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Scene 1
Four teenagers lay down in a circle, their eyes are
closed and the set is silent.
(Camera shots are shot from various, random angles in
close ups before displaying a bird's-eye view of them.)
lies down with her arms splayed, one facing up with two
fingers in the air, one diagonally down. The rest are
splayed out in different ways
Gradually the four open their eyes, then each sits up
groggily, clutching their heads and moaning.
[MS][sits up, clutching head in pain]
Oomph, oh my head.
The hell am I?
If I knew I’d tell you. You two alright?
Do you know where we are?
*groans eyes squeezed shut in pain*
I don't know, I remember…I was in a
Cuts to shot where she is at a
cafe, being seen from an
onlookers point of view
[MS from a side view]
Great,that’s very helpful.
[MS side view of maura turned towards
Wow lovin’ the attitude dude, five minutes
into what seems to be a kidnapping and
your already being a huge pain in the butt
Viktor and Maura both stand up,
looking angry at each other.
[​MS side view of them]
Hey!, nobody said we've been kidnapped.
You said that, You said that!
[victor thrusts his finger at maura in an
accusatory stance, Maura swats his finger
out of her face]
Guys, c’mon. Let’s try and figure this out.
[​turning to Maura]
What’s the last thing you remember?
[CU as her face scrunches in concentration]
It’s a blank; I was in the kitchen making hot chocolate
[shot cuts to flashback of her in kitchen from the
and then...nothing.
Yeah, it’s a blank for me too. I was just on my way to
the library and then…
And then we woke up here.
[Maura glances around and wraps her arms around herself
mumbling a response]
Wherever ‘here’ is.
[to Viktor, who is nearing a corner]
What about you? Where were you?
Suddenly, a large projector turns on behind them, a
distorted voice comes through which causes everyone to
freeze and slowly turn in the projectors direction. The
Unknown person wears a comical devil mask.
Hello, my dears. I hope you rested
well, for now the fun begins. Deadly
tests and
tricks and treats await you,
(the screen changes to a
crude doodle of four figures
standing next to each other)
but first, let’s see if you can
figure out my clue:someone amongst
you is me!.. Now guess who?
(one of the four figures
grows devil horns, and a
crooked grin)
Wait too long ​and you will find,
that only I'll be left behind!
(all but the devil fall over
covered in blood,their eyes
are substituted by childish
But kill me quick and reach into me​,
you'll find yourself an escape key!
(The scene switches to all
but the devil reaching
ripping the devil apart,
revealing the key in their
But hurry my dears, for I cannot
say, how many of your fears you’ll
meet today…
​[Screen goes blank]
Jesus… What is this.
Oh God, no...
What the hell?
This-this is INSANE!
This is wrong, this is...
[striding up to Viktor]
Calm down man, panicking isn’t gonna
For all I know, you’re saying that because
you’re the killer!
Really dude!? Haven’t you thought that
this is what they want - us fighting
amongst ourselves?
Shut up! You’re all suspicious!
G-guy’s we shouldn’t fight…
Well what else can we do? Trusting any of
you just isn’t an option.
Trusting each other is the only option we
I’m scared too, but if we turn against
each other we’ve got a lot less chance of
making it out of here. We need to work
[nervous and slightly hysterical]
I am not going to ‘work together’ with
potential psychos! Any one of you could be
Well I know I think you're insane already!
acting like a complete nut job while
everyone’s trying to keep their cool.
[To Viktor]
They’re right. We don’t know who did this
to us. For all we know, we are all victims
and that maniac up there is playing us so
that we won’t help each other. We have to
keep it together.
T-that’s right! We have to keep it
together guys. We just have to trust each
other. It’s our best bet to make it out of
here. We should figure out a plan...maybe
we can b-beat them at their own game!
(MS) [Skeptically]
And how do you propose that?
[LS] [turns to each of them
while speaking]
...simply by not turning on each other.
[MS][gives Maura and Viktor a pointed
We should try to find a way out or at
least a clue to who it is behind the mask
[MS][takes a deep breathe]
Alright, fine.
