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Delinquency and Competency 
Randee J. Waldman | Barton Child Law & Policy Center 
GCWLA – August 6, 2013
Article 6 – Purpose 
The purpose of this article is: 
Consistent with the protection of the public interest, to hold a child committing 
delinquent acts accountable for his or her actions, taking into account such child’s age, 
education, mental and physical condition, background, and all other relevant factors, 
but to mitigate the adult consequences of criminal behavior; 
To accord due process of law to each child who is accused of having committed a 
delinquent act; 
To provide for a child committing delinquent acts with supervision, care, and 
rehabilitation which ensure balanced attention to the protection of the community, the 
imposition of accountability, and the development of competencies to enable such child 
to become a reasonable and productive member of the community; 
To promote a continuum of services for a child and his or her family from prevention of 
delinquent acts aftercare, considering, whenever possible, prevention, diversion, and 
early intervention, including an emphasis on community based alternatives; 
To provide effective sanctions to acts of juvenile delinquency; and 
To strengthen families and to successfully reintegrate delinquent children into homes 
and communities.
Article 6 – The Parties 
Parties are: 
 Alleged delinquent child 
 The State 
Parent, guardian, or legal custodian: 
Right to notice 
Right to be present in the courtroom 
Opportunity to be heard at all stages 
Notice of the disposition hearing 
Article 6 – Role of Prosecutor 
 Prosecuting attorney shall conduct 
delinquency proceedings on behalf of the 
Entitled to complete access to all court files, 
probation files, hearing transcripts, delinquency 
reports, and any other juvenile court records. 
 Filing of petition (“attorney”) 
Article 6 – Defense Attorney 
Right to counsel 
 Right to represented by an attorney at all 
 Parent may not waive right to be represented 
 Child may not waive if liberty is in jeopardy 
Access to records 
 Judge shall issue an order for dependency, school 
and health or mental healthcare records 
Upon motion 
Written consent of child 
Chapter 6 – Delinquency Case Timelines 
If Child Is Not In Custody: If Child Is In Custody: 
Petition Alleging Delinquency 
Within 30 days of complaint or 30 days after release 
Arraignment Hearing 
Within 30 days of filing the petition 
Adjudication Hearing 
Within 60 days of filing the petition 
Disposition Hearing 
Within 30 days of adjudication hearing 
Detention Hearing 
(arrest warrant = 5 business days) 
(no arrest warrant = 2 business days) 
Petition Alleging Delinquency 
Within 72 hours of detention hearing 
Adjudication Hearing 
Within 10 days of filing the petition 
Disposition Hearing 
Within 30 days of adjudication hearing
Article 6 - Intake 
At intake, child shall be informed of: 
 Contents of complaint 
 Nature of the proceedings 
 Possible consequences or dispositions 
 Due process rights 
Right to an attorney 
Privilege against self-incrimination 
Right to remain silent 
Right to confront and cross-examine witnesses 
Right to testify 
Right to compel other witnesses to attend and testify 
Right to speedy adjudication hearing 
Right to appeal and be provided with transcripts
Article 6 – Detention Assessment 
 Detention assessment must be administered 
by intake officer 
'Detention assessment' means an actuarial tool, 
approved by the board and validated on a 
targeted population, used to make detention 
decisions and that identifies and calculates 
specific factors that are likely to indicate a child's 
risk to public safety pending adjudication and the 
likelihood that such child will appear for juvenile 
proceedings for the act causing the detention 
decision to be made. (49-4A-1)
Article 6 – Place of Detention 
 May be detained in: 
Licensed foster home 
Home approved by the court 
Home of non-custodial parent or relative 
Facility operated by licensed child welfare agency 
Secure or non-secure residential facility 
If 15 or older, may be held in jail for up to 24 
hours if certain conditions are met 
 Placement shall be in the least restrictive 
Article 6 – Detention Hearing 
 Shall be held no later than: 
2 business days if custody without arrest warrant 
5 business days if custody with arrest warrant 
Probable cause “review” within 48 hours 
 At detention hearing, court shall inform child of: 
Contents of complaint or petition 
Nature of the proceedings 
Right to make an application for bail 
Possible consequences or dispositions 
Due process rights
Article 6 – Detention Decision 
 Probable cause 
 Clear and convincing evidence that freedom 
should be restrained, that no less restrictive 
alternatives will suffice, and that: 
May inflict serious bodily harm 
Demonstrated pattern of theft or destruction of 
property such that detention is required to protect 
the property of others 
Secure his or her presence in court
Article 6 - Bail 
 Same right to bail as adults 
Only at intake or detention hearing 
 May release on bail if the court finds: 
Poses no significant risk of fleeing jurisdiction or 
failing to appear in court 
Poses no significant threat or danger to any person, to 
the community or to any property in the community. 
