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MSDN Events Presents:Real World Azure clint edmonson | architect evangelist | mike benkovich | developer evangelist |
This is Jim Patterns for Cloud Computing
Jim has many questions about cloud computing Patterns for Cloud Computing
The more he reads, the more confused he gets  Patterns for Cloud Computing
“What is Cloud Computing?” Patterns for Cloud Computing
“What can I use the Cloud for?” Patterns for Cloud Computing
“What is Microsoft’s roadmap in this space?” Patterns for Cloud Computing
Define Cloud Computing Break down the parts Highlight the implementation of a Real World Azure scenario
Jim has heard all the buzzwords
Service Oriented Architecture
Rich Internet Applications
Software as a Service
Software + Services
Are any of these cloud computing?
Styles of application architecture
These styles can work in the cloud, but they are not cloud computing
Where do your applications “live”?
On Premises Hosted Cloud Vendor’s Problem
“What is Microsoft doing in Cloud Computing?”
3 x Critical Concepts
Roles Web Role Worker Role
Storage Table, Blob, Relational
Messaging Queues
Patterns for Cloud Computing Using the Cloud for Scale
“Isn’t the cloud good for applications that need to scale dynamically?” Patterns for Cloud Computing
For example, tax applications Patterns for Cloud Computing
“How does this work?” Patterns for Cloud Computing
Let’s do some white boarding for Jim… Patterns for Cloud Computing
Using the Cloud for Scale “Wow!  What a great site!” Database Request Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Response
Using the Cloud for Scale Browser Browser Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser “Server Busy” Browser Browser
Using the Cloud for Scale Browser Browser Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser “Timeout” Browser Browser
How would Jim do this today on premises?
Using the Cloud for Scale How would Jim do this today on premises? Browser Web Tier N L B Browser Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Browser Web Tier Browser
Using the Cloud for Scale How would Jim do this today on premises? Browser B/L Tier N L B Browser Database Web Tier Browser B/L Tier Browser B/L Tier Browser
Using the Cloud for Scale How would Jim do this today on premises? Browser Web Tier N L B B/L Tier N L B Browser Database Web Tier Browser B/L Tier Browser Web Tier B/L Tier Browser
Using the Cloud for Scale How would Jim do this today on premises? Browser p1 p2 p3 Web Tier N L B B/L Tier N L B Browser Database Web Tier Browser B/L Tier Browser Web Tier B/L Tier Browser
Not without consequences...
Using the Cloud for Scale How would Jim do this today on premises? Browser p1 p2 p3 Web Tier N L B B/L Tier N L B Browser Database Web Tier Browser B/L Tier Browser Web Tier B/L Tier Browser “That took a lot of work - and money!”
Using the Cloud for Scale How would Jim do this today on premises? p1 p2 p3 “Not so great now…” Web Tier N L B B/L Tier N L B Database Web Tier Browser B/L Tier Web Tier B/L Tier “That took a lot of work - and money!” “Hmmm...  Most of this stuff is sitting idle...”
Using the Cloud for Scale Datacenter peak load Idle time Usage Jan Apr Jul Oct
How can Windows Azure help?
Using the Cloud for Scale “Wow!  What a great site!” Azure Storage Request Web Role Worker Role Browser Response
Using the Cloud for Scale Browser Browser Azure Storage Web Role Worker Role Browser “Server Busy” Browser Browser
Using the Cloud for Scale Browser Web Role N L B Browser AzureStorage Web Role Worker Role Browser Browser Web Role Browser You don’t see this bit
Using the Cloud for Scale Browser Web Role N L B Worker Role N L B Browser AzureStorage Web Role Browser Worker Role Browser Web Role Worker Role Browser
Using the Cloud for Scale Browser p1 p2 p3 Web Role N L B Worker Role N L B Browser AzureStorage Web Role Browser Worker Role Browser Web Role Worker Role Browser
What’s going on behind the scenes?
Windows Azure Your Service DNS LB Web Portal (API) LB Fabric Controller
Service Service Service Model Your Service DNS LB Web Portal (API) DNS config LB Service Deployment Fabric Controller
Your Service Service Service DNS Service Service Service Service Service LB Service Web Portal (API) LB Model Service Scaling Fabric Controller
Your Service Service DNS Service Service Service LB Web Portal (API) ! LB Model Service Monitoring & Recovery Fabric Controller
On to the Case Study…
RXD Incubation Project Project Vision Project Austin delivers a next-generation, micro-community based opportunity management and collaboration experience to our managed partners … Project Goals Gain first-hand experience on Azure Cloud Storage – Security – Integration – Web – SQL Azure Explore a business scenario that leverages the promises of the cloud Provide enterprise feedback to the Azure team Deliver a working prototype in FY09 Project Austin Overview
Project Austin delivers a next-generation, micro-community based opportunity management and collaboration experience that brings a managed feel to the unmanaged space, allowing Microsoft to observe and participate in the sales process at scale through dynamic, customer-driven collaboration.   Project Austin leverages Windows Azure, CRM Services, and SharePoint Services to provide a rich set of customer and partner capabilities in the cloud while integrating with existing on-premise solutions.   Project Austin significantly enhances our understanding of our customers and partners by facilitating relationships with and between customers, partners, and Microsoft, while providing data that allows Microsoft to identify and promote world-class selling techniques and content. Project Austin Vision
Web Role Multi-Tenant; Web App; Web Service Integration Worker Role; .NET Service Bus; Siebel Data Storage Tables; Blobs; Queues; SQL Azure Live ID Integration Web Auth; Access Control Service; WIF; RPS Technical Overview
Community Community  Micro Community Factory Community Community Community Groups Community Group A Community Group B Personalization Membership Content Personalization Membership Content High Level Services Personalization Customization Content Security Integration … Navigation Search Membership Identity Groups … Foundation Services Identity Security Storage Eventing Config Content … Micro Community Compute 59
(TODO: Insert Austin Screenshots or walkthrough application)
(Transition to Developer Evangelist…) This slide is Hidden
Warning – this session contains information about Microsoft Technologies that are in the CTP (pre-Beta) stages.  Specifics of the technology may change before final release.
We are here to help. Send us your questions, doubts, concerns, challenges, adoration, regrets, denials, and alibis. We will start a discussion and help you out.
