizontal shadow. Negative
                  values are allowed
                  Required. The position of the vertical shadow. Negative values
                  are allowed
blur              Optional. The blur distance
spread            Optional. The size of shadow
                  Optional. The color of the shadow. Look at CSS Color Values
                  for a complete list of possible color values
                  Optional. Changes the shadow from an outer shadow (outset)
                  to an inner shadow

       Sets the opacity level for an element.

         Value        Description
                      Specifies the opacity. From 0.0 (fully transparent) to
                      1.0 (fully opaque)
                      The value of the opacity property should be
                      inherited from the parent element

       Before CSS3, there are many special properties which is
        not standard.
       When CSS3 is released, we need a period of time to
        implement all of its standards in ALL browser

    filter         -moz-      -webkit-        -o-         -webkit-

       CSS 3 new features
           Border-radius
           Box-shadow
           Opacity
       CSS media type
       CSS selector review
       Assignment discuss

Media Type     Description
all            Used for all media type devices
aural          Used for speech and sound synthesizers
braille        Used for braille tactile feedback devices
embossed       Used for paged braille printers
handheld       Used for small or handheld devices
print          Used for printers
projection Used for projected presentations, like slides
screen         Used for computer screens
               Used for media using a fixed-pitch character grid, like
               teletypes and terminals
tv             Used for television-type devices

 When linking to the HTML document
<link href=“…” type=“…” rel=“…” media=“…” />

 In CSS declarations
@media …
      // CSS rules


     Do more, get more …

    Improve your previous website by applying the new CSS
     rules.You should re-layout it without using table int the
     main layout.


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A table in HTML is used to represent tabular data, like data in a spreadsheet. Some key things to know about HTML tables:- Tables are defined with <table>, <tr> (table row), and <td> (table data cell) tags. - <table> defines the entire table. <tr> defines each row within the table. <td> defines each cell within a row.- You can optionally use <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot> to define header, body, footer sections of the table.- Tables support colspan and rowspan attributes to merge cells horizontally or vertically. - For accessibility, each <td> should have a <th> associated with it

  • 1. BKITAtom, Nov 2011 Hieu Le Trung WWW course 1st day
  • 2. 2 Today target  Web and relative terms  Web and web programming  Website vs. webpage, domain vs. URL  Course introduction  Objective  Content  Useful tools  HTML basic
  • 3. 3 Web & web programming  Web in English language and web in our daily talks  World Wide Web and internet
  • 4. 4 Web & web programming cont.  Web programming, huh?  For front-end developer: the war between browsers
  • 5. 5 Website and webpage Multiple webpage Under one domain website
  • 6. 6 Domain vs. URL  Domain     URL  Absolute • Relative  • /imgs/bg.png  • ../style/main.css
  • 7. 7 Course objective  Understand our web  Have the ability to implement a static webpage (maybe a website)  Have the background to study more about web development.
  • 8. 8 What will we do?  Get to know the “face” of our web (done before)  Study the HTML language  Study the CSS language Hum… Our case-study: a flower shop website Your assignment: blog theme building (just to be sure your effort is effectively)
  • 9. 9 Our friends  Some major browsers  IE 9  Firefox 6+ with firebug add-on  Chrome 14+  Opera 11+  A text editor  Window notepad  Notepad++, Gedit  Netbeans, Eclipse  W3School at , BkitClub forum
  • 10. 10 HTML  Stand for Hypertext Markup Language  A markup language, not a programming language  An HTML document is eq. to a webpage  Its brother: XHTML
  • 11. 11 HTML Element <a href=“page1.html”>Click here</a> <img src=“../image.jpg” alt=“hi!” /> o Start/Opening tag o End/Closing tag o Attribute: name=value o Content: everything between the start and end tag
  • 12. 12 HTML charater reference  See the HTML Character Entity Reference.html
  • 13. 13 Document type declaration  One declaration for each HTML document  Tell the browser how to render the HTML document and display it on the computer screen  Keep your page being viewed as the same way in several browsers and system.
