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INTRODUCCIÓN A VERILOG Objetivos comprender el uso de un HDL en el diseño de sistemas digitales estudiar Verilog como Lenguaje de Descripción de Hardware (HDL)
Bibliografía ,[object Object],[object Object],INTRODUCCIÓN A VERILOG
SÍNTESIS AL NIVEL DE TRANSFERENCIA ENTRE REGISTROS Simulación Lógica Arquitectura RT Circuito Lógico Posicionamiento Interconexión Síntesis RT-Lógica Implementación Retroanotación Simulación RT Optimización aritmética Identificación de elementos de memoria Codificación de tipos Extracción de las funciones lógicas Minimización Lógica
NIVELES DE ABSTRACCIÓN Modelo de Computación: Tiempo discreto Señal  transición activa de la señal de reloj Señal t Simulación RT
NIVELES DE ABSTRACCIÓN Modelo de Computación: eventos discretos Simulación dirigida por eventos Simulación Lógica Señal t Señal t transición activa de la señal de reloj Simulación RT
NIVELES DE ABSTRACCIÓN ventana de comparación corrección del diseño valores compatibles Simulación Lógica Señal t Señal t transición activa de la señal de reloj Simulación RT Señal t Simulación Lógica retroanotada transición activa de la señal de reloj tiempo de ‘ set-up’ periodo de reloj - tiempo de ‘set-up’ camino crítico ‘ X’ ‘ 1’ ‘ 1’
SISTEMA DIGITAL A NIVEL RT Entradas de Control Entradas de Datos Salidas de Control Señales de Control Señales de Estatus Salidas de Datos Unidad de Control Unidad de Datos
SISTEMA DIGITAL A NIVEL RT Lógica Combinacional de Control Registro de Estado reloj reset set Estado de Control próximo Estado de Control actual Salidas de Control Entradas de Control Señales de Control Señales de Estatus Lógica Combinacional y Unidades Operacionales Registros de Datos reloj reset set Datos próximos Valores actuales en registros Salidas de Datos Entradas de Datos
VALORES LÓGICOS Interpretación en modelado y síntesis ‘ don’t care’ desconocido x tri-estado (‘don’t care’ en sentencias ‘case’) tri-estado z (?) ‘ 1’ lógico ‘ 1’ lógico 1 ‘ 0’ lógico ‘ 0’ lógico 0 síntesis simulación
MÓDULO Entidad de diseño module  Ejemplo (BpW, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input  Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output  BpW; . . . endmodule Error BpW Wait Valid Clear Ejemplo
TIPOS DE DATOS Nodos de red (‘net data types’) wire  Ax; // línea de un ‘bit’ wire  [4:0] Dak; // agrupación de 5 líneas wire línea tri idéntico a ‘wire’ (sólo informa de múltiples drivers) supply0  y  supply1 ‘ 0’  ‘ 1’
TIPOS DE DATOS Nodos de red (‘net data types’) wire Error BpW Wait Valid Clear module  Ejemplo (BpW, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input  Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output  BpW; wire  BpW; assign  BpW = Error&Wait; endmodule Ejemplo
TIPOS DE DATOS Nodos de red (‘net data types’) múltiples ‘drivers’ Error BpW Wait Valid Clear module  Ejemplo (BpW, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input  Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output  BpW; wire  BpW; assign  BpW = Error&Wait; assign  BpW = Valid | Clear; endmodule Error&Wait 0101 Valid | Clear 0011 BpW 0xx1
TIPOS DE DATOS Nodos de red (‘net data types’) wor Error BpW Wait Valid Clear module  Ejemplo (BpW, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input  Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output  BpW; wor  BpW; assign  BpW = Error&Wait; assign  BpW = Valid | Clear; endmodule Error&Wait 0101 Valid | Clear 0011 BpW 0111
TIPOS DE DATOS Nodos de red (‘net data types’) wor Error BpW Wait Valid Clear module  Ejemplo (BpW, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input  Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output  BpW; wor  BpW; assign  BpW = Error&Wait; assign  BpW = Valid | Clear; endmodule
TIPOS DE DATOS Nodos de red (‘net data types’) wand Error BpW Wait Valid Clear module  Ejemplo (BpW, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input  Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output  BpW; wand  BpW; assign  BpW = Error&Wait; assign  BpW = Valid | Clear; endmodule Error&Wait 0101 Valid | Clear 0011 BpW 0001
TIPOS DE DATOS Nodos de red (‘net data types’) wand Error BpW Wait Valid Clear module  Ejemplo (BpW, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input  Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output  BpW; wand  BpW; assign  BpW = Error&Wait; assign  BpW = Valid | Clear; endmodule
TIPOS DE DATOS Registros reg  Ax; // registro de un ‘bit’ reg  [4:0] Dak; // registro de 5 ‘bits’ reg integer registros de hasta 32 ‘bits’ en complemento-2 la herramienta de síntesis debe sintetizar el tamaño mínimo wire  [1:5] Brq, Rbu; integer  Arb; . . . Arb = Brq + Rbu; . . . 6 + Brq Rbu Arb 5 5
