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Beyond 2012 in the Cosmic Cycles of Time
The Secret Calendar Codes
Part 7
Want a Future?
Do Something
About It.
Beyond 2012 in the Cosmic Cycles of Time
The Secret Calendar Codes
Caterina Schiavone
All rights reserved
“An astonishing and beautiful book that
challenges our deepest assumptions
about TIME, and shows how to blend
ancient wisdom into modern life.”
What do the ancient calendars, prophecies, modern scientists,
spiritual leaders and mystics all tell us about this amazing TIME?
They say humanity is at a critical mass turning point.
As change continues to accelerate, we are offered a choice
and a quantum leap into the unknown.
Page 3
They say “NOW is the TIME.”
Page 4
How to Read this Book
This book is a fresh view of reality. I invite you to read it
slowly one page at a time. Take it slowly and read it in bits as
there is much new information. Absorb each concept into
your body and heart, and notice how you feel. The book
draws together many diverse threads. To see the whole
picture clearly it is best to view each slide in order to the end.
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list of links and books. Click Previous page to return to the book.
Contact Caterina:
Read the book slowly,
one page at a time.
Part 1. What is Time?
1. NOW is the TIME
2. The Easy Concepts of TIME
3. The Great Year is Earth’s 25,800 Year Cycle
Part 2. Where Did Our Calendar Come From?
4. The Sumerian Calendars: Roots of our Modern Calendar
5. The Greek Calendars and Unified Field Theory
6. The Roman Calendars Define our Concept of Time
Part 3. What do the Ancient Calendars tell us about our Times?
7. Ancient Calendars: Hindu, Chinese, Tibetan, Prehistoric
8. The Egyptian Calendars: Decoding the Secrets
Part 4. What do the Inca, Hopi and Mayan Calendar Say?
9. The Indigenous Calendars: The Inca and Hopi Prophecies
10. The Mayan Calendar: The Most Accurate & Complex on Earth
Part 5. What Do Modern Science & Religion Say About Our Times?
11. Quantum Science is Changing our View of Time .
12. Surprising Discoveries in Space and on Earth
13. Lost Knowledge, Gaps and Missing Links in Time.
Part 6. What Does it All Mean?
14. What do Religious and Spiritual Leaders Say about our TIMES?
15. Multi-Dimensional Reality and the Illusion of TIME
16. Mystics and Channels Speak about our TIMES .
17. Now is the TIME to Bring into Light What We Prefer Not to See
Part 7. Want a Future? Do Something About It.
18. We Can Conquer Fear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
19. What’s Your Choice? Ascension, Rapture, Armageddon, Business as usual? . . 39 Page 5
Table of Contents
Page 6
A Passion for Truth Guides this Book.
This book connects threads of information
in a new way. It is the result of immense research
from books, online and channeled sources.
“The light is the only
thread to follow.”
Helen Keller
This book assembles the
pieces of a puzzle to form
an integrated world view.
If you are used to relying on public media for information,
much of this material will be new to you. I suggest you
allow your body and heart to absorb each concept slowly
one page at a time, noticing how you feel.
If you observe that your mind, body or heart are closed,
then put the book down. It is better that you pick it up
another time when you are more open.
I do not ask that you believe all that is suggested on these
pages, but that you consider the possibility of its truth.
I hope this information helps you connect
your own threads in a new way.
Is TIME Accelerating?
•What’s happening NOW in the cosmic cycles of TIME?
•What do the ancient calendars, prophecies, modern scientists, spiritual leaders
and mystics say about our current TIME?
•What secrets do the oldest writings and symbols tell us now?
•What does the new quantum physics have in common with ancient calendars?
•What does NASA say about changes on the Earth and in space?
•What is behind the power struggles and polarization we see around us?
•Where did our calendar come from?
•How does our modern calendar separate us from the harmony in Nature?
•Is TIME accelerating? What does this mean in our lives?
•If our ancestors had advanced math and astronomy 10,000 - 75,000 years ago,
how old is civilization?
Page 7
What Do the Calendars Tell Us?
We Have Many Questions.
How can we prepare for
Earth energetic changes?
What is essential about 2012
and the Mayan Calendar?
Page 8
This Book Proposes:
1. The ancient calendars tell us our human heritage is much older and more diverse
than we have been taught. A vast body of knowledge is coming into our
awareness. We give it names like new age and quantum physics, but it is actually
very old, and has been lost, forgotten or hidden for a long time.
2. Right now energetic forces in the galaxy and our sun are heating things up in our
entire solar system, including Earth. There is growing awareness, excitement and
polarization on the planet. This period is a growing shift in global awareness that
will show the way for future of the Earth and humanity.
3. The first calendar inventor, Hermes, said “As above, so below”. This means the
universe is holographic. In other words, the universe is infinitely small and the
infinitely large, and these two infinities are connected within us.
4. Time, and the world we perceive with our five senses are a small reflection of an
infinite world we cannot see. To observe the whole picture we need to move
beyond the basic five senses to a larger multi-dimensional reality.
5. We always have a choice in how we respond to new information:
Selfish vs. Service Fear or Love. Closed or Open. Me or We.
What are the undiscovered secrets
of the ancient world? What messages
are encoded in the stones and symbols?
What do they tell us?
Our Modern Age represents great material
and electronic advancements. We also create
war, disease, planetary destruction and
confusing priorities. How advanced is that?
Modern? or Ancient?
Page 9
What is the Most Advanced Civilization of all TIME?
much more advanced than our ancestors.
The ancient calendars point to highly sophisticated civilizations,
math and astronomy. Our ancestors were wise, and
they understood their place in the cosmos.
Much has been forgotten or lost.
Now is the time to rediscover the truth.
Scientists, spiritual leaders and mystics have much to offer us now.
How will we integrate modern truths into the ancient wisdom,
begin to live in harmony with Nature
and join the quantum world of life that is all around us?
An electro-magnetic grid links
Earth’s ancient calendar stones?
Page 10
We Presume that We are the Pinnacle of Civilization,
The oldest written calendar points
to an advanced culture in Egypt?
The Hindu calendar tracks a cycle
of civilization every 25,714 Years?
Hi! I’m Max
I have a question.
What’s going on
now in the cosmic
cycles of time?
The Cartwheel Galaxy, c. 500 million light-years
from Earth, is considered "one of the most
complicated structures still awaiting an
explanation in stellar dynamics."
Page 11
Part 7.
Want a Future?
Do Something About It.
Page 12
Page 13
Chapter 18:
We Can Conquer Fear.
"I learned that courage was
not the absence of fear,
but the triumph over it.
The brave man is not he who
does not feel afraid, but he
who conquers that fear."
Nelson Mandela
Page 14
True Risk is a Catalyst for Quantum Growth.
“True risk is that sudden leap into cold water,
that can carry you into a state of grace.
Coincidences, synchronicity,
chance, karmic charm…”
“A positive force intervenes to cover your
back. Things click. It makes sense, because
true risk is the only thing that forces
spiritual and emotional growth
so immediately, so dramatically.”
Step off and fly!
Come to the Edge.
A Window of Opportunity.
Do we each create our own
world and then become
trapped in our own illusion?
In the movie “A Beautiful Mind”
Russell Crowe is deceived by his own
self-created ‘illusory’ reality.
Page 15
How Can We See Beyond the Illusion of TIME?
going on?
I don’t want to
be a Fairy Tale. Can
we wake up now?
Yes we can!
To see beyond this limited
reality, we must learn to
harmonize our thoughts and
emotions. They are the language
that programs our universe, and
WE are the creators.
Learn More
We create everything that we experience, from the inside out.
We literally ‘transmit’ our own reality.
Page 16
When we expand our reality,
we have just outgrown a particular box.
How does it feel to be free?
Page 17
A Balanced Brain is Wise.
Activities that Balance Left & Right Brain are
Yoga, Tai chi, Meditation, Qi gong, Non-violent
martial arts, Healthy sex, Relaxed walking...
The Left Brain
Science & Math
The Right Brain
Holistic thinking
Art & Music
“What will
happen to ME?”
“WE are all
Which Brain is Dominant?
Left or Right?
ME or WE?
Page 18
No time
for Fear
Evolving as Humans Means We Only Have Time for Love
As we make our choices in every
moment, we can observe ourselves and
others. We simply move our thoughts
and actions out of fear and into love.
Page 19
. Page 20
Our Collective Beliefs Are Powerful.
In this Tug of War, which vibration is winning? Fear or Love?