[MS TO LS][walking away]
I am going to check if our kidnapper left
any ‘clues’ as they said…
[MS][Nervously fidgeting and worriedly
looking around]
Maybe we shouldn’t split up...?
[MS][lays a reassuring hand on her
Don’t worry we won’t be leaving anyone
alone that’s why I’ll go with him you stay
here with the other guy.
[MS][nervous but slightly relieved]
What’s your... Uh, name if you don’t mind
me asking?
[CU][gives a soft half smile]
My name is Maura nice to meet you, wish
we’d met without the whole crazy kidnapper
situation but I guess that’s life. What’s
your name?
[CU][small smile]
I’m Lilith, nice to meet you.
[MS][half turns towards Seth]
peacemaker what’s your name?
[MS][gestures to himself]
My name’s seth
[calls out to Viktor’s retreating figure]
HEY! What’s your name man?
[stops but doesn’t turn]
Viktor, my name is Viktor.
[starts towards Viktor’s figure]
Wait up, I’m going with you Viktor.
Scene 2
Scene opens to a [MS] of Maura and Viktor walking down
the hallway Maura turns to Viktor
Hey, um, so you never did say what you were doing before
you blacked out?
Why, I mean, what does it matter? [smiles nervously and
turns away]
[MS TO CU][looks at him incredulously]
So ​we’re​ suspicious when you’re clearly being
I mean...look ​[becomes angry]​ just leave it! Unless you
want me to think I can’t trust you and I’ll just leave
you alone to defend yourself…​[smiles cruelly]
[throws hands up in surrender]
[hesitatingly] ALright, alright...Chill out, will ya...
[they carry on walking, Viktor hangs back, seeing
something in the dark]
What’s that?
[Maura keeps on walking, leaving Viktor to look at it]
[Viktor sees a bloody knife on the floor, and goes to
pick it up}
Cut to: Seth and Lilith
[a scream echoes through the halls, Seth and Lilith, who
were searching around for clues while eyeing each other
suspiciously, lock eyes before quickly running to the
direction of the scream]
Cut to: Maura over Viktor's body, his blood over the
[tears streaming down her face]
Oh no, oh no, oh no...V-Viktor? Oh god no!
[Seth and Lilith run into the room, and
see Maura standing over Viktor, a shotgun
lies next to him]
What hap-Oh my God,
[eyes Maura in fear]
did-did you do this?!
[Maura turns tear stained face with rage
and anguish in her eyes shouts at lilith]
Are you seriously suggesting I would do
this!? I mean I know I didn’t get off to a
good start with him but I would- could
never do this to him!
[Thrusts finger in the direction of
Viktor's body]
[Maura sees the bloody knife on the floor,
and dives for it, holding it in front of
[Maura is hysterical and trying to keep
her emotions in check her eye’s keep
glancing between seth and lilith]
I don’t know you guys and right now all I
know is that Viktor is dead and I’m not
sure which of you is the killer so back
[Maura glance’s at Viktor's body before
quickly thrusting the knife in front of
her again, eyes going back and forth
between them both]
[Lilith gulps and walks towards Maura]
Look,just give us the knife, Maura. Nobody
else needs to get hurt anymore, okay?
[reaches for Lilith to step back]
Keep away from her, we don’t know what
she’s capable of.
[Lilith brushes him off and keeps walking
towards Maura]
[Holds her knife with both hands outwards,
Stay away…!
[Maura goes to attack Lilith, but stops
last second and drops the knife]
I can’t, I can’t
[Drops to her knees]
Please don’t…don’t kill me.
We aren’t going to kill you.
We have to check out if Viktor has the key
first, then we will see what happens from
Look, please, you have to believe me, it
wasn’t me, I swear…
[Lilith looks at her hard before slowly
nodding and reaching out a hand for Maura
to take. Maura flinches]
Are you okay?
Yeah, fine, I just felt a prick or
something, don’t worry, I’m just tired.
