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Spring into the Cloud
Chris Richardson

Author of POJOs in Action
Founder of the original


Presentation goal

     Cloud Foundry simplifies
       the development and
      deployment of modern

      Spring is the ideal cloud
        computing platform
About Chris

About Chris

(About Chris)

About Chris()

About Chris

About Chris

About Chris

          Developer Advocate for

 Signup at

          Promo code: EgyptJUG
 Why PaaS?
 Cloud Foundry basics
 Using Cloud Foundry services
 Spring and Cloud Foundry
 Using NoSQL databases
 Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
Traditional web application architecture



   Desktop                                                            Database
   Browser                                    InventoryService


Simple to                      Tomcat

    scale                                                        Or is it?       11
Let’s imagine you want to run a
performance test...

How long to get the servers?
Who is going to set up the servers?
Who is going to set up Apache,
Tomcat, and MySQL?
And things are changing:

This simple, monolithic architecture is

New kinds of clients

          Smart phones overtake PCs in Q4 2010

Users expect a rich, dynamic and interactive experience on mobile
                       devices and desktop

                                                             d   en
                                                       ’t g
                             HTTP Request
                                                  e isn
         Desktop                                          Java Web
         Browser              HTML/Javascript            Application
                             I ar
                   ty le U

Need to handle massive loads and the data explosion

               Need scalable architectures

 Application tier:
  • Replicated/clustered servers
  • Modular so that components can be scaled differently
  • Asynchronous architecture - communication via a message broker
 Database tier:
  • Replication
  • Sharding
  • Polyglot persistence: Relational, NoSQL, NewSQL databases
Scaling development



                Service                 Scalable
             InventoryService           development

 Forces multiple developers/teams to synchronize development efforts
 Obstacle to frequent, independent deployments
 Increases risk of failure - need to redeploy everything to change one thing
Modern application architecture


Desktop                                            Accounting
Browser                                             Service

Native Mobile     NodeJS
                NodeJS                    inventory.war
Application     front-end
 StoreUI                                        InventoryService

HTML5 mobile

 StoreUI          Redis                  shipping.war

Developing and testing these applications
       is even more challenging

Let’s imagine you are fixing a bug
and want to run some JUnit
integration tests...

Who is going to install and configure
your sandbox: MySQL, RabbitMQ,
MongoDB, ....?
Let’s imagine you have fixed a bug
and want to run some functional

How long to purchase the servers?
Who is going to set up the servers?
Who is going to install and configure
MySQL, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, ....?
Platform-as-a-Service is the solution

  Easy deployment                           Services:
  Application management                +   Blob storage

  Easy scaling up and down                  ...

 Why PaaS?
 Cloud Foundry basics
 Using Cloud Foundry services
 Spring and Cloud Foundry
 Using NoSQL databases
 Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
About Cloud Foundry




  Data Services




  In                   Clouds
             Msg Services
                                                   Cl o

                                                                                  Micro                           .COM
                            Other Services

Cloud Foundry.COM
                          Cloud Foundry

  Runtimes & Frameworks


                          vCenter / vSphere

What is a Micro Cloud?


                  Entire Cloud Running inside of a single VM

Signup @
Cloud Foundry.ORG

                           Cloud Foundry

                    The Cloud Foundry Source Code

      Download          Setup         Setup Scripts   Deploy Behind
                     Environment                        Firewall

Vibrant open-source ecosystem
  • Community lead for PHP
  • PaaS for PHP
 Joyent
  • Community lead for Node.js
 ActiveState
  • Community lead for Python
  • Stackato private PaaS
Cloud Foundry - Architecture

100’s of DEAs

                                                              Load Balancers
                                                             Load Balancers
                        App                                 Load Balancers
                                      Message Bus
                                      Message Bus
                                      Message Bus


                      DB                         Cloud

                        Services                                Health
                      Services                                Health
                    Services                                   Manager

                                       Web Service API
Let's deploy an application
Create an application

  $ mvn archetype:generate
  18: internal -> maven-archetype-webapp
    (A simple Java web application)
  Choose a number:
    ) 15: : 18
  $ mvn package
Options for using Cloud Foundry

Using the Cloud Foundry CLI

    CLI     Application name        Dir containing WAR

  vmc push cf1 --path target 

                               Application URL
Deploy the application

  $ vmc push cf1 --path target 
  Detected a Java Web Application, is this correct?

  Memory Reservation [Default:512M] (64M, 128M, 256M,
     512M, 1G or 2G)
  Creating Application: OK
  Would you like to bind any services to 'cf1'? [yN]:

  Uploading Application:
    Checking for available resources: OK
    Packing application: OK
    Uploading (2K): OK
  Push Status: OK
  Starting Application: OK
Access the application

  $ curl
  <h2>Hello World!</h2>
Change the application

  $ vi src/main/webapp/index.jsp
  $ mvn package
Update the running application

  $ vmc update cf1 --path target
  Uploading Application:
    Checking for available resources:
    Packing application: OK
    Uploading (2K): OK
  Push Status: OK
  Successfully updated Application:
  Stopping Application: OK
  Starting Application: OK
Access it again

   $ curl
   <h2>This is Cloud Foundry</h2>
Scale the application

   $ vmc instances cf1 +2
   Scaling Application instances up to 3: OK

   $ vmc stats cf1

   | Instance | CPU (Cores) | Memory (limit) | Disk (limit) | Uptime       |
   | 0        | 1.2% (4)    | 90.6M (512M)   | 8.5M (2G)    | 0d:0h:3m:3s |
   | 1        | 9.5% (4)    | 60.9M (512M)   | 8.4M (2G)    | 0d:0h:0m:17s |
   | 2        | 9.4% (4)    | 55.5M (512M)   | 8.4M (2G)    | 0d:0h:0m:17s |
 Why PaaS?
 Cloud Foundry basics
 Using Cloud Foundry services
 Spring and Cloud Foundry
 Using NoSQL databases
 Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
Available services

