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Digital India
(Mizo Tawngin)
By Lalengzuala
India ram Prime Minister zahawm tak, Pu Narendra Modi-an May, 2014-a Prime
Minister Office a luah tantirh atang khan India ramin khawvel dang ruala hma kan sawn
ve theihna turin hma nasa takin a la tan nghal a. Pa fing, remhria leh mi dangte thurawn
hmangthiam tak a nih avangin tunlai thiamna hmang lo chuan India ram hian hma a
sawn chak thei dawn lo a ni tih a hria a. Chuvangin, tunlai thiamna hmanga India ramin
nasa lehzuala hma kan sawn theihna turin India ram pumpui tan – Digital India
programme hi a ruahman ta a ni.
Digital India programme-in a tum ber chu India khua leh tuite tunlai thiamna
hmang tangkai thei tur khawpa chher chhuah leh chu thiamna hmanga India ram
kalphung thara kaltir hi a ni a. Digital India programme hian India ram hi tun atan mai
ni lo, kum lo la awm lehzel tura hmasawnna chak taka hma a sawn theihnana
ruahmanna a ni, hei hi kum hnih khat lek thil tur a ni lo a ni. Pu Modi-a hian kan
kalphung hlui tlema siamrem hret ringawt hi a duhtawk lo va, ani chuan kalphung thar
hlaka hmasawn hi a duh a ni. Ani chuan Information Technology leh India Talent hi uluk
taka kan belhbawm chuan ‘India Tomorrow/India naktuk Tha’ hi a thlen ngei a ring tlat
a ni. Digital India hian India hmasawnna rahbi tharah hian tulai thiamna hi a laipui
awhtir ngei a tum tlat a, chu chuan ram hmasawnna ngelnghet leh tha a ken ngei pawh a
rinawm a ni.
Digital India programme hnuaiah hian programme leh project tam tak a awm ang
a; chungte chu department pakhat ringawtin buaipui lovin department tam takin a
buaipui dawn a ni. Information & Communication Technology Department ringawtin
hma la lovin, ram hmasawnna tur atan department tam takin he programme hnuaiah
hian hma kan la dawn a ni. India ramah a co-ordinator turin Department of Electronics
and Information Technology (DeitY), Govt. of India te an ni ang a; amaherawhchu, Govt.
of India pumpuiin he programme tihlawhtling tur hian hma a la dawn a ni. Hetiang a nih
dawn avang hian he programme hian scheme/project awm sa te pawh a lalut ang a,
chung hman mek lai scheme/project te chu a aia tha zawka siamremin hma a la dawn a
ni. Tin, heng project hrang hrangte hi a indawta ni lovin, a remchan dan ang zelin a
rualin chhawpchhuah a ni ang. Project tam takte hi chu pawisa tam tak pawh sen ngai
lovin tlema siamremin tha taka kalpui zui theih tur a ni dawn a ni.
Digital India-ah hian ruahmanna hrang hrangte hlawm lian tak tak pathumah
siam a ni a, chungte chu:
i. Digital Infrastructure hi khua leh tuite tana tangkai taka hman,
ii. Sawrkar hnathawh leh kalphung mipuite mamawh milin, leh
iii. Khua leh tuite tunlai thiamna hmang tangkai thei tura zirtir.
Digital Infrastructure hi khua leh tuite tana tangkai taka hman: Internet
connectivity chak tak mipui hman theih tur hi a bulthut pawimawh ber a ni dawn a. Tin,
hei bakah hian sawrkarin khua leh tuite tan pian hlim atanga thinni thlenga tangkai tur
‘service’ te pek a tum bawk a. Mipui nawlpuiin kan hman ve phak turin mobile phone
leh bank account awlsam taka neihte hi Digital India programme hian a ngai pawimawh
em em bawk a ni. Mipuite tana awlsam taka hman theih turin Common Service Centre
(CSC) te ruahmanna a siam a, Mizoramah pawh khaw 136 laiah CSC hi bun a ni tawh a;
CSC ang thova tangkai Rural Information Kiosk (RIK) pawh Mizoramah hian hmun 250
laiah neih a ni tawh a ni. Heng CSC leh RIK te hmang hian mipuiten awlsam zawkin
sawrkar an kawtchhuah atangin an dawr thei a, changtlung zawk leh tha zawk tura
hmalak mek zel a ni. Digital India hian mipuiten kan mimal chanchin pawimawh,
internet-a awm te pawh a ngaipawimawhin a venhimna lamah hma a la mek a ni.