Poses no significant risk of committing any felony 
pending trial 
Poses no significant risk of intimidating witnesses or 
otherwise obstructing administration of justice
Article 6 - Petition 
 Shall be filed by an attorney (prosecuting attorney or 
 Timing: 
No later than 72 hours after detention hearing 
Within 30 days of filing of complaint 
 Contents (new requirements): 
Place of detention at time taken into custody 
If child is charged with Class A or Class B designated 
felony act 
 Amendments: 
Prior to hearing 
After jeopardy, shall not be amended to include new 
Article 6 - Arraignment 
 Shall be scheduled within 30 days of the filing 
of the petition (non-detained) 
 Court shall inform child of: 
Contents of petition 
Nature of the proceedings 
Possible consequences or dispositions 
Due process rights 
 Represented child may enter an admission 
 Child whose liberty is not in jeopardy may 
waive right to counsel
Article 6 – Failure to Appear 
 Parent fails to appear or bring child 
Court may issue a rule nisi ordering person to 
show cause 
Failure to appear in response to order to show 
cause results in bench warrant 
 Child 16 or older 
Bench warrant 
 Child 14 or 15 who willfully refuses to appear 
Bench warrant
Article 6 – SB440 
 No change to exclusive jurisdiction offenses 
 Voluntary manslaughter, aggravated sodomy, 
aggravated child molestation or aggravated 
sexual battery may be transferred to juvenile 
court by Superior Court judge. 
Treated as Class A designated felony act 
Appealable by the State
Article 6 – Transfer to Superior Court 
 Factors for the Court to consider in making transfer decision: 
Protection of community 
Violence or aggressive or premeditated manner 
Culpability of child (level of planning and participation) 
Repetitive pattern of offenses indicating beyond rehabilitation in 
Record and history 
Sophistication and maturity 
Program and facilities available 
Whether child can benefit from treatment or rehabilitative 
programs available to juvenile court
Article 6 – Transfer to Superior Court 
 Probation report developing available information 
relevant to transfer criteria 
 Court may order transfer evaluation of clinical 
 Statements made during evaluation or at hearing 
only used as impeachment or rebuttal evidence 
 Decision to transfer is an interlocutory judgment 
and may be appealed by either party
Article 6 - Adjudication 
15-11-580 & 582 
 If detained, within 10 days after the filing of 
 If not detained, within 60 days after the filing of 
Understandable Language 
 Court shall address the child in language 
understandable to the child in order to determine 
whether the child is capable of understanding 
such statements about his or her rights 
If capable, denial or admission
Chapter 6 – Disposition Options 
Order for dependent child - not temp DFCS custody 
Counseling for child and parent/guardian 
Supervised probation including probation 
Unsupervised probation 
Studies  High School diploma or equivalent 
Community service 
Fines (traffic offenses) 
Suspension of driver’s license 
Article 6 – Disposition Options 
“Everyone” options 
Facility/institution/camp for delinquent children 
Commitment to DJJ 
Up to 30 days in secure residential facility or 
treatment program provided by DJJ or juvenile 
**Applicable for felonies and misdemeanors if child has at least one prior felony 
adjudication and at least three other prior adjudications for a delinquent act.
Article 6 – Designated Felonies 
 Order made within 20 days of disposition hearing 
 Risk assessment to be completed 
 Order to include: 
Finding, based on preponderance of evidence, whether 
restrictive custody required 
If low risk, written findings as to why placement in 
restrictive custody is necessary 
Written findings as to each of the following factors: 
 Age and maturity 
 Needs and best interest of child 
 Record, background and risk level of child 
 Nature and circumstances of offense 
 Need for protection of community 
 Age and physical condition of the victim
Article 6 – Designated Felonies 
 Behavioral Health Evaluations: 
The Court SHALL order and give consideration to 
the results before ordering a DF child to restrictive 
Article 6 – DF Disposition Options 
Class B Designated Felony 
If restrictive 
custody not 
required  
Initial DJJ custody up to 36 months, 
no more than 18 months in restrictive 
Moderate/High Risk Child  at least half 
of period in secure residential facility, 
remainder at DJJ discretion 
Low Risk Child  non-secure residential 
facility (“shall” or “may”?) 