Love &
We have
a problem
Our thoughts literally shape physical matter around us. Fear has a very slow
vibration, distinct from its opposite emotion, Love. We should be very careful
about how we think about our future. If we project fear, our reality will
reflect it. Every thought is a spider spinning a web, and grows to become real.
Page 21
What if Our Thoughts Choose the Earth’s Future Every Moment?
No one knows what the future holds. We
DO know we manifest our shared thoughts.
When all our thoughts are aligned with the
common good, change is easy. We can
create the desired outcome with our
thoughts and vibration level. Are we ready?
“Somehow everything works out.
I don't know how. It's a mystery.”
The entire solar system and galaxy have a role.
When a dynamic shift takes place in all dimensions
at once, some people will be aware of the
significance of the change, and others not.
It may be that your mission is to help create a bridge
to higher dimensions right here on Earth, so that
when the change comes, it will be easy for all, with
no shock, upheaval, death or despair. If so, find
ways to raise your level of vibration and joy right
now. Meditation is most useful. Live in harmony
with yourself, others and the Earth. Learn about the
truth. Follow the threads of light in yourself.
Follow your intuition. Trust yourself.
Do not succumb to fear.
Put your life in order. Purify your mind and
emotions so you can face the truth in that moment.
The End Result is Our Choice.
We are a tiny part of a larger cosmos.
Page 22
Is This a Battle Between Dark and Light in Hyper-Space?
There is much that does not meet the eye.
Perhaps an inspired science-fiction thriller can best illustrate the
exciting events now unfolding in our multi-dimensional world.
Let this gripping story spark your imagination:
Like an iceberg, we can
see only a small fraction
of the whole picture.
Entangled, a new novel By Graham Hancock:
When a drug overdose causes Leoni, a troubled teen from Los
Angeles, to have a near-death experience, her soul is flung
into a parallel time 24,000 years in the past.
There her fate becomes entangled with Ria, a young Stone
Age woman fighting for her life against the evil Sulpa, a
powerful demon determined to destroy humanity.
As the invaders annihilate Ria's people, Sulpa moves closer to
his ultimate goal: to travel to the 21st century and rule all of
mankind in perpetual slavery.
The hour is late and all seems lost. But there is still hope, if
Leoni and Ria can meet outside Earth-time. They venture into
regions of wonder, master their deepest fears, and fight
battles they could never have prepared for, if Sulpa is to be
defeated... Find Book View Trailer Page 23
Entangled, a new novel
By Graham Hancock:
Truth is Always Stranger Than Fiction.
“There is no battle between good and
evil or between light and dark.
There is only power, the right use of
power and the abuse of power.”
“It is only through the sustained right use of power
that we begin to have the quality of experiences needed
to open our minds to a way of living that is based on the
energetic reality of intimate interconnectedness
and the necessity of diversity to sustain life.”
Page 24
Good Versus Evil Makes a Compelling Story
“The only battle is with the Self to grow up
and sustain the right use of power.
That is the only battle there has ever been.”
Christina Pratt, Shamanic Teacher,
Good versus Evil…
Higher Reality is beyond Good and Evil.
It is about embracing diversity,
And the unity of all life.
…makes a compelling story.
But Higher Reality is Beyond Good and Evil.
Life is a Simple Choice:
Service to the Self or Service to the All.
According to the Law of One, we have free will in our choices. There is no judgment
or concept of good or evil. All beings are free to ascend through the seven levels.
The path of Service to the All goes all the way up to the top 7th dimension.
But the path of Service to the Self reaches a ‘dead end’ at the 4th dimension, and
can’t go up any further without moving to the other path.
Read More in the Law of One books:
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Page 25
Me or We?
I will meet you there.”
Page 26
“There is a place
beyond right and wrong,
"We have two choices: Blame the world,
or take responsibility for our reactions,
and change our emotional climate.“
Doc Childre, HeartMath Solution
“It is our hidden emotions that turn TIME
into an opponent and make life a rat race.
Managing time with the heart is the
ultimate time management tool.
Doc Childre, Founder, Learn More
Page 27
How to Cope with Accelerating TIME and Stress.
Why is the heart called the ‘second brain’?
The heart’s ‘intelligence’ is in its 40,000 neurons and in the intuitive signals it
sends, such as feelings of love, happiness and appreciation. Positive emotions change
patterns in the nervous system. The HeartMath Solution outlines 10 steps for
harnessing the heart's intelligence to manage emotions and reduce stress. Learn
Opt out of stress.
“Your vision will become clear only
when you look into your heart ...
Who looks outside, dreams.
Who looks inside, awakens.”
Carl Jung
The Heart is Infinitely More Powerful than the Mind.
Page 28
2. Empower your idea in your heart. The heart is our most
powerful force that speaks loud and clear. Explore the idea in
your heart. Is your idea good for ALL of life? How will you FEEL
when that idea is realized? When we feel a big YES
resonance, then the most powerful force of heart and spirit is
behind us.
According to the Law of Attraction, the Universe responds to a thought by bringing
it into form. But of hundreds of thoughts, what makes certain thoughts manifest?
1. Have an idea. Luckily the Universe doesn’t respond to every
thought. A brain-thought may be rational and logical. But this
is not the language of the universe, and it will not hear you.
When your heart is activated,
your intentions are filled with power,
and the universe responds immediately.
Page 29
The Secret: Activate Intentions with Heart Power.
Find ”The Secret” Movie
”The Secret” Book,
The Science of Energy Healing
1. Have an Idea
2. Empower it in your heart.
Page 30
Awareness Requires a Clear Mind and Body.
Self-Care is essential to balance and
raise our vibration in a chaotic world.
Now is the TIME to harmonize our bodies to the
changing energetic qualities in the Earth, to notice
them and be able to make fine adjustments.
When the Body-Mind-Consciousness is in tune,
everything clicks. But when our body, mind and
emotions are challenged, how can we restore
balance? How can we find and maintain a
flexible equilibrium, when chaos and upheaval
are all around us? This is our challenge.
Feeling great is worth cultivating.
How can we raise our vibration level, sensitize
ourselves to feel energy shifts around us, and
balance the body without medical intervention?
Page 31
The Energy Body is the Root of Health.
Recommended Energetic Healing Systems for balancing:
• Body Talk
• Shamanic Healing
• Acupuncture
•Cranial Sacral Therapy
• EFT-Emotional Freedom Technique
• SQUID "Superconducting Quantum Interference device"
• Reiki -
• EMF Balancing
• Certified PSYCH-K Healthcare
• Clinical Hypnotherapy and Regression Therapy
While all healing systems are useful, modern science shows that the energy body is
the foundation of health. If this is true, then it follows that we can optimize health by
addressing the electro-magnetic connections that are at the root of healthy vibration
or disease. When we release old beliefs and negative thoughts, balance toxins, and
reframe the energetic system, our bodies can once again find a higher ground of
stability and balance.
The Energy Body is the
foundation of health.
Page 32
Tools for Expanding Awareness
Basic Tools for Healing
& Self-Awareness
Are my intentions clear?
Am I in right relationship?
Monitor my thoughts.
Notice my vibration now.
Notice what kind of experiences
I am attracting right now.
Watch vibration of people around me.
Drink pure water
Eat more high vibration foods:
(Fresh fruits and vegetables)
Eat less low vibration foods:
(Sugars, animal products, refined flours, caffeine)
Plenty of Rest & deep sleep.
Dis-ease is an invitation to heal.
Be aware we may see some strange
behaviors as shifts take place in people.
Best Daily Self Healing Techniques;
Qi gong, Yoga, Tai
chi, Meditation, Walking, Deep
• BodyTalk Cortices & Access Technique.
Learn More
• EFT to Harmonize Left and Right Brain.
Learn More
Health and happiness means
listening to your body.
Page 33
Meditation is a Key to Freedom.
Meditation can tune the
body, mind, and emotions. Daily
meditation can really raise your
vibration level.
Meditation puts your own highest self
in charge of your life, and removes you
from the possibility of mind control.
Empowering Your Soul Through Meditation
by Rajinder Singh,
is a highly recommended book. Spend some quality time
with yourself every day.
Meditation takes
you out of time.
Page 34
A Moment of Cosmic Synchronicity.
A wake-up call we cannot ignore.
“We are getting a wake-up call we cannot
ignore. How we respond will determine whether
Creation’s gift of reflective consciousness was
well conceived or overly reckless.
To pass the test before us, we humans must
demonstrate the intelligence and the moral
maturity to liberate ourselves from the
addictions of Empire, and to use our gifts
wisely in the service to the whole.”
