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Note- File For Final Evaluation
    - Pl mark the portion reqd in Punjabi


                        SUBJECT           -           ENGLISH
                        CLASS                         -    IX
                        CHAPTER           -           ESSAY WRITING III
                        MODULE                        -    PARTS OF AN ESSAY
                        (Word Count-3094)


Hello children, We had learnt about the different parts of an essay. Let’s recall what
all we had learnt. We learnt that


    An essay consists of three segments – introduction, body and


    The introduction should be short, attractive and should contain the

      purpose of the essay.

    The body should contain all the points we had made in the outline and

      should have clarity.

    The conclusion should be short, attractive and in the right mood.

    Introduction can start with a question, incident or example.

    Introduction can also start with a catchy , relevant quotation.


ftfdnkoEhU, ;kvh ni d/ ftF/ pko/ ikD- gSkD pj[s uzrh sokQ j' rJh j? go fJj skA fJe
S'Nk fijk yzv ;h. n;b ftZu fBpzX p[fBnkdh s'o s/ nkgD/ YkAu/ s/ fBoGo eodk j?, fiE/
n;h ;ko/ B[efsnkA Bz{ fbZy e/ ftnes eod/ jkA . nkgD/ ftukokA Bz{ ;kBz{ bVhtko
oZyDk ukjhdk j?, fit/A s[;h fe;/ Bkb rZb eo oj/ j'.
In short, the body of an essay can be described as follows:


 (Blink the capital letters, and keep blinking till the word ‘BODY’ is made, and
freeze it for one second.)

                               Basic points,
                               Ordered and connected,
                               Delivered clearly and appropriately, in
                               Your own individual style.

As we have seen, the body for descriptive essays is more or less concerned with

Text on screen with voice over


   • Definition, description of the problem / phenomena
   • Causes
   • Effects – positive or negative or both
   • Steps to be taken
nkw s'o s/ nfij/ ftF/ fiBKQ dk ;zpzX tksktoD ikA ;wkfie w[;hpskA Bkb j't/, T[BkQ
dk YkAuk nfijk jz[dk j?. nfij/ ftfFnkaftZu jeheskA ns/ T[dkjoDk Bz{ Fkwb eoBk
pj[s wjZstg{oB ns/ bkGdkfJe jz[dk j?. nypkokA ns/ o;kfbnkA dk jtkbk d/D Bkb
;kvk fpnkB ehsk fBpzX j'o o'ue j' ikAdk j?. ftF/ Bkb ;zpzfXs nkw ikDekoh fbZyD
ftZu pj[s wdd eodh j?. fijVhnkA rbkA pko/ ;kBz{ brdk j? fe fJj Bjh j't/rk T[; bJh
;kBz{ fJj fbyDk ukjhdk j? fe j' ;edk j? fe fJj Bk th j't/. i/ s[;hI wfj;{; eod/ j' fe nfijk
Bjh tkgoBk ukjhdk sK ej' ‘It may not happen’ fJj Bk ej' fe ‘It will not happen’       . fJ;
soQK tke ;ukJh Bkb g{oh soQk fBnK eodk j?. ;zy/g eoB s/ toDBkswe fBpzX n;bh
f}zdrh ns/ ;kv/ nkgD/ tksktoD Bkb g{oh soQk fBGdk j?. fJ; eoe/ fJ; ~ pV/ jh o"ue
ns/ fBogZy sohe/ Bkb fbfynk ik ;edk j?.

Kushal has completed the body of his essay. Let’s take a look.

Text on screen with voice over(A blirred, big, coloured image of a tall tree to be
shown in the background of the text.)

Trees provide us with fruits and vegetables. They provide us shade in summers.
They are the home for many birds. Trees during photosynthesis take in carbon-
dioxide and give out oxygen. They help purify the air for us. Trees help in cooling the
surroundings and in attracting rains. When we cut down trees, we not only make the
land barren, but the atmosphere polluted and hotter too.
If trees are indeed so helpful, why do people want to cut them? Certainly for their
own business. They build hotels, markets, malls etc. in places where trees have
been standing for years. They build houses and use the wood from the trees to


furnish them. They feel they are gaining a lot by cutting the trees while actually they
are at a loss.
When we cut trees, it is nobody’s but our own loss. The ecological balance gets
affected. Food for the animals and humans reduces, pollution becomes dominant,
rains become less frequent and weather becomes hot and dry. The Hotels can be
built elsewhere , without cutting the trees. It is easy to cut them in a day but growing
one so easily is just not possible!
For all the good that trees do to us, we can at least show a little humanity by not
plucking and crumpling plants unnecessarily. We should spread the awareness
among more people. We have seen people coming and heartlessly cutting down the
trees we had fondly grown in our neighbourhood. The owner of the hotel will be
enjoying his profits. But we will get hurt by the polluted air and increase in the
atmospheric temperature. We, who live in this neighbourhood, should protect our
valuable trees, our surroundings Maintaining our environmental balance is very
much in our own hands.


