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Business Process Guidance
what is
The undeniable truth today is that
our organizations need to grow while
cutting costs. It’s difficult, if not outright
impossible, to use the same old tools
we’ve used for decades to improve
knowledge worker productivity. But a
new generation of solutions that
manage and navigate complexity in the
enterprise are on the horizon, and they
promise to radically change the way we
think about the cost and productivity
of knowledge work.
As a knowledge worker, the most
difficult thing that you have to deal with,
day in and day out, is the complexity
of your work. Complexity is by far the
greatest challenge that individuals and
organizations face today.
The complexity in applications,
sources of information, policies
and procedures, as well as constant
changes in regulations, makes you
feel as though you’re in a strange city
with a very intricate set of roadways
and you must navigate these roads
without the benefit of a road map.
The uncertainty of business and
markets changes the route you can
take from one moment to the next.
Being able to use good judgment and
make good decisions in this volatile
context depends on how quickly and
accurately you can navigate this ever
changing maze.
The same principle applies to your
work. If you look at your desktop
right now, you’re likely to see dozens
of applications scattered about,
such as e-mail, calendars, desktop
applications, enterprise applications,
browsers, collaboration and social
networking, and, of course, the ever-
present paper.
To compound the complexity of
these applications, over time we’ve
laid technology on top of technology
in a effort to simplify all of the
pieces. In reality, the result has been
a tremendously chaotic environment,
sometimes held together by help or
e-learning systems or other sorts of
tools to help us navigate individual
applications. But each of these tools
are unique to their application,
The undeniable truth today is that
our organizations need to grow
while cutting costs.
It’s difficult, if not outright
impossible, to use the same old tools
we’ve used for decades to improve
knowledge worker productivity.
and none of them really provides
a comprehensive method that
simplifies the situation.
We’ve tried to manage this
complexity through other approaches
as well, such as business process
management and knowledge
management. While these methods
do help, much knowledge work is
still highly unstructured, and you
certainly don’t have the time to
spend searching for, retrieving, and
sifting through information. You’ve
got to make decisions quickly and
For example, imagine that you’re a
customer trying to get an answer to a
question about your health insurance
policy or your credit card statement.
Why do you get put on hold so often?
Because the customer service rep
you’re talking to has to research the
latest changes to your information,
policies, regulations and procedures
in order to find the information that
they need and answer the question
accurately. That may mean searching
through online databases, e-mail
updates about new procedures, and
lengthy policies manuals.
The bottom line is that, by laying
technology upon technology,
and by continuing to use paper
documentation as a source, we make
knowledge work more and more
complex and service harder and
harder to deliver.
The problem is not the technologies.
Rather, we’ve addressed this
problem for so long across only
two dimensions: the dimension of
applications and the dimension of
information. We’ve added more
applications and we’ve added more
information, but we haven’t added
more tools for navigation, tools to
help guide us through all of this
complexity. Our focus now should
be on our ability to navigate what
we already have on our enterprise
If we really want to help knowledge
workers do their job better, then we
have to give them tools that will help
them navigate all this information
quickly and accurately. How can we
do that?
Let’s return to our poor customer
service representative. He’s trying
to access all this information and
sift through it at a moment’s notice.
He has no idea what the customer’s
question will be. Any question is fair
game. So we can’t define a business
process to help them because no
process will answer every single
question that a customer may come
to them with. What’s the answer?
It’s amazingly elegant and amazingly
simple. It’s called Business Process
Guidance, or BPG.
‘‘A new generation of solutions that
manage and navigate enterprise
complexity are on the horizon – promising
a radical change in how we think about the
cost and productivity of knowledge work.
on the
What is
Business Process Guidance?
Business Process Guidance (BPG)
is a revolutionary new approach to
dealing with growing complexity – the
single greatest inhibitor of business
performance today.
Technology Compounds
Increased competition, customer
expectation, and regulation mean
that businesses have become
incredibly complex, requiring
countless new and ever-changing
policies, procedures, and processes.
To date, the most commonly applied
solution to the problem of increasing
complexity is new technology. This
is why we have seen the massive
proliferation in ERP, CRM, BPM
and a myriad of other software
categories. But ask yourself this
question: Have all these systems
made your employees’ work more or
less complex?
All too often new technology
compounds the complexity of work.
This is why, time and again, your
organization’s major IT investments
are just not yielding the expected
level of return.