  • 14. 14 HTML document structure <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> Meta data: keywords, script, style sheet, favicon… </head> <body> The content of your page: headings, divisions, paragraphs, images, hyper links, … </body> </html>
  • 15. 15 Today tags  <title>  <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>  <div>, <p>  <blockquote>, <q>  <hr>, <br>  <b>, <i>  <span>
  • 16. 16 <title>  Tags: opening and closing tag  Set the page title  Attributes: none  Examples: <html> <head> <title>HTML introduction</title> </head> <body> The content of the document...... </body> </html>
  • 17. 17 Heading tags (<h1> - <h6>)  Tags: opening and closing tag  Set the HTML headings  Attributes: global attributes and event attributes  Level: block  Examples: <h1>This is heading 1</h1> <h2>This is heading 2</h2> <h3>This is heading 3</h3> <h4>This is heading 4</h4> <h5>This is heading 5</h5> <h6>This is heading 6</h6>
  • 18. 18 <div>  Tags: opening and closing tag  Define a division or a section. We usually use the <div> element to group HTML elements and format them with CSS. You can, but not recommended to, use <div> with text content  Attributes: global attributes and event attributes  Level: block  Examples: <div> <h3>This is a heading</h3> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> <a href=“/some/where”>This is a link.</a> </div>
  • 19. 19 <p>  Tags: opening and closing tag  Define a paragraph.  Attributes: global attributes and event attributes  Level: block  Examples: <p>This is some text in a paragraph.</p> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet <a href=”/a/link”>A link inside a paragraph</a></p>
  • 20. 20 <blockquote>  Tags: opening and closing tag  The <blockquote> tag specifies a section that is quoted from another source.  Attributes: cite, global attributes and event attributes  cite: Specifies the source of the quotation  Level: block  Examples: <blockquote cite=""> For 50 years, WWF has been protecting the future of nature. The world’s leading conservation organization, WWF works in 100 countries and is supported by 1.2 million members in the United States and close to 5 million globally. </blockquote>
  • 21. 21 <q>  Tags: opening and closing tag  Define a short quotation  Attributes: cite, global attributes and event attributes  cite: Specifies the source of the quotation  Level: text  Examples: <p>WWF's goal is to: <q>build a future where people live in harmony with nature</q>. We hope they succeed.</p>
  • 22. 22 <hr />  Tags: opening and self-closing tag  Creates a horizontal line in an HTML page.  Attributes: global attributes and event attributes  Level: block  Examples: <h1>HTML</h1> <p>HTML is a language for describing web pages.</p> <hr /> <h1>CSS</h1> <p>CSS defines how to display HTML elements.</p>
  • 23. 23 <br />  Tags: opening and self-closing tag  Inserts a single line break. We just use it to insert a line break, not to separate two paragraphs.  Attributes: global attributes and event attributes  Level: block  Examples: <p>This text contains<br />a line break.</p>
  • 24. 24 Bold and itatic text: <b> & <i>  Tags: opening and closing tag  Specify a bold or itatic text.  Attributes: global attributes and event attributes  Level: text  Examples: <p>It was a <b>red</b> house with a <b>blue</b> door.</p> <p>He named his car <i>The lightning</i>, because it was very fast.</p>
  • 25. 25 <span>  Tags: opening and closing tag  Provide localized formatting within documents. This tag is also used to group inline elements.  Attributes: global attributes and event attributes  Level: text  Examples: <p>My mother has <span style="color:lightblue">light blue</span> eyes.</p>
  • 26. 26 Yêu cầu Hiện thực một HTML document theo yêu cầu sau:  Trên trình duyệt hiển thị tiêu đề của trang web là Cửa hàng hoa <tên cửa hàng>  Có sử dụng <hr /> và quotation  Có ít nhất hai đoạn, mỗi đoạn có ít nhất một heading  Giới thiệu về cửa hàng  Giới thiệu về chủ cửa hàng (có thể về bạn)  Các nội dụng thêm Chú ý: tệp tin có phần mở rộng là .html hoặc .htm
  • 27. BKITAtom, Nov 2011 Hieu Le Trung WWW course 2nd day
  • 28. 2 Today target  HTML tags  Link  Image  List  Table  Iframe  Link, script and style
  • 29. 3 Hyper link <a>  Tags: opening and closing tag  Defines a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to another.  Attributes: href, hreflang, rel, target global attributes and event attributes  Level: inline
  • 30. 4 Hyper link <a> Attributes Attribute Description href The URL of the page link goes to hreflang The language of the linked document rel The relationship between the current document and the linked document target How to open the linked document
  • 31. 5 Image <img>  Tags: opening and self-closing tag  Defines an image in an HTML page.  Attributes: src, alt, height, width global attributes and event attributes  Level: inline
  • 32. 6 Image <img> Attributes Attribute Description src The URL of the image alt The alternate text for an image width The width of the image height The height of the image
  • 33. 7 URL Review index.html animal plants cats.html flowers trees.html dogs.html roses.html
  • 34. 8 HTML table What is a table? Table header Attribute Description src The URL of the image alt The alternate text for an image Table rows width The width of the image height The height of the image Table columns
  • 35. 9 HTML table – simple table A simple table structure <table> <tr> <td></td> Define a row <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> Define a cell <td></td> </tr> </table>
  • 36. 10 HTML table – simple table A simple table structure with spanning cell Cell merged horizontally Cell merged vertically Use <td> attributes: colspan and rowspan
  • 37. 11 HTML table – more semantic Additional elements: <th>, <thead>, <tbody> and <tfoot> and <caption>  <th>: define a header cell. It has the same attributes as the <td> element.  <thead> Define the table headers  <tbody> Define the table body  <tfoot> Define the table footer  The table header, body and footer elements have no visual effect.  <caption> Define the caption of the table
  • 38. 12 Use HTML table in layout  Years ago, the story begins …  Now, we use CSS instead!
