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Building microservices with 
Scala, functional domain 
models and Spring Boot 
Chris Richardson 
Author of POJOs in Action 
Founder of the original 
Presentation goal 
Share my experiences with building an 
application using Scala, functional domain 
models, microservices, event sourcing, 
CQRS, and Spring Boot
About Chris
About Chris 
Founder of a buzzword compliant (stealthy, social, mobile, 
big data, machine learning, ...) startup 
Consultant helping organizations improve how they 
architect and deploy applications using cloud, micro 
services, polyglot applications, NoSQL, ...
Why build event-driven microservices? 
Overview of event sourcing 
Designing microservices with event sourcing 
Implementing queries in an event sourced application 
Building and deploying microservices
Let’s imagine that you are 
building a banking app...
Domain model 
Traditional application 
BanBaknikningg UI 
Simple to 
Spring MVC 
Problem #1: monolithic 
Intimidates developers 
Obstacle to frequent deployments 
Overloads your IDE and container 
Obstacle to scaling development 
Requires long-term commitment to a technology stack
Solution #1: use a microservice 
Banking UI 
Management Service 
Management Service 
Problem #2: relational 
Schema updates 
O/R impedance mismatch 
Handling semi-structured data
Solution #2: use NoSQL 
Avoids the limitations of RDBMS 
For example, 
text search ⇒ Solr/Cloud Search 
social (graph) data ⇒ Neo4J 
highly distributed/available database ⇒ Cassandra 
Different modules use 
different databases 
IEEE Software Sept/October 2010 - Debasish Ghosh / Twitter @debasishg
But now we have problems 
with data consistency! 
Problem #3: Microservices = 
distributed data management 
Each microservice has it’s own database 
Some data is replicated and must be kept in sync 
Business transactions must update data owned by 
multiple services 
Tricky to implement reliably without 2PC
Problem #4: NoSQL = 
ACID-free, denormalized databases 
Limited transactions, i.e. no ACID transactions 
Tricky to implement business transactions that update 
multiple rows, e.g. 
Limited querying capabilities 
Requires denormalized/materialized views that must be 
Multiple datastores (e.g. DynamoDB + Cloud Search ) 
that need to be kept in sync 
Solution to #3/#4: Event-based 
architecture to the rescue 
Microservices publish events when state changes 
Microservices subscribe to events 
Synchronize replicated data 
Maintains eventual consistency across multiple 
aggregates (in multiple datastores)
Eventually consistent money transfer 
MoneyTransferService AccountService 
Message Bus 
Subscribes to: Publishes: 
Subscribes to: 
To maintain consistency a service 
atomically publish an event 
a domain object changes
How to generate events 
Database triggers, Hibernate event listener, ... 
Reliable BUT 
Not with NoSQL 
Disconnected from the business level event 
Limited applicability 
Ad hoc event publishing code mixed into business logic 
Messy code, poor separation of concerns 
Unreliable, e.g. too easy to forget to publish an event
How to atomically update 
datastore and publish event(s) 
Use 2PC 
Database and message broker must support 2PC 
2PC is best avoided 
Use datastore as a message queue 
1. Update database: new entity state & event to publish 
2. Publish event & mark event as published 
Eventually consistent mechanism 
See BASE: An Acid Alternative, 
• Difficult to implement when using a NoSQL database :-(
Why build event-driven microservices? 
Overview of event sourcing 
Designing microservices with event sourcing 
Implementing queries in an event sourced application 
Building and deploying microservices
Event sourcing 
For each aggregate: 
Identify (state-changing) domain events 
Define Event classes 
For example, 
Account: AccountOpenedEvent, AccountDebitedEvent, 
ShoppingCart: ItemAddedEvent, ItemRemovedEvent, 
Persists events 
NOT current state 
Account X 
table 101 450 
Event table 
Replay events to recreate 
Aggregate traits 
Apply event returning 
updated Aggregate 
Map Command to Events
Account - command processing 
Account - applying events 
Request handling in an event-sourced application 
pastEvents = findEvents(entityId) 
newEvents = processCmd(SomeCmd) 
Microservice A
Event Store publishes events - 
consumed by other services 
Microservice B 
Persisting events 
Ideally use a cross platform format 
Use weak serialization: 
enables event evolution, eg. add memo field to transfer 
missing field ⇒ provide default value 
unknown field ⇒ ignore 
JSON is a good choice
Optimizing using snapshots 
Most aggregates have relatively few events 
BUT consider a 10-year old Account ⇒ many transactions 
Therefore, use snapshots: 
Periodically save snapshot of aggregate state 
Typically serialize memento of the aggregate 
Load latest snapshot + subsequent events 
Event Store API 
trait EventStore { 
def save[T <: Aggregate[T]](entity: T, events: Seq[Event], 
assignedId : Option[EntityId] = None): Future[EntityWithIdAndVersion[T]] 
def update[T <: Aggregate[T]](entityIdAndVersion : EntityIdAndVersion, 
entity: T, events: Seq[Event]): Future[EntityWithIdAndVersion[T]] 
def find[T <: Aggregate[T] : ClassTag](entityId: EntityId) : 
def findOptional[T <: Aggregate[T] : ClassTag](entityId: EntityId) 
def subscribe(subscriptionId: SubscriptionId): 
Business benefits of event 
Built-in, reliable audit log 
Enables temporal queries 
Publishes events needed by big data/predictive analytics 
Preserved history ⇒ More easily implement future 
Technical benefits of event 
Solves data consistency issues in a Microservice/NoSQL-based 
Atomically save and publish events 
Event subscribers update other aggregates ensuring 
eventual consistency 
Event subscribers update materialized views in SQL and 
NoSQL databases (more on that later) 
Eliminates O/R mapping problem
Drawbacks of event sourcing 
Weird and unfamiliar 
Events = a historical record of your bad design decisions 
Handling duplicate events can be tricky 
Application must handle eventually consistent data 
Event store only directly supports PK-based lookup (more 
on that later) 
Example of an eventual 
consistency problem 
1.Create the user 
2.Create shopping cart 
3.Update the user with the shopping cart’s id 
The user temporarily does not have a shopping cart id! 