Sawrkar hnathawh leh kalphung mipuite mamawh mil: Khua leh tuiten
department chi hrang hrangte dawr kan ngaih thin avang leh chung department-te
chuan thawhho dan kalphung mumal tak an neih loh avangin mipuiten harsatna nasa
tak kan tawk fo thin a. Digital India hian department hrang hrangte thawhho dan leh
mipuite tana awlsam zawka hna an thawh theih dan turte ruahman a tum a. Tin, a
hmunah kher kal ngai lova mobile phone leh internet kaltlanga mipui tana tangkai thei
tur chhawpchhuahte pawh nasa lehzualin a tum a ni. Chutiang chuan mipuiten awlsam
zawka sumdawnna lama hma an lak duh pawhin sumdawngte tana awlsam zawk tur
ruahmanna chhawpchhuah a tum a ni. Geographic Information System (GIS) te pawh
ram hruaituten mipuite tana tangkai thei tura thutlukna an siam theihna turin ruahman
chhoh mek a ni, heng GIS te hi mipuite tan department-in tangkai tak leh hlawkthlak
takin an hmang thei dawn a ni.
Khua leh tuite tunlai thiamna hmang tangkai thei tura zirtir: Sawrkar hian
mipuite tan tiin hmanraw tha leh technology sang pui pui chhawpchhuak mah se,
mipuiten kan hman thiam loh chuan thil tangkai a ni dawn chuang lo va, chu chu hriain
Digital India programme hian khua leh tuiten heng thiamna sang zawkte hi an hman ve
ngei theihna turin ruahmanna a siam a. Khua leh tuite tunlai thiamna zirtirna
programme te; tin, khua leh tuiten chung hmanrua te an hman ve theihna tur
infrastructure buatsaih te, mipuite document leh certificate pawimawh te bo leh chhe
mai mai lo tura internet (cloud) a dahthat theih turin ruahmanna a siam a. Tin, chung
bakah chuan mahni tawng ngeia heng tunlai thiamna te hi kan khawih ve theihna turin
buatsaih a tum bawk a ni. Ram rorelna tha awm thei tur chuan mipuite rorelnaah kan tel
ve a ngai a, chung a awm theihna tur chuan mipuiten kan ngaihdan leh duh dante kan
sawi ve theihna tur hi a pawimawh em em a, tunlai thiamna technology hmangin heng
te pawh hi chhawpchhuah tura hmalak a ni bawk a ni.
Digital India programme hian ban pawimawh tak tak pakua (9) lai mai a nei a,
chungte chu:
1. Broadband Highways
2. Universal Access to Phones
3. Public Internet Access Programme
4. E-Governance – Reforming government through technology
5. eKranti – Electronic delivery of services
6. Information for all
7. Electronics Manufacturing – Target Net Zero Imports
8. IT For Jobs
9. Early Harvest Programmes
a. Broadband Internet Rural Area tan: Department of Telecommunication in
Rs. 32,000 crore hmangin hma an la ang a, december 2006 a puitling hman
tura ruahman a ni. Gram panchayat/Village Council 250,000-te tan a ni ang.
b. Broadband Internet Urban Area tan: Virtual Network Operator hman
tangkai tum a ni ang a; tin, hmansawnna ruhrel (infrastructure) thar
apiangah inbiakpawhna ruhrel (communication infrastructure) dah tel ngei
ngei tura ruahman a ni. Dan pawh a tul a nih chuan siamthat tur a ni bawk
c. National Information Infrastructure: Hei hi ram pumah March 2017 a
puitling hman tura beisei a ni a, Department of Electronics and Information &
Technology (DeitY) ten hma an la ang a, Rs. 15,686 crore sum ruahman a ni.
State Wide Area Network, National Knowledge Network leh National Optical
Fibre Network te pawh kum 2 chhunga lakkhawm tura ruahman a ni.
India ram pumpuiah khaw 42,300 velah mobile phone hi hman theih a la ni lova,
hei hi Digital India programme hmang hian kum 2014 – 2018 chhungin
tuamchhuah vek tum a ni. Department of Telecommunication in Rs. 16,000 crore
hmangin hma an la a ni.
He programme hi National Rural Internet Mission (NRIM) tiin an sawi bawk a.
Common Service Centre (CSC) project kal mekah hian khaw 130,000 laiah CSC hi
a awm tawh a, Digital India programme hian khaw 2,50,000 tuamchhuah vek a
tum a ni. Hei hi kum thum chhung Department of Electronics and Information
Technology (DeitY) ten Rs. 4,750 hmangin an tawk mek a, March 2017-a zawh fel
hman tura ruahman a ni.
He project hnuaiah hian Post Office te pawh tangkai zawka hman theih tura
ruahman a niin, sawrkar office dawr kher ngai lovin post office atangin sawrkar
kawng hrang hrangin dawr theih tura ruahman a ni. Post office 1,50,000 hetiang
centre tur hian ruahman tum a ni a, kum 2 chhunga zawh tura ruahman a ni.
