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Aquaponics short-course at the 
University of Arizona 
Kevin Fitzsimmons, Jason 
Licamele, Eric Highfield 
University of Arizona 
6 April 2011
Trends in food markets 
Demand for more locally grown, organic 
Increasing demand for vegetables and fish 
for health reasons 
Need to increase economic and 
environmental efficiency (energy, water, 
land area, recycling of nutrients)
Global food crisis 
Rapidly increasing population 
Diversion of foods to bio-fuels 
Increased costs for water, fertilizer, fuel 
Multiple demands for farmland (urban sprawl, 
industrial and mining, solar and wind generation, 
wildlife conservation, watershed protection, 
global warming, etc.) 
Demand for locally produced food
Need new model for food 
Green Revolution – huge increase in food 
production, but heavy reliance on irrigation, 
fuel and fertilizer. 
Blue Revolution – almost 50% of seafood is 
farm raised, but many environmental 
impacts (effluents causing eutrophication, 
algae blooms, cage and raft conflicts with 
other users in oceans, bays and lakes)
Development of hydroponics and 
Fast growing sectors of global food 
Hydroponics is more efficient use of water 
and nutrients, controls the environment and 
reduces use of pesticides and herbicides. 
Aquaculture is more efficient production of 
domesticated aquatic animals and plants.
Past Projects 
The Land – Disney World, Florida 
Biosphere 2 – Tucson, Arizona 
High school education 
Disney World – EPCOT – The Land 
University of Arizona provided technical design, 
layout, and training of staff. 
Selected hydroponics and aquaculture as two critical 
food production systems for the future.
Disney World – EPCOT – The Land 
30,000 guests a day learn about hydroponics, 
aquaculture, tilapia, and advanced farming 
Products are served in the Good Turn Restaurant
Development trials for Biosphere 2 
Biosphere 2 – A one hectare greenhouse. Completely 
sealed, with eight people living inside for two years.
Early trials for Biosphere 2 
University of Arizona 
provided overall 
technical support and 
designed the food 
Intensive food 
Healthy foods with 
minimal need for 
external inputs 
Replicated trials with 
tilapia and lettuce
Various growing techniques 
Growing in 
Growing in floating 
Density and micronutrient trials 
Low density of fish High density of fish
Nutrient film technique 
 Growing in troughs/gutters with flowing water
Nutrient film technique 
 Flood and drain version in troughs/gutters
Fish and grain crops 
Tilapia and barley Nutrient dynamics in recirc 
Determined that integrated fish and irrigated crops were 
most efficient food production system for Biosphere 2
Educational systems in high schools 
Fish instead of traditional 
Hydroponic vegetables and 
farm animals 
ornamental flowers
Water chemistry 
 Dissolved solids 
 Suspended solids 
Carbon Cycle 
digestion and 
respiration + 3O2 
C6H12O6 6 H2O + 6 CO2 C6H12O6 + 3O2 
sugars and 
other organics 
sugars and 
other organics 
and oxygen 
water and 
carbon dioxide 
anaerobes and CH4 + COx 
Carbonate Cycle 
CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3 
- H+ + CO3 
carbon dioxide 
dissolved in water 
Carbonate cycle
Nitrogen Cycle 
Nitrogen cycle in aquatic systems
Nitrogen cycle 
 Nitrogen is often a limiting element in 
freshwater aquatic system 
 Adding nitrogen will cause rapid increase in 
primary productivity 
 Nitrogen in anaerobic sediments 
- denitrification (reduction to NH3 or N2 gas)
Nitrogen Mass Flow 
 Nitrogen Mass Flow 
– Introduced via feed 
– Input: 108 g nitrogen / day 
– Consumption 
 Plant root zone 
 Plant respiration 
– Generation 
 Plant photosynthesis 
 Microalgae / Phytoplankton 
F e e d ( 2 8 % P r o t e i n ; 5 . 7 % N ) 
2 % F i s h B i o m a s s ) 
T i l a p i a s p p . 
