passive leg raising cvp stroke volume variation ivc diameter variation foreign body aspiration novel treatment severe asthma bronchial thermoplasty (bt) bronchoscopy flotrac/vigileo pulse pressure variation arterial peak velocity pulmonary artery thermodilution the fick principle cardiac output lung cancer staging tbna transbronchial needle aspiration radial ebus convex ebus mediastinoscopy eus endobronhial ultrasound artery peak velocity early goal-directed therapy septic shpck egdt sepsis vap fiducial markers transbronchial dye localization technique ip enb lung biopsy lung cancer splitary lung nodule interventional pulmonology electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy endobronchial obstruction corticosteroids whole lung lavage interventional pulmonary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis targeted temperature management mild hypothermia therapy critical care therapeutic hypothermia cardiac arrest diagnosis classification and treatment tracheomalacia tm tracheobronchomalacia tbm dynamic central airway obstruction excessive dynamic airway collapse edac neuromuscular blocking agents ards staging system for nsclc lymph node map solitary pulmonary nodule volume responsiveness echocardiogram vascular access ultrasound shock thoracic ultrasound fibroptic bronchoscopy rigid bronchoscopy depp venous thrombosis diagnostic vascular ultrasonography pregnancy pulmonary embolism venousthromboembolism airwya intubation lma cricothyrotomy bvm bougie
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