Information Technology hmangin Digital India programme hian sawrkar
kalphung hi thlak a duh a. Mipuiten form hrang hrang kan submit thin tih awlsam
te, buaipui ngai tlem zawk te, a thlen chin mobile leh internet hmanga enzui zel
theih te, certificate leh card chi hrang hrang dahkhawm a, awlsam zawka mipui
ten an hman theih turin ruahman a ni a.
Information chi hrang hrang dakhawmna (data centre) te ruahmanin
department hrang hrangin awlsam tak leh chak taka mipui tana an thawh dan
turte ruahman a ni a. Khua leh tuiten sawrkar hnena an lungawi lohna awlsam
taka an thel theihna tur kawng hrang hrang pawh ruahman a ni.
Heng kalphung thar hi department pakhatah chauh ni lovin sawrkar pumpuiin a
hman tura ruahman a ni bawk.
a. e-Education (Zirna atan Technology): School zawng zawng internet
connection pek tum a niin, wi-fi a free a hman theihna school 2,50,000
ruahman tur a ni bawk. IT hmang thei vek tura programme kalpui tum a niin
online course te pawh ruahman tum a ni.
b. e-Healthcare (Hriselna atan Technology): Internet/Online hmangin
damdawi lam thiam bikte rawn theihna te, kan hriselna chanchin (records)
vawn that te, damdawi supply te thlengin ruahmanna siam a ni a; tin,
damdawi in hrang hrangin Pan-India hmangin damlo te chanchin pawh
inhrilhhriat theih tura buaipui a ni a. Kum 2015-ah a enchhinna neih hman
tura ruahman a niin, kum 3 chhunga zawh tura tih a ni.
c. Ruahmanna atan Technology: Ruahmanna tha leh awlsam sawrkarin a
siam theihna turin Global Information System (GIS)-ah chak taka hma la tura
ruahman a ni a. Chutiang a nih avang chuan GIS Mission Mode Project te
pawh ram pum huapa neih tura ruahmanna siam a ni.
d. Loneitu tan Technology: Loneituten tun dinhmun zela ‘bazar rate’ an hriat
hi thil tangkai tak a ni a, chumi hriat theihna tur system buatsaih te,
mamawhtuten loneitute hnenah an thil mamawh awlsam taka an order
theihna tur te leh online hmanga loan te, a pawisa fai te leh mobile hmanga
pawisa pek dan turte ruahman a ni.
e. Venhimna atan Technology: Mobile Emergency Service, mobile hmanga a
mamawhtuten damdawi thiamte an dawr leh an puihna an dawn vat theihna
turte ruahman a ni. Tin, internet lama kan him theihna turin National Cyber
Security Co-ordination Center te pawh buatsaih a tum bawk a ni.
f. Sum leh paia hmasawnna atan Technology: Mobile phone hmanga bank
dawrna te, ATM awlsam zawka hman theih turte leh CSC & Post Office
kaltlanga awlsam zawka sum leh paia hmansawnna a awm theihna turte
ruahman a ni.
g. Dan atan Technology: Digital India programme hian hlawhtling takin heng
e-Court, e-Police, e-Jail leh e-Prosecution te hi buatsaih a tum a ni.
Khua leh tuiten langtlang leh awlsam taka information an hmuh theihna turin
online-ah system te buatsaih a ni ang a; tin, sawrkarin social media leh website
kaltlangtein mipuite thu leh hla a hrilhhria ang a, mipuite pawhin an ngaihdan
leh duh dan te pawh an sawi ve theihna tur a ni ang.
India ramin ram dang thilsiam a lakluh leh a thawnchhuah hi intluktir tuma hma
lak mek a ni a, hei hi kum 2020-ah chuan a hlawhtling hman ngei tura ruahman a
ni. Hei hi thil harsa tak ni mah se, kawng hrang hranga tihhlawhtlin tir tum a ni.
Tuna kan programme neih sa thenkhat te pawh a tul angin siam rem tur a ni ang.
Kan ram thil siamchhuah dan enin hei hi thil huphurhawm tak a ni a, a tul dan
ang zela hmalak tur a ni ang.
India ramah hian mi tam takin Information Technology avangin hna an hmu a,
chumi hria chuan Digital India programme hmang hian mi a tam thei ang ber IT
training hi neihtir tum a ni a.
a. Thingtlang tan: Thingtlang mipui leh zirlaite tan DeitY tihhlawhtlin turin Rs.