O 2 D i f f u s i o n 
N R e t e n t i o n : 2 7 % 
M e c h a n i c a l 
F i l t r a t i o n 
T o t a l : 1 0 0 % N 
( 1 0 % N d i s s o l v e d i n H 2 O ) 
( 4 0 % N e x c r e t e d i n t o H 2 O b y f i s h ) 
1 0 % S l u d g e 
B i o l o g i c a l 
F i l t e r 
N c o n s .  1 % 
1 ) C o n v e r s i o n o f f e e d t o f i s h b i o m a s s 
2 ) S e p a r a t i o n o f s o l i d s a n d s l u d g e 
3 ) C o n v e r s i o n o f n i t r o g e n t o n i t r a t e 
T o t a l : 7 3 % N 
( 5 0 % D i s s o l v e d N ) 
( 2 3 % P a r t i c u l a t e N ) 
T o t a l : 6 3 % N 
H y d r o p o n i c s L e t t u c e 
4 ) C o n v e r s i o n o f n i t r a t e t o p l a n t b i o m a s s 
D a t a C o l l e c t i o n : 5 - 6 g - N / k g d r y w e i g h t 
5 ) R e s i d u a l n i t r a t e 
i n H 2 O 
N H 3 - N H 4 
N O 2 
N O 3 
T o t a l : 6 2 % N 
A i r B l o w e r 
( A i r a p p r o x 2 1 % O 2 g e n 
F o r c e d i n t o w a t e r ) 
F i s h 
O 2 c o n ( R e s p i r a t i o n ) 
P h y t o p l a n k t o n / A l g a e 
( O 2 g e n D a y ) 
( O 2 c o n N i g h t ) 
L e t t u c e 
( O 2 c o n R o o t z o n e ) 
O 2 D i f f u s i o n 
P h o t o s y n t h e s i s 
O 2 g e n D a y 
R e s p i r a t i o n 
O 2 c o n n i g h t 
O 2 c o n = O x y g e n C o n s u m p t i o n 
O 2 g e n = O x y g e n G e n e r a t i o n 
M e c h a n ic a l / B i o lo g ic a l 
F il t e r 
( O 2 c o n N i t r i f y i n g B a c t e r i a ) 
( O 2 c o n M i n e r a l i z a t i o n o f s o l i d s ) 
O x y g e n D y n a m i c s o f t h e A q u a p o n i c s S y s t e m G H # 3 1 1 8
Phosphorus cycle 
Phosphorus and 
Organic P 
decomposes and 
releases PO4, 
taken up by algae 
and plants or 
adsorbs to clay 
particles and 
conditions can re-release 
P to water. 
Wetland Ecosystem Management
Tilapia and other fish 
 Oreochromis species 
 Yellow perch and bluegills 
 Sturgeon and ornamental fish
Fish feed as nutrient sources 
 Fish feed is the basic input for nutrients to 
fish and plants 
 Protein is source of nitrogen for plants 
 Phosphorus and potassium from fishmeal, 
bone meal, or feather meal 
 Micronutrients from vitamin and mineral 
premixes in fish feed
Aquaponic Inputs 
– Water 
– Star Milling Co. 
 1/8” Floating Tilapia Feed 
– Dolomite 65 Ag 
 CaCO3 46.0% 
 MgCO3 38.5% 
 Ca 22.7% 
 Mg 11.8% 
– Biomins 
 Biomin Fe+ (5%) 
 Biomin Mn+ (5%) 
 Biomin Zn+ (7%) 
– Nutrient Content Analysis 
CCrruuddee PPrrootteeiinn 3355%% 
CCrruuddee FFaatt 55%% 
CCrruuddee FFiibbeerr 33..55%% 
AAsshh 99%% 
%% NN 55..9977 
%% PP 11..5533 
%% KK 11..4466 
%% CCaa 11..6611 
%% MMgg 00..2266 
%% NNaa 00..2244 
%% SS 00..4466 
mmgg//LL CCuu 1155 
mmgg//LL ZZnn 114433 
mmgg//LL MMnn 9933 
mmgg//LL FFee 446611 
mmgg//LL BB 1188
Organic micronutrients 
• Biomins 
 Biomin Fe+ (5%) 
 Biomin Mn+ (5%) 
 Biomin Zn+ (7%) 
 Biomin Calcium is created using an encapsulation 
(chelating) of the mineral calcium with glycine and 
natural organic acids. 
 Biomin Z.I.M is a true amino acid chelated multi-mineral. 