Creating a service instance

  $ vmc create-service mysql --name mysql1
  Creating Service: OK

  $ vmc services
  ============== System Services ==============
  | Service    | Version | Description                           |
  | mongodb    | 1.8     | MongoDB NoSQL store                   |
  | mysql      | 5.1     | MySQL database service                |
  | postgresql | 9.0     | PostgreSQL database service (vFabric) |
  | rabbitmq   | 2.4     | RabbitMQ messaging service            |
  | redis      | 2.2     | Redis key-value store service         |

  =========== Provisioned Services ============

  | Name        | Service |
  | mysql1      | mysql   |
Typical Spring application is cloud ready


  <bean id="dataSource"
    <property name="driverClassName"
! !          !     value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
    <property name="url"
!      value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cf" />
    <property name="username" value="cfuser" />
    <property name="password" value="cfpassword" />
                  class SomeClass {
                        private DataSource dataSource;
Deploying it

   $ vmc push cer-spring --path web/target/
   Application Deployed URL []:
   Detected a Java SpringSource Spring Application, is this correct? [Yn]:
   Memory Reservation (64M, 128M, 256M, 512M, 1G) [512M]:
   Creating Application: OK
Would you like to bind any services to 'cer-spring'? [yN]: y
   Would you like to bind any services to 'cer-spring'?         [yN]: y
Would you like to use anan existing provisioned service? [yN]: y
    Would you like to use existing provisioned service? [yN]: y

The The following provisioned servicesavailable
     following provisioned services are are available
    1: mysql1
1: mysql1
    2: mysql-135e0
2: mysql-135e0
Please select one you wish to use:use: 1
    Please select one
                      you wish to 1
Binding Service [mysql1]: OK OK
    Binding Service
   Uploading Application:
     Checking for available resources: OK
     Processing resources: OK
     Packing application: OK
     Uploading (12K): OK
DataSource bean is reconfigured automatically


 <bean id="dataSource" class="…">
     … DataSource for MySQL instance …


               class SomeClass {
                     private DataSource dataSource;
Using database tools
Using Caldecott…

 $ vmc tunnel
 1: mysql-135e0
 2: mysql1
 Which service to tunnel to?: 2
 Password: ********
 Stopping Application: OK
 Redeploying tunnel application 'caldecott'.
 Uploading Application:
   Checking for available resources: OK
   Packing application: OK
   Uploading (1K): OK
 Push Status: OK
 Binding Service [mysql1]: OK
 Staging Application: OK
 Starting Application: OK
 Getting tunnel connection info: OK

 Service connection info:
   username : uMe6Apgw00AhS
   password : pKcD76PcZR7GZ
   name     : d7cb8afb52f084f3d9bdc269e7d99ab50

 Starting tunnel to mysql1 on port 10000.
 1: none
 2: mysql
 Which client would you like to start?: 2
…Using Caldecott

 Launching 'mysql --protocol=TCP --host=localhost --port=10000 --
     user=uMe6Apgw00AhS --password=pKcD76PcZR7GZ

 Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 10944342
 Server version: 5.1.54-rel12.5 Percona Server with XtraDB (GPL), Release
     12.5, Revision 188

 Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights

 Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
 affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

 Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input

Testing scenario
 Create MySQL service instance
 Use Caldecott to tunnel database
 Populate DB using mysql+sql scripts
 Deploy application bound to database
 Test the application
 …
 Delete application and database
 Why PaaS?
 Cloud Foundry basics
 Using Cloud Foundry services
 Spring and Cloud Foundry
 Using NoSQL databases
 Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
Spring programming model
                                             •Improved developer
                                             •Higher quality code
                                             •Portability across
                      Dependency Injection   application servers


Portable Service                               Aspect-Oriented
Abstractions                                   Programming
(Transactions, data
access, …)

Spring is ideal for the cloud environment

 Yet another environment for your application to run in
  • Different Java runtime
  • Different databases – sometimes not relational!
 Dynamic environment:
  • Servers come and go
  • IP addresses change
 Must integrate with in-house applications:
  • RPC
  • Asynchronous messaging
 To leverage elasticity your application must be architected to scale up and down
  • Asynchronous, loose coupling

    = Problems already solved by the Spring framework
Spring 3.1 features for cloud applications

Spring configuration options

 Cloud Foundry Runtime

                          <cloud:*/> namespace

                          CloudEnvironment API

                         VCAP_SERVICES env vars

     "instance_id": "e53853fe21d5d740aadf7ddcc0670b4e",
     "instance_index": 0,
     "name": "cer-spring",
     "uris": [""],
     "users": [""],
     "version": "56892923b974db90a8f6c7120b665fb17cff7edb-1",
     "start": "2011-12-02 23:06:01 +0000",
     "runtime": "java",
     "state_timestamp": 1322867161,
     "port": 40198,
     "limits": {
         "fds": 256,
         "mem": 536870912,
         "disk": 2147483648
     "host": ""

     "mysql-5.1": [{
         "name": "mysql1",
         "label": "mysql-5.1",
         "plan": "free",
         "tags": ["mysql", "mysql-5.1", "relational"],
         "credentials": {
             "name": "d7cb8afb52f084f3d9bdc269e7d99ab50",
             "hostname": "",
             "host": "",
             "port": 3306,
             "user": "usmMRfwzyYG53",
             "username": "usmMRfwzyYG53",
             "password": "pxWSBVeu80GDp"
          parses JSON so you don't have to

CloudEnvironment env = new CloudEnvironment();
Properties props = env.getCloudProperties();
String prop = props.getProperty(

ApplicationInstanceInfo instanceInfo =
int port = instanceInfo.getPort();
List<String> urls = instanceInfo.getUris();
Provides access to ServiceInfo…

RdbmsServiceInfo mis =
! !     "mysql1",
! !     RdbmsServiceInfo.class);
String mySqlUrl = mis.getUrl();
… which can create DataSources etc

public class CloudDataSourceConfiguration {

    public DataSource dataSource() {
      CloudEnvironment environment = new CloudEnvironment();

        RdbmsServiceInfo mysqlSvc =
!          !       environment.getServiceInfo("mysql1",

!          RdbmsServiceCreator dataSourceCreator = new RdbmsServiceCreator();