Yeah. We all are.
So, who's checking his stomach then?
Yeah, sorry I shouldn't have even asked,
pass me the knife- slowly Lilith
[They look on at an off-screen shot in
disgust. Lilith gags and looks away,
covering her mouth. Maura begins to swoon,
eyes wide and unblinking at Viktor’s
I can't deal with blood...Sorry, I feel
unwell, I need to be outside.
[Maura exits]
[Seth bends over the body]
Do you want to leave too Lilith?
No, you shouldn't have to do this alone.
It’s amazing that you have the guts to do
[seth smiles and lilith, she smiles sadly
[MS zoom to a CU of the knife and stomach]
[seth brings out the knife, breathing
heavily. He slowly pulls it towards
viktors stomach, suddenly, they both here
a retching noise from the other room, it's
[Seth runs out the door, accompanied by
Lilith, who starts to wobble herself.]
Cut to: Interior Main room
[Seth and Lilith at the point which Maura
is vomiting and starts to wobble]
[rushes to her]
Oh my God, what’s happening to her? Maura,
are you okay?!
[Maura, collapses into Lilith’s arms, her
eyes slowly close, she claws upwards at
Lilith, clutching her hair, seems to mouth
something to her, then collapses fully]
[rushes towards Lilith holding Maura and
checks for a pulse]
What the hell? She’s not breathing.
[Lilith drops Maura’s body]
Oh god...
[Lilith backs away from the body, staring
at it and starts hyperventilating. She
back up against the far wall, sliding down
it, shaking]
She was poisoned…
[Seth stares forward blankly]
It must have been one of us…
[seth turns to look at Lilith,
only to see she has gone, the door to the
room with Viktor's body is left open]
Jesus… Not you…
Cut to:the room with Viktor's body
[walks in calmly looking out for any
surprises and finds the body and Lilith
Oh god no. Viktor!
[Seth looks at the floor, and picks up the
shotgun lying there]
Viktor! I'm coming for you, you son of a
[Various cuts show Seth running through
the small areas of the building, looking
for Viktor. After those short cuts, we see
Him in front of the door leading into the
room they started in. He steels himself
for a second, then barges in]
Cut to: Interior of starting room
[seth looks around the room]
Where are you Viktor!
[Seth Notices Lilith, laying down like a
ragdoll in the center of the room., Seths
eyes light as he walks towards her limp
body, he bends over and checks her pulse,
then sighs in relief]
Thank god
[she groans opening her eye’s]
He’s… Still… Viktor is still….Alive…
What did he do to you?
He just hit me, I'll be fine.
I’ll be right back then…
[seth stands up, shotgun in hand, and
walks towards the only way Viktor could
have gone]
Cut to: Final room Int
[Seth walks in, Viktor stands in the far
corner, shrouded in darkness,Seth walks
towards him]
Give it up mate… Come out here with your
hands up…
[the silhouette of victor does not move,
his hand slowly rise, lifting his arms in
a puppet like way and seth walks uneasily,
feeling as if something is wrong]
Come on Viktor, nobody else has to die.
[Seth walks towards one of the covered
windows, and pulls the blind up, shedding
light into the room]
Dear god no…
[The camera shifts to an over the shoulder
shot to show what Seth can see, Viktor is
covered in his own blood, his wound still
fatal, his dead body suspended by strings
like a grotesque marionette, his arms
lifted in the air by rope suspended from
the ceiling.]
[The camera switches perspectives, looking
at seth's face, Behind him, Lilith stands,
half her face in darkness, she's smiling
menacingly knife raised, she pauses, then
pulls the knife down, coughing to signal
to seth where she is. Seth spins round to
face her]
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy…[changing from
hysteric to sinister] how much fun i had
playing you lot, gosh, what fun, like
playing with my favourite toys.