200 crore dah a ni a, kum 5 chhungin mi 1 crore training pek hman tum a ni
b. North East-ah IT/ITES: India hmarchhak mipuite tan state zawng zawngah
Business Processing Office (BPO) nei tura ruahman a ni a, hei hian mi tam tak
hna a siamsak dawn a ni.
c. CSC agent te training: CSC agent mi 3,00,000 te tan kum 2 chhungin training
buatsaih tur a ni a, anni hi khua leh tuite tana mi tangkai thei tak an ni.
d. Telecom lamin thingtlang mi zirtirna pek: Department of Telecommuni-
cation-in thingtlang mi 5,00,000 te hnenah training a pe ang a, heng training
pekte hi an khaw tana mi tangkai tak an nih zui theih a beiseiawm a ni.
Mipuiin Digital India programme kan hlawkpui hma theih turte ngaihtuah a ni a,
chung zingah chuan sawrkar hnathawk te biometric attendance hi ruahman a ni
a. Kut thla emaw, mit naute thla emaw tihlan a ngaih avangin dawt sawi theih a
ni ve lo va, hei hi tangkai tak tura rin a ni. Central Government office Delhi a mi
zawng zawng hi tih vek tura ruahman a ni a.
University zawng zawnga wifi pek tura ruahman a ni a, hei hian National
Knowledge Network a hmang ang a, Rs. 790 crore ruahman a ni. October 2014-
ah he project hi approve a ni a, December 2015-ah zawh tura hmalak mek a ni.
Email him tak sawrkar hnathawkten an hman theihna turin hma lak a ni a,
mi Nuai 10 in an hmang mek tawh a, a thawh hnihna atan mi Nuai 50 ruahman
leh mek a niin March 2015 a zawh fel hman beisei a ni a, Rs. 98 crore senna tur
project a ni.
Mipui nawlpui hman theih tur wifi hostspot siam tura hmalak tur a ni a,
mi 1 million awmna aia tlem lovah hei hi siam tur a ni a. Khuazin veivakte tana
tangkai tak tur a ni.
Computer, mobile phone leh tablet-ah te awlsam taka en theih tur zirlaite
tan eBook siam tura hmalak mek a ni a, hei hi March 2015 ah zawhfel hman
beisei a ni.
SMS hmanga khaw chin hriatna leh khuarel chhiatna a thlen palha SMS
hmanga thu thehdarhna turte ruahman tur a ni a. Ministry of Earth Sciences leh
National Disaster Management in India ten hma an la ang.
Ram pum huapa naupang bote zawnna tur portal/website ruahman tur a
ni a, hei hi October 2014 khan buatsaih zawh a ni tawh a ni
Digital India programme a hlawhtlin theihna tur atan hian Monitoring
Committee tha taka ruahman a ni a. Hetah hian Prime Minister chu chairman niin
Finance, Communication & IT, Rural Development, Human Resource Development leh
Health minister-te an tel a ni.
Digital India programme a hlawhtlin theihna tur atan hian sawrkar laipuiin
pawisa tam tak a dah a, DeitY leh DoT scheme kal lai mek ringawt pawh Rs. 100,000
crore lai a ni a, heng bakah hian scheme thar tur atan Rs. 13,000 crore lai ruahman a ni
bawk a ni. Kum 2019-ah chuan Digital India programme avangin broadband thingtlang
khaw Nuai 2.5 laiah a thlen beisei a ni a; tin, kum 2020-ah chuan India ramin ram dang
atanga kan lakluh zat kan thawnchhuah theih beisei a ni bawk. Vantlang tana internet
hman theih hmun Nuai 4-ah lai a awm theih nan ruahmanna siam a ni a. Heng bakah
hian school Nuai 2.5 tan wifi leh university zawng zawngte tan ruahmanna siam a ni
bawk a. Information Technology lamah mi 1.7 crore lai training pek hman beisei a ni
Digital India programme anga programme lian leh ropui tur hi a la awm ngai lo
va, tarlan tak ban pawimawh tak tak pakua (9) te khan hmachhawn tur thil khirh tak tak
a nei theuh a. Mi thiam indaih lohna a nasa hle a, NIC leh DeitY lam pawh an lian tawk lo
hle a ni. Sawrkar laipuia Ministry zawng zawngin Chief Information Officer (CIO) thar an
mamawh a; tin, pawisa thu hlaah pawh programme kal lai tam tak rin tur a ni a, chutih
rualin program thar pawh mamawh a ni dawn a ni. He programme hian department tam
tak a nghawng avangin thawhhona tha a ngai dawn hle a. Taihmakna leh tihtakzetna a
mamawh nasa hle a ni. Tin, hruaitute thlawpna tel lo chuan hetiang programme hi a
hlawhtling thei lo a ni.
Note: He article hi official publication atana hman tura tih a ni lo va; mahni thusawi
inbuatsaihna atana ruahmanna mai a ni. He article ka ziahna atana ka source ber chu
DeitY website ( presentation file a ni.

