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Women’s Issues
in Pulmonary Medicine

     Anas sahle,MD
• TBPneumonia in Pregnancy .
• Acute Respiratory Failure and Critical Care in Pregnancy
        •   Sepsis
        •   Mechanical Ventilation
        •   Amniotic Fluid Embolism
        •   Venous Air Embolism
        •   Tocolytic Pulmonary Edema
        •   Aspiration
        •   ARDS
        •   Pulmonary Edema
        •   Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
        •   Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
• Tobacco and Lung Disease in Women
        • Lung Cancer
        • COPD
• Catamenial Pneumothorax and Hemoptysis
TB in Pregnancy
• Most data support that there is no difference in the
  susceptibility to infection, course of disease, obstetrical
  outcome, prognosis, and incidence of TB in nonpregnant or
  pregnant women unless immunosuppression coexists.
• Treatment of active TB in pregnancy is similar to that of
  treatment in the non-pregnant individual with a few caveats
• Drugs approved in pregnancy include isoniazid (INH),
  rifampin, and ethambutol.
• These drugs all cross the placenta but have not been shown
  to have teratogenic effects.
• In general, pyrazinamide, streptomycin, and ethionamide
  should be avoided in pregnancy.
active TB
• standard treatment for active TB should include INH, rifampin, and
  ethambutol for 9 months because the regimen does not contain
• These same drugs can be continued during lactation without
  compromise to the infant.
• If infected with a potentially drug-resistant organism, then the
  addition of pyrazinamide should be considered pending results of
  susceptibility testing.
• INH resistant cases can be treated with rifampin and ethambutol.
• Multidrug-resistant cases may have to consider therapeutic
• It is a standard recommendation that pyridoxine always be
  administered with INH during pregnancy to decrease the incidence
  of INH neurotoxicity.
latent TB
• Chemoprophylaxis for latent TB infection (LTBI) is somewhat more
• Because it appears that pregnancy does not increase the risk for
  active TB in patients with LTBI.
• Many health-care workers would delay prophylactic treatment
  until after delivery in a patient with:
   – clear chest radiograph findings
   – and who is HIV negative, not a recent converter,
   – and not in another high-risk group.
• However, most authorities recommend 9 months of INH
  prophylaxis if the patient falls in an appropriately screened high
  risk LTBI group.
• Routine purified protein derivative (PPD) testing during pregnancy
  has fallen out of favor at most medical centers, unless in an:
   – endemic TB area.
   – unless the patient is in a high risk group such as those with HIV infection
If a child is exposed to a
      mother with active TB:
                          PPD skin testing and a chest radiograph

child should be   administered INH therapy for 8 to
separated from      12 weeks even if the skin test
  the mother             result is negative.
                  PPD result remains negative          PPD positive

                                                  9 months of
                     INH can be                 INH prophylaxis
                    discontinued                  should be
Pneumonia in Pregnancy
• In general,bacterial pneumonia in the
  pregnant woman is similarBto that in the non-
       cephalosporins    category
  pregnant individual.
       penicillins       category B
• Maternal mortality can be as high as 4%
       Quinolones        category C
• bacterial organisms responsible for
       macrolides        category
  community-acquired pneumonia in the
                         B and C
  pregnant patient show the spectrum to be
       tetracyclines     category D
  similar to that in the non-pregnant woman
• similar empiric therapies can be used.
       sulfonamide       category C
varicella zoster
•   In pregnancy, cell-mediated immunity may be altered and, thus, infections
    with fungal and viral organisms can be more severe and life threatening.
•   Of the viral agents, varicella zoster is one of the most feared during
•   varicella zoster is most severe in the third trimester.
•   the mortality rate associated with varicella pneumonia may approach 35%,
    in the non-exposed adult pregnant patient.
•   Patients present with fever and rash and can rapidly progress to pneumonia.
•   A typical chest radiograph shows miliary and nodular infiltrates,
•   usually resolving within 14 days.
•   The end radiographic result of such pneumonia is often calcified, but
    physiologically insignificant, nodules.
•   Acyclovir (category B) can be safely used during pregnancy and should be
    begun with the first sign of varicella infection.
Influenza virus
• Influenza virus can also be more severe in pregnancy, although some
  older data had suggested that mortality associated with influenza during
  pregnancy was similar to that in the Non-pregnant woman.
• However, in the 2009 epidemic, 5% of hospitalized pregnant women with
  influenza died.
• Women at advanced stages of pregnancy were at higher risk.
• Other risk factors:
    – Asthma.
    – Obesity.
    – Diabetes.
• Since 2009, it has been recommended that all women should be
  immunized against influenza during pregnancy, regardless of the
  trimester, with the inactivated influenza vaccine.
• The anti-influenza drugs are category C agents.
Acute Respiratory Failure and Critical
         Care in Pregnancy
• sepsis can result from:
     •  endometritis
     • pelvic thrombophlebitis
     • chorioamnionitis
     • septic abortion and from procedures such as
     • and/or infection of cesarean or episiotomy incisions
• In addition to non-obstetric-related causes of
  sepsis in the pregnant patient.
Mechanical Ventilation
• The principles of mechanical ventilation in the
  pregnant patient are similar to those in the non-
  pregnant individual.
• Intubation may be more difficult because of:
  – edema of the upper airway.
  – reduced airway caliber, and an
  – increased risk for aspiration and bleeding
• smaller endotracheal tubes may be required.
• Low functional residual capacity leading to low
  oxygen reserves may also make the intubation
  procedure more challenging.
                                                 Sunday, January 06, 2013
Parameter of
               Mechanical Ventilation
• tidal volumes may have to be reduced because of reduced chest
    wall compliance from the gravid uterus,
•   and higher peak pressures may be required to overcome chest wall
•   Gas exchange goals should be to maintain PaCO2 in the pregnant
    eucapnic range of 28 to 32 mm Hg, with a PaO2 .90 mm Hg and
    saturations .95% to prevent fetal hypoxemia.
•   A further reduction in PaCO2 can lead to reduced uterine blood
    flow and fetal hypoxemia.
•   In the setting of status asthmaticus or severe ARDS, lung protective
    ventilatory strategies and permissive hypercapnia may be required.
•   Noninvasive mechanical ventilation has not been well studied in
    pregnancy, but its utility may be limited by the increased risk of
    aspiration and narrow airway caliber in this population.