Client might need to retry their request at a later point 
Server should return status code 418?? 
Handling duplicate messages 
Idempotent operations 
e.g. add item to shopping cart 
Duplicate detection: 
e.g. track most recently seen event and discard earlier 
Why build event-driven microservices? 
Overview of event sourcing 
Designing microservices with event sourcing 
Implementing queries in an event sourced application 
Building and deploying microservices
The anatomy of a microservice 
HTTP Request 
HTTP Adapter 
Xyz Request 
Xyz Adapter 
Event Adapter 
Event Store 
Asynchronous Spring MVC 
DSL concisely specifies: 
1.Creates MoneyTransfer aggregate 
2.Processes command 
3.Applies events 
4.Persists events
MoneyTransfer Aggregate
Handling events published 
by Accounts 
1.Load MoneyTransfer aggregate 
2.Processes command 
3.Applies events 
4.Persists events
Why build event-driven microservices? 
Overview of event sourcing 
Designing microservices with event sourcing 
Implementing queries in an event sourced application 
Building and deploying microservices
Let’s imagine that you want 
to display an account and it’s 
recent transactions... 
Displaying balance + recent 
credits and debits 
We need to do a “join: between the Account and the corresponding 
(Assuming Debit/Credit events don’t include other account, ...) 
Event Store = primary key lookup of individual aggregates, ... 
Use Command Query Responsibility Separation 
Define separate “materialized” query-side views that implement 
those queries
View Query 
Query-side microservices 
Updater - microservice 
View Updater 
Event Store 
Reader - microservice 
update query
Persisting account balance and 
recent transactions in MongoDB 
Transfers that update 
The sequence of 
debits and credits 
id: "298993498", 
balance: 100000, 
transfers : [ 
{"transferId" : "4552840948484", 
"fromAccountId" : 298993498, 
"toAccountId" : 3483948934, 
"amount" : 5000}, ... 
changes: [ 
the account 
{"changeId" : "93843948934", 
"transferId" : "4552840948484", 
"transactionType" : "AccountDebited", 
"amount" : 5000}, ... 
Denormalized = efficient lookup
duplicate event detection 
Updating MongoDB using 
Spring Data 
class AccountInfoUpdateService 
(mongoTemplate : MongoTemplate, ...) 
extends CompoundEventHandler { 
def recordDebit(de: DispatchedEvent[AccountDebitedEvent]) = { 
val ci = AccountChangeInfo(...) 
new Query(where("id").is("version").lt(changeId)), 
new Update(). 
dec("balance", amount). 
push("changes", ci). 
set("version", changeId), 
def recordTransfer(de: DispatchedEvent[MoneyTransferCreatedEvent]) = ... 
insert/In-place update 
updates to and from accounts
Retrieving account info from 
MongoDB using Spring Data 
class AccountInfoQueryService(accountInfoRepository : AccountInfoRepository) 
def findByAccountId(accountId : EntityId) : AccountInfo = 
case class AccountInfo(id : String, balance : Long, 
transactions : List[AccountTransactionInfo], 
changes : List[ChangeInfo], 
version : String) 
case class AccountTransactionInfo(changeId : String, 
transactionId : String, 
transactionType : String, 
amount : Long, balanceDelta : Long) 
trait AccountInfoRepository extends MongoRepository[AccountInfo, String] 
Implementation generated by Spring Data
Other kinds of views 
AWS Cloud Search 
Text search as-a-Service 
View updater batches aggregates to index 
View query does text search 
AWS DynamoDB 
NoSQL as-a-Service 
On-demand scalable - specify desired read/write capacity 
Document and key-value data models 
Useful for denormalized, UI oriented views
Dealing with eventually 
consistent views 
Client creates/updates aggregate 
Client requests view of aggregate 
But the view might not yet have been updated 
Create/Update response contains aggregate version 
Query request contains desired version 
“Fake it” in the UI until the view is updated
Why build event-driven microservices? 
