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Young-ok Yum 1
May 2015
509 N. 17th
Manhattan, KS 566502, USA
PH: +1 785 341 4652
Center for Global Local Solutions (organization, forthcoming)
Manhattan, KS 66502
Ph.D. 2000
Communication Arts and Sciences(formerly, SpeechCommunication) The
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA
M.A. 1993
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA, USA
B.A. 1987
English Language and Literature (minor in Political Science)
Yonsei University, Seoul,Republic of Korea
2007-14 Department of Communication Studies,College of Arts & Sciences,
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS,USA
2011-12 College of Communication, Yonsei University, Seoul,Korea.
2011-12 Dept.of Emergency&Disaster Management,College of Public Safety and
Health, American Public University System,Charles Town,WV, USA
2008-14 TeachingEnglish as Foreign Language, Department of Modern
Languages, College of Arts & Sciences,Kansas State University
2000-11 American Ethnic StudiesProgram, College of Arts & Sciences,Kansas
State University
Lecturer 2007
The Maastricht Center for Transatlantic Studies (MCTS)/TeikyoUniversity,
Maastricht, The Netherlands
2001-7 Department of Communication Studies (formerly, Speech
Communication), Theatre and Dance,College of Arts & Sciences,Kansas
Young-ok Yum 2
State University
2000-1 Department of SpeechCommunication, Theatre and Dance,College of
Arts & Sciences,Kansas State University
Department of Communicology (formerly, Speech),University of Hawaii
at Manoa, Honolulu, HI,USA
1996-8 Department of SpeechCommunication, Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA, USA
Lecturer 1995 Korea University Graduate School of International Studies, Summer
International School, Korea University, Seoul
Yum, Y., Canary, D.J.,
& Baptist, J.
2015 The Role of Culture and Equity in Maintaining Relationships: A
Comparison of the U.S.,Malaysia, and Singapore. Submitted to
InternationalJournalof InterculturalRelations. IJIR-D-13-00163
Yook, E., Yum, Y., &
Kim, S.
2014 TheEffectsof Hallyu onthe EthnicIdentityofKorean Transnationalsin
theU.S. Asian CommunicationResearch,11, 5-21.
Yum, Y., & Canary, D.
2009 Cultural differencesin equity theory predictions of relational
maintenance strategies. HumanCommunicationResearch,35(3), 384-
406. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2958.2009.01356.x
Li, Desroches, Yum et
2007 Asymmetrical talk betweenphysicians and patients. Canadian
Journal ofCommunication, 32(3), 417-433.
Yum, Y., & Li, H. Z. 2007 Associations among attachment style, maintenance strategies, and
relational quality across cultures. Journal ofIntercultural
CommunicationResearch, 36(2),71-89.
Li, H. Z.,Zhang,Z.,
Bhatt, G., & Yum, Y.
2006 Rethinking culture and self-construal: China as a middle land.
Journal ofSocial Psychology,146(5),591-610.
Yum, Y., & Hara, K. 2005 Computer-mediated relationship development:A cross-cultural
comparison. Journalof Computer-MediatedCommunication,11(1),
article 7.
Li, H. Z., Yum, Y.,
Yates, R., Aguilera, L.,
Mao, Y.,& Zheng,Y.
2005 Interruption and involvement in discourse: Can intercultural
interlocutors be trained? Journalof InterculturalCommunication
Research, 34(4), 233-254.
Young-ok Yum 3
Yum, Y., & Schenck-
Hamlin, W.
2005 Reactions to 9/11 as a function of terror management and
perspective taking. Journal ofSocial Psychology,145(3),265-286.
Yum, Y. 2004 Culture and self-construal as predictors of responses to
accommodative dilemmas in dating relationships. Journalof Social
and PersonalRelationships,21, 817-835.
Yum, Y. 2003 The relationships among loneliness, self/partner constructive
maintenance behavior, and relational satisfaction in two cultures.
CommunicationStudies,54(4), 451-467.DOI:
Baptist, J.,&
Yum, Y.
Canary, D. J.,&
Yum, Y.
Doesmodernization change communication strategies? In the NCFR Report*:
Family FocusonEffective Communication.[*NCFRReport is the member news
magazine of the NCFR, or National Council on Family Relations.]
Relationship maintenance strategies. In Charles Bergerand Michael Roloff
(Eds.), InternationalEncyclopediaof InterpersonalCommunication.Chichester,
UK: Wiley.
Kulcsar, L., &
Yum, Y.