        DataSource dataSource = dataSourceCreator.createService(mysqlSvc);

        return dataSource;


<cloud:*/> namespace

  Spring XML namespace
  Defines beans from CloudEnvironment
   • Connection factories, e.g. DataSource
   • Properties
<cloud:data-source/> Configures a JDBC DataSource

 <cloud:data-source id="dataSource" service-name="mysql1">
   <cloud:pool pool-size="1-5"/>
   <cloud:connection properties="charset=utf-8"/>

               private DataSource dataSource ;


   Exposes basic information about services that can be
    consumed with Spring’s property placeholder support
   Properties automatically available when deploying Spring
    3.1 applications

<cloud:properties id="cloudProperties" />

class SomeClass {

private String mysqlHost;

Configuring Cloud Foundry apps is easy


    How to run on the desktop too?
Isolating Cloud Foundry configuration
 Use Spring 3.1 profiles
 Beans belong to one or more profiles
 At runtime, one or active profiles           active beans
 By default, default profile is active
 Activate profiles using
  • system property:,profile2
  • programmatically
Using <beans profile=""/>

<bean class="org.sf.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean">
     <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>
                                   Outside of Cloud Foundry
<beans profile="default">
	      <bean class="org.a.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" id="dataSource">
	           <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/my_db" />
                                  Inside Cloud Foundry
<beans profile="cloud">
	      <cloud:data-source id="dataSource" />

       Profiles available in Spring 3.1
Using @Profile

public class LocalDataSourceConfiguration {
   public DataSource dataSource() {
  public class CloudDataSourceConfiguration {
    public DataSource dataSource() {
  !    !    …

Application configuration via environment variables

 $ vmc env-add cf1
 Adding Environment Variable
   [PAYMENT_SVC=http://...]: OK
 Stopping Application: OK
 Staging Application: OK

   String value = System.getenv("PAYMENT_SVC")

       private String envVariable;
 Why PaaS?
 Cloud Foundry basics
 Using Cloud Foundry services
 Spring and Cloud Foundry
 Using NoSQL databases
  • Why NoSQL?
  • Using MongoDB
  • Cloud Foundry and MongoDB
 Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
Cloud Foundry provides NoSQL-aaS

   But what’s a NoSQL database?
   Why would you want to use it?
   How do you use it?
Solution: Use NoSQL

• Higher performance
• Higher scalability
• Richer data-model
• Schema-less

                       • Limited transactions
                       • Relaxed consistency
                       • Unconstrained data

Future = multi-paradigm data storage for enterprise applications

                                                                             e.g. Netflix
                                                                            • RDBMS
                                                                            • SimpleDB
                                                                            • Cassandra
                                                                            • Hadoop/Hbase

    IEEE Software Sept/October 2010 - Debasish Ghosh / Twitter @debasishg

Spring Data is here to help


                                  NoSQL databases

What you get

 Template classes that hide the boilerplate code, similar to JdbcTemplate
 Auto-generated (generic) repositories
 Java    NoSQL mapping
 Cross Store Persistence
 Support in Roo and Grails

 Why PaaS?
 Cloud Foundry basics
 Using Cloud Foundry services
 Spring and Cloud Foundry
 Using NoSQL databases
  • Why NoSQL?
  • Using MongoDB
  • Cloud Foundry and MongoDB
 Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures

 Document-oriented database
  • JSON-style documents: Lists, Maps, primitives
  • Schema-less
 Transaction = update of a single document
 Rich query language for dynamic queries
 Very fast
 Writes are asynchronous!
 Highly scalable and available

Data model = Binary JSON documents


   Database: Food To Go
     Collection: Restaurants
              "name" : "Sahn Maru",
              "type" : ”Korean",
              "serviceArea" : [
              "openingHours" : [
                    "dayOfWeek" : "Wednesday",
                                                             Sequence of
                    "open" : 1730,                           bytes on disk
                    "close" : 2230
                 }                                            fast i/o
              "_id" : ObjectId("4bddc2f49d1505567c6220a0")

MongoDB use cases

 Use cases
  • High volume writes
  • Complex data
  • Semi-structured data
 Who is using it?
  • Shutterfly, Foursquare
  • Intuit
  • SourceForge, NY Times
  • GILT Groupe, Evite,
  • SugarCRM


Simplifies data access                   MongoTemplate                POJO  DBObject
Translates exceptions   databaseName                                      mapping


                        save()                                               <<interface>>
                        insert()                                            MongoConvertor
                        updateFirst()                            write(Object, DBObject)
                                                                 read(Class, DBObject)


                                          Mongo                              MongoMapping
                                    (Java Driver class)                       Converter

Example entity

public class Restaurant {
 private String id;
 private String name;
 private List<MenuItem> menuItems;

public Restaurant() {
                                           public class MenuItem {
public Restaurant(String name) {           private String name; = name;                        private double price;
}                                          public MenuItem() {
public String getName() { return name; }
                                            public MenuItem(String name,
public void setName(String name) {                         double price) { = name;                  = name;
}                                             this.price = price;
…getters and setters…
                                           …getters and setters…
Example data access code

public class RestaurantRepository {

 private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;

 public static final String RESTAURANTS_COLLECTION = "restaurants";

 public void add(Restaurant restaurant) {, restaurant);

  public List<Restaurant> findRestaurantsByName(String restaurantName) {
    return mongoTemplate.find(RESTAURANTS_COLLECTION, 	
	          new Query(where("name").is(restaurantName)),

Mongo document

    "_id" : ObjectId("4d977f55d3fe3119c904e026"),
    "menuItems" : [
	           	       "name" : "Tandoori Portobello Mushrooms",
	           	       "price" : 5.5
	           	       "name" : "Duck Curry Kerala",
	           	       "price" : 15
     "name" : "Ajanta"

MongoDB bean definitions

 Why PaaS?
 Cloud Foundry basics
 Using Cloud Foundry services
 Spring and Cloud Foundry
 Using NoSQL databases
  • Why NoSQL?
  • Using MongoDB
  • Cloud Foundry and MongoDB
 Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
Using Mongo and Redis with Cloud Foundry

 Create a service - Mongo or Redis
 Bind it to your application
 Use <cloud:*/> namespace to access the bound service
  • when cloud profile is active

Deploying a Mongo application

Using the Mongo Application

NoSQL and Caldecott

 Caldecott let’s you tunnel to a NoSQL service
 Use Redis CLI
  • redis-cli
  • Explore database, adhoc operations
  • ...
 Use Mongo CLI etc
  • Explore database, adhoc operations
  • Mongo dump/restore
  • ...

