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Climbing the
Abstract Syntax Tree
James Titcumb
phpDay 2017
Who is this guy?
James Titcumb
How PHP works
PHP code
Execute (VM)
Lexer + Parser
The PHP Lexer
<ST_IN_SCRIPTING>"function" {
<ST_IN_SCRIPTING>"function" {
<ST_IN_SCRIPTING>"function" {
<ST_IN_SCRIPTING>"function" {
yyless(yyleng - 1);
zend_copy_value(zendlval, yytext, yyleng);
yyless(yyleng - 1);
zend_copy_value(zendlval, yytext, yyleng);
yyless(yyleng - 1);
zend_copy_value(zendlval, yytext, yyleng);
yyless(yyleng - 1);
zend_copy_value(zendlval, yytext, yyleng);
yyless(yyleng - 1);
zend_copy_value(zendlval, yytext, yyleng);
yyless(yyleng - 1);
zend_copy_value(zendlval, yytext, yyleng);
yyless(yyleng - 1);
zend_copy_value(zendlval, yytext, yyleng);
yyless(yyleng - 1);
zend_copy_value(zendlval, yytext, yyleng);
yyless(yyleng - 1);
zend_copy_value(zendlval, yytext, yyleng);
The PHP Lexer
The PHP Lexer
The PHP Lexer
The PHP Parser
if_stmt_without_else %prec T_NOELSE { $$ = $1; }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSE statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1, zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, NULL, $3)); }
T_IF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_create_list(1, ZEND_AST_IF,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $3, $5)); }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSEIF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $4, $6)); }
if_stmt_without_else %prec T_NOELSE { $$ = $1; }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSE statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1, zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, NULL, $3)); }
T_IF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_create_list(1, ZEND_AST_IF,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $3, $5)); }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSEIF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $4, $6)); }
if_stmt_without_else %prec T_NOELSE { $$ = $1; }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSE statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1, zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, NULL, $3)); }
T_IF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_create_list(1, ZEND_AST_IF,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $3, $5)); }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSEIF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $4, $6)); }
if_stmt_without_else %prec T_NOELSE { $$ = $1; }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSE statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1, zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, NULL, $3)); }
T_IF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_create_list(1, ZEND_AST_IF,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $3, $5)); }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSEIF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $4, $6)); }
if_stmt_without_else %prec T_NOELSE { $$ = $1; }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSE statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1, zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, NULL, $3)); }
T_IF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_create_list(1, ZEND_AST_IF,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $3, $5)); }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSEIF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $4, $6)); }
if_stmt_without_else %prec T_NOELSE { $$ = $1; }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSE statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1, zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, NULL, $3)); }
T_IF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_create_list(1, ZEND_AST_IF,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $3, $5)); }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSEIF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $4, $6)); }
if_stmt_without_else %prec T_NOELSE { $$ = $1; }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSE statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1, zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, NULL, $3)); }
T_IF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_create_list(1, ZEND_AST_IF,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $3, $5)); }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSEIF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $4, $6)); }
if_stmt_without_else %prec T_NOELSE { $$ = $1; }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSE statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1, zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, NULL, $3)); }
T_IF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_create_list(1, ZEND_AST_IF,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $3, $5)); }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSEIF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $4, $6)); }
if ($a == 1)
else if ($b == 1)
Using the rules to parse
if ($a == 1)
else if ($b == 1)
Using the rules to parse
if_stmt_without_else (A)
if ($a == 1)
else if ($b == 1)
Using the rules to parse
if_stmt_without_else (A)
if_stmt_without_else (B)
if ($a == 1)
else if ($b == 1)
Using the rules to parse
if_stmt_without_else (A)
if_stmt_without_else (B)
Zend_language_parser.y (PHP 7.0.10)
if_stmt_without_else %prec T_NOELSE { $$ = $1; }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSE statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1, zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, NULL, $3)); }
T_IF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_create_list(1, ZEND_AST_IF,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $3, $5)); }
| if_stmt_without_else T_ELSEIF '(' expr ')' statement
{ $$ = zend_ast_list_add($1,
zend_ast_create(ZEND_AST_IF_ELEM, $4, $6)); }
zend_language_parser.y (PHP 5.6.26)
T_IF parenthesis_expr { zend_do_if_cond(&$2, &$1 TSRMLS_CC); }
statement { zend_do_if_after_statement(&$1, 1 TSRMLS_CC); }
void zend_do_if_cond(const znode *cond, znode *closing_bracket_token TSRMLS_DC)
int if_cond_op_number = get_next_op_number(CG(active_op_array));
zend_op *opline = get_next_op(CG(active_op_array) TSRMLS_CC);
opline->opcode = ZEND_JMPZ;
SET_NODE(opline->op1, cond);
closing_bracket_token->u.op.opline_num = if_cond_op_number;
AST is new in PHP 7+
How PHP works
PHP code
Execute (VM)
Lexer + Parser
Let’s simplify!