                                                          Sunday, January 06, 2013
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
• The incidence of AFE ranges between 1 in 8,000 and1 in
  80,000 pregnancies
• associated 80%to 90% mortality
• AFE is responsible for 10% to20% of maternal deaths in the
  peripartum period.
• Risk factors:
      •   advanced materna age.
      •   multiparity,
      •   premature rupture of membranes,
      •   meconium staining of amniotic fluid.
      •   The use of uterine stimulants and tumultuous labor .
• The risk of AFE:
      • extends 48 h into the immediate postpartum period.
      • develop during abortions,
      • and placental abruption.
                                                                 Sunday, January 06, 2013
Presentation of
           Amniotic Fluid Embolism
• acute onset of:
   – tachypnea, dyspnea,
   – tachycardia,
   – cyanosis,
   – hypotension,
   – hypoxemia likely caused by ventilation/perfusion abnormalities,
     and hemodynamic collapse.
   – Seizures can occur.
• Disseminated intravascular coagulation can develop in 40%
  to 80% of patients, and hemorrhage can be the initial
• The majority (70%) of those patients who survive the
  initial event will develop ARDS.

                                                       Sunday, January 06, 2013
Diagnoses and Treatment
                    of AFE
• Diagnoses can be supported in the appropriate:
   – clinical setting
   – with the presence of fetal squamous cells and lanugo hairs in
     the maternal circulation
• although these can also be present under normal
  conditions and are not pathognomonic for this diagnosis.
• Treatment is supportive with:
   –    intubation, mechanical ventilation,
   –   vasopressors,
   –   sedation, and sometimes neuromuscular blockade,
   –   and rarely pulmonary artery catheter placement.
   –   Factor replacement may be required for hemorrhage.
   –   The roles of corticosteroids or plasmapheresis are unproven

                                                        Sunday, January 06, 2013
Venous Air Embolism
• can occur during normal delivery, with:
   – placenta previa,
   – And during abortion.
• It has also been reported during oral genital sex
  and during gynecologic procedures using air
• (1%)of maternal deaths are thought to be from
  venous air embolism.
• In general, it is thought that 100 mL of air can
  lead to mortality.

                                            Sunday, January 06, 2013
Presentation of
               Venous Air Embolism
• Present with:
   – profound hypotension.
   – nonspecific signs of coughing, dizziness, tachypnea, Dyspnea,
     tachycardia, and diaphoresis
• The classic but rarely heard cardiac millwheel murmur audible over
  the precordium is supportive of the diagnosis of venous air
• ARDS may develop.
• Other findings include: mental status changes, coma, seizures,
  stroke, myocardial infarction, and thrombocytopenia.
• Bubbles may be visualized in the retinal arterioles, and subdermal
  air may be present.
• Air in the heart or great vessels is occasionally seen on the chest

                                                            Sunday, January 06, 2013
Treatment of
                Venous Air Embolism
• Includes:
   – recognition of the syndrome,
   – followed by placing the patient in the left lateral decubitus position
     so that the air bubble is removed from the entrance to the right
     ventricular outflow tract.
• Cases of aspiration of air from the right heart using a pulmonary
  artery or central venous catheter have been reported.
• Patients should be ventilated with 100% oxygen to facilitate
  removal of nitrogen, which comprises a significant (up to 80%) of
  gas content in the embolus.
• The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy should be considered.
• There are anecdotal reports of using heparin to treat micro-emboli
  and corticosteroids to decrease pulmonary edema in this

                                                             Sunday, January 06, 2013
Tocolytic Pulmonary Edema
• The most common agents used were b2-selective agents
  such as terbutaline and ritodrine, and tocolytic pulmonary
  edema developed in as many as 4% to 5% of patients
  receiving these agents.
• symptoms of tocolytic pulmonary edema develop within 24
  h but occur more commonly 48 h after initiation of therapy,
  and can also develop within 24 h after discontinuation of
  the drug
• Risk factor:
   – who receive prolonged tocolytic therapy with concomitant
     infusions of crystalloid volume,
   – those with multiple gestations,
   – and those with preeclampsia.

