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White paper
                                        Agile Planning™ for
                                       Healthcare Providers
                                                 by Rand Heer and Tom Hartman

                           Forces old and new are buffeting healthcare providers. Medicaid,
                           accounting for 17% of state budgets, is being cut. America is get-
“The old way of thinking   ting grayer, and living longer. The reality for healthcare provid-
                           ers is that the average Joe and Jane will need more services than
— you run the facility
                           before and will use those services for longer than any prior gen-
through the once a year    eration. The Affordable Care Act will bring some 32 million peo-
                           ple into ranks of the insured with unclear impacts on provider
budget process — is on     capacities, payer mix, hospital-physician alignment and many
                           other variables.
the way out in favor of
                           These and other socio-economic trends are pressuring healthcare
new concepts and system    provider finance teams to make planning systems more immediate
                           and responsive. The old way of thinking — you run the facility
approaches characterized
                           through the once a year budget process — is on the way out in
by more forecasting and    favor of new concepts and system approaches characterized by
                           more forecasting and incorporation of “agile planning” tech-
incorporation of “agile    niques into the forecasting and planning processes.

planning” techniques       This white paper explores the concepts and practices of agile
                           planning for healthcare providers with a focus on defining soft-
into the forecasting and   ware application requirements for scenario analysis, driver-
                           based modeling and integrating actuals — the three foundations
planning processes.”
                           of an agile planning system where the goals are insight, options
                           for action, and decisions, rather than budgetary control.
Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers

Ray Wolfe, CFO of Pitts-                               ance review process with a real-time understand-
burgh Mercy, strode into                               ing of how their own groups’ results impact overall
the conference room.                                   results and a clarification of short term priorities.
Everyone was seated and                                Then, back to the basics of running the clinics.
ready to roll for the fore-
cast review—Shelley and                                It wasn’t always so smooth. Just two years earlier
Dave from finance, five                                when Ray was appointed CFO, the organization was
heads of community                                     in trouble. After a painful disposition of an under-
treatment centers, the                                 performing inpatient facility, the remaining organi-
service coordinator, and heads of acute case man-      zation—60 outpatient facilities providing mental
agement and emergency care—including Ray,              health, retardation, drug/alcohol rehab and home-
eleven persons total.                                  less services—was “operationally challenged”: ser-
                                                       vice demands were increasing at a 20% annual rate;
Who attended this particular session of the review     budgeting was spreadsheet-based with all the at-
was carefully coordinated, though Ray often shuf-      tendant problems—linking and formula errors, too
fled forecasting group membership based on com-        much wasted time consolidating the pieces; and no
parability of underlying data and key measures, and    efficient way to import actuals and compare re-
the corporate reporting hierarchy. From the finance    sults. In addition, budgeting was a ritual without
side, Dave was the planning administrator who ran      meaning—full year totals with no seasonality, no
the planning application in real time during the       operational integration, no P&L visibility for the
forecast review session. The seven line managers       hundreds of revenue/cost centers, and worst of all,
were a subset of 100+ managers in the organization     no real manager buy-in.
with revenue and cost management responsibility
across 25 treatment programs.                          Now, a year and a half later, the forecast review
                                                       meetings are working with remarkable results.

Ray choreographs the                                    Ray choreographs the agenda and participa-
                                                           tion which is based on relevancy and congru-
agenda and participation in                                ent interests. Groups and participation dynam-
forecast sessions based on                                 ics are reshuffled regularly to optimize sharing
                                                           of common experiences.
relevancy and shared inter-
                                                        Data is presented with an overhead projector
ests... The planning tool is                               in real time. The planning tool is also the pres-
also the presentation tool.                                entation tool. Forecast assumption changes,
                                                           such as forecasting collection rates based on
                                                           latest averages, immediately ripple through the
Each quarter Ray conducts fifteen such planning            financial statements and cash flow.
sessions. Each session includes the same finance
team and combinations of line managers whose            The presented data, both historical actuals and
responsibilities are functionally similar or overlap       forecast, incorporate operational activity driv-
in service requirements. The agenda kicks off with         ers such as number of outpatient transactions,
Ray updating the room on global trends, overrid-           payer types, and collection rates. The availabil-
ing budget issues and community dynamics. Then             ity of operational information integrated with
the fun begins: a review of prior meeting commit-          financial results forms the basis of the line
ments including a focus on what worked and what            manager dialog for understanding and sharing
didn’t; an open exchange of information with a             of best practices.
focus on best and worst practices; and a real-time
                                                        Fundamental to the process is multiple scenar-
update of commitments and financial plans.
                                                           ios. The team learning experience and forecast
For the most part, the process works. In just a few        commitment process is based on creating and
hours each quarter, mental health practitioners            comparing working scenarios in real time.
without business or finance training have the op-
portunity to participate in a planning and perform-

Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers

The unit/rate/amount structure of the planning application lets the finance staff and community treatment team members
understand underlying driver relationships and project forward based on historical rates and visible trends. For example
in the screenshot, the average year to date actual Revenue and Allowance rates for each Treatment Team are the basis for
forecasting forward into May and later timeframes. These rates are automatically computed from the underlying units and
general ledger amounts.