...have all these systems made
your employees’ work more
or less complex?
more or
When employees are
supported in real-time
through the complex maze of
processes, policies and procedures,
great things happen.
Business Process Guidance
Navigates Complexity
BPG is a breakthrough solution to
this problem.
BPG enables you to:
	 •	Define your organization’s
policies and procedures from a
role perspective. What does an
employee need to know in order
to complete any given task that
falls to their role?
	 •	 Create comprehensive guidance
in the form of text and diagrams
that communicate these policies
and procedures in clear terms
that the employee can act upon
	 •	 Deliver just the most relevant
parts of this guidance to
employees according to their role
and the task they are working on
when they need assistance.
Process, policy and
procedural compliance improves
Supercharging Your
Existing IT Infrastructure
Most enterprise application
deployments are technically
successful. However, they often fail to
deliver the expected benefits, because
people resist change. Employees see
the system as something new to learn
and, therefore, as an added burden.
Alternatively, when employees are
introduced to a system that helps
them do their job with virtually
no changes to your existing
infrastructure and no learning
necessary, great things happen:
	 •	Employees use more of the
capabilities of your enterprise
	 •	Process, policy, and procedural
compliance improves
	 •	The pre-go-live training that
everyone quickly forgets can be
	 •	First-call resolution rates and
customer satisfaction scores
BPG Systems
SharePoint and BPG are a
great combination. Think of SharePoint
as the place where work gets done and
recorded. Think of a BPG system as where
employees turn when they need to
know HOW to get things done.
•	 Keyword dependent - relies on keyword
searches,which can generate out-of-date or
irrelevant results.
•	 Process-centric - users often need to wade
through information that does not apply to
•	 Multiple format support- guidance is
presented as MS Office documents (Word,
PowerPoint, etc.), PDFs or webpages.
Because these formats are unstructured
they result in multiple styles and standards
that hamper fast access and interpretation
of information. Information is presented in
full-screen mode, covering the applications
in use.
•	 Custom mechanisms for improvement
Guidance-specific capabilities are ad-hoc
and often require significant development
effort to implement.
BPG Systems
•	 Contextually relevant - identifies where
every user is in their work and provides the
most relevant guidance for that specific
•	 Role-centric - the guidance that an end-user
sees is determined by their role.
•	 Single format support-guidance is
presented in a highly-structured and
consistent format optimized for providing
clear, actionable support within a
workflow. Information is presented in a
narrow window that runs along the right
edge of the screen, side-by-side with the
applications that are being supported on
the desktop.
•	 Built-in mechanisms for continuous
improvement - A BPG system constantly
expands its process guidance capabilities,
such as real-time alerts for content changes,
feedback mechanisms between end-users
and content developers, easy content
authoring and maintenance for subject
matter experts, non-technical processes
for creating context-sensitive linkages and
much more.
How does BPG relate
to other solutions for
knowledge workers?
Business Process Guidance
and SharePoint
SharePoint is a powerful
collaboration and information
sharing platform that’s great for
facilitating project work in corporate
environments. However, SharePoint
is not designed to provide rapid
access to actionable guidance
through time-critical and complex
policies and procedures. There are
thousands of these mission-critical
processes within complex, changing
and regulated industries like banking,
insurance and telecommunications.
Organizations that want to support
their employees in this way can, in
theory, build out this capability in
SharePoint, but it requires a lot of
time and money without achieving a
great outcome.
SharePoint and BPG are not
mutually exclusive. In fact they are
a great combination, with content
in one system readily accessible
from the other. And SupportPoint
can certainly guide your employees
through business processes they are
working on within SharePoint.
BPG systems are a “GPS” for the
enterprise desktop – guiding employees
through the complexity of company policies,
procedures and systems.
BPG Systems
•	 Provide step-by-step instructions through
existing processes.
•	 Sit alongside legacy applications.
•	 Explain business rules.
•	 Have short implementation timeframes
with minimal IT involvement or impact.
BPM Systems
•	 Automate and simplify processes.
•	 Replace legacy system interfaces.
•	 Enforce business rules.
•	 Involve significant infrastructure
investments with lengthy and IT-intensive
involvement and impact.
How does BPG relate
to other solutions for
knowledge workers?
Business Process Guidance
and Business Process
BPG systems are sometimes confused
with Business Process Management
(BPM) systems. However, they are
two different but complementary
BPM and BPG systems work together
in powerful ways:
	 •	BPM simplifies and automates the
highest-volume processes in your
organization, while BPG guides
employees through the large
number of less frequently applied
processes that may not be worth
implementing in a BPM system.