First… WTF is AST?
AST is just a data structure
PHP code
echo "Hello world";
An AST representation
Echo statement
`-- String, value "Hello world"
PHP code
echo "Hello " . "world";
An AST representation
Echo statement
`-- Concat
|-- Left
| `-- String, value "Hello "
`-- Right
`-- String, value "world"
PHP code
$a = 5;
$b = 3;
echo $a + ($b * 2);
An AST representation
Assign statement
|-- Variable $a
`-- Integer, value 5
Assign statement
|-- Variable $b
`-- Integer, value 3
Echo statement
`-- Add operation
|-- Left
| `-- Variable $a
`-- Right
`-- Multiply operation
|-- Left
| `-- Variable $b
`-- Right
`-- Integer, value 2
AST compilation
value: (int)5
name: $a
value: (int)3
name: $b
Add op
Right operandLeft operand
name: $a
Multiply op
Right operandLeft operand
name: $b
value: (int)2
AST compilation: pre-order traversal
value: (int)5
name: $a
value: (int)3
name: $b
Add op
Right operandLeft operand
name: $a
Multiply op
Right operandLeft operand
name: $b
value: (int)2
Pre-order traversal: Polish notation
Assign(Variable $a, Scalar 5)
Assign(Variable $b, Scalar 3)
Echo (
Variable $a,
Multiply( $b, 2 )
Order of precedence
1 + 2 * 3
= 1 + (2 * 3) = 7?
= (1 + 2) * 3 = 9?
Order of precedence
1 + 2 * 3
= 1 + (2 * 3) = 7?
= (1 + 2) * 3 = 9?
+ 1 * 2 3
Order of precedence
1 + 2 * 3
= 1 + (2 * 3) = 7?
= (1 + 2) * 3 = 9?
+ 1 * 2 3
Operator Left operand
Right operand
Order of precedence
1 + 2 * 3
= 1 + (2 * 3) = 7?
= (1 + 2) * 3 = 9?
+ 1 * 2 3
Operator Left operand Right operand
Operator Left operand
Right operand
Reverse Polish Notation
1 2 3 * +
Reverse Polish Notation
1 2 3 * + The stack
Reverse Polish Notation
1 2 3 * + The stack
Reverse Polish Notation
1 2 3 * + The stack
Reverse Polish Notation
1 2 3 * + The stack
Reverse Polish Notation
1 2 3 * + The stack
Reverse Polish Notation
1 2 3 * + The stack
Reverse Polish Notation
1 2 3 * + The stack
Reverse Polish Notation
1 2 3 * + The stack
Reverse Polish Notation
1 2 3 * + The stack
Let’s write a compiler (!!!)
In three easy steps…
Warning: do not use in production
View > Source
Define the language
● T_ADD (+)
● T_DIVIDE (*)
Step 1: Writing a simple lexer
Using regular expressions
private static $matches = [
'/^(+)/' => Token::T_ADD,
'/^(-)/' => Token::T_SUBTRACT,
'/^(*)/' => Token::T_MULTIPLY,
'/^(/)/' => Token::T_DIVIDE,
'/^(d+)/' => Token::T_INTEGER,
'/^(s+)/' => Token::T_WHITESPACE,
Step through the input string
public function __invoke(string $input) : array
$tokens = [];
$offset = 0;
while ($offset < strlen($input)) {
$focus = substr($input, $offset);
$result = $this->match($focus);
$tokens[] = $result;
$offset += strlen($result->getLexeme());
return $tokens;
The matching method
private function match(string $input) : Token
foreach (self::$matches as $pattern => $token) {
if (preg_match($pattern, $input, $matches)) {
return new Token($token, $matches[1]);
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf(
'Unmatched token, next 15 chars were: %s', substr($input, 0, 15)
Step 2: Parsing the tokens
Order tokens by operator precedence
* Higher number is higher precedence.