2011 One nation, one brand?: Controversies in branding discourse in post-
communist Hungary. In Nadia Kaneva, Branding post-communist nations:
Marketizing national identitiesin the“new” Europe.Oxford, UK:Routledge.
Yum, Y., &
Canary, D. J.
2003 Maintaining relationships in Korea and United States: Features of Korean
culture that affectrelational maintenance beliefs and behaviors. In D.J.
Canary & M.Dainton (Eds.), Maintaining relationshipsthroughcommunication:
Relational, contextual,andcultural variations. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Yum, Y., &
2000 Attachment style differencesas a function of culture among African American
and South Korean patterns. In M.K. Asante & E.Min (Eds.), Socio-cultural
conflicts betweenAfrican andKorean Americans. Boston: University Press of
Yum, Y. 1998 The communication stereotypes of Whites and Asians in the White-dominant
classroom. In K. S.Sitaram & M.H. Prosser (Eds.), Civic discourse:
Multiculturalism,cultural diversity,and global communication (pp. 415-425).
Greenwich,CT: Ablex.
 Have beeninvestigating the adaptation of communication behaviors and beliefs about marriage
and family of Koreanethnics dispersed across the Asian region since the Korean diaspora at the
turn of the 20th
century,focusing on ethnicKoreans in China, South Korea, and the
Commonwealth of IndependentStates of the former Soviet Union (CIS States). Co-author: Dr.
Natalya Yem is a sociologist, department of Korean studies, al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Young-ok Yum 4
Almaty, Kazakhstan. She will focus on helping data collection and analysis in the CIS States.
 Maintaining relationships in the 21st
centuryin Korea and the US:I collectedopen-endedand
quantitative data during my sabbatical year in spring 2012 and am in the process of translating the
data and plan to work on testing them to discover the implications of a culture-specificRMS
 RMS data collected with a collaborator at Balkh University, Afghanistan
 Data on individual differencesin interpersonal perception and response post 9/11, Iraq War,
Katrina, Gustav, and Virginia TechShooting has some initial coding. Interview and survey data
(Competitive or Invited)
Yum, Y., &
Nakanishi, M.
2014 Nov Chinese Dream,Cool Japan,and Korean Wave:TheSoft Power ofEast
Asian Countriesin theU.S. Heartland.Presented at the annual
meeting of National Communication Association in Chicago.
Yook, E., Yum, Y.,&
Kim, S.
TheEffectsof Hallyu onthe EthnicIdentityofKorean Transnationals
in theU.S. Presented at the 2013 World Communication Association
conference,Seoul,Korea.(The first author was the presenter)
Yum, Y., Canary, D.
J., & Baptist, J.
Maintaining RomanticRelationshipsin Different Cultures:A Cultural
ModernizationTheoryPerspective.Competitive paper presented in
Interpersonal Communication Division Spotlight Session at the
63rd Annual Conference of International Communication
Association, London, UK. June 17-21.(The first author and
Yum, Y. 2013
PopCulture and Brand CompetitivenessofChina,Japan,and South
Korea according to Ordinary Young Americans. Competitively
selectedresearch presentation, the 2013 “The BRICS Nations:
BetweenNational Identity and Global Citizenship” Pre-Conference
of International Communication Association, London, UK.
Yum, Y. 2012 Nov Asian Femalesas Third-CultureAdultsin theU.S.
Academia. Theoretical presentation in Women'sStudies at the 98th
Annual Convention of National Communication Association,
Orlando, Florida.
Yum, Y. 2012
Nation Branding andIdentity ReconstructioninPost-Communist
Hungary:ImplicationsforBrand Korea. The 9th
Biennial Convention
of the Pacific Asian Communication Association on "Culture,
Communication, and a New Vision in Asia." Seoul,Korea.
Li, H. Z.,& Yum, Y. 2010
InterruptionandPatient Satisfactionin Resident-Patient
Consultations. Paperpresented at the 60th
Annual Conference of
the International Communication Association, Singapore.
Yum, Y., & Canary,
The Influencesof Equity and Culture on Assessments of Relational
Maintenance Strategies. Presentedat the 94th
annual meeting of
National Communication Association, San Diego,CA.
Young-ok Yum 5
Yum, Y. 2008 May TheImpact of ModernizationandFairness on Personal Relationships.
The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.[I was invited to a
relationship researchgroup run by Drs. Glenn Adams and Omri
Gillath in the Department of Psychology.]
Yum, Y. 2007 Nov Engaging the Enemyin a Crisis Situation: The Terror Management
TheoryPerspective. Presentedat the 93rd
annual meeting of
National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Yum, Y. 2007 Nov Communicating Love in Close Relationships: A Non-Western
Perspective.Presented at the 93rd
annual meetingof National
Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Yum, Y., &
Kissick Buoy, A.