The chelating agent is mainly glycine, the 
smallest amino acid commonly used by and found in 
System design 
 For fish – tanks vs raceways 
 For plants – variety 
 Gravel and sand beds 
 Floating rafts 
 Gutters and trays
Tilapia and lettuce
Lettuce Plant 
 Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) 
– Butterhead variety 
– Quick turnover 
 5 weeks 
– Cultivars 
 Tom Thumb
Varieties of Romaine and Bibb
Data collection and analysis 
Light measurements (PAR) Computer monitoring
Nutrient Balance 
 Nutrient Balance 
– Feed 
 32% Protein 
 2-4% System Biomass 
 FCR 2:1 
– Filtration 
– Hydroponics 
 Nutrient uptake 
Water Chemistry 
N, TAN, NH4, NO2, NO3, K, P, 
Ca, Fe, pH, alkalinity, T, EC
Aquaponic Inputs 
– Water 
– Fish Food 
 Star Milling Co. 
 1/8” Floating Tilapia Feed 
– Dolomite 65 Ag 
 CaCO3 46.0% 
 MgCO3 38.5% 
 Ca 22.7% 
 Mg 11.8% 
– Biomins 
 Biomin Fe+ (5%) 
 Biomin Mn+ (5%) 
 Biomin Zn+ (7%) 
– Nutrient Content Analysis 
Crude Protein 32% 
Crude Fat 5% 
Crude Fiber 3.5% 
Ash 9% 
% N 5.97 
% P 1.53 
% K 1.46 
% Ca 1.61 
% Mg 0.26 
% Na 0.24 
% S 0.46 
mg/L Cu 15 
mg/L Zn 143 
mg/L Mn 93 
mg/L Fe 461 
mg/L B 18
pH  Oxygen 
pH Range Tilapia 6.5-9 
– Fish = 6.5 – 8.5 
– Plant = 5.0 – 7.5 
Diurnal pH Flux 
– Reduce shifts to stabilize pH 
Shifts can inhibit organism's physiology thus reducing growth 
Acidic pH can effect solubility of Fertilizers 
– Alkalinity 
Optimal: 75-150 mg/L 
Stabilizes pH ; provides nutrients for growth 
Dissolved Oxygen 
–  4 mg/l (ppm)
Data Collection 
– Fish : Lettuce 
Fish FCR 
Fish Biomass (1 kg) 
Plant Wet/Dry Weight 
Plant Height/Diameter 
– Lettuce quality 
Apogee CCM-200 
Chlorophyll Concentration 
Index (CCI) 
– Relative chlorophyll value 
– Compare a cultivar of 
lettuce growing in different 
Biomass Density 
CEAC GH#3118 
– Tilapia Density 
0.04 – 0.06 kg/L 
2% Biomass / day 
1.6 – 1.8 kg feed / day 
Harvest weight 1kg 
– Lettuce 
32 plants / m2 
6” off center 
Harvest head wet weight 
150-200 grams
Water Chemistry 
Nutrient Deficiency 
– [ Fe+, Mn+, Mo+]  
– [Ca+, Mg+] 
– [Zn+] 
Hydroponic Water 
– pH 6.5-6.7 
– EC 1.5 – 2.0 
– DO 4-7mg/L 
– T = 23-25oC 
Water Chemistry (mg/L) 
Ammonia NH3-N 0 0 
Nitrate NO3-N 180 50 
Boron (B) 0.35 1 
Calcium (Ca) 200 60 
Copper (Cu) 0.05 0.05 
Iron (Fe) 2.4 2 
Magnesium (Mg) 40 20 
Manganese (Mn) 0.55 0.5 
Molybdenum (Mo) 0.05 0.05 
PO4-P 50 50 
Potassium (K) 198 150 
Sulfate (SO4)-S 52 20 100 
Zinc (Zn) 0.34 0.3
Data and video live on Internet
Environmental Data 
Set Points: 
– Hydroponic Treatment 
Day Tair = 20 - 22oC 
Night Tair = 16 - 18oC 
TH2O = 23 - 25oC 
pH = 6.5 - 6.8 
DO = 4 - 7 mg/L 
UAAQ 2009 Daily PAR 
1/1 1/15 1/29 2/12 2/26 3/12 3/26 4/9 
Moles M-2d-1 
UAAQ 2009 Environmental Data Exp. 1 
Mean Daily PAR 19.33 16.60 moles/m2 
Total PAR Exp.2 2 924.00 829.82 moles/m2 
Mean Night T17.14oC 
a a 17.09oC 
Mean Day T21.56oC 
a a 21.19oC 
Daily Mean Ta 19.35oC 
Daily Mean Ta 19.14oC 
Daily Mean RH% 60.85% 
Daily Mean RH% 59.47% 
UAAQ 2009 Water Parameters Exp. 1 
Mean Water Temperature 24.29oC 
pH 6.75 
Dissolved Oxygen 5.89 mg/L 
