chrissinerantzi academic development open education mmu celt pgcap lego creativity lsp sue beckingham oer open educational practice byod4l lego serious play higher education play academicdevelopment phd pbl mobile learning boundary crossing playful learning creativity in higher education cross-institutional collaboration open course collaborative learning haleh moravej flex chrissi nerantzi collaborative open learning #creativehe open cpd cpd games reflection lthechat creativity for learning oep ilta dapp flex cpd smart learning education feedback assessment lthe cross-institutional open learning melsig teacher education collaborative open learning framework crossing boundaries #pin kath botham creativehe fos good standing hea celtmmu celt mmu creativity in he creativity for learning in he tweetchat open badges academic cpd fdol professional development byod problem-based learning neilwithnell learning theories suebeckingham he tlc learning mixed-reality game eportfolios seda playful curriculum collaboration unesco naomi wahls thessaloniki robotics pedagogic innovation cross-institutional professional learning cross-boundary collaborative learning framework phenomenography framework for collaborative open learning communities alto digital learning and teaching stephen powell cross-boundary learning pgcert dapp162 he landscape #dapp162 observations of teaching ukpsf openeducation oerglobal go_gn #digifest16 oee dr jenny fisher animation learning through making pedagogic innovators bettchat tlc2015 #altc chrissinerantzi playground jenny fisher celt conference play in he alison james playhe fos4l shu mmmu apt15 free-rage professional development fellowship peter gossman kathbotham portfolios oer15 5cs 5c framework ma in academic practice theory and practice game-based learning lego workshop lego course lego in education bite-size cpd open scholarship collaborative research story video scaling-up community learning community open moocs academic portfolio portfolio anita miitchell thinking inside the box thinking outside the box innovation apt14 apt2014 fdol132 social media academic writing collaborative writing social authoring small group teaching large group teaching penny sweasey open community oer14 conference sean mccusker open eductional practice course evaluation open education week 2014 good teaching dapp141 halehmoravej designing for learning learning to learn teacher identity identity chrissineranti action research chris smith pedagogical research smartlearning apps chrissinerantzi alexspiers high openly shared feedback teaching professional discussions metaphors chameleon digital age technology enhanced learning university of dundee inspired professional discussion abs15 oer13 foodforthought onlinelearning alex spiers apps visual literacy visual communication problembasedlearning gamebasedlearning chrissinerantzi transforming pgcap portfolios assessment pgcapsalford pgcap education portfolios assessment he academicpractice open free-range chrissinerantzi openlearning webinars ecel2011 alt-c eportfolio ece11 facilitation audio reflections more mobile dyslexia audio
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