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7 Habits of Highly
Effective People
Storyboard_ Engaging and Interactive
Image of Professional Person
Play audio to hear what George
wants to say!
Learning Objective: To put knowledge into
wisdom that the professional employee can
apply at home, work and social environment
in order to effectively handle all of life’s
Course goal: This module is based on Dr.
Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective
People”. It has been distilled and
summarized to suit BPO employees. It will
give an alternative way of thinking or a
paradigm shift to encourage excellence.
Image of George mindset, problematic, happy, goal
What encompasses the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Module?
I have tremendous professional success but my personal
and family life is suffering.
I want to be fitter and have a healthy lifestyle.
I am a manager but my employees are not engaged and
I have a son/daughter who is very rebellious.
What encompasses the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Module?
I lack a sense of fulfillment and purpose even if I am
I am a control freak and is characterized as someone with
a forceful personality.
I am currently in a marriage without love and joy. We
have tried counseling repeatedly.
The way we see the problem is the problem: Go to the root of the problem.
Albert Einstein graphic representation of quote ““The significant problems we face
cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them”.
- Albert Einstein
Home link (play audio once clicked)
What is the Natural
What is the Maturity
What is a Habit?
What does effectiveness mean?
What is the P/PC
What is a Paradigm
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Habit 2: Begin with
the end in mind
Habit 3: Put things
Habit 4: Think win-win
Habit 5: Seek first to
understand than to
be understood
Habit 6: Synergize
Habit 7:
Sharpen the
The importance of the “Natural Process” of growth and development - training, learning,
communicating, listening and relating.
What is the Natural
A continuing process of renewal based on the
natural laws that govern human growth and
progress. It’s an upward spiral of growth that
leads progressively to higher forms of
responsible independence and effective
The Natural Process is summed up in one word:
You may see yourself in the following similar situations and wonder, what
There is a test tomorrow You study the whole
night for the test
You aced the test.
There is a ANOTHER test the
week after. You drink, party and let loose
because you aced your test (not
being consistent with studying)
You were surprised that you
almost flunked the subject
and got a satisfactory mark
in your course.
Inconsistent study Habits (Inconsistency)
Focusing on technique is like cramming your way to a test – it is abrupt and just necessary
to “Get By”. Again, you reap what you sow – there is no shortcut. Look back when you
were in school, without foundational good study habits you will not have consistent high
grades. You can study for this test, but get lazy on the next. It is important to go through
the natural process.
Image of reaping what you sow
You may see yourself in the following similar situations and wonder, what
You like this girl.
You charmed her with your
pick-up lines and sweet talk
You got into a relationship
with her.
The relationship ended after a month because of personality
Focusing on the superficial personality just to get what you want (Superficiality)
This is ultimately true in human behavior and human relationships. You can use the
personality approach in making others to like you or by charming them, but it is superficial
and in the long run, your character will eventually show. Deep integrity is achieved
through a natural process of growth and learning to have long-term success. It cannot be
done without training, learning, communicating, listening and relating.
Image of two opposing facial expression
“If I try to get other people to do what I want – while
my character is deeply flawed, marked by duplicity
and insincerity – then in the long run, it will not be
successful.” – Dr. Stephen Covey
Maturity Continuum
What is a habit?
Habit – are powerful factors in our lives. Because they are consistent, often unconscious
patterns, they constantly, daily express our character and produce our effectiveness or
ineffectiveness. It is the intersection of knowledge, skills and desire.
Knowledge Skill Desire
What to do and why?
You must have
foundational principles
or head knowledge
How to do?
You must be able to
apply the theoretical
knowledge into
something practical.
Do I want to do it?
You must have the
right motivation and
Habit formula
Knowledge + Skill + Desire = Positive effective habit
What does Effectiveness mean?
It is finding that balance (the P/PC
Balance). It is the basis of a person’s
character, creating an empowering center
of correct maps from which an individual
can effectively solve problems, maximize
opportunities, and continually learn and
integrate other principles in an upward
spiral growth. It is a process: dependence,
independence and interdependence.