Electrical Conductivity 0.97 dS/cm 
UAAQ 2009 Water Parameters Exp. 2 
Mean Water Temperature 24.22oC 
pH 6.73 
Dissolved Oxygen 6.74 mg/L 
Electrical Conductivity 0.93 dS/cm
Nitrogen Mass Flow 
Fish Feed 
– % N = 5.97 
1800 grams/day 
107 grams nitrogen/day 
– N = 3.38% per g dry weight 
5 Liters day produced 
Collect dry weight / day 
– 27% nitrogen retention 
– Samples to be analyzed 
– 40-60 mg/L Nitrate 
UAAQ Water Chemstry 
1/1 1/15 1/29 2/12 2/26 3/12 
Water Chemistry 
– Accumulation reaching steady state 
– Calcium and magnesium supplementation 
Experiments 2-8 
– Biomin Iron supplementation 
Experiment s 4-8 
– Biomin Zinc supplementation 
Experiments 5-8 
– Biomin Manganese supplementation 
Experiments 6-8 
UAAQ Water Chemistry 
1/1 1/15 1/29 2/12 2/26 3/12 
UAAQ Water Chemistry 
1/1 1/15 1/29 2/12 2/26 3/12 
UAAQ Exp. 2 
Aquaponics vs. Hydroponics 
Hydroponic Solution 
– Nitrogen uptake 
– Experiment 2 Data 
40-60 mg/L NO3-N 
10-20 mg/L P 
100+ mg/L K 
UAAQ 2009 Water Chemistry 
H1 Primary Nutrients 
Feb-09 Mar-09 
UAAQ 2009 Hydroponics Water 
H2 Primary Nutrients 
Feb-09 Mar-09 
Arizona Aquaculture Website
What’s needed next? 
Investment in production 
and more research 
Best technologies of ag 
and aquaculture 
Limited governmental 
Trained production staff 
and semi-skilled farming 

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  • 1. Aquaponics short-course at the University of Arizona Kevin Fitzsimmons, Jason Licamele, Eric Highfield University of Arizona 6 April 2011
  • 2. Trends in food markets Demand for more locally grown, organic foods Increasing demand for vegetables and fish for health reasons Need to increase economic and environmental efficiency (energy, water, land area, recycling of nutrients)
  • 3. Global food crisis Rapidly increasing population Diversion of foods to bio-fuels Increased costs for water, fertilizer, fuel Multiple demands for farmland (urban sprawl, industrial and mining, solar and wind generation, wildlife conservation, watershed protection, global warming, etc.) Demand for locally produced food
  • 4. Need new model for food production Green Revolution – huge increase in food production, but heavy reliance on irrigation, fuel and fertilizer. Blue Revolution – almost 50% of seafood is farm raised, but many environmental impacts (effluents causing eutrophication, algae blooms, cage and raft conflicts with other users in oceans, bays and lakes)
  • 5. Development of hydroponics and aquaculture Fast growing sectors of global food production Hydroponics is more efficient use of water and nutrients, controls the environment and reduces use of pesticides and herbicides. Aquaculture is more efficient production of domesticated aquatic animals and plants.
  • 6. Past Projects The Land – Disney World, Florida Biosphere 2 – Tucson, Arizona High school education Commercialization
  • 7. Disney World – EPCOT – The Land University of Arizona provided technical design, layout, and training of staff. Selected hydroponics and aquaculture as two critical food production systems for the future.