fJ;d/ fBpzX d/ YkAu/ B/ ;ko/ B[efsnkA Bz{ ;zy/g ftZu pVh u[;sh Bkb Fkwb ehsk
j?.fJj th fJe toDkswe fBpzX j? . fJ; bJh T[; Bz{ ekoDk,gqGktkA ns/ T[; bJh u[e/
ikD tkb/ edwkA,tkb/ Bw{B/ Bz{ Fkfwb eoBk gt/rk . go eh j't/rk id'A ;kv/ e'b'A fe;/
ftF/ s/ ;[Mkn wzr/ ikD< T[dkjoD d/ s'o s/,eh N?bhthiB d/yDk ;kv/ bJh jkBhekoe j?<

In such topics we have three options:

Text on screen with voice over

We can
     •    Agree with the topic
     •    Disagree with the topic
     •    Take a neutral stand, neither agree nor disagree

;kvk fBpzX fJj efj ;edk j? fe N?bhthiB d/yDk jkBhekoe j?. n;h fJ; ftZu jkBhnkA d/
ekoD ,gqGkt ns/ T[gkn pko/ dZ; ;ed/ jkA. i/eo ;kvk fBpzX fJ; Bkb ;fjws Bk j't/ skA n;h
T[; d/ bkGkA pko/ fby ;ed/ jkA. fJ;d/ pkti{d i/ n;hA d'jkA pko/ fbyDk ukjz[d/ jkA skA
n;hA bkG ns/ jkBhnkA d'jkA pko/ fby ;ed/ jkA. go eJh e/;K ftZu n;hI fBogZy c?;bk Bjh
b? ;ed/ , feT[ fe d't/ c?;b/ jh vkY/ jB ns/ d'tk ~ fJZem/ Bjh oZfynk ik ;edk. eJh tkoh
fBpzX dk ftFk nkgD/ nkg jh fBogZy c?;b/ dh ;zGktBk dk yzvB eodk j?. T[dkjoD d/ s"o
s/ ‘Is today’s generation smarter than the previous?’ id' ftFk jh nkgD/ nkg ;tkb g[ZSdk
j? sK fBogZy c?;bk fBpzX ~ T[d/F ofjs pDk ;edk j?.


When the topic concerns morals/ethics/virtues etc., do not stand for wrong morals or
ethics under any circumstances, even in a humorous way. You can always explain
why people at times are forced to do wrong things and you can give suggestions to
rectify the problem, but do not support their action.
For example:

Text on screen with voice over

Topic -            Increased cases of robbery in India.
                    ( Introduction can consist of A newspaper clipping relevant
to the topic, to be scanned and inserted.)Then the body can be easily
connected to the Introduction.

Body-         Such people do not have money or shelter to support their families.
              Problem of unemployment adds to their miseries. This drives them to
              steal in order to support their livelihood. But, stealing has never been
              the correct thing to do. We cannot be happy knowing that we have
              deprived somebody else and stolen their hard-earned money.
              Opportunities provided by the government can generate some jobs,
              helping them to improve the standard of living. Some organizations,
              engaged in Social services, can also play an important role in
              spreading literacy, and giving them the zest to lead a healthy life.


Thus, we can discuss an issue without justifying wrong actions. The last part of an
essay is the conclusion. If the last bite is bitter, the whole lunch leaves a bitter taste
in the mouth. Despite writing an attractive introduction and a detailed body, if the
conclusion to our essay is not good, the essay fails to create an impact.

Cut to MM: 1 Show the two boys again as shown in the previous episodes,
talking to each other with the dialogues in bubbles.

Shyam:    What do you want to say in your conclusion Kushal?
Kushal:   The main aim of my writing this essay is to motivate the people to protest
          against the cutting down of trees in our neighbourhood. So, I want that to
          be my conclusion.
Shyam:    Should we then conclude saying, “Please join hands to save our trees”?
Kushal:   That’s too sweet. I am not asking for a favour. It is their neighbourhood too.
Shyam:    I didn’t realize that. Maybe that’s what we should tell the people too. It is
          their neighbourhood. They must fight for it.

f;ZN/ tiA' i'' ;zd/F n;h d/Dk ukjz[d/ jkA T[;dk nzs th }'odko :kBh gqGktFkbh sohe/ Bkb
j'Dk ukjhdk j?. T[; s'A gfjbkA fe s[jkBz{ ;jh f;ZfNnkA pko/ dZf;nk ikt/, ibdh Bkb nZi d/
gkm d/ w[Zy B[efsnk ~ fJZe fdbu;g sohe/ Bkb d[jokn bJhJ/,


CONCLUSION can be best summarized, by saying that this paragraph is a

( Blink the first letters in each word, till the word ‘CONCLUSION’ is
completed.Then freeze it for a second.)