TIPOS DE DATOS Constantes 30  -2 decimal simple 32 ‘bits’ en complemento-2 formato con base 2’b10  6’d-4  ’d-10 [size]’base value base=h,H,o,O,b,B,d,D
TIPOS DE DATOS Parámetros constantes nominales parameter  RED = -1, GREEN = 2; // constantes decimales (32 bits en complemento-2) parameter  READY = 2’b01, BUSY = 2’b11, EXIT = 2’b10; // constantes de 2 ‘bits’
SENTENCIAS DE ASIGNACIÓN Asignación continua assign Error Stop Start Wait Valid Clear module  Ejemplo (Stop, Start, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input  Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output  Stop, Start; wire  Stop, Start; assign  Stop = Error&Wait; assign  Start = Valid | Clear; endmodule sentencias concurrentes Ejemplo
SENTENCIAS DE ASIGNACIÓN Asignación continua retraso Error Stop Start Wait Valid Clear module  Ejemplo (Stop, Start, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input  Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output  Stop, Start; wire  Stop, Start; assign  #5 Stop = Error&Wait; assign  #6 Start = Valid | Clear; endmodule retrasos ignorados en síntesis
SENTENCIAS DE ASIGNACIÓN Asignación procesal module  Ejemplo (Preset, Count); input  [0:2] Preset; output  [3:0] Count; reg  [3:0] Count; always  @ (Preset) begin . . . end endmodule sentencias secuenciales
SENTENCIAS DE ASIGNACIÓN Asignación procesal asignación bloqueante module  Ejemplo (Preset, Count); input  [0:2] Preset; output  [3:0] Count; reg  [3:0] Count; always  @ (Preset)   Count = Preset + 1; endmodule Preset[2] Preset[1] Preset[0] Count[0] Count[1] Count[3] Count[2]
SENTENCIAS DE ASIGNACIÓN Asignación procesal asignación no-bloqueante module  Ejemplo (Preset, Count); input  [0:2] Preset; output  [3:0] Count; reg  [3:0] Count; always  @ (Preset)   Count <= Preset + 1; endmodule Preset[2] Preset[1] Preset[0] Count[0] Count[1] Count[3] Count[2]
SENTENCIAS DE ASIGNACIÓN Asignación procesal las asignaciones dobles a un mismo objeto son un error Count <= Preset + 1; . . . Count = Mask; los retrasos se ignoran #5 Count <= Preset + 1; . . . Count = #5 Mask; retrasos ignorados en síntesis
OPERADORES Operadores lógicos expresiones de conmutación module  FullAdder (A, B, Carryin, Sum, Carryout); input  A, B, Carryin; output  Sum, Carryout; assign  Sum = (A ^ B) ^ Carryin; assign  Carryout = (A & B) | (B & Carryin) | (A & Carryin); endmodule xor ^ or | and & complemento ~ A B Carryin Carryout Sum
OPERADORES Operadores aritméticos multiplicación * división / módulo % substracción - suma + signo +, -
OPERADORES Operadores aritméticos net, reg: operaciones sin signo module  UnsignedAdder (Arb, Bet, Lot); input  [2:0] Arb, Bet; output  [2:0] Lot; assign  Lot = Arb + Bet; endmodule + Arb Bet Lot 3 3 3
OPERADORES Operadores aritméticos integer: operaciones con signo module  SignedAdder (Arb, Bet, Lot); input  [1:0] Arb, Bet; output  [2:0] Lot; reg  [2:0] Lot; always  @ (Arb  or  Bet) begin : addition integer  Arbint, Betint; Arbint = - Arb; Betint = Bet; Lot = Arbint + Betint; end endmodule Bet ‘ 1’ Arb + Lot + 2 3 3 2 3
OPERADORES Operadores aritméticos ‘ carry’ y ‘borrow’ module  carryborrow (Arb, Bet, Lot); input  [3:0] CdoBus; output  [3:0]   Sum; output  [4:0] OneUp; output  [3:0] ShortOneUp; output  Bore; assign  OneUp = CdoBus + 1; assign  ShortOneUp = CdoBus + 1; assign  (Bore, Sum) = CdoBus – 2; endmodule // OneUp[4] lleva el ‘carry’ // se pierde el ‘carry’ // Bore lleva el ‘borrow’
OPERADORES Operadores relacionales mayor o igual >= menor o igual <= menor < mayor >
OPERADORES Operadores relacionales net, reg: comparaciones sin signo module  GreatherThan (A, B, Z); input  [3:0] A, B; output  Z; assign  Z = A[1:0] > B[3:2]; endmodule B A > Z
OPERADORES Operadores relacionales integer: comparaciones con signo module  SignedGreatherThan (ArgA, ArgB, ResultZ); input  [2:0] ArgA, ArgB; output  ResultZ; reg  ResultZ; integer  ArgAInt, ArgBInt; always  @ (ArgA  or  ArgB) begin ArgAInt = - ArgA; ArgBInt = - ArgB; ResultZ = ArgAInt > ArgBInt; end endmodule ‘ 1’ ArgB ‘ 1’ ArgA + > + ResultZ
OPERADORES Operadores relacionales igualdad y desigualdad module  NotEquals (A, B, Z); input  [0:3] A, B; output  Z; reg  Z; always  @ (A  or  B) begin : comparison integer  IntA, IntB; IntA = A; IntB = B; Z = IntA !=IntB; end endmodule distinto != igual = A[0] B[0] Z A[1] B[1] A[2] B[2] A[3] B[3]
OPERADORES Operadores de desplazamiento desplazamiento lógico constante module  ConstantShift (DataMux, Address); input  [0:3] DataMux; output  [0:5] Address; assign  Address = (~   DataMux) << 2; endmodule desplazamiento derecha >> desplazamiento izquierda << DataMux[0] Address[0] DataMux[1] Address[1] DataMux[2] Address[2] DataMux[3] Address[3] Address[4] Address[5]
