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Christine Sabina

March 10, 2012

Aspects 3460-001

Final Research Paper

                                     Dialects in the Classroom

       In an academic setting such as a classroom teachers are faced with students from different

background with a variety of Dialects. Dialects can represent identity for most and can be very

controversial when stressing the importance of Standard English in certain situations. Teachers

have the task of explaining how situational Standard English is Appropriate but not considered

“better” than any other Dialect. The idea of a better Dialect is a “Social construction” and can be

the downfall of a student‟s self esteem if not careful (McClanahan). This paper will cover the

reasoning behind speech tests, such as UNCP‟s, it will also cover the idea of Dialect and Identity

in the classroom and how teachers should resound.

       In order for teachers to respond to the students they must become aware. The importance

of speech is seen all over College Campuses. Some students are required a speech class before

graduating, others like UNCP are participating in a speech test upon entering the institution. At

UNCP, the “Speech evaluation” as referred to by Professors and faculty is given to see if in a

career oriented setting the student can speak Standard English. The students are notified before

answering the questions that they should treat this like a job interview.

       Dr. Virginia K. McClanahan, A professor specializing in Linguistics explains the speech

valuation as neither a “pass” nor “fail” test. If McClanahan feels that the student needs more

assistance on situational Standard English, they will be “flagged” for a voice and Diction course

before graduating. McClanahan reviews all tapes of admission students who enter UNCP. The

students phone in and leave a message answering questions such as, “Please state your name, and

spell your first name and then your last name?”, “Do you know what you want to major in?” All

the questions require more than just a yes or no answer, there is some explanation needed. The

second part of the speech test requires the students to read out several sentences such as “I asked

why there was so much construction machinery in the street.”, “It‟s a fifty dollar fine if you don‟t

file your tax form.” The most common flags for Non Standard English such are the „th‟ sound,

dropping endings, non standard grammar, and subject verb agreement (McClanahan).

       Although the test is extremely beneficial, educators must be careful as Huntington Lyman

and Margo A. Figgins state in their article titled, “Democracy, Dialect, and The Power Of Every

Voice,” “Students who came to school with variant dialects were taught a standard form of

English typically framed as „correct‟ and thought of as „pure‟” (Lyman and Figgins 41). Many

students entering college with a unique dialect have more than likely been accused of not

speaking properly. It is important for educators to never make students feel that their Dialect is

wrong. McClanahan states, “There is no such thing as „proper dialect,‟ all Dialects are ruled


       The speech evaluation is appropriate at UNCP because Language is based on situation.

The idea of language is spoken appropriately in every situation. The Speech Evaluation at

UNCP is situation based, based on a career setting. The students are notified of the setting when

taking the test, so there is no such idea of trying to trick them, instead just evaluate their speech.

According to the 2011 Vision Statement of the school, “Communicate effectively is stated.”

            …will challenge students to embrace difference and adapt to change,

            think critically, communicate effectively, and become responsible

            citizens. Working from a strong foundation in the liberal arts, we will

            increase opportunities to infuse our curriculum with interdisciplinary

            innovation while promoting undergraduate and graduate research…

The Speech Evaluation prepares students for the job market. The students are able to understand

that Standard English is used for certain situations and that they should not be afraid of their

dialect but instead understand that it is situational based. Lyman and Figgin‟s state, “Linguists

agree that Standard English is not inherently „better‟ than other dialects” (Lyman, Figgins 41).

       The speech test offers those students who might not understand what Standard English is

and when to use code switching. The code switching offers students to switch back in forth in

dialects based on different situations. Code switching can be difficult for some students because

they do not have experience outside of school. Depending on their background and what dialects

they are surrounded by it is hard to gain the experience needed. The classroom is vital place for

code switching to take place. The students must learn when Standard English is appropriate and

when their own dialect if acceptable. Studies have shown that “Large groups of North

Americans from particular class, racial, ethnic, and/or linguistic backgrounds evidence patterns

of educational attainment which are not congruent with those of the larger population.” Writer

Toohey continues with “Linguistic explanations for the educational difficulties of non-English

speaking children have been relatively direct in that it would seem that not controlling the

language of the school is clearly a disadvantage” (Tooney). Toohey is explaining the

disadvantages to students not speaking one dialect; Disadvantages being the students not

excelling because they lack situational Standard English. Tooney is making a point that English

teachers and Professors have to work harder in making sure the students are aware of their lack

of Standard English and come up with effective ways to teach it.