  • 39. 13 HTML list • The first item 1. The first item • The second item 2. The second item • The third item 3. The third item An unordered list An ordered list We use <ul> or <ol> with the help of <li> tags to define unordered (or ordered) list in HTML
  • 40. 14 HTML list <ul> <ol> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> </ol> An unordered list An ordered list The list is no longer styled by HTML code in HTML5, we format our lists by CSS. The ordered list has the start attribute to set the initial value for the first item of the list.
  • 41. 15 HTML form HTML forms are used to pass data to a server. <form> tag defines a form. Its attributes: • action: specifies where to send the data of the form • enctype: specifies how form-data should be encoded before sending it to the server. • method: specifies how to send form data • name: the name of the form Inside the <form> tag, we can define many elements.
  • 42. 16 HTML form elements Defines an input control (textbox, password box, <input /> submit and cancel button, radio, checkbox) <textarea> Defines a multi-line text input control <label> Defines a label for an input element <fieldset> Defines a border around elements in a form <legend> Defines a caption for a fieldset element <select> Defines a select list (drop-down list) <optgroup> Defines a group of related options in a select list <option> Defines an option in a select list <button> Defines a push button
  • 43. 17 <pre>  Tags: opening and closing tag  Defines preformatted text. This section is displayed in monospace font and it preserves both space and line break.  Attributes: global attributes and event attributes  Level: block
  • 44. 18 <script>  Tags: opening and closing tag  Define a client-side script, such as a JavaScript.  Attributes: src global attributes and event attributes  src the URL to the external script file  Level: none
  • 45. 19 HTML comments  The browser ignores these comment when rendering the HTML document.  Usage: <!-- The comment -->  Use comments to quickly view your changes in a “safety” way or in debugging process.
  • 46. 20 And more HTML tags … Tag Description <style> Define an internal style for the HTML document <base> Set the base URL for all relative URL in the HTML document <link> Define the relationship between a document and a external source (especially a style sheet) <meta> Provide metadata for the document <object> Embed an object to the HTML document (usually a shockwave flash object) Even more in
  • 47. 21 Internal frame <iframe>  Tags: opening and closing tag  Embed an external HTML document in to this document.  Attributes: src global attributes and event attributes  Level: block Even more in
  • 48. 22 Your task (30 min) Improve your flower shop website. Be sure that you have at least 03 pages:  Home page: introduce your shop, the shop location, your slogan, what you sell …  Showcase page: introduce which flower you have in your store, their price, their description, ….  About page: introduce yourself You can use images in the /action/imgs folder
  • 50. BKITAtom, Nov 2011 Hieu Le Trung WWW course 3rd day
  • 51. TODAY TARGET  Introduction  Text formation  Content and style  Text align  CSS and CSS attachment  Color and text color  HTML class and id  Cascading Style Sheet  Syntax  The “cascading”  CSS selector (simple)  CSS width, height  Length and percentage  Width and height 2
  • 52. CONTENT AND STYLE  Any document has two aspects: content and style You see How is it CSS presented? Information What is HTML presented? You understand 3
  • 53. CSS – WHAT IS IT  CSS stands for “Cascading Style Sheet”  It’s a W3C recommendation  CSS defines how to display HTML elements 4
  • 54. ATTACH THE CSS STYLE TO A PAGE  Define style of each element by its style attribute.  Define style inside the <style></style> of the HTML document.  Use <link> tag to define a link to an external style sheet.  <link rel=“stylesheet” href=“url/to/the/css/file” type=“text/css” />  Import external style to current style  /* CSS rule (in a CSS file or inside the <style> tag) */ @import url(“url/to/the/css/file”); 5
  • 55. CLASS AND ID  Both of them are one of the HTML global element attributes  An id should be unique in a HTML document.  A class can be applied to many elements in a HTML document. <div id=“main” class=“doc-section”> <h1 class=“title”>......</h1> <div class=“post”> </div> </div> 6
  • 56. TODAY TARGET  Introduction  Text formation  Content and style  Text align  CSS and CSS attachment  Color and text color  HTML class and id  Cascading Style Sheet  The “cascading”  CSS Syntax  CSS selector (simple)  CSS width, height  Length and percentage  Width and height 7
  • 57. THE SIMPLE “CASCADING”  The higher priority rules overrides the lower one  The style in style attribute (not recommended)  The style inside the <style> tag  The style “imported” inside the <style> tag via @import  The external style sheet which is linked to by the <link> tag  The style “imported” inside an external style sheet.  The default browser style  The style defined later overrides the previous one.  View more at 8
