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Groovy: Efficiency Oriented Programming
Lecture 8
Master Proteomics & Bioinformatics - University of Geneva
Alexandre Masselot - summer 2011

‣ Eclipse tips
‣ 8 queens on a chess board
‣ Genetic algorithm
‣ Abstract class (a little bit more about inheritance)
Eclipse tips

‣ Outline view in the right column
  - get a list of your field and method of the current class
Eclipse tips

‣ Outline view in the right column
  - get a list of your field and method of the current class

‣ Help > Key assist
  - get a list of all the possible shortcuts
Eclipse tips

‣ Outline view in the right column
  - get a list of your field and method of the current class

‣ Help > Key assist
  - get a list of all the possible shortcuts
8 queens puzzle

‣ Problem
  - put 8 queens on a chess board,
  - none is able to capture another (columns, rows and diagonal)
8 queens puzzle: history

‣ Chess player Max Bezzel proposed the problem in 1848
8 queens puzzle: history

‣ Chess player Max Bezzel proposed the problem in 1848
‣ Mathematicians (including Gauss) worked on the problem
  (and generalization to n-queens)
8 queens puzzle: history

‣ Chess player Max Bezzel proposed the problem in 1848
‣ Mathematicians (including Gauss) worked on the problem
  (and generalization to n-queens)
‣ Franz Nauck proposed the first solutions (1850)
8 queens puzzle: history

‣ Chess player Max Bezzel proposed the problem in 1848
‣ Mathematicians (including Gauss) worked on the problem
  (and generalization to n-queens)
‣ Franz Nauck proposed the first solutions (1850)
‣ Computer scientists joined the party: Edsger Dijkstra (1972)
  used the problem to illustrate depth-first backtracking
As usually, sexy problems diverge
n-queens, n×n chessboard with kings, knights...

8 queens on a 8×8 chessboard:
    how many solutions?

8 queens: some combinatorial considerations

‣ Number of possible positions of 8 queens on a 8x8 chess board (no
  - 64 choose 8=          = 4,426,165,368
8 queens: some combinatorial considerations

‣ Number of possible positions of 8 queens on a 8x8 chess board (no
  - 64 choose 8=          = 4,426,165,368
‣ Number of solution to the 8 queens puzzle:
  - 92, and reducing symmetries: 12 distinct
8 queens: some combinatorial considerations

‣ Number of possible positions of 8 queens on a 8x8 chess board (no
  - 64 choose 8=          = 4,426,165,368
‣ Number of solution to the 8 queens puzzle:
  - 92, and reducing symmetries: 12 distinct
‣ extend to any n queens, on a n x n board
8 queens: some combinatorial considerations

‣ Number of possible positions of 8 queens on a 8x8 chess board (no
  - 64 choose 8=          = 4,426,165,368
‣ Number of solution to the 8 queens puzzle:
  - 92, and reducing symmetries: 12 distinct
‣ extend to any n queens, on a n x n board

     n        1     2     3     4     5        6        7        8         9         10

 distinct     1     0     0     2     2        1        6       12        46         92

  unique      1     0     0     1     10       4       40       92       352        724
Goals for today

        ‣ Write code to find solutions
Goals for today

        ‣ Write code to find solutions
        ‣ Brute force
Goals for today

        ‣ Write code to find solutions
        ‣ Brute force
        ‣ Genetic programming (evolving random
Goals for today

        ‣ Write code to find solutions
        ‣ Brute force
        ‣ Genetic programming (evolving random
        ‣ generalize the problem to kings
Goals for today

        ‣ Write code to find solutions
        ‣ Brute force
        ‣ Genetic programming (evolving random
        ‣ generalize the problem to kings
        ‣ code in tp8-solutions @ dokeos
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
An algorithm for solutions
A solution finder code:

‣ A chessboard structure:
  - size & max number of pieces
  - add/remove pieces
  - count how many pieces are on the board
  - check if two pieces are conflicting
A solution finder code:

‣ A chessboard structure:
  - size & max number of pieces
  - add/remove pieces
  - count how many pieces are on the board
  - check if two pieces are conflicting

‣ A mechanism to explore one by one all solutions
  - mimic the brute force previous example
A code synopsis: board fields
A code synopsis: board fields

‣ ChessBoard.groovy/ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy

 /// number of rows and column for the board

 int size=8
A code synopsis: board fields

‣ ChessBoard.groovy/ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy

 /// number of rows and column for the board

 int size=8

 /// maximum number of pieces on the board

 int maxPieces=0
A code synopsis: board fields

‣ ChessBoard.groovy/ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy

 /// number of rows and column for the board

 int size=8

 /// maximum number of pieces on the board

 int maxPieces=0

 /** list of list of 2 integers
      each of them representing a piece on the board
      (between 0 and (size-1))

 List piecesPositions = []
A code synopsis: board fields

‣ ChessBoard.groovy/ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy

 /// number of rows and column for the board

 int size=8

 /// maximum number of pieces on the board

 int maxPieces=0

 /** list of list of 2 integers
      each of them representing a piece on the board
      (between 0 and (size-1))

 List piecesPositions = []
A code synopsis: board methods
A code synopsis: board methods

 /// how many pieces on the board

 int countPieces(){...}
A code synopsis: board methods

 /// how many pieces on the board

 int countPieces(){...}

/// synopsis: board << [0, 3]

 void leftShift(List<Integer> pos){...}
A code synopsis: board methods

 /// how many pieces on the board

 int countPieces(){...}

/// synopsis: board << [0, 3]

 void leftShift(List<Integer> pos){...}

  /// remove last introduced piece

 List<Integer> removeLastPiece(){...}
A code synopsis: board methods

 /// how many pieces on the board

 int countPieces(){...}

/// synopsis: board << [0, 3]

 void leftShift(List<Integer> pos){...}

  /// remove last introduced piece

 List<Integer> removeLastPiece(){...}

  /// are two pieces positions in conflict?

 boolean isPieceConflict(List<Integer> pA, List<Integer>   pB){...}
A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm
A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm

‣ Exploring means
  - placing a new piece at the next non-conflicting position
  - if all pieces are on the board, flag as a solution
  - exploring deeper
A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm

‣ Exploring means
  - placing a new piece at the next non-conflicting position
  - if all pieces are on the board, flag as a solution
  - exploring deeper

‣ The recursion means calling the same explore method deeper
  until and end is reached (e.g. all pieces are on the board)
A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm

‣ Implementing the displayed algorithm
   if (all pieces are on the board){
     !! one solution !!
   pos ← next position after last piece
   while (pos is on the board){
     add a piece on the board at pos
     if (no conflict){
     remove last piece
     pos ← next position
A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm

‣ Implementing the displayed algorithm
   if (all pieces are on the board){
     !! one solution !!
   pos ← next position after last piece
   while (pos is on the board){
     add a piece on the board at pos
     if (no conflict){
     remove last piece
     pos ← next position
A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm

‣ Implementing the displayed algorithm
   if (all pieces are on the board){
     !! one solution !!
   pos ← next position after last piece
   while (pos is on the board){
     add a piece on the board at pos
     if (no conflict){
     remove last piece
     pos ← next position
A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm

‣ Implementing the displayed algorithm
  Implementing the displayed algorithm
   if (all pieces are on the board){
     !! one solution !!
   pos ← next position after last piece
   while (pos is on the board){
     add a piece on the board at pos
     if (no conflict){
     remove last piece
     pos ← next position
A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm

‣ Implementing the displayed algorithm
  Implementing the displayed algorithm
   if (all pieces are on the board){
     !! one solution !!
   pos ← next position after last piece
   while (pos is on the board){
     add a piece on the board at pos
     if (no conflict){
     remove last piece
     pos ← next position
A codesynopsis: a a recursive algorithm
A code synopsis: recursive algorithm

‣ Implementing the displayed algorithm
  Implementing the displayed algorithm
   if (all pieces are on the board){
     !! one solution !!
   pos ← next position after last piece
   while (pos is on the board){
     add a piece on the board at pos
     if (no conflict){
     remove last piece
     pos ← next position
So we only need to code two functionalities
    a) increment position; b) explore

A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Incrementing a piece position means
A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Incrementing a piece position means
  - Incrementing the column
A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Incrementing a piece position means
  - Incrementing the column
  - If end of line is reached: increment row and goto first column
A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Incrementing a piece position means
  - Incrementing the column
  - If end of line is reached: increment row and goto first column
  - Return null is end of the board is reached
A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Incrementing a piece position means
  - Incrementing the column
  - If end of line is reached: increment row and goto first column
  - Return null is end of the board is reached
  - Return [0,0] if starting position is null
A code synopsis: incrementing a position
A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Groovy code:
A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Groovy code:
    a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[
A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Groovy code:
    a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[
    increment second coordinates if possible
A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Groovy code:
    a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[
    increment second coordinates if possible
    then the first (and second is set to 0)
A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Groovy code:
    a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[
    increment second coordinates if possible
    then the first (and second is set to 0)
    returns null if end of board is reached
A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Groovy code:
    a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[
    increment second coordinates if possible
    then the first (and second is set to 0)
    returns null if end of board is reached
    returns [0,0] if a null position is to be incremented
A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Groovy code:
    a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[
    increment second coordinates if possible
    then the first (and second is set to 0)
    returns null if end of board is reached
    returns [0,0] if a null position is to be incremented
 List<Integer> incrementPiecePosition(int boardSize,
                                      List<Integer> p){

 return [p[0], p[1]+1]
A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Groovy code:
    a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[
    increment second coordinates if possible
    then the first (and second is set to 0)
    returns null if end of board is reached
    returns [0,0] if a null position is to be incremented
 List<Integer> incrementPiecePosition(int boardSize,
                                      List<Integer> p){

 if(p[1] == (boardSize - 1) ){

 return [p[0]+1, 0]
 return [p[0], p[1]+1]
A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Groovy code:
     a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[
     increment second coordinates if possible
     then the first (and second is set to 0)
     returns null if end of board is reached
     returns [0,0] if a null position is to be incremented
 List<Integer> incrementPiecePosition(int boardSize,
                                      List<Integer> p){

    if(p[1] == (boardSize - 1) ){
 if(p[0] == (boardSize -1) )
 return null
 return [p[0]+1, 0]
    return [p[0], p[1]+1]
A code synopsis: incrementing a position

‣ Groovy code:
     a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[
     increment second coordinates if possible
     then the first (and second is set to 0)
     returns null if end of board is reached
     returns [0,0] if a null position is to be incremented
 List<Integer> incrementPiecePosition(int boardSize,
                                      List<Integer> p){
 return [0,0]
    if(p[1] == (boardSize - 1) ){
 if(p[0] == (boardSize -1) )
 return null
 return [p[0]+1, 0]
    return [p[0], p[1]+1]
8 queens: a recursive algorithm                                   (cont’d)
def explore(board){

 //walk through all possible position until it is not possible anymore to

 while(p = incrementPiecePosition(board.size, p)){

    //put the current piece on the board to give it a try



   //remove the piece before training another position


8 queens: a recursive algorithm                                   (cont’d)
def explore(board){

 //walk through all possible position until it is not possible anymore to

 while(p = incrementPiecePosition(board.size, p)){

    //put the current piece on the board to give it a try


         // if it can be added without conflict try exploration deeper
         // (with one nore piece)

    //remove the piece before training another position


8 queens: a recursive algorithm                                   (cont’d)
def explore(board){

   //let's take the last piece as starting point or null if the board is empty
   def p=board.countPieces()?board.piecesPositions[-1]:null

 //walk through all possible position until it is not possible anymore to

 while(p = incrementPiecePosition(board.size, p)){

    //put the current piece on the board to give it a try


         // if it can be added without conflict try exploration deeper
         // (with one nore piece)

    //remove the piece before training another position


8 queens: a recursive algorithm                                    (cont’d)
def explore(board){

   if((! board.countConflicts()) && (board.countPieces() == board.maxPieces)){
 println "A working setup :n$board"
   //let's take the last piece as starting point or null if the board is empty
   def p=board.countPieces()?board.piecesPositions[-1]:null

 //walk through all possible position until it is not possible anymore to

 while(p = incrementPiecePosition(board.size, p)){

    //put the current piece on the board to give it a try


         // if it can be added without conflict try exploration deeper
         // (with one nore piece)

    //remove the piece before training another position


A recursive function calls itself

8 queens: a recursive algorithm                                   (cont’d)

‣ Initialization contains:
   - defining a empty board with correct size
   - launching the first call to the recursive explore function
ChessBoard board=[size:8, maxPieces:8]

8 queens: a recursive algorithm                                   (cont’d)

‣ Initialization contains:
   - defining a empty board with correct size
   - launching the first call to the recursive explore function
ChessBoard board=[size:8, maxPieces:8]


‣ See scripts/recursiveChessExploration.groovy
8 queens: a recursive algorithm                                   (cont’d)

‣ Initialization contains:
   - defining a empty board with correct size
   - launching the first call to the recursive explore function
ChessBoard board=[size:8, maxPieces:8]


‣ See scripts/recursiveChessExploration.groovy
8 queens: a recursive algorithm                                   (cont’d)

‣ Initialization contains:
   - defining a empty board with correct size
   - launching the first call to the recursive explore function
ChessBoard board=[size:8, maxPieces:8]


‣ See scripts/recursiveChessExploration.groovy
8 queens: a recursive algorithm                                   (cont’d)

‣ Initialization contains:
   - defining a empty board with correct size
   - launching the first call to the recursive explore function
ChessBoard board=[size:8, maxPieces:8]


‣ See scripts/recursiveChessExploration.groovy
Recursion: the limits
Recursion: the limits

‣ Recursive method is concise
Recursion: the limits

‣ Recursive method is concise
‣ But it requires
  - time (method call)
  - memory (deep tree!)
Recursion: the limits

‣ Recursive method is concise
‣ But it requires
  - time (method call)
  - memory (deep tree!)

‣ In practice, faster methods exist
  - walking through solution staying at the same stack level
Recursion: the limits

‣ Recursive method is concise
‣ But it requires
  - time (method call)
  - memory (deep tree!)

‣ In practice, faster methods exist
  - walking through solution staying at the same stack level

‣ Dedicated solutions if often better
  - In the case of the queens problems, knowing the pieces move can greatly help to
    write a dedicated algorithm (one per row, one per column...)
Creationism or Darwinism?