                                Leading to a
                                Unified and focussed
                                Summary which is
                                Individual in nature,
                                Original in content and

Examples of some conclusions are:

Text on screen with voice over


      •   Ending with an appeal(wherever possible)


fJj fBpzX nkw iBsk d/ ezwkA, co}kA, ;wZf;nktkA Bkb ;zpzfXs jB. id'I n;h fe;/ rZb
pko/ nktk} T[mkT[Ad/ jkA skA ;kBz{ fJj gsk j'Dk ukjhdk j?, fe n;h ;jh ftF/ s/ nktk}
T[mk oj/ jkA. fJ; bJh fJj fttkdkA s'I ofjs j'D/ ukjhd/ jB. fJE/ ;kBz{ nkgDh rZb
Bz{ fJzM jh Bjh efjDk pbfe T[; s/ gZfenkA ofjDk j?.

Text on screen with voice over

Let us see some examples of some ‘conclusions’, with a universal appeal.

Topic -             Pollution

Conclusion -
     • So friends, let us take a pledge to make this world cleaner                  and

      •   So finally, I don’t claim myself to be an environmentalist, but surely, I’m an
          Earth warrior!

      •   . Ultimately, we must realize the value of saving our environment from
          pollution.” When we heal the Earth, remember we are healing ourselves.”


      •   . While saving our environment from any pollution,
                        “Take nothing but pictures.
                         Leave nothing but footprints,
                         Kill nothing but time.”


fJe j'o sohek j?, gqFB d/ Bkb nzs eoB dk. go gqFB dh u'D ;jh j'Dh ukjhdh j?, i'
gqGktFkbh j't/ ns/ e[ZM ;zd/F d/t/ s/ Bkb jh gVQB tkb/ Bz{ ;'uD s/ wip{o eo d/t/.

We can even add a remark after the question. For example:

Text on screen with voice over

      •   Ending with a question

Topic -      Voting sensibly.

Some examples of conclusions ending with a question

Conclusion -
     • The citizens of India should take interest in the affairs of the country and
        make full use of their powers to vote. Will India flourish or perish? The
        answer lies with you.

      •   We, as Indian citizens, should be well aware of the party’s performance.
          So we must cast our vote to bring in a proper government. Isn’t that true?

      •   So decide for yourself, will you vote for Power or Performance or religion?
          The country is waiting for your decision.


In essays concerning morals/ethics/virtues, we cannot give a message and asking a
question is not advisable. Many times the question may not even help our cause. In
such essays it is best to end with a remark. For example

Text on screen with voice over

      •   Ending with a remark

Some examples r given below:

Topic -             Honesty is the best policy


Conclusion -
     • Leading an honest life is the most straight forward, tension free and
        ethically correct way of living. While one lie leads to another, leading to a
        never ending sequel, what has one got to lose by telling the truth? After all
        honesty is the best policy.

Topic-                Where there is a Will, there is a way.

     • Negative thoughts are always barriers to any success. Positive thinking
        leads one to self-motivation and a will to achieve the focussed goal in life.
        So, it is rightly said,’Where there is a will, there is a Way’.

Topic-                Slow and steady wins the race.

     • We may finally conclude that going fast with lots of mistakes is not at all
        desirable. It’s always better to be a little slow but steady and correct in
        your work. Maintaining a steady and positive growth is always better than
        a faulty,and unfocussed growth. Remember, ’Slow and steady wins the


A note: pZfuU fJBKQ T[dkjoDK ftZu nzs s/ f;ZN/ d/ o{g ftZu fBpzX dk ftFk tofsnk frnk
j?. fJj ftF/ ~ T[ikro eoB dk gqGktFkbh Yzr j? ns/ Bkb jh gVQB tkfbnk ~ fBpzX d/ we;d
s'I th ikD{ eotkT[Idk j?.
Cut to MM: 2 (Show the two boys again, talking to each other, and the
dialogues in bubbles.)

Kushal:    So, we finally have our essay ready. Do you think people will be influenced
           by it?
Shyam:     Lets read it and see if we get inspired.


After we have written the essay, we must read it again and see if it has come out the
way we wanted it to. We should re-read and check for:

Text on screen with voice over

SUPER (The points come one at a time, and stay blinking for a second each.)

   •     Spelling mistakes

   •     Continuity


   •   Mood

   •   Proper Punctuation.

Change the sentences which you feel are going against the mood of the essay.

Let us see how Kushal’s essay looks.

Text on screen with voice over(Blurred Image of a tall tree to be put behind the
text of the essay, as shown , previously.)