The Development Experience…
Visual Studio Templates Debugging .NET platform .NET, IIS7, WCF “The cloud on your desktop” Complete offline cloud simulation Like Cassini (web development server) Consistent, Familiar Development
Write code on your development machine Test locally Build package w/VS Tools Upload your package to the web portal Push “deploy” Monitor, upgrade, scale… Publishing Your Service To The Cloud
Demo:  Developer Experience
Roles Web Role Worker Role Windows Server 2008 x64 .NET Start Native Code User Mode ,[object Object]
Native Code
Full Trust
User Mode,[object Object]
Service Models & Roles Bid Now Service Worker X Web A (port 80) Main Web 100 instances Image Resize 2 instances Worker Y Auction Processing 25 instances Web B  (port 8081) Admin 2 instances Worker Z Notifications 10 instances
Debugging the cloud really means logging Simple logging API today More functionality over time Debugging in the Cloud
Demo:  Guest Book Logging
Storage in the Cloud…
Blobs, Tables, Relational
Blobs, Tables, Relational
Blobs stored in Containers 1 or more Containers per account Scoping is at container level …/Container/blobpath Blobs Capacity 50GB in CTP Metadata, accessed independently  name/value pairs (8kb total) Private or Public container access Use Blobs for file system Blobs
Using the Cloud for Storage Blob Container PutBlob PUT Azure  Blob Storage REST API Client PutBlob = 64Mb MAX MetaData = 8Kb per Blob
Using the Cloud for Storage Blob Container Azure  Blob Storage REST API Client GetBlob GET
Using the Cloud for Storage Blob Container Azure  Blob Storage REST API Client GetBlob GET Range:  bytes=329300 - 730000
Using the Cloud for Storage Blob Container PutBlock(blobname, blockid, data) PutBlockList(blobname, blockid1, …, blockidN) Azure  Blob Storage REST API Client PutBlock = 4Mb MAX to a maximum of 50Gb BlockId = 64 bytes
Blobs, Tables, Relational
Using the Cloud for Storage REST:   GET$filter=%20PartitionKey%20eq%20value LINQ: var customers = from o in context.CreateQuery<customer>(“Customer”) where o.PartitionKey == value select o; Azure Table Storage Worker Role Each Table:   PartitionKey (e.g. DocumentName) to ensure scalability RowKey (e.g. version number) [fields] for data
Entities and properties (rows & columns) Tables scoped by account Designed for billions+ Scale-out using partitions Partition key & row key Operations performed on partitions Efficient queries No limit on number of partitions Use ADO.NET Data Services Tables
Provides structured storage Massively scalable tables (TBs of data) Highly available Durable Familiar and easy-to-use API ADO.NET Data Services – .NET 3.5 SP1 .NET classes and LINQ REST – with any platform or language Introduction to Tables
For scalable applications: Billions of rows, TBs of data Automatic load management (hot data) For online applications: High availability Built-in replication Flexible schema (no big “schema migration”) Optimistic concurrency Advantages
No join No group by No order by Think: relational DB partitioned to the max Not a Relational Database
Table A Table is a set of Entities (rows) An Entity is a set of Properties (columns) Entity Two “key” properties form unique ID PartitionKey – enables scale RowKey – uniquely ID within a partition Data Model
Key Example – Blog Posts Partition 1 Partition 2 Getting all of dunnry’s blog posts is fast Single partition Getting all posts after 2008-03-27 is slow Traverse all partitions
Partition Key – how data is partitioned Row Key – unique in partition, defines sort Goals Keep partitions small (increased scalability) Specify partition key in common queries Query/sort on row key Keys
Tradeoff between locality and scalability Considerations Entity group transactions Query efficiency Scalability Flexible Partitioning Choosing a Partition Key
Pick potential keys (common query filters) Order keys by importance If needed, include an additional unique key Use two most important keys as PK, RK Consider concatenating to form keys A Method of Choosing Keys
A Method for Choosing Keys… ,[object Object]
Order keys by importance
If needed, include an additional unique key
Use two most important keys as PK, RK
Consider concatenating to form keys,[object Object]
Demo:  Guest Book Table Storage
Lessons LearnedAzure Storage Azure tables are *not* a relational database Requires a mind shift Azure tables scale 3 - 9s availability Azure tables support exactly one key PartitionKey + RowKey Case Matters No foreign keys No referential integrity No stored procedures Leverage the community
Lessons LearnedAzure Storage Azure storage Client Library No longer just a “sample” Azure storage is available via REST Not limited to Azure hosted apps Not limited to Microsoft platform or tools Getting the signature correct is the hard part Console tools are easy to write Ultimate flexibility Use the REST interface early as you’re versioning your tables
Lessons LearnedAzure Storage - RESTful REST is *not* TDS Be prepared to parse LINQ and XML classes help Sometimes, string parsing is the best choice Don’t forget to close your HTTP connections Azure storage names are picky So are Azure key values It’s possible to create an entity in a table and not be able to update or delete it
Lessons LearnedAzure Storage – Roundtrips are expensive Often better to pull back more than you need vs. multiple roundtrips LINQ on results in memory is fast & flexible foreach works well too don’t forget the break; Sort and cache tables on the web tier Use XML Serialization to write the results to local storage It’s generally faster to hydrate from local storage Not as fast as caching in memory
Lessons LearnedAzure Storage – List<> Using List<> with entity types List<> binds well LINQ works well with List<> So does foreach List<> serializes well Add intelligence to your entities Compare, Equals, ToString, etc.
Blobs, Tables, Relational
SQL Server Data Services (MIX08)
Using the Cloud for Storage This is what I’m doing on premises... Data TDS RDBMS Client DB Server
Using the Cloud for Storage So, this is what I would like to do in the cloud... Data TDS RDBMS Client DB Server
SQL Data Services (MIX09)
SQL Azure (July 2009)
Using the Cloud for Storage So, this is what I would like to do… Data TDS RDBMS Client SQL Azure
Using the Cloud for Storage HTTP TDS RDBMS Browser Web Role SQL Azure
Using the Cloud for Storage Queue TDS HTTP RDBMS Browser Web Role Worker Role SQL Azure
Using the Cloud for Storage “The Data Center” TDS HTTP RDBMS Browser Web Tier Bus. Logic SQL Server
Using the Cloud for Storage “The Cloud” Queue TDS HTTP RDBMS Browser Web Role Worker Role SQL Azure
Demo:  SQL Azure CTP
CTP Limitations TodaySET ANSI_NULLS ONSET ANSI_NULLS OFFPAD_INDEX  = OFFSET ANSI_PADDING OFFALLOW_ROW_LOCKS  = ONALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS  = ONON [PRIMARY]FILLFACTOR = 90Three-part naming (e.g. dbo.TableName.ColumnName)Cannot use “WITH IGNORE_DUP_KEY” w/o the quotesNo @@servernameNo CREATE SCHEMA(Not an exhaustive list)
Lessons LearnedSQL Azure From the database “down” it’s just SQL Server Well, almost … Most tools don’t work today System catalog is different No CLR Above the database is taken care of for you You can’t really change anything
Lessons LearnedSQL Azure SQL Server is very familiar SQL Azure *is* SQL Server in the cloud Security of Azure tables is unknown SQL Server has a very good pedigree A lot of our customers LOVE SQL Server Understand Azure storage Understand SQL Azure Make the right recommendation
Lessons LearnedSQL Azure Azure tables are *not* SQL Azure SQL Azure is not the only storage option SQL Azure is not always the best storage option SQL Azure costs more Delivers a *lot* more functionality SQL Azure is more limited on scale [today]
Simple asynchronous dispatch queue Create and delete queues Message: Retrieved at least once Max size 8kb Operations: Enqueue Dequeue RemoveMessage Queues
Azure Queues RemoveMessage GetMessage (Timeout) Worker Role PutMessage Queue Msg 1 Msg 2 Msg 2 Msg 1 Web Role Worker Role Worker Role Msg 3 Msg 4 Msg 2
Patterns in the Cloud Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy
“I like the idea of scaling Web roles…” Patterns for Cloud Computing
“…but need to serve multiple customers” Patterns for Cloud Computing
“Without creating separate codebases!” Patterns for Cloud Computing
Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #1
How would Jim do this today on premises?