	 •	BPM deals with the gradual
changes in processes, policies and
systems in your business, while
BPG is a fast response to the areas
in your business that experience
the most rapid change.
	 •	BPM systems can make
fundamental improvements in
your operational efficiency but
typically take years to implement.
BPG is the path to significant
cost and efficiency improvements
in your current budget year.
	 •	BPM systems can prompt end-
users to complete or follow a
process, but BPG systems provide
them with the knowledge they
need to complete that process
correctly, consistently, in
compliance with your business
policies, and, most importantly
for your customers flexibly.
BPG Systems
•	 Utilizes a knowledge base containing
only officially sanctioned and up-to-date
•	 Delivers only information relevant to
searcher’s role and current activity.
•	 Stores information efficiently, with
consistent navigation structure and 	
content layout.
•	 Supports a few contributors - subject
matter experts are the content owners.
•	 Provides feedback mechanisms to 	
content owners.
•	 Supports centralized management and
control of up-to-date content.
Traditional KM Systems
•	 Utilizes a resource center of new and old
information on many topics.
•	 Delivers a broad set of results.
•	 Stores information in many file formats
and structures.
•	 Supports many contributors – anyone can
develop content.
•	 Encourages free-form collaboration
between all employees.
•	 Supports ad-hoc management 	
of content.
How does BPG relate
to other solutions for
knowledge workers?
Business Process
Guidance and Knowledge
Knowledge management (KM)
traditionally focuses on helping
workers collaborate and share their
experience within an organization.
KM solutions are designed to manage
metadata, tag content, and facilitate
intranet searches.
However, this approach is less
effective in call centers and back-
office environments, where job
tasks are more defined and where
speed, accuracy, and compliance are
BPG delivers real-time, actionable
guidance in the context of each
employee’s role. It identifies where
the user is in a process and provides
the most relevant guidance to get
them from that point through the
task or call resolution. BPG provides
all the process, product, and systems
guidance your employees need to
complete their work completed in an
efficient and effective manner.
BPG delivers real-time,
actionable guidance.
‘‘ ’’
A GPS for Your Desktop
Rather than trying to create business
processes that are subject to constant
change, BPG can adapt to every
change. BPG helps knowledge
workers navigate any level of
complexity and provides an up-to-
date roadmap, in the same way that a
real-time GPS helps you navigate an
intricate set of roadways.
BPG attacks complexity very
effectively, and it does so without
requiring you to tear out all of your
existing technology. BPG allows
you to deal with incremental and
continuous change. You can sustain
improvements by tracking them and
making them part of the navigation
for future users. The key to any sort
of guidance is learning from your
mistakes, from your wrong turns.
BPG systems learn over time and
provide incremental and sustained
improvements for the process.
BPG also provides higher levels of
accuracy in answers for any situation
a knowledge worker may encounter
. This is because BPGs are context-
sensitive solutions – they can identify
the skills of the knowledge worker
and the context of the problem,
which applications are open, how
they work together, and which
policies and procedures apply to any
given combination of factors. Simply
put, BPG deals with the tremendous
depth of layers of applications and
information layers across your entire
BPM systems are like new freeways
that ease congestion – making it easier
for employees to complete tasks.
Imagine the power of having a GPS
for the enterprise! After all, if you
found yourself in a new city and
wanted to find your way around, you
wouldn’t ask for a roadmap, you’d
ask for a GPS or use the one that
you have on your cell phone! Yet in
our organizations we put up with a
virtual absence of navigation tools.
Why? Simply because there wasn’t an
option. Until now.
A GPS for the enterprise desktop
provides a whole new way of looking
at the problem of complexity for
knowledge workers and a whole new
set of solutions for enterprises that
are struggling to grow without adding
costs and headcount. BPG cuts
right through complexity, creating a
straightaway that allows knowledge
workers to get to the answer s they
need quickly and accurately.
And it does so without requiring
you to tear out all of your
existing technology.
Business Process Guidance
p a n v i v a . c o m
Visit our website
to learn more about what
BPG can do for your business.
(c)2015 Panviva Pty Ltd. Panviva, the Panviva logo and SupportPoint are trademarks of Panviva Pty Ltd.