Since abandoning spreadsheets for a database plan-                ing forecast process described here. When budget
ning application, Ray and Pittsburgh Mercy have                   presentations are made to the Board, Ray reports
successfully renovated its planning processes and                 on the latest and most credible forecast. With a
culture by implementing Agile PlanningTM: line                    forecast accuracy of 2%, nobody cares or questions
managers have a renewed sense of participation                    that the process is not more structured and does
and energy; $600,000 in revenue enhancements and                  not go to the lowest level of detail in the chart of
cost efficiency improvements have been redirected                 accounts.
to improve services; and forecast accuracy at the
bottom line is now 2% quarter to quarter.                         As Ray says, “We have a whole new culture for
                                                                  planning and analysis. It’s agile and truly real-time
Pittsburgh Mercy no longer budgets. All planning                  collaboration.”
and decision making derive from the two year roll-

Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers

Healthcare, an Industry Under Pressure
Forces old and new are buffeting healthcare pro-          insured, and significant change is happening in the
viders. General economic malaise, state financial         industry with uncertain results for each provider.
disorders, demands for lower charges concurrent
with higher quality—the list goes on.                     One aspect of The Act is a reduction in government
                                                          payments for medical care. Offsetting this, to some
At the state level, budgets are strained; cuts of dis-
turbing proportion are being made across all
spending areas. Medicaid, accounting for 17% of          Can you say “Baby Boomer”?
state budgets, will surely be a victim of some cost      The reality for healthcare
cutting. In 2010 states received some relief through
Recovery Act (Stimulus) funds to make ends meet.         providers is that the average
That federal buffer will not be there in the future.     Joe and Jane will need more
To compound the situation, the faltering economy
of 2008 and 2009 moved many formerly employed            services than before, and will
persons with commercial health insurance into the        use those services for longer
ranks of the unemployed enrolled in Medicaid.
While there are signs that the economy is rebound-       than any prior generation.
ing, unemployment remains at stubbornly high
levels. State tax receipts should be on the rise with     extent, will be a reduction in uncompensated care,
the economic recovery, but will it be enough?             as the 32 million shift to insured status in 2014.
                                                          Healthcare Insurance Exchanges also lead to uncer-
Can you say “Baby Boomer”? America is getting
                                                          tainty, as they will be open and available even to
grayer, and living longer. While that may be a
                                                          those currently insured.
good omen for the country (increased wisdom
comes with increased age, right?), the reality for        The concept of Accountable Care Organizations
healthcare providers is that the average Joe and          (ACO’s), coupled with the mandate for value-
Jane will need more services than before, and will        based reimbursement for evidence-based quality
use those services for longer than any prior genera-      service, will certainly lead to hospital-physician
tion. The irony here is that advances in healthcare       alignment. The ACO concept will likely lead to
are the primary cause of the increased longevity.         greater affiliation between acute care hospitals and
                                                          community hospitals as well.
Numerous challenges and opportunities spring
from the historic Affordable Care Act (The Act).          It will be critical for healthcare providers to analyze
The interpretation of purported benefits from The         shifts in the Payer Mix (or erosion of the mix, as some
Act differ depending on whether you are Democrat          have labeled it) to government programs, primarily
or Republican, young or old, currently insured or         Medicaid. Also key will be analyzing reductions in
uninsured, healthcare provider or healthcare in-          payments. As always, providers will need to con-
surer, government entity or private industry.             stantly monitor their cost efficiency efforts in both
Where there is general consensus: some 32 million         staffing and supplies, and keep a strong focus on their
people are likely to be added to the ranks of the         Revenue Cycle improvements.

Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers

Requirements for Agile Planning
The above trends in healthcare are pressuring fi-      agile planning in terms of basic goals, process areas
nance teams in provider organizations to make          and common features:
planning systems more immediate and responsive.
The old way of thinking—that you run the facility       Goals—Basic resource management is an im-
through the budget process—is on the way out in            portant goal of all planning processes. For
favor of alternate approaches such as Agile Plan-          budgeting and forecasting there is the added
ningTM as practiced by Ray Wolfe and the Pitts-            “control” element of setting standards for
burgh Mercy organization.                                  measuring performance which is presumably
                                                           achieved through precision of the data in
Historically, budgeting has been the command and           budgets and monitoring the accuracy of projec-
control foundation for managing organizations—             tions in the forecasting process. In contrast to
that once-a-year Uber-process that produces every-         budgeting and forecasting, however, the goals
thing you need for reporting and control: revenue          of Agile Planning are to achieve higher level
targets, headcount and spending details, capital           management effectiveness by gaining insights
budgets, and more. The budgets may or may not              into the current business situation resulting in
be supplemented monthly or quarterly by a fore-            greater clarity about what actions can be taken,
cast process whereby managers theoretically have           including the financial impacts of each, and
the opportunity to re-allocate resources based on          more timely decision making as a result.
changing conditions and new information. Fore-
casting, though, more often turns into a politically    Key Process Areas—In their quest for preci-
charged exercise for testing target achievement—           sion and accountability, all line managers par-
focusing on the sensitive question “will individual        ticipate in budgeting if they have any level of
organizations make their top and/or bottom line            revenue or spending responsibility regardless
financial objectives for the fiscal year”? How and         of materiality. The process is one of meticulous
when individual organizational units answer the            submission and approval of versions which
question, of course, is the foundation for many po-        causes budget development to span many
litical games.                                             months; thank goodness it’s done only once a
                                                           year. By contrast, forecasts must be put to bed
The table below lays out a comparison of tradi-            within days or just a couple of weeks because
tional budgeting and forecasting processes com-            of the month/quarter end reporting cycle.
pared to Agile Planning as illustrated by the Ray          Thus, forecasting tends to be more finance-
Wolfe/Pittsburgh Mercy case study. Here are the            driven with a less formal, more ad hoc partici-
highlights comparing budgeting, forecasting and            pation of line management.

Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers

    By contrast again Agile Planning, which is             asking how they can deliver more immediate and
    more often driven by business events (e.g.             responsive financial plans including incorporating
    shifting payer mix) or strategic initiatives (e.g. a   agile planning elements into forecasting processes.
    major capital equipment purchase), is a real-
    time collaborative activity or series of activities    The accompanying challenge for finance is to find
    requiring the relevant managers, meaning those         ways to make forecasting less political. In health-
    who are players, either information providers          care, the evolution to agile planning has been
    or decision makers, in the business event or           slower, principally due to the lack of flexible plan-
    strategic initiative. Unlike budgeting and fore-       ning tools.
    casting, the cycle time for planning sessions
                                                           In the materials that follow, we walk through three
    and decision making is typically hours, or at
                                                           software feature/function areas that are central to
    most, days.
                                                           all planning applications, but especially critical for
 Common features—Both budgeting and fore-                 moving up in planning maturity to achieve the Ag-
    casting are financial-data driven at the lowest        ile Planning goal of real-time insights leading to
    level of detail of natural class accounts (e.g. all    actionable knowledge with financial impacts
    Travel sub-accounts rather than Travel in total)       which, in turn, lead to faster, better decisions.
    and departments. This level of focus results
                                                            Robust Scenario Analysis—the issue is not
    from the passionate need to produce variance
                                                               whether an application supports versions and
    reports and analyses—actual versus budget
                                                               scenarios; they all do. The issue is maintaining
    and forecast to forecast—which is presumed
                                                               the scenarios, visibility into the underlying ac-
    not possible if the lowest level GL structure is
                                                               tivity drivers of each scenario, and response
    not adhered to. The result of this low-level fi-
    nancial focus is that for budgeting and fore-
    casting, there are a lot of input cells that need       Driver Based Modeling—the issue is not
    to be filled in. The focus is data entry with              whether an application includes modeling
    minimal modeling of interrelationships. By                 tools; all of them do. The issues are how flexi-
    contrast, Agile Planning is frequently done at a           ble are the tools for building complex driver-
    higher level of detail than budgeting and fore-            based models and how easy is it for the super
    casting—e.g. a summary level of accounts such              user to build and maintain the models.
    as Travel rather than Travel Sub-accounts.
                                                            Integrating Actuals—the issue is not whether
Despite the problems, few healthcare finance or-               an application can import actuals data; all of
ganizations are ready to dump budgets per se.                  them do. The issue is how well imported actu-
However, many are looking critically at their                  als can be integrated into the financial plan.
spreadsheets or canned budgeting applications

Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers

Robust Scenario Analysis
Budgeting is about managing versions, not scenar-        The functionality you need for effective scenario
ios. As the budget is developed, finance keeps           analysis goes beyond simple budget versioning.
track of versions to understand who changed what         Here are our criteria:
and to make sure the right amounts are approved.
Once a version is superseded, there is rarely a need      Real time feedback. Whether you’re a finan-
to look back at the old numbers or change them.             cial analyst working through the numbers late
                                                            at night or the CFO answering questions live in
By contrast, rolling forecasts and agile planning           an operations review, scenario analysis should
should be about scenarios, lots of them. If you can’t       be delivered by the planning tool in real time.
predict the future, the next best thing is to set up        That is, when you change a value, all elements
scenarios that let you explore how you might be-            of the financial model—the statement of activi-
have (or decide) if things are better or worse or just      ties, balance sheet, cash flow, financial ratios,
different. Unlike budgeting where you care about            performance metrics—should update in sec-
who changed what number, scenario analysis is               onds, not minutes or hours. In short, scenario
about understanding what’s behind the numbers—              analysis must satisfy the need for speed we’re
the most critical assumptions, volume and rate im-          used to with Excel. Scenario analysis must be
pacts, and especially what’s driving material               an interactive process responsive to questions
changes to the Statement of Activities and Cash             and testing of assumptions on-the-fly. Agile
Flow.                                                       planning needs tight feedback loops on the
The goals of agile planning— a) insights about the
business; b) actionable knowledge and c) decision
making—are achieved through scenario analysis:
by analyzing a specific scenario and comparing it
to a baseline case or other scenarios, the manage-
ment team is better able to understand what’s go-
ing on and then evaluate best courses of action.
Where there is an immediacy to the issues—e.g. to
proceed with a capital project or change suppli-
ers—the deliverable is decision making. Because it
is decision and action focused, robust scenario
analysis is the most critical underpinning of agile
planning.                                                Unlike budgeting applications, in Alight you can
                                                         change values of line items across multiple scenar-
                                                         ios. Clicking the Scenario button lets you choose
                                                         which Scenarios you want to apply the new values to.
                                                         Updates to financials are immediate

Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers

    Why the Variance?
    Alight lets you compare scenarios at any level of detail including analysis of underlying units, rates and amounts. Below is a
    Variance Analysis comparing the Affordable Care Act Impact to the Base Case Scenario. Unlike standard variance reports that
    show only dollar amounts, this Volume-Rate Variance report automatically computes the volume and rate components by line
    item — that is, the unfavorable impacts of a payer mix shift to Medicaid and a declining rate of government payments. The con-
    clusion is obvious: the shift to Medicaid is the primary contributor to the Variance.