From “The Great Turning,
From Empire to Earth Community”
By David C. Korten,
Page 35
A Survival Manual for the Energy Shifts and Earth Changes:
“How will you survive the energy shifts and Earth changes?
The choice is up to you. Now is the time to simplify your life.
Focus your goals and release those things that you no longer
need. Be yourself, love yourself, and be grateful for the
opportunity to live in an exciting evolutionary doorway.
When in doubt, trust and be flexible. Since we do not know the
big picture, allow the Great Mystery to guide you.
Do everything with intention. Life will be
balanced when our hearts are behind our
actions. Feel good. If you do not have good
feelings, turn them around. From your good
feelings, create good thoughts, words and
actions. Welcome back to the circle.”
Read the full Survival Manual: Learn More
By Spider/Kathleen J. Lawrence,
Taino Indian Healer. Honor the sacred tree to ground with the Earth.
Live with
simplicity, flexibility and
Page 36
Now is the Time to Build a Global Network
Across Time Zones and Languages.
People are building communities
at home and abroad.
Connecting is easy with Networking,
email, text, forums, translation and Skype.
Have you Heard about PulseWire?
Join, make a friend.
Tell your unique story on PulseWire.
Page 37
"You must be the change that you
want to see in the world."
~Mohandas K. Gandhi
Can I just
create my own
Page 38
I’d like to
wake up…
Chapter 19: What’s Your Choice?
Ascension? Rapture? Armageddon? or Business as Usual?
Page 39
What’s Happing Now in the Cosmic Cycles of Time?
It’s Just the Shift of the Ages! The ancient calendars are a key to
help us understand what is happening now and what we must do.
Our ancestors had a different focus. They knew how to live in harmony
with the Earth and the cosmos. Ancient civilizations saw TIME in cycles
rather than linear. They tracked the 25,920 year cycle, The Great Year.
Many of our modern beliefs about TIME are open to question. The Earth is connected with
energetic lines, and we wonder why ancient calendars, pyramids and monuments were
built on its crossing points. The ancients understood the universe is holographic: ‘As
above, so below’. Quantum Science is re-discovering these truths, and thus we are healing
the centuries-old schism between Science, religion and our sacred wisdom.
Ancient calendars foresaw a shift in 2012, and left us clues as to the meaning of our current
period. We are now discovering that TIME is an illusion, and that 2012 is a moment of total
unknown. We know that ‘what comes around goes around’ and the Mayans show us that
time is flexible and multi-dimensional. It can spiral in ever-accelerating cycles, so that
‘what goes around comes around’ faster and faster. Now we receive instant feedback of
our state of mind, and our thoughts become our reality immediately. We learn that our
DNA is flexible, triggered by our beliefs. Our minds are truly the key to creating the future.
Page 40
Our age-old beliefs in duality and good versus evil limit our understanding. Can we accept
total diversity and transcend fear collectively? Those who choose to ascend in service to
the all are somehow always safe. Now is the time to put our lives in order, heal our limited
thoughts and reclaim our power collectively and individually. As the cosmos is stirred up
and Earth prepares to move to a new way of being, we must prepare for some discomfort.
We find new ways to balance our bodies to optimize our health and vibration. Now is the
time to meditate, find our hearts, reflect on what is really important, and reach out to
others in need. We can dissolve negativity with forgiveness and compassion. The times are
exciting and challenging. I am so excited to be alive at this amazing time in our history, that
I even forget to fear death. Maybe that’s why I had to write this book! Caterina
Page 41
Summary: Now is the TIME.
We create our own
reality every moment
As our shared thoughts determine the future of humanity, we find
ourselves at a moment of truth and ultimate responsibility. Ancients
understood that the universe is made up of levels of vibration called
dimensions. We can ascend through these levels to higher awareness
and capability right here and now. But passage to higher levels is a
test of our understanding of how to live in the light with purity,
strength and integrity. Higher levels of existence bring greater
responsibility, and we must be ready to pass to the next level.
Will these years be that test? Will we see a cosmic correction?
Page 42
"The universe is one being.
Gaze within a mirror.
See the Creator.”
“The Law of One”
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Seeing the Bigger Picture
What Are the Major Trends of This Decade?
This article is a broad overview of significant trends which provide momentum for
radical world changes. While it is speculative, it raises intriguing questions, along
with their possible answers.
Major Trends:
•Polarization of Attitudes: Both Inner Calm, and Negativity
•Bifurcation of Reality
•Gathering of Like-Minded Individuals
•Activation of Latent Abilities
•Government Preparation for Something Big
•Shift in Mass Consciousness
“The rug is being pulled out beneath the old reality. September 11th, 2001 marked
the beginning of the “quickening”. While some people were in a state of shock-
induced hypnosis, others welcomed the change with calm assertiveness.
Currently, the feeling of being in “waiting mode” predominates. The ground is
shifting, both literally and figuratively. We are seeing a shift in mass consciousness.”
Read Full Article
Page 43
Pleiadean Perspectives on Our Ascension Experience
Pleiadean Perspectives on Our
Ascension Experience.
Watch Video
Pleiadeans offer us a fascinating and bold perspective on our purpose on Earth.
They recommended this YouTube video about physical stress
and confusion in moving to multi-dimensional reality.
Page 44
A Safe Corridor to Other Dimensions?
If a corridor or portal exists to other
dimensions, how do we find the right one?
Alice found the perfect rabbit hole.
But hey, that’s just a story!
A corridor leads to an unknown light.
Follow the light.A Wormhole as described in quantum physics.
Page 45
North Star (the axis around which
stars appear to spin)
Milky Way galaxy
Central Galaxy
Are Our Bodies Sensitive to Electro-magnetic Light?
Can we meditate on this cosmic connection for direct sustenance?
Page 46
Page 47
"It always seems impossible
until it’s done”.
Nelson Mandela
“We’ve already answered these questions in our hearts.
Now is the time for us to live what we’ve chosen,
as we emerge from the mystery of 2012
into a new world age.
The stage is set. The choice is ours.
The Cosmos is waiting”.
Page 48
Greg Braden, ‘Fractal Time’
Find Book
“This has far-reaching implications: from understanding the
paranormal, to altering political realities, to understanding the
very fabric of the cosmos.
Although this may be challenging for some, the intent behind
this radical voice is simply to open up possibilities for our world.
I hope you enjoyed your journey through this book, and
perhaps it has even changed your view of reality.
In the immortal words of John Lydon of Public Image Ltd,
“I could be wrong, I could be right.”
“This book contains seeds of a new vision of reality and Time. This revolution is being led by the changes in
human consciousness itself and being reflected in our science. As we have made science into our ultimate voice
of authority, when science describes a different world, we have to take note.”
Intergalactic Hitchhiking
Our Milky Way Galaxy
Page 49
It’s the end of the world as we know it, (and I feel fine).
Dr. Manjir Samanta-Laughton
“Punk Science, Inside the Mind of God”
“Human imagination will never devise
an invention more beautiful, more
simple or more direct than Nature.
Because in Her inventions, nothing is
lacking and nothing is superfluous.”
Leonardo da Vinci
Observe the world with an open mind.
Page 50
Learn About it Yourself.
It is TIME to discover your own Threads of Truth,
and take your place in destiny.
The world is sacred.
It can't be improved.
If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it.
If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it.
There is a time for being ahead,
a time for being behind;
a time for being in motion,
a time for being at rest;
a time for being vigorous,
a time for being exhausted;
a time for being safe,
a time for being in danger.
A Master sees things as they are, without trying to control them.
A Master lets them go their own way, and lives at the center of the circle.”
Lao Tzu, 600 BCE
Page 51
“Do you want to improve the world?
I don't think it can be done.
Page 52
But without
the ears...
I want to be
just like you!
Page 53
I’ll just take
a stiff drink
Max, Thanks
for showing up.
Your wish is my command!
To create the future, just ask!
See it in your mind.
Make your wish!
Online Links to Use With Discernment:
Online Sources to Explore and Verify for Yourself:
Page 54
Page 55
Useful Books & DVD’s
“The light is the only
thread to follow.”