All other brands may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Panviva is the developer of SupportPoint, a powerful combination of business process and
knowledge management we call Business Process Guidance. Like a GPS, SupportPoint determines
an employees, location in any task and then guides them through the process by delivering concise,
up-to-date data and directions. This improves accuracy, compliance and customer experience,
while reducing training time and support costs.
United States:
+1 (781) 270 1569
+61 (0)3 9225 1800
United Kingdom:
+44 (0)1757 638 195

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Navigate Complexity with Business Process Guidance

  • 1. ?BPG ® Business Process Guidance BPG what is The undeniable truth today is that our organizations need to grow while cutting costs. It’s difficult, if not outright impossible, to use the same old tools we’ve used for decades to improve knowledge worker productivity. But a new generation of solutions that manage and navigate complexity in the enterprise are on the horizon, and they promise to radically change the way we think about the cost and productivity of knowledge work. As a knowledge worker, the most difficult thing that you have to deal with, day in and day out, is the complexity of your work. Complexity is by far the greatest challenge that individuals and organizations face today.
  • 2. Complexity The complexity in applications, sources of information, policies and procedures, as well as constant changes in regulations, makes you feel as though you’re in a strange city with a very intricate set of roadways and you must navigate these roads without the benefit of a road map. The uncertainty of business and markets changes the route you can take from one moment to the next. Being able to use good judgment and make good decisions in this volatile context depends on how quickly and accurately you can navigate this ever changing maze. The same principle applies to your work. If you look at your desktop right now, you’re likely to see dozens of applications scattered about, such as e-mail, calendars, desktop applications, enterprise applications, browsers, collaboration and social networking, and, of course, the ever- present paper. To compound the complexity of these applications, over time we’ve laid technology on top of technology in a effort to simplify all of the pieces. In reality, the result has been a tremendously chaotic environment, sometimes held together by help or e-learning systems or other sorts of tools to help us navigate individual applications. But each of these tools are unique to their application, The undeniable truth today is that our organizations need to grow while cutting costs. ‘‘ ’’ navigate complexity
  • 3. It’s difficult, if not outright impossible, to use the same old tools we’ve used for decades to improve knowledge worker productivity. ‘‘ ’’ and none of them really provides a comprehensive method that simplifies the situation. We’ve tried to manage this complexity through other approaches as well, such as business process management and knowledge management. While these methods do help, much knowledge work is still highly unstructured, and you certainly don’t have the time to spend searching for, retrieving, and sifting through information. You’ve got to make decisions quickly and accurately. For example, imagine that you’re a customer trying to get an answer to a question about your health insurance policy or your credit card statement. Why do you get put on hold so often? Because the customer service rep you’re talking to has to research the latest changes to your information, policies, regulations and procedures in order to find the information that they need and answer the question accurately. That may mean searching through online databases, e-mail updates about new procedures, and lengthy policies manuals. The bottom line is that, by laying technology upon technology, and by continuing to use paper documentation as a source, we make knowledge work more and more complex and service harder and harder to deliver. improve productivity
  • 4. The problem is not the technologies. Rather, we’ve addressed this problem for so long across only two dimensions: the dimension of applications and the dimension of information. We’ve added more applications and we’ve added more information, but we haven’t added more tools for navigation, tools to help guide us through all of this complexity. Our focus now should be on our ability to navigate what we already have on our enterprise desktops. If we really want to help knowledge workers do their job better, then we have to give them tools that will help them navigate all this information quickly and accurately. How can we do that? Let’s return to our poor customer service representative. He’s trying to access all this information and sift through it at a moment’s notice. He has no idea what the customer’s question will be. Any question is fair game. So we can’t define a business process to help them because no process will answer every single question that a customer may come to them with. What’s the answer? It’s amazingly elegant and amazingly simple. It’s called Business Process Guidance, or BPG. ‘‘A new generation of solutions that manage and navigate enterprise complexity are on the horizon – promising a radical change in how we think about the cost and productivity of knowledge work. horizon on the