 Why PaaS?
 Cloud Foundry basics
 Using Cloud Foundry services
 Spring and Cloud Foundry
 Using NoSQL databases
 Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
  • Why use messages?
  • RabbitMQ and Spring AMQP
  • Using Spring Integration
  • Using RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry
Cloud Foundry provides
                                RabbitMQ - aaS

But what’s RabbitMQ?
Why would you want to use it?
How do you use it?

But why messaging? Why RabbitMQ?

         Application A                 Application B


               Traditional application integration

Messaging within applications        wgrus-billing.war



 wgrus-store.war                              Widget
                        Message          InventoryService
      StoreFront        Broker


   Decouples front-end from
   Front-end continues to work    wgrus-shipping.war
   when back-end is down                  Shipping
   Broker smoothes out traffic            Service
   spikes                                                           91
 Why PaaS?
 Cloud Foundry basics
 Using Cloud Foundry services
 Spring and Cloud Foundry
 Using NoSQL databases
 Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
  • Why use messages?
  • RabbitMQ and Spring AMQP
  • Using Spring Integration
  • Using RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry
RabbitMQ – Messaging that Just Works

                        Easy to use
                      AMQP LEADER

 •A defined set of
 messaging capabilities
 called the AMQ model
 •A network wire-level
 protocol, AMQP


Spring AMQP

 Encapsulates low-level details
                                         Producer          Consumer
 Simplifies sending and receiving of

                                          Amqp              Listener
                                         Template          Container

                                        Spring AMQP

Sending AMQP messages

@Component public class MessageSender {

private volatile AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate;

public void send(String message) {
       "myExchange", "some.routing.key", message);

public void read() throws Exception {
   String value =
 }                                                   96
Spring AMQP is flexible and dynamic


         It’s very low level

 Why PaaS?
 Cloud Foundry basics
 Using Cloud Foundry services
 Spring and Cloud Foundry
 Using NoSQL databases
 Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
  • Why use messages?
  • RabbitMQ and Spring AMQP
  • Using Spring Integration
  • Using RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry
Spring Integration

 Builds on Spring framework
 High-level of abstraction for building message
  based applications
 Implements EAI patterns
 Provides plumbing for exchanging messages
  between application components
 Promotes loosely coupled components
 Integrates with external messaging infrastructure:
  JMS, AMQP, HTTP, Email, File transfer

Spring Integration concepts

 Message channel
 • Virtual pipe connecting producer and consumer
 Message endpoints
 • The filter of a pipes-and-filter architecture
 • Read from and/or write to channel
 Endpoint types:
 • Transformer
 • Filter
 • Router
 • Splitter
 • Aggregator
 • ServiceActivator
 • Inbound channel adapter - read from external source, writes to channel
 • Outbound channel adapter - read from channel write to external destination

Using Spring Integration with the web store

wgrus-store.war                                        wgrus-shipping.war

      StoreFront                                                Shipping

     Spring Integration            RabbitMQ                   Spring Integration

wgrus-billing.war         wgrus-inventory.war

      Credit Service              Spring Integration



Store front flow


                                             object to
           Message Endpoint   orderChannel               amqpOut   AMQP

Inventory flow

                                       Json to    credit check      inventory               inventory    Object to
 AMQP      inventory                                                                                                 AMQP
                                       Object       enricher        encricher              AMQP Out       JSON

                       credit check

                        credit check                                      Content Based
                           service                                           Router


                                                                   widget                  gadget
                                                                 inventory                inventory
                                                                  service                  service
Shipping flow

                           Json to
   AMQP         shipping             Service
                 order               Activator

 Why PaaS?
 Cloud Foundry basics
 Using Cloud Foundry services
 Spring and Cloud Foundry
 Using NoSQL databases
 Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
  • Why use messages?
  • RabbitMQ and Spring AMQP
  • Using Spring Integration
  • Using RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry
Rabbit on Cloud Foundry

Configuring a ConnectionFactory

<rabbit:template id="rabbitTemplate"

<beans profile="default">
 <rabbit:connection-factory id="rabbitConnectionFactory"/>

<beans profile="cloud">
 <cloud:rabbit-connection-factory id="rabbitConnectionFactory"/>

Using Caldecott with RabbitMQ

 Use for JUnit/Integration tests
 Run RabbitMQ tools



 PaaS? Good.
 Cloud Foundry? Good.
 Spring? Good.
 Cloud Foundry and Spring? Really good!

 Home work:
 • Learn Spring:
 • Learn Spring Data
 • sign up for (free) Cloud Foundry at
 • Download the Cloud Foundry Micro Cloud

@cloudfoundry @crichardson

                 Questions? promo code EgyptJUG

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What's New in Teams Calling, Meetings and Devices March 2024
Merck Moving Beyond Passwords: FIDO Paris Seminar.pptx
Merck Moving Beyond Passwords: FIDO Paris Seminar.pptxMerck Moving Beyond Passwords: FIDO Paris Seminar.pptx
Merck Moving Beyond Passwords: FIDO Paris Seminar.pptx