  • 58. CSS SYNTAX  A set of rules  A rules  One selector  One or more declaration  Each declaration  A css property  Its value: length, percent, color, url, constant 9
  • 59. THE CSS SIMPLE SELECTORS  Define the elements this rule applies to  A selector can be one or a sequence of  Universal selector *  HTML element h1 { ... }  Id definition #mainwrap { ... }  Class definition .post { ... }  Selectors can be grouped  h1, h2, .post, #wrap { ... }  See more at 10
  • 60. THE CSS SIMPLE SELECTORS (cont.)  Any p element inside a blockquote element  blockquote p { … }  Any h1 element inside a element which the id is “sidebox”  #sidebox h1 { … }  Any p element have the class custom-para  p.custom-para { … } 11
  • 61. TODAY TARGET  Introduction  Text formation  Content and style  Text align  CSS and CSS attachment  Color and text color  HTML class and id  Cascading Style Sheet  The “cascading”  CSS Syntax  CSS selector (simple)  CSS width, height  Width and height  Length and percentage 12
  • 62. CSS PROPERTIES : WIDTH and HEIGHT width ELEMENT height 13
  • 63. CSS PROPERTIES : WIDTH and HEIGHT  width: set the width of an element Value Description auto The browser calculates the width. This is default length Defines the width in px, cm, etc. % Defines the width in percent of the containing block Specifies that the value of the width property should inherit be inherited from the parent element 14
  • 64. CSS PROPERTIES : WIDTH and HEIGHT  height: set the height of an element Value Description auto The browser calculates the height. This is default length Defines the height in px, cm, etc. % Defines the height in percent of the containing block Specifies that the value of the height property should inherit be inherited from the parent element 15
  • 65. CSS LENGTH and PERCENTAGE  Length: px, em, mm, cm, in, pt Notation Meaning px One pixel in normal screen display em The font height pt 1/72 inch mm, cm, in millimeters, centimeters, inches  Percentage: % 16
  • 66. MORE ABOUT DIMENSION …  max-width  min-width  max-height  min-height 17
  • 67. TODAY TARGET  Introduction  Text formation  Content and style  Text align  CSS and CSS attachment  Color and text color  HTML class and id  Cascading Style Sheet  The “cascading”  CSS Syntax  CSS selector (simple)  CSS width, height  Width and height  Length and percentage 18
  • 68. CSS PROPERTIES: TEXT-ALIGN  Specifies the horizontal alignment of text in an element. Value Description left Aligns the text to the left (default if ltr) right Aligns the text to the right (default if rtl) center Centers the text Stretches the lines so that each line has equal width justify (like in newspapers and magazines) Specifies that the value of the text-align property should inherit be inherited from the parent element 19
  • 69. CSS PROPERTIES: COLOR  Specifies the color of text (foreground color) Value Description Specifies the text color. Look at CSS Color Values for a color complete list of possible color values. Specifies that the color should be inherited from the parent inherit element. IE8 requires !DOCTYPE, IE9 and above support this value. 20
  • 70. CSS COLOR  RGB color model  HSL color model (CSS3 – advanced) 21
  • 71. CSS COLOR VALUES  CSS color name: red, white, navy, …  Numerical CSS color values:  RGB or RRGGBB values: #06f, #00ff27,…  RGBA values (CSS3): rgba(r, g, b, alpha) or rgba(r%, g%, b%, alpha)  transparent  More at: 22
  • 72. ACTION Do more, get more … 23
  • 73. FIREFOX EXTENSIONS  Firebug  Rainbow color tool 24
  • 74. YOUR TASK  Improve your previous website by applying the new CSS rules 25
  • 75. Next subject CSS text formation (cont.), CSS font and CSS box model 26
  • 76. BKITAtom, Dec 2011 Hieu Le Trung WWW course 4th day
  • 77. TODAY TARGET  Text formation (cont)  Background  Text decoration  Image and color  Text Transformation  Position and repeat and  Text-indent attachment  Font properties  Font families  Font size and line height  Font style  Font weight  Font variation 2
  • 78. CSS PROPERTIES : TEXT-DECORATION  text-decoration: set the width of an element Value Description none Defines a normal text. This is default underline Defines a line below the text overline Defines a line above the text line-through Defines a line through the text blink Defines a blinking text Specifies that the value of the text-decoration property inherit should be inherited from the parent element 3
  • 79. CSS PROPERTIES : TEXT-TRANSFORM  text-transform: controls the capitalization of text. Value Description none No capitalization. The text renders as it is. This is default capitalize Transforms the first character of each word to uppercase uppercase Transforms all characters to uppercase lowercase Transforms all characters to lowercase Specifies that the value of the text-transform property inherit should be inherited from the parent element 4
  • 80. CSS PROPERTIES : TEXT-IDENT  text-ident: specifies the indentation of the first line in a text-block. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lugens quia quod ait regem ut casus homini interimat potius accipiet. Rationem non potentiae Apollonium contigit cum obiectum dixit. Dionysiadis eum est se sed esse deprecor. 5