Overview of event sourcing 
Designing microservices with event sourcing 
Implementing queries in an event sourced application 
Building and deploying microservices
Building microservices with 
Spring Boot 
Makes it easy to create stand-alone, production ready 
Spring Applications 
Automatically configures Spring using Convention over 
Externalizes configuration 
Generates standalone executable JARs with embedded 
web server 
Spring Boot simplifies configuration 
You write less Boot 
•Typesafe JavaConfig 
•Legacy XML 
of this 
Inferred from 
Tiny Spring configuration for 
Account microservice 
Scan for controllers 
class AccountConfiguration { 
def accountService(eventStore : EventStore) = 
new AccountService(eventStore) 
def accountEventHandlers(eventStore : EventStore) = 
eventStore, "accountEventHandlers", 
new TransferWorkflowAccountHandlers(eventStore)) 
def scalaObjectMapper() = ScalaObjectMapper 
Event handlers 
Customize JSON serialization
The Main program 
object BankingMain extends App {[AccountConfiguration], args :_ *) 
Building with Gradle 
buildscript { 
repositories { 
dependencies { 
apply plugin: 'scala' 
apply plugin: 'spring-boot' 
Command line arg processing 
Running the microservice 
$ java -jar build/libs/banking-main-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8081 
11:38:04.633 INFO$ - Started 
BankingMain. in 8.811 seconds (JVM running for 9.884) 
$ curl localhost:8081/health 
Built in health checks
NodeJS-based API gateway 
Small footprint 
Efficient, event-driven I/O 
Availability of modules: express, request, googleapis, ... 
Routes requests to the appropriate backend service based 
on URL prefix 
Handles Google/OAuth-based authentication 
Jenkins-based deployment 
Build & Test 
Build & Test 
to registry 
One pipeline per micro-service
Production environment 
EC2 instance running Docker 
Deployment tool: 
1.Compares running containers with what’s been built by 
2.Pulls latest images from Docker registry 
3.Stops old versions 
4.Launches new versions
Event Sourcing solves key data consistency issues with: 
Partitioned/NoSQL databases 
Spring and Scala play nicely together 
Spring Boot makes it very easily to build production ready 
NodeJS is useful for building network-centric services

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Microservices and Redis #redisconf Keynote
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Handling Eventual Consistency in JVM Microservices with Event Sourcing (javao...

Semelhante a #JaxLondon: Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot

Events on the outside, on the inside and at the core - Chris Richardson
Events on the outside, on the inside and at the core - Chris RichardsonEvents on the outside, on the inside and at the core - Chris Richardson
Events on the outside, on the inside and at the core - Chris RichardsonJAXLondon_Conference
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...
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Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...Docker, Inc.
SVCC Developing Asynchronous, Message-Driven Microservices
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Solving distributed data management problems in a microservice architecture (...
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YOW2018 - Events and Commands: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
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OReilly SACON2018 - Events on the outside, on the inside, and at the core
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OReilly SACON2018 - Events on the outside, on the inside, and at the coreChris Richardson
Mucon: Not Just Events: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
Mucon: Not Just Events: Developing Asynchronous MicroservicesMucon: Not Just Events: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
Mucon: Not Just Events: Developing Asynchronous MicroservicesChris Richardson
Event driven architecure
Event driven architecureEvent driven architecure
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An overview of the Eventuate Platform
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Event Driven Architecture with a RESTful Microservices Architecture (Kyle Ben...
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Event Driven Architecture with a RESTful Microservices Architecture (Kyle Ben...confluent
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Keep Your Code Low, Low, Low, Low, Low: Getting to Digitally Driven With Orac...Jim Czuprynski
Stephane Lapointe, Frank Boucher & Alexandre Brisebois: Les micro-services et...
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Stephane Lapointe, Frank Boucher & Alexandre Brisebois: Les micro-services et...MSDEVMTL
[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습
[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습
[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습Oracle Korea
CQRS and Event Sourcing
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CQRS and Event Sourcing Inho Kang
Building event-driven Serverless Apps with Azure Functions and Azure Cosmos DB
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Building event-driven Serverless Apps with Azure Functions and Azure Cosmos DBMicrosoft Tech Community

Semelhante a #JaxLondon: Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot (18)

Events on the outside, on the inside and at the core - Chris Richardson
Events on the outside, on the inside and at the core - Chris RichardsonEvents on the outside, on the inside and at the core - Chris Richardson
Events on the outside, on the inside and at the core - Chris Richardson
Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...
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Microservices + Events + Docker = A Perfect Trio by Docker Captain Chris Rich...
SVCC Developing Asynchronous, Message-Driven Microservices
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SVCC Developing Asynchronous, Message-Driven Microservices
Solving distributed data management problems in a microservice architecture (...
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Solving distributed data management problems in a microservice architecture (...