Did you know trees have life too? Every time you pluck a leaf or crumple a plant
under your foot, you cause them pain. The industrial wastes are poisonous for these
plants. We leave no park, no garden litter free. We may not look after them, but do
we have to stoop as low as heartlessly cutting them down? All that after trees doing
so much for us?
Trees provide us with fruits and vegetables. They provide us shade in summers.
They are the home for many birds. Trees during photosynthesis, take in carbon-
dioxide and give out oxygen. They help purify the air for us. Trees help in cooling the
surroundings and in attracting rains. When we cut down trees, we not only make the
land barren, but the atmosphere polluted and hotter too.
If trees are indeed so helpful, why do people want to cut them? Positively for their
own business. They build hotels, markets, malls etc. in places where trees have
been standing for years. They build houses and use the wood from the trees to
furnish them. They feel they are gaining a lot by cutting the trees while actually they
are at a loss.
When we cut trees, it is nobody’s but our own loss. The ecological balance gets
affected. Food for the animals and humans reduce, pollution becomes dominant,
rains become less frequent and weather becomes hot and dry. We can build the
hotels somewhere else without cutting the trees. It is easy to cut down a tree in a
day, but it is impossible to grow a tree in just a day.
For all the good that trees do to us, we can at least show a little humanity by not
plucking and crumpling plants unnecessarily. We should spread the awareness
amongst more people. We have seen people coming and heartlessly cutting down
the trees we had fondly grown in our neighbourhood. The owner of the hotel built
may enjoy his profits, but we will get hurt by the polluted air and increase in
atmospheric temperature. Let us give ourselves cleaner air to breathe, fresher
surroundings to live in and healthy gardens for the children to play in. Raise a voice.
This is your neighbourhood, these are your trees. Save them. Can we give it an
instant start?

Cut to MM 3 The two boys are talking to each other—lip movement with
dialogues in bubbles.

Kushal:   We have written points to support us and have made people aware of the
          consequences. I think it should work.
Shyam:    More than reasons and points, an essay should be inspiring. Our essay
          effectively does that. Any person who reads it will think about saving the


        trees at least once.
Kushal: Are all essays so effective?
Shyam: The reason our essay came out well is because you believed in it. You
        wrote it with your heart and had a clear aim in your mind. Your efforts will
        definitely bear fruits.
Shyam smiles.

pZfuU fJ; fBpzX fbyD dh ez[ih okjh n;h s[jkBz{ fBpzX fbyDk Bjh pbfe uzrk fBpzX
fet/A fbfynk ikAdk j? ,fJj f;ykfJnk j?. fJE/ i' T[dkjoDk fdshnkA rJhnkA jB T[j pj[s
xZN jB. f;oiDkswe pDB dh e'fFF eo'. t/y' eh ;jh j?, iBsk ftZu fet/ ikro[esk nkJ/rh.
feskpkA nkfd gVQB dh nkds gkU. fiBQK f}nkdk s[;hI gV'Qr/ T[BQK tXhnk s[;h
fby ;e'r/. nkgD/ Fpd ;zrqfj ftZu tkXk eo'. nkb/-d[nkb/ pko/ ikDekoh oZy', sK fe id'I
s[;h e'Jh fBpzX fby' sK s[jkv/ e'b Y[etK frnkB ns/ ftFk t;s{ j't/. fi; ~ s[;hI T[dkjoDK
Bkb ;gFN eo ;e' ns/ T[; ftF/ s/ nkgDh okJ/ oZy ;e'. fbyD dh pikJ/ fe d{i/ eh ;'ud/ jB
fby' Ujh i' s[;h ;'ud/ j',wfj;{; eod/ j' .fJj ;Zuw[u pj[s gqGktFkbh j't/rk.

Text on screen with voice over
Each point to come one by one ,as the VO continues.

Today, we have learnt

    The body of descriptive essays usually consists of causes, effects and
     steps to be taken.

    In some essays, we are required to agree or disagree with the topic.

    We must never preach wrong morals or ideas in our essay.

    The conclusion should carry the message and mood of the essay.

    The essay may end with an appeal, a question or a remark.

    Be creative and try something new to create an impact.

   ANCHOR 13

   Now children, we come to our

Question – Answer session

Work on writing the body of your essay ‘Books’ and suggest a suitable conclusion
for it.
After doing that,
Choose a topic of your choice from the following and write an essay on it.


Text on screen with voice over

        •   Life in a city.
        •   Importance of sports.
        •   Are we forgetting Gandhi?
        •   If I were an Astronaut.
        •   Where there is a will, there is a way.

.Hope you will enjoy your essay writing session.
Thank you for being with us and taking so much interest!!