#2 - Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy How would Jim do this today on premises? Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #3
Gets expensive pretty quickly
Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Browser Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Browser Customer #3
Schema CustomizationsUI Customizations
Schema CustomizationsUI Customizations
3 options for data in multi tenant environment
Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Browser Fixed Schema Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Browser Option 1:  Everyone Uses the Same Database/Schema Customer #3 Pros:  Simplest approach, easy to maintain/upgrade. Cons:  No customizations.  Restoring of tenant data.
Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Database Browser Customer #1 Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Customer #2 Database Browser Customer #3 Customer #3 Option 2:  Give Each Customer Their Own Database/Schema Pros:  Flexible.  Tenant restore is easier.  High Isolation. Cons:  Can be costly.  Difficult to upgrade db schemas.
Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Fixed Schema with Customizations Browser Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Browser Option 3:  Fixed Database/Schema, with customizations Customer #3 Pros:  Customers can add their own custom fields Cons:  Non standard way of customizing the schema.  Tenant restore is difficult.
Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Tenant 1 * int TenantID nvarchar TenantName * * Type Employee int TypeID int EmployeeId nvarchar Name nvarchar FirstName nvarchar nvarchar CLRType LastName 1 1 Customization int CustomizationID * * nvarchar Value
Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Tenant 1 * 1 TenantID UK Branch TenantName * * Type Employee 1 TypeID 1 EmployeeId PostalCode Name Gordon FirstName string Brown CLRType LastName 1 1 Customization 1 CustomizationID * * SW1A 2AA Value
Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Tenant 1 * 2 TenantID US Branch TenantName * * Type Employee 2 TypeID 2 EmployeeId ZipCode Name Barack FirstName string Obama CLRType LastName 1 1 Customization 2 CustomizationID * * 20500 Value
Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Tenant 1 * 2 TenantID Fixed Schema Applies to All Tenants Could be both US Branch TenantName * * Type Employee 2 TypeID 2 EmployeeId Customizable Tenant by Tenant Basis ZipCode Name Barack FirstName string Obama CLRType LastName 1 1 Customization 2 CustomizationID * * 20500 Value
Schema CustomizationsUI Customizations
#2 - Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Browser Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Browser Customer #3
URL Handing
Single Controller per Tenant (ContosoController)
Shared Controller per Tenant (EmployeeController)
Shared Controller per Tenant (with URL mask)
Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Browser Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Browser Customer #3
Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy -> CNAME ( Browser Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Browser Customer #3 -> CNAME (
Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy -> CNAME ( Browser Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Use custom routing in ASP.NET MVC Browser Customer #3 -> CNAME (
Demo:  Multi-Tenant Routing with ASP.NET MVC Tentative
Patterns for Moving to the Cloud Using the Cloud for Communications
Jim’s organization needs to communicate with other organizations Patterns for Cloud Computing
“This has always been a very tricky and expensive process to get working” Patterns for Cloud Computing
“Does the cloud offer anything to help?” Patterns for Cloud Computing
How would Jim have done this before?
Using the Cloud for Communications Telco provided WAN Company 2 Company 1 Server Client FTP Server FTP Client
Using the Cloud for Communications Internet Telco provided WAN Company 2 Company 1 Server Client FTP Server FTP Client
Using the Cloud for Communications Internet Telco provided WAN Company 2 Company 1 DMZ Server Client Extranet Site Browser
What does the cloud provide?
Using the Cloud for Communications Azure Queue REST Client
Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 Client Azure Queue REST Company 2 Client
Using the Cloud for Communications x Company 1 Client Azure Queue REST Company 2 Client
Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 Client Master Key Azure Queue REST Company 2 Client Master Key
Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 Client Azure Queue REST Web Role Company 2 Client
Using the Cloud for Communications Proxy? Company 1 Firewall Client Azure Queue REST Web Role Company 2 Client Firewall
Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 Firewall Client Azure Queue REST Web Role Company 2 Client Firewall NAT?
Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 Firewall Client Azure Queue REST Web Role Company 2 Client Firewall OK, so I’ll do a HTTP poll every minute
Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 Firewall Client Azure Queue REST Web Role Company 2 Client Firewall …and how about other protocols other than HTTP?
How does the .NET Service Bus help?
Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 sb://.../myqueue Client .NET  Service Bus Company 2 Client Firewall Outbound bi-directional socket Kept alive in background
Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 Firewall sb://.../myqueue Client Outbound one-way socket .NET  Service Bus Company 2 Message routed accordingly Client Firewall Outbound bi-directional socket Kept alive in background

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Mais de Clint Edmonson

New Product Concept Design.pptx
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New Product Concept Design.pptxClint Edmonson
Lean & Agile Essentials
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Flow, the Universe and Everything
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Application architecture jumpstart
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Code smells and Other Malodorous Software Odors
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Advanced oop laws, principles, idioms
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Advanced oop laws, principles, idiomsClint Edmonson
Application architecture jumpstart
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Application architecture jumpstartClint Edmonson
ADO.NET Entity Framework
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ADO.NET Entity FrameworkClint Edmonson
Windows 8 - The JavaScript Story
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Windows Azure Jumpstart
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Introduction to Windows Azure Virtual Machines
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Peering through the Clouds - Cloud Architectures You Need to Master
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Architecting Scalable Applications in the Cloud
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Architecting Scalable Applications in the CloudClint Edmonson
Windows Azure jumpstart
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Windows Azure jumpstartClint Edmonson
Windows Azure Virtual Machines
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Windows Azure Virtual MachinesClint Edmonson

Mais de Clint Edmonson (20)

New Product Concept Design.pptx
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Lean & Agile Essentials
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Flow, the Universe and Everything
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Flow, the Universe and Everything
Application architecture jumpstart
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Application architecture jumpstart
Code smells and Other Malodorous Software Odors
Code smells and Other Malodorous Software OdorsCode smells and Other Malodorous Software Odors
Code smells and Other Malodorous Software Odors
State of agile 2016
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State of agile 2016
Lean & Agile DevOps with VSTS and TFS 2015
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Lean & Agile DevOps with VSTS and TFS 2015
Application Architecture Jumpstart
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Application Architecture Jumpstart
Agile Metrics That Matter
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Agile Metrics That Matter
Advanced oop laws, principles, idioms
Advanced oop laws, principles, idiomsAdvanced oop laws, principles, idioms
Advanced oop laws, principles, idioms
Application architecture jumpstart
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Application architecture jumpstart
ADO.NET Entity Framework
ADO.NET Entity FrameworkADO.NET Entity Framework
ADO.NET Entity Framework
Windows 8 - The JavaScript Story
Windows 8 - The JavaScript StoryWindows 8 - The JavaScript Story
Windows 8 - The JavaScript Story
Windows Azure Jumpstart
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Windows Azure Jumpstart
Introduction to Windows Azure Virtual Machines
Introduction to Windows Azure Virtual MachinesIntroduction to Windows Azure Virtual Machines
Introduction to Windows Azure Virtual Machines
Peering through the Clouds - Cloud Architectures You Need to Master
Peering through the Clouds - Cloud Architectures You Need to MasterPeering through the Clouds - Cloud Architectures You Need to Master
Peering through the Clouds - Cloud Architectures You Need to Master
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Architecting Scalable Applications in the Cloud
Windows Azure jumpstart
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Windows Azure Virtual Machines
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Windows Azure Virtual Machines


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MSDN Events Presents: Real World Azure Patterns for Cloud Computing

  • 1. MSDN Events Presents:Real World Azure clint edmonson | architect evangelist | mike benkovich | developer evangelist |
  • 2. This is Jim Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 3. Jim has many questions about cloud computing Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 4. The more he reads, the more confused he gets Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 5. “What is Cloud Computing?” Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 6. “What can I use the Cloud for?” Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 7. “What is Microsoft’s roadmap in this space?” Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 8.
  • 9. Define Cloud Computing Break down the parts Highlight the implementation of a Real World Azure scenario
  • 10.
  • 11. Jim has heard all the buzzwords
  • 14. Software as a Service
  • 16. Are any of these cloud computing?
  • 17. Styles of application architecture
  • 18. These styles can work in the cloud, but they are not cloud computing
  • 19. Where do your applications “live”?
  • 20. On Premises Hosted Cloud Vendor’s Problem
  • 21. “What is Microsoft doing in Cloud Computing?”
  • 22. 3 x Critical Concepts
  • 23. Roles Web Role Worker Role
  • 24. Storage Table, Blob, Relational
  • 26. Patterns for Cloud Computing Using the Cloud for Scale
  • 27. “Isn’t the cloud good for applications that need to scale dynamically?” Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 28. For example, tax applications Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 29. “How does this work?” Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 30. Let’s do some white boarding for Jim… Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 31. Using the Cloud for Scale “Wow! What a great site!” Database Request Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Response
  • 32. Using the Cloud for Scale Browser Browser Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser “Server Busy” Browser Browser
  • 33. Using the Cloud for Scale Browser Browser Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser “Timeout” Browser Browser
  • 34. How would Jim do this today on premises?
  • 35. Using the Cloud for Scale How would Jim do this today on premises? Browser Web Tier N L B Browser Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Browser Web Tier Browser
  • 36. Using the Cloud for Scale How would Jim do this today on premises? Browser B/L Tier N L B Browser Database Web Tier Browser B/L Tier Browser B/L Tier Browser
  • 37. Using the Cloud for Scale How would Jim do this today on premises? Browser Web Tier N L B B/L Tier N L B Browser Database Web Tier Browser B/L Tier Browser Web Tier B/L Tier Browser
  • 38. Using the Cloud for Scale How would Jim do this today on premises? Browser p1 p2 p3 Web Tier N L B B/L Tier N L B Browser Database Web Tier Browser B/L Tier Browser Web Tier B/L Tier Browser
  • 40. Using the Cloud for Scale How would Jim do this today on premises? Browser p1 p2 p3 Web Tier N L B B/L Tier N L B Browser Database Web Tier Browser B/L Tier Browser Web Tier B/L Tier Browser “That took a lot of work - and money!”
  • 41. Using the Cloud for Scale How would Jim do this today on premises? p1 p2 p3 “Not so great now…” Web Tier N L B B/L Tier N L B Database Web Tier Browser B/L Tier Web Tier B/L Tier “That took a lot of work - and money!” “Hmmm... Most of this stuff is sitting idle...”
  • 42. Using the Cloud for Scale Datacenter peak load Idle time Usage Jan Apr Jul Oct
  • 43. How can Windows Azure help?
  • 44. Using the Cloud for Scale “Wow! What a great site!” Azure Storage Request Web Role Worker Role Browser Response
  • 45. Using the Cloud for Scale Browser Browser Azure Storage Web Role Worker Role Browser “Server Busy” Browser Browser
  • 46.
  • 47. Using the Cloud for Scale Browser Web Role N L B Browser AzureStorage Web Role Worker Role Browser Browser Web Role Browser You don’t see this bit
  • 48. Using the Cloud for Scale Browser Web Role N L B Worker Role N L B Browser AzureStorage Web Role Browser Worker Role Browser Web Role Worker Role Browser
  • 49. Using the Cloud for Scale Browser p1 p2 p3 Web Role N L B Worker Role N L B Browser AzureStorage Web Role Browser Worker Role Browser Web Role Worker Role Browser
  • 50. What’s going on behind the scenes?