YOW2018 - Events and Commands: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
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OReilly SACON2018 - Events on the outside, on the inside, and at the core
OReilly SACON2018 - Events on the outside, on the inside, and at the coreOReilly SACON2018 - Events on the outside, on the inside, and at the core
OReilly SACON2018 - Events on the outside, on the inside, and at the core
Mucon: Not Just Events: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
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Mucon: Not Just Events: Developing Asynchronous Microservices
Event driven architecure
Event driven architecureEvent driven architecure
Event driven architecure
Real-Time Event Processing
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Real-Time Event Processing
Siddhi - cloud-native stream processor
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An overview of the Eventuate Platform
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An overview of the Eventuate Platform
Event Driven Architecture with a RESTful Microservices Architecture (Kyle Ben...
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(MBL305) You Have Data from the Devices, Now What?: Getting the Value of the IoT
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(MBL305) You Have Data from the Devices, Now What?: Getting the Value of the IoT
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Stephane Lapointe, Frank Boucher & Alexandre Brisebois: Les micro-services et...
Stephane Lapointe, Frank Boucher & Alexandre Brisebois: Les micro-services et...Stephane Lapointe, Frank Boucher & Alexandre Brisebois: Les micro-services et...
Stephane Lapointe, Frank Boucher & Alexandre Brisebois: Les micro-services et...
[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습
[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습
[Hands-on] CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation) 와 Event Sourcing 패턴 실습
CQRS and Event Sourcing
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CQRS and Event Sourcing
Building event-driven Serverless Apps with Azure Functions and Azure Cosmos DB
Building event-driven Serverless Apps with Azure Functions and Azure Cosmos DBBuilding event-driven Serverless Apps with Azure Functions and Azure Cosmos DB
Building event-driven Serverless Apps with Azure Functions and Azure Cosmos DB

Mais de Chris Richardson

The microservice architecture: what, why, when and how?
The microservice architecture: what, why, when and how?The microservice architecture: what, why, when and how?
The microservice architecture: what, why, when and how?Chris Richardson
More the merrier: a microservices anti-pattern
More the merrier: a microservices anti-patternMore the merrier: a microservices anti-pattern
More the merrier: a microservices anti-patternChris Richardson
YOW London - Considering Migrating a Monolith to Microservices? A Dark Energy...
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YOW London - Considering Migrating a Monolith to Microservices? A Dark Energy...Chris Richardson
Dark Energy, Dark Matter and the Microservices Patterns?!
Dark Energy, Dark Matter and the Microservices Patterns?!Dark Energy, Dark Matter and the Microservices Patterns?!
Dark Energy, Dark Matter and the Microservices Patterns?!Chris Richardson
Dark energy, dark matter and microservice architecture collaboration patterns
Dark energy, dark matter and microservice architecture collaboration patternsDark energy, dark matter and microservice architecture collaboration patterns
Dark energy, dark matter and microservice architecture collaboration patternsChris Richardson
Scenarios_and_Architecture_SkillsMatter_April_2022.pdfChris Richardson
Using patterns and pattern languages to make better architectural decisions
Using patterns and pattern languages to make better architectural decisions Using patterns and pattern languages to make better architectural decisions
Using patterns and pattern languages to make better architectural decisions Chris Richardson
iSAQB gathering 2021 keynote - Architectural patterns for rapid, reliable, fr...
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iSAQB gathering 2021 keynote - Architectural patterns for rapid, reliable, fr...Chris Richardson
Events to the rescue: solving distributed data problems in a microservice arc...
Events to the rescue: solving distributed data problems in a microservice arc...Events to the rescue: solving distributed data problems in a microservice arc...
Events to the rescue: solving distributed data problems in a microservice arc...Chris Richardson
A pattern language for microservices - June 2021
A pattern language for microservices - June 2021 A pattern language for microservices - June 2021
A pattern language for microservices - June 2021 Chris Richardson
QConPlus 2021: Minimizing Design Time Coupling in a Microservice Architecture
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Mucon 2021 - Dark energy, dark matter: imperfect metaphors for designing micr...
Mucon 2021 - Dark energy, dark matter: imperfect metaphors for designing micr...Mucon 2021 - Dark energy, dark matter: imperfect metaphors for designing micr...
Mucon 2021 - Dark energy, dark matter: imperfect metaphors for designing micr...Chris Richardson
Designing loosely coupled services
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Designing loosely coupled servicesChris Richardson
Microservices - an architecture that enables DevOps (T Systems DevOps day)
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Microservices - an architecture that enables DevOps (T Systems DevOps day)Chris Richardson
DDD SoCal: Decompose your monolith: Ten principles for refactoring a monolith...
DDD SoCal: Decompose your monolith: Ten principles for refactoring a monolith...DDD SoCal: Decompose your monolith: Ten principles for refactoring a monolith...
DDD SoCal: Decompose your monolith: Ten principles for refactoring a monolith...Chris Richardson
Decompose your monolith: Six principles for refactoring a monolith to microse...
Decompose your monolith: Six principles for refactoring a monolith to microse...Decompose your monolith: Six principles for refactoring a monolith to microse...