End of the episode

The script has been reviewed by - -------------------------------

Signature - -------------------------------------------------------------

Date - ------------------------------------------------------------------


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17 19
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Ix english essay_writing_3_master file

  • 1. PES/ENG/IX/021 Note- File For Final Evaluation - Pl mark the portion reqd in Punjabi A PUNJAB EDUSAT SOCIETY PRODUCTION SUBJECT - ENGLISH CLASS - IX CHAPTER - ESSAY WRITING III MODULE - PARTS OF AN ESSAY (Word Count-3094) ANCHOR 1: Hello children, We had learnt about the different parts of an essay. Let’s recall what all we had learnt. We learnt that SUPER  An essay consists of three segments – introduction, body and conclusion.  The introduction should be short, attractive and should contain the purpose of the essay.  The body should contain all the points we had made in the outline and should have clarity.  The conclusion should be short, attractive and in the right mood.  Introduction can start with a question, incident or example.  Introduction can also start with a catchy , relevant quotation. ANCHOR:2 ftfdnkoEhU, ;kvh ni d/ ftF/ pko/ ikD- gSkD pj[s uzrh sokQ j' rJh j? go fJj skA fJe S'Nk fijk yzv ;h. n;b ftZu fBpzX p[fBnkdh s'o s/ nkgD/ YkAu/ s/ fBoGo eodk j?, fiE/ n;h ;ko/ B[efsnkA Bz{ fbZy e/ ftnes eod/ jkA . nkgD/ ftukokA Bz{ ;kBz{ bVhtko oZyDk ukjhdk j?, fit/A s[;h fe;/ Bkb rZb eo oj/ j'. In short, the body of an essay can be described as follows: 1
  • 2. PES/ENG/IX/021 SUPER WITH VO (Blink the capital letters, and keep blinking till the word ‘BODY’ is made, and freeze it for one second.) Basic points, Ordered and connected, Delivered clearly and appropriately, in Your own individual style. As we have seen, the body for descriptive essays is more or less concerned with Text on screen with voice over SUPER • Definition, description of the problem / phenomena • Causes • Effects – positive or negative or both • Steps to be taken ANCHOR 2: nkw s'o s/ nfij/ ftF/ fiBKQ dk ;zpzX tksktoD ikA ;wkfie w[;hpskA Bkb j't/, T[BkQ dk YkAuk nfijk jz[dk j?. nfij/ ftfFnkaftZu jeheskA ns/ T[dkjoDk Bz{ Fkwb eoBk pj[s wjZstg{oB ns/ bkGdkfJe jz[dk j?. nypkokA ns/ o;kfbnkA dk jtkbk d/D Bkb ;kvk fpnkB ehsk fBpzX j'o o'ue j' ikAdk j?. ftF/ Bkb ;zpzfXs nkw ikDekoh fbZyD ftZu pj[s wdd eodh j?. fijVhnkA rbkA pko/ ;kBz{ brdk j? fe fJj Bjh j't/rk T[; bJh ;kBz{ fJj fbyDk ukjhdk j? fe j' ;edk j? fe fJj Bk th j't/. i/ s[;hI wfj;{; eod/ j' fe nfijk Bjh tkgoBk ukjhdk sK ej' ‘It may not happen’ fJj Bk ej' fe ‘It will not happen’ . fJ; soQK tke ;ukJh Bkb g{oh soQk fBnK eodk j?. ;zy/g eoB s/ toDBkswe fBpzX n;bh f}zdrh ns/ ;kv/ nkgD/ tksktoD Bkb g{oh soQk fBGdk j?. fJ; eoe/ fJ; ~ pV/ jh o"ue ns/ fBogZy sohe/ Bkb fbfynk ik ;edk j?. Kushal has completed the body of his essay. Let’s take a look. Text on screen with voice over(A blirred, big, coloured image of a tall tree to be shown in the background of the text.) Trees provide us with fruits and vegetables. They provide us shade in summers. They are the home for many birds. Trees during photosynthesis take in carbon- dioxide and give out oxygen. They help purify the air for us. Trees help in cooling the surroundings and in attracting rains. When we cut down trees, we not only make the land barren, but the atmosphere polluted and hotter too. If trees are indeed so helpful, why do people want to cut them? Certainly for their own business. They build hotels, markets, malls etc. in places where trees have been standing for years. They build houses and use the wood from the trees to 2
  • 3. PES/ENG/IX/021 furnish them. They feel they are gaining a lot by cutting the trees while actually they are at a loss. When we cut trees, it is nobody’s but our own loss. The ecological balance gets affected. Food for the animals and humans reduces, pollution becomes dominant, rains become less frequent and weather becomes hot and dry. The Hotels can be built elsewhere , without cutting the trees. It is easy to cut them in a day but growing one so easily is just not possible! For all the good that trees do to us, we can at least show a little humanity by not plucking and crumpling plants unnecessarily. We should spread the awareness among more people. We have seen people coming and heartlessly cutting down the