 Maintenance across scenarios. Budget ver-                              Robust comparison at the line item level.
      sions don’t require ongoing maintenance be-                            Budgeting and to a considerable extent, rolling
      cause old versions are superseded by new                               forecasts focus on amounts in accounts. Agile
      ones. Scenarios do. The planning application                           planning is about in-depth comparison of sce-
      should support adding, modifying and delet-                            narios and differences in values at any level of
      ing line items across selected scenarios in a sin-                     detail, especially at the line item level where
      gle operation. Calculation and update of finan-                        the most significant driver inputs and model-
      cials after structure changes should take only a                       ing occur.
      minute or two, at most.

Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers

Driver-Based Modeling
Budgeting focuses on gathering static inputs from       In our experience, there are two make-or-break
users, principally for headcount and expenses. Lit-     functionalities in the modeling interface needed to
tle modeling is involved— typically just calculation    make driver-based planning work:
of payroll taxes and benefits.
                                                         Visibility into driver relationships. This re-
Such a process is not workable for agile planning.          quires object based linking where the modeler
The cycle time for completing a forecast after              establishes data relationships based on the
month-end close is too tight to accommodate broad           names of things—e.g. Patients Days are linked
-based user involvement on the scale done for               to Admissions and the Average Length of Stay—
budgeting. As well, user-based planning involves            versus cell-based linking in Excel with formu-
high volumes of static inputs in order to achieve           las like = Stats! C45 * $L$15. Object-based link-
precision. By contrast, forecasting that incorporates       ing makes auditing and visibility into activity
agile planning reduces the volumes of data, focus-          driver relationships significantly easier to
ing instead on fewer but truly material forecast            track, thus eliminating many errors, speeding
elements.                                                   up development and reducing maintenance
The objective of reducing data volume is achieved
in substantial part through “driver-based plan-
ning”, a type of financial modeling where the most
material items in a financial plan are linked to op-
erational drivers or quantifiable activities of the
business —e.g. volume measures such as patient
admissions, length of stay, patient days, number of
procedures, number of tests, and the like.

Such driver-based modeling has three focuses: 1)
revenue forecasting based on the volume measures
and driver relationships between revenue areas—
e.g. contractual rates by payer type, 2) variable and
                                                        Alight’s modeling interface is based on object-based
semi-variable headcount and expenses driven by          linking where you create data relationships by linking
the volume measures or identified underlying ac-        to the names of other line items or totals, e.g. drug
tivity levels—e.g. admissions, patient days, etc.;      expense for ICU is based on average drug cost per
and 3) for cash planning, balance sheet items such      stat X ICU stat (patient days)
as accounts receivable and accounts payable, each
based on their respective income and expense driv-       Modeling across dimensions. Planning appli-
ers at a relevant level of detail.                          cations should support custom dimensions—
                                                            e.g. department, payer, stat, facility, job type,
Healthcare organizations moving to an agile plan-           grade level, etc. The modeling environment
ning discipline should closely evaluate the model-          should then allow tapping into the custom di-
ing environment of the planning application they            mensions for building specialized activity-
are buying into. Modeling and model maintenance             driver models—for example, aggregating in-
should be fast, flexible, and (unlike Excel) provide        patient and out-patient data across depart-
clear visibility into linking relationships.
                                                            ments and payers. Applications without mod-
                                                            eling based on dimensions do not have the
                                                            flexibility required for driver-based planning.

Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers

Integrating Actuals
Virtually all budgeting applications support im-
                                                               For actuals, however, the data is typically amount
porting actuals from the general ledger, typically
                                                               and units. Therefore, for an apples-to-apples com-
based on rigid chart of accounts structures. As
                                                               parison, the actuals data must be modeled to back-
well, you can usually import headcount and sala-
                                                               calculate the reimbursement rate:
ries from the HR system. Once imported, budget
applications also support comparing actuals to                                       Gross Revenue
budget based on levels in the chart of accounts
                                                                                      / Patient Days
with computation of amount and percentage vari-
ances.                                                                      = Reimbursement Rate

Outside the safety of the accounting structures,                              $250,000 / 250 = $1000
however, lining up actual and plan data in a con-
sistent format for a rolling forecast is typically a
zoo, principally because it is difficult to get actuals
data apples-to-apples with plan data at the line
item level.

For example, for basic revenue planning:

                         Patient Days
               * Reimbursement Rate
                    = Gross Revenue

               250 * $1000 = $250,000

 Alight includes a section for Key Measures with custom dashboards for displaying actual and plan measures of the
 organization such as admissions, patient days, denial and collections rates, payer mix, headcount analysis, balance
 sheet ratios and more.

Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers

As the examples illustrate, actuals data frequently       Finally, for robust agile planning, you must have
need modeling different from plan data to get valid       the capability of truly integrating actuals into the
comparisons and trends. For maximum flexibility,          financial plan. That means: 1) being able to model
the planning application should allow modeling of         actuals as an activity driver and 2) spreading actu-
actuals with algorithms and linking separate from         als data into plan time periods—e.g. the historical
modeling of plan data.                                    average cost per stat into future months, and fur-
                                                          ther, being able to modify those costs going for-
                                                          ward to reflect, for example, inflation or cost con-
                                                          trol initiatives.

                                                          Agile planning requires special features that extend
                                                          beyond the capabilities of spreadsheets and many
                                                          budget applications. Scenario analysis should be
                                                          real time with maintenance across scenarios. Mod-
                                                          eling tools must be robust and provide transpar-
                                                          ency into underlying activity drivers. Actuals data
                                                          must be available for driving forecast values.