Recognition of ecological
interdependence as a sign of maturity
(can be achieved only by independent
Image of a happy person
How to find the Balance: P/PC Balance
How to find the Balance: P/PC Balance
How to find the Balance: P/PC Balance
Character Icon
Every P Problems are Opportunities
To create or produce something you
must NOT forsake the long term gain.
Effect and Cause: To kill the goose or not?
Image of a person buying a laptop
Buying a personal computer and not
placing an anti-virus.
The computer lags a lot and is incapable
of faster production leading to double
the time spent on working.
Not maintaining the personal computer
for its technical needs.
Effect and Cause: To kill the goose or not?
Image of a person wooing his boss
Being manipulative by sweet talking
in a relationship to charm people
produces long term relationship
Strained relationships between family,
friends and colleagues.
Manipulating people by pretending to be
someone you are not.
Effect and Cause: To kill the goose or not?
Image of a parent spanking a child
Disciplining your child by becoming
too authoritative or permissive.
Rebellious child with flawed character.
Being too authoritative and permissive
when he/she was a child.
What is a paradigm? It is more than what meets the eye.
• It is a model, theory, perception,
assumption or frame of mind. It is a
lifetime work.
• A combination of all our choices since we
were born and “how we see the world”
(sub-conscious and conscious).
• It encompasses perceiving,
understanding and interpreting with our
• Your paradigms are the things you
believe in.
Image of paradigm
Examples of Paradigm Shifts.
Image of the world being flat Image of a person shocked
Famous paradigm shift
When the world was previously
thought of as flat, even if it is
really round.
Day to Day paradigm shift
When you get mad at a person
only to realize that he/she has a
legitimate reason for doing
Reflect: Can you think of a small incident to which you have experienced a “Paradigm
Text entry box
"Into the hands of every individual is given a marvelous power for good or evil
-- the silent unconscious, unseen influence of his life. This is simply the
constant radiation of what man really is, not what he pretends to be.“
- William George Jordan
Character1 Character2 Character3
Focused on self-image When you do not get
what you want, it only
leads to frustration.
Without character it
remains superficial and
will result to immediate
but short- term success.
Click on the characters to hear what they have to say!
Comparison between Personality versus Character Ethics
Symbolic Image of
Symbolic Image of Personality
Character Ethic
Basic principles of integrity that
leads to effective living, and that
people can experience true success
and enduring happiness as they
learn and integrate these principles
into their basic character.
Foundational and catalytic, and
should not be separated from the
personality approach.
Personality Approach
Manipulative, even deceptive, encouraging people to
use techniques to like them or to fake it.
Most people fail because they use the personality
approach rather than investing in their character.
Click to hear more!
Table Comparison between Personality versus Character Approach
Personality Ethics Character Ethics
Personality Character
Focused on “I” Focused on “You”, “We”, “Us”
Secondary traits Primary traits
Focuses on practices Focuses on deep fundamental truths
Smiling often to get others to like you,
charming others to get what you want
Honesty, discipline, hard work, etc.
How popular you are Who you are when no one is looking
Self-centered motives Selfless motives
What is a Paradigm Shift?
Inside Out Thinking: What is on the inside counts more than what is external.
Self-awareness: Story of Victor Frankl
Video: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Key Ideas
2 level Branching Scenario: Check the response which is suitable for
the situation.
Correct response
Incorrect response Situation
show success
show success
show fail text
Proceed to next
Proceed to
next number
Proceed to next
What will you do? Check the response which is suitable for the situation. At the
end of every number there is a consequence.
Main scenario George works in the credit card department as debt collector. He was given a task to
collect payment from Mr. Santos. As soon as he dialed, Mr. Santos answered the phone. Mr. Santos was
very resistant to George and his pitch. What do you think should be the next move of George?
Incorrect : Be a little assertive and arrogant in tone of speech. This will establish George’s point and will
intimidate Mr. Santos prompting him to pay.
Consequence: Mr. Santos was more enraged and began to “get personal” with George. He demanded to
talk to his manager. What should George do?
Correct : George should calm himself and explain objectively the consequences to
Mr. Santos if he will delay the payment.
Consequence2: After a few negotiations, Mr. Santos obliged to pay his remaining
debt balance to avoid further bloating of interests.