Decompose your monolith: Six principles for refactoring a monolith to microse...Chris Richardson
TDC2020 - The microservice architecture: enabling rapid, reliable, frequent a...
TDC2020 - The microservice architecture: enabling rapid, reliable, frequent a...TDC2020 - The microservice architecture: enabling rapid, reliable, frequent a...
TDC2020 - The microservice architecture: enabling rapid, reliable, frequent a...Chris Richardson
Overview of the Eventuate Tram Customers and Orders application
Overview of the Eventuate Tram Customers and Orders applicationOverview of the Eventuate Tram Customers and Orders application
Overview of the Eventuate Tram Customers and Orders applicationChris Richardson
#DevNexus202 Decompose your monolith
#DevNexus202 Decompose your monolith#DevNexus202 Decompose your monolith
#DevNexus202 Decompose your monolithChris Richardson
JFokus: Cubes, Hexagons, Triangles, and More: Understanding Microservices
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JFokus: Cubes, Hexagons, Triangles, and More: Understanding MicroservicesChris Richardson

Mais de Chris Richardson (20)

The microservice architecture: what, why, when and how?
The microservice architecture: what, why, when and how?The microservice architecture: what, why, when and how?
The microservice architecture: what, why, when and how?
More the merrier: a microservices anti-pattern
More the merrier: a microservices anti-patternMore the merrier: a microservices anti-pattern
More the merrier: a microservices anti-pattern
YOW London - Considering Migrating a Monolith to Microservices? A Dark Energy...
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Dark Energy, Dark Matter and the Microservices Patterns?!
Dark Energy, Dark Matter and the Microservices Patterns?!Dark Energy, Dark Matter and the Microservices Patterns?!
Dark Energy, Dark Matter and the Microservices Patterns?!
Dark energy, dark matter and microservice architecture collaboration patterns
Dark energy, dark matter and microservice architecture collaboration patternsDark energy, dark matter and microservice architecture collaboration patterns
Dark energy, dark matter and microservice architecture collaboration patterns
Using patterns and pattern languages to make better architectural decisions
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Using patterns and pattern languages to make better architectural decisions
iSAQB gathering 2021 keynote - Architectural patterns for rapid, reliable, fr...
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iSAQB gathering 2021 keynote - Architectural patterns for rapid, reliable, fr...
Events to the rescue: solving distributed data problems in a microservice arc...
Events to the rescue: solving distributed data problems in a microservice arc...Events to the rescue: solving distributed data problems in a microservice arc...
Events to the rescue: solving distributed data problems in a microservice arc...
A pattern language for microservices - June 2021
A pattern language for microservices - June 2021 A pattern language for microservices - June 2021
A pattern language for microservices - June 2021
QConPlus 2021: Minimizing Design Time Coupling in a Microservice Architecture
QConPlus 2021: Minimizing Design Time Coupling in a Microservice ArchitectureQConPlus 2021: Minimizing Design Time Coupling in a Microservice Architecture
QConPlus 2021: Minimizing Design Time Coupling in a Microservice Architecture
Mucon 2021 - Dark energy, dark matter: imperfect metaphors for designing micr...
Mucon 2021 - Dark energy, dark matter: imperfect metaphors for designing micr...Mucon 2021 - Dark energy, dark matter: imperfect metaphors for designing micr...
Mucon 2021 - Dark energy, dark matter: imperfect metaphors for designing micr...
Designing loosely coupled services
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Designing loosely coupled services
Microservices - an architecture that enables DevOps (T Systems DevOps day)
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Microservices - an architecture that enables DevOps (T Systems DevOps day)
DDD SoCal: Decompose your monolith: Ten principles for refactoring a monolith...
DDD SoCal: Decompose your monolith: Ten principles for refactoring a monolith...DDD SoCal: Decompose your monolith: Ten principles for refactoring a monolith...
DDD SoCal: Decompose your monolith: Ten principles for refactoring a monolith...
Decompose your monolith: Six principles for refactoring a monolith to microse...
Decompose your monolith: Six principles for refactoring a monolith to microse...Decompose your monolith: Six principles for refactoring a monolith to microse...
Decompose your monolith: Six principles for refactoring a monolith to microse...
TDC2020 - The microservice architecture: enabling rapid, reliable, frequent a...
TDC2020 - The microservice architecture: enabling rapid, reliable, frequent a...TDC2020 - The microservice architecture: enabling rapid, reliable, frequent a...
TDC2020 - The microservice architecture: enabling rapid, reliable, frequent a...