* @var int[]
private static $operatorPrecedence = [
Token::T_SUBTRACT => 0,
Token::T_ADD => 1,
Token::T_DIVIDE => 2,
Token::T_MULTIPLY => 3,
Order tokens by operator precedence
/** @var Token[] $stack */
$stack = [];
/** @var Token[] $operators */
$operators = [];
while (false !== ($token = current($tokens))) {
if ($token->isOperator()) {
// ...
$stack[] = $token;
Order tokens by operator precedence
/** @var Token[] $stack */
$stack = [];
/** @var Token[] $operators */
$operators = [];
while (false !== ($token = current($tokens))) {
if ($token->isOperator()) {
// ...
$stack[] = $token;
Order tokens by operator precedence
/** @var Token[] $stack */
$stack = [];
/** @var Token[] $operators */
$operators = [];
while (false !== ($token = current($tokens))) {
if ($token->isOperator()) {
// ...
$stack[] = $token;
Order tokens by operator precedence
/** @var Token[] $stack */
$stack = [];
/** @var Token[] $operators */
$operators = [];
while (false !== ($token = current($tokens))) {
if ($token->isOperator()) {
// ...
$stack[] = $token;
Order tokens by operator precedence
if ($token->isOperator()) {
$tokenPrecedence = self::$operatorPrecedence[$token->getToken()];
while (
&& self::$operatorPrecedence[$operators[count($operators) - 1]->getToken()]
> $tokenPrecedence
) {
$higherOp = array_pop($operators);
$stack[] = $higherOp;
$operators[] = $token;
Order tokens by operator precedence
if ($token->isOperator()) {
$tokenPrecedence = self::$operatorPrecedence[$token->getToken()];
while (
&& self::$operatorPrecedence[$operators[count($operators) - 1]->getToken()]
> $tokenPrecedence
) {
$higherOp = array_pop($operators);
$stack[] = $higherOp;
$operators[] = $token;
Order tokens by operator precedence
if ($token->isOperator()) {
$tokenPrecedence = self::$operatorPrecedence[$token->getToken()];
while (
&& self::$operatorPrecedence[$operators[count($operators) - 1]->getToken()]
> $tokenPrecedence
) {
$higherOp = array_pop($operators);
$stack[] = $higherOp;
$operators[] = $token;
Order tokens by operator precedence
if ($token->isOperator()) {
$tokenPrecedence = self::$operatorPrecedence[$token->getToken()];
while (
&& self::$operatorPrecedence[$operators[count($operators) - 1]->getToken()]
> $tokenPrecedence
) {
$higherOp = array_pop($operators);
$stack[] = $higherOp;
$operators[] = $token;
Order tokens by operator precedence
// Clean up by moving any remaining operators onto the token stack
while (count($operators)) {
$stack[] = array_pop($operators);
return $stack;
Order tokens by operator precedence
1 + 2 * 3
Output stack
Operator stack
Order tokens by operator precedence
1 + 2 * 3
1Output stack
Operator stack
Order tokens by operator precedence
1 + 2 * 3
Output stack
Operator stack
Order tokens by operator precedence
1 + 2 * 3
1 2
Output stack
Operator stack
Order tokens by operator precedence
1 + 2 * 3
1 2
+ *
Output stack
Operator stack
Order tokens by operator precedence
1 + 2 * 3
1 2 3
+ *
Output stack
Operator stack
Order tokens by operator precedence
1 + 2 * 3
1 2 3 *
+ *
Output stack
Operator stack
Order tokens by operator precedence
1 + 2 * 3
1 2 3 * +
Output stack
Operator stack
Create AST
while ($ip < count($tokenStack)) {
$token = $tokenStack[$ip++];
if ($token->isOperator()) {
// (figure out $nodeType)
$right = array_pop($astStack);
$left = array_pop($astStack);
$astStack[] = new $nodeType($left, $right);
$astStack[] = new NodeScalarIntegerValue((int)$token->getLexeme());