2nd level Incorrect options
Incorrect: George resisted and said that he is the one to handle the call. He said that Mr.
Santos should let him handle his concern.
Consequence: Mr. Santos hanged up on George. The issue remained unresolved.
Correct: George apologized for raising his tone and transferred the call to his supervisor.
Consequence: George’s supervisor handled the call and Mr. Santos became calmer and less
resistant. The unpaid debt will be paid by Mr. Santos.
What will you do? Check the response which is suitable for the situation. At the
end of every number there is a consequence.
Main Scenario: You have a coworker you dislike and it is affecting the quality of
work. What will you do?
Incorrect: Do your best to avoid the person at all times.
Consequence: Work output still remains under par of what is expected.
Correct: Focus on your performance and deal with the other person not in a personal, but
professional way.
Consequence: Your performance rousted and your numbers are high. But, the colleague you
dislike is still not performing well. What will you do?
2nd level correct options
Correct: Try to extend a hand to the coworker you dislike and mentor that person with the
approval of your boss.
Consequence: You begin to understand the coworker you dislike and both your numbers
Incorrect: Do nothing and keep focusing on your performance to beat the hell out of the
coworker you dislike.
Consequence: You were able to maintain your numbers but because of the underperformance
of the coworker you dislike, the whole department suffered.
What will you do? Check the response which is suitable for the situation. At the
end of every number there is a consequence.
Main Scenario: Your boss loads you with work that aren’t necessary or not within your job
Correct: Learn how to say ‘no’ and explain why you are saying no to your superior.
Consequence: Your boss asked that you have a sit down and objectively tackle the
issue, resulting to set objectives and amenable work relationship.
Incorrect: Always say ‘yes’ to your superior even if it is affecting other prioritized tasks.
Consequence: Your other prioritized tasks suffered and you begin to hate your boss.
What should you do next?
2nd level incorrect options
Incorrect: Since you do not have the guts to tell it upfront to your boss because
it might strain the relationship, you immediately filed your resignation.
Consequence: You ended up in the unemployment lot.
Correct: You mustered the guts to talk to your superior and finally fix the situation in a
proactive way.
Consequence: Your boss asked that you have a sit down and objectively tackle the
issue, resulting to set objectives and amenable work relationship.
What will you do? Check the response which is suitable for the situation. At the
end of every number there is a consequence.
Main scenario: There is gossip in the office about someone engaged in a sexual harassment case. You
witnessed one yourself. You are scared that you be involved in the scandal.
Correct: Once HR investigates, be discreet and send an incident report about what you witnessed. Ask
HR to exert your right to keep the case confidential.
Consequence: HR receives the case and you remain anonymous. The person involved were called out
for a disciplinary procedure. The person involved was declared guilty because of your report. What will
you do next?
2nd level correct options
Incorrect: Keep your mouth shut and don’t meddle.
Consequence: The victim of the sexual harassment case was forced to tender an indefinite leave
because of the shame the case brought to her. You are left guilty for keeping your mouth shut since
justice was not served.
Correct: Be an advocate of anti-sexual harassment in the workplace.
Consequence: More people are becoming aware of sexual harassment and
proactive ways to prevent and address it.
Incorrect: Move on with your life and work and act as if nothing happened.
Consequence: Cases of sexual harassment in the workplace remains a taboo issue
and more people are hiding out of shame that the scandal might bring.
What will you do? Check the response which is suitable for the situation. At the
end of every number there is a consequence.
Main Scenario: It’s the company’s official party and you want to just enjoy yourself at home and
prevent any untoward incident. You know that you will not be enjoying yourself in the party.
Incorrect: Make an excuse or alibi to get by.
Consequence: Your co-workers think you hate them and began to say passive aggressive
comments behind your back. What should you do next?
Correct: Talk to another co-worker about your situation and figure out how you are not comfortable
with the situation, especially social gatherings.
Consequence: Your other co-worker understood your plight. He/she wanted you to feel at ease with
the situation but decided that you should tell the truth to your supervisor instead of making an
2nd level incorrect options
Correct: Apologize to one of your colleagues and explain why you had to create an alibi.