Intensive supervision after confinement 
(not to exceed 6 months)
Article 6 – DF Disposition Options 
Class A Designated Felony 
If restrictive 
custody not 
required  
Initial DJJ custody up to 60 months 
Confined in secure residential 
facility for period set by order 
Intensive supervision after 
(not to exceed 12 months)
Article 6 – DF Disposition Options 
Developmental disability 
 If ordered confined to restrictive custody, but diagnosed with 
DD and not amendable to treatment in a secure residential 
facility, DJJ may transfer to non-secure residential facility 
Must notify prosecuting attorney and judge 
Mandatory secure confinement 
 Serious physical injury upon person 72 or older 
Credit for time served 
 All time spent in secure or non-secure residential facility shall 
be counted toward confinement period 
Early release 
 May be filed every 6 months
Article 6 – Designated Felony Classes 
Class A Designated Felony Acts 
 Aggravated assault or assault with a 
deadly weapon that resulted in 
serious injury 
 Aggravated battery 
 Armed robbery (no firearm) 
 Arson (first degree) 
 Attempted murder 
 Escape if previously Class A or B 
 Hijacking a motor vehicle 
 Kidnapping 
 Criminal gang activity (most types) 
 Trafficking of substances 
 Fourth felony adjudication if one was 
a felony crime against a person or a 
sexual offense 
Class B Designated Felony Acts 
 Aggravated assault or assault with a 
deadly weapon that did not result in 
serious injury 
 Arson (second degree) 
 Attempted kidnapping 
 Battery against school personnel 
 Racketeering 
 Robbery 
 Gang related graffiti 
 Smash and grab burglary 
 Destructive device and hoax device 
 Second car theft 
 Second possession of a handgun 
 School weapons violations 
 Fourth felony adjudication 
Additional Noteworthy Changes 
 Law enforcement officer may detain child for reasonable period of 
time sufficient to conduct interrogations or perform routine law 
enforcement procedures (i.e. fingerprinting and photographing) 
 15-11-502(b) 
 Victims’ rights 
 Entitled to same rights, notices and benefits as the victim of crime 
committed by adult (victim impact) 
 15-11-481 
 Notice regarding release from detention for DF acts. 
 15-11-508 
 Jeopardy attaches: 
 Denial  first witness sworn 
 Admission  Court accepts admission 
 11-15-480
Article 7 – Definitions 
 Incompetent to proceed: 
Lacking sufficient present ability to understand the 
nature and object of the proceedings, to comprehend 
his or her own situation in relation to the proceedings, 
and to assist his or her attorney in the preparation and 
presentation of his or her case in all adjudication, 
disposition, or transfer hearings. Such terms shall 
include consideration of a child’s age or immaturity. 
 Competency remediation services 
Outpatient interventions directed only at facilitating the 
attainment of the competence to proceed 
 May include: mental health treatment to reduce symptoms 
or specialized psychoeducational programming.
Article 7 – General Provisions 
 Applicable in CHINS and delinquency 
 Competency evaluation may be ordered on 
court’s own motion or on motion of any party, 
GAL, parent/guardian 
 If child under 13 is alleged to have committed 
a serious violent felony, competency 
evaluation must be ordered 
 Court must appoint attorney prior to evaluation 
 Competency evaluation stays all proceedings
Article 7 – Competency 
Evaluation 15-11-653 
 Written report shall be submitted within 30 
days of court’s order (extension may be 
 If not competent, report should include: 
Opinion as to primary cause of incompetency 
(immaturity, mental illness, developmental 
disability or a combination) 
Opinion as to whether substantial probability will 
attain competency in foreseeable future
Article 7 – Competency Hearing 
 Within 60 days after court order for evaluation 
 Burden on child 
 Standard of proof  preponderance of 
 Examiner considered the court’s witness and 
subject to cross-examination by child’s 
attorney and prosecuting attorney
Article 7 – Competence May Be 
Remediated 15-11-656 
 Court may dismiss without prejudice or order 
competency remediation services. Court shall 
Probable cause 
Nature of incompetency 
Nature of alleged act 
 If competency remediation services ordered, court 
retains jurisdiction: 
Felony  up to 2 years with review hearings at least every 
6 months 
Misdemeanor  up to 120 days 
 If detained in secure or non-secure residential facility: 
Order releasing within 5 days
Article 7 – Unrestorably 
Incompetent 15-11-658 
 Court shall: 
Dismiss the petition 
Appoint a plan manager 
Order that procedures that a comprehensive 
services plan be initiated under Article 5 (CHINS)

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Revitalizing the Code: Delinquency & Competency

  • 1. REVITALIZING THE CODE: Delinquency and Competency Randee J. Waldman | Barton Child Law & Policy Center GCWLA – August 6, 2013
  • 3. Article 6 – Purpose The purpose of this article is:  15-11-470 Consistent with the protection of the public interest, to hold a child committing delinquent acts accountable for his or her actions, taking into account such child’s age, education, mental and physical condition, background, and all other relevant factors, but to mitigate the adult consequences of criminal behavior;  To accord due process of law to each child who is accused of having committed a delinquent act;  To provide for a child committing delinquent acts with supervision, care, and rehabilitation which ensure balanced attention to the protection of the community, the imposition of accountability, and the development of competencies to enable such child to become a reasonable and productive member of the community;  To promote a continuum of services for a child and his or her family from prevention of delinquent acts aftercare, considering, whenever possible, prevention, diversion, and early intervention, including an emphasis on community based alternatives;  To provide effective sanctions to acts of juvenile delinquency; and  To strengthen families and to successfully reintegrate delinquent children into homes and communities.