2007 May Differencesin Relationship Quality and Maintenance Behaviors
betweenActive Parents and Empty Nesters. Presentedat the 57th
annual meetingof International Communication Association, San
Francisco, CA.
Yum, Y., &
Canary, D. J.
2006 Nov Another Look at the Role of Equity in Relational Maintenance
Strategies: Four Moderating Factors. Presented at the 92nd
Meetingof National Communication Association. San Antonio, TX.
Yum, Y.,
Procter, D.,&
Hamlin, W.
2006 June The Role of Facilitated Discussions in Political Cynicism and Trust.
Paper presented at the Annual Meetingof International
Communication Association. Dresden,Germany.
Yum, Y., &
2006, May The Implications of Equity Theoryon Relational Maintenance and
Relational Satisfaction during Pregnancy.Paper presented at the
Annual Meetingof International Communication Association.
Alicesteen,R., &
Yum, Y.
2005 May The Impact of SexualCommunication on Relationship Satisfaction
during Pregnancy: Pregnant Women’s Perspective.Paper
presented at the Annual Meetingof International Communication
Association. New York, NY.
Yum, Y. 2005 April The Role of Trust in Political Participation: The Case of 2004 U.S.
Vice-/Presidential Campaigns. Paper presented at the 2005 Annual
Meetingof the Central States Communication Association. Kansas
City, MO.
Yum, Y. 2004 Nov The effectof relationship alternatives to relationship maintenance
and quality: A cross-cultural comparison. Paper presented at
National Communication Association in Chicago, IL.
Yum, Y., &
Hamlin, W.
2004 May Reactions to 9/11 as a function of terror management and
perspective taking. Paper presentedat the 2004 annual meeting of
International Communication Association in New Orleans, LA (Top-
Paper Panel in Applied Interpersonal Communication).
Yum, Y. 2004 May Testing the cross-cultural variability of relational maintenance
behavior scales across cultures:“Doesone size fit all?” Paper
presented at the Annual Meetingof International Communication
Association in New Orleans.
Yum, Y., &
2004 April Terror management in the contextof post-9/11 and its implications on
interpersonal behaviors. Paper presented at Louisiana State
Young-ok Yum 6
Hamlin, W. University in Baton Rouge, LA.
Yum, Y., &
Hara, K.
2003 The effectof culture on interpersonal communication in
cyberspace:Korea, Japan, and United States.Paper presentedat the
2003 Annual Meetingof National Communication Association in
Miami, FL.
Yum, Y. 2003 Computer-mediated communication and relational communication in
different cultures. Paper presented at the 2003 Annual Meetingof
International Communication Association in San Diego,CA.
Yum, Y. 2003 Testing equity theory-based predictions of relational maintenance.
Paper presented at the 2003 annual meeting of International
Communication Association in SanDiego, CA.
Yum, Y. 2002 July Developinga theory for computer-mediatedinterpersonal
communication among Koreans. Paper presented at the 52nd
Convention of International Communication Association. Seoul,
Yum, Y. 2002 July The effectof commitment on problem-solving strategies used in
dilemmatic situations in close relationships. Paper presented at the
Annual Convention of International Communication Association.
Yum, Y., Chen,
L., Hara, K.,&
Puertas, S.
2002, July Cross-cultural comparison of the use of maintenance strategies in
romantic relationships as a function of commitment: Testing the
investment model. Paper presentedat the 52nd
annual convention of
International Communication Association. Seoul, Korea.
Yum, Y. 2002 April Cross-cultural comparison of relational problem-solving strategies: A
social exchange theoretical perspective.Paper presented at the
Annual Convention of National Association for Ethnic Studies
Convention. Vancouver, BC (April 4-6).
Yum, Y. 2002
Relational problem-solving strategies as a function of culture,self-
construal, and culture orientation type. Paper presented at the Annual
Convention of Western States Communication Association, Long
Beach,CA. (Top Paper Panel in Division of Intercultural
Yum, Y. 2001 Nov The effectof attachment style on relational maintenance strategies
and relational quality in Hawaii, Korea, and U.S.mainland. Paper
presented at the Annual Convention of National Communication
Yum, Y. 2001 May The effectsof equity,investment size, and interpersonal
dispositions on relational maintenance strategies across cultures.
Paper presented at the International Communication Association
Convention at Washington, D.C.