Consequence: You are still not friends with your co-workers but at the very least, things are now more
professional and bearable.
Incorrect: Confront your co-workers, rant about your issues and hope that they will understand.
Consequence: Your co-workers hate you more than ever for blaming and accusing them.
Consequence: You are forced either to change departments or resign.
Habit 1: Be Proactive – Principles of Personal Vision
Be Proactive. How do you become Proactive? It is not what happens to you, it is about how
you respond to a stimulus. Use the power of choice.
• Make things happen! Take the initiative.
• Act or be acted upon
• Listen to your language
• Making and keeping commitments
Image of a happy productive person
Habit 1: Begin with the end in mind– Principles of Personal Vision
Habit 3: Put things first – Principles of Personal Management
Habit 4: Think Win-win Principles of Interpersonal Leadership
It’s not what you say or do. It’s who you are. Apply the Golden Rule
The Win - Win Paradigm
Habit 5: Seek first to understand, than to be understood (Empathic Communication)
Habit 5: Seek first to understand, than to be understood (Empathic Communication)
Habit 5: Seek first to understand, than to be understood (Empathic Communication)
Habit 6: Synergize – Principles of Creative Cooperation
Habit 6: What is synergy?
Habit 6: Synergize – Principles of Creative Cooperation
Habit 6: Synergize – Principles of Creative Cooperation
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Principles of Balanced Self-Renewal
Video: Summary of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Assessment: Based on this module, choose the correct answer
(Multiple Choice)
1. Being proactive rather than reactive is what this book suggests.
a. True
b. False
2. Who is the author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?
a. Jim Collins
b. Stephen Covey
c. Chrissie Bentley
3. Maturity Continuum transcends from dependence to independence. This is what
state of being?
a. Power
b. Genius
c. Interdependence
Assessment: Based on this module, choose the correct answer
(Multiple Choice)
4. Begin with the _____________ in mind.
a. Present
b. Past
c. Future
d. End
5. Saying ‘no’ when needed is powerful.
a. True
b. False
6. Habit are powerful factors in our lives.
a. True
b. False
Assessment: Based on this module, choose the correct answer
(Multiple Choice)
7. The seventh and final habit is about refreshing and renewing your approach to
allow you to undertake all of the other six habits. How does Covey describe it?
a. Send in the clowns
b. Sharpen your knife
c. Sharpen the saw
8. The first habit is about taking control. In Covey's words, this means being what?
a. Proactive
b. Passive
c. Passive – Aggressive
d. Reactive
9. Which one is NOT one of the 7 Habits discussed in Stephen Covey's book?
a. Synergize
b. Think win-win
c. Be approachable

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7 habits of highly effective people interactive and engaging

  • 1. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Storyboard_ Engaging and Interactive
  • 2. Image of Professional Person Play audio to hear what George wants to say! Learning Objective: To put knowledge into wisdom that the professional employee can apply at home, work and social environment in order to effectively handle all of life’s aspects. Course goal: This module is based on Dr. Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. It has been distilled and summarized to suit BPO employees. It will give an alternative way of thinking or a paradigm shift to encourage excellence.
  • 3. Image of George mindset, problematic, happy, goal
  • 4. What encompasses the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Module? I have tremendous professional success but my personal and family life is suffering. er I want to be fitter and have a healthy lifestyle. I am a manager but my employees are not engaged and loyal. I have a son/daughter who is very rebellious. Icon Icon Icon Icon
  • 5. What encompasses the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Module? I lack a sense of fulfillment and purpose even if I am successful. er I am a control freak and is characterized as someone with a forceful personality. I am currently in a marriage without love and joy. We have tried counseling repeatedly. Icon Icon Icon
  • 6. The way we see the problem is the problem: Go to the root of the problem. Albert Einstein graphic representation of quote ““The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them”. - Albert Einstein
  • 7. Home link (play audio once clicked) What is the Natural Process? What is the Maturity Continuum? What is a Habit? What does effectiveness mean? What is the P/PC Balance? What is a Paradigm Shift? Habit 1: Be Proactive Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind Habit 3: Put things first Habit 4: Think win-win Habit 5: Seek first to understand than to be understood Habit 6: Synergize Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
  • 8. The importance of the “Natural Process” of growth and development - training, learning, communicating, listening and relating. What is the Natural Process? A continuing process of renewal based on the natural laws that govern human growth and progress. It’s an upward spiral of growth that leads progressively to higher forms of responsible independence and effective interdependence.