Spring into the Cloud with Cloud Foundry

  • 1. Spring into the Cloud Chris Richardson Author of POJOs in Action Founder of the original @crichardson 1
  • 2. Presentation goal Cloud Foundry simplifies the development and deployment of modern applications Spring is the ideal cloud computing platform 2
  • 8. About Chris 8
  • 9. About Chris Developer Advocate for Signup at Promo code: EgyptJUG 9
  • 10. Agenda  Why PaaS?  Cloud Foundry basics  Using Cloud Foundry services  Spring and Cloud Foundry  Using NoSQL databases  Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
  • 11. Traditional web application architecture WAR StoreFront Accounting Service MySQL Desktop Database Apache Browser InventoryService Shipping Service Simple to Tomcat develop test deploy scale Or is it? 11
  • 12. Let’s imagine you want to run a performance test... ? How long to get the servers? Who is going to set up the servers? Who is going to set up Apache, Tomcat, and MySQL?
  • 13. And things are changing: This simple, monolithic architecture is inadequate 13
  • 14. New kinds of clients Smart phones overtake PCs in Q4 2010 14
  • 15. Users expect a rich, dynamic and interactive experience on mobile devices and desktop h oug d en oo ’t g HTTP Request e isn r ctu Desktop Java Web e hit Browser HTML/Javascript Application c I ar ty le U s Old 15
  • 16. Need to handle massive loads and the data explosion Need scalable architectures  Application tier: • Replicated/clustered servers • Modular so that components can be scaled differently • Asynchronous architecture - communication via a message broker  Database tier: • Replication • Sharding • Polyglot persistence: Relational, NoSQL, NewSQL databases 16
  • 17. Scaling development WAR StoreFront Accounting Service Scalable != InventoryService development Shipping Service  Forces multiple developers/teams to synchronize development efforts  Obstacle to frequent, independent deployments  Increases risk of failure - need to redeploy everything to change one thing 17
  • 18. Modern application architecture billing.war Desktop Accounting Browser Service StoreUI Native Mobile NodeJS NodeJS inventory.war Application front-end MySQL application StoreUI StoreUI InventoryService HTML5 mobile application StoreUI Redis shipping.war RabbitMQ Mongo ShippingService 18
  • 19. Developing and testing these applications is even more challenging 19
  • 20. Let’s imagine you are fixing a bug and want to run some JUnit integration tests... ? Who is going to install and configure your sandbox: MySQL, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, ....?
  • 21. Let’s imagine you have fixed a bug and want to run some functional tests... ? How long to purchase the servers? Who is going to set up the servers? Who is going to install and configure MySQL, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, ....?
  • 22. Platform-as-a-Service is the solution Easy deployment Services: Database Application management + Blob storage Messaging Easy scaling up and down ... 22
  • 23. Agenda  Why PaaS?  Cloud Foundry basics  Using Cloud Foundry services  Spring and Cloud Foundry  Using NoSQL databases  Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
  • 24. About Cloud Foundry .js Ap p lica Private   7o Clouds   n  S Data Services erv … i ce  In ter e fac fac ter Public e r  In Clouds ide Msg Services ov  Pr ud Cl o Micro .COM Clouds Other Services 24
  • 25. Cloud Foundry.COM Cloud Foundry Runtimes & Frameworks Services vCenter / vSphere Infrastructure
  • 26. What is a Micro Cloud? Or Entire Cloud Running inside of a single VM Signup @ 26
  • 27. Cloud Foundry.ORG Cloud Foundry The Cloud Foundry Source Code Download Setup Setup Scripts Deploy Behind Environment Firewall Code 27
  • 28. Vibrant open-source ecosystem  • Community lead for PHP • PaaS for PHP  Joyent • Community lead for Node.js  ActiveState • Community lead for Python • Stackato private PaaS
  • 29. Cloud Foundry - Architecture Web Web Web 100’s of DEAs Load Balancers Load Balancers App Load Balancers App App Message Bus Message Bus Message Bus (NATS) (NATS) (NATS) DEAs DEAs DEAs Routers Routers Routers DB DB DB Cloud Cloud Controllers Cloud Controllers Controllers Services Health Health Services Health Manager Services Manager Manager Web Service API
  • 30. Let's deploy an application
  • 31. Create an application $ mvn archetype:generate … 18: internal -> maven-archetype-webapp (A simple Java web application) … Choose a number: (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/1 6/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/ 29/30/31/32/33/34/35/36/37/38/39/40/41 ) 15: : 18 … $ mvn package …
  • 32. Options for using Cloud Foundry 32
  • 33. Using the Cloud Foundry CLI CLI Application name Dir containing WAR vmc push cf1 --path target --url Application URL
  • 34. Deploy the application $ vmc push cf1 --path target --url Detected a Java Web Application, is this correct? [Yn]: Memory Reservation [Default:512M] (64M, 128M, 256M, 512M, 1G or 2G) Creating Application: OK Would you like to bind any services to 'cf1'? [yN]: Uploading Application: Checking for available resources: OK Packing application: OK Uploading (2K): OK Push Status: OK Starting Application: OK
  • 35. Access the application $ curl <html> <body> <h2>Hello World!</h2> </body> </html>
  • 36. Change the application $ vi src/main/webapp/index.jsp $ mvn package
  • 37. Update the running application $ vmc update cf1 --path target Uploading Application: Checking for available resources: OK Packing application: OK Uploading (2K): OK Push Status: OK Successfully updated Application: 'cf1' Stopping Application: OK Starting Application: OK
  • 38. Access it again $ curl <html> <body> <h2>This is Cloud Foundry</h2> </body> </html>
  • 39. Scale the application $ vmc instances cf1 +2 Scaling Application instances up to 3: OK $ vmc stats cf1 +----------+-------------+----------------+--------------+--------------+ | Instance | CPU (Cores) | Memory (limit) | Disk (limit) | Uptime | +----------+-------------+----------------+--------------+--------------+ | 0 | 1.2% (4) | 90.6M (512M) | 8.5M (2G) | 0d:0h:3m:3s | | 1 | 9.5% (4) | 60.9M (512M) | 8.4M (2G) | 0d:0h:0m:17s | | 2 | 9.4% (4) | 55.5M (512M) | 8.4M (2G) | 0d:0h:0m:17s | +----------+-------------+----------------+--------------+--------------+