Create AST
while ($ip < count($tokenStack)) {
$token = $tokenStack[$ip++];
if ($token->isOperator()) {
// (figure out $nodeType)
$right = array_pop($astStack);
$left = array_pop($astStack);
$astStack[] = new $nodeType($left, $right);
$astStack[] = new NodeScalarIntegerValue((int)$token->getLexeme());
Create AST
while ($ip < count($tokenStack)) {
$token = $tokenStack[$ip++];
if ($token->isOperator()) {
// (figure out $nodeType)
$right = array_pop($astStack);
$left = array_pop($astStack);
$astStack[] = new $nodeType($left, $right);
$astStack[] = new NodeScalarIntegerValue((int)$token->getLexeme());
Create AST
while ($ip < count($tokenStack)) {
$token = $tokenStack[$ip++];
if ($token->isOperator()) {
// (figure out $nodeType)
$right = array_pop($astStack);
$left = array_pop($astStack);
$astStack[] = new $nodeType($left, $right);
$astStack[] = new NodeScalarIntegerValue((int)$token->getLexeme());
Create AST
NodeBinaryOpAdd (
NodeBinaryOpMultiply (
Step 3: Executing the AST
Compile & execute AST
private function compileNode(NodeInterface $node)
if ($node instanceof NodeBinaryOpAbstractBinaryOp) {
return $this->compileBinaryOp($node);
if ($node instanceof NodeScalarIntegerValue) {
return $node->getValue();
Compile & execute AST
private function compileBinaryOp(NodeBinaryOpAbstractBinaryOp $node)
$left = $this->compileNode($node->getLeft());
$right = $this->compileNode($node->getRight());
switch (get_class($node)) {
case NodeBinaryOpAdd::class:
return $left + $right;
case NodeBinaryOpSubtract::class:
return $left - $right;
case NodeBinaryOpMultiply::class:
return $left * $right;
case NodeBinaryOpDivide::class:
return $left / $right;
What does this mean for me?
AST in userland
php-ast extension
php-ast example usage
require 'path/to/util.php';
$code = <<<'EOC'
$var = 42;
echo ast_dump(astparse_code($code, $version=35)), "n";
// Output:
var: AST_VAR
name: "var"
expr: 42
astkit example usage
$if = AstKit::parseString(<<<EOD
if (true) {
echo "This is a triumph.n";
} else {
echo "The cake is a lie.n";
$if->execute(); // First run, program is as-seen above
$const = $if->getChild(0)->getChild(0);
// Replace the "true" constant in the condition with false
$const->graft(0, false);
// Can also graft other AstKit nodes, instead of constants
$if->execute(); // Second run now takes the else path
PHP Parser
use PhpParserParserFactory;
$parser = (new ParserFactory)
Better Reflection
Better Reflection workflow
PHP Reflection
$reflection = new ReflectionClass(
Better Reflection
$reflection = ReflectionClass::createFromName(
// In ReflectionClass :
public static function createFromName($className)
return ClassReflector::buildDefaultReflector()->reflect($className);
// In ClassReflector :
public static function buildDefaultReflector()
return new self(new AggregateSourceLocator([
new PhpInternalSourceLocator(),
new EvaledCodeSourceLocator(),
new AutoloadSourceLocator(),
Given a class structure...
class Foo
private $bar;
public function thing()
… we get the AST!
Class, name Foo
|-- Statements
| |-- Property, name bar
| | |-- Type [private]
| | `-- Attributes [start line: 7, end line: 9]
| `-- Method, name thing
| |-- Type [public]
| |-- Parameters [...]
| |-- Statements [...]
| `-- Attributes [start line: 7, end line: 9]
`-- Attributes [start line: 3, end line: 10]
Any questions?
James Titcumb @asgrim

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