Genetic Algorithm: an introduction

‣ A problem ⇒ a fitness function
Genetic Algorithm: an introduction

‣ A problem ⇒ a fitness function
‣ A candidate solution ⇒ a score given by the fitness function
Genetic Algorithm: an introduction

‣ A problem ⇒ a fitness function
‣ A candidate solution ⇒ a score given by the fitness function
‣ The higher the fit, the fittest the candidate
Genetic Algorithm: an introduction                    (cont’d)

‣ Searching for a solution simulating a natural selection
Genetic Algorithm: an introduction                    (cont’d)

‣ Searching for a solution simulating a natural selection
‣ One candidate solution ⇔ one gene
Genetic Algorithm: an introduction                    (cont’d)

‣ Searching for a solution simulating a natural selection
‣ One candidate solution ⇔ one gene
‣ population ⇔ set of genes
Genetic Algorithm: an introduction                    (cont’d)

‣ Searching for a solution simulating a natural selection
‣ One candidate solution ⇔ one gene
‣ population ⇔ set of genes
‣ Start : initialize a random population
Genetic Algorithm: an introduction                    (cont’d)

‣ Searching for a solution simulating a natural selection
‣ One candidate solution ⇔ one gene
‣ population ⇔ set of genes
‣ Start : initialize a random population
‣ One generation
  - fittest genes are selected
  - cross-over between those genes
  - random mutation
GA for the 8 queens problem
GA for the 8 queens problem

‣ Gene ⇔ 8 positions
GA for the 8 queens problem

‣ Gene ⇔ 8 positions
‣ Fitness ⇔ -board.countConflicts()
GA for the 8 queens problem

‣ Gene ⇔ 8 positions
‣ Fitness ⇔ -board.countConflicts()
‣ Cross-over ⇔ mixing pieces of two boards
GA for the 8 queens problem

‣ Gene ⇔ 8 positions
‣ Fitness ⇔ -board.countConflicts()
‣ Cross-over ⇔ mixing pieces of two boards
‣ Mutation ⇔ moving randomly one piece
A GA in practice (Evolution.groovy)
class Evolution {

 int nbGenes=200

 double mutationRate = 0.1

 int nbKeepBest = 50

 int nbAddRandom = 10

 Random randomGenerator = new Random()

 def geneFactory

 List genePool

A GA in practice (Evolution.groovy)

   def   nextGeneration(){

      //select a subset of the best gene + mutate them according to a rate

      List reproPool=selectBest().toList().unique{it}


     //keep the repro pool in the best




A GA in practice (Evolution.groovy)

   def   nextGeneration(){

      //select a subset of the best gene + mutate them according to a rate

      List reproPool=selectBest().toList().unique{it}


     //keep the repro pool in the best




     //finally mutate genes with the given rate

     genePool.each {gene ->

    if(randomGenerator.nextDouble() < mutationRate)



A GA in practice (Evolution.groovy)

   def   nextGeneration(){

      //select a subset of the best gene + mutate them according to a rate

      List reproPool=selectBest().toList().unique{it}


     //keep the repro pool in the best



     //from the 'fittest' reproPool, rebuild the total population by crossover

     (1..<((nbGenes-genePool.size())/2) ).each{

    def geneA = reproPool[randomGenerator.nextInt(nbKeepBest)].clone()

    def geneB = reproPool[randomGenerator.nextInt(nbKeepBest)].clone()


    genePool << geneA

    genePool << geneB



     //finally mutate genes with the given rate

     genePool.each {gene ->

    if(randomGenerator.nextDouble() < mutationRate)



A GA in practice (Evolution.groovy)

   def   nextGeneration(){

      //select a subset of the best gene + mutate them according to a rate

      List reproPool=selectBest().toList().unique{it}


     //keep the repro pool in the best


     //add a few random to the pool

     buildRandom(nbAddRandom).each{ genePool << it }


     //from the 'fittest' reproPool, rebuild the total population by crossover

     (1..<((nbGenes-genePool.size())/2) ).each{

    def geneA = reproPool[randomGenerator.nextInt(nbKeepBest)].clone()

    def geneB = reproPool[randomGenerator.nextInt(nbKeepBest)].clone()


    genePool << geneA

    genePool << geneB



     //finally mutate genes with the given rate

     genePool.each {gene ->

    if(randomGenerator.nextDouble() < mutationRate)



Evolution.groovy = problem agnostic

GA: more evolution
GA: more evolution

‣ Mutation rate can be time dependent (decrease over time...)
GA: more evolution

‣ Mutation rate can be time dependent (decrease over time...)
‣ Different population pools (different parameters), long term
GA: more evolution

‣ Mutation rate can be time dependent (decrease over time...)
‣ Different population pools (different parameters), long term
‣ Regular introduction of new random genes
Genetic algorithm: a solution for everything?
Genetic algorithm: a solution for everything?

‣ GA looks like a magic solution to any optimization process
Genetic algorithm: a solution for everything?

‣ GA looks like a magic solution to any optimization process
‣ In practice, hard to tune evolution strategy & parameters
Genetic algorithm: a solution for everything?

‣ GA looks like a magic solution to any optimization process
‣ In practice, hard to tune evolution strategy & parameters
‣ For a given problem: a dedicated solution always better (when
Genetic algorithm: a solution for everything?

‣ GA looks like a magic solution to any optimization process
‣ In practice, hard to tune evolution strategy & parameters
‣ For a given problem: a dedicated solution always better (when
‣ For the queens problems, the recursive method is much faster
Genetic algorithm: a solution for everything?

‣ GA looks like a magic solution to any optimization process
‣ In practice, hard to tune evolution strategy & parameters
‣ For a given problem: a dedicated solution always better (when
‣ For the queens problems, the recursive method is much faster
‣ For 32 knights: GA is much faster (not all solutions!)
32 Knights on the board

Board with knights
Board with knights

‣ ChessBoard.groovy:
boolean isPieceConflict(List<Integer> pA,
                        List<Integer> pB){

   //same row or same column

   if((pA[0] == pB [0]) || (pA[1] == pB[1]))

 return true


   //first diagonal

   if((pA[0] - pA [1]) == (pB[0] - pB[1]))

 return true


   //second diagonal

   if((pA[0] + pA [1]) == (pB[0] + pB[1]))

 return true


   return false

Shall we redefine all the previous methods
   from the ChessBoard with queens?