  • 8. Disney World – EPCOT – The Land 30,000 guests a day learn about hydroponics, aquaculture, tilapia, and advanced farming techniques Products are served in the Good Turn Restaurant
  • 9. Development trials for Biosphere 2 Biosphere 2 – A one hectare greenhouse. Completely sealed, with eight people living inside for two years.
  • 10. Early trials for Biosphere 2 University of Arizona provided overall technical support and designed the food system. Intensive food production Healthy foods with minimal need for external inputs Replicated trials with tilapia and lettuce
  • 11. Various growing techniques Growing in gravel/biofilter Growing in floating boards
  • 12. Density and micronutrient trials Low density of fish High density of fish
  • 13. Nutrient film technique Growing in troughs/gutters with flowing water
  • 14. Nutrient film technique Flood and drain version in troughs/gutters
  • 15. Fish and grain crops Tilapia and barley Nutrient dynamics in recirc Determined that integrated fish and irrigated crops were most efficient food production system for Biosphere 2
  • 16. Educational systems in high schools Fish instead of traditional Hydroponic vegetables and farm animals ornamental flowers
  • 17. Water chemistry pH Conductivity Dissolved solids Suspended solids Oxygen
  • 18. Carbon Cycle digestion and respiration + 3O2 C6H12O6 6 H2O + 6 CO2 C6H12O6 + 3O2 sugars and other organics Photosynthesis sugars and other organics and oxygen water and carbon dioxide anaerobes and CH4 + COx methanogens
  • 19. Carbonate Cycle CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3 - H+ + CO3 2- carbon dioxide dissolved in water carbonic acid bicarbonate ion carbonate ion
  • 21. Nitrogen Cycle Ammonia Nitrite Nitrate De-nitrification
  • 22. Nitrogen cycle in aquatic systems
  • 23. Nitrogen cycle Nitrogen is often a limiting element in freshwater aquatic system Adding nitrogen will cause rapid increase in primary productivity Nitrogen in anaerobic sediments - denitrification (reduction to NH3 or N2 gas)
  • 24. UAAQ CEAC Nitrogen Mass Flow Nitrogen Mass Flow – Introduced via feed – Input: 108 g nitrogen / day Oxygen – Consumption Fish Plant root zone Plant respiration – Generation Plant photosynthesis Microalgae / Phytoplankton photosynthesis F e e d ( 2 8 % P r o t e i n ; 5 . 7 % N ) 2 % F i s h B i o m a s s ) T i l a p i a s p p . O 2 D i f f u s i o n N R e t e n t i o n : 2 7 % M e c h a n i c a l F i l t r a t i o n T o t a l : 1 0 0 % N ( 1 0 % N d i s s o l v e d i n H 2 O ) ( 4 0 % N e x c r e t e d i n t o H 2 O b y f i s h ) 1 0 % S l u d g e B i o l o g i c a l F i l t e r N c o n s . 1 % 1 ) C o n v e r s i o n o f f e e d t o f i s h b i o m a s s 2 ) S e p a r a t i o n o f s o l i d s a n d s l u d g e 3 ) C o n v e r s i o n o f n i t r o g e n t o n i t r a t e T o t a l : 7 3 % N ( 5 0 % D i s s o l v e d N ) ( 2 3 % P a r t i c u l a t e N ) T o t a l : 6 3 % N H y d r o p o n i c s L e t t u c e 4 ) C o n v e r s i o n o f n i t r a t e t o p l a n t b i o m a s s D a t a C o l l e c t i o n : 5 - 6 g - N / k g d r y w e i g h t 5 ) R e s i d u a l n i t r a t e i n H 2 O N H 3 - N H 4 N O 2 N O 3 T o t a l : 6 2 % N A i r B l o w e r ( A i r a p p r o x 2 1 % O 2 g e n F o r c e d i n t o w a t e r ) F i s h O 2 c o n ( R e s p i r a t i o n ) P h y t o p l a n k t o n / A l g a e ( O 2 g