Helen Keller
The Light Shall Set You Free, by Norma J. Milanovich
Bringers of the Dawn, by Barbara Marciniak
Awakening to Zero Point, by Gregg Braden
Fractal Time, by Gregg Braden
The Stellar Man, by John Baines
The Law of One, by Carla L. Rueckert et all
Hermetic Texts: The Kybalion, The Emerald Tablets, by Thoth (Hermes)
The Book Of Enoch, (Precursor of the Bible by Noah’s great grand father)
The Schocken Bible, Translation from Hebrew by Everett Fox
The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, by James J. Hurtak
We the Arcturians, by Norma J. Milanovich
Arcturian Songs of the Masters of Light, by Patricia Pereira
Songs of the Arcturians, by Patricia Pereira
Connecting with the Arcturians, by David K. Miller
Punk Science, Inside the Mind of God, by Dr. Manjir Samanta-Laughton
The Cosmos of Soul: A Wake-Up Call For Humanity, by Patricia Cori
The Pyramid Code, DVD 5-Part Documentary by Carmen Boulter
E.T. 101: The Cosmic Instruction Manual, by Diana Luppi
Entangled, by Graham Hancock
The Secret History of the World, by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot
Now is the time of "dreaming the world awake.”
So let's wake up together and dream.
indigenous proverb
a very
beautiful planet.
What shall we
do about it?
Page 56
“To change your mood or mental state,
change your vibration."
The Kybalion - Hermetic Texts
Learn More

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The Secret Calendar Codes 7 of 7

  • 1. Beyond 2012 in the Cosmic Cycles of Time The Secret Calendar Codes 3/01/11 Part 7 Want a Future? Do Something About It.
  • 2. Beyond 2012 in the Cosmic Cycles of Time The Secret Calendar Codes Caterina Schiavone All rights reserved “An astonishing and beautiful book that challenges our deepest assumptions about TIME, and shows how to blend ancient wisdom into modern life.”
  • 3. What do the ancient calendars, prophecies, modern scientists, spiritual leaders and mystics all tell us about this amazing TIME? They say humanity is at a critical mass turning point. As change continues to accelerate, we are offered a choice and a quantum leap into the unknown. Page 3 They say “NOW is the TIME.”
  • 4. Page 4 How to Read this Book This book is a fresh view of reality. I invite you to read it slowly one page at a time. Take it slowly and read it in bits as there is much new information. Absorb each concept into your body and heart, and notice how you feel. The book draws together many diverse threads. To see the whole picture clearly it is best to view each slide in order to the end. To read more easily in Full Screen mode, click on ‘menu’ on the lower left of the window and select ‘View Fullscreen’. To exit from Full Screen click your Esc key. To move forward or back click the arrow on the screen or on your keyboard. Some browsers can also move forward and back with a little hand on the side of the screen. To move through the book quickly some browsers have Thumbnail tabs in the lower left corner of the window to help move through the book quickly. To download the book, select that option on the menu. Printing is not recommended as it is more readable on-screen, and printing uses a great deal of color ink. For more in-depth information, click the Learn More links, or go to the last page for a list of links and books. Click Previous page to return to the book. Contact Caterina: Read the book slowly, one page at a time.
  • 5. Part 1. What is Time? 1. NOW is the TIME 2. The Easy Concepts of TIME 3. The Great Year is Earth’s 25,800 Year Cycle Part 2. Where Did Our Calendar Come From? 4. The Sumerian Calendars: Roots of our Modern Calendar 5. The Greek Calendars and Unified Field Theory 6. The Roman Calendars Define our Concept of Time Part 3. What do the Ancient Calendars tell us about our Times? 7. Ancient Calendars: Hindu, Chinese, Tibetan, Prehistoric 8. The Egyptian Calendars: Decoding the Secrets Part 4. What do the Inca, Hopi and Mayan Calendar Say? 9. The Indigenous Calendars: The Inca and Hopi Prophecies 10. The Mayan Calendar: The Most Accurate & Complex on Earth Part 5. What Do Modern Science & Religion Say About Our Times? 11. Quantum Science is Changing our View of Time . 12. Surprising Discoveries in Space and on Earth 13. Lost Knowledge, Gaps and Missing Links in Time. Part 6. What Does it All Mean? 14. What do Religious and Spiritual Leaders Say about our TIMES? 15. Multi-Dimensional Reality and the Illusion of TIME 16. Mystics and Channels Speak about our TIMES . 17. Now is the TIME to Bring into Light What We Prefer Not to See Part 7. Want a Future? Do Something About It. 18. We Can Conquer Fear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 19. What’s Your Choice? Ascension, Rapture, Armageddon, Business as usual? . . 39 Page 5 Table of Contents
  • 6. Page 6 A Passion for Truth Guides this Book. This book connects threads of information in a new way. It is the result of immense research from books, online and channeled sources. “The light is the only thread to follow.” Helen Keller Caterina This book assembles the pieces of a puzzle to form an integrated world view. If you are used to relying on public media for information, much of this material will be new to you. I suggest you allow your body and heart to absorb each concept slowly one page at a time, noticing how you feel. If you observe that your mind, body or heart are closed, then put the book down. It is better that you pick it up another time when you are more open. I do not ask that you believe all that is suggested on these pages, but that you consider the possibility of its truth. I hope this information helps you connect your own threads in a new way.
  • 7. Is TIME Accelerating? •What’s happening NOW in the cosmic cycles of TIME? •What do the ancient calendars, prophecies, modern scientists, spiritual leaders and mystics say about our current TIME? •What secrets do the oldest writings and symbols tell us now? •What does the new quantum physics have in common with ancient calendars? •What does NASA say about changes on the Earth and in space? •What is behind the power struggles and polarization we see around us? •Where did our calendar come from? •How does our modern calendar separate us from the harmony in Nature? •Is TIME accelerating? What does this mean in our lives? •If our ancestors had advanced math and astronomy 10,000 - 75,000 years ago, how old is civilization? Page 7 What Do the Calendars Tell Us? We Have Many Questions. How can we prepare for Earth energetic changes? What is essential about 2012 and the Mayan Calendar?
  • 8. Page 8 This Book Proposes: 1. The ancient calendars tell us our human heritage is much older and more diverse than we have been taught. A vast body of knowledge is coming into our awareness. We give it names like new age and quantum physics, but it is actually very old, and has been lost, forgotten or hidden for a long time. 2. Right now energetic forces in the galaxy and our sun are heating things up in our entire solar system, including Earth. There is growing awareness, excitement and polarization on the planet. This period is a growing shift in global awareness that will show the way for future of the Earth and humanity. 3. The first calendar inventor, Hermes, said “As above, so below”. This means the universe is holographic. In other words, the universe is infinitely small and the infinitely large, and these two infinities are connected within us. 4. Time, and the world we perceive with our five senses are a small reflection of an infinite world we cannot see. To observe the whole picture we need to move beyond the basic five senses to a larger multi-dimensional reality. 5. We always have a choice in how we respond to new information: Selfish vs. Service Fear or Love. Closed or Open. Me or We.
  • 9. 9 What are the undiscovered secrets of the ancient world? What messages are encoded in the stones and symbols? What do they tell us? Our Modern Age represents great material and electronic advancements. We also create war, disease, planetary destruction and confusing priorities. How advanced is that? Modern? or Ancient? Page 9 What is the Most Advanced Civilization of all TIME?
  • 10. much more advanced than our ancestors. The ancient calendars point to highly sophisticated civilizations, math and astronomy. Our ancestors were wise, and they understood their place in the cosmos. Much has been forgotten or lost. Now is the time to rediscover the truth. Scientists, spiritual leaders and mystics have much to offer us now. How will we integrate modern truths into the ancient wisdom, begin to live in harmony with Nature and join the quantum world of life that is all around us? An electro-magnetic grid links Earth’s ancient calendar stones? Page 10 We Presume that We are the Pinnacle of Civilization, The oldest written calendar points to an advanced culture in Egypt? The Hindu calendar tracks a cycle of civilization every 25,714 Years?