OPERADORES Operadores de desplazamiento desplazamiento lógico variable module  VariableShift (MemDataReg, Amount, InstrReg); input  [0:2] MemDataReg; input  [0:1]   Amount; output  [0:2] InstrReg; assign  InstrReg   = MemDataReg >> Amount; endmodule MemDataReg[0] MemDataReg[1] MemDataReg[2] InstrReg[0] InstrReg[1] InstrReg[2] Amount[0] Amount[1]
OPERADORES Operaciones con vectores operaciones lógicas module  LogicalVectorOperations (A, B, C, Z); input  [0:3] A, B, C; output  [0:3]   Z; assign  Z = (A & B) | C; endmodule C[0] B[0] A[0] Z[0] C[1] B[1] A[1] Z[1] C[2] B[2] A[2] Z[2] C[3] B[3] A[3] Z[3]
OPERADORES Operaciones con vectores selección de partes module  Selection (A, B, RegFile, ZCat); input  [3:0] A, B, RegFile; output  [3:0]   ZCat; assign  ZCat[3] = A[2]; assign  ZCat[2:1] = B[3:2]; assign  ZCat[0] = RegFile[3]; endmodule A[2] B[3] B[2] RegFile[3] ZCat[3] ZCat[2] ZCat[1] ZCat[0]
OPERADORES Operaciones con vectores concatenación module  Concatenation (A, B, RegFile, ZCat); input  [3:0] A, B, RegFile; output  [3:0]   ZCat; assign  ZCat[3:0] = {A[2], B[3:2], RegFile[3]}; endmodule A[2] B[3] B[2] RegFile[3] ZCat[3] ZCat[2] ZCat[1] ZCat[0]
OPERADORES Operaciones con vectores selección de ‘bit’ variable en fuente module  SourceVariableSelection (Data, Index, Dout); input  [0:3] Data; input  [1:2] Index; output  Dout; assign  Dout = Data[Index]; endmodule Data[0] Data[1] Data[2] Data[3] 00 01 10 11 Dout Index[0] Index[1]
OPERADORES Operaciones con vectores selección de ‘bit’ variable en destino (no soportado por ISE) module  TargetVariable Selection (Mem, Store, Addr); input  Store; input  [1:3] Addr; output  [7:0] Mem; assign  Mem[Addr] = Store; endmodule Mem[0] Mem[1] Mem[2] Mem[3] Mem[4] Mem[5] Mem[6] Mem[7] 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Store Addr[0] Addr[1] Addr[2]
OPERADORES Expresión condicional <condición>  ?  <expresión 1>  :  <expresión 2> module  ConditionalExpression (StartXM, ShiftVal, Reset, StopXM); input  StartXM, ShiftVal, Reset; output  StopXM; assign  StopXM = (! Reset) ? StartXM ^ ShiftVal : StartXM | ShiftVal ; endmodule 1 0 StartXM ShiftVal Reset StopXM
COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL descripción de comportamiento código secuencial Sentencia ‘always’ module  EvenParity (A, B, C, D, Z); input  A, B, C, D; output  Z; reg  Z, Temp1, Temp2; always  @ (A  or  B  or  C  or  D) begin Temp1 = A ^ B; Temp2 = C ^ D; Z = Temp1 ^ Temp2; end endmodule Z A B C D
lista de sensibilidad lógica combinacional Sentencia ‘always’ module  EvenParity (A, B, C, D, Z); input  A, B, C, D; output  Z; reg  Z; always  @ (A  or  B) begin Z = A ^ B ^ C ^ D; end endmodule COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL Z A B C D
Condición COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL module  Condition (StartXM, ShiftVal, Reset, StopXM); input  StartXM, ShiftVal, Reset; output  StopXM; reg  StopXM; always  @  (StartXM  or  ShiftVal  or  Reset) begin if  (Reset) StopXM = StartXM | ShiftVal ; else StopXM = StartXM ^ ShiftVal ; end endmodule 1 0 StartXM ShiftVal Reset StopXM
Selección COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL module  ALU (Op, A, B, Z); input  [1:2] Op; input  [0:1] A, B; output  [0:1] Z; reg  [0:1] Z; parameter   ADD = 'b00, SUB = 'b01, MUL = 'b10, AND = 'b11; always  @  (Op  or  A  or  B) begin case  (Op) ADD: Z = A + B; SUB: Z = A - B; MUL: Z = A * B; DIV: Z = A / B; endcase endmodule A Z B +/- * Op[1] Op[2] 00 01 10 11
Selección COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL module  CaseExample (DayOfWeek, SleepTime); input  [1:3] DayOfWeek; output  [1:4] SleepTime; reg  [1:4] SleepTime; parameter  MON = 0, TUE = 1, WED = 2, THU = 3, FRI = 4, SAT = 5, SUN = 6; always  @  (DayOfWeek) begin case  (DayOfWeek) MON, TUE, WED, THU: SleepTime = 6; FRI : SleepTime = 8; SAT : SleepTime = 9; SUN : SleepTime = 7; default  SlepTime = 10; endcase end endmodule 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 DayOfWeek[1] DayOfWeek[2] DayOfWeek[3] SleepTime[1] SleepTime[2] SleepTime[3] SleepTime[4]
Selección con ‘z’ como ‘don´t care’ COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL module  CasezExample (ProgramCounter, DoCommand); input  [0:3] ProgramCounter; output  [0:1] DoCommand; reg  [0:1] DoCommand; always  @  (ProgramCounter) begin casez  (ProgramCounter) 4’bzzz1: DoCommand = 0; 4’bzz10: DoCommand = 1; 4’bz100: DoCommand = 2; 4’b1000: DoCommand = 3; default  DoCommand = 0; endcase end endmodule ProgramCounter[0] ProgramCounter[1] ProgramCounter[2] ProgramCounter[3] DoCommand[0] DoCommand[1]