A generic ChessBoard : abstract class
A generic ChessBoard : abstract class

‣ ChessBoard.groovy:
abstract class ChessBoard{
  ... all other methods/fields are the same ...

    abstract boolean isPieceConflict(List<Integer> pA,
                          List<Integer> pB);

Queen specialization
Queen specialization
Queen specialization

‣ Then a implementation class
 class ChessBoardWithQueens extends ChessBoard{
   //only method
   boolean isPieceConflict(List<Integer> pA,
                         List<Integer> pB){
 //same row or same column
 if((pA[0] == pB [0]) || (pA[1] == pB[1]))
 return true
 //first diagonal
 if((pA[0] - pA [1]) == (pB[0] - pB[1]))
 return true
 //second diagonal
 if((pA[0] + pA [1]) == (pB[0] + pB[1]))
 return true
 return false
Knight specialization
Knight specialization

‣ ChessBoardWithKnights.groovy:
class ChessBoardWithKnights extends ChessBoard{
  //only method
  boolean isPieceConflict(List<Integer> pA,
                         List<Integer> pB){

 if( (Math.abs(pA[0]-pB[0])==2) &&
         (Math.abs(pA[1]-pB[1])==1) )

 return true

   if( (Math.abs(pA[1]-pB[1])==2) &&
          (Math.abs(pA[0]-pB[0])==1) )

 return true

   return false

And from the exploration script
And from the exploration script

‣ In main script:
 //ChessBoardWithQueens board=[size:8, maxPieces:8]
 ChessBoardWithKnights board=[size:8, maxPieces:32]

And from the exploration script

‣ In main script:
 //ChessBoardWithQueens board=[size:8, maxPieces:8]
 ChessBoardWithKnights board=[size:8, maxPieces:32]

‣ Nothing more...
Do not forget unit tests!

abstract class testing

‣ Not possible to instantiate new ChessBoard()
abstract class testing

‣ Not possible to instantiate new ChessBoard()

‣ Create a fake ChessBoard class for test
 class ChessBoardTest extends GroovyTestCase {
 class ChessBoardDummy extends ChessBoard{
 boolean isPieceConflict(List<Integer> pA,
                              List<Integer> pB){
 return ( (pA[0]==pB[0]) && (pA[1]==pB[1]) )
abstract class testing

‣ Not possible to instantiate new ChessBoard()

‣ Create a fake ChessBoard class for test
    class ChessBoardTest extends GroovyTestCase {
 class ChessBoardDummy extends ChessBoard{
 boolean isPieceConflict(List<Integer> pA,
                                 List<Integer> pB){
 return ( (pA[0]==pB[0]) && (pA[1]==pB[1]) )
‣    Then all tests are with instances
    ChessBoardDummy board=[size:4, maxPieces:3]
abstract class testing   (cont’d)
abstract class testing                                 (cont’d)

‣ ChessBoardWithQueens only test for pieces conflict
 class ChessBoardWithQueensTest extends GroovyTestCase {
 public void testPieceConflict(){
 ChessBoardWithQueens board=[size:4, maxPieces:3]
 //same spot
 assert board.isPieceConflict([0, 0], [0, 0])
 //same row
 assert board.isPieceConflict([0, 2], [0, 0])
 //same column
 assert board.isPieceConflict([2, 0], [0, 0])