Yum, Y. 2001 May DifferencesbetweenKoreans and Americans in maintaining intimate
relationships: A cross-cultural perspective.Presentedat the
International Communication Association Convention. Washington,
Young-ok Yum 7
Yum, Y. 2001
The effectof ethnolinguistic identity on participation in university
classrooms: Perception of self and other. Paper presented at the
Annual Conference of National Association for Ethnic
Studies.New Orleans.
Yum, Y. 2001
The effectsof equity and exchange orientation on maintaining
couple relationships across nation cultures. Paper presented at
the 10th
Annual Cultural StudiesSymposium, Kansas State
University, Manhattan, KS.
Yum, Y. 2001
Cross-cultural comparison of relational maintenance strategies in
equitable and inequitable relationships: Koreans versus European
Americans. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Western
States Communication Association (Top Paper Panel in
Intercultural Communication).
Yum, Y. 2000
The effectsof culture and exchange orientation on problem-
solving behavior in close relationships: European Americans and
Koreans. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of National
Communication Association. Seattle,WA.
Yum, Y. 2000
Collectivistic Koreans and individualistic Americans?:An
empirical test of individualism and collectivism using SCS.Paper
presented at the Annual Conference of National Communication
Association, Seattle, WA.
Yum, Y. 2000
Cross-cultural comparison of communication behavior in
equitable and inequitable dating relationships: Koreans versus
European Americans. Paper presented at the 50th Annual
Conference of International Communication Association,
Acapulco, Mexico.
Yum, Y. 1999
The effectof loneliness on relationship satisfaction and
self/partner pro-relationship behavior: A cross-cultural
comparison betweenthe US and Korea. Paper presentedat the
Annual Conference of National Communication Association,
Yum, Y. 1999
The use of proactive and reactive maintenance behaviors among
American and Korean college students in close relationships.
Paper presented at the 49th Annual Conference of International
Communication Association, San Francisco.
Yum, Y. 1998
Cross-cultural comparison of relational maintenance
communication: A case of the United States and South Korea.
Paper presented at the National Communication Association
Convention, New York
& Yum, Y.
Attachment-style differencesamong college students in the
United States and Asia. Paper presentedat the National
Communication Association Convention, New York.
Yum, Y. 1997
Intercultural communication as a forced-compliance
situation: A self-presentation view. Paper presented at the
National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, IL.
Yum, Y., &
Canary, D. J.
The role of culture in the perception of maintenance behaviors
and relational characteristics: A comparison betweenthe U.S.
Young-ok Yum 8
and Korea. Paper presented at the International Network on
Personal Relationships (INPR) Conference,Oxford,Ohio.
Yum, Y. 1997
U.S.versus Korean participant perceptions of maintenance
strategies and relational characteristics. Paper presented at the
International Network on Personal Relationships Pre-conference,
Oxford, Ohio.
Yum, Y. 1996
The communication stereotypes of Whites and Asians in the
White-dominant classroom. Paper presented at the Rochester
Institute of TechnologyConference on Multiculturalism, Cultural
Diversity, & Global Communication, Rochester,NY. (Outstanding
Student Paper).
Editorial Board
Asian CommunicationResearch. A publication of Korean Society
for Journalism and Communication Studies.
Paper reader 2015 Reviewed competitivepapers submittedtothe2015 Annual
ConventionofNational CommunicationAssociation(Asia/Pacific
American Communication StudiesDivision).
Editorial Board
Journal ofInterculturalCommunication Research. A publication
of World Communication Association.
Member 2014 Industry Advisory Council, American Public University System,
June 11, 2014 (Review and evaluation of the APUS curriculum)
Ad hoc Article
2014 New Media& Society,Manuscript #3338-12638-2-RV
Ad hoc Article
2014 Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,Manuscript #2014-0006
Chair 2014 Competitive Papers in Interpersonal Communication
Spotlighted ResearchSession (#5612), June 2013, Annual
International Communication Association Conference,London.
Paper reader 2012 2013 National Communication Association meeting-Washington
D.C.(International and Intercultural Communication &
Ad hoc article
2012 Journal ofSocial and PersonalRelationships
Paper Reader 2012
International Communication Association meetingin London
(Interpersonal Communication Division)
Ad hoc article
2012 July Journal ofMarriage and Family
Chair 2012 July The “Media& Society in PR” session at the 9th
Convention of the Pacific Asian Communication Association
(PACA) on "Culture, Communication, and a New Vision in Asia."
Young-ok Yum 9
Respondent 2012
Paper and roundtable, “Addiction to digital media: Exploring
the Korean contextof digital media research through meta
analysis” (trans.), Annual Spring Conference,Korean
Women’s Association for Communication Studies,Gyeongju,
Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea.