  • 40. Agenda  Why PaaS?  Cloud Foundry basics  Using Cloud Foundry services  Spring and Cloud Foundry  Using NoSQL databases  Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
  • 42. Creating a service instance $ vmc create-service mysql --name mysql1 Creating Service: OK $ vmc services ============== System Services ============== +------------+---------+---------------------------------------+ | Service | Version | Description | +------------+---------+---------------------------------------+ | mongodb | 1.8 | MongoDB NoSQL store | | mysql | 5.1 | MySQL database service | | postgresql | 9.0 | PostgreSQL database service (vFabric) | | rabbitmq | 2.4 | RabbitMQ messaging service | | redis | 2.2 | Redis key-value store service | +------------+---------+---------------------------------------+ =========== Provisioned Services ============ +-------------+---------+ | Name | Service | +-------------+---------+ | mysql1 | mysql | +-------------+---------+
  • 43. Typical Spring application is cloud ready <beans> <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" > <property name="driverClassName" ! ! ! value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" /> <property name="url" ! value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/cf" /> <property name="username" value="cfuser" /> <property name="password" value="cfpassword" /> … </bean> class SomeClass { @Autowired private DataSource dataSource; }
  • 44. Deploying it $ vmc push cer-spring --path web/target/ Application Deployed URL []: Detected a Java SpringSource Spring Application, is this correct? [Yn]: Memory Reservation (64M, 128M, 256M, 512M, 1G) [512M]: Creating Application: OK Would you like to bind any services to 'cer-spring'? [yN]: y Would you like to bind any services to 'cer-spring'? [yN]: y Would you like to use anan existing provisioned service? [yN]: y Would you like to use existing provisioned service? [yN]: y The The following provisioned servicesavailable following provisioned services are are available 1: mysql1 1: mysql1 2: mysql-135e0 2: mysql-135e0 Please select one you wish to use:use: 1 Please select one you wish to 1 Binding Service [mysql1]: OK OK Binding Service [mysql1]: Uploading Application: Checking for available resources: OK Processing resources: OK Packing application: OK Uploading (12K): OK
  • 45. DataSource bean is reconfigured automatically <beans> <bean id="dataSource" class="…"> … DataSource for MySQL instance … </bean> </beans> class SomeClass { @Autowired private DataSource dataSource; }
  • 47. Using Caldecott… $ vmc tunnel 1: mysql-135e0 2: mysql1 Which service to tunnel to?: 2 Password: ******** Stopping Application: OK Redeploying tunnel application 'caldecott'. Uploading Application: Checking for available resources: OK Packing application: OK Uploading (1K): OK Push Status: OK Binding Service [mysql1]: OK Staging Application: OK Starting Application: OK Getting tunnel connection info: OK Service connection info: username : uMe6Apgw00AhS password : pKcD76PcZR7GZ name : d7cb8afb52f084f3d9bdc269e7d99ab50 Starting tunnel to mysql1 on port 10000. 1: none 2: mysql Which client would you like to start?: 2
  • 48. …Using Caldecott Launching 'mysql --protocol=TCP --host=localhost --port=10000 -- user=uMe6Apgw00AhS --password=pKcD76PcZR7GZ d7cb8afb52f084f3d9bdc269e7d99ab50' Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g. Your MySQL connection id is 10944342 Server version: 5.1.54-rel12.5 Percona Server with XtraDB (GPL), Release 12.5, Revision 188 Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement. mysql>
  • 49. Testing scenario  Create MySQL service instance  Use Caldecott to tunnel database  Populate DB using mysql+sql scripts  Deploy application bound to database  Test the application  …  Delete application and database
  • 50. Agenda  Why PaaS?  Cloud Foundry basics  Using Cloud Foundry services  Spring and Cloud Foundry  Using NoSQL databases  Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
  • 51. Spring programming model Benefits: •Improved developer productivity •Higher quality code •Portability across Dependency Injection application servers POJO Portable Service Aspect-Oriented Abstractions Programming (Transactions, data access, …) 51
  • 52. Spring is ideal for the cloud environment  Yet another environment for your application to run in • Different Java runtime • Different databases – sometimes not relational!  Dynamic environment: • Servers come and go • IP addresses change  Must integrate with in-house applications: • RPC • Asynchronous messaging  To leverage elasticity your application must be architected to scale up and down • Asynchronous, loose coupling = Problems already solved by the Spring framework
  • 53. Spring 3.1 features for cloud applications 53
  • 54. Spring configuration options Auto-reconfiguration Cloud Foundry Runtime <cloud:*/> namespace CloudEnvironment API VCAP_APPLICATION, VCAP_SERVICES env vars
  • 55. VCAP_APPLICATION { "instance_id": "e53853fe21d5d740aadf7ddcc0670b4e", "instance_index": 0, "name": "cer-spring", "uris": [""], "users": [""], "version": "56892923b974db90a8f6c7120b665fb17cff7edb-1", "start": "2011-12-02 23:06:01 +0000", "runtime": "java", "state_timestamp": 1322867161, "port": 40198, "limits": { "fds": 256, "mem": 536870912, "disk": 2147483648 }, "host": ""
  • 56. VCAP_SERVICES { "mysql-5.1": [{ "name": "mysql1", "label": "mysql-5.1", "plan": "free", "tags": ["mysql", "mysql-5.1", "relational"], "credentials": { "name": "d7cb8afb52f084f3d9bdc269e7d99ab50", "hostname": "", "host": "", "port": 3306, "user": "usmMRfwzyYG53", "username": "usmMRfwzyYG53", "password": "pxWSBVeu80GDp" } }]
  • 57. CloudEnvironment: parses JSON so you don't have to CloudEnvironment env = new CloudEnvironment(); Properties props = env.getCloudProperties(); String prop = props.getProperty( "" ); ApplicationInstanceInfo instanceInfo = env.getInstanceInfo(); int port = instanceInfo.getPort(); List<String> urls = instanceInfo.getUris(); …
  • 58. Provides access to ServiceInfo… RdbmsServiceInfo mis = env.getServiceInfo( ! ! "mysql1", ! ! RdbmsServiceInfo.class); String mySqlUrl = mis.getUrl();