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groovy & grails - lecture 8

  • 1. Groovy: Efficiency Oriented Programming Lecture 8 Master Proteomics & Bioinformatics - University of Geneva Alexandre Masselot - summer 2011
  • 2. Contents ‣ Eclipse tips ‣ 8 queens on a chess board ‣ Genetic algorithm ‣ Abstract class (a little bit more about inheritance)
  • 3. Eclipse tips ‣ Outline view in the right column - get a list of your field and method of the current class
  • 4. Eclipse tips ‣ Outline view in the right column - get a list of your field and method of the current class ‣ Help > Key assist - get a list of all the possible shortcuts
  • 5. Eclipse tips ‣ Outline view in the right column - get a list of your field and method of the current class ‣ Help > Key assist - get a list of all the possible shortcuts
  • 6. 8 queens puzzle ‣ Problem - put 8 queens on a chess board, - none is able to capture another (columns, rows and diagonal)
  • 7. 8 queens puzzle: history ‣ Chess player Max Bezzel proposed the problem in 1848
  • 8. 8 queens puzzle: history ‣ Chess player Max Bezzel proposed the problem in 1848 ‣ Mathematicians (including Gauss) worked on the problem (and generalization to n-queens)
  • 9. 8 queens puzzle: history ‣ Chess player Max Bezzel proposed the problem in 1848 ‣ Mathematicians (including Gauss) worked on the problem (and generalization to n-queens) ‣ Franz Nauck proposed the first solutions (1850)
  • 10. 8 queens puzzle: history ‣ Chess player Max Bezzel proposed the problem in 1848 ‣ Mathematicians (including Gauss) worked on the problem (and generalization to n-queens) ‣ Franz Nauck proposed the first solutions (1850) ‣ Computer scientists joined the party: Edsger Dijkstra (1972) used the problem to illustrate depth-first backtracking algorithm
  • 11. As usually, sexy problems diverge n-queens, n×n chessboard with kings, knights... 6
  • 12. 8 queens on a 8×8 chessboard: how many solutions? 7
  • 13. 8
  • 14. 8
  • 15. 8 queens: some combinatorial considerations ‣ Number of possible positions of 8 queens on a 8x8 chess board (no constraints): - 64 choose 8= = 4,426,165,368
  • 16. 8 queens: some combinatorial considerations ‣ Number of possible positions of 8 queens on a 8x8 chess board (no constraints): - 64 choose 8= = 4,426,165,368 ‣ Number of solution to the 8 queens puzzle: - 92, and reducing symmetries: 12 distinct
  • 17. 8 queens: some combinatorial considerations ‣ Number of possible positions of 8 queens on a 8x8 chess board (no constraints): - 64 choose 8= = 4,426,165,368 ‣ Number of solution to the 8 queens puzzle: - 92, and reducing symmetries: 12 distinct ‣ extend to any n queens, on a n x n board
  • 18. 8 queens: some combinatorial considerations ‣ Number of possible positions of 8 queens on a 8x8 chess board (no constraints): - 64 choose 8= = 4,426,165,368 ‣ Number of solution to the 8 queens puzzle: - 92, and reducing symmetries: 12 distinct ‣ extend to any n queens, on a n x n board n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 distinct 1 0 0 2 2 1 6 12 46 92 unique 1 0 0 1 10 4 40 92 352 724
  • 19. Goals for today ‣ Write code to find solutions
  • 20. Goals for today ‣ Write code to find solutions ‣ Brute force
  • 21. Goals for today ‣ Write code to find solutions ‣ Brute force ‣ Genetic programming (evolving random approach)
  • 22. Goals for today ‣ Write code to find solutions ‣ Brute force ‣ Genetic programming (evolving random approach) ‣ generalize the problem to kings
  • 23. Goals for today ‣ Write code to find solutions ‣ Brute force ‣ Genetic programming (evolving random approach) ‣ generalize the problem to kings ‣ code in tp8-solutions @ dokeos
  • 24. An algorithm for solutions
  • 25. An algorithm for solutions
  • 26. An algorithm for solutions
  • 27. An algorithm for solutions
  • 28. An algorithm for solutions
  • 29. An algorithm for solutions
  • 30. An algorithm for solutions
  • 31. An algorithm for solutions
  • 32. An algorithm for solutions
  • 33. An algorithm for solutions
  • 34. An algorithm for solutions
  • 35. An algorithm for solutions
  • 36. An algorithm for solutions
  • 37. An algorithm for solutions
  • 38. An algorithm for solutions
  • 39. An algorithm for solutions
  • 40. An algorithm for solutions
  • 41. An algorithm for solutions
  • 42. An algorithm for solutions
  • 43. An algorithm for solutions
  • 44. An algorithm for solutions
  • 45. A solution finder code: ‣ A chessboard structure: - size & max number of pieces - add/remove pieces - count how many pieces are on the board - check if two pieces are conflicting
  • 46. A solution finder code: ‣ A chessboard structure: - size & max number of pieces - add/remove pieces - count how many pieces are on the board - check if two pieces are conflicting ‣ A mechanism to explore one by one all solutions - mimic the brute force previous example
  • 47. A code synopsis: board fields
  • 48. A code synopsis: board fields ‣ ChessBoard.groovy/ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy /// number of rows and column for the board int size=8
  • 49. A code synopsis: board fields ‣ ChessBoard.groovy/ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy /// number of rows and column for the board int size=8 /// maximum number of pieces on the board int maxPieces=0
  • 50. A code synopsis: board fields ‣ ChessBoard.groovy/ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy /// number of rows and column for the board int size=8 /// maximum number of pieces on the board int maxPieces=0 /** list of list of 2 integers each of them representing a piece on the board (between 0 and (size-1)) */ List piecesPositions = []
  • 51. A code synopsis: board fields ‣ ChessBoard.groovy/ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy /// number of rows and column for the board int size=8 /// maximum number of pieces on the board int maxPieces=0 /** list of list of 2 integers each of them representing a piece on the board (between 0 and (size-1)) */ List piecesPositions = []
  • 52. A code synopsis: board methods
  • 53. A code synopsis: board methods /// how many pieces on the board int countPieces(){...}
  • 54. A code synopsis: board methods /// how many pieces on the board int countPieces(){...} /// synopsis: board << [0, 3] void leftShift(List<Integer> pos){...}
  • 55. A code synopsis: board methods /// how many pieces on the board int countPieces(){...} /// synopsis: board << [0, 3] void leftShift(List<Integer> pos){...} /// remove last introduced piece List<Integer> removeLastPiece(){...}
  • 56. A code synopsis: board methods /// how many pieces on the board int countPieces(){...} /// synopsis: board << [0, 3] void leftShift(List<Integer> pos){...} /// remove last introduced piece List<Integer> removeLastPiece(){...} /// are two pieces positions in conflict? boolean isPieceConflict(List<Integer> pA, List<Integer> pB){...}
  • 57. A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm
  • 58. A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm ‣ Exploring means - placing a new piece at the next non-conflicting position - if all pieces are on the board, flag as a solution - exploring deeper
  • 59. A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm ‣ Exploring means - placing a new piece at the next non-conflicting position - if all pieces are on the board, flag as a solution - exploring deeper ‣ The recursion means calling the same explore method deeper until and end is reached (e.g. all pieces are on the board)
  • 60. A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm ‣ Implementing the displayed algorithm explore: if (all pieces are on the board){ !! one solution !! return } pos ← next position after last piece while (pos is on the board){ add a piece on the board at pos if (no conflict){ explore() } remove last piece pos ← next position }
  • 61. A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm ‣ Implementing the displayed algorithm explore: if (all pieces are on the board){ !! one solution !! return } pos ← next position after last piece while (pos is on the board){ add a piece on the board at pos if (no conflict){ explore() } remove last piece pos ← next position }
  • 62. A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm ‣ Implementing the displayed algorithm explore: if (all pieces are on the board){ !! one solution !! return } pos ← next position after last piece while (pos is on the board){ add a piece on the board at pos if (no conflict){ explore() } remove last piece pos ← next position }
  • 63. A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm ‣ Implementing the displayed algorithm Implementing the displayed algorithm explore: if (all pieces are on the board){ !! one solution !! return } pos ← next position after last piece while (pos is on the board){ add a piece on the board at pos if (no conflict){ explore() } remove last piece pos ← next position }