[seth backs away, terrified]
Lilith… why, how could you
Oh well you see i like me a good game to
pass the time. You just seemed like the
best toys
[cuts to a view of maura’s body, covered
in vomit that she choked on]
Maura an aspiring teacher!, trying to be a
nursery teacher actually, what a
[cuts to a view of Viktor’s body]
Viktor, going to University to be a
businessman trying to promote eco-friendly
products! Isn’t he a charmer!
[back to the view of lilith facing seth]
And your what? Sweet little college
politician, wanting to change the world!
Model of society, the goodest of two
You're a monster…
And you're the 13th person to tell me that
this year! Want to see what happened to
them? I always keep photos!
[MS view of seth staring at Lilith in
You’re sick… who in their right minds…
would hurt people for fun!
I like to think of it as a sport actually!
Never was good at sport at school but
lookie now i’m the best at this one sport!
Now you're assuming I’m in my right mind,
but I’m nothing of the kind! I am simply
giving back to those who burnt me and
cursed me and ​hurt me​...for all those
years they never let me be.
You think I’m cruel for playing the same
game people like you, the populars, those
snivelling ​idiots​ used to try on people
like me but surprise! I have won and you
have lost and the game is done. You are
No… I'm going to stop you!
[claps excitedly]
You want another round? Okay then, let’s
play; and we shall see which one of us
will make it through to another day…
[Lilith smiles and dives towards Seth
suddenly, the screen cuts to black]
[Lilith is standing in front of the locked
door, she sighs]
Now I need new toys… won't take too long
to find some…​[contemplating]​ boys!
[cackles wickedly]
[Lilith reaches into her mouth and tugs on
a piece of string, slowly pulling the key
out her stomach through her throat. When
it exits her mouth she puts it in the
lock, the screen goes to black]

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The devilsplaygroundscript

  • 1. Scene 1 INT. SCHOOL HALL- 12:00pm Four teenagers lay down in a circle, their eyes are closed and the set is silent. (Camera shots are shot from various, random angles in close ups before displaying a bird's-eye view of them.) lies down with her arms splayed, one facing up with two fingers in the air, one diagonally down. The rest are splayed out in different ways Gradually the four open their eyes, then each sits up groggily, clutching their heads and moaning. VIKTOR [MS][sits up, clutching head in pain] Oomph, oh my head. The hell am I? MAURA If I knew I’d tell you. You two alright? Do you know where we are? SETH *groans eyes squeezed shut in pain* LILITH [MS] I don't know, I remember…I was in a cafe... Cuts to shot where she is at a cafe, being seen from an onlookers point of view VIKTOR [MS from a side view] [sarcastic] Great,that’s very helpful. MAURA [MS side view of maura turned towards viktor] Wow lovin’ the attitude dude, five minutes into what seems to be a kidnapping and your already being a huge pain in the butt Viktor and Maura both stand up, looking angry at each other.
  • 2. VIKTOR [​MS side view of them] Hey!, nobody said we've been kidnapped. You said that, You said that! [victor thrusts his finger at maura in an accusatory stance, Maura swats his finger out of her face] SETH Guys, c’mon. Let’s try and figure this out. [​turning to Maura] What’s the last thing you remember? MAURA [CU as her face scrunches in concentration] It’s a blank; I was in the kitchen making hot chocolate [shot cuts to flashback of her in kitchen from the outside] and then...nothing. SETH Yeah, it’s a blank for me too. I was just on my way to the library and then… LILITH And then we woke up here. MAURA [Maura glances around and wraps her arms around herself mumbling a response] Wherever ‘here’ is. SETH [to Viktor, who is nearing a corner] What about you? Where were you? VIKTOR I- Suddenly, a large projector turns on behind them, a distorted voice comes through which causes everyone to freeze and slowly turn in the projectors direction. The Unknown person wears a comical devil mask. THE DEVIL Hello, my dears. I hope you rested well, for now the fun begins. Deadly tests and tricks and treats await you, (the screen changes to a crude doodle of four figures standing next to each other)
  • 3. but first, let’s see if you can figure out my clue:someone amongst you is me!.. Now guess who? (one of the four figures grows devil horns, and a crooked grin) Wait too long ​and you will find, that only I'll be left behind! (all but the devil fall over covered in blood,their eyes are substituted by childish x’s) But kill me quick and reach into me​, you'll find yourself an escape key! (The scene switches to all but the devil reaching ripping the devil apart, revealing the key in their stomach) But hurry my dears, for I cannot say, how many of your fears you’ll meet today… ​[Screen goes blank] SETH Jesus… What is this. LILITH [whimpers] Oh God, no... MAURA What the hell? This-this is INSANE! VIKTOR This is wrong, this is... [screaming] HELP!, IS ANYONE OUT HERE!, HELP! SETH [striding up to Viktor] Calm down man, panicking isn’t gonna help! VIKTOR [whisper-shouting] For all I know, you’re saying that because you’re the killer!