e n D a y ) ( O 2 c o n N i g h t ) L e t t u c e ( O 2 c o n R o o t z o n e ) O 2 D i f f u s i o n P h o t o s y n t h e s i s O 2 g e n D a y R e s p i r a t i o n O 2 c o n n i g h t O 2 c o n = O x y g e n C o n s u m p t i o n O 2 g e n = O x y g e n G e n e r a t i o n M e c h a n ic a l / B i o lo g ic a l F il t e r ( O 2 c o n N i t r i f y i n g B a c t e r i a ) ( O 2 c o n M i n e r a l i z a t i o n o f s o l i d s ) O x y g e n D y n a m i c s o f t h e A q u a p o n i c s S y s t e m G H # 3 1 1 8
  • 25. Phosphorus cycle Phosphorus and orthophosphate. Organic P decomposes and releases PO4, taken up by algae and plants or adsorbs to clay particles and precipitates. Anaerobic conditions can re-release P to water. Wetland Ecosystem Management
  • 26. Tilapia and other fish Oreochromis species Catfish Koi Yellow perch and bluegills Sturgeon and ornamental fish
  • 27. Fish feed as nutrient sources Fish feed is the basic input for nutrients to fish and plants Protein is source of nitrogen for plants Phosphorus and potassium from fishmeal, bone meal, or feather meal Micronutrients from vitamin and mineral premixes in fish feed
  • 28. UAAQ CEAC Aquaponic Inputs Inputs: – Water – Star Milling Co. 1/8” Floating Tilapia Feed – Dolomite 65 Ag CaCO3 46.0% MgCO3 38.5% Ca 22.7% Mg 11.8% – Biomins Biomin Fe+ (5%) Biomin Mn+ (5%) Biomin Zn+ (7%) – Nutrient Content Analysis CCrruuddee PPrrootteeiinn 3355%% CCrruuddee FFaatt 55%% CCrruuddee FFiibbeerr 33..55%% AAsshh 99%% FFIISSHH FFEEEEDD %% NN 55..9977 %% PP 11..5533 %% KK 11..4466 %% CCaa 11..6611 %% MMgg 00..2266 %% NNaa 00..2244 %% SS 00..4466 mmgg//LL CCuu 1155 mmgg//LL ZZnn 114433 mmgg//LL MMnn 9933 mmgg//LL FFee 446611 mmgg//LL BB 1188
  • 29. Organic micronutrients • Biomins Biomin Fe+ (5%) Biomin Mn+ (5%) Biomin Zn+ (7%) Biomin Calcium is created using an encapsulation (chelating) of the mineral calcium with glycine and natural organic acids. Biomin Z.I.M is a true amino acid chelated multi-mineral. The chelating agent is mainly glycine, the smallest amino acid commonly used by and found in plants.
  • 30. System design For fish – tanks vs raceways For plants – variety Gravel and sand beds Floating rafts Gutters and trays
  • 32. Lettuce Plant Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) – Butterhead variety – Quick turnover 5 weeks – Cultivars Rex Tom Thumb
  • 34. Data collection and analysis Light measurements (PAR) Computer monitoring
  • 35. Nutrient Balance Nutrient Balance – Feed 32% Protein 2-4% System Biomass FCR 2:1 – Filtration Clarifier Nitrification – Hydroponics Nutrient uptake Water Water Chemistry N, TAN, NH4, NO2, NO3, K, P, Ca, Fe, pH, alkalinity, T, EC
  • 36. Aquaponic Inputs Inputs: – Water – Fish Food Star Milling Co. 1/8” Floating Tilapia Feed – Dolomite 65 Ag CaCO3 46.0% MgCO3 38.5% Ca 22.7% Mg 11.8% – Biomins Biomin Fe+ (5%) Biomin Mn+ (5%) Biomin Zn+ (7%) – Nutrient Content Analysis Crude Protein 32% Crude Fat 5% Crude Fiber 3.5% Ash 9% FISH FEED % N 5.97 % P 1.53 % K 1.46 % Ca 1.61 % Mg 0.26 % Na 0.24 % S 0.46 mg/L Cu 15 mg/L Zn 143 mg/L Mn 93 mg/L Fe 461 mg/L B 18
  • 37. pH Oxygen pH Range Tilapia 6.5-9 – Fish = 6.5 – 8.5 – Plant = 5.0 – 7.5 Diurnal pH Flux – Reduce shifts to stabilize pH Shifts can inhibit organism's physiology thus reducing growth Acidic pH can effect solubility of Fertilizers – Alkalinity Optimal: 75-150 mg/L Stabilizes pH ; provides nutrients for growth Dissolved Oxygen – 4 mg/l (ppm)