  • 59. … which can create DataSources etc @Configuration public class CloudDataSourceConfiguration { @Bean public DataSource dataSource() { CloudEnvironment environment = new CloudEnvironment(); RdbmsServiceInfo mysqlSvc = ! ! environment.getServiceInfo("mysql1", RdbmsServiceInfo.class); ! RdbmsServiceCreator dataSourceCreator = new RdbmsServiceCreator(); DataSource dataSource = dataSourceCreator.createService(mysqlSvc); return dataSource; } } 59
  • 60. <cloud:*/> namespace  Spring XML namespace  Defines beans from CloudEnvironment • Connection factories, e.g. DataSource • Properties
  • 61. <cloud:data-source/> Configures a JDBC DataSource <cloud:data-source id="dataSource" service-name="mysql1"> <cloud:pool pool-size="1-5"/> <cloud:connection properties="charset=utf-8"/> </cloud:data-source> ... @Autowired private DataSource dataSource ; 61
  • 62. <cloud:properties>  Exposes basic information about services that can be consumed with Spring’s property placeholder support  Properties automatically available when deploying Spring 3.1 applications <cloud:properties id="cloudProperties" /> <context:property-placeholder properties-ref="cloudProperties"/> class SomeClass { @Value("${}") private String mysqlHost; 62
  • 63. Configuring Cloud Foundry apps is easy BUT How to run on the desktop too?
  • 64. Isolating Cloud Foundry configuration  Use Spring 3.1 profiles  Beans belong to one or more profiles  At runtime, one or active profiles active beans  By default, default profile is active  Activate profiles using • system property:,profile2 • programmatically
  • 65. Using <beans profile=""/> <bean class="org.sf.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean"> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/> </bean> Outside of Cloud Foundry <beans profile="default"> <bean class="org.a.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" id="dataSource"> <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/my_db" /> </bean> </beans> Inside Cloud Foundry <beans profile="cloud"> <cloud:data-source id="dataSource" /> </beans> Profiles available in Spring 3.1 65
  • 66. Using @Profile @Configuration @Profile("default") public class LocalDataSourceConfiguration { @Configuration @Bean @Profile("cloud") public DataSource dataSource() { public class CloudDataSourceConfiguration { } @Bean public DataSource dataSource() { } ! ! … } } 66
  • 67. Application configuration via environment variables $ vmc env-add cf1 PAYMENT_SVC=http://... Adding Environment Variable [PAYMENT_SVC=http://...]: OK Stopping Application: OK Staging Application: OK String value = System.getenv("PAYMENT_SVC") @Value("#{systemEnvironment['PAYMENT_SVC']}") private String envVariable;
  • 68. Agenda  Why PaaS?  Cloud Foundry basics  Using Cloud Foundry services  Spring and Cloud Foundry  Using NoSQL databases • Why NoSQL? • Using MongoDB • Cloud Foundry and MongoDB  Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
  • 69. Cloud Foundry provides NoSQL-aaS But what’s a NoSQL database? Why would you want to use it? How do you use it? 69
  • 70. Solution: Use NoSQL Benefits • Higher performance • Higher scalability • Richer data-model • Schema-less Drawbacks • Limited transactions • Relaxed consistency • Unconstrained data 70
  • 71. Future = multi-paradigm data storage for enterprise applications e.g. Netflix • RDBMS • SimpleDB • Cassandra • Hadoop/Hbase IEEE Software Sept/October 2010 - Debasish Ghosh / Twitter @debasishg 71
  • 72. Spring Data is here to help For NoSQL databases 72
  • 73. What you get  Template classes that hide the boilerplate code, similar to JdbcTemplate  Auto-generated (generic) repositories  Java NoSQL mapping  Cross Store Persistence  Support in Roo and Grails 73
  • 74. Agenda  Why PaaS?  Cloud Foundry basics  Using Cloud Foundry services  Spring and Cloud Foundry  Using NoSQL databases • Why NoSQL? • Using MongoDB • Cloud Foundry and MongoDB  Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
  • 75. MongoDB  Document-oriented database • JSON-style documents: Lists, Maps, primitives • Schema-less  Transaction = update of a single document  Rich query language for dynamic queries  Very fast  Writes are asynchronous!  Highly scalable and available 75
  • 76. Data model = Binary JSON documents Server Database: Food To Go Collection: Restaurants { "name" : "Sahn Maru", "type" : ”Korean", "serviceArea" : [ "94619", "94618" ], "openingHours" : [ { "dayOfWeek" : "Wednesday", Sequence of "open" : 1730, bytes on disk "close" : 2230 }  fast i/o ], "_id" : ObjectId("4bddc2f49d1505567c6220a0") } 76
  • 77. MongoDB use cases  Use cases • High volume writes • Complex data • Semi-structured data  Who is using it? • Shutterfly, Foursquare • Intuit • SourceForge, NY Times • GILT Groupe, Evite, • SugarCRM 77
  • 78. MongoTemplate Simplifies data access MongoTemplate POJO  DBObject Translates exceptions databaseName mapping userId Password defaultCollectionName writeConcern writeResultChecking save() <<interface>> insert() MongoConvertor remove() updateFirst() write(Object, DBObject) findOne() read(Class, DBObject) find() … uses Mongo MongoMapping (Java Driver class) Converter 78
  • 79. Example entity public class Restaurant { private String id; private String name; private List<MenuItem> menuItems; public Restaurant() { } public class MenuItem { public Restaurant(String name) { private String name; = name; private double price; … } public MenuItem() { } public String getName() { return name; } public MenuItem(String name, public void setName(String name) { double price) { = name; = name; } this.price = price; } …getters and setters… …getters and setters… 79
  • 80. Example data access code @Repository public class RestaurantRepository { @Autowired private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate; public static final String RESTAURANTS_COLLECTION = "restaurants"; public void add(Restaurant restaurant) {, restaurant); } public List<Restaurant> findRestaurantsByName(String restaurantName) { return mongoTemplate.find(RESTAURANTS_COLLECTION, new Query(where("name").is(restaurantName)), Restaurant.class); } 80