                                                          In an agile planning environment, the return on
 Alight includes separate tabs for modeling actuals       investment is not from reducing time spent on
 and plan at the line item level. In the example, plan
 units * rate = amount. For actuals, amount / units =     planning. The ROI comes from better financial per-
 rate.                                                    formance as a result of a more responsive planning
                                                          environment and improved decision making.
In addition, actuals data need to be imported from        Agile Planning is a pending trademark of Alight, LLC.
any source at any level of detail, not just the general
ledger. The actual revenue amount is imported
from the general ledger, but units for back-
calculating average charge rate are typically im-
ported from a data warehouse or an ERP or EMR

                                                               Rand Heer is CEO of Alight and the creative
                                                               force behind Alight Planning. He was also the
                                                               founder of Pillar and designer of Hyperion
                                                               Pillar, the first enterprise software for budgets
                                                               and forecasting.

                                                               Tom Hartman, a twenty year veteran of the
                                                               planning software space, is Director of Sales at
                                                               Alight, driving the company’s Healthcare sales
                                                               and marketing programs.

                                                               Tel: (530) 622-5485.

                                                               Special Thanks to Ray Wolfe, CFO of Pitts-
                                                               burgh Mercy Health System , Don Koenes,
                                                               VP of Services at Alight and Linda Hull,
                                                               Director of Sales Support at Alight.


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Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers

  • 1. White paper Agile Planning™ for Healthcare Providers by Rand Heer and Tom Hartman Forces old and new are buffeting healthcare providers. Medicaid, accounting for 17% of state budgets, is being cut. America is get- “The old way of thinking ting grayer, and living longer. The reality for healthcare provid- ers is that the average Joe and Jane will need more services than — you run the facility before and will use those services for longer than any prior gen- through the once a year eration. The Affordable Care Act will bring some 32 million peo- ple into ranks of the insured with unclear impacts on provider budget process — is on capacities, payer mix, hospital-physician alignment and many other variables. the way out in favor of These and other socio-economic trends are pressuring healthcare new concepts and system provider finance teams to make planning systems more immediate and responsive. The old way of thinking — you run the facility approaches characterized through the once a year budget process — is on the way out in by more forecasting and favor of new concepts and system approaches characterized by more forecasting and incorporation of “agile planning” tech- incorporation of “agile niques into the forecasting and planning processes. planning” techniques This white paper explores the concepts and practices of agile planning for healthcare providers with a focus on defining soft- into the forecasting and ware application requirements for scenario analysis, driver- based modeling and integrating actuals — the three foundations planning processes.” of an agile planning system where the goals are insight, options for action, and decisions, rather than budgetary control.
  • 2. Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers Ray Wolfe, CFO of Pitts- ance review process with a real-time understand- burgh Mercy, strode into ing of how their own groups’ results impact overall the conference room. results and a clarification of short term priorities. Everyone was seated and Then, back to the basics of running the clinics. ready to roll for the fore- cast review—Shelley and It wasn’t always so smooth. Just two years earlier Dave from finance, five when Ray was appointed CFO, the organization was heads of community in trouble. After a painful disposition of an under- treatment centers, the performing inpatient facility, the remaining organi- service coordinator, and heads of acute case man- zation—60 outpatient facilities providing mental agement and emergency care—including Ray, health, retardation, drug/alcohol rehab and home- eleven persons total. less services—was “operationally challenged”: ser- vice demands were increasing at a 20% annual rate; Who attended this particular session of the review budgeting was spreadsheet-based with all the at- was carefully coordinated, though Ray often shuf- tendant problems—linking and formula errors, too fled forecasting group membership based on com- much wasted time consolidating the pieces; and no parability of underlying data and key measures, and efficient way to import actuals and compare re- the corporate reporting hierarchy. From the finance sults. In addition, budgeting was a ritual without side, Dave was the planning administrator who ran meaning—full year totals with no seasonality, no the planning application in real time during the operational integration, no P&L visibility for the forecast review session. The seven line managers hundreds of revenue/cost centers, and worst of all, were a subset of 100+ managers in the organization no real manager buy-in. with revenue and cost management responsibility across 25 treatment programs. Now, a year and a half later, the forecast review meetings are working with remarkable results. Ray choreographs the  Ray choreographs the agenda and participa- tion which is based on relevancy and congru- agenda and participation in ent interests. Groups and participation dynam- forecast sessions based on ics are reshuffled regularly to optimize sharing of common experiences. relevancy and shared inter-  Data is presented with an overhead projector ests... The planning tool is in real time. The planning tool is also the pres- also the presentation tool. entation tool. Forecast assumption changes, such as forecasting collection rates based on latest averages, immediately ripple through the Each quarter Ray conducts fifteen such planning financial statements and cash flow. sessions. Each session includes the same finance team and combinations of line managers whose  The presented data, both historical actuals and responsibilities are functionally similar or overlap forecast, incorporate operational activity driv- in service requirements. The agenda kicks off with ers such as number of outpatient transactions, Ray updating the room on global trends, overrid- payer types, and collection rates. The availabil- ing budget issues and community dynamics. Then ity of operational information integrated with the fun begins: a review of prior meeting commit- financial results forms the basis of the line ments including a focus on what worked and what manager dialog for understanding and sharing didn’t; an open exchange of information with a of best practices. focus on best and worst practices; and a real-time  Fundamental to the process is multiple scenar- update of commitments and financial plans. ios. The team learning experience and forecast For the most part, the process works. In just a few commitment process is based on creating and hours each quarter, mental health practitioners comparing working scenarios in real time. without business or finance training have the op- portunity to participate in a planning and perform- 2
  • 3. Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers The unit/rate/amount structure of the planning application lets the finance staff and community treatment team members understand underlying driver relationships and project forward based on historical rates and visible trends. For example in the screenshot, the average year to date actual Revenue and Allowance rates for each Treatment Team are the basis for forecasting forward into May and later timeframes. These rates are automatically computed from the underlying units and general ledger amounts. Since abandoning spreadsheets for a database plan- ing forecast process described here. When budget ning application, Ray and Pittsburgh Mercy have presentations are made to the Board, Ray reports successfully renovated its planning processes and on the latest and most credible forecast. With a culture by implementing Agile PlanningTM: line forecast accuracy of 2%, nobody cares or questions managers have a renewed sense of participation that the process is not more structured and does and energy; $600,000 in revenue enhancements and not go to the lowest level of detail in the chart of cost efficiency improvements have been redirected accounts. to improve services; and forecast accuracy at the bottom line is now 2% quarter to quarter. As Ray says, “We have a whole new culture for planning and analysis. It’s agile and truly real-time Pittsburgh Mercy no longer budgets. All planning collaboration.” and decision making derive from the two year roll- 3
  • 4. Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers Healthcare, an Industry Under Pressure Forces old and new are buffeting healthcare pro- insured, and significant change is happening in the viders. General economic malaise, state financial industry with uncertain results for each provider. disorders, demands for lower charges concurrent with higher quality—the list goes on. One aspect of The Act is a reduction in government payments for medical care. Offsetting this, to some At the state level, budgets are strained; cuts of dis- turbing proportion are being made across all spending areas. Medicaid, accounting for 17% of Can you say “Baby Boomer”? state budgets, will surely be a victim of some cost The reality for healthcare cutting. In 2010 states received some relief through Recovery Act (Stimulus) funds to make ends meet. providers is that the average That federal buffer will not be there in the future. Joe and Jane will need more To compound the situation, the faltering economy of 2008 and 2009 moved many formerly employed services than before, and will persons with commercial health insurance into the use those services for longer ranks of the unemployed enrolled in Medicaid. While there are signs that the economy is rebound- than any prior generation. ing, unemployment remains at stubbornly high levels. State tax receipts should be on the rise with extent, will be a reduction in uncompensated care, the economic recovery, but will it be enough? as the 32 million shift to insured status in 2014. Healthcare Insurance Exchanges also lead to uncer- Can you say “Baby Boomer”? America is getting tainty, as they will be open and available even to grayer, and living longer. While that may be a those currently insured. good omen for the country (increased wisdom comes with increased age, right?), the reality for The concept of Accountable Care Organizations healthcare providers is that the average Joe and (ACO’s), coupled with the mandate for value- Jane will need more services than before, and will based reimbursement for evidence-based quality use those services for longer than any prior genera- service, will certainly lead to hospital-physician tion. The irony here is that advances in healthcare alignment. The ACO concept will likely lead to are the primary cause of the increased longevity. greater affiliation between acute care hospitals and community hospitals as well. Numerous challenges and opportunities spring from the historic Affordable Care Act (The Act). It will be critical for healthcare providers to analyze The interpretation of purported benefits from The shifts in the Payer Mix (or erosion of the mix, as some Act differ depending on whether you are Democrat have labeled it) to government programs, primarily or Republican, young or old, currently insured or Medicaid. Also key will be analyzing reductions in uninsured, healthcare provider or healthcare in- payments. As always, providers will need to con- surer, government entity or private industry. stantly monitor their cost efficiency efforts in both Where there is general consensus: some 32 million staffing and supplies, and keep a strong focus on their people are likely to be added to the ranks of the Revenue Cycle improvements. 4