       However there are many advantages to students speaking a variety of dialects, which is

why teachers should still embrace each student‟s dialect. In the career field all students

understanding Standard English is vital and sometimes over looked. The students who have not

been exposed or shown the importances of Standard English are those who suffer the most.

       The speech test at UNCP exposes students to the importance of Standard English and if

flagged have the opportunity to receive the extra help they have been missing out on. UNCP

vision statement explains the importance of effective communication and the Speech test is in

compliance with that statement.

       After establishing an effective speech test the question of how teachers enforce Standard

English with regards to a Students Dialect and identity is a difficult task. Dialect represents

identify for most and for students dialect can be a very sensitive subject. If a teacher tells a

student‟s they are speaking wrong or improper, their self esteem becomes questioned. In an

article titled “Students‟ Right to their own Language‟:A counter-Argument‟” Jeff Zorn argues

that teachers need to be professionally trained on how to enforce Standard English with regards

to students dialects. Zorn states, “We affirm the students‟ right to their own patterns and

varieties of language—the dialects of their nature of whatever dialects in which they find their

own identity and style.” Dialects represents a since of pride and will not die out, they must be

embraced. Teachers should portray this to students and make sure they feel comfortable


       In 1960, Dialect was not always warmly embraced, as described in “An Argument for

Appreciation of Dialect in the classroom,” the Eradication Theory proposed as a result of

Englishman Basil Berstein‟s deficit model. Berstein states (1960), „In cognitive styles of lower

class families, language is used in a convergent or restrictive fashion rather than a divergent,

elaborative fashion‟” (Dean, Fowler 302). During this time period it was thought that anything

other than Standard English was considered a “deficient way of expressing themselves” (Dean,

Flower 302). The teachers often found themselves refusing to understand or accept nonstandard

speech in the classroom. The students usually had two choices, one to learn Standard English or

discontinue their efforts to communicate, at which point the child would simply give up (302).

       The controversy behind dialect and identity is many recognize dialect as representing

one‟s background or cultural. There are some dialects specific to certain areas. When you are

dealing with judgmental students it is hard to separate dialect and social class. For years many

people thought of anything other than Standard English to be detrimental. Because dialect is

influenced by a person‟s background their class immediately comes into question. Timothy

Frazer studies sound change in his article titled, “Sound Change and Social Structure in Rural

Community.‟ His article focuses on a specific rural town where he interviews several different

people and collects data on their speech. Some people living only a few miles apart had different

traits when it came to their speech. Frazer separated the people based on the job, income, and

age for example some were farmers in the rural community. Frazer was able to show that each

household, occupation and age made a difference in the way they spoke. (Frazer 313-328).

Teachers have to deal with these factors and be careful when addressing because dialect is so

closely linked to social class, miscomputations can come up from addressing the issue.

       Teachers in today‟s society must be careful not to enforce those stigmatizing choices the

students once had to pick. When a teachers refuses to embrace a student‟s dialect they are

refusing to embrace their heritage and cultural background. Embracing does not mean looking

down on the students because they speak different, it means making them aware of when and

where to use their Dialect. All teachers can do is make students aware in a professional manner

and help them understand why Standard English is valuable when used correctly. A teacher

must stay neutral regarding Dialects. All students must realize that there is no Dialect better than

the next one.