trees we had fondly grown in our neighbourhood. The owner of the hotel will be enjoying his profits. But we will get hurt by the polluted air and increase in the atmospheric temperature. We, who live in this neighbourhood, should protect our valuable trees, our surroundings Maintaining our environmental balance is very much in our own hands. ANCHOR:3 fJ;d/ fBpzX d/ YkAu/ B/ ;ko/ B[efsnkA Bz{ ;zy/g ftZu pVh u[;sh Bkb Fkwb ehsk j?.fJj th fJe toDkswe fBpzX j? . fJ; bJh T[; Bz{ ekoDk,gqGktkA ns/ T[; bJh u[e/ ikD tkb/ edwkA,tkb/ Bw{B/ Bz{ Fkfwb eoBk gt/rk . go eh j't/rk id'A ;kv/ e'b'A fe;/ ftF/ s/ ;[Mkn wzr/ ikD< T[dkjoD d/ s'o s/,eh N?bhthiB d/yDk ;kv/ bJh jkBhekoe j?< In such topics we have three options: Text on screen with voice over We can • Agree with the topic • Disagree with the topic • Take a neutral stand, neither agree nor disagree ANCHOR:4 ;kvk fBpzX fJj efj ;edk j? fe N?bhthiB d/yDk jkBhekoe j?. n;h fJ; ftZu jkBhnkA d/ ekoD ,gqGkt ns/ T[gkn pko/ dZ; ;ed/ jkA. i/eo ;kvk fBpzX fJ; Bkb ;fjws Bk j't/ skA n;h T[; d/ bkGkA pko/ fby ;ed/ jkA. fJ;d/ pkti{d i/ n;hA d'jkA pko/ fbyDk ukjz[d/ jkA skA n;hA bkG ns/ jkBhnkA d'jkA pko/ fby ;ed/ jkA. go eJh e/;K ftZu n;hI fBogZy c?;bk Bjh b? ;ed/ , feT[ fe d't/ c?;b/ jh vkY/ jB ns/ d'tk ~ fJZem/ Bjh oZfynk ik ;edk. eJh tkoh fBpzX dk ftFk nkgD/ nkg jh fBogZy c?;b/ dh ;zGktBk dk yzvB eodk j?. T[dkjoD d/ s"o s/ ‘Is today’s generation smarter than the previous?’ id' ftFk jh nkgD/ nkg ;tkb g[ZSdk j? sK fBogZy c?;bk fBpzX ~ T[d/F ofjs pDk ;edk j?. 3
  • 4. PES/ENG/IX/021 When the topic concerns morals/ethics/virtues etc., do not stand for wrong morals or ethics under any circumstances, even in a humorous way. You can always explain why people at times are forced to do wrong things and you can give suggestions to rectify the problem, but do not support their action. For example: Text on screen with voice over Topic - Increased cases of robbery in India. ( Introduction can consist of A newspaper clipping relevant to the topic, to be scanned and inserted.)Then the body can be easily connected to the Introduction. Body- Such people do not have money or shelter to support their families. Problem of unemployment adds to their miseries. This drives them to steal in order to support their livelihood. But, stealing has never been the correct thing to do. We cannot be happy knowing that we have deprived somebody else and stolen their hard-earned money. Opportunities provided by the government can generate some jobs, helping them to improve the standard of living. Some organizations, engaged in Social services, can also play an important role in spreading literacy, and giving them the zest to lead a healthy life. ANCHOR :5 Thus, we can discuss an issue without justifying wrong actions. The last part of an essay is the conclusion. If the last bite is bitter, the whole lunch leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Despite writing an attractive introduction and a detailed body, if the conclusion to our essay is not good, the essay fails to create an impact. Cut to MM: 1 Show the two boys again as shown in the previous episodes, talking to each other with the dialogues in bubbles. Shyam: What do you want to say in your conclusion Kushal? Kushal: The main aim of my writing this essay is to motivate the people to protest against the cutting down of trees in our neighbourhood. So, I want that to be my conclusion. Shyam: Should we then conclude saying, “Please join hands to save our trees”? Kushal: That’s too sweet. I am not asking for a favour. It is their neighbourhood too. Shyam: I didn’t realize that. Maybe that’s what we should tell the people too. It is their neighbourhood. They must fight for it. ANCHOR: 6 f;ZN/ tiA' i'' ;zd/F n;h d/Dk ukjz[d/ jkA T[;dk nzs th }'odko :kBh gqGktFkbh sohe/ Bkb j'Dk ukjhdk j?. T[; s'A gfjbkA fe s[jkBz{ ;jh f;ZfNnkA pko/ dZf;nk ikt/, ibdh Bkb nZi d/ gkm d/ w[Zy B[efsnk ~ fJZe fdbu;g sohe/ Bkb d[jokn bJhJ/, 4