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​Digital India - 15 things you should know about modi’s digital india project


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Digital India (Mizo Tawngin)

  • 1. Digital India (Mizo Tawngin) By Lalengzuala India ram Prime Minister zahawm tak, Pu Narendra Modi-an May, 2014-a Prime Minister Office a luah tantirh atang khan India ramin khawvel dang ruala hma kan sawn ve theihna turin hma nasa takin a la tan nghal a. Pa fing, remhria leh mi dangte thurawn hmangthiam tak a nih avangin tunlai thiamna hmang lo chuan India ram hian hma a sawn chak thei dawn lo a ni tih a hria a. Chuvangin, tunlai thiamna hmanga India ramin nasa lehzuala hma kan sawn theihna turin India ram pumpui tan – Digital India programme hi a ruahman ta a ni. Digital India programme-in a tum ber chu India khua leh tuite tunlai thiamna hmang tangkai thei tur khawpa chher chhuah leh chu thiamna hmanga India ram kalphung thara kaltir hi a ni a. Digital India programme hian India ram hi tun atan mai ni lo, kum lo la awm lehzel tura hmasawnna chak taka hma a sawn theihnana ruahmanna a ni, hei hi kum hnih khat lek thil tur a ni lo a ni. Pu Modi-a hian kan kalphung hlui tlema siamrem hret ringawt hi a duhtawk lo va, ani chuan kalphung thar hlaka hmasawn hi a duh a ni. Ani chuan Information Technology leh India Talent hi uluk taka kan belhbawm chuan ‘India Tomorrow/India naktuk Tha’ hi a thlen ngei a ring tlat a ni. Digital India hian India hmasawnna rahbi tharah hian tulai thiamna hi a laipui awhtir ngei a tum tlat a, chu chuan ram hmasawnna ngelnghet leh tha a ken ngei pawh a rinawm a ni. Digital India programme hnuaiah hian programme leh project tam tak a awm ang a; chungte chu department pakhat ringawtin buaipui lovin department tam takin a buaipui dawn a ni. Information & Communication Technology Department ringawtin hma la lovin, ram hmasawnna tur atan department tam takin he programme hnuaiah hian hma kan la dawn a ni. India ramah a co-ordinator turin Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Govt. of India te an ni ang a; amaherawhchu, Govt. of India pumpuiin he programme tihlawhtling tur hian hma a la dawn a ni. Hetiang a nih dawn avang hian he programme hian scheme/project awm sa te pawh a lalut ang a, chung hman mek lai scheme/project te chu a aia tha zawka siamremin hma a la dawn a ni. Tin, heng project hrang hrangte hi a indawta ni lovin, a remchan dan ang zelin a rualin chhawpchhuah a ni ang. Project tam takte hi chu pawisa tam tak pawh sen ngai lovin tlema siamremin tha taka kalpui zui theih tur a ni dawn a ni.
  • 2. Digital India-ah hian ruahmanna hrang hrangte hlawm lian tak tak pathumah siam a ni a, chungte chu: i. Digital Infrastructure hi khua leh tuite tana tangkai taka hman, ii. Sawrkar hnathawh leh kalphung mipuite mamawh milin, leh iii. Khua leh tuite tunlai thiamna hmang tangkai thei tura zirtir. Digital Infrastructure hi khua leh tuite tana tangkai taka hman: Internet connectivity chak tak mipui hman theih tur hi a bulthut pawimawh ber a ni dawn a. Tin, hei bakah hian sawrkarin khua leh tuite tan pian hlim atanga thinni thlenga tangkai tur ‘service’ te pek a tum bawk a. Mipui nawlpuiin kan hman ve phak turin mobile phone leh bank account awlsam taka neihte hi Digital India programme hian a ngai pawimawh em em bawk a ni. Mipuite tana awlsam taka hman theih turin Common Service Centre (CSC) te ruahmanna a siam a, Mizoramah pawh khaw 136 laiah CSC hi bun a ni tawh a; CSC ang thova tangkai Rural Information Kiosk (RIK) pawh Mizoramah hian hmun 250 laiah neih a ni tawh a ni. Heng CSC leh RIK te hmang hian mipuiten awlsam zawkin sawrkar an kawtchhuah atangin an dawr thei a, changtlung zawk leh tha zawk tura hmalak mek zel a ni. Digital India hian mipuiten kan mimal chanchin pawimawh, internet-a awm te pawh a ngaipawimawhin a venhimna lamah hma a la mek a ni. Sawrkar hnathawh leh kalphung