       In the today‟s classroom there are so many high stake tests dealing with writing, that use

of Standard English becomes very important. In the writing world Standard English is widely

accepted and praised, sometimes it is not accepted in any other dialect. If a student is not

communicating efficiently in Standard English, their writing can be greatly affected when trying

to write in Standard English. In Michelle Crotteau‟s article, “Honering Dialect and Culture:

Pathways to Student Success on High-Stakes Writing Assessments,” Crotteau works with four

students who failed the writing test. They are enrolled into a strategies course where she can

focus on understanding why the failed their writing test. Right away she asked them to write a

short personal essay about themselves but before she lets them know she is a very important

person, for example the students are writing this to a person in the professional world. One of

the student responses was, “Some things that you can do is ride; it be peaceful; you want be

disturb” (29). Crotteau had to be careful when explaining how his dialect used at home is what

is causing grammatical issues on his writing test. She explained that she could not tell him that

is dialect is wrong but yet inappropriate for this situation.

       Crotteau‟s article shows exactly how a situation where a student‟s Dialect can become an

issue in the classroom. She first helps the student recognize the issue and then she helps solve the

issue. By the end of the class that student understood the idea of, appropriateness.

       Appropriateness is another method teachers can use when explaining Dialect in the

classroom. Dean and Fowler talk discuss the idea of Appropriateness, stating,

           “There is a criterion, however, for selecting one language or dialect for use

           in a given situation; that criterion is „appropriateness‟….Appropriateness

           varies with the place and the participants in the conversation….Because

           there are situations in which nonstandard is appropriate, it would be

           unwise to eradicate it in teaching standing English” (Dean, Fowler 303).

Dialects are extremely unique and can represent ones identity or individuality. Sometimes that is

where the controversy lies, because dialect can be so sensitive, teachers find it too controversial

to bring it or correct students. But by not correcting students or explaining “appropriateness”

they are only hurting the students. Going back to UNCP‟s speech test, one reason why it is

extremely successful but controversial is because of the lack of education on dialects in High

Schools. The students entering UNCP do not understand why a speech test is needed and first

reactions can come off as, stigmatizing, detrimental, and racist.

       The 1997, Oakland Ebonics is a prime example. The controversy behind making Ebonics

a separate language in the classroom caused uproar in California. Writer, Zorn quotes Cynthia

Tucker, a columnist speaking on the controversy, “I understand that African Americans have this

quality to operate in both worlds, Ebonics shouldn‟t be taught in school” (320). This controversy

is something teachers face when tackling Dialect in the classroom. Clara Alexander explains in

her article, titled “Black English dialect and the Classroom Teacher,” Black English evolved the

same way any other dialect of English evolved, as a “result of the culture, the environment, the

needs of the group, and contact with other languages” (571). Alexandar states activities that

teachers can give while trying to teach Standard English and accepting Black English. One

activity is letting the students read a variety of authors in the classroom, some historically black

poems. This activity can help students with the tool of code switching even before they

understand what it is exactly. Alxendar says although we embrace such as in the classroom

dialects, like Black English, they can affect students when it comes to written communication.

The teacher must be well aware of these different dialects and how to approach them in a

classroom setting.

       The Oakland Ebonics case can cause teachers to be weary when bringing up Dialect in

the classroom. Especially when trying to explain the significance of Standard English in the

classroom. If the situation is approached in a professional manner, the teachers should have

nothing to fear. Fear from the teachers resolves in students having no idea when code switching

is accepted or when Standard English is needed.

       An older study performed in New Castle Jamaica in 1971 had several points that seem to

be reoccurring in today‟s society concerning dialect. In the town of Newcastle the teachers are

trying to bring Literature in the classroom that the students are not use to reading Standard

English. Their Dialect in Jamaica makes it hard for some students to understand Standard

English. There are three points of the article that go along with how teachers should tackle

dialect in the classroom. Some things to let the students to consider are A.) A strong desire to

succeed. B.) The ability to create and fashion something new and intensely personal out of

situations to which they are exposed. The situation may be literacy, emotional or cultural. C.)