                                                     Sunday, January 06, 2013
Tocolytic Pulmonary Edema
• The mechanisms of tocolytic pulmonary edema include:
    –   possible fluid overload,
    –   direct cardiac toxicity,
    –   alterations, and reductions in colloid oncotic pressure
    –   and/or increased pulmonary capillary permeability.
• Tocolytic pulmonary edema presents typically with:
    –   dyspnea,
    –   tachycardia,
    –   tachypnea,
    –   Chest pain, crackles,
    –   and the presence of pulmonary edema on chest radiograph.
• This syndrome reverses quickly, usually 12 to 24 h after recognition and
  discontinuation of the offending agent.
• The prognosis is excellent.
• Transient use of oxygen and diuretics may be needed.

                                                                   Sunday, January 06, 2013
• Account for 2% of maternal mortality in the
  United States.
• The obstetric patient is at risk for aspiration
  for many reasons:
     • progesterone-induced relaxation of lower esophageal
       sphincter tone.
     • an increase in intr-agastric pressure because of
       mechanical compression by the gravid uterus.
     • a decrease in gastric emptying during parturition, and
       being in the supine position.

                                                  Sunday, January 06, 2013
• There is a correlation between:
    –    the volume of gastric contents aspirated
    –   the acidity of the aspirate,
    –   the presence of particulate matter,
    –   The bacterial load,
    –   and the host resistance on the progression and severity of clinical symptoms
• It is thought that the low pH (,2.5) of the aspirate is the major inciting
  pathogenic process for disease because of a chemical pneumonitis.
• A small subgroup of patients will have immediate respiratory arrest and
  death following aspiration caused by airway obstruction by large
  particulate matter, progressing to asphyxia.
• In those cases in which small volumes of gastric contents are aspirated,
  symptoms may be delayed until 6 to 24 h following the event.
• Bacterial pneumonia can develop 24 to 72h after the aspiration.
• Severe bronchospasm and ARDS can also result.

                                                                     Sunday, January 06, 2013
Aspiration Treatment
• Treatment is supportive.
• there is no role for prophylactic antibiotics or
  corticosteroids when treating this aspiration syndrome
• Resolution usually occurs over the next 4 to 5 days
  unless secondary superinfection develops.
• Bronchoscopy may be indicated when witnessed
  aspiration with large food particles has occurred.
• The chances of aspiration can be reduced by:
   – the use of regional anesthesia.
   – restricting oral intake at the time of delivery.
   – cricoid pressure if endotracheal intubation is required.

                                                     Sunday, January 06, 2013
• ARDS is defined similarly in the pregnant as in
  the non-pregnant individual.
• Causes include:
  –   placental abruption.
  –   air embolism, amniotic
  –   fluid embolism.
  –   Aspiration.
  –   Eclampsia.
  –   Septic abortion.
  –   dead fetus syndrome.
                                          Sunday, January 06, 2013
Pulmonary Edema
• Pulmonary edema can accompany preeclampsia/eclampsia in
  approximately 3% of cases.
• Pulmonary edema may develop more frequently in the immediate
  postpartum period.
• Risk factors include:
    – advanced age
    – multigravity.
• Mechanisms for preeclampsia-related pulmonary edema include:
    –   increased left ventricular afterload.
    –   myocardial dysfunction.
    –   the alterations in colloid oncotic pressure discussed earlier.
    –   fluid overload
    –   increased pulmonary capillary permeability.
• Management is approached in the standard manner with oxygen, diuresis,
  control of hypertension, and mechanical ventilation, if required.
                                                                         Sunday, January 06, 2013
Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
•   Pregnancy-related cardiomyopathy can develop in 1 in 1,300 to 1 in 4,000 deliveries and
    usually presents in the third trimester or up to 6 months postpartum.
•   Risk factors include:
     –   advanced age,
     –   multiple gestations,
     –   preeclampsia,
     –   African-American race.
•   Patients typically present with:
     –   dyspnea, orthopnea,
     –   Peripheral edema,
     –   pulmonary edema,
     –   tachycardia, and a cardiac gallop.
•   The chest radiograph shows: cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema
•   Echocardiography: demonstrates global hypokinesis.
•   Prognosis is variable, and approximately 30% of these patients recover, 30% may have
    residual cardiac damage, and 30% may require heart transplantation.
•   The cause of death is often thromboembolism from left ventricular thrombus.
•   The recurrence of cardiomyopathy with subsequent pregnancies is common