  • 51. Windows Azure Your Service DNS LB Web Portal (API) LB Fabric Controller
  • 52. Service Service Service Model Your Service DNS LB Web Portal (API) DNS config LB Service Deployment Fabric Controller
  • 53. Your Service Service Service DNS Service Service Service Service Service LB Service Web Portal (API) LB Model Service Scaling Fabric Controller
  • 54. Your Service Service DNS Service Service Service LB Web Portal (API) ! LB Model Service Monitoring & Recovery Fabric Controller
  • 55. On to the Case Study…
  • 56. RXD Incubation Project Project Vision Project Austin delivers a next-generation, micro-community based opportunity management and collaboration experience to our managed partners … Project Goals Gain first-hand experience on Azure Cloud Storage – Security – Integration – Web – SQL Azure Explore a business scenario that leverages the promises of the cloud Provide enterprise feedback to the Azure team Deliver a working prototype in FY09 Project Austin Overview
  • 57. Project Austin delivers a next-generation, micro-community based opportunity management and collaboration experience that brings a managed feel to the unmanaged space, allowing Microsoft to observe and participate in the sales process at scale through dynamic, customer-driven collaboration. Project Austin leverages Windows Azure, CRM Services, and SharePoint Services to provide a rich set of customer and partner capabilities in the cloud while integrating with existing on-premise solutions. Project Austin significantly enhances our understanding of our customers and partners by facilitating relationships with and between customers, partners, and Microsoft, while providing data that allows Microsoft to identify and promote world-class selling techniques and content. Project Austin Vision
  • 58. Web Role Multi-Tenant; Web App; Web Service Integration Worker Role; .NET Service Bus; Siebel Data Storage Tables; Blobs; Queues; SQL Azure Live ID Integration Web Auth; Access Control Service; WIF; RPS Technical Overview
  • 59. Community Community Micro Community Factory Community Community Community Groups Community Group A Community Group B Personalization Membership Content Personalization Membership Content High Level Services Personalization Customization Content Security Integration … Navigation Search Membership Identity Groups … Foundation Services Identity Security Storage Eventing Config Content … Micro Community Compute 59
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62. (TODO: Insert Austin Screenshots or walkthrough application)
  • 63. (Transition to Developer Evangelist…) This slide is Hidden
  • 64. Warning – this session contains information about Microsoft Technologies that are in the CTP (pre-Beta) stages. Specifics of the technology may change before final release.
  • 66. We are here to help. Send us your questions, doubts, concerns, challenges, adoration, regrets, denials, and alibis. We will start a discussion and help you out.
  • 68. Visual Studio Templates Debugging .NET platform .NET, IIS7, WCF “The cloud on your desktop” Complete offline cloud simulation Like Cassini (web development server) Consistent, Familiar Development
  • 69. Write code on your development machine Test locally Build package w/VS Tools Upload your package to the web portal Push “deploy” Monitor, upgrade, scale… Publishing Your Service To The Cloud
  • 70. Demo: Developer Experience
  • 71.
  • 72. IIS 7
  • 76.
  • 77. Service Models & Roles Bid Now Service Worker X Web A (port 80) Main Web 100 instances Image Resize 2 instances Worker Y Auction Processing 25 instances Web B (port 8081) Admin 2 instances Worker Z Notifications 10 instances
  • 78. Debugging the cloud really means logging Simple logging API today More functionality over time Debugging in the Cloud
  • 79. Demo: Guest Book Logging
  • 80. Storage in the Cloud…
  • 83. Blobs stored in Containers 1 or more Containers per account Scoping is at container level …/Container/blobpath Blobs Capacity 50GB in CTP Metadata, accessed independently name/value pairs (8kb total) Private or Public container access Use Blobs for file system Blobs
  • 84. Using the Cloud for Storage Blob Container PutBlob PUT Azure Blob Storage REST API Client PutBlob = 64Mb MAX MetaData = 8Kb per Blob
  • 85. Using the Cloud for Storage Blob Container Azure Blob Storage REST API Client GetBlob GET
  • 86. Using the Cloud for Storage Blob Container Azure Blob Storage REST API Client GetBlob GET Range: bytes=329300 - 730000
  • 87. Using the Cloud for Storage Blob Container PutBlock(blobname, blockid, data) PutBlockList(blobname, blockid1, …, blockidN) Azure Blob Storage REST API Client PutBlock = 4Mb MAX to a maximum of 50Gb BlockId = 64 bytes
  • 89. Using the Cloud for Storage REST: GET$filter=%20PartitionKey%20eq%20value LINQ: var customers = from o in context.CreateQuery<customer>(“Customer”) where o.PartitionKey == value select o; Azure Table Storage Worker Role Each Table: PartitionKey (e.g. DocumentName) to ensure scalability RowKey (e.g. version number) [fields] for data
  • 90. Entities and properties (rows & columns) Tables scoped by account Designed for billions+ Scale-out using partitions Partition key & row key Operations performed on partitions Efficient queries No limit on number of partitions Use ADO.NET Data Services Tables
  • 91. Provides structured storage Massively scalable tables (TBs of data) Highly available Durable Familiar and easy-to-use API ADO.NET Data Services – .NET 3.5 SP1 .NET classes and LINQ REST – with any platform or language Introduction to Tables
  • 92. For scalable applications: Billions of rows, TBs of data Automatic load management (hot data) For online applications: High availability Built-in replication Flexible schema (no big “schema migration”) Optimistic concurrency Advantages
  • 93. No join No group by No order by Think: relational DB partitioned to the max Not a Relational Database
  • 94. Table A Table is a set of Entities (rows) An Entity is a set of Properties (columns) Entity Two “key” properties form unique ID PartitionKey – enables scale RowKey – uniquely ID within a partition Data Model
  • 95. Key Example – Blog Posts Partition 1 Partition 2 Getting all of dunnry’s blog posts is fast Single partition Getting all posts after 2008-03-27 is slow Traverse all partitions
  • 96. Partition Key – how data is partitioned Row Key – unique in partition, defines sort Goals Keep partitions small (increased scalability) Specify partition key in common queries Query/sort on row key Keys
  • 97. Tradeoff between locality and scalability Considerations Entity group transactions Query efficiency Scalability Flexible Partitioning Choosing a Partition Key
  • 98. Pick potential keys (common query filters) Order keys by importance If needed, include an additional unique key Use two most important keys as PK, RK Consider concatenating to form keys A Method of Choosing Keys
  • 99.
  • 100. Order keys by importance
  • 101. If needed, include an additional unique key
  • 102. Use two most important keys as PK, RK
  • 103.