Overview of the Eventuate Tram Customers and Orders application
Overview of the Eventuate Tram Customers and Orders applicationOverview of the Eventuate Tram Customers and Orders application
Overview of the Eventuate Tram Customers and Orders application
#DevNexus202 Decompose your monolith
#DevNexus202 Decompose your monolith#DevNexus202 Decompose your monolith
#DevNexus202 Decompose your monolith
JFokus: Cubes, Hexagons, Triangles, and More: Understanding Microservices
JFokus: Cubes, Hexagons, Triangles, and More: Understanding MicroservicesJFokus: Cubes, Hexagons, Triangles, and More: Understanding Microservices
JFokus: Cubes, Hexagons, Triangles, and More: Understanding Microservices


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Último (20)

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#JaxLondon: Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot

  • 1. @crichardson Building microservices with Scala, functional domain models and Spring Boot Chris Richardson Author of POJOs in Action Founder of the original @crichardson
  • 2. @crichardson Presentation goal Share my experiences with building an application using Scala, functional domain models, microservices, event sourcing, CQRS, and Spring Boot
  • 4. @crichardson About Chris Founder of a buzzword compliant (stealthy, social, mobile, big data, machine learning, ...) startup Consultant helping organizations improve how they architect and deploy applications using cloud, micro services, polyglot applications, NoSQL, ...
  • 5. @crichardson Agenda Why build event-driven microservices? Overview of event sourcing Designing microservices with event sourcing Implementing queries in an event sourced application Building and deploying microservices
  • 6. @crichardson Let’s imagine that you are building a banking app...
  • 7. @crichardson Domain model Account balance open(initialBalance) debit(amount) credit(amount) MoneyTransfer fromAccountId toAccountId amount
  • 8. @crichardson Traditional application architecture BanBaknikningg UI Accounts Transfers Tomcat Browser/ Client WAR/EAR RDBMS Customers Simple to develop test deploy Load balancer scale Spring MVC Spring Hibernate ... HTML REST/JSON
  • 9. @crichardson Problem #1: monolithic architecture Intimidates developers Obstacle to frequent deployments Overloads your IDE and container Obstacle to scaling development Requires long-term commitment to a technology stack
  • 10. Standalone services @crichardson Solution #1: use a microservice architecture Banking UI Account Management Service Transaction Management Service Account Database Transaction Database
  • 11. @crichardson Problem #2: relational databases Scalability Distribution Schema updates O/R impedance mismatch Handling semi-structured data
  • 12. @crichardson Solution #2: use NoSQL databases Avoids the limitations of RDBMS For example, text search ⇒ Solr/Cloud Search social (graph) data ⇒ Neo4J highly distributed/available database ⇒ Cassandra ...
  • 13. @crichardson Different modules use different databases IEEE Software Sept/October 2010 - Debasish Ghosh / Twitter @debasishg
  • 14. But now we have problems with data consistency! @crichardson
  • 15. Problem #3: Microservices = distributed data management @crichardson Each microservice has it’s own database Some data is replicated and must be kept in sync Business transactions must update data owned by multiple services Tricky to implement reliably without 2PC
  • 16. Problem #4: NoSQL = ACID-free, denormalized databases Limited transactions, i.e. no ACID transactions Tricky to implement business transactions that update multiple rows, e.g. Limited querying capabilities Requires denormalized/materialized views that must be synchronized Multiple datastores (e.g. DynamoDB + Cloud Search ) that need to be kept in sync @crichardson
  • 17. Solution to #3/#4: Event-based architecture to the rescue @crichardson Microservices publish events when state changes Microservices subscribe to events Synchronize replicated data Maintains eventual consistency across multiple aggregates (in multiple datastores)
  • 18. Eventually consistent money transfer MoneyTransferService AccountService @crichardson Message Bus transferMoney() Subscribes to: Publishes: Subscribes to: publishes: AccountDebitedEvent AccountCreditedEvent MoneyTransferCreatedEvent DebitRecordedEvent MoneyTransferCreatedEvent DebitRecordedEvent AccountDebitedEvent AccountCreditedEvent
  • 19. To maintain consistency a service @crichardson must atomically publish an event whenever a domain object changes
  • 20. @crichardson How to generate events reliably? Database triggers, Hibernate event listener, ... Reliable BUT Not with NoSQL Disconnected from the business level event Limited applicability Ad hoc event publishing code mixed into business logic Messy code, poor separation of concerns Unreliable, e.g. too easy to forget to publish an event
  • 21. How to atomically update datastore and publish event(s) Use 2PC @crichardson Database and message broker must support 2PC 2PC is best avoided Use datastore as a message queue 1. Update database: new entity state & event to publish 2. Publish event & mark event as published Eventually consistent mechanism See BASE: An Acid Alternative, • Difficult to implement when using a NoSQL database :-(
  • 22. @crichardson Agenda Why build event-driven microservices? Overview of event sourcing Designing microservices with event sourcing Implementing queries in an event sourced application Building and deploying microservices