                                                                             Sunday, January 06, 2013
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
•   Patients with pulmonary hypertension, either secondary or idiopathic, are at
    increased risk for maternal (35%–50%) and fetal mortality during pregnancy.
•   The risk appears to be greatest in the immediate peri-partum period, when a large
    amount of blood volume is ‘‘auto-transfused’’ from the utero-placental bed back
    to the maternal circulation.
•   Acute right-heart failure can result.
•   Patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension should be counseled against
    pregnancy and encouraged to seek termination of pregnancy and permanent
    forms of birth control
•   Those patients wishing to continue with their pregnancy should be managed with
    medications such as inhaled nitric oxide and/or IV or inhaled prostacyclin during
    the peri-partum period.
•   Placement of a pulmonary artery catheter should be strongly considered during
•   Longterm management could include epoprostenol, (prostacyclin, a category B
    agent) or sildenafil (category B), but the oral endothelin-receptor blocker agents,
    such as bosentan, are contraindicated because of teratogenicity (category X).

                                                                      Sunday, January 06, 2013
Tobacco and Lung Disease in Women

                   Lung Cancer
• More than 80% to 90% of lung cancers in women are
  related to tobacco use and are thus preventable.
• In the 2012 Cancer report 26% percent of cancer
  deaths in women were the result of cancer of the lung.
• adenocarcinoma is the most common cell type of lung
  cancer in both smoking and nonsmoking women,
  regardless of age.
• adenocarcinoma is the most common cell type in
  young people and in nonsmokers of both sexes.

                                             Sunday, January 06, 2013
Lung Cancer

• There are many postulated reasons as to why women may
  have an increased susceptibility to tobacco carcinogens,
   – the fact that there may be an increased frequency of mutations
     in the P53 and other tumor suppressor genes in women than in
   – in addition, a higher promutagenicity DNA level (CP450),
   – higher levels of DNA adducts,
   – and decreased capacity for DNA repair have been observed in
• Hormones (estrogens) and hormonal replacement may
  play a role in the variable susceptibility to tobacco
  carcinogens, particularly with adenocarcinoma.
                                                      Sunday, January 06, 2013
Lung Cancer
• Other risk factors for lung cancer in women include:
   – a family history of lung cancer;
   – occupational exposures to compounds such as
     (asbestos, cadmium, beryllium, silicosis, and radon)
   – prior lung disease as are found in men.
• In general, women with lung cancer have a better
  prognosis and equal or better survival with treatment
  than do men, regardless of cell type and stage.
• There is also a suggestion that epidermal growth factor
  receptor positive lung cancers may be more common
  in women.

                                                    Sunday, January 06, 2013
•   Cigarette smoking is the major cause of COPD in women, and the risk
    increases with the amount and duration smoked.
•   A recent systematic review of population-based cohort studies of current
    smokers showed that females had a significantly faster annual decline in
    percent predicted FEV1 with increasing age than males.
•   but most indicate that women with exposure to tobacco smoke have more
    severe COPD and more lung function impairment with fewer pack-years of
    tobacco use than do men.
•   Some of the postulated mechanisms for this increased prevalence in women
      – small air airway size, which alters the distribution of toxins contained in
      – hormonal mechanisms.
      – variations in cytochrome P450 levels.
•   It also appears that women develop COPD at an earlier age than do men.

                                                                    Sunday, January 06, 2013
• Gender differences have also been reported in the lung function
  response to smoking cessation and smoking relapse.
• Women exhibited greater improvements in FEV1 than men a year
  after successful quitting but reciprocally greater declines in FEV1
  after relapse.
• Historically, men have been more likely than women to receive a
  diagnosis of emphysema and women to receive a diagnosis of
• However, in 2008 more women reported a diagnosis of emphysema
  than men,The degree of emphysema noted on CT for the same
  percent predicted FEV1 is less in women than men.
• Women also have worse quality of life, increased sensation of
  dyspnea and higher BODE
• Each year, more women are hospitalized with COPD than are men