Ad hoc article
Journal ofInternational& InterculturalCommunication (editor:
Shiv Ganesh)
Respondent 2011 Nov “Migrant laborers’ social media” (trans.), Annual Autumn
Conference,KoreanWomen’s Association for
Communication Studies.Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Ad hoc article
2011 Journal ofSocial and PersonalRelationships
Ad hoc article
2011 Journal ofYouthandAdolescence
External reviewer 2010-11 Reviewedthe tenure application material, invited by Dept.of
Communication, Sam Houston State University, Texas
Ad hoc article
2010 Journal ofComputer-MediatedCommunication
Ad hoc article
2009 Cyber Psychology
Ad hoc article
2009 Journal ofMarriage and Family
Ad hoc article
2009 Journal ofSocial and PersonalRelationships
Ad hoc article
2009 Journal ofComputer-MediatedCommunication
Ad hoc article
2009 CommunicationMonographs
Paper reader 2009 The annual meetingof the International Communication
Association Convention, Singapore
Chair &
“An eclecticmix of topics in intercultural communication,”
The 58th
Annual Meetingof Intercultural Communication
Association, Montreal, Canada.
Ad hoc article
2008 Journal ofMarriage and Family
Paper Reader 2007-8 The 2008 Annual Conference of International Communication
Association (Intercultural Communication Division)
Ad hoc article
2007-8 HumanCommunicationResearch
Ad hoc article
2007 HealthEducation
Ad hoc article
2007 Journal ofMarriage & Family
Panel Organizer &
2007 Communicating with the Enemy,proposal submitted to the
annual meetingof National Communication Association (The
Young-ok Yum 10
Peace and Conflict Division)
Ad hoc article
2007 Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Governing Board
2007 Korean American Communication Association
Ad hoc article
2006 CommunicationTheory
Ad hoc article
2006 Journal ofMarriage and Family
Chair &
“Communicating in a flat World: Taking action, making
connections.” Sponsored by Division on Communication and
the Future at the Annual Meetingof National
Communication Association. San Antonio, TX.
Respondent 2006
Communication, culture,and family: Sharing and learning in
cultural contexts. Sponsored by Korean American
Communication Association at the Annual Meetingof
National Communication Association. San Antonio, TX.
Chair 2006
The “Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Intercultural
Encounters” session, Intercultural & Development
Communication Division. The 56th
Annual Meetingof
International Communication Association, Dresden,
Chair 2006 The “Mediaand Cultural Boundaries” session. Intercultural &
DevelopmentCommunication Division, The 56th
Meetingof International Communication Association,
Governing Board
2006 Korean American Communication Association
Ad hoc article
2005 Journal ofMarriage and Family
Ad hoc article
2005 Journal ofSocial and PersonalRelationships
Ad hoc article
2005 Journal ofInterculturalCommunicationResearch
Paper Reviewer 2005 Reviewedcompetitive papers submitted to the Intercultural
& DevelopmentCommunication Division, 2006 annual
meeting of International Communication Association
Young-ok Yum 11
Chair 2005 May The “Culture and Advertising: New Approaches” panel,
Intercultural & DevelopmentCommunication Division. The 55th
Annual Meetingof International Communication Association.
New York, NY
2005 Korean American Communication Association
Chair 2004 May International Development/Intercultural Communication
Division, International Communication Association. New
Orleans, LA.
Ad hoc article
2004 WesternJournalof Communication
Ad hoc article
2003 CommunicationStudies
Secretary 2003 Korean American Communication Association
Panelist 2002 July Roundtable Discussion “East meetsWest: Transcultural
communication” at the biennial convention of Pacific and Asian
Communication Association, Seoul.
Ad hoc article
2002 WesternJournalof Communication
Secretary 2002 Korean American Communication Association
Secretary 2001 Korean American Communication Association
Chair &
2001 Nov “Radicalizing Asian Cultural Roots in the Diaspora: Past Practices
and Future Directions.” The 2001 Annual Meetingof National
Communication Association. Atlanta.
Respondent 2001 Nov “Radicalizing Korean American Cross-Cultural Research:
Intercultural Adaptation, Communication Style, and
Individualism-Collectivism” session of the 2001 Annual Meeting
of National Communication Association. Atlanta.