  • 81. Mongo document { "_id" : ObjectId("4d977f55d3fe3119c904e026"), "menuItems" : [ { "name" : "Tandoori Portobello Mushrooms", "price" : 5.5 }, { "name" : "Duck Curry Kerala", "price" : 15 } ], "name" : "Ajanta" } 81
  • 83. Agenda  Why PaaS?  Cloud Foundry basics  Using Cloud Foundry services  Spring and Cloud Foundry  Using NoSQL databases • Why NoSQL? • Using MongoDB • Cloud Foundry and MongoDB  Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures
  • 84. Using Mongo and Redis with Cloud Foundry  Create a service - Mongo or Redis  Bind it to your application  Use <cloud:*/> namespace to access the bound service • when cloud profile is active 84
  • 85. Deploying a Mongo application 85
  • 86. Using the Mongo Application 86
  • 87. NoSQL and Caldecott  Caldecott let’s you tunnel to a NoSQL service  Use Redis CLI • redis-cli • Explore database, adhoc operations • ...  Use Mongo CLI etc • Explore database, adhoc operations • Mongo dump/restore • ... 87
  • 88. Agenda  Why PaaS?  Cloud Foundry basics  Using Cloud Foundry services  Spring and Cloud Foundry  Using NoSQL databases  Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures • Why use messages? • RabbitMQ and Spring AMQP • Using Spring Integration • Using RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry
  • 89. Cloud Foundry provides RabbitMQ - aaS But what’s RabbitMQ? Why would you want to use it? How do you use it? 89
  • 90. But why messaging? Why RabbitMQ? Application A Application B RabbitMQ Traditional application integration 90
  • 91. Messaging within applications wgrus-billing.war Accounting Service wgrus-inventory.war wgrus-store.war Widget Message InventoryService StoreFront Broker MySQL wgrus-inventory.war Gadget InventoryService Decouples front-end from back-end Front-end continues to work wgrus-shipping.war when back-end is down Shipping Broker smoothes out traffic Service spikes 91
  • 92. Agenda  Why PaaS?  Cloud Foundry basics  Using Cloud Foundry services  Spring and Cloud Foundry  Using NoSQL databases  Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures • Why use messages? • RabbitMQ and Spring AMQP • Using Spring Integration • Using RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry
  • 93. RabbitMQ – Messaging that Just Works Robust High-performance Easy to use AMQP LEADER
  • 94. Why AMQP? A  Protocol,  not  an  API •A defined set of messaging capabilities called the AMQ model •A network wire-level protocol, AMQP On  commodity  hardware •10-­‐25  thousand  messages  per   second  is  rou7ne  * •The  NIC  is  usually  the   boIleneck *  Non-­‐persistent  messages 17
  • 95. Spring AMQP  Encapsulates low-level details Producer Consumer  Simplifies sending and receiving of messages Amqp Listener Template Container Spring AMQP AMQP
  • 96. Sending AMQP messages @Component public class MessageSender { @Autowired private volatile AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate; public void send(String message) { this.amqpTemplate.convertAndSend( "myExchange", "some.routing.key", message); } public void read() throws Exception { ... String value = amqpTemplate.receiveAndConvert("myQueueName"); ... } 96
  • 97. Spring AMQP is flexible and dynamic BUT It’s very low level 97
  • 98. Agenda  Why PaaS?  Cloud Foundry basics  Using Cloud Foundry services  Spring and Cloud Foundry  Using NoSQL databases  Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures • Why use messages? • RabbitMQ and Spring AMQP • Using Spring Integration • Using RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry
  • 99. Spring Integration  Builds on Spring framework  High-level of abstraction for building message based applications  Implements EAI patterns  Provides plumbing for exchanging messages between application components  Promotes loosely coupled components  Integrates with external messaging infrastructure: JMS, AMQP, HTTP, Email, File transfer 99
  • 100. Spring Integration concepts  Message channel • Virtual pipe connecting producer and consumer  Message endpoints • The filter of a pipes-and-filter architecture • Read from and/or write to channel  Endpoint types: • Transformer • Filter • Router • Splitter • Aggregator • ServiceActivator • Inbound channel adapter - read from external source, writes to channel • Outbound channel adapter - read from channel write to external destination 100
  • 101. Using Spring Integration with the web store application 101
  • 102. wgrus-store.war wgrus-shipping.war StoreFront Shipping Service Spring Integration RabbitMQ Spring Integration wgrus-billing.war wgrus-inventory.war Credit Service Spring Integration Widget InventoryService Gadget InventoryService 102
  • 103. Store front flow StoreUI object to Message Endpoint orderChannel amqpOut AMQP JSON 103
  • 104. Inventory flow Json to credit check inventory inventory Object to AMQP inventory AMQP Object enricher encricher AMQP Out JSON inventory router credit check credit check Content Based service Router activator Credit Service widget gadget inventory inventory service service 104
  • 105. Shipping flow shipping service Json to AMQP shipping Service Object order Activator channel 105
  • 106. Agenda  Why PaaS?  Cloud Foundry basics  Using Cloud Foundry services  Spring and Cloud Foundry  Using NoSQL databases  Cloud Foundry and asynchronous architectures • Why use messages? • RabbitMQ and Spring AMQP • Using Spring Integration • Using RabbitMQ on Cloud Foundry
  • 107. Rabbit on Cloud Foundry 107
  • 108. Configuring a ConnectionFactory <rabbit:template id="rabbitTemplate" connection-factory="rabbitConnectionFactory"/> <beans profile="default"> ... <rabbit:connection-factory id="rabbitConnectionFactory"/> </beans> <beans profile="cloud"> ... <cloud:rabbit-connection-factory id="rabbitConnectionFactory"/> </beans> 108
  • 109. Using Caldecott with RabbitMQ  Use for JUnit/Integration tests  Run RabbitMQ tools xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 109
  • 110. Summary  PaaS? Good.  Cloud Foundry? Good.  Spring? Good.  Cloud Foundry and Spring? Really good!  Home work: • Learn Spring: • Learn Spring Data • sign up for (free) Cloud Foundry at • Download the Cloud Foundry Micro Cloud 110
  • 111. @cloudfoundry @crichardson Questions? promo code EgyptJUG