  • 5. What is Business Process Guidance? Business Process Guidance (BPG) is a revolutionary new approach to dealing with growing complexity – the single greatest inhibitor of business performance today. Technology Compounds Complexity Increased competition, customer expectation, and regulation mean that businesses have become incredibly complex, requiring countless new and ever-changing policies, procedures, and processes. To date, the most commonly applied solution to the problem of increasing complexity is new technology. This is why we have seen the massive proliferation in ERP, CRM, BPM and a myriad of other software categories. But ask yourself this question: Have all these systems made your employees’ work more or less complex? All too often new technology compounds the complexity of work. This is why, time and again, your organization’s major IT investments are just not yielding the expected level of return. ...have all these systems made your employees’ work more or less complex? ‘‘ ’’ less more or
  • 6. When employees are supported in real-time through the complex maze of processes, policies and procedures, great things happen. ‘‘ ’’ Business Process Guidance Navigates Complexity BPG is a breakthrough solution to this problem. BPG enables you to: • Define your organization’s policies and procedures from a role perspective. What does an employee need to know in order to complete any given task that falls to their role? • Create comprehensive guidance in the form of text and diagrams that communicate these policies and procedures in clear terms that the employee can act upon quickly. • Deliver just the most relevant parts of this guidance to employees according to their role and the task they are working on when they need assistance. throughbreak
  • 7. Process, policy and procedural compliance improves dramatically. ‘‘ ’’ Supercharging Your Existing IT Infrastructure Most enterprise application deployments are technically successful. However, they often fail to deliver the expected benefits, because people resist change. Employees see the system as something new to learn and, therefore, as an added burden. Alternatively, when employees are introduced to a system that helps them do their job with virtually no changes to your existing infrastructure and no learning necessary, great things happen: • Employees use more of the capabilities of your enterprise applications. • Process, policy, and procedural compliance improves dramatically. • The pre-go-live training that everyone quickly forgets can be eliminated. • First-call resolution rates and customer satisfaction scores improve. charged super
  • 8. BPG Systems SharePoint SharePoint and BPG are a great combination. Think of SharePoint as the place where work gets done and recorded. Think of a BPG system as where employees turn when they need to know HOW to get things done. ‘‘ ’’ SharePoint • Keyword dependent - relies on keyword searches,which can generate out-of-date or irrelevant results. • Process-centric - users often need to wade through information that does not apply to them. • Multiple format support- guidance is presented as MS Office documents (Word, PowerPoint, etc.), PDFs or webpages. Because these formats are unstructured they result in multiple styles and standards that hamper fast access and interpretation of information. Information is presented in full-screen mode, covering the applications in use. • Custom mechanisms for improvement Guidance-specific capabilities are ad-hoc and often require significant development effort to implement. BPG Systems • Contextually relevant - identifies where every user is in their work and provides the most relevant guidance for that specific task. • Role-centric - the guidance that an end-user sees is determined by their role. • Single format support-guidance is presented in a highly-structured and consistent format optimized for providing clear, actionable support within a workflow. Information is presented in a narrow window that runs along the right edge of the screen, side-by-side with the applications that are being supported on the desktop. • Built-in mechanisms for continuous improvement - A BPG system constantly expands its process guidance capabilities, such as real-time alerts for content changes, feedback mechanisms between end-users and content developers, easy content authoring and maintenance for subject matter experts, non-technical processes for creating context-sensitive linkages and much more. How does BPG relate to other solutions for knowledge workers? Business Process Guidance and SharePoint SharePoint is a powerful collaboration and information sharing platform that’s great for facilitating project work in corporate environments. However, SharePoint is not designed to provide rapid access to actionable guidance through time-critical and complex policies and procedures. There are thousands of these mission-critical processes within complex, changing and regulated industries like banking, insurance and telecommunications. Organizations that want to support their employees in this way can, in theory, build out this capability in SharePoint, but it requires a lot of time and money without achieving a great outcome. SharePoint and BPG are not mutually exclusive. In fact they are a great combination, with content in one system readily accessible from the other. And SupportPoint can certainly guide your employees through business processes they are working on within SharePoint.