  • 5. PES/ENG/IX/021 CONCLUSION can be best summarized, by saying that this paragraph is a ( Blink the first letters in each word, till the word ‘CONCLUSION’ is completed.Then freeze it for a second.) Concise Opinion, Narrated Clearly, Leading to a Unified and focussed Summary which is Individual in nature, Original in content and Nature. Examples of some conclusions are: Text on screen with voice over EXAMPLES OF CONCLUSIONS • Ending with an appeal(wherever possible) ANCHOR: 7 fJj fBpzX nkw iBsk d/ ezwkA, co}kA, ;wZf;nktkA Bkb ;zpzfXs jB. id'I n;h fe;/ rZb pko/ nktk} T[mkT[Ad/ jkA skA ;kBz{ fJj gsk j'Dk ukjhdk j?, fe n;h ;jh ftF/ s/ nktk} T[mk oj/ jkA. fJ; bJh fJj fttkdkA s'I ofjs j'D/ ukjhd/ jB. fJE/ ;kBz{ nkgDh rZb Bz{ fJzM jh Bjh efjDk pbfe T[; s/ gZfenkA ofjDk j?. Text on screen with voice over Let us see some examples of some ‘conclusions’, with a universal appeal. Topic - Pollution Conclusion - • So friends, let us take a pledge to make this world cleaner and greener. • So finally, I don’t claim myself to be an environmentalist, but surely, I’m an Earth warrior! • . Ultimately, we must realize the value of saving our environment from pollution.” When we heal the Earth, remember we are healing ourselves.” 5
  • 6. PES/ENG/IX/021 • . While saving our environment from any pollution, “Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints, Kill nothing but time.” ANCHOR: 8 fJe j'o sohek j?, gqFB d/ Bkb nzs eoB dk. go gqFB dh u'D ;jh j'Dh ukjhdh j?, i' gqGktFkbh j't/ ns/ e[ZM ;zd/F d/t/ s/ Bkb jh gVQB tkb/ Bz{ ;'uD s/ wip{o eo d/t/. We can even add a remark after the question. For example: Text on screen with voice over • Ending with a question Topic - Voting sensibly. Some examples of conclusions ending with a question Conclusion - • The citizens of India should take interest in the affairs of the country and make full use of their powers to vote. Will India flourish or perish? The answer lies with you. • We, as Indian citizens, should be well aware of the party’s performance. So we must cast our vote to bring in a proper government. Isn’t that true? • So decide for yourself, will you vote for Power or Performance or religion? The country is waiting for your decision. ANCHOR: 9 In essays concerning morals/ethics/virtues, we cannot give a message and asking a question is not advisable. Many times the question may not even help our cause. In such essays it is best to end with a remark. For example Text on screen with voice over • Ending with a remark Some examples r given below: Topic - Honesty is the best policy 6
  • 7. PES/ENG/IX/021 Conclusion - • Leading an honest life is the most straight forward, tension free and ethically correct way of living. While one lie leads to another, leading to a never ending sequel, what has one got to lose by telling the truth? After all honesty is the best policy. Topic- Where there is a Will, there is a way. Conclusion- • Negative thoughts are always barriers to any success. Positive thinking leads one to self-motivation and a will to achieve the focussed goal in life. So, it is rightly said,’Where there is a will, there is a Way’. Topic- Slow and steady wins the race. Conclusion • We may finally conclude that going fast with lots of mistakes is not at all desirable. It’s always better to be a little slow but steady and correct in your work. Maintaining a steady and positive growth is always better than a faulty,and unfocussed growth. Remember, ’Slow and steady wins the race’ ANCHOR: 10 A note: pZfuU fJBKQ T[dkjoDK ftZu nzs s/ f;ZN/ d/ o{g ftZu fBpzX dk ftFk tofsnk frnk j?. fJj ftF/ ~ T[ikro eoB dk gqGktFkbh Yzr j? ns/ Bkb jh gVQB tkfbnk ~ fBpzX d/ we;d s'I th ikD{ eotkT[Idk j?. Cut to MM: 2 (Show the two boys again, talking to each other, and the dialogues in bubbles.) Kushal: So, we finally have our essay ready. Do you think people will be influenced by it? Shyam: Lets read it and see if we get inspired. ANCHOR: 11 After we have written the essay, we must read it again and see if it has come out the way we wanted it to. We should re-read and check for: Text on screen with voice over SUPER (The points come one at a time, and stay blinking for a second each.) • Spelling mistakes • Continuity 7