  • 9. The Natural Process is summed up in one word: INTEGRITY
  • 10. You may see yourself in the following similar situations and wonder, what happened? There is a test tomorrow You study the whole night for the test You aced the test. There is a ANOTHER test the week after. You drink, party and let loose because you aced your test (not being consistent with studying) You were surprised that you almost flunked the subject and got a satisfactory mark in your course.
  • 11. Inconsistent study Habits (Inconsistency) Focusing on technique is like cramming your way to a test – it is abrupt and just necessary to “Get By”. Again, you reap what you sow – there is no shortcut. Look back when you were in school, without foundational good study habits you will not have consistent high grades. You can study for this test, but get lazy on the next. It is important to go through the natural process. Image of reaping what you sow
  • 12. You may see yourself in the following similar situations and wonder, what happened? You like this girl. You charmed her with your pick-up lines and sweet talk You got into a relationship with her. The relationship ended after a month because of personality differences.
  • 13. Focusing on the superficial personality just to get what you want (Superficiality) This is ultimately true in human behavior and human relationships. You can use the personality approach in making others to like you or by charming them, but it is superficial and in the long run, your character will eventually show. Deep integrity is achieved through a natural process of growth and learning to have long-term success. It cannot be done without training, learning, communicating, listening and relating. Image of two opposing facial expression
  • 14. “If I try to get other people to do what I want – while my character is deeply flawed, marked by duplicity and insincerity – then in the long run, it will not be successful.” – Dr. Stephen Covey
  • 16. What is a habit? Habit – are powerful factors in our lives. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily express our character and produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness. It is the intersection of knowledge, skills and desire. Knowledge Skill Desire What to do and why? You must have foundational principles or head knowledge How to do? You must be able to apply the theoretical knowledge into something practical. Do I want to do it? You must have the right motivation and desire.
  • 17. Habit formula Knowledge + Skill + Desire = Positive effective habit
  • 18.
  • 19. What does Effectiveness mean? It is finding that balance (the P/PC Balance). It is the basis of a person’s character, creating an empowering center of correct maps from which an individual can effectively solve problems, maximize opportunities, and continually learn and integrate other principles in an upward spiral growth. It is a process: dependence, independence and interdependence. Recognition of ecological interdependence as a sign of maturity (can be achieved only by independent people) Image of a happy person
  • 20.
  • 21. How to find the Balance: P/PC Balance
  • 22. How to find the Balance: P/PC Balance
  • 23. How to find the Balance: P/PC Balance Character Icon Every P Problems are Opportunities To create or produce something you must NOT forsake the long term gain.
  • 24. Effect and Cause: To kill the goose or not? Image of a person buying a laptop Buying a personal computer and not placing an anti-virus. Effect The computer lags a lot and is incapable of faster production leading to double the time spent on working. Cause Not maintaining the personal computer for its technical needs.
  • 25. Effect and Cause: To kill the goose or not? Image of a person wooing his boss Being manipulative by sweet talking in a relationship to charm people produces long term relationship strains. Effect Strained relationships between family, friends and colleagues. Cause Manipulating people by pretending to be someone you are not.
  • 26. Effect and Cause: To kill the goose or not? Image of a parent spanking a child Disciplining your child by becoming too authoritative or permissive. Effect Rebellious child with flawed character. Cause Being too authoritative and permissive when he/she was a child.
  • 27. What is a paradigm? It is more than what meets the eye. • It is a model, theory, perception, assumption or frame of mind. It is a lifetime work. • A combination of all our choices since we were born and “how we see the world” (sub-conscious and conscious). • It encompasses perceiving, understanding and interpreting with our senses. • Your paradigms are the things you believe in. Image of paradigm
  • 28. Examples of Paradigm Shifts. Image of the world being flat Image of a person shocked Famous paradigm shift When the world was previously thought of as flat, even if it is really round. Day to Day paradigm shift When you get mad at a person only to realize that he/she has a legitimate reason for doing something.