  • 104. Demo: Guest Book Table Storage
  • 105. Lessons LearnedAzure Storage Azure tables are *not* a relational database Requires a mind shift Azure tables scale 3 - 9s availability Azure tables support exactly one key PartitionKey + RowKey Case Matters No foreign keys No referential integrity No stored procedures Leverage the community
  • 106. Lessons LearnedAzure Storage Azure storage Client Library No longer just a “sample” Azure storage is available via REST Not limited to Azure hosted apps Not limited to Microsoft platform or tools Getting the signature correct is the hard part Console tools are easy to write Ultimate flexibility Use the REST interface early as you’re versioning your tables
  • 107. Lessons LearnedAzure Storage - RESTful REST is *not* TDS Be prepared to parse LINQ and XML classes help Sometimes, string parsing is the best choice Don’t forget to close your HTTP connections Azure storage names are picky So are Azure key values It’s possible to create an entity in a table and not be able to update or delete it
  • 108. Lessons LearnedAzure Storage – Roundtrips are expensive Often better to pull back more than you need vs. multiple roundtrips LINQ on results in memory is fast & flexible foreach works well too don’t forget the break; Sort and cache tables on the web tier Use XML Serialization to write the results to local storage It’s generally faster to hydrate from local storage Not as fast as caching in memory
  • 109. Lessons LearnedAzure Storage – List<> Using List<> with entity types List<> binds well LINQ works well with List<> So does foreach List<> serializes well Add intelligence to your entities Compare, Equals, ToString, etc.
  • 111. SQL Server Data Services (MIX08)
  • 112. Using the Cloud for Storage This is what I’m doing on premises... Data TDS RDBMS Client DB Server
  • 113. Using the Cloud for Storage So, this is what I would like to do in the cloud... Data TDS RDBMS Client DB Server
  • 114. SQL Data Services (MIX09)
  • 115. SQL Azure (July 2009)
  • 116. Using the Cloud for Storage So, this is what I would like to do… Data TDS RDBMS Client SQL Azure
  • 117. Using the Cloud for Storage HTTP TDS RDBMS Browser Web Role SQL Azure
  • 118. Using the Cloud for Storage Queue TDS HTTP RDBMS Browser Web Role Worker Role SQL Azure
  • 120. Using the Cloud for Storage “The Data Center” TDS HTTP RDBMS Browser Web Tier Bus. Logic SQL Server
  • 121. Using the Cloud for Storage “The Cloud” Queue TDS HTTP RDBMS Browser Web Role Worker Role SQL Azure
  • 122. Demo: SQL Azure CTP
  • 123. CTP Limitations TodaySET ANSI_NULLS ONSET ANSI_NULLS OFFPAD_INDEX  = OFFSET ANSI_PADDING OFFALLOW_ROW_LOCKS  = ONALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS  = ONON [PRIMARY]FILLFACTOR = 90Three-part naming (e.g. dbo.TableName.ColumnName)Cannot use “WITH IGNORE_DUP_KEY” w/o the quotesNo @@servernameNo CREATE SCHEMA(Not an exhaustive list)
  • 124. Lessons LearnedSQL Azure From the database “down” it’s just SQL Server Well, almost … Most tools don’t work today System catalog is different No CLR Above the database is taken care of for you You can’t really change anything
  • 125. Lessons LearnedSQL Azure SQL Server is very familiar SQL Azure *is* SQL Server in the cloud Security of Azure tables is unknown SQL Server has a very good pedigree A lot of our customers LOVE SQL Server Understand Azure storage Understand SQL Azure Make the right recommendation
  • 126. Lessons LearnedSQL Azure Azure tables are *not* SQL Azure SQL Azure is not the only storage option SQL Azure is not always the best storage option SQL Azure costs more Delivers a *lot* more functionality SQL Azure is more limited on scale [today]
  • 127. Queues
  • 128. Simple asynchronous dispatch queue Create and delete queues Message: Retrieved at least once Max size 8kb Operations: Enqueue Dequeue RemoveMessage Queues
  • 129. Azure Queues RemoveMessage GetMessage (Timeout) Worker Role PutMessage Queue Msg 1 Msg 2 Msg 2 Msg 1 Web Role Worker Role Worker Role Msg 3 Msg 4 Msg 2
  • 130. Patterns in the Cloud Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy
  • 131. “I like the idea of scaling Web roles…” Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 132. “…but need to serve multiple customers” Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 133. “Without creating separate codebases!” Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 134. Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #1
  • 135. How would Jim do this today on premises?
  • 136. #2 - Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy How would Jim do this today on premises? Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #3
  • 138. Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Browser Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Browser Customer #3
  • 141. 3 options for data in multi tenant environment
  • 142. Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Browser Fixed Schema Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Browser Option 1: Everyone Uses the Same Database/Schema Customer #3 Pros: Simplest approach, easy to maintain/upgrade. Cons: No customizations. Restoring of tenant data.
  • 143. Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Database Browser Customer #1 Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Customer #2 Database Browser Customer #3 Customer #3 Option 2: Give Each Customer Their Own Database/Schema Pros: Flexible. Tenant restore is easier. High Isolation. Cons: Can be costly. Difficult to upgrade db schemas.
  • 144. Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Fixed Schema with Customizations Browser Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Browser Option 3: Fixed Database/Schema, with customizations Customer #3 Pros: Customers can add their own custom fields Cons: Non standard way of customizing the schema. Tenant restore is difficult.
  • 145. Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Tenant 1 * int TenantID nvarchar TenantName * * Type Employee int TypeID int EmployeeId nvarchar Name nvarchar FirstName nvarchar nvarchar CLRType LastName 1 1 Customization int CustomizationID * * nvarchar Value
  • 146. Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Tenant 1 * 1 TenantID UK Branch TenantName * * Type Employee 1 TypeID 1 EmployeeId PostalCode Name Gordon FirstName string Brown CLRType LastName 1 1 Customization 1 CustomizationID * * SW1A 2AA Value
  • 147. Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Tenant 1 * 2 TenantID US Branch TenantName * * Type Employee 2 TypeID 2 EmployeeId ZipCode Name Barack FirstName string Obama CLRType LastName 1 1 Customization 2 CustomizationID * * 20500 Value
  • 148. Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Tenant 1 * 2 TenantID Fixed Schema Applies to All Tenants Could be both US Branch TenantName * * Type Employee 2 TypeID 2 EmployeeId Customizable Tenant by Tenant Basis ZipCode Name Barack FirstName string Obama CLRType LastName 1 1 Customization 2 CustomizationID * * 20500 Value
  • 150. #2 - Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Browser Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Browser Customer #3
  • 152. Can ASP.NET MVC Help?
  • 153. Single Controller per Tenant (ContosoController)
  • 154. Shared Controller per Tenant (EmployeeController)
  • 155. Shared Controller per Tenant (with URL mask)
  • 156. Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy Browser Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Browser Customer #3
  • 157. Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy -> CNAME ( Browser Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Browser Customer #3 -> CNAME (
  • 158. Using the Cloud for Multi Tenancy -> CNAME ( Browser Customer #1 Database Web Tier B/L Tier Browser Customer #2 Use custom routing in ASP.NET MVC Browser Customer #3 -> CNAME (
  • 159. Demo: Multi-Tenant Routing with ASP.NET MVC Tentative
  • 160. Patterns for Moving to the Cloud Using the Cloud for Communications
  • 161. Jim’s organization needs to communicate with other organizations Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 162. “This has always been a very tricky and expensive process to get working” Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 163. “Does the cloud offer anything to help?” Patterns for Cloud Computing
  • 164. How would Jim have done this before?