  • 81. CSS PROPERTIES : TEXT-IDENT Value Description length Defines a fixed indentation in px, pt, cm, em, etc. Defines the indentation in % of the width of the parent % element Specifies that the value of the text-indent property should inherit be inherited from the parent element 6
  • 82. TODAY TARGET  Text formation (cont)  Background  Text decoration  Image and color  Text Transformation  Position and repeat and  Text-indent attachment  Font properties  Font families  Font size and line height  Font style  Font weight  Font variation 7
  • 83. CSS FONTS – SERIF AND SANS-SERIF  Serif and Sans-serif fonts  Times New Roman,  Arial, Tahoma, Verdana, Georgia Segoe UI, Ubuntu  Monospace fonts  Courier New, Lucida Console, Consolas, Ubuntu Mono 8
  • 84. CSS PROPERTIES : FONT-FAMILY  font-family: set font of the element Value Description family-name A prioritized list of font family names generic- and/or generic family names family Specifies that the font family should be inherit inherited from the parent element  Try each font in the declared list until the browser finds this font in the local machine. 9
  • 85. CSS PROPERTIES : FONT-SIZE  font-size: set size of a font Value Description xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, Sets the font-size to a certain size x-large, xx-large Sets the font-size to a smaller size than the smaller parent element Sets the font-size to a larger size than the larger parent element length Sets the font-size to a fixed size in px, cm, etc. Sets the font-size to a percent of the parent % element's font size Specifies that the font size should be inherited inherit from the parent element 10
  • 86. CSS PROPERTIES : LINE-HEIGHT  line-height: specifies the line height. Value Description normal A normal line height. This is default A number that will be multiplied with the current font number size to set the line height length A fixed line height in px, pt, cm, etc. % A line height in percent of the current font size Specifies that the value of the line-height property should inherit be inherited from the parent element 11
  • 87. CSS PROPERTIES : FONT-WEIGHT  font-weight: sets how thick or thin characters in text should be displayed. Value Description normal Defines normal characters. This is default bold Defines thick characters bolder Defines thicker characters lighter Defines lighter characters 100, 200, 300, Defines from thin to thick characters. 400 is 400, 500, 600, the same as normal, and 700 is the same as 700, 800, 900 bold Specifies that the font weight should be inherit inherited from the parent element 12
  • 88. CSS PROPERTIES : FONT-STYLE  font-style: set the font style of the text Value Description The browser displays a normal font style. This is normal default italic The browser displays an italic font style oblique The browser displays an oblique font style Specifies that the font style should be inherited inherit from the parent element 13
  • 89. CSS PROPERTIES : FONT-VARIATION  Font-variation: decide whether this text appears in the small-cap format. Value Description normal The browser displays a normal font. This is default small-caps The browser displays a small-caps font Specifies that the font variant should be inherited inherit from the parent element A SMALL-CAP FONT IS DISPLAYED LIKE THIS, JOHN! 14
  • 90. CSS PROPERTIES : FONT  font: sets all the font properties in one declaration. Value Description font-style Specifies the font style. See font-style for possible values Specifies the font variant. See font-variant for possible font-variant values Specifies the font weight. See font-weight for possible font-weight values font- Specifies the font size and the line-height. See font-size size/line- and line-height for possible values height font-family Specifies the font family. See font-family for possible values 15
  • 91. TODAY TARGET  Text formation (cont)  Background  Text decoration  Image and color  Text Transformation  Position and repeat and  Text-indent attachment  Font properties  Font families  Font size and line height  Font style  Font weight  Font variation 16
  • 92. CSS PROPERTIES : BACKGROUND-COLOR  background-color: sets the background color of an element.  Include padding and border, not margin (read more in the 5th day) Value Description Specifies the background color. Look at CSS Color Values color for a complete list of possible color values. Specifies that the background color should be transparent transparent. This is default Specifies that the background color should be inherited inherit from the parent element 17
  • 93. CSS PROPERTIES : BACKGROUND-IMAGE  background-image: sets the background image for an element. Value Description url('URL') The URL to the image none No background image will be displayed. This is default Specifies that the background image should be inherited from inherit the parent element 18
  • 94. CSS PROPERTIES : BACKGROUND-REPEAT  background-repeat: sets if/how a background image will be repeated. Value Description The background image will be repeated both vertically and repeat horizontally. This is default repeat-x The background image will be repeated only horizontally repeat-y The background image will be repeated only vertically no-repeat The background-image will not be repeated Specifies that the setting of the background-repeat property inherit should be inherited from the parent element 19