  • 29. Reflect: Can you think of a small incident to which you have experienced a “Paradigm shift”? Text entry box
  • 30. "Into the hands of every individual is given a marvelous power for good or evil -- the silent unconscious, unseen influence of his life. This is simply the constant radiation of what man really is, not what he pretends to be.“ - William George Jordan
  • 31. Character1 Character2 Character3 Focused on self-image When you do not get what you want, it only leads to frustration. Without character it remains superficial and will result to immediate but short- term success. Click on the characters to hear what they have to say!
  • 32. Comparison between Personality versus Character Ethics Symbolic Image of Character Symbolic Image of Personality Character Ethic Basic principles of integrity that leads to effective living, and that people can experience true success and enduring happiness as they learn and integrate these principles into their basic character. Foundational and catalytic, and should not be separated from the personality approach. Personality Approach Manipulative, even deceptive, encouraging people to use techniques to like them or to fake it. Most people fail because they use the personality approach rather than investing in their character. Click to hear more!
  • 33. Table Comparison between Personality versus Character Approach Personality Ethics Character Ethics Personality Character Focused on “I” Focused on “You”, “We”, “Us” Secondary traits Primary traits Focuses on practices Focuses on deep fundamental truths Smiling often to get others to like you, charming others to get what you want Honesty, discipline, hard work, etc. How popular you are Who you are when no one is looking Self-centered motives Selfless motives
  • 34. What is a Paradigm Shift?
  • 35. Inside Out Thinking: What is on the inside counts more than what is external.
  • 36. Self-awareness: Story of Victor Frankl
  • 37. Video: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Key Ideas
  • 38. 2 level Branching Scenario: Check the response which is suitable for the situation. Situation Correct response Incorrect response Situation show success text Correct response Incorr respo show success text show fail text Proceed to next number Proceed to next number Proceed to next number
  • 39. What will you do? Check the response which is suitable for the situation. At the end of every number there is a consequence. Main scenario George works in the credit card department as debt collector. He was given a task to collect payment from Mr. Santos. As soon as he dialed, Mr. Santos answered the phone. Mr. Santos was very resistant to George and his pitch. What do you think should be the next move of George? Incorrect : Be a little assertive and arrogant in tone of speech. This will establish George’s point and will intimidate Mr. Santos prompting him to pay. Consequence: Mr. Santos was more enraged and began to “get personal” with George. He demanded to talk to his manager. What should George do? Correct : George should calm himself and explain objectively the consequences to Mr. Santos if he will delay the payment. Consequence2: After a few negotiations, Mr. Santos obliged to pay his remaining debt balance to avoid further bloating of interests. 2nd level Incorrect options Incorrect: George resisted and said that he is the one to handle the call. He said that Mr. Santos should let him handle his concern. Consequence: Mr. Santos hanged up on George. The issue remained unresolved. Correct: George apologized for raising his tone and transferred the call to his supervisor. Consequence: George’s supervisor handled the call and Mr. Santos became calmer and less resistant. The unpaid debt will be paid by Mr. Santos.
  • 40. What will you do? Check the response which is suitable for the situation. At the end of every number there is a consequence. Main Scenario: You have a coworker you dislike and it is affecting the quality of work. What will you do? Incorrect: Do your best to avoid the person at all times. Consequence: Work output still remains under par of what is expected. Correct: Focus on your performance and deal with the other person not in a personal, but professional way. Consequence: Your performance rousted and your numbers are high. But, the colleague you dislike is still not performing well. What will you do? 2nd level correct options Correct: Try to extend a hand to the coworker you dislike and mentor that person with the approval of your boss. Consequence: You begin to understand the coworker you dislike and both your numbers rousted. Incorrect: Do nothing and keep focusing on your performance to beat the hell out of the coworker you dislike. Consequence: You were able to maintain your numbers but because of the underperformance of the coworker you dislike, the whole department suffered.