Experience of the „real‟ adult world. The points are important to consider when teaching

students the importance of Standard English and communication itself. The last point can help

students look to the future and what to expect in the career world. The students in this studied

began to realize the importance of communicated in Standard English because of the new

material given to them to read. The article then goes on to state that if the teachers are stimulated

by the information the students can be as well. It is vital for teachers to address the issue of

conflict to avoid hurting the students in the near future (James 73-76). The teachers must put the

uncomfortable feeling addressing dialect can bring, for the best of the student.

       Once the teacher has accepted their role in identifying different dialects and teaching

making students aware of Standard English, teachers must then focus on each student as an

individual case, assuming that not every student has the same dialect and their problems in

Standard English vary. One approach teachers can take when explaining Standard English is

“instead of condemning our students language, then, because it violates our rules, we would do

better to respect it (it is very much a part of him)…” the student, “…and to try persuading him

that he should respect it, too” (Dean and Fowler 303). All a teacher can do is give the students

indication that they are not speaking Standard English in certain situations. It is then the

student‟s job to try and respect the benefits of the language.

       The speech test at UNCP test for Standard English usage. Professors stress the

importance of referring to the test a not a pass or fail but instead the students will be flagged if

the evaluator does not think that their Standard English is prominent. Mary Dean and Elaine

Fowler state, “…although it is true from a linguistic viewpoint that all dialects are equal, it is

also true from a social viewpoint that some dialects are considered more valuable than others in

certain contexts” (303). Socially speaking, Standard English is the more desirable language

preferred on the job market. The speech evaluation test at Pembroke allows students who might

have not been previously aware how they are speaking in certain situations. The test does not

single any specific dialect out as bad; instead it focuses on letting the students know that they

need more assistance with Standard English. There is a course offered if a student becomes

flagged. The course focuses on communicating and understanding dialect in specific situations,

such as an interview or a presentation.

       At UNCP the speech test is a necessity, especially with entering freshman who do not

realize how dialect is unique but can also be stigmatizing when looking for a job or upon

entering the carrier field. UNCP prepares students for after college and knowing and Speaking

Standard English is just one key component to continue being successful. It is important for high

school teachers to respectfully notify when a student‟s dialect is becoming an issue in the

classroom. If the issue is handled early there will be less controversy at the college level when it

comes to speech test such as UNCP‟s.

                                             Works Cited

Alexander, Clara. "Black English Dialect and the classroom Teacher." International Reading Association.

            33.5 (1980): 571-577. Web. 22 Apr. 2012. <http://0-


Crotteau, Michelle. "National Council of Teachers of English." Honoring Dialect and CulturePathways to

          Student Success on High-Stakes Writing Assessments:. 95.3 (2007): 27-32. Web. 22 Apr. 2012.


Dean, Mary, and Elaine Fowler. "An Argument for Appreciation of Dialect Differences in the

        Classroom." Journal of Negro Education. 43.3 (1974): 302-309. Web. 22 Apr. 2012. <http://0->.

Frazor, Timothy. "Sound CHange and Social Structure in Rural Community." Cambridge University. 12.3

        (1983): 313-328. Web. 22 Apr. 2012. <http://0->.

James, Sybil. "Teaching Literature in a Dialect/ Standard Situation." University of the West Indies and

        Caribbean Quarterly. 18.3 (1972): 73-76. Print. <http://0->.

"Languages and Dialects." University of Northern Iowa. 104.214 (1867): 3o-64. Web. 22 Apr. 2012.


Lyman, Huntington, and Margo Figgins. "Democracy, Dialect, and the Power of Every Voioce." National

        Council of Teachers of ENglish. 94.5 (2005): 40-47. Web. 22 Apr. 2012. <http://0->.

McClanahan, Virginia K. Personal Interview. 10 April 2012.

Toohey, Kelleen. "MinorityEducational Failure; Dialect a factor?." Blackwell publishing on behalf of the

        Ontario Institute for studies in Education/ University of Toronto. 16.2 (1986): 127-145. Web. 22

        Apr. 2012. < >.

Zorn, Jeff. "Students' Right To Their Own Language": A Counter-Argument." Academic Questions 23.3

        (2010): 311-326. ERIC. Web. 11 Apr. 2012.