  • 95. CSS PROPERTIES : BACKGROUND-ATTACHMENT  ackground-attachment: sets whether a background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page. Value Description The background image scrolls with the rest of the page. This is scroll default fixed The background image is fixed Specifies that the setting of the background-attachment property inherit should be inherited from the parent element 20
  • 96. CSS PROPERTIES: BACKGROUND-POSITION  background-position: sets the starting position of a background image. 21
  • 97. CSS PROPERTIES: BACKGROUND-POSITION Value Description left top left center left bottom right top right center If you only specify one keyword, the other value will be "center" right bottom center top center center center bottom The first value is the horizontal position and the second value is the vertical. x% y% The top left corner is 0% 0%. The right bottom corner is 100% 100%. If you only specify one value, the other value will be 50%. . Default value is: 0% 0% The first value is the horizontal position and the second value is the vertical. The top left corner is 0 0. Units can be pixels (0px 0px) or any other CSS xpos ypos units. If you only specify one value, the other value will be 50%.You can mix % and positions Specifies that the setting of the background-position property should be inherit inherited from the parent element 22
  • 98. CSS PROPERTIES : BACKGROUND  background: sets all the background properties in one declaration. Value Description background-color Specifies the background color to be used background- Specifies the position of the background images position background-repeat Specifies how to repeat the background images background- Specifies whether the background images are fixed or attachment scrolls with the rest of the page background-image Specifies ONE or MORE background images to be used 23
  • 99. ACTION Do more, get more … 24
  • 100. YOUR TASK  Improve your previous website by applying the new CSS rules 25
  • 101. Next subject CSS box model 26
  • 102. BKITAtom, Dec 2011 Hieu Le Trung WWW course 5th day
  • 103. TODAY TARGET  Box model  Border  Margin  Padding  Float and clear  Float  Clear  Display and Position  Display  Position 2
  • 104. CSS BOX MODEL  Every element can be considered as a box margin padding content border 3
  • 105. CSS 4-D SHORTAND  For border, margin, padding, we have 4 sub- elements in the top, right, bottom and left of the formated element.  For a PROP property, we also have another 4 properties:  PROP-left: defines the left PROP property  PROP-right: defines the right PROP property  PROP-top: defines the top PROP property  PROP-bottom: defines the bottom PROP property 4
  • 106. CSS 4-D SHORTAND (cont)  The PROP property can also be written in a shortand way using one of the following: PROP: VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE PROP: VALUE Defines the top , right, bottom, Defines value for all four side of the left value of the PROP formated PROP property PROP: VALUE VALUE PROP: VALUE VALUE VALUE Defines the top and bottom, left Defines the top , left and right, and right value of the PROP bottom value of the PROP 5
  • 107. CSS BORDER  border: format the border of a element Properties Description border-width The width of the border border-style The style of the border border-color The color of the border border The shortand property 6
  • 108. CSS PROPERTIES : BORDER-WIDTH  border-width: sets the width of the border of an element Value Description thin Specifies a thin border medium Specifies a medium border. This is default thick Specifies a thick border length Allows you to define the thickness of the border Specifies that the border width should be inherited inherit from the parent element 7
  • 109. CSS PROPERTIES : BORDER-STYLE  border-style: sets the style of the border of an element 8
  • 110. CSS PROPERTIES : BORDER-COLOR  border-color: sets the style of the border of an element Value Description Specifies the background color. Look at CSS Color Values color for a complete list of possible color values Specifies that the border color should be transparent. This transparent is default Specifies that the border color should be inherited from inherit the parent element 9
  • 111. CSS PROPERTIES : MARGIN Value Description auto The browser calculates a margin length Specifies a margin in px, pt, cm, etc. Default value is 0px Specifies a margin in percent of the width of the containing % element Specifies that the margin should be inherited from the parent inherit element Margin 10
  • 112. CSS PROPERTIES : PADDING Value Description length Specifies the padding in px, pt, cm, etc. Default value is 0px % Specifies the padding in percent of the width of the containing element inherit Specifies that the padding should be inherited from the parent element padding 11
  • 113. TODAY TARGET  Box model  Border  Margin  Padding  Float and clear  Float  Clear  Display and Position  Display  Position 12