                                                       Sunday, January 06, 2013
                            mother and baby
•   In children who have prenatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke from a
    smoking mother:
     –   fetal lung development is affected
     –   more airway obstruction,
     –   increased airway hyperresponsiveness,
     –   alterations in lung maturation and lung growth.
     –   small decrement in birth weight and
     –   increased risk of intrauterine growth retardation
•   Those children exposed to environmental tobacco smoke in the postnatal period
    have an increased incidence of:
     –   cough, wheezes, respiratory illnesses, and infection.
     –   Pulmonary function is decreased slightly, and there is an increase in airway responsiveness.
     –   These children tend to have an increase in childhood asthma, earlier development of asthma, and
         more severe asthma.
     –   Other studies have shown that atopy tends to develop in children exposed to environmental tobacco
         smoke, which can result in worsening asthma.
•   There have also been correlations found between environmental tobacco smoke
    and obstructive apnea in children and sudden infant death syndrome in infants
                                                                                     Sunday, January 06, 2013
Catamenial Pneumothorax
•   Catamenial complications by definition develop during menstruation.
•   Catamenial pneumothorax occurs very rarely and is usually recurrent.
•   Patients are usually in their late 20s to 30 years of age when they initially
•   Symptoms develop within 24 to 48 h of the onset of menstrual flow.
•   The pneumothoraces are often on the right side and are often associated with
    pelvic endometriosis.
•   The mechanisms of air entry into the pleural space may be caused by:
     – A defect at the site of pleural or diaphragmatic endometriosis
     – or may be by air gaining access to the peritoneal cavity during menstruation and
       then subsequently entering the pleural cavity through a diaphragmatic defect
•   The diagnosis is fairly straightforward when a pneumothorax develops during
    the first 48 h of menstrual flow.
•   Treatment includes ovulation-suppressing drugs.
•   Patients wishing to conceive or who do not want ovulation suppressed should
    undergo thoracotomy with repair of diaphragmatic defects, If present,
    followed by pleurodesis.
•   Catamenial hemothorax has also been described
                                                                        Sunday, January 06, 2013
Sunday, January 06, 2013
Women’s Pulmonary Issues