mipuite mamawh mil: Khua leh tuiten department chi hrang hrangte dawr kan ngaih thin avang leh chung department-te chuan thawhho dan kalphung mumal tak an neih loh avangin mipuiten harsatna nasa tak kan tawk fo thin a. Digital India hian department hrang hrangte thawhho dan leh mipuite tana awlsam zawka hna an thawh theih dan turte ruahman a tum a. Tin, a hmunah kher kal ngai lova mobile phone leh internet kaltlanga mipui tana tangkai thei tur chhawpchhuahte pawh nasa lehzualin a tum a ni. Chutiang chuan mipuiten awlsam zawka sumdawnna lama hma an lak duh pawhin sumdawngte tana awlsam zawk tur ruahmanna chhawpchhuah a tum a ni. Geographic Information System (GIS) te pawh ram hruaituten mipuite tana tangkai thei tura thutlukna an siam theihna turin ruahman chhoh mek a ni, heng GIS te hi mipuite tan department-in tangkai tak leh hlawkthlak takin an hmang thei dawn a ni. Khua leh tuite tunlai thiamna hmang tangkai thei tura zirtir: Sawrkar hian mipuite tan tiin hmanraw tha leh technology sang pui pui chhawpchhuak mah se, mipuiten kan hman thiam loh chuan thil tangkai a ni dawn chuang lo va, chu chu hriain Digital India programme hian khua leh tuiten heng thiamna sang zawkte hi an hman ve ngei theihna turin ruahmanna a siam a. Khua leh tuite tunlai thiamna zirtirna programme te; tin, khua leh tuiten chung hmanrua te an hman ve theihna tur infrastructure buatsaih te, mipuite document leh certificate pawimawh te bo leh chhe
  • 3. mai mai lo tura internet (cloud) a dahthat theih turin ruahmanna a siam a. Tin, chung bakah chuan mahni tawng ngeia heng tunlai thiamna te hi kan khawih ve theihna turin buatsaih a tum bawk a ni. Ram rorelna tha awm thei tur chuan mipuite rorelnaah kan tel ve a ngai a, chung a awm theihna tur chuan mipuiten kan ngaihdan leh duh dante kan sawi ve theihna tur hi a pawimawh em em a, tunlai thiamna technology hmangin heng te pawh hi chhawpchhuah tura hmalak a ni bawk a ni. Digital India programme hian ban pawimawh tak tak pakua (9) lai mai a nei a, chungte chu: 1. Broadband Highways 2. Universal Access to Phones 3. Public Internet Access Programme 4. E-Governance – Reforming government through technology 5. eKranti – Electronic delivery of services 6. Information for all 7. Electronics Manufacturing – Target Net Zero Imports 8. IT For Jobs 9. Early Harvest Programmes 1. BROADBAND HIGHWAYS: a. Broadband Internet Rural Area tan: Department of Telecommunication in Rs. 32,000 crore hmangin hma an la ang a, december 2006 a puitling hman tura ruahman a ni. Gram panchayat/Village Council 250,000-te tan a ni ang. b. Broadband Internet Urban Area tan: Virtual Network Operator hman tangkai tum a ni ang a; tin, hmansawnna ruhrel (infrastructure) thar apiangah inbiakpawhna ruhrel (communication infrastructure) dah tel ngei ngei tura ruahman a ni. Dan pawh a tul a nih chuan siamthat tur a ni bawk ang. c. National Information Infrastructure: Hei hi ram pumah March 2017 a puitling hman tura beisei a ni a, Department of Electronics and Information & Technology (DeitY) ten hma an la ang a, Rs. 15,686 crore sum ruahman a ni. State Wide Area Network, National Knowledge Network leh National Optical Fibre Network te pawh kum 2 chhunga lakkhawm tura ruahman a ni. 2. UNIVERSAL ACCESS TO PHONES: India ram pumpuiah khaw 42,300 velah mobile phone hi hman theih a la ni lova, hei hi Digital India programme hmang hian kum 2014 – 2018 chhungin