  • 11. Hi! I’m Max I have a question. What’s going on now in the cosmic cycles of time? The Cartwheel Galaxy, c. 500 million light-years from Earth, is considered "one of the most complicated structures still awaiting an explanation in stellar dynamics." Page 11
  • 12. Part 7. Want a Future? Do Something About It. Page 12
  • 13. Page 13 Chapter 18: We Can Conquer Fear. "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." Nelson Mandela
  • 14. Page 14 True Risk is a Catalyst for Quantum Growth. “True risk is that sudden leap into cold water, that can carry you into a state of grace. Coincidences, synchronicity, chance, karmic charm…” “A positive force intervenes to cover your back. Things click. It makes sense, because true risk is the only thing that forces spiritual and emotional growth so immediately, so dramatically.” Sting Step off and fly! Come to the Edge. A Window of Opportunity. Sting
  • 15. Do we each create our own world and then become trapped in our own illusion? In the movie “A Beautiful Mind” Russell Crowe is deceived by his own self-created ‘illusory’ reality. Page 15
  • 16. How Can We See Beyond the Illusion of TIME? Wow! What’s going on? I don’t want to be a Fairy Tale. Can we wake up now? Yes we can! To see beyond this limited reality, we must learn to harmonize our thoughts and emotions. They are the language that programs our universe, and WE are the creators. Learn More We create everything that we experience, from the inside out. We literally ‘transmit’ our own reality. Page 16
  • 17. When we expand our reality, we have just outgrown a particular box. Love?Fear? How does it feel to be free? Page 17
  • 18. A Balanced Brain is Wise. Activities that Balance Left & Right Brain are Yoga, Tai chi, Meditation, Qi gong, Non-violent martial arts, Healthy sex, Relaxed walking... The Left Brain Separation Analytical Rational Language Science & Math The Right Brain Unity Holistic thinking Intuition Creativity Art & Music FEAR, “What will happen to ME?” LOVE, “WE are all connected.” Which Brain is Dominant? Left or Right? ME or WE? WE Page 18 ME
  • 19. No time for Fear Or Anger Or Assumptions Just Love Evolving as Humans Means We Only Have Time for Love As we make our choices in every moment, we can observe ourselves and others. We simply move our thoughts and actions out of fear and into love. Page 19
  • 20. . Page 20 Our Collective Beliefs Are Powerful. In this Tug of War, which vibration is winning? Fear or Love? Love & Courage Fear We have a problem here… Our thoughts literally shape physical matter around us. Fear has a very slow vibration, distinct from its opposite emotion, Love. We should be very careful about how we think about our future. If we project fear, our reality will reflect it. Every thought is a spider spinning a web, and grows to become real.
  • 21. Page 21 What if Our Thoughts Choose the Earth’s Future Every Moment? . . No one knows what the future holds. We DO know we manifest our shared thoughts. When all our thoughts are aligned with the common good, change is easy. We can create the desired outcome with our thoughts and vibration level. Are we ready?
  • 22. “Somehow everything works out. I don't know how. It's a mystery.” The entire solar system and galaxy have a role. When a dynamic shift takes place in all dimensions at once, some people will be aware of the significance of the change, and others not. It may be that your mission is to help create a bridge to higher dimensions right here on Earth, so that when the change comes, it will be easy for all, with no shock, upheaval, death or despair. If so, find ways to raise your level of vibration and joy right now. Meditation is most useful. Live in harmony with yourself, others and the Earth. Learn about the truth. Follow the threads of light in yourself. Follow your intuition. Trust yourself. Do not succumb to fear. Put your life in order. Purify your mind and emotions so you can face the truth in that moment. The End Result is Our Choice. We are a tiny part of a larger cosmos. Page 22 Is This a Battle Between Dark and Light in Hyper-Space?
  • 23. There is much that does not meet the eye. Perhaps an inspired science-fiction thriller can best illustrate the exciting events now unfolding in our multi-dimensional world. Let this gripping story spark your imagination: Like an iceberg, we can see only a small fraction of the whole picture. Entangled, a new novel By Graham Hancock: When a drug overdose causes Leoni, a troubled teen from Los Angeles, to have a near-death experience, her soul is flung into a parallel time 24,000 years in the past. There her fate becomes entangled with Ria, a young Stone Age woman fighting for her life against the evil Sulpa, a powerful demon determined to destroy humanity. As the invaders annihilate Ria's people, Sulpa moves closer to his ultimate goal: to travel to the 21st century and rule all of mankind in perpetual slavery. The hour is late and all seems lost. But there is still hope, if Leoni and Ria can meet outside Earth-time. They venture into regions of wonder, master their deepest fears, and fight battles they could never have prepared for, if Sulpa is to be defeated... Find Book View Trailer Page 23 Entangled, a new novel By Graham Hancock: Truth is Always Stranger Than Fiction.
  • 24. “There is no battle between good and evil or between light and dark. There is only power, the right use of power and the abuse of power.” “It is only through the sustained right use of power that we begin to have the quality of experiences needed to open our minds to a way of living that is based on the energetic reality of intimate interconnectedness and the necessity of diversity to sustain life.” Page 24 Good Versus Evil Makes a Compelling Story “The only battle is with the Self to grow up and sustain the right use of power. That is the only battle there has ever been.” Christina Pratt, Shamanic Teacher, Good versus Evil… Higher Reality is beyond Good and Evil. It is about embracing diversity, And the unity of all life. …makes a compelling story. But Higher Reality is Beyond Good and Evil.
  • 25. Life is a Simple Choice: Service to the Self or Service to the All. According to the Law of One, we have free will in our choices. There is no judgment or concept of good or evil. All beings are free to ascend through the seven levels. The path of Service to the All goes all the way up to the top 7th dimension. But the path of Service to the Self reaches a ‘dead end’ at the 4th dimension, and can’t go up any further without moving to the other path. Read More in the Law of One books: Get pdf Searchable online book Buy book Page 25 Me or We?
  • 26. I will meet you there.” Rumi Page 26 “There is a place beyond right and wrong,
  • 27. "We have two choices: Blame the world, or take responsibility for our reactions, and change our emotional climate.“ Doc Childre, HeartMath Solution “It is our hidden emotions that turn TIME into an opponent and make life a rat race. Managing time with the heart is the ultimate time management tool. Doc Childre, Founder, Learn More Page 27 How to Cope with Accelerating TIME and Stress. Why is the heart called the ‘second brain’? The heart’s ‘intelligence’ is in its 40,000 neurons and in the intuitive signals it sends, such as feelings of love, happiness and appreciation. Positive emotions change patterns in the nervous system. The HeartMath Solution outlines 10 steps for harnessing the heart's intelligence to manage emotions and reduce stress. Learn More Stressed-out Opt out of stress.
  • 28. “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart ... Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” Carl Jung The Heart is Infinitely More Powerful than the Mind. Page 28
  • 29. 2. Empower your idea in your heart. The heart is our most powerful force that speaks loud and clear. Explore the idea in your heart. Is your idea good for ALL of life? How will you FEEL when that idea is realized? When we feel a big YES resonance, then the most powerful force of heart and spirit is behind us. According to the Law of Attraction, the Universe responds to a thought by bringing it into form. But of hundreds of thoughts, what makes certain thoughts manifest? 1. Have an idea. Luckily the Universe doesn’t respond to every thought. A brain-thought may be rational and logical. But this is not the language of the universe, and it will not hear you. When your heart is activated, your intentions are filled with power, and the universe responds immediately. Page 29 The Secret: Activate Intentions with Heart Power. Find ”The Secret” Movie ”The Secret” Book, The Science of Energy Healing 1. Have an Idea 2. Empower it in your heart.
  • 30. Page 30 Awareness Requires a Clear Mind and Body. Self-Care is essential to balance and raise our vibration in a chaotic world. Now is the TIME to harmonize our bodies to the changing energetic qualities in the Earth, to notice them and be able to make fine adjustments. When the Body-Mind-Consciousness is in tune, everything clicks. But when our body, mind and emotions are challenged, how can we restore balance? How can we find and maintain a flexible equilibrium, when chaos and upheaval are all around us? This is our challenge. Feeling great is worth cultivating. How can we raise our vibration level, sensitize ourselves to feel energy shifts around us, and balance the body without medical intervention?
  • 31. Page 31 The Energy Body is the Root of Health. Recommended Energetic Healing Systems for balancing: • Body Talk • Shamanic Healing • Acupuncture •Cranial Sacral Therapy • EFT-Emotional Freedom Technique • SQUID "Superconducting Quantum Interference device" • Reiki - • EMF Balancing • Certified PSYCH-K Healthcare • Clinical Hypnotherapy and Regression Therapy While all healing systems are useful, modern science shows that the energy body is the foundation of health. If this is true, then it follows that we can optimize health by addressing the electro-magnetic connections that are at the root of healthy vibration or disease. When we release old beliefs and negative thoughts, balance toxins, and reframe the energetic system, our bodies can once again find a higher ground of stability and balance. The Energy Body is the foundation of health.