  • 9. Systems BPG BPM BPG systems are a “GPS” for the enterprise desktop – guiding employees through the complexity of company policies, procedures and systems. ‘‘ ’’ BPG Systems • Provide step-by-step instructions through existing processes. • Sit alongside legacy applications. • Explain business rules. • Have short implementation timeframes with minimal IT involvement or impact. BPM Systems • Automate and simplify processes. • Replace legacy system interfaces. • Enforce business rules. • Involve significant infrastructure investments with lengthy and IT-intensive involvement and impact. How does BPG relate to other solutions for knowledge workers? Business Process Guidance and Business Process Management BPG systems are sometimes confused with Business Process Management (BPM) systems. However, they are two different but complementary approaches. BPM and BPG systems work together in powerful ways: • BPM simplifies and automates the highest-volume processes in your organization, while BPG guides employees through the large number of less frequently applied processes that may not be worth implementing in a BPM system. • BPM deals with the gradual changes in processes, policies and systems in your business, while BPG is a fast response to the areas in your business that experience the most rapid change. • BPM systems can make fundamental improvements in your operational efficiency but typically take years to implement. BPG is the path to significant cost and efficiency improvements in your current budget year. • BPM systems can prompt end- users to complete or follow a process, but BPG systems provide them with the knowledge they need to complete that process correctly, consistently, in compliance with your business policies, and, most importantly for your customers flexibly. Systems
  • 10. Systems BPG KM BPG Systems • Utilizes a knowledge base containing only officially sanctioned and up-to-date information. • Delivers only information relevant to searcher’s role and current activity. • Stores information efficiently, with consistent navigation structure and content layout. • Supports a few contributors - subject matter experts are the content owners. • Provides feedback mechanisms to content owners. • Supports centralized management and control of up-to-date content. Traditional KM Systems • Utilizes a resource center of new and old information on many topics. • Delivers a broad set of results. • Stores information in many file formats and structures. • Supports many contributors – anyone can develop content. • Encourages free-form collaboration between all employees. • Supports ad-hoc management of content. How does BPG relate to other solutions for knowledge workers? Business Process Guidance and Knowledge Management Knowledge management (KM) traditionally focuses on helping workers collaborate and share their experience within an organization. KM solutions are designed to manage metadata, tag content, and facilitate intranet searches. However, this approach is less effective in call centers and back- office environments, where job tasks are more defined and where speed, accuracy, and compliance are paramount. BPG delivers real-time, actionable guidance in the context of each employee’s role. It identifies where the user is in a process and provides the most relevant guidance to get them from that point through the task or call resolution. BPG provides all the process, product, and systems guidance your employees need to complete their work completed in an efficient and effective manner. BPG delivers real-time, actionable guidance. ‘‘ ’’ Systems
  • 11. A GPS for Your Desktop Rather than trying to create business processes that are subject to constant change, BPG can adapt to every change. BPG helps knowledge workers navigate any level of complexity and provides an up-to- date roadmap, in the same way that a real-time GPS helps you navigate an intricate set of roadways. BPG attacks complexity very effectively, and it does so without requiring you to tear out all of your existing technology. BPG allows you to deal with incremental and continuous change. You can sustain improvements by tracking them and making them part of the navigation for future users. The key to any sort of guidance is learning from your mistakes, from your wrong turns. BPG systems learn over time and provide incremental and sustained improvements for the process. BPG also provides higher levels of accuracy in answers for any situation a knowledge worker may encounter . This is because BPGs are context- sensitive solutions – they can identify the skills of the knowledge worker and the context of the problem, which applications are open, how they work together, and which policies and procedures apply to any given combination of factors. Simply put, BPG deals with the tremendous depth of layers of applications and information layers across your entire enterprise. BPM systems are like new freeways that ease congestion – making it easier for employees to complete tasks. ‘‘ ’’ complexity navigate
  • 12. Imagine the power of having a GPS for the enterprise! After all, if you found yourself in a new city and wanted to find your way around, you wouldn’t ask for a roadmap, you’d ask for a GPS or use the one that you have on your cell phone! Yet in our organizations we put up with a virtual absence of navigation tools. Why? Simply because there wasn’t an option. Until now. A GPS for the enterprise desktop provides a whole new way of looking at the problem of complexity for knowledge workers and a whole new set of solutions for enterprises that are struggling to grow without adding costs and headcount. BPG cuts right through complexity, creating a straightaway that allows knowledge workers to get to the answer s they need quickly and accurately. And it does so without requiring you to tear out all of your existing technology. ‘‘ ’’ quick&accurate
  • 13. ® Business Process Guidance p a n v i v a . c o m Visit our website to learn more about what BPG can do for your business. (c)2015 Panviva Pty Ltd. Panviva, the Panviva logo and SupportPoint are trademarks of Panviva Pty Ltd. All other brands may be trademarks of their respective owners. Panviva is the developer of SupportPoint, a powerful combination of business process and knowledge management we call Business Process Guidance. Like a GPS, SupportPoint determines an employees, location in any task and then guides them through the process by delivering concise, up-to-date data and directions. This improves accuracy, compliance and customer experience, while reducing training time and support costs. email: United States: +1 (781) 270 1569 Australia: +61 (0)3 9225 1800 United Kingdom: +44 (0)1757 638 195