(Department, College, University, and Beyond)
Graduate School
contact person
2013-4 Department of Communication Studies
2012-4 Ph.D.candidate, Jill Frost-Stewart, dissertation
committee, Family Studies, College of Human Ecology
thesis advisor
2013-4 Jessica Brayton, Dept.of Communication Studies
member for MA
2013-4 Chris Mueller,Dept.of Communication Studies
Focus group
facilitator &
2013 Facilitated a 2-hour-long group discussion among Korean
American residents in Junction City, KS,regarding
“community assets” and “quality of life” research project
Young-ok Yum 12
(director: Vicki Collie-Akers) sponsored by the Geary
Community Hospital, Geary County Health Department,
and USD 475.Collie-Akers (Ph.D.,M.P.H.)is the Associate
Director of Health Promotion Research,KU Work Group
for Community Health and Development.
Invited seminar
COMM720Perspectives on Human Communication
(Professor Sarah Riforgiate)
July 18-19
Presented a summary of “Individual and Cultural Indicators
of (& Readiness for) Social Integration in East North East
Asia: A Communication Perspective” at the expertgroup
meeting hosted by the United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Subregional
Office for East and North East Asia (SRO-ENEA)in Incheon,
South Korea, “MeasuringRegional Integration in East and
North-East Asia.” http://www.k-
ublications_and_presentations&referredBy=K-State Today
Apr 22
Staff/social workers meetingof Homecare& Hospice,
Manhattan, KS on Death,Aging,andCultural Competency
Guest lecturer 2013 Nov. 14 MC765 Communication Theory(Professor Angela Powers)
2012 Sept.6 COMM720Perspectives on Human Communication
(Professor Sarah Riforgiate)
2010-12 Doctoral Dissertation Committee for Matthew James
Miller, “An interaction framework for multiagent
systems.” Department of Computing and Information
Science,KansasState University, ProQuest, UMI
Dissertations Publishing. 3513495
Guest Speaker 2012
July 7
Launching a21st
Parenting.Deliveredto the Doosan We’Ve Apartment
Community Association, Dongtan Shindoshi, Gyeonggido,
South Korea
Guest Speaker 2012 June 20 “Keeping yourEye onthe Ball”:The GlobalAge andYoung
Koreans’Odyssey2012. Deliveredat Hakik High School
(boys only), IncheonMetropolitan City, South Korea
Guest Speaker 2012
May 26
CommunicationandRelationship in theGlobalized
Workplace. The X-DesignWorkshop, Center for
EngineeringEducation Innovation, College of Engineering,
Yonsei University Seoul,Korea
Young-ok Yum 13
Guest Speaker 2012
May 21
Being a KoreanHigh School Girl in theGlobal Age.Deliveredat
Youngshin Girls’ High School, Nowongu, Seoul,Korea
Guest Speaker 2012
April 16
TheIdentityofanEnglish Major in theGlobal Age.Yonsei
University Wonju Campus, Wonju, Gangwondo, South Korea
Guest Speaker 2011
Nov 22 &
Maintaining theSelf and RelationshipthroughCommunication
in theKorean Family Context.Doosan Apartment Community
Association, Dongtan Shindoshi,Gyeonggido, South Korea
Founder 2007-2010 Advancesin CommunicationTheoryandResearch, a student-
run online journal publishing student research papers in
human communication and related fields, http://www.k- (Studenteditorsin chief
have beena motivated, high-achieving second-yeargraduate
student. The inaugural was Natalie Pennington who served
for two years. The second chief editor was MeganOliver. In
2010, the editor and website manager were paid student
Founder 2010 K-State Wildcat Communication Club
Communication-Club/178905108802434 Canceled. Student
organization to create campus-wide social group and promote
good communication on campus among individuals from
diverse cultural backgrounds and serve the related needsof
the Greater Manhattan community.
Organizer 2010 March Field trip to Garden City, KS.I organized the trip with the help
of Kayla Lee (a Communication Studiesgraduate and Garden
City native) and visited civic and community leaders serving
the Garden City community to learn about how the city has
beenmanaging and catering to the diverse international
refugee communities and other minority communities so
Dickinson County District Court
Riley and Geary County District Courts
2010-2014 K-State Eisenhower Circle. Related link: http://www.k-
Young-ok Yum 14
2010-2013 Kansas Peace Awards (inaugurated as the Wildcat Peace
Awards). Created the awards (and donated small amounts) to
celebrate the International Day of Peace (Sept. 21) in concert
with the K-State Community Cultural Harmony Week
festivities and to recognize one K-State student and one
community/faculty member everyyear for their efforts to
maintain a peacefuland inclusive climate on campus and in
the surrounding communities. Related link: http://www.k-
Member 2009 College of Arts & SciencesAssistant Dean for Diversity
Reappointment Decision Committee
Member 2008-2010 Advisory Board for the MA-TEFLProgram in Department of
Modern Languages,Kansas State University
Presenter 2008
Sept 22
Doyou speakAmerican? Barriers tointercultural
communication,Kansas International Educators Association
Conference,Alumni Center,Kansas State University
Sept 2
U.S. Culture 101:Communicating withAmericans. International
Student Workshop, International Student and Scholar
Services(formerly, International StudentCenter), Kansas
State University
Field trip
2008 June Planned and executedafield trip with a group of university-
level English teachers/professors from Afghanistan as part of
a class activity (COMM780) to The Dwight D.Eisenhower
Library, Museum,and Boyhood Home in Abilene, KS
2012-4 Created digital spaces in K-State Online to facilitate
communication among faculty/staff, graduate students, and
undergraduate students together and separately ("The
Commons"). I also created"Young's Advising Corner" in KSOL
for my undergraduate advisees.