“2011-2012 catalog.”The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. 30 Sept. 2011. Web 12 April 2012.

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Dialects in the Classroom: Embracing Identity While Teaching Standard English

  • 1. 1 Christine Sabina March 10, 2012 Aspects 3460-001 Final Research Paper Dialects in the Classroom In an academic setting such as a classroom teachers are faced with students from different background with a variety of Dialects. Dialects can represent identity for most and can be very controversial when stressing the importance of Standard English in certain situations. Teachers have the task of explaining how situational Standard English is Appropriate but not considered “better” than any other Dialect. The idea of a better Dialect is a “Social construction” and can be the downfall of a student‟s self esteem if not careful (McClanahan). This paper will cover the reasoning behind speech tests, such as UNCP‟s, it will also cover the idea of Dialect and Identity in the classroom and how teachers should resound. In order for teachers to respond to the students they must become aware. The importance of speech is seen all over College Campuses. Some students are required a speech class before graduating, others like UNCP are participating in a speech test upon entering the institution. At UNCP, the “Speech evaluation” as referred to by Professors and faculty is given to see if in a career oriented setting the student can speak Standard English. The students are notified before answering the questions that they should treat this like a job interview.
  • 2. 2 Dr. Virginia K. McClanahan, A professor specializing in Linguistics explains the speech valuation as neither a “pass” nor “fail” test. If McClanahan feels that the student needs more assistance on situational Standard English, they will be “flagged” for a voice and Diction course before graduating. McClanahan reviews all tapes of admission students who enter UNCP. The students phone in and leave a message answering questions such as, “Please state your name, and spell your first name and then your last name?”, “Do you know what you want to major in?” All the questions require more than just a yes or no answer, there is some explanation needed. The second part of the speech test requires the students to read out several sentences such as “I asked why there was so much construction machinery in the street.”, “It‟s a fifty dollar fine if you don‟t file your tax form.” The most common flags for Non Standard English such are the „th‟ sound, dropping endings, non standard grammar, and subject verb agreement (McClanahan). Although the test is extremely beneficial, educators must be careful as Huntington Lyman and Margo A. Figgins state in their article titled, “Democracy, Dialect, and The Power Of Every Voice,” “Students who came to school with variant dialects were taught a standard form of English typically framed as „correct‟ and thought of as „pure‟” (Lyman and Figgins 41). Many students entering college with a unique dialect have more than likely been accused of not speaking properly. It is important for educators to never make students feel that their Dialect is wrong. McClanahan states, “There is no such thing as „proper dialect,‟ all Dialects are ruled governed.” The speech evaluation is appropriate at UNCP because Language is based on situation. The idea of language is spoken appropriately in every situation. The Speech Evaluation at UNCP is situation based, based on a career setting. The students are notified of the setting when
  • 3. 3 taking the test, so there is no such idea of trying to trick them, instead just evaluate their speech. According to the 2011 Vision Statement of the school, “Communicate effectively is stated.” …will challenge students to embrace difference and adapt to change, think critically, communicate effectively, and become responsible citizens. Working from a strong foundation in the liberal arts, we will increase opportunities to infuse our curriculum with interdisciplinary innovation while promoting undergraduate and graduate research… The Speech Evaluation prepares students for the job market. The students are able to understand that Standard English is used for certain situations and that they should not be afraid of their dialect but instead understand that it is situational based. Lyman and Figgin‟s state, “Linguists agree that Standard English is not inherently „better‟ than other dialects” (Lyman, Figgins 41). The speech test offers those students who might not understand what Standard English is and when to use code switching. The code switching offers students to switch back in forth in dialects based on different situations. Code switching can be difficult for some students because they do not have experience outside of school. Depending on their background and what dialects they are surrounded by it is hard to gain the experience needed. The classroom is vital place for code switching to take place. The students must learn when Standard English is appropriate and when their own dialect if acceptable. Studies have shown that “Large groups of North Americans from particular class, racial, ethnic, and/or linguistic backgrounds evidence patterns of educational attainment which are not congruent with those of the larger population.” Writer Toohey continues with “Linguistic explanations for the educational difficulties of non-English speaking children have been relatively direct in that it would seem that not controlling the