  • 64. A code synopsis: a recursive algorithm ‣ Implementing the displayed algorithm Implementing the displayed algorithm explore: if (all pieces are on the board){ !! one solution !! return } pos ← next position after last piece while (pos is on the board){ add a piece on the board at pos if (no conflict){ explore() } remove last piece pos ← next position }
  • 65. A codesynopsis: a a recursive algorithm A code synopsis: recursive algorithm ‣ Implementing the displayed algorithm Implementing the displayed algorithm explore: if (all pieces are on the board){ !! one solution !! return } pos ← next position after last piece while (pos is on the board){ add a piece on the board at pos if (no conflict){ explore() } remove last piece pos ← next position }
  • 66. So we only need to code two functionalities a) increment position; b) explore 17
  • 67. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Incrementing a piece position means
  • 68. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Incrementing a piece position means - Incrementing the column
  • 69. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Incrementing a piece position means - Incrementing the column - If end of line is reached: increment row and goto first column
  • 70. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Incrementing a piece position means - Incrementing the column - If end of line is reached: increment row and goto first column - Return null is end of the board is reached
  • 71. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Incrementing a piece position means - Incrementing the column - If end of line is reached: increment row and goto first column - Return null is end of the board is reached - Return [0,0] if starting position is null
  • 72. A code synopsis: incrementing a position
  • 73. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Groovy code:
  • 74. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Groovy code: /* a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[
  • 75. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Groovy code: /* a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[ increment second coordinates if possible
  • 76. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Groovy code: /* a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[ increment second coordinates if possible then the first (and second is set to 0)
  • 77. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Groovy code: /* a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[ increment second coordinates if possible then the first (and second is set to 0) returns null if end of board is reached
  • 78. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Groovy code: /* a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[ increment second coordinates if possible then the first (and second is set to 0) returns null if end of board is reached returns [0,0] if a null position is to be incremented */
  • 79. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Groovy code: /* a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[ increment second coordinates if possible then the first (and second is set to 0) returns null if end of board is reached returns [0,0] if a null position is to be incremented */ List<Integer> incrementPiecePosition(int boardSize, List<Integer> p){ return [p[0], p[1]+1] }
  • 80. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Groovy code: /* a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[ increment second coordinates if possible then the first (and second is set to 0) returns null if end of board is reached returns [0,0] if a null position is to be incremented */ List<Integer> incrementPiecePosition(int boardSize, List<Integer> p){ if(p[1] == (boardSize - 1) ){ return [p[0]+1, 0] } return [p[0], p[1]+1] }
  • 81. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Groovy code: /* a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[ increment second coordinates if possible then the first (and second is set to 0) returns null if end of board is reached returns [0,0] if a null position is to be incremented */ List<Integer> incrementPiecePosition(int boardSize, List<Integer> p){ if(p[1] == (boardSize - 1) ){ if(p[0] == (boardSize -1) ) return null return [p[0]+1, 0] } return [p[0], p[1]+1] }
  • 82. A code synopsis: incrementing a position ‣ Groovy code: /* a position is a List of 2 integer in [0, boardSize[ increment second coordinates if possible then the first (and second is set to 0) returns null if end of board is reached returns [0,0] if a null position is to be incremented */ List<Integer> incrementPiecePosition(int boardSize, List<Integer> p){ if(p==null) return [0,0] if(p[1] == (boardSize - 1) ){ if(p[0] == (boardSize -1) ) return null return [p[0]+1, 0] } return [p[0], p[1]+1] }
  • 83. 8 queens: a recursive algorithm (cont’d) def explore(board){ //walk through all possible position until it is not possible anymore to increment while(p = incrementPiecePosition(board.size, p)){ //put the current piece on the board to give it a try board<<p //remove the piece before training another position board.removeLastPiece() } }
  • 84. 8 queens: a recursive algorithm (cont’d) def explore(board){ //walk through all possible position until it is not possible anymore to increment while(p = incrementPiecePosition(board.size, p)){ //put the current piece on the board to give it a try board<<p if(!board.countConflicts()){ // if it can be added without conflict try exploration deeper // (with one nore piece) explore(board) } //remove the piece before training another position board.removeLastPiece() } }
  • 85. 8 queens: a recursive algorithm (cont’d) def explore(board){ //let's take the last piece as starting point or null if the board is empty def p=board.countPieces()?board.piecesPositions[-1]:null //walk through all possible position until it is not possible anymore to increment while(p = incrementPiecePosition(board.size, p)){ //put the current piece on the board to give it a try board<<p if(!board.countConflicts()){ // if it can be added without conflict try exploration deeper // (with one nore piece) explore(board) } //remove the piece before training another position board.removeLastPiece() } }
  • 86. 8 queens: a recursive algorithm (cont’d) def explore(board){ if((! board.countConflicts()) && (board.countPieces() == board.maxPieces)){ println "A working setup :n$board" return } //let's take the last piece as starting point or null if the board is empty def p=board.countPieces()?board.piecesPositions[-1]:null //walk through all possible position until it is not possible anymore to increment while(p = incrementPiecePosition(board.size, p)){ //put the current piece on the board to give it a try board<<p if(!board.countConflicts()){ // if it can be added without conflict try exploration deeper // (with one nore piece) explore(board) } //remove the piece before training another position board.removeLastPiece() } }
  • 87. A recursive function calls itself 21
  • 88. 8 queens: a recursive algorithm (cont’d) ‣ Initialization contains: - defining a empty board with correct size - launching the first call to the recursive explore function ChessBoard board=[size:8, maxPieces:8] explore(board)
  • 89. 8 queens: a recursive algorithm (cont’d) ‣ Initialization contains: - defining a empty board with correct size - launching the first call to the recursive explore function ChessBoard board=[size:8, maxPieces:8] explore(board) ‣ See scripts/recursiveChessExploration.groovy
  • 90. 8 queens: a recursive algorithm (cont’d) ‣ Initialization contains: - defining a empty board with correct size - launching the first call to the recursive explore function ChessBoard board=[size:8, maxPieces:8] explore(board) ‣ See scripts/recursiveChessExploration.groovy
  • 91. 8 queens: a recursive algorithm (cont’d) ‣ Initialization contains: - defining a empty board with correct size - launching the first call to the recursive explore function ChessBoard board=[size:8, maxPieces:8] explore(board) ‣ See scripts/recursiveChessExploration.groovy
  • 92. 8 queens: a recursive algorithm (cont’d) ‣ Initialization contains: - defining a empty board with correct size - launching the first call to the recursive explore function ChessBoard board=[size:8, maxPieces:8] explore(board) ‣ See scripts/recursiveChessExploration.groovy
  • 94. Recursion: the limits ‣ Recursive method is concise
  • 95. Recursion: the limits ‣ Recursive method is concise ‣ But it requires - time (method call) - memory (deep tree!)
  • 96. Recursion: the limits ‣ Recursive method is concise ‣ But it requires - time (method call) - memory (deep tree!) ‣ In practice, faster methods exist - walking through solution staying at the same stack level
  • 97. Recursion: the limits ‣ Recursive method is concise ‣ But it requires - time (method call) - memory (deep tree!) ‣ In practice, faster methods exist - walking through solution staying at the same stack level ‣ Dedicated solutions if often better - In the case of the queens problems, knowing the pieces move can greatly help to write a dedicated algorithm (one per row, one per column...)