Selección con ‘z’ y ‘x’ como ‘don´t care’ COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL module  CasexExample (ProgramCounter, DoCommand); input  [0:3] ProgramCounter; output  [0:1] DoCommand; reg  [0:1] DoCommand; always  @  (ProgramCounter) begin casex  (ProgramCounter) 4’bxxx1: DoCommand = 0; 4’bzz10: DoCommand = 1; 4’bz100: DoCommand = 2; 4’b1000: DoCommand = 3; default  DoCommand = 0; endcase end endmodule ProgramCounter[0] ProgramCounter[1] ProgramCounter[2] ProgramCounter[3] DoCommand[0] DoCommand[1]
Orden de selección COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL codificador de prioridad module  CasexExample (ProgramCounter, DoCommand); input  [0:3] ProgramCounter; output  [0:1] DoCommand; reg  [0:1] DoCommand; always  @  (ProgramCounter) begin casex  (ProgramCounter) 4’bxxx1: DoCommand = 0; 4’bxx1x: DoCommand = 1; 4’bx1xx: DoCommand = 2; 4’b1xxx: DoCommand = 3; default  DoCommand = 0; endcase end endmodule ProgramCounter[0] ProgramCounter[1] DoCommand[0] DoCommand[1] ProgramCounter[2] ProgramCounter[3]
Orden de selección COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL codificador de prioridad module  CasexExample (ProgramCounter, DoCommand); input  [0:3] ProgramCounter; output  [0:1] DoCommand; reg  [0:1] DoCommand; always  @  (ProgramCounter) begin if  (ProgramCounter[3]) DoCommand = 0; else  if  (ProgramCounter[2]) DoCommand = 1; else  if  (ProgramCounter[1]) DoCommand = 2; else  if  (ProgramCounter[0]) DoCommand = 3; else  DoCommand = 0; end endmodule ProgramCounter[0] ProgramCounter[1] DoCommand[0] DoCommand[1] ProgramCounter[2] ProgramCounter[3]
Lazos COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL ‘ while’ ‘ forever’ ‘ repeat’ ‘ for’ no soportada en síntesis no soportada en síntesis no soportada en síntesis
Lazos COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL ‘ for’ module  DeMultiplexer (Address, Data, Line); input  [1:0] Address; input  Data; output  [3:0] Line; reg  [3:0] Line; integer  J; always  @ (Address) for  (J = 3; J >= 0; J = J – 1) if  (Address == J) Line[J] = Data; else Line[J] = 0; endmodule Address[1] Address[0] Line[3] Line[2] Line[1] Line[0] Data
Lazos COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL ‘ for’ module  DeMultiplexer (Address, Line); input  [1:0] Address; output  [3:0] Line; reg  [3:0] Line; integer  J; always  @ (Address) if  (Address == 3) Line[J] = Data;  else  Line[J] = 0; if  (Address == 3) Line[J] = Data;  else  Line[J] = 0; if  (Address == 3) Line[J] = Data;  else  Line[J] = 0; if  (Address == 3) Line[J] = Data;  else  Line[J] = 0; endmodule Address[1] Address[0] Line[3] Line[2] Line[1] Line[0] Data
Condición LÓGICA COMBINACIONAL toda señal o variable o es asignada bajo cualquier condición de ejecución del proceso, o es utilizada después de ser asignada module  NonCombinationalLogic (A, B, C, Z); input  A, B, C; output  Z; reg  Z; always  @ (A  or  B  or  C) begin : VAR_LABEL reg  D; if  (! A) Z = D; else begin D = B & C; Z = 1; end end endmodule module  NonCombinationalLogic (A, B, C, Z); input  A, B, C; output  Z; reg  Z; always  @ (A  or  B  or  C) begin : VAR_LABEL reg  D; D = B & C; if  (! A) Z = D; end endmodule
COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL module  DeMultiplexer (Address, Data, Line); input  [1:0] Address; input  Data; output  [3:0] Line; reg  [3:0] Line; integer  J; always  @ (Address) for  (J = 3; J >= 0; J = J – 1) if  (Address == J) Line[J] = Data; endmodule Condición toda señal o variable o es asignada bajo cualquier condición de ejecución del proceso, o es utilizada después de ser asignada
Condición LÓGICA COMBINACIONAL toda señal o variable o es asignada bajo cualquier condición de ejecución del proceso, o es utilizada después de ser asignada module  CombinationalLogic (A, B, C, Z); input  A, B, C; output  Z; reg  Z; always  @ (A  or  B  or  C) begin : VAR_LABEL reg  D; if  (! A) Z = 1; else begin D = B & C; Z = D; end end endmodule B C A Z
Condición LÓGICA COMBINACIONAL toda señal o variable o es asignada bajo cualquier condición de ejecución del proceso, o es utilizada después de ser asignada module  CombinationalLogic (A, B, C); input  A, B, C; output  Z; reg  Z; always  @ (A  or  B  or  C) begin : VAR_LABEL reg  D; D = B & C; if  (! A) Z = D; else Z = 1; end endmodule B C A Z
Tareas LÓGICA COMBINACIONAL encapsulado de lógica combinacional module  FunctionCall (XBC, DataIn); input  [0:5] DataIn; output  [0:2] XBC; reg  [0:2] XBCTemp; task  CountOnes; input  [0:5] A; output  [0:2] B; integer  K; begin B = 0; for  (K = 0; K <= 5; K = K+1) if  (A[K]) B = B + 1; end ; endtask always  @ (DataIn) CountOnes(DataIn, XBCTemp); assign  XBC = XBCTemp; endmodule + + + DataIn[0] DataIn[1] DataIn[2] DataIn[3] DataIn[4] DataIn[5] XBC

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Transpar Tema1a

  • 1. INTRODUCCIÓN A VERILOG Objetivos comprender el uso de un HDL en el diseño de sistemas digitales estudiar Verilog como Lenguaje de Descripción de Hardware (HDL)
  • 2.