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Women’s Pulmonary Issues

  • 1. Women’s Issues in Pulmonary Medicine Anas sahle,MD
  • 2. Outline • TBPneumonia in Pregnancy . • Acute Respiratory Failure and Critical Care in Pregnancy • Sepsis • Mechanical Ventilation • Amniotic Fluid Embolism • Venous Air Embolism • Tocolytic Pulmonary Edema • Aspiration • ARDS • Pulmonary Edema • Peripartum Cardiomyopathy • Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension • Tobacco and Lung Disease in Women • Lung Cancer • COPD • Catamenial Pneumothorax and Hemoptysis
  • 3. TB in Pregnancy • Most data support that there is no difference in the susceptibility to infection, course of disease, obstetrical outcome, prognosis, and incidence of TB in nonpregnant or pregnant women unless immunosuppression coexists. • Treatment of active TB in pregnancy is similar to that of treatment in the non-pregnant individual with a few caveats • Drugs approved in pregnancy include isoniazid (INH), rifampin, and ethambutol. • These drugs all cross the placenta but have not been shown to have teratogenic effects. • In general, pyrazinamide, streptomycin, and ethionamide should be avoided in pregnancy.
  • 4. active TB • standard treatment for active TB should include INH, rifampin, and ethambutol for 9 months because the regimen does not contain pyrazinamide • These same drugs can be continued during lactation without compromise to the infant. • If infected with a potentially drug-resistant organism, then the addition of pyrazinamide should be considered pending results of susceptibility testing. • INH resistant cases can be treated with rifampin and ethambutol. • Multidrug-resistant cases may have to consider therapeutic abortion. • It is a standard recommendation that pyridoxine always be administered with INH during pregnancy to decrease the incidence of INH neurotoxicity.
  • 5. latent TB • Chemoprophylaxis for latent TB infection (LTBI) is somewhat more controversial. • Because it appears that pregnancy does not increase the risk for active TB in patients with LTBI. • Many health-care workers would delay prophylactic treatment until after delivery in a patient with: – clear chest radiograph findings – and who is HIV negative, not a recent converter, – and not in another high-risk group. • However, most authorities recommend 9 months of INH prophylaxis if the patient falls in an appropriately screened high risk LTBI group. • Routine purified protein derivative (PPD) testing during pregnancy has fallen out of favor at most medical centers, unless in an: – endemic TB area. – unless the patient is in a high risk group such as those with HIV infection
  • 6. If a child is exposed to a mother with active TB: PPD skin testing and a chest radiograph child should be administered INH therapy for 8 to separated from 12 weeks even if the skin test the mother result is negative. PPD result remains negative PPD positive 9 months of INH can be INH prophylaxis discontinued should be completed
  • 7. Pneumonia in Pregnancy • In general,bacterial pneumonia in the pregnant woman is similarBto that in the non- cephalosporins category pregnant individual. penicillins category B • Maternal mortality can be as high as 4% Quinolones category C • bacterial organisms responsible for macrolides category community-acquired pneumonia in the B and C pregnant patient show the spectrum to be tetracyclines category D similar to that in the non-pregnant woman • similar empiric therapies can be used. sulfonamide category C
  • 8. varicella zoster • In pregnancy, cell-mediated immunity may be altered and, thus, infections with fungal and viral organisms can be more severe and life threatening. • Of the viral agents, varicella zoster is one of the most feared during pregnancy. • varicella zoster is most severe in the third trimester. • the mortality rate associated with varicella pneumonia may approach 35%, in the non-exposed adult pregnant patient. • Patients present with fever and rash and can rapidly progress to pneumonia. • A typical chest radiograph shows miliary and nodular infiltrates, • usually resolving within 14 days. • The end radiographic result of such pneumonia is often calcified, but physiologically insignificant, nodules. • Acyclovir (category B) can be safely used during pregnancy and should be begun with the first sign of varicella infection.
  • 9. Influenza virus • Influenza virus can also be more severe in pregnancy, although some older data had suggested that mortality associated with influenza during pregnancy was similar to that in the Non-pregnant woman. • However, in the 2009 epidemic, 5% of hospitalized pregnant women with influenza died. • Women at advanced stages of pregnancy were at higher risk. • Other risk factors: – Asthma. – Obesity. – Diabetes. • Since 2009, it has been recommended that all women should be immunized against influenza during pregnancy, regardless of the trimester, with the inactivated influenza vaccine. • The anti-influenza drugs are category C agents.
  • 10. Acute Respiratory Failure and Critical Care in Pregnancy Sepsis • sepsis can result from: • endometritis • pelvic thrombophlebitis • chorioamnionitis • septic abortion and from procedures such as amniocentesis. • and/or infection of cesarean or episiotomy incisions • In addition to non-obstetric-related causes of sepsis in the pregnant patient.
  • 11. Mechanical Ventilation • The principles of mechanical ventilation in the pregnant patient are similar to those in the non- pregnant individual. • Intubation may be more difficult because of: – edema of the upper airway. – reduced airway caliber, and an – increased risk for aspiration and bleeding • smaller endotracheal tubes may be required. • Low functional residual capacity leading to low oxygen reserves may also make the intubation procedure more challenging. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 12. Parameter of Mechanical Ventilation • tidal volumes may have to be reduced because of reduced chest wall compliance from the gravid uterus, • and higher peak pressures may be required to overcome chest wall stiffness • Gas exchange goals should be to maintain PaCO2 in the pregnant eucapnic range of 28 to 32 mm Hg, with a PaO2 .90 mm Hg and saturations .95% to prevent fetal hypoxemia. • A further reduction in PaCO2 can lead to reduced uterine blood flow and fetal hypoxemia. • In the setting of status asthmaticus or severe ARDS, lung protective ventilatory strategies and permissive hypercapnia may be required. • Noninvasive mechanical ventilation has not been well studied in pregnancy, but its utility may be limited by the increased risk of aspiration and narrow airway caliber in this population. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 13. Amniotic Fluid Embolism • The incidence of AFE ranges between 1 in 8,000 and1 in 80,000 pregnancies • associated 80%to 90% mortality • AFE is responsible for 10% to20% of maternal deaths in the peripartum period. • Risk factors: • advanced materna age. • multiparity, • premature rupture of membranes, • meconium staining of amniotic fluid. • The use of uterine stimulants and tumultuous labor . • The risk of AFE: • extends 48 h into the immediate postpartum period. • develop during abortions, • and placental abruption. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 14. Presentation of Amniotic Fluid Embolism • acute onset of: – tachypnea, dyspnea, – tachycardia, – cyanosis, – hypotension, – hypoxemia likely caused by ventilation/perfusion abnormalities, and hemodynamic collapse. – Seizures can occur. • Disseminated intravascular coagulation can develop in 40% to 80% of patients, and hemorrhage can be the initial presentation. • The majority (70%) of those patients who survive the initial event will develop ARDS. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 15. Diagnoses and Treatment of AFE • Diagnoses can be supported in the appropriate: – clinical setting – with the presence of fetal squamous cells and lanugo hairs in the maternal circulation • although these can also be present under normal conditions and are not pathognomonic for this diagnosis. • Treatment is supportive with: – intubation, mechanical ventilation, – vasopressors, – sedation, and sometimes neuromuscular blockade, – and rarely pulmonary artery catheter placement. – Factor replacement may be required for hemorrhage. – The roles of corticosteroids or plasmapheresis are unproven Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 16. Venous Air Embolism • can occur during normal delivery, with: – placenta previa, – And during abortion. • It has also been reported during oral genital sex and during gynecologic procedures using air insufflation. • (1%)of maternal deaths are thought to be from venous air embolism. • In general, it is thought that 100 mL of air can lead to mortality. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 17. Presentation of Venous Air Embolism • Present with: – profound hypotension. – nonspecific signs of coughing, dizziness, tachypnea, Dyspnea, tachycardia, and diaphoresis • The classic but rarely heard cardiac millwheel murmur audible over the precordium is supportive of the diagnosis of venous air embolism. • ARDS may develop. • Other findings include: mental status changes, coma, seizures, stroke, myocardial infarction, and thrombocytopenia. • Bubbles may be visualized in the retinal arterioles, and subdermal air may be present. • Air in the heart or great vessels is occasionally seen on the chest radiograph. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 18. Treatment of Venous Air Embolism • Includes: – recognition of the syndrome, – followed by placing the patient in the left lateral decubitus position so that the air bubble is removed from the entrance to the right ventricular outflow tract. • Cases of aspiration of air from the right heart using a pulmonary artery or central venous catheter have been reported. • Patients should be ventilated with 100% oxygen to facilitate removal of nitrogen, which comprises a significant (up to 80%) of gas content in the embolus. • The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy should be considered. • There are anecdotal reports of using heparin to treat micro-emboli and corticosteroids to decrease pulmonary edema in this syndrome. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 19. Tocolytic Pulmonary Edema • The most common agents used were b2-selective agents such as terbutaline and ritodrine, and tocolytic pulmonary edema developed in as many as 4% to 5% of patients receiving these agents. • symptoms of tocolytic pulmonary edema develop within 24 h but occur more commonly 48 h after initiation of therapy, and can also develop within 24 h after discontinuation of the drug • Risk factor: – who receive prolonged tocolytic therapy with concomitant infusions of crystalloid volume, – those with multiple gestations, – and those with preeclampsia. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 20. Tocolytic Pulmonary Edema • The mechanisms of tocolytic pulmonary edema include: – possible fluid overload, – direct cardiac toxicity, – alterations, and reductions in colloid oncotic pressure – and/or increased pulmonary capillary permeability. • Tocolytic pulmonary edema presents typically with: – dyspnea, – tachycardia, – tachypnea, – Chest pain, crackles, – and the presence of pulmonary edema on chest radiograph. • This syndrome reverses quickly, usually 12 to 24 h after recognition and discontinuation of the offending agent. • The prognosis is excellent. • Transient use of oxygen and diuretics may be needed. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 21. Aspiration • Account for 2% of maternal mortality in the United States. • The obstetric patient is at risk for aspiration for many reasons: • progesterone-induced relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter tone. • an increase in intr-agastric pressure because of mechanical compression by the gravid uterus. • a decrease in gastric emptying during parturition, and being in the supine position. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 22. • There is a correlation between: – the volume of gastric contents aspirated – the acidity of the aspirate, – the presence of particulate matter, – The bacterial load, – and the host resistance on the progression and severity of clinical symptoms • It is thought that the low pH (,2.5) of the aspirate is the major inciting pathogenic process for disease because of a chemical pneumonitis. • A small subgroup of patients will have immediate respiratory arrest and death following aspiration caused by airway obstruction by large particulate matter, progressing to asphyxia. • In those cases in which small volumes of gastric contents are aspirated, symptoms may be delayed until 6 to 24 h following the event. • Bacterial pneumonia can develop 24 to 72h after the aspiration. • Severe bronchospasm and ARDS can also result. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 23. Aspiration Treatment • Treatment is supportive. • there is no role for prophylactic antibiotics or corticosteroids when treating this aspiration syndrome • Resolution usually occurs over the next 4 to 5 days unless secondary superinfection develops. • Bronchoscopy may be indicated when witnessed aspiration with large food particles has occurred. • The chances of aspiration can be reduced by: – the use of regional anesthesia. – restricting oral intake at the time of delivery. – cricoid pressure if endotracheal intubation is required. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 24. ARDS • ARDS is defined similarly in the pregnant as in the non-pregnant individual. • Causes include: – placental abruption. – air embolism, amniotic – fluid embolism. – Aspiration. – Eclampsia. – Septic abortion. – dead fetus syndrome. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 25. Pulmonary Edema • Pulmonary edema can accompany preeclampsia/eclampsia in approximately 3% of cases. • Pulmonary edema may develop more frequently in the immediate postpartum period. • Risk factors include: – advanced age – multigravity. • Mechanisms for preeclampsia-related pulmonary edema include: – increased left ventricular afterload. – myocardial dysfunction. – the alterations in colloid oncotic pressure discussed earlier. – fluid overload – increased pulmonary capillary permeability. • Management is approached in the standard manner with oxygen, diuresis, control of hypertension, and mechanical ventilation, if required. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 26. Peripartum Cardiomyopathy • Pregnancy-related cardiomyopathy can develop in 1 in 1,300 to 1 in 4,000 deliveries and usually presents in the third trimester or up to 6 months postpartum. • Risk factors include: – advanced age, – multiple gestations, – preeclampsia, – African-American race. • Patients typically present with: – dyspnea, orthopnea, – Peripheral edema, – pulmonary edema, – tachycardia, and a cardiac gallop. • The chest radiograph shows: cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema • Echocardiography: demonstrates global hypokinesis. • Prognosis is variable, and approximately 30% of these patients recover, 30% may have residual cardiac damage, and 30% may require heart transplantation. • The cause of death is often thromboembolism from left ventricular thrombus. • The recurrence of cardiomyopathy with subsequent pregnancies is common Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 27. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension • Patients with pulmonary hypertension, either secondary or idiopathic, are at increased risk for maternal (35%–50%) and fetal mortality during pregnancy. • The risk appears to be greatest in the immediate peri-partum period, when a large amount of blood volume is ‘‘auto-transfused’’ from the utero-placental bed back to the maternal circulation. • Acute right-heart failure can result. • Patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension should be counseled against pregnancy and encouraged to seek termination of pregnancy and permanent forms of birth control • Those patients wishing to continue with their pregnancy should be managed with medications such as inhaled nitric oxide and/or IV or inhaled prostacyclin during the peri-partum period. • Placement of a pulmonary artery catheter should be strongly considered during delivery. • Longterm management could include epoprostenol, (prostacyclin, a category B agent) or sildenafil (category B), but the oral endothelin-receptor blocker agents, such as bosentan, are contraindicated because of teratogenicity (category X). Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 28. Tobacco and Lung Disease in Women Lung Cancer • More than 80% to 90% of lung cancers in women are related to tobacco use and are thus preventable. • In the 2012 Cancer report 26% percent of cancer deaths in women were the result of cancer of the lung. • adenocarcinoma is the most common cell type of lung cancer in both smoking and nonsmoking women, regardless of age. • adenocarcinoma is the most common cell type in young people and in nonsmokers of both sexes. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 29. Lung Cancer • There are many postulated reasons as to why women may have an increased susceptibility to tobacco carcinogens, including: – the fact that there may be an increased frequency of mutations in the P53 and other tumor suppressor genes in women than in men; – in addition, a higher promutagenicity DNA level (CP450), – higher levels of DNA adducts, – and decreased capacity for DNA repair have been observed in women. • Hormones (estrogens) and hormonal replacement may play a role in the variable susceptibility to tobacco carcinogens, particularly with adenocarcinoma. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 30. Lung Cancer • Other risk factors for lung cancer in women include: – a family history of lung cancer; – occupational exposures to compounds such as (asbestos, cadmium, beryllium, silicosis, and radon) – prior lung disease as are found in men. • In general, women with lung cancer have a better prognosis and equal or better survival with treatment than do men, regardless of cell type and stage. • There is also a suggestion that epidermal growth factor receptor positive lung cancers may be more common in women. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 31. COPD • Cigarette smoking is the major cause of COPD in women, and the risk increases with the amount and duration smoked. • A recent systematic review of population-based cohort studies of current smokers showed that females had a significantly faster annual decline in percent predicted FEV1 with increasing age than males. • but most indicate that women with exposure to tobacco smoke have more severe COPD and more lung function impairment with fewer pack-years of tobacco use than do men. • Some of the postulated mechanisms for this increased prevalence in women include: – small air airway size, which alters the distribution of toxins contained in tobacco. – hormonal mechanisms. – variations in cytochrome P450 levels. • It also appears that women develop COPD at an earlier age than do men. Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 32. COPD • Gender differences have also been reported in the lung function response to smoking cessation and smoking relapse. • Women exhibited greater improvements in FEV1 than men a year after successful quitting but reciprocally greater declines in FEV1 after relapse. • Historically, men have been more likely than women to receive a diagnosis of emphysema and women to receive a diagnosis of bronchitis. • However, in 2008 more women reported a diagnosis of emphysema than men,The degree of emphysema noted on CT for the same percent predicted FEV1 is less in women than men. • Women also have worse quality of life, increased sensation of dyspnea and higher BODE • Each year, more women are hospitalized with COPD than are men Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 33. COPD mother and baby • In children who have prenatal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke from a smoking mother: – fetal lung development is affected – more airway obstruction, – increased airway hyperresponsiveness, – alterations in lung maturation and lung growth. – small decrement in birth weight and – increased risk of intrauterine growth retardation • Those children exposed to environmental tobacco smoke in the postnatal period have an increased incidence of: – cough, wheezes, respiratory illnesses, and infection. – Pulmonary function is decreased slightly, and there is an increase in airway responsiveness. – These children tend to have an increase in childhood asthma, earlier development of asthma, and more severe asthma. – Other studies have shown that atopy tends to develop in children exposed to environmental tobacco smoke, which can result in worsening asthma. • There have also been correlations found between environmental tobacco smoke and obstructive apnea in children and sudden infant death syndrome in infants Sunday, January 06, 2013
  • 34. Catamenial Pneumothorax • Catamenial complications by definition develop during menstruation. • Catamenial pneumothorax occurs very rarely and is usually recurrent. • Patients are usually in their late 20s to 30 years of age when they initially present. • Symptoms develop within 24 to 48 h of the onset of menstrual flow. • The pneumothoraces are often on the right side and are often associated with pelvic endometriosis. • The mechanisms of air entry into the pleural space may be caused by: – A defect at the site of pleural or diaphragmatic endometriosis – or may be by air gaining access to the peritoneal cavity during menstruation and then subsequently entering the pleural cavity through a diaphragmatic defect • The diagnosis is fairly straightforward when a pneumothorax develops during the first 48 h of menstrual flow. • Treatment includes ovulation-suppressing drugs. • Patients wishing to conceive or who do not want ovulation suppressed should undergo thoracotomy with repair of diaphragmatic defects, If present, followed by pleurodesis. • Catamenial hemothorax has also been described Sunday, January 06, 2013