  • 8. PES/ENG/IX/021 • Mood • Proper Punctuation. Change the sentences which you feel are going against the mood of the essay. Let us see how Kushal’s essay looks. Text on screen with voice over(Blurred Image of a tall tree to be put behind the text of the essay, as shown , previously.) SAVE OUR TREES Did you know trees have life too? Every time you pluck a leaf or crumple a plant under your foot, you cause them pain. The industrial wastes are poisonous for these plants. We leave no park, no garden litter free. We may not look after them, but do we have to stoop as low as heartlessly cutting them down? All that after trees doing so much for us? Trees provide us with fruits and vegetables. They provide us shade in summers. They are the home for many birds. Trees during photosynthesis, take in carbon- dioxide and give out oxygen. They help purify the air for us. Trees help in cooling the surroundings and in attracting rains. When we cut down trees, we not only make the land barren, but the atmosphere polluted and hotter too. If trees are indeed so helpful, why do people want to cut them? Positively for their own business. They build hotels, markets, malls etc. in places where trees have been standing for years. They build houses and use the wood from the trees to furnish them. They feel they are gaining a lot by cutting the trees while actually they are at a loss. When we cut trees, it is nobody’s but our own loss. The ecological balance gets affected. Food for the animals and humans reduce, pollution becomes dominant, rains become less frequent and weather becomes hot and dry. We can build the hotels somewhere else without cutting the trees. It is easy to cut down a tree in a day, but it is impossible to grow a tree in just a day. For all the good that trees do to us, we can at least show a little humanity by not plucking and crumpling plants unnecessarily. We should spread the awareness amongst more people. We have seen people coming and heartlessly cutting down the trees we had fondly grown in our neighbourhood. The owner of the hotel built may enjoy his profits, but we will get hurt by the polluted air and increase in atmospheric temperature. Let us give ourselves cleaner air to breathe, fresher surroundings to live in and healthy gardens for the children to play in. Raise a voice. This is your neighbourhood, these are your trees. Save them. Can we give it an instant start? Cut to MM 3 The two boys are talking to each other—lip movement with dialogues in bubbles. Kushal: We have written points to support us and have made people aware of the consequences. I think it should work. Shyam: More than reasons and points, an essay should be inspiring. Our essay effectively does that. Any person who reads it will think about saving the 8
  • 9. PES/ENG/IX/021 trees at least once. Kushal: Are all essays so effective? Shyam: The reason our essay came out well is because you believed in it. You wrote it with your heart and had a clear aim in your mind. Your efforts will definitely bear fruits. Shyam smiles. ANCHOR: 12 pZfuU fJ; fBpzX fbyD dh ez[ih okjh n;h s[jkBz{ fBpzX fbyDk Bjh pbfe uzrk fBpzX fet/A fbfynk ikAdk j? ,fJj f;ykfJnk j?. fJE/ i' T[dkjoDk fdshnkA rJhnkA jB T[j pj[s xZN jB. f;oiDkswe pDB dh e'fFF eo'. t/y' eh ;jh j?, iBsk ftZu fet/ ikro[esk nkJ/rh. feskpkA nkfd gVQB dh nkds gkU. fiBQK f}nkdk s[;hI gV'Qr/ T[BQK tXhnk s[;h fby ;e'r/. nkgD/ Fpd ;zrqfj ftZu tkXk eo'. nkb/-d[nkb/ pko/ ikDekoh oZy', sK fe id'I s[;h e'Jh fBpzX fby' sK s[jkv/ e'b Y[etK frnkB ns/ ftFk t;s{ j't/. fi; ~ s[;hI T[dkjoDK Bkb ;gFN eo ;e' ns/ T[; ftF/ s/ nkgDh okJ/ oZy ;e'. fbyD dh pikJ/ fe d{i/ eh ;'ud/ jB fby' Ujh i' s[;h ;'ud/ j',wfj;{; eod/ j' .fJj ;Zuw[u pj[s gqGktFkbh j't/rk. Text on screen with voice over Each point to come one by one ,as the VO continues. Today, we have learnt  The body of descriptive essays usually consists of causes, effects and steps to be taken.  In some essays, we are required to agree or disagree with the topic.  We must never preach wrong morals or ideas in our essay.  The conclusion should carry the message and mood of the essay.  The essay may end with an appeal, a question or a remark.  Be creative and try something new to create an impact. ANCHOR 13 Now children, we come to our Question – Answer session Work on writing the body of your essay ‘Books’ and suggest a suitable conclusion for it. After doing that, Choose a topic of your choice from the following and write an essay on it. 9
  • 10. PES/ENG/IX/021 Text on screen with voice over • Life in a city. • Importance of sports. • Are we forgetting Gandhi? • If I were an Astronaut. • Where there is a will, there is a way. .Hope you will enjoy your essay writing session. Thank you for being with us and taking so much interest!! End of the episode The script has been reviewed by - ------------------------------- Signature - ------------------------------------------------------------- Date - ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10