Chair 2007-8 Faculty Search Committee for a tenure-track,assistant
professor position in Organizational, Interpersonal, and
Health Communication. Dept.of Communication Studies
Classroom communication, K-State Graduate Teaching
Assistant Orientation Workshop, K-State Center for
Advancementof Teachingand Learning
Member 2006-7 Department HeadSearchCommittee of Communication
Studies,Theatre & Dance,appointed by DeanSteve White
Young-ok Yum 15
Member 2006-7 Faculty Search Committee for a joint appointment by
American Ethnic Studiesand Social Work, Kansas State
2004-2014 Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy,Kansas State
Guest Lecturer 2007 Spring Business Communication (Professor: Dr. Marcus Ashlock),
Department of Communications, College of Agriculture,
Kansas State University
Participant 2006
International Service Learning Workshop, Office of
International Programs, Kansas State University
Speaker 2005 Sept Intercultural Training Workshop for Faculty and GTAs,
“Communicating with Students in the Classroom,”
Department of Entomology, Kansas State University
Speaker 2005 August “Classroom Communication,” Graduate TeachingAssistant
Orientation Workshop, K-State Centerfor Advancementof
Teachingand Learning
Respondent 2005 May Proposal Planning Workshop for National Institute of Health
(NIH) Grant, sponsored by Keysfor Networking (Topeka, KS)
and Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Guest speaker 2005 May Celebrating the Asian Heritage Month, Kansas Department of
Social and Rehabilitation Services
Member 2004-present College of Arts & SciencesDiversityCommission, Kansas
State University
2002-4 DevelopingScholars Program (DSP),Kansas State University
Guest speaker 2004 Sept 7 Public Speaking Workshop for International Students, K-State
International Student Center
Presenter 2004
March 17
“Crossing Cultures: Communicating with Strangers,” Cross-
Cultural Awareness Training Workshop for Librarians, Kansas
State University
Member 2000-11 Governance Board of the American Ethnic Studies Program,
Kansas State University
Member 2001-2 2003-4
Faculty Search Committee, Departmentof Speech
Communication, Theatre and Dance,Kansas State University
Member 2003 Diversity Committee, Department of SpeechCommunication,
Theatre and Dance,Kansas State University
Member 2003-4 ResearchEvaluation Committee, Department of Speech
Communication, Theatre and Dance Department, Kansas
State University
Volunteer 2002
Meadowlark Hills RetirementCommunity, Manhattan, KS
Participant 2001 “Preparing Tomorrow’s Teacherswith Technology” (a.k.a.
T3 Academy),selectedby the College of Education, Kansas
State University
Young-ok Yum 16
Participant 2000
Seminar Serieson Aging Research,Galichia Centeron
Aging, Kansas State University
Participant 2014, Nov. 22 Attended a Short Course (#21) on Qualitative Research
Methods (Presenters: Sarah Tracyet al.) at the NCA annual
Participant 2014
Jan 31, Feb 1
Teachingworkshop, “Actively Engagingthe Brain,” K-State
Alumni Center
Participant 2013
Oct 18, Dec13
Attended NVivo workshops, Hale Library
Participant 2013
June 22
Participated in the "Bridging the Quantitative-Qualitative
Divide in Comparative Communication Research:Heading
towards Qualitative Comparative Analysis," All-day ICA
Postconference [#9218], London, UK
2013, May Taught a May Intersession course (COMM480)
Participant 2013, spring Voluntarily participated in the Peer Reviewof Teaching
Program. I identified and implementedteaching
enhancementstrategies in one of my classes in collaboration
with my team and the entire group.
Participant 2012-4 Canvas Trial Group. I used the Canvas trial version as well as
K-State Online to expand and enhance teaching and learning
through newpedagogical platforms and methods.