  • 3. SÍNTESIS AL NIVEL DE TRANSFERENCIA ENTRE REGISTROS Simulación Lógica Arquitectura RT Circuito Lógico Posicionamiento Interconexión Síntesis RT-Lógica Implementación Retroanotación Simulación RT Optimización aritmética Identificación de elementos de memoria Codificación de tipos Extracción de las funciones lógicas Minimización Lógica
  • 4. NIVELES DE ABSTRACCIÓN Modelo de Computación: Tiempo discreto Señal  transición activa de la señal de reloj Señal t Simulación RT
  • 5. NIVELES DE ABSTRACCIÓN Modelo de Computación: eventos discretos Simulación dirigida por eventos Simulación Lógica Señal t Señal t transición activa de la señal de reloj Simulación RT
  • 6. NIVELES DE ABSTRACCIÓN ventana de comparación corrección del diseño valores compatibles Simulación Lógica Señal t Señal t transición activa de la señal de reloj Simulación RT Señal t Simulación Lógica retroanotada transición activa de la señal de reloj tiempo de ‘ set-up’ periodo de reloj - tiempo de ‘set-up’ camino crítico ‘ X’ ‘ 1’ ‘ 1’
  • 7. SISTEMA DIGITAL A NIVEL RT Entradas de Control Entradas de Datos Salidas de Control Señales de Control Señales de Estatus Salidas de Datos Unidad de Control Unidad de Datos
  • 8. SISTEMA DIGITAL A NIVEL RT Lógica Combinacional de Control Registro de Estado reloj reset set Estado de Control próximo Estado de Control actual Salidas de Control Entradas de Control Señales de Control Señales de Estatus Lógica Combinacional y Unidades Operacionales Registros de Datos reloj reset set Datos próximos Valores actuales en registros Salidas de Datos Entradas de Datos
  • 9. VALORES LÓGICOS Interpretación en modelado y síntesis ‘ don’t care’ desconocido x tri-estado (‘don’t care’ en sentencias ‘case’) tri-estado z (?) ‘ 1’ lógico ‘ 1’ lógico 1 ‘ 0’ lógico ‘ 0’ lógico 0 síntesis simulación
  • 10. MÓDULO Entidad de diseño module Ejemplo (BpW, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output BpW; . . . endmodule Error BpW Wait Valid Clear Ejemplo
  • 11. TIPOS DE DATOS Nodos de red (‘net data types’) wire Ax; // línea de un ‘bit’ wire [4:0] Dak; // agrupación de 5 líneas wire línea tri idéntico a ‘wire’ (sólo informa de múltiples drivers) supply0 y supply1 ‘ 0’ ‘ 1’
  • 12. TIPOS DE DATOS Nodos de red (‘net data types’) wire Error BpW Wait Valid Clear module Ejemplo (BpW, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output BpW; wire BpW; assign BpW = Error&Wait; endmodule Ejemplo
  • 13. TIPOS DE DATOS Nodos de red (‘net data types’) múltiples ‘drivers’ Error BpW Wait Valid Clear module Ejemplo (BpW, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output BpW; wire BpW; assign BpW = Error&Wait; assign BpW = Valid | Clear; endmodule Error&Wait 0101 Valid | Clear 0011 BpW 0xx1
  • 14. TIPOS DE DATOS Nodos de red (‘net data types’) wor Error BpW Wait Valid Clear module Ejemplo (BpW, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output BpW; wor BpW; assign BpW = Error&Wait; assign BpW = Valid | Clear; endmodule Error&Wait 0101 Valid | Clear 0011 BpW 0111
  • 15. TIPOS DE DATOS Nodos de red (‘net data types’) wor Error BpW Wait Valid Clear module Ejemplo (BpW, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output BpW; wor BpW; assign BpW = Error&Wait; assign BpW = Valid | Clear; endmodule
  • 16. TIPOS DE DATOS Nodos de red (‘net data types’) wand Error BpW Wait Valid Clear module Ejemplo (BpW, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output BpW; wand BpW; assign BpW = Error&Wait; assign BpW = Valid | Clear; endmodule Error&Wait 0101 Valid | Clear 0011 BpW 0001
  • 17. TIPOS DE DATOS Nodos de red (‘net data types’) wand Error BpW Wait Valid Clear module Ejemplo (BpW, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output BpW; wand BpW; assign BpW = Error&Wait; assign BpW = Valid | Clear; endmodule
  • 18. TIPOS DE DATOS Registros reg Ax; // registro de un ‘bit’ reg [4:0] Dak; // registro de 5 ‘bits’ reg integer registros de hasta 32 ‘bits’ en complemento-2 la herramienta de síntesis debe sintetizar el tamaño mínimo wire [1:5] Brq, Rbu; integer Arb; . . . Arb = Brq + Rbu; . . . 6 + Brq Rbu Arb 5 5
  • 19. TIPOS DE DATOS Constantes 30 -2 decimal simple 32 ‘bits’ en complemento-2 formato con base 2’b10 6’d-4 ’d-10 [size]’base value base=h,H,o,O,b,B,d,D
  • 20. TIPOS DE DATOS Parámetros constantes nominales parameter RED = -1, GREEN = 2; // constantes decimales (32 bits en complemento-2) parameter READY = 2’b01, BUSY = 2’b11, EXIT = 2’b10; // constantes de 2 ‘bits’
  • 24. SENTENCIAS DE ASIGNACIÓN Asignación continua assign Error Stop Start Wait Valid Clear module Ejemplo (Stop, Start, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output Stop, Start; wire Stop, Start; assign Stop = Error&Wait; assign Start = Valid | Clear; endmodule sentencias concurrentes Ejemplo
  • 25. SENTENCIAS DE ASIGNACIÓN Asignación continua retraso Error Stop Start Wait Valid Clear module Ejemplo (Stop, Start, Error, Wait, Valid, Clear); input Error, Wait, Valid, Clear; output Stop, Start; wire Stop, Start; assign #5 Stop = Error&Wait; assign #6 Start = Valid | Clear; endmodule retrasos ignorados en síntesis
  • 26. SENTENCIAS DE ASIGNACIÓN Asignación procesal module Ejemplo (Preset, Count); input [0:2] Preset; output [3:0] Count; reg [3:0] Count; always @ (Preset) begin . . . end endmodule sentencias secuenciales
  • 27. SENTENCIAS DE ASIGNACIÓN Asignación procesal asignación bloqueante module Ejemplo (Preset, Count); input [0:2] Preset; output [3:0] Count; reg [3:0] Count; always @ (Preset) Count = Preset + 1; endmodule Preset[2] Preset[1] Preset[0] Count[0] Count[1] Count[3] Count[2]