  • 4. 4 language of the school is clearly a disadvantage” (Tooney). Toohey is explaining the disadvantages to students not speaking one dialect; Disadvantages being the students not excelling because they lack situational Standard English. Tooney is making a point that English teachers and Professors have to work harder in making sure the students are aware of their lack of Standard English and come up with effective ways to teach it. However there are many advantages to students speaking a variety of dialects, which is why teachers should still embrace each student‟s dialect. In the career field all students understanding Standard English is vital and sometimes over looked. The students who have not been exposed or shown the importances of Standard English are those who suffer the most. The speech test at UNCP exposes students to the importance of Standard English and if flagged have the opportunity to receive the extra help they have been missing out on. UNCP vision statement explains the importance of effective communication and the Speech test is in compliance with that statement. After establishing an effective speech test the question of how teachers enforce Standard English with regards to a Students Dialect and identity is a difficult task. Dialect represents identify for most and for students dialect can be a very sensitive subject. If a teacher tells a student‟s they are speaking wrong or improper, their self esteem becomes questioned. In an article titled “Students‟ Right to their own Language‟:A counter-Argument‟” Jeff Zorn argues that teachers need to be professionally trained on how to enforce Standard English with regards to students dialects. Zorn states, “We affirm the students‟ right to their own patterns and varieties of language—the dialects of their nature of whatever dialects in which they find their own identity and style.” Dialects represents a since of pride and will not die out, they must be
  • 5. 5 embraced. Teachers should portray this to students and make sure they feel comfortable speaking. In 1960, Dialect was not always warmly embraced, as described in “An Argument for Appreciation of Dialect in the classroom,” the Eradication Theory proposed as a result of Englishman Basil Berstein‟s deficit model. Berstein states (1960), „In cognitive styles of lower class families, language is used in a convergent or restrictive fashion rather than a divergent, elaborative fashion‟” (Dean, Fowler 302). During this time period it was thought that anything other than Standard English was considered a “deficient way of expressing themselves” (Dean, Flower 302). The teachers often found themselves refusing to understand or accept nonstandard speech in the classroom. The students usually had two choices, one to learn Standard English or discontinue their efforts to communicate, at which point the child would simply give up (302). The controversy behind dialect and identity is many recognize dialect as representing one‟s background or cultural. There are some dialects specific to certain areas. When you are dealing with judgmental students it is hard to separate dialect and social class. For years many people thought of anything other than Standard English to be detrimental. Because dialect is influenced by a person‟s background their class immediately comes into question. Timothy Frazer studies sound change in his article titled, “Sound Change and Social Structure in Rural Community.‟ His article focuses on a specific rural town where he interviews several different people and collects data on their speech. Some people living only a few miles apart had different traits when it came to their speech. Frazer separated the people based on the job, income, and age for example some were farmers in the rural community. Frazer was able to show that each household, occupation and age made a difference in the way they spoke. (Frazer 313-328).