  • 4. tuamchhuah vek tum a ni. Department of Telecommunication in Rs. 16,000 crore hmangin hma an la a ni. 3. PUBLIC INTERNET ACCESS PROGRAMME: He programme hi National Rural Internet Mission (NRIM) tiin an sawi bawk a. Common Service Centre (CSC) project kal mekah hian khaw 130,000 laiah CSC hi a awm tawh a, Digital India programme hian khaw 2,50,000 tuamchhuah vek a tum a ni. Hei hi kum thum chhung Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) ten Rs. 4,750 hmangin an tawk mek a, March 2017-a zawh fel hman tura ruahman a ni. He project hnuaiah hian Post Office te pawh tangkai zawka hman theih tura ruahman a niin, sawrkar office dawr kher ngai lovin post office atangin sawrkar kawng hrang hrangin dawr theih tura ruahman a ni. Post office 1,50,000 hetiang centre tur hian ruahman tum a ni a, kum 2 chhunga zawh tura ruahman a ni. 4. e-GOVERANANCE - REFORMING GOVERNMENT THROUGH TECHNOLOGY: Information Technology hmangin Digital India programme hian sawrkar kalphung hi thlak a duh a. Mipuiten form hrang hrang kan submit thin tih awlsam te, buaipui ngai tlem zawk te, a thlen chin mobile leh internet hmanga enzui zel theih te, certificate leh card chi hrang hrang dahkhawm a, awlsam zawka mipui ten an hman theih turin ruahman a ni a. Information chi hrang hrang dakhawmna (data centre) te ruahmanin department hrang hrangin awlsam tak leh chak taka mipui tana an thawh dan turte ruahman a ni a. Khua leh tuiten sawrkar hnena an lungawi lohna awlsam taka an thel theihna tur kawng hrang hrang pawh ruahman a ni. Heng kalphung thar hi department pakhatah chauh ni lovin sawrkar pumpuiin a hman tura ruahman a ni bawk. 5. eKRANTI – ELECTRONIC DELIVERY OF SERVICES: a. e-Education (Zirna atan Technology): School zawng zawng internet connection pek tum a niin, wi-fi a free a hman theihna school 2,50,000 ruahman tur a ni bawk. IT hmang thei vek tura programme kalpui tum a niin online course te pawh ruahman tum a ni. b. e-Healthcare (Hriselna atan Technology): Internet/Online hmangin damdawi lam thiam bikte rawn theihna te, kan hriselna chanchin (records) vawn that te, damdawi supply te thlengin ruahmanna siam a ni a; tin,
  • 5. damdawi in hrang hrangin Pan-India hmangin damlo te chanchin pawh inhrilhhriat theih tura buaipui a ni a. Kum 2015-ah a enchhinna neih hman tura ruahman a niin, kum 3 chhunga zawh tura tih a ni. c. Ruahmanna atan Technology: Ruahmanna tha leh awlsam sawrkarin a siam theihna turin Global Information System (GIS)-ah chak taka hma la tura ruahman a ni a. Chutiang a nih avang chuan GIS Mission Mode Project te pawh ram pum huapa neih tura ruahmanna siam a ni. d. Loneitu tan Technology: Loneituten tun dinhmun zela ‘bazar rate’ an hriat hi thil tangkai tak a ni a, chumi hriat theihna tur system buatsaih te, mamawhtuten loneitute hnenah an thil mamawh awlsam taka an order theihna tur te leh online hmanga loan te, a pawisa fai te leh mobile hmanga pawisa pek dan turte ruahman a ni. e. Venhimna atan Technology: Mobile Emergency Service, mobile hmanga a mamawhtuten damdawi thiamte an dawr leh an puihna an dawn vat theihna turte ruahman a ni. Tin, internet lama kan him theihna turin National Cyber Security Co-ordination Center te pawh buatsaih a tum bawk a ni. f. Sum leh paia hmasawnna atan Technology: Mobile phone hmanga bank dawrna te, ATM awlsam zawka hman theih turte leh CSC & Post Office kaltlanga awlsam zawka sum leh paia hmansawnna a awm theihna turte ruahman a ni. g. Dan atan Technology: Digital India programme hian hlawhtling takin heng e-Court, e-Police, e-Jail leh e-Prosecution te hi buatsaih a tum a ni. 6. INFORMATION FOR ALL: Khua leh tuiten langtlang leh awlsam taka information an hmuh theihna turin online-ah system te buatsaih a ni ang a; tin, sawrkarin social media leh website kaltlangtein mipuite thu leh hla a hrilhhria ang a, mipuite pawhin an ngaihdan leh duh dan te pawh an sawi ve theihna tur a ni ang. 7. ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURING – TARGET NET ZERO IMPORTS: India ramin ram dang thilsiam a lakluh leh a thawnchhuah hi intluktir tuma hma lak mek a ni a, hei hi kum 2020-ah chuan a hlawhtling hman ngei tura ruahman a ni. Hei hi thil harsa tak ni mah se, kawng hrang hranga tihhlawhtlin tir tum a ni. Tuna kan programme neih sa thenkhat te pawh a tul angin siam rem tur a ni ang. Kan ram thil siamchhuah dan enin hei hi thil huphurhawm tak a ni a, a tul dan ang zela hmalak tur a ni ang.