  • 23. @crichardson Event sourcing For each aggregate: Identify (state-changing) domain events Define Event classes For example, Account: AccountOpenedEvent, AccountDebitedEvent, AccountCreditedEvent ShoppingCart: ItemAddedEvent, ItemRemovedEvent, OrderPlacedEvent
  • 24. @crichardson Persists events NOT current state Account balance open(initial) debit(amount) credit(amount) Account X table 101 450 Event table AccountOpened AccountCredited AccountDebited 101 101 101 901 902 903 500 250 300
  • 25. @crichardson Replay events to recreate state Account balance Events AccountOpenedEvent(balance) AccountDebitedEvent(amount) AccountCreditedEvent(amount)
  • 26. @crichardson Aggregate traits Apply event returning updated Aggregate Map Command to Events
  • 27. Account - command processing Prevent overdraft @crichardson
  • 28. @crichardson Account - applying events Immutable
  • 29. Request handling in an event-sourced application @crichardson HTTP Handler Event Store pastEvents = findEvents(entityId) Account new() applyEvents(pastEvents) newEvents = processCmd(SomeCmd) saveEvents(newEvents) Microservice A
  • 30. @crichardson Event Store publishes events - consumed by other services Event Store Microservice B Event Subscriber subscribe(EventTypes) publish(event) publish(event) Aggregate NoSQL materialized view update() update()
  • 31. @crichardson Persisting events Ideally use a cross platform format Use weak serialization: enables event evolution, eg. add memo field to transfer missing field ⇒ provide default value unknown field ⇒ ignore JSON is a good choice
  • 32. Optimizing using snapshots Most aggregates have relatively few events BUT consider a 10-year old Account ⇒ many transactions Therefore, use snapshots: Periodically save snapshot of aggregate state Typically serialize memento of the aggregate Load latest snapshot + subsequent events @crichardson
  • 33. @crichardson Event Store API trait EventStore { def save[T <: Aggregate[T]](entity: T, events: Seq[Event], assignedId : Option[EntityId] = None): Future[EntityWithIdAndVersion[T]] def update[T <: Aggregate[T]](entityIdAndVersion : EntityIdAndVersion, entity: T, events: Seq[Event]): Future[EntityWithIdAndVersion[T]] def find[T <: Aggregate[T] : ClassTag](entityId: EntityId) : Future[EntityWithIdAndVersion[T]] def findOptional[T <: Aggregate[T] : ClassTag](entityId: EntityId) Future[Option[EntityWithIdAndVersion[T]]] def subscribe(subscriptionId: SubscriptionId): Future[AcknowledgableEventStream] }
  • 34. @crichardson Business benefits of event sourcing Built-in, reliable audit log Enables temporal queries Publishes events needed by big data/predictive analytics etc. Preserved history ⇒ More easily implement future requirements
  • 35. Technical benefits of event sourcing Solves data consistency issues in a Microservice/NoSQL-based @crichardson architecture: Atomically save and publish events Event subscribers update other aggregates ensuring eventual consistency Event subscribers update materialized views in SQL and NoSQL databases (more on that later) Eliminates O/R mapping problem
  • 36. Drawbacks of event sourcing Weird and unfamiliar Events = a historical record of your bad design decisions Handling duplicate events can be tricky Application must handle eventually consistent data Event store only directly supports PK-based lookup (more on that later) @crichardson
  • 37. Example of an eventual consistency problem Scenario: 1.Create the user 2.Create shopping cart 3.Update the user with the shopping cart’s id The user temporarily does not have a shopping cart id! Client might need to retry their request at a later point Server should return status code 418?? @crichardson
  • 38. Handling duplicate messages Idempotent operations e.g. add item to shopping cart Duplicate detection: e.g. track most recently seen event and discard earlier ones @crichardson
  • 39. @crichardson Agenda Why build event-driven microservices? Overview of event sourcing Designing microservices with event sourcing Implementing queries in an event sourced application Building and deploying microservices
  • 40. The anatomy of a microservice @crichardson HTTP Request HTTP Adapter Cmd Xyz Request Aggregate Xyz Adapter Event Adapter Event Store Cmd Events Events microservice
  • 42. @crichardson MoneyTransferService DSL concisely specifies: 1.Creates MoneyTransfer aggregate 2.Processes command 3.Applies events 4.Persists events
  • 44. @crichardson Handling events published by Accounts 1.Load MoneyTransfer aggregate 2.Processes command 3.Applies events 4.Persists events
  • 45. @crichardson Agenda Why build event-driven microservices? Overview of event sourcing Designing microservices with event sourcing Implementing queries in an event sourced application Building and deploying microservices
  • 46. Let’s imagine that you want to display an account and it’s recent transactions... @crichardson
  • 47. Displaying balance + recent credits and debits We need to do a “join: between the Account and the corresponding MoneyTransfers (Assuming Debit/Credit events don’t include other account, ...) @crichardson BUT Event Store = primary key lookup of individual aggregates, ... ⇒ Use Command Query Responsibility Separation Define separate “materialized” query-side views that implement those queries
  • 48. HTTP GET Request View Query Service @crichardson Query-side microservices Updater - microservice View Updater Service Events Event Store Reader - microservice View Store e.g. MongoDB Neo4J CloudSearch update query