  • 5. Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers Requirements for Agile Planning The above trends in healthcare are pressuring fi- agile planning in terms of basic goals, process areas nance teams in provider organizations to make and common features: planning systems more immediate and responsive. The old way of thinking—that you run the facility  Goals—Basic resource management is an im- through the budget process—is on the way out in portant goal of all planning processes. For favor of alternate approaches such as Agile Plan- budgeting and forecasting there is the added ningTM as practiced by Ray Wolfe and the Pitts- “control” element of setting standards for burgh Mercy organization. measuring performance which is presumably achieved through precision of the data in Historically, budgeting has been the command and budgets and monitoring the accuracy of projec- control foundation for managing organizations— tions in the forecasting process. In contrast to that once-a-year Uber-process that produces every- budgeting and forecasting, however, the goals thing you need for reporting and control: revenue of Agile Planning are to achieve higher level targets, headcount and spending details, capital management effectiveness by gaining insights budgets, and more. The budgets may or may not into the current business situation resulting in be supplemented monthly or quarterly by a fore- greater clarity about what actions can be taken, cast process whereby managers theoretically have including the financial impacts of each, and the opportunity to re-allocate resources based on more timely decision making as a result. changing conditions and new information. Fore- casting, though, more often turns into a politically  Key Process Areas—In their quest for preci- charged exercise for testing target achievement— sion and accountability, all line managers par- focusing on the sensitive question “will individual ticipate in budgeting if they have any level of organizations make their top and/or bottom line revenue or spending responsibility regardless financial objectives for the fiscal year”? How and of materiality. The process is one of meticulous when individual organizational units answer the submission and approval of versions which question, of course, is the foundation for many po- causes budget development to span many litical games. months; thank goodness it’s done only once a year. By contrast, forecasts must be put to bed The table below lays out a comparison of tradi- within days or just a couple of weeks because tional budgeting and forecasting processes com- of the month/quarter end reporting cycle. pared to Agile Planning as illustrated by the Ray Thus, forecasting tends to be more finance- Wolfe/Pittsburgh Mercy case study. Here are the driven with a less formal, more ad hoc partici- highlights comparing budgeting, forecasting and pation of line management. 5
  • 6. Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers By contrast again Agile Planning, which is asking how they can deliver more immediate and more often driven by business events (e.g. responsive financial plans including incorporating shifting payer mix) or strategic initiatives (e.g. a agile planning elements into forecasting processes. major capital equipment purchase), is a real- time collaborative activity or series of activities The accompanying challenge for finance is to find requiring the relevant managers, meaning those ways to make forecasting less political. In health- who are players, either information providers care, the evolution to agile planning has been or decision makers, in the business event or slower, principally due to the lack of flexible plan- strategic initiative. Unlike budgeting and fore- ning tools. casting, the cycle time for planning sessions In the materials that follow, we walk through three and decision making is typically hours, or at software feature/function areas that are central to most, days. all planning applications, but especially critical for  Common features—Both budgeting and fore- moving up in planning maturity to achieve the Ag- casting are financial-data driven at the lowest ile Planning goal of real-time insights leading to level of detail of natural class accounts (e.g. all actionable knowledge with financial impacts Travel sub-accounts rather than Travel in total) which, in turn, lead to faster, better decisions. and departments. This level of focus results  Robust Scenario Analysis—the issue is not from the passionate need to produce variance whether an application supports versions and reports and analyses—actual versus budget scenarios; they all do. The issue is maintaining and forecast to forecast—which is presumed the scenarios, visibility into the underlying ac- not possible if the lowest level GL structure is tivity drivers of each scenario, and response not adhered to. The result of this low-level fi- times. nancial focus is that for budgeting and fore- casting, there are a lot of input cells that need  Driver Based Modeling—the issue is not to be filled in. The focus is data entry with whether an application includes modeling minimal modeling of interrelationships. By tools; all of them do. The issues are how flexi- contrast, Agile Planning is frequently done at a ble are the tools for building complex driver- higher level of detail than budgeting and fore- based models and how easy is it for the super casting—e.g. a summary level of accounts such user to build and maintain the models. as Travel rather than Travel Sub-accounts.  Integrating Actuals—the issue is not whether Despite the problems, few healthcare finance or- an application can import actuals data; all of ganizations are ready to dump budgets per se. them do. The issue is how well imported actu- However, many are looking critically at their als can be integrated into the financial plan. spreadsheets or canned budgeting applications 6
  • 7. Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers Robust Scenario Analysis Budgeting is about managing versions, not scenar- The functionality you need for effective scenario ios. As the budget is developed, finance keeps analysis goes beyond simple budget versioning. track of versions to understand who changed what Here are our criteria: and to make sure the right amounts are approved. Once a version is superseded, there is rarely a need  Real time feedback. Whether you’re a finan- to look back at the old numbers or change them. cial analyst working through the numbers late at night or the CFO answering questions live in By contrast, rolling forecasts and agile planning an operations review, scenario analysis should should be about scenarios, lots of them. If you can’t be delivered by the planning tool in real time. predict the future, the next best thing is to set up That is, when you change a value, all elements scenarios that let you explore how you might be- of the financial model—the statement of activi- have (or decide) if things are better or worse or just ties, balance sheet, cash flow, financial ratios, different. Unlike budgeting where you care about performance metrics—should update in sec- who changed what number, scenario analysis is onds, not minutes or hours. In short, scenario about understanding what’s behind the numbers— analysis must satisfy the need for speed we’re the most critical assumptions, volume and rate im- used to with Excel. Scenario analysis must be pacts, and especially what’s driving material an interactive process responsive to questions changes to the Statement of Activities and Cash and testing of assumptions on-the-fly. Agile Flow. planning needs tight feedback loops on the numbers. The goals of agile planning— a) insights about the business; b) actionable knowledge and c) decision making—are achieved through scenario analysis: by analyzing a specific scenario and comparing it to a baseline case or other scenarios, the manage- ment team is better able to understand what’s go- ing on and then evaluate best courses of action. Where there is an immediacy to the issues—e.g. to proceed with a capital project or change suppli- ers—the deliverable is decision making. Because it is decision and action focused, robust scenario analysis is the most critical underpinning of agile planning. Unlike budgeting applications, in Alight you can change values of line items across multiple scenar- ios. Clicking the Scenario button lets you choose which Scenarios you want to apply the new values to. Updates to financials are immediate 7