  • 28. SENTENCIAS DE ASIGNACIÓN Asignación procesal asignación no-bloqueante module Ejemplo (Preset, Count); input [0:2] Preset; output [3:0] Count; reg [3:0] Count; always @ (Preset) Count <= Preset + 1; endmodule Preset[2] Preset[1] Preset[0] Count[0] Count[1] Count[3] Count[2]
  • 29. SENTENCIAS DE ASIGNACIÓN Asignación procesal las asignaciones dobles a un mismo objeto son un error Count <= Preset + 1; . . . Count = Mask; los retrasos se ignoran #5 Count <= Preset + 1; . . . Count = #5 Mask; retrasos ignorados en síntesis
  • 30. OPERADORES Operadores lógicos expresiones de conmutación module FullAdder (A, B, Carryin, Sum, Carryout); input A, B, Carryin; output Sum, Carryout; assign Sum = (A ^ B) ^ Carryin; assign Carryout = (A & B) | (B & Carryin) | (A & Carryin); endmodule xor ^ or | and & complemento ~ A B Carryin Carryout Sum
  • 31. OPERADORES Operadores aritméticos multiplicación * división / módulo % substracción - suma + signo +, -
  • 32. OPERADORES Operadores aritméticos net, reg: operaciones sin signo module UnsignedAdder (Arb, Bet, Lot); input [2:0] Arb, Bet; output [2:0] Lot; assign Lot = Arb + Bet; endmodule + Arb Bet Lot 3 3 3
  • 33. OPERADORES Operadores aritméticos integer: operaciones con signo module SignedAdder (Arb, Bet, Lot); input [1:0] Arb, Bet; output [2:0] Lot; reg [2:0] Lot; always @ (Arb or Bet) begin : addition integer Arbint, Betint; Arbint = - Arb; Betint = Bet; Lot = Arbint + Betint; end endmodule Bet ‘ 1’ Arb + Lot + 2 3 3 2 3
  • 34. OPERADORES Operadores aritméticos ‘ carry’ y ‘borrow’ module carryborrow (Arb, Bet, Lot); input [3:0] CdoBus; output [3:0] Sum; output [4:0] OneUp; output [3:0] ShortOneUp; output Bore; assign OneUp = CdoBus + 1; assign ShortOneUp = CdoBus + 1; assign (Bore, Sum) = CdoBus – 2; endmodule // OneUp[4] lleva el ‘carry’ // se pierde el ‘carry’ // Bore lleva el ‘borrow’
  • 35. OPERADORES Operadores relacionales mayor o igual >= menor o igual <= menor < mayor >
  • 36. OPERADORES Operadores relacionales net, reg: comparaciones sin signo module GreatherThan (A, B, Z); input [3:0] A, B; output Z; assign Z = A[1:0] > B[3:2]; endmodule B A > Z
  • 37. OPERADORES Operadores relacionales integer: comparaciones con signo module SignedGreatherThan (ArgA, ArgB, ResultZ); input [2:0] ArgA, ArgB; output ResultZ; reg ResultZ; integer ArgAInt, ArgBInt; always @ (ArgA or ArgB) begin ArgAInt = - ArgA; ArgBInt = - ArgB; ResultZ = ArgAInt > ArgBInt; end endmodule ‘ 1’ ArgB ‘ 1’ ArgA + > + ResultZ
  • 38. OPERADORES Operadores relacionales igualdad y desigualdad module NotEquals (A, B, Z); input [0:3] A, B; output Z; reg Z; always @ (A or B) begin : comparison integer IntA, IntB; IntA = A; IntB = B; Z = IntA !=IntB; end endmodule distinto != igual = A[0] B[0] Z A[1] B[1] A[2] B[2] A[3] B[3]
  • 39. OPERADORES Operadores de desplazamiento desplazamiento lógico constante module ConstantShift (DataMux, Address); input [0:3] DataMux; output [0:5] Address; assign Address = (~ DataMux) << 2; endmodule desplazamiento derecha >> desplazamiento izquierda << DataMux[0] Address[0] DataMux[1] Address[1] DataMux[2] Address[2] DataMux[3] Address[3] Address[4] Address[5]
  • 40. OPERADORES Operadores de desplazamiento desplazamiento lógico variable module VariableShift (MemDataReg, Amount, InstrReg); input [0:2] MemDataReg; input [0:1] Amount; output [0:2] InstrReg; assign InstrReg = MemDataReg >> Amount; endmodule MemDataReg[0] MemDataReg[1] MemDataReg[2] InstrReg[0] InstrReg[1] InstrReg[2] Amount[0] Amount[1]
  • 41. OPERADORES Operaciones con vectores operaciones lógicas module LogicalVectorOperations (A, B, C, Z); input [0:3] A, B, C; output [0:3] Z; assign Z = (A & B) | C; endmodule C[0] B[0] A[0] Z[0] C[1] B[1] A[1] Z[1] C[2] B[2] A[2] Z[2] C[3] B[3] A[3] Z[3]
  • 42. OPERADORES Operaciones con vectores selección de partes module Selection (A, B, RegFile, ZCat); input [3:0] A, B, RegFile; output [3:0] ZCat; assign ZCat[3] = A[2]; assign ZCat[2:1] = B[3:2]; assign ZCat[0] = RegFile[3]; endmodule A[2] B[3] B[2] RegFile[3] ZCat[3] ZCat[2] ZCat[1] ZCat[0]
  • 43. OPERADORES Operaciones con vectores concatenación module Concatenation (A, B, RegFile, ZCat); input [3:0] A, B, RegFile; output [3:0] ZCat; assign ZCat[3:0] = {A[2], B[3:2], RegFile[3]}; endmodule A[2] B[3] B[2] RegFile[3] ZCat[3] ZCat[2] ZCat[1] ZCat[0]
  • 44. OPERADORES Operaciones con vectores selección de ‘bit’ variable en fuente module SourceVariableSelection (Data, Index, Dout); input [0:3] Data; input [1:2] Index; output Dout; assign Dout = Data[Index]; endmodule Data[0] Data[1] Data[2] Data[3] 00 01 10 11 Dout Index[0] Index[1]
  • 45. OPERADORES Operaciones con vectores selección de ‘bit’ variable en destino (no soportado por ISE) module TargetVariable Selection (Mem, Store, Addr); input Store; input [1:3] Addr; output [7:0] Mem; assign Mem[Addr] = Store; endmodule Mem[0] Mem[1] Mem[2] Mem[3] Mem[4] Mem[5] Mem[6] Mem[7] 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Store Addr[0] Addr[1] Addr[2]
  • 46. OPERADORES Expresión condicional <condición> ? <expresión 1> : <expresión 2> module ConditionalExpression (StartXM, ShiftVal, Reset, StopXM); input StartXM, ShiftVal, Reset; output StopXM; assign StopXM = (! Reset) ? StartXM ^ ShiftVal : StartXM | ShiftVal ; endmodule 1 0 StartXM ShiftVal Reset StopXM
  • 47. COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL descripción de comportamiento código secuencial Sentencia ‘always’ module EvenParity (A, B, C, D, Z); input A, B, C, D; output Z; reg Z, Temp1, Temp2; always @ (A or B or C or D) begin Temp1 = A ^ B; Temp2 = C ^ D; Z = Temp1 ^ Temp2; end endmodule Z A B C D
  • 48. lista de sensibilidad lógica combinacional Sentencia ‘always’ module EvenParity (A, B, C, D, Z); input A, B, C, D; output Z; reg Z; always @ (A or B) begin Z = A ^ B ^ C ^ D; end endmodule COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL Z A B C D