  • 49. Persisting account balance and recent transactions in MongoDB Transfers that update The sequence of debits and credits @crichardson { id: "298993498", balance: 100000, transfers : [ {"transferId" : "4552840948484", "fromAccountId" : 298993498, "toAccountId" : 3483948934, "amount" : 5000}, ... ], changes: [ the account {"changeId" : "93843948934", "transferId" : "4552840948484", "transactionType" : "AccountDebited", "amount" : 5000}, ... ] } Denormalized = efficient lookup
  • 50. duplicate event detection @crichardson Updating MongoDB using Spring Data class AccountInfoUpdateService (mongoTemplate : MongoTemplate, ...) extends CompoundEventHandler { @EventHandler def recordDebit(de: DispatchedEvent[AccountDebitedEvent]) = { ... val ci = AccountChangeInfo(...) mongoTemplate.updateMulti( new Query(where("id").is("version").lt(changeId)), new Update(). dec("balance", amount). push("changes", ci). set("version", changeId), classOf[AccountInfo]) } @EventHandler def recordTransfer(de: DispatchedEvent[MoneyTransferCreatedEvent]) = ... } insert/In-place update updates to and from accounts
  • 51. Retrieving account info from MongoDB using Spring Data class AccountInfoQueryService(accountInfoRepository : AccountInfoRepository) { @crichardson def findByAccountId(accountId : EntityId) : AccountInfo = accountInfoRepository.findOne( } case class AccountInfo(id : String, balance : Long, transactions : List[AccountTransactionInfo], changes : List[ChangeInfo], version : String) case class AccountTransactionInfo(changeId : String, transactionId : String, transactionType : String, amount : Long, balanceDelta : Long) trait AccountInfoRepository extends MongoRepository[AccountInfo, String] Implementation generated by Spring Data
  • 52. @crichardson Other kinds of views AWS Cloud Search Text search as-a-Service View updater batches aggregates to index View query does text search AWS DynamoDB NoSQL as-a-Service On-demand scalable - specify desired read/write capacity Document and key-value data models Useful for denormalized, UI oriented views
  • 53. @crichardson Dealing with eventually consistent views Scenario: Client creates/updates aggregate Client requests view of aggregate But the view might not yet have been updated Solution: Create/Update response contains aggregate version Query request contains desired version Alternatively: “Fake it” in the UI until the view is updated
  • 54. @crichardson Agenda Why build event-driven microservices? Overview of event sourcing Designing microservices with event sourcing Implementing queries in an event sourced application Building and deploying microservices
  • 55. Building microservices with Spring Boot Makes it easy to create stand-alone, production ready Spring Applications Automatically configures Spring using Convention over Configuration Externalizes configuration Generates standalone executable JARs with embedded web server @crichardson
  • 56. Spring Boot simplifies configuration Spring You write less Boot @crichardson Application components Spring Container Fully configured application Configuration Metadata •Typesafe JavaConfig •Annotations •Legacy XML Default Configuration Metadata of this Inferred from CLASSPATH
  • 57. Tiny Spring configuration for Account microservice Scan for controllers @crichardson @Configuration @EnableAutoConfiguration @Import(classOf[JdbcEventStoreConfiguration])) @ComponentScan class AccountConfiguration { @Bean def accountService(eventStore : EventStore) = new AccountService(eventStore) @Bean def accountEventHandlers(eventStore : EventStore) = EventHandlerRegistrar.makeFromCompoundEventHandler( eventStore, "accountEventHandlers", new TransferWorkflowAccountHandlers(eventStore)) @Bean @Primary def scalaObjectMapper() = ScalaObjectMapper } Service Event handlers Customize JSON serialization
  • 58. @crichardson The Main program object BankingMain extends App {[AccountConfiguration], args :_ *) }
  • 59. @crichardson Building with Gradle buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin:1.0.0.RELEASE") } } apply plugin: 'scala' apply plugin: 'spring-boot' ...
  • 60. Command line arg processing @crichardson Running the microservice $ java -jar build/libs/banking-main-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8081 ... 11:38:04.633 INFO$ - Started BankingMain. in 8.811 seconds (JVM running for 9.884) $ curl localhost:8081/health {"status":"UP", "mongo":{"status":"UP","version":"2.4.10"}, "db":{"status":"UP","database":"H2","hello":1} } Built in health checks
  • 61. NodeJS-based API gateway Motivations Small footprint Efficient, event-driven I/O Availability of modules: express, request, googleapis, ... Routes requests to the appropriate backend service based on URL prefix Handles Google/OAuth-based authentication @crichardson
  • 62. @crichardson Jenkins-based deployment pipeline Build & Test micro-service Build & Test Docker image Deploy Docker image to registry One pipeline per micro-service
  • 63. @crichardson Production environment EC2 instance running Docker Deployment tool: 1.Compares running containers with what’s been built by Jenkins 2.Pulls latest images from Docker registry 3.Stops old versions 4.Launches new versions
  • 64. @crichardson Summary Event Sourcing solves key data consistency issues with: Microservices Partitioned/NoSQL databases Spring and Scala play nicely together Spring Boot makes it very easily to build production ready microservices NodeJS is useful for building network-centric services
  • 65. @crichardson @crichardson Questions?