  • 114. CSS FLOATING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A floating element allows other elements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wrap around it if there is a space ~~~~~~~~ Without floating The block element is floating 13
  • 115. CSS PROPERTIES : FLOAT  float: specifies whether or not a box (an element) should float. Value Description left The element floats to the left right The element floats the right The element is not floated, and will be displayed just where it none occurs in the text. This is default Specifies that the value of the float property should be inherited inherit from the parent element 14
  • 116. CSS PROPERTIES : CLEAR  clear: specifies which sides of an element where other floating elements are not allowed. Value Description left No floating elements allowed on the left side right No floating elements allowed on the right side both No floating elements allowed on either the left or the right side none Default. Allows floating elements on both sides Specifies that the value of the clear property should be inherited from inherit the parent element 15
  • 117. TODAY TARGET  Box model  Border  Margin  Padding  Float and clear  Float  Clear  Display and Position  Display  Position 16
  • 118. CSS PROPERTIES : POSITION  position: specifies the type of positioning method used for an element (static, relative, absolute or fixed). Value Description Elements renders in order, as they appear in the document flow. This is static default. The element is positioned relative to its first positioned (not static) absolute ancestor element fixed The element is positioned relative to the browser window The element is positioned relative to its normal position, so "left:20" adds relative 20 pixels to the element's LEFT position inherit The value of the position property is inherited from the parent element 17
  • 119. CSS PROPERTIES : DISPLAY  display: specifies the type of box an element should generate. Value Description none The element will generate no box at all The element will generate a block box (a line break before and after block the element) The element will generate an inline box (no line break before or inline after the element). This is default inline-block The element will generate a block box, laid out as an inline box The element will generate an inline box (like <table>, with no line inline-table break before or after) 18
  • 120. CSS PROPERTIES : DISPLAY Value Description The element will generate a block box, and an inline box for list-item the list marker The element will generate a block or inline box, depending on run-in context The element will behave like a table (like <table>, with a line table break before and after) table-caption The element will behave like a table caption (like <caption>) table-cell The element will behave like a table cell table-column The element will behave like a table column table-column- The element will behave like a table column group (like group <colgroup>) 19
  • 121. CSS PROPERTIES : DISPLAY Value Description table-footer- The element will behave like a table footer row group group table-header- The element will behave like a table header row group group table-row The element will behave like a table row table-row-group The element will behave like a table row group Specifies that the value of the display property should be inherit inherited from the parent element 20
  • 122. ACTION Do more, get more … 21
  • 123. YOUR TASK  Improve your previous website by applying the new CSS rules. You should re-layout it without using table int the main layout. 22
  • 124. BKITAtom, Dec 2011 Hieu Le Trung WWW course 6th day
  • 125. TODAY TARGET  List formating  List style  List style image  List style position  List style type  Table formating  Link formating  “lovehate” rule 2
  • 126. LIST FORMATION LIST-STYLE-IMAGE  replaces the list-item marker with an image. replaces the list-item marker with an image. Value Description url The path to the image to be used as a list-item marker No image will be displayed. Instead, the list-style-type none property will define what type of list marker will be rendered.This is default Specifies that the value of the list-style-image property inherit should be inherited from the parent element 3
  • 127. LIST FORMATION LIST-STYLE-POSITION  specifies if the list-item markers should appear inside or outside the content flow. Value Description Indents the marker and the text. The bullets appear inside the inside content flow Keeps the marker to the left of the text. The bullets appears outside outside the content flow. This is default Specifies that the value of the list-style-position property inherit should be inherited from the parent element 4
  • 128. LIST FORMATION LIST-STYLE-TYPE  specifies the type of list-item marker in a list. Value Description armenian The marker is traditional Armenian numbering circle The marker is a circle cjk-ideographic The marker is plain ideographic numbers decimal The marker is a number.This is default for <ol> decimal-leading- The marker is a number with leading zeros (01, 02, 03, zero etc.) disc The marker is a filled circle.This is default for <ul> georgian The marker is traditional Georgian numbering hebrew The marker is traditional Hebrew numbering 5
