Digital literacy #onl152

Sara Mörtsell Há 8 anos

Taking Charge of Your Brain

Deepak Chopra MD (official) Há 9 anos

Modern Skills --> Literacies --> Fluency

Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano Há 10 anos

Pedagogy of Simultaneity (Collaborative Copy)

Michael Sean Gallagher Há 10 anos

Lecture Casting

Stephen Ransom Há 14 anos

Basics of Content Chunking

Fareeza Marican Há 10 anos

8 Tips for an Awesome Powerpoint Presentation

Slides | Presentation Design Agency Há 10 anos

Engaging learners with mobile devices

Jisc RSC East Midlands Há 10 anos

Student authored vignettes talk

Simon Lancaster Há 10 anos

Social Teaching by Design: 6 Assignment Ideas

Sidneyeve Matrix Há 10 anos