  • 4. Article 6 – The Parties Parties are:  Alleged delinquent child  The State Parent, guardian, or legal custodian: Right to notice Right to be present in the courtroom Opportunity to be heard at all stages DJJ: Notice of the disposition hearing 15-11-474
  • 5. Article 6 – Role of Prosecutor  Prosecuting attorney shall conduct delinquency proceedings on behalf of the State. Entitled to complete access to all court files, probation files, hearing transcripts, delinquency reports, and any other juvenile court records.  Filing of petition (“attorney”) 15-11-473
  • 6. Article 6 – Defense Attorney Right to counsel  Right to represented by an attorney at all proceedings  Parent may not waive right to be represented  Child may not waive if liberty is in jeopardy Access to records  Judge shall issue an order for dependency, school and health or mental healthcare records Upon motion Written consent of child 15-11-475
  • 7. Chapter 6 – Delinquency Case Timelines 15-11-472 Complaint/Intake If Child Is Not In Custody: If Child Is In Custody: Petition Alleging Delinquency Within 30 days of complaint or 30 days after release Arraignment Hearing Within 30 days of filing the petition Adjudication Hearing Within 60 days of filing the petition Disposition Hearing Within 30 days of adjudication hearing Detention Hearing (arrest warrant = 5 business days) (no arrest warrant = 2 business days) Petition Alleging Delinquency Within 72 hours of detention hearing Adjudication Hearing Within 10 days of filing the petition Disposition Hearing Within 30 days of adjudication hearing
  • 8. Article 6 - Intake 15-11-510 At intake, child shall be informed of:  Contents of complaint  Nature of the proceedings  Possible consequences or dispositions  Due process rights Right to an attorney Privilege against self-incrimination Right to remain silent Right to confront and cross-examine witnesses Right to testify Right to compel other witnesses to attend and testify Right to speedy adjudication hearing Right to appeal and be provided with transcripts
  • 9. Article 6 – Detention Assessment 15-11-505  Detention assessment must be administered by intake officer 'Detention assessment' means an actuarial tool, approved by the board and validated on a targeted population, used to make detention decisions and that identifies and calculates specific factors that are likely to indicate a child's risk to public safety pending adjudication and the likelihood that such child will appear for juvenile proceedings for the act causing the detention decision to be made. (49-4A-1)
  • 10. Article 6 – Place of Detention 15-11-504  May be detained in: Licensed foster home Home approved by the court Home of non-custodial parent or relative Facility operated by licensed child welfare agency Secure or non-secure residential facility If 15 or older, may be held in jail for up to 24 hours if certain conditions are met  Placement shall be in the least restrictive facility
  • 11. Article 6 – Detention Hearing 15-11-506  Shall be held no later than: 2 business days if custody without arrest warrant 5 business days if custody with arrest warrant Probable cause “review” within 48 hours  At detention hearing, court shall inform child of: Contents of complaint or petition Nature of the proceedings Right to make an application for bail Possible consequences or dispositions Due process rights
  • 12. Article 6 – Detention Decision 15-11-503  Probable cause  Clear and convincing evidence that freedom should be restrained, that no less restrictive alternatives will suffice, and that: May inflict serious bodily harm Demonstrated pattern of theft or destruction of property such that detention is required to protect the property of others Secure his or her presence in court