  • 99. Genetic Algorithm: an introduction ‣ A problem ⇒ a fitness function
  • 100. Genetic Algorithm: an introduction ‣ A problem ⇒ a fitness function ‣ A candidate solution ⇒ a score given by the fitness function
  • 101. Genetic Algorithm: an introduction ‣ A problem ⇒ a fitness function ‣ A candidate solution ⇒ a score given by the fitness function ‣ The higher the fit, the fittest the candidate
  • 102. Genetic Algorithm: an introduction (cont’d) ‣ Searching for a solution simulating a natural selection
  • 103. Genetic Algorithm: an introduction (cont’d) ‣ Searching for a solution simulating a natural selection ‣ One candidate solution ⇔ one gene
  • 104. Genetic Algorithm: an introduction (cont’d) ‣ Searching for a solution simulating a natural selection ‣ One candidate solution ⇔ one gene ‣ population ⇔ set of genes
  • 105. Genetic Algorithm: an introduction (cont’d) ‣ Searching for a solution simulating a natural selection ‣ One candidate solution ⇔ one gene ‣ population ⇔ set of genes ‣ Start : initialize a random population
  • 106. Genetic Algorithm: an introduction (cont’d) ‣ Searching for a solution simulating a natural selection ‣ One candidate solution ⇔ one gene ‣ population ⇔ set of genes ‣ Start : initialize a random population ‣ One generation - fittest genes are selected - cross-over between those genes - random mutation
  • 107. GA for the 8 queens problem
  • 108. GA for the 8 queens problem ‣ Gene ⇔ 8 positions
  • 109. GA for the 8 queens problem ‣ Gene ⇔ 8 positions ‣ Fitness ⇔ -board.countConflicts()
  • 110. GA for the 8 queens problem ‣ Gene ⇔ 8 positions ‣ Fitness ⇔ -board.countConflicts() ‣ Cross-over ⇔ mixing pieces of two boards
  • 111. GA for the 8 queens problem ‣ Gene ⇔ 8 positions ‣ Fitness ⇔ -board.countConflicts() ‣ Cross-over ⇔ mixing pieces of two boards ‣ Mutation ⇔ moving randomly one piece
  • 112. A GA in practice (Evolution.groovy) class Evolution { int nbGenes=200 double mutationRate = 0.1 int nbKeepBest = 50 int nbAddRandom = 10 Random randomGenerator = new Random() def geneFactory List genePool ... }
  • 113. A GA in practice (Evolution.groovy) def nextGeneration(){ //select a subset of the best gene + mutate them according to a rate List reproPool=selectBest().toList().unique{it} //keep the repro pool in the best genePool=reproPool }
  • 114. A GA in practice (Evolution.groovy) def nextGeneration(){ //select a subset of the best gene + mutate them according to a rate List reproPool=selectBest().toList().unique{it} //keep the repro pool in the best genePool=reproPool //finally mutate genes with the given rate genePool.each {gene -> if(randomGenerator.nextDouble() < mutationRate) gene.mutate() } }
  • 115. A GA in practice (Evolution.groovy) def nextGeneration(){ //select a subset of the best gene + mutate them according to a rate List reproPool=selectBest().toList().unique{it} //keep the repro pool in the best genePool=reproPool //from the 'fittest' reproPool, rebuild the total population by crossover (1..<((nbGenes-genePool.size())/2) ).each{ def geneA = reproPool[randomGenerator.nextInt(nbKeepBest)].clone() def geneB = reproPool[randomGenerator.nextInt(nbKeepBest)].clone() geneA.crossOver(geneB) genePool << geneA genePool << geneB } //finally mutate genes with the given rate genePool.each {gene -> if(randomGenerator.nextDouble() < mutationRate) gene.mutate() } }
  • 116. A GA in practice (Evolution.groovy) def nextGeneration(){ //select a subset of the best gene + mutate them according to a rate List reproPool=selectBest().toList().unique{it} //keep the repro pool in the best genePool=reproPool //add a few random to the pool buildRandom(nbAddRandom).each{ genePool << it } //from the 'fittest' reproPool, rebuild the total population by crossover (1..<((nbGenes-genePool.size())/2) ).each{ def geneA = reproPool[randomGenerator.nextInt(nbKeepBest)].clone() def geneB = reproPool[randomGenerator.nextInt(nbKeepBest)].clone() geneA.crossOver(geneB) genePool << geneA genePool << geneB } //finally mutate genes with the given rate genePool.each {gene -> if(randomGenerator.nextDouble() < mutationRate) gene.mutate() } }
  • 118. 31
  • 120. GA: more evolution ‣ Mutation rate can be time dependent (decrease over time...)
  • 121. GA: more evolution ‣ Mutation rate can be time dependent (decrease over time...) ‣ Different population pools (different parameters), long term cross-over
  • 122. GA: more evolution ‣ Mutation rate can be time dependent (decrease over time...) ‣ Different population pools (different parameters), long term cross-over ‣ Regular introduction of new random genes
  • 123. Genetic algorithm: a solution for everything?
  • 124. Genetic algorithm: a solution for everything? ‣ GA looks like a magic solution to any optimization process
  • 125. Genetic algorithm: a solution for everything? ‣ GA looks like a magic solution to any optimization process ‣ In practice, hard to tune evolution strategy & parameters
  • 126. Genetic algorithm: a solution for everything? ‣ GA looks like a magic solution to any optimization process ‣ In practice, hard to tune evolution strategy & parameters ‣ For a given problem: a dedicated solution always better (when possible)
  • 127. Genetic algorithm: a solution for everything? ‣ GA looks like a magic solution to any optimization process ‣ In practice, hard to tune evolution strategy & parameters ‣ For a given problem: a dedicated solution always better (when possible) ‣ For the queens problems, the recursive method is much faster
  • 128. Genetic algorithm: a solution for everything? ‣ GA looks like a magic solution to any optimization process ‣ In practice, hard to tune evolution strategy & parameters ‣ For a given problem: a dedicated solution always better (when possible) ‣ For the queens problems, the recursive method is much faster ‣ For 32 knights: GA is much faster (not all solutions!)
  • 129. 32 Knights on the board 34
  • 131. Board with knights ‣ ChessBoard.groovy: boolean isPieceConflict(List<Integer> pA, List<Integer> pB){ //same row or same column if((pA[0] == pB [0]) || (pA[1] == pB[1])) return true //first diagonal if((pA[0] - pA [1]) == (pB[0] - pB[1])) return true //second diagonal if((pA[0] + pA [1]) == (pB[0] + pB[1])) return true return false }
  • 132. Shall we redefine all the previous methods from the ChessBoard with queens? DRY! 36
  • 133. A generic ChessBoard : abstract class
  • 134. A generic ChessBoard : abstract class ‣ ChessBoard.groovy: abstract class ChessBoard{ ... all other methods/fields are the same ... abstract boolean isPieceConflict(List<Integer> pA, List<Integer> pB); }
  • 137. Queen specialization ‣ Then a implementation class class ChessBoardWithQueens extends ChessBoard{ //only method boolean isPieceConflict(List<Integer> pA, List<Integer> pB){ //same row or same column if((pA[0] == pB [0]) || (pA[1] == pB[1])) return true //first diagonal if((pA[0] - pA [1]) == (pB[0] - pB[1])) return true //second diagonal if((pA[0] + pA [1]) == (pB[0] + pB[1])) return true return false }
  • 139. Knight specialization ‣ ChessBoardWithKnights.groovy: class ChessBoardWithKnights extends ChessBoard{ //only method boolean isPieceConflict(List<Integer> pA, List<Integer> pB){ if( (Math.abs(pA[0]-pB[0])==2) && (Math.abs(pA[1]-pB[1])==1) ) return true if( (Math.abs(pA[1]-pB[1])==2) && (Math.abs(pA[0]-pB[0])==1) ) return true return false }
  • 140. And from the exploration script
  • 141. And from the exploration script ‣ In main script: //ChessBoardWithQueens board=[size:8, maxPieces:8] ChessBoardWithKnights board=[size:8, maxPieces:32] explore(board)
  • 142. And from the exploration script ‣ In main script: //ChessBoardWithQueens board=[size:8, maxPieces:8] ChessBoardWithKnights board=[size:8, maxPieces:32] explore(board) ‣ Nothing more...
  • 143. Do not forget unit tests! 41
  • 144. abstract class testing ‣ Not possible to instantiate new ChessBoard()
  • 145. abstract class testing ‣ Not possible to instantiate new ChessBoard() ‣ Create a fake ChessBoard class for test class ChessBoardTest extends GroovyTestCase { class ChessBoardDummy extends ChessBoard{ boolean isPieceConflict(List<Integer> pA, List<Integer> pB){ return ( (pA[0]==pB[0]) && (pA[1]==pB[1]) ) } } ... }
  • 146. abstract class testing ‣ Not possible to instantiate new ChessBoard() ‣ Create a fake ChessBoard class for test class ChessBoardTest extends GroovyTestCase { class ChessBoardDummy extends ChessBoard{ boolean isPieceConflict(List<Integer> pA, List<Integer> pB){ return ( (pA[0]==pB[0]) && (pA[1]==pB[1]) ) } } ... } ‣ Then all tests are with instances ChessBoardDummy board=[size:4, maxPieces:3]
  • 147. abstract class testing (cont’d)
  • 148. abstract class testing (cont’d) ‣ ChessBoardWithQueens only test for pieces conflict class ChessBoardWithQueensTest extends GroovyTestCase { public void testPieceConflict(){ ChessBoardWithQueens board=[size:4, maxPieces:3] //same spot assert board.isPieceConflict([0, 0], [0, 0]) //same row assert board.isPieceConflict([0, 2], [0, 0]) //same column assert board.isPieceConflict([2, 0], [0, 0]) ... }