  • 41. What will you do? Check the response which is suitable for the situation. At the end of every number there is a consequence. Main Scenario: Your boss loads you with work that aren’t necessary or not within your job description. Correct: Learn how to say ‘no’ and explain why you are saying no to your superior. Consequence: Your boss asked that you have a sit down and objectively tackle the issue, resulting to set objectives and amenable work relationship. Incorrect: Always say ‘yes’ to your superior even if it is affecting other prioritized tasks. Consequence: Your other prioritized tasks suffered and you begin to hate your boss. What should you do next? 2nd level incorrect options Incorrect: Since you do not have the guts to tell it upfront to your boss because it might strain the relationship, you immediately filed your resignation. Consequence: You ended up in the unemployment lot. Correct: You mustered the guts to talk to your superior and finally fix the situation in a proactive way. Consequence: Your boss asked that you have a sit down and objectively tackle the issue, resulting to set objectives and amenable work relationship.
  • 42. What will you do? Check the response which is suitable for the situation. At the end of every number there is a consequence. Main scenario: There is gossip in the office about someone engaged in a sexual harassment case. You witnessed one yourself. You are scared that you be involved in the scandal. Correct: Once HR investigates, be discreet and send an incident report about what you witnessed. Ask HR to exert your right to keep the case confidential. Consequence: HR receives the case and you remain anonymous. The person involved were called out for a disciplinary procedure. The person involved was declared guilty because of your report. What will you do next? 2nd level correct options Incorrect: Keep your mouth shut and don’t meddle. Consequence: The victim of the sexual harassment case was forced to tender an indefinite leave because of the shame the case brought to her. You are left guilty for keeping your mouth shut since justice was not served. Correct: Be an advocate of anti-sexual harassment in the workplace. Consequence: More people are becoming aware of sexual harassment and proactive ways to prevent and address it. Incorrect: Move on with your life and work and act as if nothing happened. Consequence: Cases of sexual harassment in the workplace remains a taboo issue and more people are hiding out of shame that the scandal might bring.
  • 43. What will you do? Check the response which is suitable for the situation. At the end of every number there is a consequence. Main Scenario: It’s the company’s official party and you want to just enjoy yourself at home and prevent any untoward incident. You know that you will not be enjoying yourself in the party. Incorrect: Make an excuse or alibi to get by. Consequence: Your co-workers think you hate them and began to say passive aggressive comments behind your back. What should you do next? Correct: Talk to another co-worker about your situation and figure out how you are not comfortable with the situation, especially social gatherings. Consequence: Your other co-worker understood your plight. He/she wanted you to feel at ease with the situation but decided that you should tell the truth to your supervisor instead of making an excuse. 2nd level incorrect options Correct: Apologize to one of your colleagues and explain why you had to create an alibi. Consequence: You are still not friends with your co-workers but at the very least, things are now more professional and bearable. Incorrect: Confront your co-workers, rant about your issues and hope that they will understand. Consequence: Your co-workers hate you more than ever for blaming and accusing them. Consequence: You are forced either to change departments or resign.
  • 44. Habit 1: Be Proactive – Principles of Personal Vision Be Proactive. How do you become Proactive? It is not what happens to you, it is about how you respond to a stimulus. Use the power of choice. • Make things happen! Take the initiative. • Act or be acted upon • Listen to your language • Making and keeping commitments Image of a happy productive person
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49. Habit 1: Begin with the end in mind– Principles of Personal Vision
  • 50. Habit 3: Put things first – Principles of Personal Management
  • 51.
  • 52. Habit 4: Think Win-win Principles of Interpersonal Leadership It’s not what you say or do. It’s who you are. Apply the Golden Rule
  • 53. The Win - Win Paradigm
  • 54. Habit 5: Seek first to understand, than to be understood (Empathic Communication)
  • 55. Habit 5: Seek first to understand, than to be understood (Empathic Communication)
  • 56. Habit 5: Seek first to understand, than to be understood (Empathic Communication)
  • 57. Habit 6: Synergize – Principles of Creative Cooperation
  • 58. Habit 6: What is synergy?