  • 38. UAAQ CEAC Methodology Data Collection – Fish : Lettuce Fish FCR Fish Biomass (1 kg) Plant Wet/Dry Weight Plant Height/Diameter – Lettuce quality Apogee CCM-200 Chlorophyll Concentration Index (CCI) – Relative chlorophyll value – Compare a cultivar of lettuce growing in different systems
  • 39. UAAQ CEAC Biomass Density CEAC GH#3118 – Tilapia Density 0.04 – 0.06 kg/L 2% Biomass / day 1.6 – 1.8 kg feed / day Harvest weight 1kg – Lettuce 32 plants / m2 6” off center Harvest head wet weight 150-200 grams
  • 40. UAAQ CEAC Water Chemistry Nutrient Deficiency Succession – [ Fe+, Mn+, Mo+] – [Ca+, Mg+] – [Zn+] Hydroponic Water Parameters – pH 6.5-6.7 – EC 1.5 – 2.0 – DO 4-7mg/L – T = 23-25oC Water Chemistry (mg/L) CEAC Lettuce GH#3118 Target NITROGEN Ammonia NH3-N 0 0 Nitrate NO3-N 180 50 Boron (B) 0.35 1 Calcium (Ca) 200 60 Copper (Cu) 0.05 0.05 Iron (Fe) 2.4 2 Magnesium (Mg) 40 20 Manganese (Mn) 0.55 0.5 Molybdenum (Mo) 0.05 0.05 PO4-P 50 50 Potassium (K) 198 150 Sulfate (SO4)-S 52 20 100 Zinc (Zn) 0.34 0.3
  • 41. Data and video live on Internet
  • 42. UAAQ CEAC Environmental Data Set Points: – Hydroponic Treatment Day Tair = 20 - 22oC Night Tair = 16 - 18oC TH2O = 23 - 25oC pH = 6.5 - 6.8 DO = 4 - 7 mg/L UAAQ 2009 Daily PAR 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1/1 1/15 1/29 2/12 2/26 3/12 3/26 4/9 Time Moles M-2d-1 Exp.1 Exp.2 Exp.3 UAAQ 2009 Environmental Data Exp. 1 2 Mean Daily PAR 19.33 16.60 moles/m2 Total PAR Exp.2 2 924.00 829.82 moles/m2 Mean Night T17.14oC a a 17.09oC Mean Day T21.56oC a a 21.19oC Daily Mean Ta 19.35oC Daily Mean Ta 19.14oC Daily Mean RH% 60.85% Daily Mean RH% 59.47% UAAQ 2009 Water Parameters Exp. 1 Mean Water Temperature 24.29oC pH 6.75 Dissolved Oxygen 5.89 mg/L Electrical Conductivity 0.97 dS/cm UAAQ 2009 Water Parameters Exp. 2 Mean Water Temperature 24.22oC pH 6.73 Dissolved Oxygen 6.74 mg/L Electrical Conductivity 0.93 dS/cm
  • 43. UAAQ CEAC Nitrogen Mass Flow Fish Feed – % N = 5.97 1800 grams/day 107 grams nitrogen/day Sludge – N = 3.38% per g dry weight 5 Liters day produced Collect dry weight / day Fish – 27% nitrogen retention Lettuce – Samples to be analyzed Water – 40-60 mg/L Nitrate UAAQ Water Chemstry NPK 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 1/1 1/15 1/29 2/12 2/26 3/12 Time mg/L NH3-N NO3-N K PO4-P Exp.1 Exp.2 Exp.3
  • 44. UAAQ CEAC Water Chemistry Macronutrients – Accumulation reaching steady state – Calcium and magnesium supplementation Experiments 2-8 Micronutrients – Biomin Iron supplementation Experiment s 4-8 – Biomin Zinc supplementation Experiments 5-8 – Biomin Manganese supplementation Experiments 6-8 UAAQ Water Chemistry Macronutrients 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 1/1 1/15 1/29 2/12 2/26 3/12 Time mg/L SO4-S Ca Mg UAAQ Water Chemistry Micronutrients 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 1/1 1/15 1/29 2/12 2/26 3/12 Time mg/L B Cu Fe Mn Mo Zn Exp.1 Exp.2 Exp.3 Exp.1 Exp.2 Exp.3
  • 45. UAAQ Exp. 2 Aquaponics vs. Hydroponics Hydroponic Solution – Nitrogen uptake – Experiment 2 Data 40-60 mg/L NO3-N 10-20 mg/L P 100+ mg/L K UAAQ 2009 Water Chemistry H1 Primary Nutrients 250 200 150 100 50 0 Feb-09 Mar-09 Time mg/L NH3-N NO3-N K PO4-P UAAQ 2009 Hydroponics Water H2 Primary Nutrients 250 200 150 100 50 0 Feb-09 Mar-09 Time mg/L NH3-N NO3-N K PO4-P