  • 4. MAURA Really dude!? Haven’t you thought that this is what they want - us fighting amongst ourselves? VIKTOR Shut up! You’re all suspicious! LILITH G-guy’s we shouldn’t fight… VIKTOR Well what else can we do? Trusting any of you just isn’t an option. LILITH Trusting each other is the only option we have! I’m scared too, but if we turn against each other we’ve got a lot less chance of making it out of here. We need to work together. VIKTOR [nervous and slightly hysterical] I am not going to ‘work together’ with potential psychos! Any one of you could be insane! ​MAURA Well I know I think you're insane already! acting like a complete nut job while everyone’s trying to keep their cool. SETH [To Viktor] They’re right. We don’t know who did this to us. For all we know, we are all victims and that maniac up there is playing us so that we won’t help each other. We have to keep it together. LILITH (MS)[nervously] T-that’s right! We have to keep it together guys. We just have to trust each other. It’s our best bet to make it out of here. We should figure out a plan...maybe we can b-beat them at their own game! MAURA (MS) [Skeptically] And how do you propose that?
  • 5. SETH [LS] [turns to each of them while speaking] ...simply by not turning on each other. [MS][gives Maura and Viktor a pointed look] We should try to find a way out or at least a clue to who it is behind the mask VIKTOR [MS][takes a deep breathe] Alright, fine. [MS TO LS][walking away] I am going to check if our kidnapper left any ‘clues’ as they said… LILITH [MS][Nervously fidgeting and worriedly looking around] Maybe we shouldn’t split up...? MAURA [MS][lays a reassuring hand on her shoulder] Don’t worry we won’t be leaving anyone alone that’s why I’ll go with him you stay here with the other guy. LILITH [MS][nervous but slightly relieved] What’s your... Uh, name if you don’t mind me asking? MAURA [CU][gives a soft half smile] My name is Maura nice to meet you, wish we’d met without the whole crazy kidnapper situation but I guess that’s life. What’s your name? LILITH [CU][small smile] I’m Lilith, nice to meet you. MAURA Hey! [MS][half turns towards Seth] peacemaker what’s your name? SETH [MS][gestures to himself] Me? My name’s seth
  • 6. [calls out to Viktor’s retreating figure] HEY! What’s your name man? VIKTOR [stops but doesn’t turn] Viktor, my name is Viktor. MAURA [starts towards Viktor’s figure] Wait up, I’m going with you Viktor. Scene 2 INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY- 12:30 Scene opens to a [MS] of Maura and Viktor walking down the hallway Maura turns to Viktor MAURA [MS][awkwardly] Hey, um, so you never did say what you were doing before you blacked out? VIKTOR [MS] Why, I mean, what does it matter? [smiles nervously and turns away] MAURA [MS TO CU][looks at him incredulously] So ​we’re​ suspicious when you’re clearly being suspicious!? VIKTOR I mean...look ​[becomes angry]​ just leave it! Unless you want me to think I can’t trust you and I’ll just leave you alone to defend yourself…​[smiles cruelly] MAURA [throws hands up in surrender] [hesitatingly] ALright, alright...Chill out, will ya... please. [they carry on walking, Viktor hangs back, seeing something in the dark] VIKTOR What’s that? [Maura keeps on walking, leaving Viktor to look at it] VIKTOR