  • 6. 6 Teachers have to deal with these factors and be careful when addressing because dialect is so closely linked to social class, miscomputations can come up from addressing the issue. Teachers in today‟s society must be careful not to enforce those stigmatizing choices the students once had to pick. When a teachers refuses to embrace a student‟s dialect they are refusing to embrace their heritage and cultural background. Embracing does not mean looking down on the students because they speak different, it means making them aware of when and where to use their Dialect. All teachers can do is make students aware in a professional manner and help them understand why Standard English is valuable when used correctly. A teacher must stay neutral regarding Dialects. All students must realize that there is no Dialect better than the next one. In the today‟s classroom there are so many high stake tests dealing with writing, that use of Standard English becomes very important. In the writing world Standard English is widely accepted and praised, sometimes it is not accepted in any other dialect. If a student is not communicating efficiently in Standard English, their writing can be greatly affected when trying to write in Standard English. In Michelle Crotteau‟s article, “Honering Dialect and Culture: Pathways to Student Success on High-Stakes Writing Assessments,” Crotteau works with four students who failed the writing test. They are enrolled into a strategies course where she can focus on understanding why the failed their writing test. Right away she asked them to write a short personal essay about themselves but before she lets them know she is a very important person, for example the students are writing this to a person in the professional world. One of the student responses was, “Some things that you can do is ride; it be peaceful; you want be disturb” (29). Crotteau had to be careful when explaining how his dialect used at home is what
  • 7. 7 is causing grammatical issues on his writing test. She explained that she could not tell him that is dialect is wrong but yet inappropriate for this situation. Crotteau‟s article shows exactly how a situation where a student‟s Dialect can become an issue in the classroom. She first helps the student recognize the issue and then she helps solve the issue. By the end of the class that student understood the idea of, appropriateness. Appropriateness is another method teachers can use when explaining Dialect in the classroom. Dean and Fowler talk discuss the idea of Appropriateness, stating, “There is a criterion, however, for selecting one language or dialect for use in a given situation; that criterion is „appropriateness‟….Appropriateness varies with the place and the participants in the conversation….Because there are situations in which nonstandard is appropriate, it would be unwise to eradicate it in teaching standing English” (Dean, Fowler 303). Dialects are extremely unique and can represent ones identity or individuality. Sometimes that is where the controversy lies, because dialect can be so sensitive, teachers find it too controversial to bring it or correct students. But by not correcting students or explaining “appropriateness” they are only hurting the students. Going back to UNCP‟s speech test, one reason why it is extremely successful but controversial is because of the lack of education on dialects in High Schools. The students entering UNCP do not understand why a speech test is needed and first reactions can come off as, stigmatizing, detrimental, and racist. The 1997, Oakland Ebonics is a prime example. The controversy behind making Ebonics a separate language in the classroom caused uproar in California. Writer, Zorn quotes Cynthia Tucker, a columnist speaking on the controversy, “I understand that African Americans have this
  • 8. 8 quality to operate in both worlds, Ebonics shouldn‟t be taught in school” (320). This controversy is something teachers face when tackling Dialect in the classroom. Clara Alexander explains in her article, titled “Black English dialect and the Classroom Teacher,” Black English evolved the same way any other dialect of English evolved, as a “result of the culture, the environment, the needs of the group, and contact with other languages” (571). Alexandar states activities that teachers can give while trying to teach Standard English and accepting Black English. One activity is letting the students read a variety of authors in the classroom, some historically black poems. This activity can help students with the tool of code switching even before they understand what it is exactly. Alxendar says although we embrace such as in the classroom dialects, like Black English, they can affect students when it comes to written communication. The teacher must be well aware of these different dialects and how to approach them in a classroom setting. The Oakland Ebonics case can cause teachers to be weary when bringing up Dialect in the classroom. Especially when trying to explain the significance of Standard English in the classroom. If the situation is approached in a professional manner, the teachers should have nothing to fear. Fear from the teachers resolves in students having no idea when code switching is accepted or when Standard English is needed. An older study performed in New Castle Jamaica in 1971 had several points that seem to be reoccurring in today‟s society concerning dialect. In the town of Newcastle the teachers are trying to bring Literature in the classroom that the students are not use to reading Standard English. Their Dialect in Jamaica makes it hard for some students to understand Standard English. There are three points of the article that go along with how teachers should tackle dialect in the classroom. Some things to let the students to consider are A.) A strong desire to