  • 46. Arizona Aquaculture Website
  • 47. What’s needed next? Investment in production and more research Best technologies of ag and aquaculture Limited governmental regulation Trained production staff and semi-skilled farming staff

Notas do Editor

  1. Star Milling Company: Soybean meal, Wheat Bran, Anchovy meal; ground corn, fish oils, wheat flour………..vitamin supplements
  2. Able to uptake and tolerate high levels of nitrogen Grown in municipal waste water; primary, secondary vs nutrient solution control; grew in all but yield was lower than Nutrient Solution (Chow et al) A good yield was obtained in the treatment EC=1.0 mS cm-1, with appropriate concentration of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S and low level of nitrate, lower than the maximum allowed by the Commission of the European Communities. Spray with foliar micronutrients to enhance growth Pythium dissotocum, reported for the first time as a root pathogen of hydroponically grown lettuce, was responsible for significant yield reductions (35–54 and 12–17% reductions at 18 and 28 C, respectively) in the absence of visible root or foliar symptoms. The fungus was isolated from 92% of the rootlets assayed and occupied about 75% of the total root length assayed. Microscopic examination of infected roots revealed haustorialike fungal structures within healthy-appearing epidermal cells. P. dissotocum, in addition to P. uncinulatum, P. irregulare, P. sylvaticum, P. violae, P. catenulatum, and P. rostratum, was also consistently isolated from healthy-appearing feeder rootlets collected from field-grown head lettuce plants. 35-40% growth reductions DFT – this project 6-8” deep; optimal 20-24” deep PAR Net Photosynthetic Rate 20 umol CO2 m-2 s-1 Light Saturated at 350 umol m-2 s-1
  3. Star Milling Company: Soybean meal, Wheat Bran, Anchovy meal; ground corn, fish oils, wheat flour………..vitamin supplements
  4. CCI can be correlated to chlorophyll concentration with ground/solvent analysis Measures in two ranges: Chlorophyll spectrum and outside wavelengths (900+) for reference due to mechanical differences such as tissue thickness LED spectrum in 600-600 and 900+
  5. Biomin Calcium is created using an encapsulation (chelating) of the mineral calcium with glycine and natural organic acids. Biomin Z.I.M is a true amino acid chelated multi mineral. The chelating agent is mainly glycine, the smallest amino acid commonly used by and found in plants. (Chelated Products)
  6. Month (Julian Day) Ave. Daily Ave. Daily Month (Julian Day) Ave. Daily Ave. Daily moles m-2 Std. Dev. moles m-2 Std. Dev. January (1 – 31) 25.4 2.90 February (32 - 59) 31.5 3.03 March (60 - 90) 42.3 3.23 April (91 - 120) 52.9 3.90 May (121 - 152) 58.9 4.03 June (153 - 181) 60.0 3.29 July (182 - 212) 52.2 2.77 August (213 - 243) 48.6 1.99 September (244 - 273) 44.6 2.08 October (274 - 304) 37.2 2.99 November (305 - 334) 28.2 1.89 December (335 - 365) 23.4 2.70 Table 2. Average Daily PAR (moles m-2 ) for Each Season in Tucson, Arizona. Season and Julian Day Average Moles per Day Winter, December 22 to March 21 (356 - 80) 30.3 Spring, March 22 to June 21 (81 - 172) 55.9 Summer, June 22 to September 21 (173 - 264) 50.1 Fall, September 22 to December 21 (265 - 355) 31.8 Winter Tomato Production, October through March (274 – 90) 31.4