  • 165. Using the Cloud for Communications Telco provided WAN Company 2 Company 1 Server Client FTP Server FTP Client
  • 166. Using the Cloud for Communications Internet Telco provided WAN Company 2 Company 1 Server Client FTP Server FTP Client
  • 167. Using the Cloud for Communications Internet Telco provided WAN Company 2 Company 1 DMZ Server Client Extranet Site Browser
  • 168. What does the cloud provide?
  • 169. Using the Cloud for Communications Azure Queue REST Client
  • 170. Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 Client Azure Queue REST Company 2 Client
  • 171. Using the Cloud for Communications x Company 1 Client Azure Queue REST Company 2 Client
  • 172. Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 Client Master Key Azure Queue REST Company 2 Client Master Key
  • 173. Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 Client Azure Queue REST Web Role Company 2 Client
  • 174. Using the Cloud for Communications Proxy? Company 1 Firewall Client Azure Queue REST Web Role Company 2 Client Firewall
  • 175. Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 Firewall Client Azure Queue REST Web Role Company 2 Client Firewall NAT?
  • 176. Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 Firewall Client Azure Queue REST Web Role Company 2 Client Firewall OK, so I’ll do a HTTP poll every minute
  • 177. Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 Firewall Client Azure Queue REST Web Role Company 2 Client Firewall …and how about other protocols other than HTTP?
  • 178. How does the .NET Service Bus help?
  • 179. Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 sb://.../myqueue Client .NET Service Bus Company 2 Client Firewall Outbound bi-directional socket Kept alive in background
  • 180. Using the Cloud for Communications Company 1 Firewall sb://.../myqueue Client Outbound one-way socket .NET Service Bus Company 2 Message routed accordingly Client Firewall Outbound bi-directional socket Kept alive in background
  • 181. Austin Integration with Siebel (on-premise) Austin Blob Table Queue sb://.../myqueue On-Premise DataCenter .NET Service Bus Synchronization Message Firewall bi-directional socket Kept alive in background Siebel Opp. Exchange Service
  • 182. Demo: Integration through the .NET Service Bus
  • 183. High Level of Abstraction Hardware Server OS Network Infrastructure Web Server Availability Automated Service Management Scalability Instance & Partitions Developer Experience Familiar Developer Tools Windows Azure Benefits
  • 184. Resources Azure Services Training Kit Downloadable hands-on labs, demos, and presentations Blogs – Steve Marx - Clemens Vasters (.NET Services) Azure Services Platform Forums
  • 185.
  • 186. Q&A
  • 187. Collect surveys and Hand out tokens
  • 189.
  • 190. Had two weeks to design and build externally facing Web functionality, ensure scalability for up to 50,000 hits per day, with no defined hosting solution in placeTaste of Chicago “With Windows Azure and Live Services, we built a solution that uses the equivalent of 25 servers, and yet it required no up-front capital costs and minimal ongoing operational costs.” Cory Chaplin, Technology Solutions Practice Lead, West Monroe Partners [case study]
  • 191.
  • 192. Less than 1 hour to get up and running on Azure
  • 193. 850 high resolution photos broken into x,000 tiles
  • 194. Week a half to build Azure support[play it online] “Windows Azure was a breeze to use and didn't let us down.” Ben Henderson, Firefly Logic
  • 195. Customer Costs Reduced 60 Percent Delivers enterprise line of business data to mobile workers anytime, anywhere, at minimal cost to the enterprise. Aggregated LOB data, LOB access rules, and, optionally, even LOBs themselves are stored in the cloud in Microsoft SQL Data Services. Cumulux [case study] “With software-plus-services, we can get our customers up and running on mPortal in two weeks versus two months—a 75 percent time-to-market improvement over on-premises deployment.” RanjithRamakrishnan, Chief Technology Officer for Cumulux
  • 196.
  • 198. In business for less than 3 years
  • 199. Less than US $1 million in annual revenue contact briangorbett 425-538-0050
  • 200. © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

Notas do Editor

  1. Here’s the datacenter in the cloudA collection of commodity hardwareA collection of storage servers; triple replicationLoad BalancersFabric Controller: the “Brains” behind it all. Web Portal: where to deploy and manage applicationsService – any app you want to run is the service.It’s about running your service in the Microsoft datacenter. Windows Azure is not a SKU that you would install onsite.
  2. = Service Deployment (So easy, even a CEO can do it) =Service, the application you want to runModel, service configuration; tells what the service looks like, how many you want to run, etc.Today, you must deploy your service through the portal. In the future, there will be an API available that will you to deploy your service through command-line, TFS build procedures, and other types of automation In this scenario, we are deploying our service through the portal. We upload the two files (the service package and model configuration). The Fabric Controller reads the model configuration which describes how to deploy our service. In this case, we are deploying our service to 3 machines. The Fabric Controller determines which 3 machines to deploy to, copies the service package to the 3 machines, and fires up the services. [Transition] The Fabric Controller then configures the DNS so you have an endpoint exposed for your services for the outside world to communicate with your services. From there, it configures the load balancers and routers. That’s it. It’s completed automated.
  3. Managed partner pipeline review -opps in Seibel, partner, PAM; get together and collaborate on opps - more social collaboration, ability to comment, ability to bring people inDidn’t do much in SQL Azure as it wasn’t available at the timeAccomplished goals in 5 mos.
  4. Web role - support for multi-tennancy (host multiple customers or segments on set of infrastructure) - web service for updating the opportunity information.NET Service Bus was used to integrate on the backend with SeibelMoved worker role inside firewall as it made more sense (on premise)Heavy use of Tables and BlobsMost Queue work is done with the .NET Service Bus under-the-covers; not a whole lot of work writing directly to QueuesDuring development, SDS did a reset and became SQL Azure; use Azure storage until SQL Azure becomes available (one of the best decisions they made)
  5. Community wants to control Personalization, Content, Membership
  6. TODO: Convert to Whiteboard template
  7. TODO: Convert to Whiteboard template
  8. We will bend over backwards to help you out.
  9. BlobsBlobs are stored in containers. There are 0 or more blobs per container and 0 or more containers per account. (since you can have 0 containers, but then you would not have any blobs either)Typically url in the cloud is paths can contain the / character, so you can give the illusion of multiple folders, but there is only 1 level of containers.Blob capacity at CTP is 50gb.There is an 8k dictionary that can be associated with blobs for metadata.Blobs can be private or public:Private requires a key to read and writePublic requires a key to write, but NO KEY to read.Use blobs where you would use the file system in the past.