  • 6. 8. IT FOR JOBS: India ramah hian mi tam takin Information Technology avangin hna an hmu a, chumi hria chuan Digital India programme hmang hian mi a tam thei ang ber IT training hi neihtir tum a ni a. a. Thingtlang tan: Thingtlang mipui leh zirlaite tan DeitY tihhlawhtlin turin Rs. 200 crore dah a ni a, kum 5 chhungin mi 1 crore training pek hman tum a ni ang. b. North East-ah IT/ITES: India hmarchhak mipuite tan state zawng zawngah Business Processing Office (BPO) nei tura ruahman a ni a, hei hian mi tam tak hna a siamsak dawn a ni. c. CSC agent te training: CSC agent mi 3,00,000 te tan kum 2 chhungin training buatsaih tur a ni a, anni hi khua leh tuite tana mi tangkai thei tak an ni. d. Telecom lamin thingtlang mi zirtirna pek: Department of Telecommuni- cation-in thingtlang mi 5,00,000 te hnenah training a pe ang a, heng training pekte hi an khaw tana mi tangkai tak an nih zui theih a beiseiawm a ni. 9. EARLY HARVEST PROGRAMMES: Mipuiin Digital India programme kan hlawkpui hma theih turte ngaihtuah a ni a, chung zingah chuan sawrkar hnathawk te biometric attendance hi ruahman a ni a. Kut thla emaw, mit naute thla emaw tihlan a ngaih avangin dawt sawi theih a ni ve lo va, hei hi tangkai tak tura rin a ni. Central Government office Delhi a mi zawng zawng hi tih vek tura ruahman a ni a. University zawng zawnga wifi pek tura ruahman a ni a, hei hian National Knowledge Network a hmang ang a, Rs. 790 crore ruahman a ni. October 2014- ah he project hi approve a ni a, December 2015-ah zawh tura hmalak mek a ni. Email him tak sawrkar hnathawkten an hman theihna turin hma lak a ni a, mi Nuai 10 in an hmang mek tawh a, a thawh hnihna atan mi Nuai 50 ruahman leh mek a niin March 2015 a zawh fel hman beisei a ni a, Rs. 98 crore senna tur project a ni. Mipui nawlpui hman theih tur wifi hostspot siam tura hmalak tur a ni a, mi 1 million awmna aia tlem lovah hei hi siam tur a ni a. Khuazin veivakte tana tangkai tak tur a ni.
  • 7. Computer, mobile phone leh tablet-ah te awlsam taka en theih tur zirlaite tan eBook siam tura hmalak mek a ni a, hei hi March 2015 ah zawhfel hman beisei a ni. SMS hmanga khaw chin hriatna leh khuarel chhiatna a thlen palha SMS hmanga thu thehdarhna turte ruahman tur a ni a. Ministry of Earth Sciences leh National Disaster Management in India ten hma an la ang. Ram pum huapa naupang bote zawnna tur portal/website ruahman tur a ni a, hei hi October 2014 khan buatsaih zawh a ni tawh a ni ( Digital India programme a hlawhtlin theihna tur atan hian Monitoring Committee tha taka ruahman a ni a. Hetah hian Prime Minister chu chairman niin Finance, Communication & IT, Rural Development, Human Resource Development leh Health minister-te an tel a ni. Digital India programme a hlawhtlin theihna tur atan hian sawrkar laipuiin pawisa tam tak a dah a, DeitY leh DoT scheme kal lai mek ringawt pawh Rs. 100,000 crore lai a ni a, heng bakah hian scheme thar tur atan Rs. 13,000 crore lai ruahman a ni bawk a ni. Kum 2019-ah chuan Digital India programme avangin broadband thingtlang khaw Nuai 2.5 laiah a thlen beisei a ni a; tin, kum 2020-ah chuan India ramin ram dang atanga kan lakluh zat kan thawnchhuah theih beisei a ni bawk. Vantlang tana internet hman theih hmun Nuai 4-ah lai a awm theih nan ruahmanna siam a ni a. Heng bakah hian school Nuai 2.5 tan wifi leh university zawng zawngte tan ruahmanna siam a ni bawk a. Information Technology lamah mi 1.7 crore lai training pek hman beisei a ni bawk. Digital India programme anga programme lian leh ropui tur hi a la awm ngai lo va, tarlan tak ban pawimawh tak tak pakua (9) te khan hmachhawn tur thil khirh tak tak a nei theuh a. Mi thiam indaih lohna a nasa hle a, NIC leh DeitY lam pawh an lian tawk lo hle a ni. Sawrkar laipuia Ministry zawng zawngin Chief Information Officer (CIO) thar an mamawh a; tin, pawisa thu hlaah pawh programme kal lai tam tak rin tur a ni a, chutih rualin program thar pawh mamawh a ni dawn a ni. He programme hian department tam tak a nghawng avangin thawhhona tha a ngai dawn hle a. Taihmakna leh tihtakzetna a mamawh nasa hle a ni. Tin, hruaitute thlawpna tel lo chuan hetiang programme hi a hlawhtling thei lo a ni.
  • 8. Note: He article hi official publication atana hman tura tih a ni lo va; mahni thusawi inbuatsaihna atana ruahmanna mai a ni. He article ka ziahna atana ka source ber chu DeitY website ( presentation file a ni. …