  • 129. LIST FORMATION LIST-STYLE-TYPE The value of the listStyleType property is inherited from inherit parent element lower-alpha The marker is lower-alpha (a, b, c, d, e, etc.) lower-greek The marker is lower-greek lower-latin The marker is lower-latin (a, b, c, d, e, etc.) lower-roman The marker is lower-roman (i, ii, iii, iv, v, etc.) none No marker is shown square The marker is a square upper-alpha The marker is upper-alpha (A, B, C, D, E, etc.) upper-latin The marker is upper-latin (A, B, C, D, E, etc.) upper-roman The marker is upper-roman (I, II, III, IV,V, etc.) 6
  • 130. LIST FORMATION LIST-STYLE  sets all the list properties in one declaration. Value Description Specifies the type of list-item marker. See list-style-type for possible list-style-type values list-style- Specifies where to place the list-item marker. See list-style-position position for possible values Specifies the type of list-item marker. See list-style-image for possible list-style-image values Specifies that the value of the list-style property should be inherited inherit from the parent element 7
  • 131. TODAY TARGET  List formating  List style  List style image  List style position  List style type  Table formating  Link formating  “lovehate” rule 8
  • 132. SAMPLE CUSTOM TABLE Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Lorem Novoire idimu $ 5,000 Ispum Sactum liner practist $13,000 Consepti Echemica sisto $ 25,300 Lavarine Clarif Woodi $11,000 Outes Sentia Cloro Sacture $ 8,700 9
  • 133. SAMPLE CUSTOM TABLE How do you do it in CSS? 10
  • 134. TODAY TARGET  List formating  List style  List style image  List style position  List style type  Table formating  Link formating  “lovehate” rule 11
  • 135. HYPERLINK FORMATING (ANCHOR)  What is a hyperlink?  Its default display. Link Visited Hover Active • Normal • A link • Your • You’re apperance have been mouse is pressing visited over the the left anchor. mouse button! 12
  • 136. ANCHOR PSEUDO ELEMENTS  :link  :visited  :hover  :active  So we have to defines these elements in a certain order call “LoVeHAte”  Pseudo elements will be discussed more in the next class. 13
  • 137. ACTION Do more, get more … 14
  • 138. YOUR TASK  Improve your previous website by applying the new CSS rules.You should re-layout it without using table int the main layout. 15
  • 139. BKITAtom, Dec 2011 Hieu Le Trung WWW course 7th day
  • 140. TODAY TARGET  CSS 3 new features  Border-radius  Box-shadow  Opacity  CSS media type  CSS selector review  Assignment discuss 2
  • 141. CSS 3: BORDER-RADIUS  Add rounded borders to elements! IE9+ Firefox 4+ Chrome 14+ Opera Safari 4+  border-radius: 1-4 length|% / 1-4 length|%;  Horizontal radius/ Vertical radius  top-left -> top-right -> bottom-right -> bottom-left 3
  • 142. CSS 3: BOX-SHADOW  Attaches one or more drop-shadows to the box. IE9+ Firefox 4+ Chrome 14+ Opera Safari 5.1.1+  box-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur spread color inset; 4
  • 143. CSS 3: BOX-SHADOW  Attaches one or more drop-shadows to the box. Value Description Required. The position of the horizontal shadow. Negative h-shadow values are allowed Required. The position of the vertical shadow. Negative values v-shadow are allowed blur Optional. The blur distance spread Optional. The size of shadow Optional. The color of the shadow. Look at CSS Color Values color for a complete list of possible color values Optional. Changes the shadow from an outer shadow (outset) inset to an inner shadow 5
  • 144. CSS 3: OPACITY  Sets the opacity level for an element. Value Description Specifies the opacity. From 0.0 (fully transparent) to value 1.0 (fully opaque) The value of the opacity property should be inherit inherited from the parent element 6
  • 145. CSS BROWSER ALTERNATIVE PROPERTIES  Before CSS3, there are many special properties which is not standard.  When CSS3 is released, we need a period of time to implement all of its standards in ALL browser filter -moz- -webkit- -o- -webkit- 7
  • 146. TODAY TARGET  CSS 3 new features  Border-radius  Box-shadow  Opacity  CSS media type  CSS selector review  Assignment discuss 8
  • 147. CSS MEDIA TYPE Media Type Description all Used for all media type devices aural Used for speech and sound synthesizers braille Used for braille tactile feedback devices embossed Used for paged braille printers handheld Used for small or handheld devices print Used for printers projection Used for projected presentations, like slides screen Used for computer screens Used for media using a fixed-pitch character grid, like tty teletypes and terminals tv Used for television-type devices 9
  • 148. CSS MEDIATYPE  When linking to the HTML document <link href=“…” type=“…” rel=“…” media=“…” />  In CSS declarations @media … { // CSS rules } 10
  • 149. ACTION Do more, get more … 11
  • 150. YOUR TASK  Improve your previous website by applying the new CSS rules.You should re-layout it without using table int the main layout. 12