  • 32. Page 32 Tools for Expanding Awareness Basic Tools for Healing & Self-Awareness Are my intentions clear? Am I in right relationship? Monitor my thoughts. Notice my vibration now. Notice what kind of experiences I am attracting right now. Watch vibration of people around me. Drink pure water Eat more high vibration foods: (Fresh fruits and vegetables) Eat less low vibration foods: (Sugars, animal products, refined flours, caffeine) Plenty of Rest & deep sleep. Dis-ease is an invitation to heal. Be aware we may see some strange behaviors as shifts take place in people. Best Daily Self Healing Techniques; Qi gong, Yoga, Tai chi, Meditation, Walking, Deep breathing. • BodyTalk Cortices & Access Technique. Learn More • EFT to Harmonize Left and Right Brain. Learn More Health and happiness means listening to your body.
  • 33. Page 33 Meditation is a Key to Freedom. Meditation can tune the body, mind, and emotions. Daily meditation can really raise your vibration level. Meditation puts your own highest self in charge of your life, and removes you from the possibility of mind control. Empowering Your Soul Through Meditation by Rajinder Singh, is a highly recommended book. Spend some quality time with yourself every day. Meditation takes you out of time.
  • 34. Page 34 A Moment of Cosmic Synchronicity. A wake-up call we cannot ignore. “We are getting a wake-up call we cannot ignore. How we respond will determine whether Creation’s gift of reflective consciousness was well conceived or overly reckless. To pass the test before us, we humans must demonstrate the intelligence and the moral maturity to liberate ourselves from the addictions of Empire, and to use our gifts wisely in the service to the whole.” From “The Great Turning, From Empire to Earth Community” By David C. Korten,
  • 35. Page 35 A Survival Manual for the Energy Shifts and Earth Changes: “How will you survive the energy shifts and Earth changes? The choice is up to you. Now is the time to simplify your life. Focus your goals and release those things that you no longer need. Be yourself, love yourself, and be grateful for the opportunity to live in an exciting evolutionary doorway. When in doubt, trust and be flexible. Since we do not know the big picture, allow the Great Mystery to guide you. Do everything with intention. Life will be balanced when our hearts are behind our actions. Feel good. If you do not have good feelings, turn them around. From your good feelings, create good thoughts, words and actions. Welcome back to the circle.” Read the full Survival Manual: Learn More By Spider/Kathleen J. Lawrence, Taino Indian Healer. Honor the sacred tree to ground with the Earth. Live with simplicity, flexibility and trust.
  • 36. Page 36 Now is the Time to Build a Global Network Across Time Zones and Languages. People are building communities at home and abroad. Connecting is easy with Networking, email, text, forums, translation and Skype. Have you Heard about PulseWire? Join, make a friend. Tell your unique story on PulseWire. Translate
  • 37. Page 37 "You must be the change that you want to see in the world." ~Mohandas K. Gandhi
  • 38. Can I just create my own future? Page 38 I’d like to wake up…
  • 39. Chapter 19: What’s Your Choice? Ascension? Rapture? Armageddon? or Business as Usual? Page 39
  • 40. What’s Happing Now in the Cosmic Cycles of Time? It’s Just the Shift of the Ages! The ancient calendars are a key to help us understand what is happening now and what we must do. Our ancestors had a different focus. They knew how to live in harmony with the Earth and the cosmos. Ancient civilizations saw TIME in cycles rather than linear. They tracked the 25,920 year cycle, The Great Year. Many of our modern beliefs about TIME are open to question. The Earth is connected with energetic lines, and we wonder why ancient calendars, pyramids and monuments were built on its crossing points. The ancients understood the universe is holographic: ‘As above, so below’. Quantum Science is re-discovering these truths, and thus we are healing the centuries-old schism between Science, religion and our sacred wisdom. Ancient calendars foresaw a shift in 2012, and left us clues as to the meaning of our current period. We are now discovering that TIME is an illusion, and that 2012 is a moment of total unknown. We know that ‘what comes around goes around’ and the Mayans show us that time is flexible and multi-dimensional. It can spiral in ever-accelerating cycles, so that ‘what goes around comes around’ faster and faster. Now we receive instant feedback of our state of mind, and our thoughts become our reality immediately. We learn that our DNA is flexible, triggered by our beliefs. Our minds are truly the key to creating the future. Page 40
  • 41. Our age-old beliefs in duality and good versus evil limit our understanding. Can we accept total diversity and transcend fear collectively? Those who choose to ascend in service to the all are somehow always safe. Now is the time to put our lives in order, heal our limited thoughts and reclaim our power collectively and individually. As the cosmos is stirred up and Earth prepares to move to a new way of being, we must prepare for some discomfort. We find new ways to balance our bodies to optimize our health and vibration. Now is the time to meditate, find our hearts, reflect on what is really important, and reach out to others in need. We can dissolve negativity with forgiveness and compassion. The times are exciting and challenging. I am so excited to be alive at this amazing time in our history, that I even forget to fear death. Maybe that’s why I had to write this book! Caterina Page 41 Summary: Now is the TIME. We create our own reality every moment As our shared thoughts determine the future of humanity, we find ourselves at a moment of truth and ultimate responsibility. Ancients understood that the universe is made up of levels of vibration called dimensions. We can ascend through these levels to higher awareness and capability right here and now. But passage to higher levels is a test of our understanding of how to live in the light with purity, strength and integrity. Higher levels of existence bring greater responsibility, and we must be ready to pass to the next level. Will these years be that test? Will we see a cosmic correction?
  • 42. Page 42 "The universe is one being. Gaze within a mirror. See the Creator.” “The Law of One” Get pdf Searchable online book Buy book at Seeing the Bigger Picture
  • 43. What Are the Major Trends of This Decade? This article is a broad overview of significant trends which provide momentum for radical world changes. While it is speculative, it raises intriguing questions, along with their possible answers. Major Trends: •Polarization of Attitudes: Both Inner Calm, and Negativity •Bifurcation of Reality •Gathering of Like-Minded Individuals •Activation of Latent Abilities •Government Preparation for Something Big •Shift in Mass Consciousness “The rug is being pulled out beneath the old reality. September 11th, 2001 marked the beginning of the “quickening”. While some people were in a state of shock- induced hypnosis, others welcomed the change with calm assertiveness. Currently, the feeling of being in “waiting mode” predominates. The ground is shifting, both literally and figuratively. We are seeing a shift in mass consciousness.” Read Full Article Page 43
  • 44. Pleiadean Perspectives on Our Ascension Experience Pleiadean Perspectives on Our Ascension Experience. Watch Video Pleiadeans offer us a fascinating and bold perspective on our purpose on Earth. They recommended this YouTube video about physical stress and confusion in moving to multi-dimensional reality. Page 44
  • 45. A Safe Corridor to Other Dimensions? If a corridor or portal exists to other dimensions, how do we find the right one? Alice found the perfect rabbit hole. But hey, that’s just a story! A corridor leads to an unknown light. Follow the light.A Wormhole as described in quantum physics. Page 45
  • 46. Moon Sun North Star (the axis around which stars appear to spin) Milky Way galaxy Central Galaxy Human Earth Planets Are Our Bodies Sensitive to Electro-magnetic Light? Can we meditate on this cosmic connection for direct sustenance? Page 46
  • 47. Page 47 "It always seems impossible until it’s done”. Nelson Mandela
  • 48. “We’ve already answered these questions in our hearts. Now is the time for us to live what we’ve chosen, as we emerge from the mystery of 2012 into a new world age. The stage is set. The choice is ours. The Cosmos is waiting”. Page 48 Greg Braden, ‘Fractal Time’ Find Book
  • 49. “This has far-reaching implications: from understanding the paranormal, to altering political realities, to understanding the very fabric of the cosmos. Although this may be challenging for some, the intent behind this radical voice is simply to open up possibilities for our world. I hope you enjoyed your journey through this book, and perhaps it has even changed your view of reality. In the immortal words of John Lydon of Public Image Ltd, “I could be wrong, I could be right.” “This book contains seeds of a new vision of reality and Time. This revolution is being led by the changes in human consciousness itself and being reflected in our science. As we have made science into our ultimate voice of authority, when science describes a different world, we have to take note.” Intergalactic Hitchhiking Our Milky Way Galaxy Page 49 It’s the end of the world as we know it, (and I feel fine). Dr. Manjir Samanta-Laughton “Punk Science, Inside the Mind of God”
  • 50. “Human imagination will never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple or more direct than Nature. Because in Her inventions, nothing is lacking and nothing is superfluous.” Leonardo da Vinci Observe the world with an open mind. Page 50 Learn About it Yourself. It is TIME to discover your own Threads of Truth, and take your place in destiny.