  • 7. [Viktor sees a bloody knife on the floor, and goes to pick it up} Cut to: Seth and Lilith [a scream echoes through the halls, Seth and Lilith, who were searching around for clues while eyeing each other suspiciously, lock eyes before quickly running to the direction of the scream] Cut to: Maura over Viktor's body, his blood over the floor MAURA [tears streaming down her face] Oh no, oh no, oh no...V-Viktor? Oh god no! [Seth and Lilith run into the room, and see Maura standing over Viktor, a shotgun lies next to him] Lilith What hap-Oh my God, [eyes Maura in fear] did-did you do this?! MAURA [Maura turns tear stained face with rage and anguish in her eyes shouts at lilith] Are you seriously suggesting I would do this!? I mean I know I didn’t get off to a good start with him but I would- could never do this to him! [Thrusts finger in the direction of Viktor's body] [Maura sees the bloody knife on the floor, and dives for it, holding it in front of her.] MAURA [Maura is hysterical and trying to keep her emotions in check her eye’s keep glancing between seth and lilith] I don’t know you guys and right now all I know is that Viktor is dead and I’m not sure which of you is the killer so back off! [Maura glance’s at Viktor's body before quickly thrusting the knife in front of
  • 8. her again, eyes going back and forth between them both] [Lilith gulps and walks towards Maura] Lilith Look,just give us the knife, Maura. Nobody else needs to get hurt anymore, okay? Please... Seth [reaches for Lilith to step back] Keep away from her, we don’t know what she’s capable of. [Lilith brushes him off and keeps walking towards Maura] Maura [Holds her knife with both hands outwards, sobbing] [threateningly] Stay away…! [Maura goes to attack Lilith, but stops last second and drops the knife] I can’t, I can’t [Drops to her knees] Please don’t…don’t kill me. SETH We aren’t going to kill you. We have to check out if Viktor has the key first, then we will see what happens from there. MAURA Look, please, you have to believe me, it wasn’t me, I swear… [Lilith looks at her hard before slowly nodding and reaching out a hand for Maura to take. Maura flinches] LILITH [concerned] Are you okay? MAURA Yeah, fine, I just felt a prick or something, don’t worry, I’m just tired. SETH Yeah. We all are.
  • 9. Seth So, who's checking his stomach then? [pause] Yeah, sorry I shouldn't have even asked, pass me the knife- slowly Lilith [They look on at an off-screen shot in disgust. Lilith gags and looks away, covering her mouth. Maura begins to swoon, eyes wide and unblinking at Viktor’s stomach] Maura I can't deal with blood...Sorry, I feel unwell, I need to be outside. [Maura exits] Seth [Seth bends over the body] Do you want to leave too Lilith? Lilith No, you shouldn't have to do this alone. It’s amazing that you have the guts to do that... [seth smiles and lilith, she smiles sadly back] Seth [MS zoom to a CU of the knife and stomach] [seth brings out the knife, breathing heavily. He slowly pulls it towards viktors stomach, suddenly, they both here a retching noise from the other room, it's Maura] No! [Seth runs out the door, accompanied by Lilith, who starts to wobble herself.] Cut to: Interior Main room [Seth and Lilith at the point which Maura is vomiting and starts to wobble] LILITH Maura? [rushes to her] Oh my God, what’s happening to her? Maura, are you okay?!