  • 13. Article 6 - Bail 15-11-507  Same right to bail as adults Only at intake or detention hearing  May release on bail if the court finds: Poses no significant risk of fleeing jurisdiction or failing to appear in court Poses no significant threat or danger to any person, to the community or to any property in the community. Poses no significant risk of committing any felony pending trial Poses no significant risk of intimidating witnesses or otherwise obstructing administration of justice
  • 14. Article 6 - Petition 15-11-520-523  Shall be filed by an attorney (prosecuting attorney or designee)  Timing: No later than 72 hours after detention hearing Within 30 days of filing of complaint  Contents (new requirements): Place of detention at time taken into custody If child is charged with Class A or Class B designated felony act  Amendments: Prior to hearing After jeopardy, shall not be amended to include new charges
  • 15. Article 6 - Arraignment 15-11-511  Shall be scheduled within 30 days of the filing of the petition (non-detained)  Court shall inform child of: Contents of petition Nature of the proceedings Possible consequences or dispositions Due process rights  Represented child may enter an admission  Child whose liberty is not in jeopardy may waive right to counsel
  • 16. Article 6 – Failure to Appear 15-11-532  Parent fails to appear or bring child Court may issue a rule nisi ordering person to show cause Failure to appear in response to order to show cause results in bench warrant  Child 16 or older Bench warrant  Child 14 or 15 who willfully refuses to appear Bench warrant
  • 17. Article 6 – SB440 15-11-560  No change to exclusive jurisdiction offenses  Voluntary manslaughter, aggravated sodomy, aggravated child molestation or aggravated sexual battery may be transferred to juvenile court by Superior Court judge. Treated as Class A designated felony act Appealable by the State
  • 18. Article 6 – Transfer to Superior Court 15-11-562  Factors for the Court to consider in making transfer decision: Age Seriousness Protection of community Violence or aggressive or premeditated manner Culpability of child (level of planning and participation) Repetitive pattern of offenses indicating beyond rehabilitation in JJ Record and history Sophistication and maturity Program and facilities available Whether child can benefit from treatment or rehabilitative programs available to juvenile court
  • 19. Article 6 – Transfer to Superior Court 15-11-562-564 Reports/Evaluations  Probation report developing available information relevant to transfer criteria  Court may order transfer evaluation of clinical status Admissibility  Statements made during evaluation or at hearing only used as impeachment or rebuttal evidence Appeals  Decision to transfer is an interlocutory judgment and may be appealed by either party
  • 20. Article 6 - Adjudication 15-11-580 & 582 Timing  If detained, within 10 days after the filing of petition  If not detained, within 60 days after the filing of petition Understandable Language  Court shall address the child in language understandable to the child in order to determine whether the child is capable of understanding such statements about his or her rights If capable, denial or admission
  • 21. Chapter 6 – Disposition Options Everyone Order for dependent child - not temp DFCS custody Counseling for child and parent/guardian Supervised probation including probation management Unsupervised probation Studies  High School diploma or equivalent Community service Restitution Fines (traffic offenses) Suspension of driver’s license 15-11-601
  • 22. Article 6 – Disposition Options 15-11-601 Felony/Misdemeanor(+) “Everyone” options Facility/institution/camp for delinquent children Commitment to DJJ Up to 30 days in secure residential facility or treatment program provided by DJJ or juvenile court **Applicable for felonies and misdemeanors if child has at least one prior felony adjudication and at least three other prior adjudications for a delinquent act.