  • 59. Habit 6: Synergize – Principles of Creative Cooperation
  • 60. Habit 6: Synergize – Principles of Creative Cooperation
  • 61. Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Principles of Balanced Self-Renewal
  • 62. Video: Summary of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  • 63. Assessment: Based on this module, choose the correct answer (Multiple Choice) 1. Being proactive rather than reactive is what this book suggests. a. True b. False 2. Who is the author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? a. Jim Collins b. Stephen Covey c. Chrissie Bentley 3. Maturity Continuum transcends from dependence to independence. This is what state of being? a. Power b. Genius c. Interdependence
  • 64. Assessment: Based on this module, choose the correct answer (Multiple Choice) 4. Begin with the _____________ in mind. a. Present b. Past c. Future d. End 5. Saying ‘no’ when needed is powerful. a. True b. False 6. Habit are powerful factors in our lives. a. True b. False
  • 65. Assessment: Based on this module, choose the correct answer (Multiple Choice) 7. The seventh and final habit is about refreshing and renewing your approach to allow you to undertake all of the other six habits. How does Covey describe it? a. Send in the clowns b. Sharpen your knife c. Sharpen the saw 8. The first habit is about taking control. In Covey's words, this means being what? a. Proactive b. Passive c. Passive – Aggressive d. Reactive 9. Which one is NOT one of the 7 Habits discussed in Stephen Covey's book? a. Synergize b. Think win-win c. Be approachable

Editor's Notes

  1. Audio: It is changing a mindset. No more aspirins and band-aids. Let us go to the root of the problem. Focus on the principles which will result to long-term character and effectiveness. In this module, you will have a better sense of self, founded in character and not personality.  These habits are incremental, sequential and highly integrated approach to the development of personal and interpersonal effectiveness.
  2. Voice over: What encompasses the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? Before we start, here’s a checklist for you to determine if this module is for you. Be honest with yourself and let’s get started!
  3. Voice over: What encompasses the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? Before we start, here’s a checklist for you to determine if this module is for you. Be honest with yourself and let’s get started!
  4. Let us go to the root of the problem. If you do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is foolishness.
  5. Button VO: This will be the main Home Page of the course. Whenever you feel lost inside the module click this button to go to the main menu.
  6. This is an overview of the book definition of the Natural Process. In other words, the natural process is a renewal of the mind by means of a process which is slow and gradual. It is saying yes to growth and maturity without faking it.
  7. VO1: Most literature in positive thinking and self-esteem are superficial and focused on Social Image. The social mirror - norms and dictations of society. Have you ever heard of phrases, “don’t do this or others might think….” or “do this so that others may think…”. Social norms are based on people imposed or cultural dictations of society. It can ultimately shift from one paradigm to the next. It is not catalytic and founded in “norms”. There’s nothing wrong with norms, but if we put our motives just to be liked and accepted, then it lacks the essential characteristic of character. VO2: In other words. What is accepted to you may be unacceptable to others and vice versa. If you use the new age thinking of “thinking positively”, then it is based on the “I” or plainly, getting what you want. When you do not get what you want, it only leads to frustration. Think of it as working smart, rather than working hard. You may double everything, but without the right plan or strategy, it will not result to positive consequences. You can try to be more positive, smile more often or have that fierce power look to make people intimidated and obey you, but without character it remains superficial and will result to immediate but short- term success. VO3: If you result to merely “positive thinking”, then it will be a quick-fix or a band-aid that can solve your problem immediately but not for the long-term. Positive thinking is only part of the story. It is not the totality. It is not bad, but you cannot rely solely on “positive thinking”. You have to equip it with goodness of character, more than anything.
  8. VO: Most people fail because they use the personality approach rather than investing in their character. There is power in motives and perception. Instead of trying to change people, it is better that we encourage and believe in their capacity to grow. This is how we should use our influence. Instead of comparing and judging others, you should help the other person by releasing his/her own brilliance through encouragement and right motives. Bottom line, it starts with you before change can happen to another person. The Importance of nurturing the other person is better than having a quick fix. Instead of manipulating the other person into a social mold or to how he/she should behave based on your own liking, let the other person grow as he/she should be. Don’t get it wrong, personality approach is important but only secondary to character approach.