  • 10. [Maura, collapses into Lilith’s arms, her eyes slowly close, she claws upwards at Lilith, clutching her hair, seems to mouth something to her, then collapses fully] SETH [rushes towards Lilith holding Maura and checks for a pulse] What the hell? She’s not breathing. LILITH She’s…She... [Lilith drops Maura’s body] Oh god... [Lilith backs away from the body, staring at it and starts hyperventilating. She back up against the far wall, sliding down it, shaking] SETH She was poisoned… [Seth stares forward blankly] It must have been one of us… [seth turns to look at Lilith, only to see she has gone, the door to the room with Viktor's body is left open] Jesus… Not you… Cut to:the room with Viktor's body SETH [walks in calmly looking out for any surprises and finds the body and Lilith missing] Oh god no. Viktor! [Seth looks at the floor, and picks up the shotgun lying there] Viktor! I'm coming for you, you son of a bitch. [Various cuts show Seth running through the small areas of the building, looking for Viktor. After those short cuts, we see Him in front of the door leading into the room they started in. He steels himself for a second, then barges in] Cut to: Interior of starting room Seth [seth looks around the room] Where are you Viktor!
  • 11. [Seth Notices Lilith, laying down like a ragdoll in the center of the room., Seths eyes light as he walks towards her limp body, he bends over and checks her pulse, then sighs in relief] Thank god LILITH [she groans opening her eye’s] He’s… Still… Viktor is still….Alive… Seth What did he do to you? LILITH He just hit me, I'll be fine. SETH I’ll be right back then… [seth stands up, shotgun in hand, and walks towards the only way Viktor could have gone] Cut to: Final room Int [Seth walks in, Viktor stands in the far corner, shrouded in darkness,Seth walks towards him] SETH Give it up mate… Come out here with your hands up… [the silhouette of victor does not move, his hand slowly rise, lifting his arms in a puppet like way and seth walks uneasily, feeling as if something is wrong] SETH Come on Viktor, nobody else has to die. [Seth walks towards one of the covered windows, and pulls the blind up, shedding light into the room] Dear god no… [The camera shifts to an over the shoulder shot to show what Seth can see, Viktor is covered in his own blood, his wound still fatal, his dead body suspended by strings like a grotesque marionette, his arms
  • 12. lifted in the air by rope suspended from the ceiling.] [The camera switches perspectives, looking at seth's face, Behind him, Lilith stands, half her face in darkness, she's smiling menacingly knife raised, she pauses, then pulls the knife down, coughing to signal to seth where she is. Seth spins round to face her] LILITH Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy…[changing from hysteric to sinister] how much fun i had playing you lot, gosh, what fun, like playing with my favourite toys. [seth backs away, terrified] SETH Lilith… why, how could you LILITH Oh well you see i like me a good game to pass the time. You just seemed like the best toys [cuts to a view of maura’s body, covered in vomit that she choked on] Maura an aspiring teacher!, trying to be a nursery teacher actually, what a sweetheart [cuts to a view of Viktor’s body] Viktor, going to University to be a businessman trying to promote eco-friendly products! Isn’t he a charmer! [back to the view of lilith facing seth] And your what? Sweet little college politician, wanting to change the world! Model of society, the goodest of two shoes! ​SETH You're a monster… Lilith
  • 13. And you're the 13th person to tell me that this year! Want to see what happened to them? I always keep photos! SETH [MS view of seth staring at Lilith in horror] You’re sick… who in their right minds… would hurt people for fun! Lilith I like to think of it as a sport actually! Never was good at sport at school but lookie now i’m the best at this one sport! // Now you're assuming I’m in my right mind, but I’m nothing of the kind! I am simply giving back to those who burnt me and cursed me and ​hurt me​...for all those years they never let me be. You think I’m cruel for playing the same game people like you, the populars, those snivelling ​idiots​ used to try on people like me but surprise! I have won and you have lost and the game is done. You are done. SETH No… I'm going to stop you! Lilith Ooh! [claps excitedly] You want another round? Okay then, let’s play; and we shall see which one of us will make it through to another day… [Lilith smiles and dives towards Seth suddenly, the screen cuts to black] Credits: [Lilith is standing in front of the locked door, she sighs] Lilith Now I need new toys… won't take too long to find some…​[contemplating]​ boys! [cackles wickedly] [Lilith reaches into her mouth and tugs on a piece of string, slowly pulling the key out her stomach through her throat. When
  • 14. it exits her mouth she puts it in the lock, the screen goes to black]