  10. Tables are simply collections of Entities.Entites must have a PartitionKey and RowKey – can also contain up to 256 other properties.Entities within a table need not be the same shape! E.g.:Entity 1: PartitionKey, RowKey, firstnameEntity 2: PartitionKey, RowKey, firstname, lastnameEntity 3: PartitionKey, Rowkey, orderId, orderData, zipCodePartitions are used to spread data across multiple servers. This happens automatically based on the partition key you provide. Table “heat” is also monitored and data may be moved to different storage endpoints based upon usage.Queries should be targeted at a partition, since there are no indexes to speed up performance. Indexes may be added at a later date.Its important to convey that whilst you could copy tables in from a local data source (e.g. sql) it would not perform well in the cloud, data access needs to be re-thought at this level. Those wanting a more traditional SQL like experience should investigate SDS.
  11. Hosted in Microsoft data centersFor massive scalable applicationsWe’re talking millions of rows, terabytes of dataStorage is one of the pieces of the Azure PlatformIt is NOT relationalWe can take hot data, the data that’s being requested more often, and scale those out to more serversDesigned for online, high-scale, high-throughput applicationsFamiliar if you’re used to .NET, LINQ and ADO.NET Data ServicesShared-key authentication between client and server
  12. 05:17Flexible schema, tables don’t have to have the same columns (properties) defined up front; this is not an ‘Add Column’ or ‘Update Schema’Optimistic concurrency, protects you from someone else from modifying your data while you’re working on it
  13. 07:17It’s an “Entity Store”, you can store entities, can retrieve entities, do simple querying on these entitiesPartitioned SQL Server: - A-M on this server - N-Z on this serverTop 5 customers that ordered the most, you have to poll 26 servers and aggregate the dataThat’s sort of what we have with Azure Table storage. We went with a highly partitioned approach upfront to gain scale and gain availability. We’ve had to sacrifice some of the complex queries such as joins to support this. It’s just a different way of having to deal with your data.
  14. 09:18Entities (Rows)Properties (Columns)An Entity has 2 “Key” properties: -PartitionKey: How to partition data (ie. First-letter of last name, zip code) - every entity will be on the SAME physical server, this sets us up for scale - a good strategy is to keep your partitions small - RowKey: a unique identifier within a partition
  15. 11:53Getting the all of dunnry’s post it fast because we’re selecting the entities by a partition keyGetting all of the posts after a certain is slow because we may have to traverse across multiple servers because we’re selecting entities that span partition keysA query without the partition key is really a scan
  16. 14:58Keep partitions small, this increases scalability; this allows us to replicate data when its hot and spread data across multiple servers
  17. 16:34Whitepaper: Windows Azure Table - Programming Azure Tables,, in working with your entities, you want them to be on the same server or close together; you gain locality by having large partitionsBut… for scalability, we said that you want smaller partitions so we can help manage the distribute the data and therefore the loadScalability is defined on who well you can manage your partition sizesConsiderations: - the only transaction we have our within the same table with the same partition key; take your transactional requirements into consideration when defining you want to partition your data - query efficiency; think through the top queries you want to execute - scalability: managing the size of your partitions - flexible partitioning : A-M, N-Z; change to A-M, N-R, S-Z - partitioning scheme by months (holiday sales, by month but in december by day)
  18. 21:51A simple formula for choosing keys (more info in the whitepaper)Potential keys… what are you going to query onOrder by importanceMay need additional information to make it unique (add a GUID)
  19. 23:35If you do a query on a non-key property, that’s a scan (very inefficient)Improve performance by scoping - by partition key, and range of row keys - scope by tables (came up in some customer discussions); users have arbitrary queries, no good set of keys (only querying from top 1000 items), make a table of just those 1000 items - data will be replicated but you can determine which partition to query from based on query typeIs it OK to duplicate data? Efficiency over consistency and slowing down updates - Certain types of applications
  20. 30:29One of the more important things to understand*NOT* a relational databaseBad – indexes, foreign keys, referential integrity don’t existGood – it scales!Have to write lower level code for Azure table access vs. SQL ServerStorage in triplicateOur experience is Azure storage has been remarkably stable during the CTP; amazing as it’s a CTP and its brand new codeIt is CASE SENSITIVELot of learning in the community
  21. 46:44During development, Azure Storage Client library was a sample; they couldn’t use a sample; since then its shipping as part of the SDK (production quality)Leverage client library where you canAzure storage is available via RESTThe hardest part is getting the signature right; its very picky (tutorial available on bartr’s blog)Client library uses ADO.NET Data ServicesSometimes its faster to just pull back a simple string then spin up a bunch of ADO.NET Data Services objectsREST is easier for dealing with versioning
  22. 49:23REST requires a lot of parsingLINQ and XML make it easy, but sometimes parsing is easier (and maybe the only thing needed)CLOSE your HTTP connections; wrap in ‘using’ block or physically close themStorage names are picky
  23. 50:32Drop table/Create table has about 30-40 sec lag timeOften better to get more data then you need (goes against T-SQL best practices)
  24. 52:34List<> is your friend; works well, serializes well, binds wellThe team used this to work with the azure table data
  25. 53:20(watch Dave Campbell session on SQL Azure)
  26. 54:32SQL Server is very familiar, Azure tables are new and unknownSQL Server will not scale as well for V1; make the right choice for your needs
  27. 56:09SQL Azure costs more, but delivers moreDBA’s don’t have the tools available yet to monitor SQL Azure… system catalog is different in the cloud then on premise… this is forthcoming
  28. Queues are simple:Messages are placed in queues. Max size is 8k (and it’s a string)Message can be read from the queue, at which point it is hidden.Once whatever read the message from the queue is finished processing the message, it should then remove the message from the queue. If not the message is returned to the queue after a specific user defined time limit. This can be used to handle code failures etc.
  29. Use queues as a way of communicating w/ the backend worker rolesWRs call getmessage and pass timeoutTimeout value is importantExpiration time is important; message is marked in the queue as invisible; for duration of timeout it’s invisibleWhen we’re done processing, we call a message to remove the message through a deleteTh reason we do this is imagine we have a second worker role; if something goes wrong, once the timeout expires, the message becomes visible, and the next person to do a get message will get the message
  30. C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft .NET Services SDK (July 2009 CTP)SamplesServiceBusGettingStartedEcho
  31. If you are or know someone starting a software business, get started building applications for Windows Azure * by joining BizSpark!*inclusion of Windows Azure in the BizSpark program is still being finalized and there is no public information on this topic we can share