  • 49. Condición COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL module Condition (StartXM, ShiftVal, Reset, StopXM); input StartXM, ShiftVal, Reset; output StopXM; reg StopXM; always @ (StartXM or ShiftVal or Reset) begin if (Reset) StopXM = StartXM | ShiftVal ; else StopXM = StartXM ^ ShiftVal ; end endmodule 1 0 StartXM ShiftVal Reset StopXM
  • 50. Selección COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL module ALU (Op, A, B, Z); input [1:2] Op; input [0:1] A, B; output [0:1] Z; reg [0:1] Z; parameter ADD = 'b00, SUB = 'b01, MUL = 'b10, AND = 'b11; always @ (Op or A or B) begin case (Op) ADD: Z = A + B; SUB: Z = A - B; MUL: Z = A * B; DIV: Z = A / B; endcase endmodule A Z B +/- * Op[1] Op[2] 00 01 10 11
  • 51. Selección COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL module CaseExample (DayOfWeek, SleepTime); input [1:3] DayOfWeek; output [1:4] SleepTime; reg [1:4] SleepTime; parameter MON = 0, TUE = 1, WED = 2, THU = 3, FRI = 4, SAT = 5, SUN = 6; always @ (DayOfWeek) begin case (DayOfWeek) MON, TUE, WED, THU: SleepTime = 6; FRI : SleepTime = 8; SAT : SleepTime = 9; SUN : SleepTime = 7; default SlepTime = 10; endcase end endmodule 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 DayOfWeek[1] DayOfWeek[2] DayOfWeek[3] SleepTime[1] SleepTime[2] SleepTime[3] SleepTime[4]
  • 52. Selección con ‘z’ como ‘don´t care’ COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL module CasezExample (ProgramCounter, DoCommand); input [0:3] ProgramCounter; output [0:1] DoCommand; reg [0:1] DoCommand; always @ (ProgramCounter) begin casez (ProgramCounter) 4’bzzz1: DoCommand = 0; 4’bzz10: DoCommand = 1; 4’bz100: DoCommand = 2; 4’b1000: DoCommand = 3; default DoCommand = 0; endcase end endmodule ProgramCounter[0] ProgramCounter[1] ProgramCounter[2] ProgramCounter[3] DoCommand[0] DoCommand[1]
  • 53. Selección con ‘z’ y ‘x’ como ‘don´t care’ COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL module CasexExample (ProgramCounter, DoCommand); input [0:3] ProgramCounter; output [0:1] DoCommand; reg [0:1] DoCommand; always @ (ProgramCounter) begin casex (ProgramCounter) 4’bxxx1: DoCommand = 0; 4’bzz10: DoCommand = 1; 4’bz100: DoCommand = 2; 4’b1000: DoCommand = 3; default DoCommand = 0; endcase end endmodule ProgramCounter[0] ProgramCounter[1] ProgramCounter[2] ProgramCounter[3] DoCommand[0] DoCommand[1]
  • 54. Orden de selección COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL codificador de prioridad module CasexExample (ProgramCounter, DoCommand); input [0:3] ProgramCounter; output [0:1] DoCommand; reg [0:1] DoCommand; always @ (ProgramCounter) begin casex (ProgramCounter) 4’bxxx1: DoCommand = 0; 4’bxx1x: DoCommand = 1; 4’bx1xx: DoCommand = 2; 4’b1xxx: DoCommand = 3; default DoCommand = 0; endcase end endmodule ProgramCounter[0] ProgramCounter[1] DoCommand[0] DoCommand[1] ProgramCounter[2] ProgramCounter[3]
  • 55. Orden de selección COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL codificador de prioridad module CasexExample (ProgramCounter, DoCommand); input [0:3] ProgramCounter; output [0:1] DoCommand; reg [0:1] DoCommand; always @ (ProgramCounter) begin if (ProgramCounter[3]) DoCommand = 0; else if (ProgramCounter[2]) DoCommand = 1; else if (ProgramCounter[1]) DoCommand = 2; else if (ProgramCounter[0]) DoCommand = 3; else DoCommand = 0; end endmodule ProgramCounter[0] ProgramCounter[1] DoCommand[0] DoCommand[1] ProgramCounter[2] ProgramCounter[3]
  • 56. Lazos COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL ‘ while’ ‘ forever’ ‘ repeat’ ‘ for’ no soportada en síntesis no soportada en síntesis no soportada en síntesis
  • 57. Lazos COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL ‘ for’ module DeMultiplexer (Address, Data, Line); input [1:0] Address; input Data; output [3:0] Line; reg [3:0] Line; integer J; always @ (Address) for (J = 3; J >= 0; J = J – 1) if (Address == J) Line[J] = Data; else Line[J] = 0; endmodule Address[1] Address[0] Line[3] Line[2] Line[1] Line[0] Data
  • 58. Lazos COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL ‘ for’ module DeMultiplexer (Address, Line); input [1:0] Address; output [3:0] Line; reg [3:0] Line; integer J; always @ (Address) if (Address == 3) Line[J] = Data; else Line[J] = 0; if (Address == 3) Line[J] = Data; else Line[J] = 0; if (Address == 3) Line[J] = Data; else Line[J] = 0; if (Address == 3) Line[J] = Data; else Line[J] = 0; endmodule Address[1] Address[0] Line[3] Line[2] Line[1] Line[0] Data
  • 59. Condición LÓGICA COMBINACIONAL toda señal o variable o es asignada bajo cualquier condición de ejecución del proceso, o es utilizada después de ser asignada module NonCombinationalLogic (A, B, C, Z); input A, B, C; output Z; reg Z; always @ (A or B or C) begin : VAR_LABEL reg D; if (! A) Z = D; else begin D = B & C; Z = 1; end end endmodule module NonCombinationalLogic (A, B, C, Z); input A, B, C; output Z; reg Z; always @ (A or B or C) begin : VAR_LABEL reg D; D = B & C; if (! A) Z = D; end endmodule
  • 60. COMPORTAMIENTO COMBINACIONAL module DeMultiplexer (Address, Data, Line); input [1:0] Address; input Data; output [3:0] Line; reg [3:0] Line; integer J; always @ (Address) for (J = 3; J >= 0; J = J – 1) if (Address == J) Line[J] = Data; endmodule Condición toda señal o variable o es asignada bajo cualquier condición de ejecución del proceso, o es utilizada después de ser asignada
  • 61. Condición LÓGICA COMBINACIONAL toda señal o variable o es asignada bajo cualquier condición de ejecución del proceso, o es utilizada después de ser asignada module CombinationalLogic (A, B, C, Z); input A, B, C; output Z; reg Z; always @ (A or B or C) begin : VAR_LABEL reg D; if (! A) Z = 1; else begin D = B & C; Z = D; end end endmodule B C A Z