  • 51. The world is sacred. It can't be improved. If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it. If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it. There is a time for being ahead, a time for being behind; a time for being in motion, a time for being at rest; a time for being vigorous, a time for being exhausted; a time for being safe, a time for being in danger. A Master sees things as they are, without trying to control them. A Master lets them go their own way, and lives at the center of the circle.” Lao Tzu, 600 BCE Page 51 “Do you want to improve the world? I don't think it can be done.
  • 52. Page 52 But without the ears... I want to be just like you!
  • 53. Page 53 I’ll just take a stiff drink please. Max, Thanks for showing up. Your wish is my command! To create the future, just ask! See it in your mind. Make your wish!
  • 54. Online Links to Use With Discernment: Online Sources to Explore and Verify for Yourself: Page 54
  • 55. Page 55 Useful Books & DVD’s “The light is the only thread to follow.” Helen Keller The Light Shall Set You Free, by Norma J. Milanovich Bringers of the Dawn, by Barbara Marciniak Awakening to Zero Point, by Gregg Braden Fractal Time, by Gregg Braden The Stellar Man, by John Baines The Law of One, by Carla L. Rueckert et all Hermetic Texts: The Kybalion, The Emerald Tablets, by Thoth (Hermes) The Book Of Enoch, (Precursor of the Bible by Noah’s great grand father) The Schocken Bible, Translation from Hebrew by Everett Fox The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, by James J. Hurtak We the Arcturians, by Norma J. Milanovich Arcturian Songs of the Masters of Light, by Patricia Pereira Songs of the Arcturians, by Patricia Pereira Connecting with the Arcturians, by David K. Miller Punk Science, Inside the Mind of God, by Dr. Manjir Samanta-Laughton The Cosmos of Soul: A Wake-Up Call For Humanity, by Patricia Cori The Pyramid Code, DVD 5-Part Documentary by Carmen Boulter E.T. 101: The Cosmic Instruction Manual, by Diana Luppi Entangled, by Graham Hancock The Secret History of the World, by Laura Knight-Jadczyk The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot
  • 56. Now is the time of "dreaming the world awake.” So let's wake up together and dream. indigenous proverb It IS a very beautiful planet. What shall we do about it? Page 56
  • 57. 57 “To change your mood or mental state, change your vibration." The Kybalion - Hermetic Texts Learn More

Notas do Editor

  1. How do we feel?
  2. MEWE
  3. TrendsAn intriguing article appeared at <>. The article, dated July 11, 2002, is: “a broad overview of significant trends which will provide momentum for radical world changes over the next decade. The topics in this article are sampled from a wide variety of sources, both personal and in print. It is for the reader to further research and evaluate the following topics in accordance with personal observations and insight.”  The article is, of course, speculative. It does, however, raise intriguing questions, along with their possible answers. It should not, for example, be dismissed out of hand. In the process of each of us Creating Reality anything (and everything) is possible. With the possibilities inherent in Time Wave theory, as we approach 2012 A.D., one has to ask, “Why not?” In it’s entirety (as received), then...   vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvTrend: Polarization   Polarization means shades of gray are separating into black and white. The bad is getting worse, and the good is getting better. This trend of polarization is happening on social, political, and spiritual levels.   Some people are waking up, gaining awareness, and experiencing an attitude change toward detachment from constrictive thinking, while others are rapidly succumbing to their vices and becoming more negative than ever. Previous friendships are breaking and new ones are being formed as formerly neutral friends are revealing their true colors and realigning with those of like color. The extremity and rapidity of this polarization is what makes it a significant trend.  Globally, lines are being drawn in the sand, nations are choosing sides, and preparations are being made for war on all fronts by all nations. This is simply part of the trend of the times, necessary to bring about the changes that must occur. They must occur because such changes are critical to the spiritual evolution of humanity and earth itself. We are reaching the end of a grand cycle, and reaching the next stage involves a shake-up of the status quo. The ignorance of the masses negates the possibility of a globally peaceful transition, although individuals and groups have the power to choose the degree of peace or violence accompanying their particular transition. This transition is from the world as we know it to the world as we make it.   Trend: Attitude Change toward Detachment  In many people over the past year, though not all at the same time, there has occurred an attitude change toward detachment from old ways of living, thinking, feeling, and acting.   The new attitude includes such feelings as nonchalantness, indifference to old worries, and an inner sense of calmness. Those affected see that reality has taken on a dream-like quality, where things that used to cause worry and anxiety are now of little or no concern.   Risks are easier to take because the world seems more like a game now. Grudges, guilts, anxieties, fears, and disturbing memories have been deflated or erased. In general, the feeling is one of contentment, tho not passivity. When faced with formerly antagonizing situations that may have been emotionally draining or cause for stress, such people are now immune to their influence. They are surprised to find themselves not reacting negatively to such situations anymore.   They have made lifestyle changes including quitting jobs and relocating, shedding much of their material possessions, leading a simpler life, actively seeking spiritual development, changing diets toward healthy foods, giving up drugs and alcohol, giving up old hobbies and routines which are seen now as silly and needless, and meeting or gathering with like-minded individuals to form networks. They are discovering books and websites at critical moments to clue them in to what's really happening, as though they are being awoken and prepared for the times to come.   Such people are also learning to trust in synchronicity and to throw themselves into the unknown, exposing themselves to new experiences which break them out of the old paradigm boxes and stale routines. They are taking reality less seriously and are apt to do more creative things outside the bounds of social conditioning.   These people have altered their lifestyle naturally, intuitively, and often contrary to the conformity pressures of their friends and family. The motivation for these changes stem from within, and are not due to the whimsical following of an established radical ideology, religion, or even cult.  Trend: Negative Attitude Change   That the bad is getting worse is evident in those who cannot keep up with the subtle attitude changes that are happening. The fear of risk, social programming, and other factors have previously kept the personality of both “positive” and “negative” individuals in shades of gray, allowing them to tolerate and interact with each other as their differences were suppressed. Now, with the attitude change sweeping the world, the veils are being lifted, fostering a feeling of carefreeness. For positive individuals, this carefree feeling means they are more likely to take risks and do positive things. But for negative individuals, this manifests as a feeling of desperation, that nothing matters anymore, that there is no point to trying to be “good”, etceteras...   Thus, negative aspects of such individuals grow bolder. The essence of an individual is now shining brighter than ever before, meaning those with negative essences are beginning to succumb to them because the previous suppression of such vices has disintegrated lately. People are beginning to act much more in accordance to who they really are.   Trend: The Walking Dead, Fake Humans, Drones A noticeable phenomenon of late has been the growing number of soul-less persons among our society. This is not stated figuratively, but literally. While sentient humans have a soul or spirit and a unique aura, there are many persons out there now who do not. Either they have no aura, or their aura is uniform and dull. These “fake humans” are nothing more than walking biological machines with blank looks in their eyes, a defeated attitude, with scripted conversational abilities, often performing functions similar to fill-in or background characters in movies or video games.  Trend: Holographic Inserts   Related to the above trend is the increased use of holographic inserts by manipulative higher dimensional forces and government factions using such technology. Holographic inserts are artificially generated people, places, and things that look and feel solid, but are actually holographically generated via sophisticated transdimensional laser technology based upon principles of metaphysics, consciousness, and quantum physics. This may all sound farfetched, but research hints at the validity of this phenomenon.   The only way for the average but aware individual to discern holographic inserts from real reality is by the way they feel and act. Holographic inserts, including holographic people, have been described as evoking within those interacting with them a feeling that they are empty, void of any warmth, hollow, soft and electric, too stereotypical, flat, too “pretty” or ideal like a movie set, or just plain “wrong”.   The way holographic inserts act is best described as artificial, scripted, unoriginal, strange, out of place, manipulatively annoying, and prone to glitches.   Their most likely use is either to cover up signs of reality distortion or disappearance related to the 2012 A.D. phenomenon, or to purposely emotionally manipulate real individuals interacting with them. Such manipulation is designed to keep real people from spiritually evolving by attempting to generate within them negative emotions. Holographic people might calculatively push one’s buttons repeatedly if they are “active” characters, or just do menial tasks to give the illusion that reality is business as usual.   The prevalence of holographic inserts is uncertain, though it can be said with certainty that they are becoming more common. Their use varies with geographic location as well, and in some places more than 3/4 of the population may be entirely holographically generated. If they have replaced real humans, where did the originals go?   Trend: Bifurcation of Reality   At some level, all sentient individuals create their own reality in the sense that they are the conscious axis from which their perceived reality is generated. It is by consensual agreement and alignment between individuals that shared realities are created. [See, for example, Intermingled Realities.]   