  • 9. 9 succeed. B.) The ability to create and fashion something new and intensely personal out of situations to which they are exposed. The situation may be literacy, emotional or cultural. C.) Experience of the „real‟ adult world. The points are important to consider when teaching students the importance of Standard English and communication itself. The last point can help students look to the future and what to expect in the career world. The students in this studied began to realize the importance of communicated in Standard English because of the new material given to them to read. The article then goes on to state that if the teachers are stimulated by the information the students can be as well. It is vital for teachers to address the issue of conflict to avoid hurting the students in the near future (James 73-76). The teachers must put the uncomfortable feeling addressing dialect can bring, for the best of the student. Once the teacher has accepted their role in identifying different dialects and teaching making students aware of Standard English, teachers must then focus on each student as an individual case, assuming that not every student has the same dialect and their problems in Standard English vary. One approach teachers can take when explaining Standard English is “instead of condemning our students language, then, because it violates our rules, we would do better to respect it (it is very much a part of him)…” the student, “…and to try persuading him that he should respect it, too” (Dean and Fowler 303). All a teacher can do is give the students indication that they are not speaking Standard English in certain situations. It is then the student‟s job to try and respect the benefits of the language. The speech test at UNCP test for Standard English usage. Professors stress the importance of referring to the test a not a pass or fail but instead the students will be flagged if the evaluator does not think that their Standard English is prominent. Mary Dean and Elaine Fowler state, “…although it is true from a linguistic viewpoint that all dialects are equal, it is
  • 10. 10 also true from a social viewpoint that some dialects are considered more valuable than others in certain contexts” (303). Socially speaking, Standard English is the more desirable language preferred on the job market. The speech evaluation test at Pembroke allows students who might have not been previously aware how they are speaking in certain situations. The test does not single any specific dialect out as bad; instead it focuses on letting the students know that they need more assistance with Standard English. There is a course offered if a student becomes flagged. The course focuses on communicating and understanding dialect in specific situations, such as an interview or a presentation. At UNCP the speech test is a necessity, especially with entering freshman who do not realize how dialect is unique but can also be stigmatizing when looking for a job or upon entering the carrier field. UNCP prepares students for after college and knowing and Speaking Standard English is just one key component to continue being successful. It is important for high school teachers to respectfully notify when a student‟s dialect is becoming an issue in the classroom. If the issue is handled early there will be less controversy at the college level when it comes to speech test such as UNCP‟s.
  • 11. 11 Works Cited Alexander, Clara. "Black English Dialect and the classroom Teacher." International Reading Association. 33.5 (1980): 571-577. Web. 22 Apr. 2012. <http://0->. Crotteau, Michelle. "National Council of Teachers of English." Honoring Dialect and CulturePathways to Student Success on High-Stakes Writing Assessments:. 95.3 (2007): 27-32. Web. 22 Apr. 2012. <>. Dean, Mary, and Elaine Fowler. "An Argument for Appreciation of Dialect Differences in the Classroom." Journal of Negro Education. 43.3 (1974): 302-309. Web. 22 Apr. 2012. <http://0->. Frazor, Timothy. "Sound CHange and Social Structure in Rural Community." Cambridge University. 12.3 (1983): 313-328. Web. 22 Apr. 2012. <http://0->. James, Sybil. "Teaching Literature in a Dialect/ Standard Situation." University of the West Indies and Caribbean Quarterly. 18.3 (1972): 73-76. Print. <http://0->. "Languages and Dialects." University of Northern Iowa. 104.214 (1867): 3o-64. Web. 22 Apr. 2012.
  • 12. 12 <>. Lyman, Huntington, and Margo Figgins. "Democracy, Dialect, and the Power of Every Voioce." National Council of Teachers of ENglish. 94.5 (2005): 40-47. Web. 22 Apr. 2012. <http://0->. McClanahan, Virginia K. Personal Interview. 10 April 2012. Toohey, Kelleen. "MinorityEducational Failure; Dialect a factor?." Blackwell publishing on behalf of the Ontario Institute for studies in Education/ University of Toronto. 16.2 (1986): 127-145. Web. 22 Apr. 2012. < >. Zorn, Jeff. "Students' Right To Their Own Language": A Counter-Argument." Academic Questions 23.3 (2010): 311-326. ERIC. Web. 11 Apr. 2012. “2011-2012 catalog.”The University of North Carolina at Pembroke. 30 Sept. 2011. Web 12 April 2012.