  • 23. Article 6 – Designated Felonies 15-11-602  Order made within 20 days of disposition hearing  Risk assessment to be completed  Order to include: Finding, based on preponderance of evidence, whether restrictive custody required If low risk, written findings as to why placement in restrictive custody is necessary Written findings as to each of the following factors:  Age and maturity  Needs and best interest of child  Record, background and risk level of child  Nature and circumstances of offense  Need for protection of community  Age and physical condition of the victim
  • 24. Article 6 – Designated Felonies  Behavioral Health Evaluations: The Court SHALL order and give consideration to the results before ordering a DF child to restrictive custody 15-11-475 15-11-477
  • 25. Article 6 – DF Disposition Options 15-11-602 Class B Designated Felony If restrictive custody not required  felony/misd.(+) options Initial DJJ custody up to 36 months, no more than 18 months in restrictive custody Moderate/High Risk Child  at least half of period in secure residential facility, remainder at DJJ discretion Low Risk Child  non-secure residential facility (“shall” or “may”?) Intensive supervision after confinement (not to exceed 6 months)
  • 26. Article 6 – DF Disposition Options 15-11-602 Class A Designated Felony If restrictive custody not required  felony/misd.(+) options Initial DJJ custody up to 60 months Confined in secure residential facility for period set by order Intensive supervision after confinement (not to exceed 12 months)
  • 27. Article 6 – DF Disposition Options 15-11-602 Developmental disability  If ordered confined to restrictive custody, but diagnosed with DD and not amendable to treatment in a secure residential facility, DJJ may transfer to non-secure residential facility Must notify prosecuting attorney and judge Mandatory secure confinement  Serious physical injury upon person 72 or older Credit for time served  All time spent in secure or non-secure residential facility shall be counted toward confinement period Early release  May be filed every 6 months
  • 28. Article 6 – Designated Felony Classes Class A Designated Felony Acts  Aggravated assault or assault with a deadly weapon that resulted in serious injury  Aggravated battery  Armed robbery (no firearm)  Arson (first degree)  Attempted murder  Escape if previously Class A or B  Hijacking a motor vehicle  Kidnapping  Criminal gang activity (most types)  Trafficking of substances  Fourth felony adjudication if one was a felony crime against a person or a sexual offense Class B Designated Felony Acts  Aggravated assault or assault with a deadly weapon that did not result in serious injury  Arson (second degree)  Attempted kidnapping  Battery against school personnel  Racketeering  Robbery  Gang related graffiti  Smash and grab burglary  Destructive device and hoax device crimes  Second car theft  Second possession of a handgun  School weapons violations  Fourth felony adjudication 15-11-2(12&13)
  • 29. Additional Noteworthy Changes  Law enforcement officer may detain child for reasonable period of time sufficient to conduct interrogations or perform routine law enforcement procedures (i.e. fingerprinting and photographing)  15-11-502(b)  Victims’ rights  Entitled to same rights, notices and benefits as the victim of crime committed by adult (victim impact)  15-11-481  Notice regarding release from detention for DF acts.  15-11-508  Jeopardy attaches:  Denial  first witness sworn  Admission  Court accepts admission  11-15-480
  • 31. Article 7 – Definitions 15-11-651  Incompetent to proceed: Lacking sufficient present ability to understand the nature and object of the proceedings, to comprehend his or her own situation in relation to the proceedings, and to assist his or her attorney in the preparation and presentation of his or her case in all adjudication, disposition, or transfer hearings. Such terms shall include consideration of a child’s age or immaturity.  Competency remediation services Outpatient interventions directed only at facilitating the attainment of the competence to proceed  May include: mental health treatment to reduce symptoms or specialized psychoeducational programming.
  • 32. Article 7 – General Provisions 15-11-652  Applicable in CHINS and delinquency proceedings  Competency evaluation may be ordered on court’s own motion or on motion of any party, GAL, parent/guardian  If child under 13 is alleged to have committed a serious violent felony, competency evaluation must be ordered  Court must appoint attorney prior to evaluation  Competency evaluation stays all proceedings
  • 33. Article 7 – Competency Evaluation 15-11-653  Written report shall be submitted within 30 days of court’s order (extension may be granted)  If not competent, report should include: Opinion as to primary cause of incompetency (immaturity, mental illness, developmental disability or a combination) Opinion as to whether substantial probability will attain competency in foreseeable future
  • 34. Article 7 – Competency Hearing 15-11-655  Within 60 days after court order for evaluation  Burden on child  Standard of proof  preponderance of evidence  Examiner considered the court’s witness and subject to cross-examination by child’s attorney and prosecuting attorney
  • 35. Article 7 – Competence May Be Remediated 15-11-656  Court may dismiss without prejudice or order competency remediation services. Court shall consider: Probable cause Nature of incompetency Age Nature of alleged act  If competency remediation services ordered, court retains jurisdiction: Felony  up to 2 years with review hearings at least every 6 months Misdemeanor  up to 120 days  If detained in secure or non-secure residential facility: Order releasing within 5 days
  • 36. Article 7 – Unrestorably Incompetent 15-11-658  Court shall: Dismiss the petition Appoint a plan manager Order that procedures that a comprehensive services plan be initiated under Article 5 (CHINS)