  • 62. Condición LÓGICA COMBINACIONAL toda señal o variable o es asignada bajo cualquier condición de ejecución del proceso, o es utilizada después de ser asignada module CombinationalLogic (A, B, C); input A, B, C; output Z; reg Z; always @ (A or B or C) begin : VAR_LABEL reg D; D = B & C; if (! A) Z = D; else Z = 1; end endmodule B C A Z
  • 63. Tareas LÓGICA COMBINACIONAL encapsulado de lógica combinacional module FunctionCall (XBC, DataIn); input [0:5] DataIn; output [0:2] XBC; reg [0:2] XBCTemp; task CountOnes; input [0:5] A; output [0:2] B; integer K; begin B = 0; for (K = 0; K <= 5; K = K+1) if (A[K]) B = B + 1; end ; endtask always @ (DataIn) CountOnes(DataIn, XBCTemp); assign XBC = XBCTemp; endmodule + + + DataIn[0] DataIn[1] DataIn[2] DataIn[3] DataIn[4] DataIn[5] XBC

Notas del editor

  1. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  2. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  3. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  4. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  5. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  6. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  7. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  8. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  9. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  10. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  11. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  12. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  13. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  14. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  15. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  16. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  17. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  18. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  19. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  20. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  21. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  22. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  23. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  24. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  25. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  26. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  27. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  28. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  29. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  30. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  31. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  32. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  33. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  34. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  35. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  36. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  37. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  38. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  39. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  40. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  41. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  42. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  43. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  44. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  45. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  46. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  47. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  48. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  49. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  50. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  51. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  52. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  53. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  54. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  55. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  56. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  57. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  58. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  59. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages
  60. [This slide can only be viewed in slide show mode and to control the image please right click over the image. You can then rewind, play or loop the image]. As a starting point I just want to provide a general context for our discussions, managed design evolution…not revolution . In this slide I’m showing the natural stages of design evolution, not design revolution but the next logical step in EDA. In the 80s we designed electronics using Schematic Capture. We dealt with 10,000s of gates and then at the end of the 80s and moving into the 90s, devices grew in size to 100,000s of gates and design complexity increased. So HDLs were developed to deal with this complexity and increase in silicon real estate. Now as we move into the new millennium, just as HDLs were developed to deal with increasing complexity and size, so HLLs have been developed to deal with multi-million gate designs and increasing design complexity. Moreover the integration of logic with off-chip or off chip CPU has increased complexity and it now makes more sense to deal with these types of design using a methodology that shares a common language base for the hardware and software. BUT Just as HDLs did not make Schematic Capture redundant, neither will HLLs make HDLs redundant. They are another design alternative for the designer, to be deployed where it makes sense. It’s also important that the next wave of design complements and has a neat fit with current design flows, tools and languages