Editor's Notes

  1. today end of a cycle\nnext week: genetic algorithm\nthen web programming\nend of the year exam: bring in your ideas\nplay customer + coder\ncustomer phase with me, then iterative development.\n
  2. we go to real world\ngood news : no exercise to do\nbad news : you must understand the whole project\nThis project is something like a semester project\nabstract class =&gt; a little more in OOP\n\n
  3. \n
  4. \n
  5. \n
  6. \n
  7. check out more on wikipedia\n
  8. check out more on wikipedia\n
  9. check out more on wikipedia\n
  10. check out more on wikipedia\n
  11. bishops, rooks,\nqueens + knights etc...\n
  12. back to the roots\n
  13. \n
  14. modulo rotation, reflexion\n92 solution in the total\n
  15. no known formula to compute the number of solution based on n\nquite some literature\n
  16. no known formula to compute the number of solution based on n\nquite some literature\n
  17. no known formula to compute the number of solution based on n\nquite some literature\n
  18. no known formula to compute the number of solution based on n\nquite some literature\n
  19. \n
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  24. go with aimant on the board\n
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  46. \n
  47. for queens, positions could only been one column, but let&amp;#x2019;s not over-engineer our chessboard from start\n
  48. for queens, positions could only been one column, but let&amp;#x2019;s not over-engineer our chessboard from start\n
  49. for queens, positions could only been one column, but let&amp;#x2019;s not over-engineer our chessboard from start\n
  50. for queens, positions could only been one column, but let&amp;#x2019;s not over-engineer our chessboard from start\n
  51. for queens, positions could only been one column, but let&amp;#x2019;s not over-engineer our chessboard from start\n
  52. for queens, positions could only been one column, but let&amp;#x2019;s not over-engineer our chessboard from start\n
  53. for queens, positions could only been one column, but let&amp;#x2019;s not over-engineer our chessboard from start\n
  54. for queens, positions could only been one column, but let&amp;#x2019;s not over-engineer our chessboard from start\n
  55. for queens, positions could only been one column, but let&amp;#x2019;s not over-engineer our chessboard from start\n
  56. for queens, positions could only been one column, but let&amp;#x2019;s not over-engineer our chessboard from start\n
  57. for queens, positions could only been one column, but let&amp;#x2019;s not over-engineer our chessboard from start\n
  58. for queens, positions could only been one column, but let&amp;#x2019;s not over-engineer our chessboard from start\n
  59. for queens, positions could only been one column, but let&amp;#x2019;s not over-engineer our chessboard from start\n
  60. most attentive of you will notice that isPieceConflict is defined only into ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy\nAnd will notice that some methods are not (yet) needed (clone(), countConflicts() etc.\nQ: how do you know your code works?\n
  61. most attentive of you will notice that isPieceConflict is defined only into ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy\nAnd will notice that some methods are not (yet) needed (clone(), countConflicts() etc.\nQ: how do you know your code works?\n
  62. most attentive of you will notice that isPieceConflict is defined only into ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy\nAnd will notice that some methods are not (yet) needed (clone(), countConflicts() etc.\nQ: how do you know your code works?\n
  63. most attentive of you will notice that isPieceConflict is defined only into ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy\nAnd will notice that some methods are not (yet) needed (clone(), countConflicts() etc.\nQ: how do you know your code works?\n
  64. most attentive of you will notice that isPieceConflict is defined only into ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy\nAnd will notice that some methods are not (yet) needed (clone(), countConflicts() etc.\nQ: how do you know your code works?\n
  65. most attentive of you will notice that isPieceConflict is defined only into ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy\nAnd will notice that some methods are not (yet) needed (clone(), countConflicts() etc.\nQ: how do you know your code works?\n
  66. most attentive of you will notice that isPieceConflict is defined only into ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy\nAnd will notice that some methods are not (yet) needed (clone(), countConflicts() etc.\nQ: how do you know your code works?\n
  67. most attentive of you will notice that isPieceConflict is defined only into ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy\nAnd will notice that some methods are not (yet) needed (clone(), countConflicts() etc.\nQ: how do you know your code works?\n
  68. most attentive of you will notice that isPieceConflict is defined only into ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy\nAnd will notice that some methods are not (yet) needed (clone(), countConflicts() etc.\nQ: how do you know your code works?\n
  69. most attentive of you will notice that isPieceConflict is defined only into ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy\nAnd will notice that some methods are not (yet) needed (clone(), countConflicts() etc.\nQ: how do you know your code works?\n
  70. most attentive of you will notice that isPieceConflict is defined only into ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy\nAnd will notice that some methods are not (yet) needed (clone(), countConflicts() etc.\nQ: how do you know your code works?\n
  71. most attentive of you will notice that isPieceConflict is defined only into ChessBoardWithQueens.groovy\nAnd will notice that some methods are not (yet) needed (clone(), countConflicts() etc.\nQ: how do you know your code works?\n
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  86. \n
  87. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  88. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  89. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  90. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  91. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  92. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  93. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  94. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  95. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  96. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  97. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  98. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  99. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  100. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  101. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  102. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  103. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  104. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  105. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  106. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  107. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  108. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  109. Q: how do you know your code works?\n
  110. \n
  111. \n
  112. \n
  113. divide and conquer\nmust not call itself indefinitely\n
  114. \n
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  117. \n
  118. \n
  119. \n
  120. time can also be measured taken into consideration the number of lines written, not just computing time\nThink of building a taxonomy subtree\n walking through a deep tree means remembering all the precedent status\n
  121. time can also be measured taken into consideration the number of lines written, not just computing time\nThink of building a taxonomy subtree\n walking through a deep tree means remembering all the precedent status\n
  122. time can also be measured taken into consideration the number of lines written, not just computing time\nThink of building a taxonomy subtree\n walking through a deep tree means remembering all the precedent status\n
  123. time can also be measured taken into consideration the number of lines written, not just computing time\nThink of building a taxonomy subtree\n walking through a deep tree means remembering all the precedent status\n
  124. We know the finality =&gt; we can write a dedicated solution\nbut another approach exists\n
  125. \n
  126. \n
  127. \n
  128. motto: the fittest survive and transfer its genes\n random new genes can be incorporated into the population\n
  129. motto: the fittest survive and transfer its genes\n random new genes can be incorporated into the population\n
  130. motto: the fittest survive and transfer its genes\n random new genes can be incorporated into the population\n
  131. motto: the fittest survive and transfer its genes\n random new genes can be incorporated into the population\n
  132. motto: the fittest survive and transfer its genes\n random new genes can be incorporated into the population\n
  133. \n
  134. \n
  135. \n
  136. \n
  137. \n
  138. \n
  139. \n
  140. \n
  141. a gene factory which can generate gene related to our problem\nthose genes can mutate, crossover, compute there fitness, being randomly built\n\n
  142. local minima =&gt; never get out\n
  143. different pools =&gt; each explore a specificity\nmix to avoid consanguinity....\n
  144. different pools =&gt; each explore a specificity\nmix to avoid consanguinity....\n
  145. different pools =&gt; each explore a specificity\nmix to avoid consanguinity....\n
  146. if you know the finality, darwinism is not the correct path...\n
  147. if you know the finality, darwinism is not the correct path...\n
  148. if you know the finality, darwinism is not the correct path...\n
  149. if you know the finality, darwinism is not the correct path...\n
  150. if you know the finality, darwinism is not the correct path...\n
  151. \n
  152. 32 knights, or 14 bishops, 16 kings or 8 rooks,\n
  153. \n
  154. not good...\n
  155. not good...\n
  156. not good...\nnote the missing {} and\n
  157. not good...\nnote the missing {} and\n
  158. not good...\nnote the missing {} and\n
  159. Test all with ChessBoardWithQueensTest\nonly pieces conflict with ChessBoardWithKnightsTests\n
  160. In practice: think agile!!! refactor when the knights come on the table!\nGA: much slower for the queens, but so much faster for the knights...\n
  161. In practice: think agile!!! refactor when the knights come on the table!\nGA: much slower for the queens, but so much faster for the knights...\n
  162. \n
  163. \n
  164. \n
  165. \n
  166. \n