  • 8. Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers Why the Variance? Alight lets you compare scenarios at any level of detail including analysis of underlying units, rates and amounts. Below is a Variance Analysis comparing the Affordable Care Act Impact to the Base Case Scenario. Unlike standard variance reports that show only dollar amounts, this Volume-Rate Variance report automatically computes the volume and rate components by line item — that is, the unfavorable impacts of a payer mix shift to Medicaid and a declining rate of government payments. The con- clusion is obvious: the shift to Medicaid is the primary contributor to the Variance.  Maintenance across scenarios. Budget ver-  Robust comparison at the line item level. sions don’t require ongoing maintenance be- Budgeting and to a considerable extent, rolling cause old versions are superseded by new forecasts focus on amounts in accounts. Agile ones. Scenarios do. The planning application planning is about in-depth comparison of sce- should support adding, modifying and delet- narios and differences in values at any level of ing line items across selected scenarios in a sin- detail, especially at the line item level where gle operation. Calculation and update of finan- the most significant driver inputs and model- cials after structure changes should take only a ing occur. minute or two, at most. 8
  • 9. Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers Driver-Based Modeling Budgeting focuses on gathering static inputs from In our experience, there are two make-or-break users, principally for headcount and expenses. Lit- functionalities in the modeling interface needed to tle modeling is involved— typically just calculation make driver-based planning work: of payroll taxes and benefits.  Visibility into driver relationships. This re- Such a process is not workable for agile planning. quires object based linking where the modeler The cycle time for completing a forecast after establishes data relationships based on the month-end close is too tight to accommodate broad names of things—e.g. Patients Days are linked -based user involvement on the scale done for to Admissions and the Average Length of Stay— budgeting. As well, user-based planning involves versus cell-based linking in Excel with formu- high volumes of static inputs in order to achieve las like = Stats! C45 * $L$15. Object-based link- precision. By contrast, forecasting that incorporates ing makes auditing and visibility into activity agile planning reduces the volumes of data, focus- driver relationships significantly easier to ing instead on fewer but truly material forecast track, thus eliminating many errors, speeding elements. up development and reducing maintenance time. The objective of reducing data volume is achieved in substantial part through “driver-based plan- ning”, a type of financial modeling where the most material items in a financial plan are linked to op- erational drivers or quantifiable activities of the business —e.g. volume measures such as patient admissions, length of stay, patient days, number of procedures, number of tests, and the like. Such driver-based modeling has three focuses: 1) revenue forecasting based on the volume measures and driver relationships between revenue areas— e.g. contractual rates by payer type, 2) variable and Alight’s modeling interface is based on object-based semi-variable headcount and expenses driven by linking where you create data relationships by linking the volume measures or identified underlying ac- to the names of other line items or totals, e.g. drug tivity levels—e.g. admissions, patient days, etc.; expense for ICU is based on average drug cost per and 3) for cash planning, balance sheet items such stat X ICU stat (patient days) as accounts receivable and accounts payable, each based on their respective income and expense driv-  Modeling across dimensions. Planning appli- ers at a relevant level of detail. cations should support custom dimensions— e.g. department, payer, stat, facility, job type, Healthcare organizations moving to an agile plan- grade level, etc. The modeling environment ning discipline should closely evaluate the model- should then allow tapping into the custom di- ing environment of the planning application they mensions for building specialized activity- are buying into. Modeling and model maintenance driver models—for example, aggregating in- should be fast, flexible, and (unlike Excel) provide patient and out-patient data across depart- clear visibility into linking relationships. ments and payers. Applications without mod- eling based on dimensions do not have the flexibility required for driver-based planning. 9
  • 10. Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers Integrating Actuals Virtually all budgeting applications support im- For actuals, however, the data is typically amount porting actuals from the general ledger, typically and units. Therefore, for an apples-to-apples com- based on rigid chart of accounts structures. As parison, the actuals data must be modeled to back- well, you can usually import headcount and sala- calculate the reimbursement rate: ries from the HR system. Once imported, budget applications also support comparing actuals to Gross Revenue budget based on levels in the chart of accounts / Patient Days with computation of amount and percentage vari- ances. = Reimbursement Rate Outside the safety of the accounting structures, $250,000 / 250 = $1000 however, lining up actual and plan data in a con- sistent format for a rolling forecast is typically a zoo, principally because it is difficult to get actuals data apples-to-apples with plan data at the line item level. For example, for basic revenue planning: Patient Days * Reimbursement Rate = Gross Revenue 250 * $1000 = $250,000 Alight includes a section for Key Measures with custom dashboards for displaying actual and plan measures of the organization such as admissions, patient days, denial and collections rates, payer mix, headcount analysis, balance sheet ratios and more. 10
  • 11. Agile Planning for Healthcare Providers As the examples illustrate, actuals data frequently Finally, for robust agile planning, you must have need modeling different from plan data to get valid the capability of truly integrating actuals into the comparisons and trends. For maximum flexibility, financial plan. That means: 1) being able to model the planning application should allow modeling of actuals as an activity driver and 2) spreading actu- actuals with algorithms and linking separate from als data into plan time periods—e.g. the historical modeling of plan data. average cost per stat into future months, and fur- ther, being able to modify those costs going for- ward to reflect, for example, inflation or cost con- trol initiatives. Summary Agile planning requires special features that extend beyond the capabilities of spreadsheets and many budget applications. Scenario analysis should be real time with maintenance across scenarios. Mod- eling tools must be robust and provide transpar- ency into underlying activity drivers. Actuals data must be available for driving forecast values. In an agile planning environment, the return on Alight includes separate tabs for modeling actuals investment is not from reducing time spent on and plan at the line item level. In the example, plan units * rate = amount. For actuals, amount / units = planning. The ROI comes from better financial per- rate. formance as a result of a more responsive planning environment and improved decision making. In addition, actuals data need to be imported from Agile Planning is a pending trademark of Alight, LLC. any source at any level of detail, not just the general ledger. The actual revenue amount is imported from the general ledger, but units for back- calculating average charge rate are typically im- ported from a data warehouse or an ERP or EMR system. Rand Heer is CEO of Alight and the creative force behind Alight Planning. He was also the founder of Pillar and designer of Hyperion Pillar, the first enterprise software for budgets and forecasting. Tom Hartman, a twenty year veteran of the planning software space, is Director of Sales at Alight, driving the company’s Healthcare sales and marketing programs. Web: Tel: (530) 622-5485. Special Thanks to Ray Wolfe, CFO of Pitts- burgh Mercy Health System , Don Koenes, VP of Services at Alight and Linda Hull, Director of Sales Support at Alight. 11