Mass consciousness is the contract-holder and enforcer that makes most of us occupy a shared reality with the rest of humanity, a reality which has included such events as 9/11. However, as linear time progresses over the next few years, it is very possible that mass consciousness will lose its grip upon the individual so that humanity will no longer be bound to experience a shared reality.   Some groups of people may branch off onto a timeline where earth is smashed by clusters of comets, other people may bypass that possibility and enter a new dimension unscathed by such things. This splitting of shared realities seems to be happening now on an emotional and psychological level, soon to manifest in the physical.   The bifurcation of reality implies that each individual is becoming increasingly empowered to choose his or her own path by realizing and employing the innate ability of Creating Reality. While humanity has previously been somewhat part of a unified chain gang, having to move through probable realities in relatively coupled ways, there is an uncoupling occurring now which will allow individuals to more easily choose their independent ways. Once again, this is all part of the breakdown of linear time associated with the 2012 A.D. phenomenon, but the early stages of it are happening now.   Perhaps the bifurcation has already happened to some extent, and those who have moved on to a different timeline have been replaced by holographic replicas as “place holders” in one’s reality to give the illusion that no bifurcation has happened because no one is “missing”. Of course, in interacting with such “individuals”, they would no longer have the soul spark or aura they used to have because they are mere fill-in characters. If one increasingly creates one’s own reality, then one would also be populating that reality with characters generated by one’s own mind. This is not difficult to do, since we do it in our dreams every night.   It is likely that both holographic inserts and mind-generated fill-in characters are now part of every sentient individual’s reality, in addition to the people who are actually sentient and real. The only truly sentient beings left are distinguishable as those that have freewill and therefore are not manipulable as fill-in characters are. It would be wise, therefore, for sentient individuals of like mind to gather and network, and therefore create or alter their shared reality toward something they would find agreeable.   As long as the collective consciousness of humanity is more powerful than the consciousness of the group of sentient individuals, the fate of that group will adhere to the fate of the masses. But because consciousness grows in power with its awareness, a small group of aware people may have the conscious equivalent of thousands or millions of ignorant humans, and if the small group expands its awareness enough, it may either overpower collective consciousness or split off onto its own reality. This is similar to the 100th monkey effect.   Trend: Gathering of Like-Minded Individuals   This is part of the polarization trend, whereby those of similar soul vibrations are finally finding each other, networking, sharing information, and waiting for the next phase. There are many purposes to this phenomenon.   First, such networks or groups provide emotional, physical, and spiritual support for its members. They can recuperate from their lives of isolation and begin preparing for what they have come here to do. It gives them the strength to carry out their life purpose.   Secondly, the physical meeting of like-minded individuals generates a synergistic resonance effect whereby their consciousness and reality-views are amplified and broadcasted into mass shared reality. Such groups can bootstrap themselves into particular timeline bifurcations through this method, or else change mass consciousness and bring the rest of humanity into their reality.   Trend: Activation of Latent Abilities   There has been lots of talk in the New Age fields about DNA activation, the addition of strands to our standard two strand DNA, and the activation of our junk DNA. Along with the breakdown of linear time comes a disintegration of the electromagnetic fields and earth grids which have reinforced our genetic suppression. Those who are in tune with the coming reality shift are being affected in both physical and metaphysical ways.   Our genetic structure often limits what aspects of our soul can manifest in the physical. With the activation of latent DNA comes a greater manifestation of the metaphysical in the physical. In other words, increased clairvoyance, telekinesis, reality creation and telepathy can result from activation of parts of our DNA that formerly allowed this function, but were purposely deactivated due to genetic manipulation by hostile alien forces.   What will happen when individuals have not only a new carefree attitude, but the abilities to act upon them? They will defy authority and be successful in deconstructing the old materialistic infrastructure. Those presently in power who maintain and reap profits from the status quo have attempted to prepare for this threat. How will they maintain control over the population when certain individuals begin taking risks, defying authority, and using telepathic and telekinetic powers [and other aspects of ESP] to evade apprehension? What if these “superhumans” prove to the rest of the population that reality isn’t what they have been told, that it's all a game, and that the emperor isn’t wearing any armor?   Trend: Government Preparation for Something Big   Some factions of the government are preparing in many ways for many things, particularly social and geological cataclysms.   Geologically it appears they are preparing for a pole shift, the onslaught of comets or meteors, tidal waves, superhurricanes, and so on. The building of underground bases, or bases located inside mountains which would conveniently be above flooded land during a pole shift, indicates that preparations are being made to withstand events bigger than anything man made.   Perhaps the negative individuals occupying elite positions know their soul natures are locked into that timeline, which they cannot escape, and must therefore make preparations to endure. Perhaps they are naive and ignorant, unaware of the metaphysical escape hatch, and would rather listen to their scientists and astronomers tracking the celestial source of their worries.   Social cataclysms involve several sources: 1) those positive individuals with activated latent abilities who can easily upset the status quo, 2) Middle Eastern terrorists who will go on the rampage as soon as the U.S. begins its war against Iraq, 3) Russian sleeper cells and agents among us who are ready to bring this nation down within 24 hours by destroying vital infrastructure nodes, 4) Foreign troops hidden in Canada and Mexico ready to invade America after internal sabotage has made us vulnerable, and 5) Sleeper agents programmed by aliens and renegade government factions. Activation of any of these means a total flipping of the boat and loss of power by the current political elite.   It is easy to see why concentration camps have been built so hastily in the past decade. It shows that not only are government factions afraid, but that they are also working against a deadline. A panicked military might react psychopathically in the face of a disintegrating reality, renegade superhumans, terrorist cells, and global cataclysms. This might explain why they have made such ghastly preparations.   Trend: Planet X   It is very likely that something is going to hit somewhere soon. Whether or not a particular individual will have escaped that possibility by bifurcating onto a different timeline is another matter.   The Planet X phenomenon consists of two aspects: a brown dwarf, and clusters of comets. The brown dwarf is the binary partner of our sun, and has a revolutionary period of 26 to 28 million years. During perihelion, it brushes through the Oort cloud and sends a comet cluster toward our inner solar system. This cluster of comets settles into an orbital period of approximately 3,600 years, and eventually decays in density over many millions of years. Presently we are due for a new cluster, and the return of several previous ones.   The brown dwarf itself is probably on the approach, and may come as close as the inner solar system, in which case gravitational effects upon this and other planets will aggravate cataclysmic conditions and precipitate a pole shift. Other factors may cause pole shifts. For example, a sudden cooling of the planet due to comet impacts would alter ocean water levels and destabilize the earth’s rotational balance, resulting in a pole shift. Any pole shift would be a mere slipping of the crust, which has occurred many times in the past and will happen again soon.   Knowing where the brown dwarf is, where it’s going, and where the comet clusters are coming from will allow good assessment of the potential damage, and what level of preparation is necessary.   There has been much disinformation and suppression surrounding this phenomenon   The most likely scenario is that earth (on one particular timeline) will be gravitationally and magnetically affected by the brown dwarf to a great extent, that the real damage will come from a barrage of comets impacting the oceans and land, that the brown dwarf is coming from the direction of Orion, but not at the coordinates given at <>, and that this is all to occur later in the decade, not 2003. What better way to discredit the actual event than by hyping its supposed arrival years earlier?   Also, this cataclysmic scenario will probably only happen to those who branch onto that timeline. There are some people who simply aren’t worried about this, even though they are aware of it. In some cases, it is sheer denial. But in other cases it might be that they won’t be around to experience it because they will have shifted into a different reality.   Conclusion   The rug is being pulled out beneath the old reality. September 11th [9-11-2001]marked the beginning of the “quickening”. While many people are in a state of shock-induced hypnosis, others are welcoming the change with calm assertiveness.   Currently, the feeling of being in “waiting mode” predominates. The ground is shifting, both literally and figuratively. Year 2002 can be thought of as the call for runners to line up at the starting blocks. Year 2003 brings the start of the race. There are books and websites in the works at this moment, or which have been recently published, which will do great service during the years ahead. Networks are presently being formed, individuals are being prepared, and soon all will be “GO” as the rate of profound individual and world evolution accelerates.   This is not New Age mumbo jumbo because the beginning phases are already happening, trends are already existent; these trends can be easily projected to give a picture of what’s to come. Next year will see a shift in mass consciousness, no matter what the cause.    
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