Off Campus
2011-2 Taught online communication courses in emergency&
disaster management/communication for online-only, for-
profit university to experience andlearn the course designs
and pedagogical methods of a leading online university,
American Public University System.
Participant 2011
Attended two workshops delivered by the annual
conference of the SIETAR-USA(Societyfor Intercultural
Education, Training, and Researchheld in Denver,CO)
Young-ok Yum 17
Kansas State University in partial support for travel to the
annual ICA conference,London,UK
University Small
K-State’ssupport for the campus climate survey and
intervention research
Special Research
Field Trip Grant
Center for Engagementand Community Development in
support of a data collection trip in Louisiana post Hurricane
Special Research
Field Trip Grant
College of Arts and Sciencesinsupport of the researchfield trip
post Hurricane Gustav (collaborator: Dr. Joye Gordon, School of
JMC, K-State)
ResearchGrant 2008
Department of Communication Studies,Theatre and Dance
March 2010 Developedand implemented a new teachingstrategy by going
on a field trip with student volunteers enrolled in COMM480
(intercultural communication), 756 (practicum in
communication & conflict), and 780 (intercultural
communication) to the southwestern Kansas to listen to
presentations made by local leaders and new immigrant
communities and interview them for 3 days. The area is known
for drastic demographic changes,identity crisis, cultural
adaptation-engagement, and economic development in the
face of a huge influx of Mexicanimmigrants, followed by the
recentflood of Southeast Asian and African refugeesand
immigrants since early 1980s, who were sponsored by
meatpacking plants in the Southwestern Triangle cities of
Garden City, Dodge City, and Liberal (e.g.,Tyson and ConAgra)
C. 2008
Taught 3 credit-hour online courses – COMM630 Topic:
Conflict Management;COMM450/630 Topic:Communication
& Negotiation; and COMM480/780 Intercultural
Online course
2005-8 2013-4 Developed(and taught) all the regular courses in a distance
(online) format (for credit) and in hybrids at both
undergraduate and graduate levels
C. 2006-8 Developednew under-and graduate courses (COMM542/742
Relational Communication and COMM780Intercultural
Communication, COMM756Practicum in Communication &
March 2007 Taught an intercultural communication course at the Maastricht
Center for Transatlantic Studies, Teikyo University Europe,
Maastricht, The Netherlands
2004 Took a graduate course (Language and Diplomacy) for credit
offered by DiploFoundation, Malta (
Young-ok Yum 18
International conference travel grant: Annual Conference of
International Communication Association, Montreal, CA
The Tilford Incentive Grant for “Infusingand Assessing
Multicultural Competencies in the AcademicCurricula”
K-State Faculty
Award (FDA)
Conference travel grant to the annual meeting of International
Communication Association, Dresden,Germany,June 2006
K-State Targeted
Excellence Grant
2005 Worked with the research associates of the Institute for Civic
Discourse and Democracy(P.I.:David E.Procter) William
Schenck-Hamlin,Charles Griffin, Marie Steichen,DonnaSchenck-
Hamlin, etc.
Service Program
Travel Grant
2004 Conference trip to the 54th Annual Meetingof International
Communication Association
K-State University
Small Research
Grant (USRG)
Computer-mediated communication and personal relationship
development in Japan, South Korea,and United States
K-State University
Small Research
Researchon 9/11, Attribution-Making, and Perspective Taking
K-State FDA 2002
Travel funds for annual conference of International
Communication Association and the biennial meeting of Pacific
American Communication Association. Seoul,Korea held in July
North East Asia Council, Association for Asian Studies
Outstanding “Technologyand Communication.” Trip to the 52nd
Annual Convention of International Communication Association
ResearchAward 2002
Korean Societyfor Journalism and Communication Studies&
Korean American Communication Association
K-State University
Small Research
Investigated college students’ loneliness and its correlates and
the implication for academic and social performances
OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES (Prior to 2000 when I earned a Ph.D. degree)
University of Hawaii (1999-2000)
As of January 1999, I was hired as a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Speechas an
ABD (“all but dissertation”) and taught various undergraduate courses until August 2000.
Pennsylvania State University (1996-1998)
Taught stand-alone, introductory public speaking courses as a graduate teachingassistant for 2
years and half until the fall of 1998. In the fall of 1998, I started looking for a new opportunity –
teaching or research position - for careerdevelopment.
Young-ok Yum 19
Korea University GSIS International Summer School (1995)
In the summer of 1995, I went back home during the summer break and was invited to teach a 6-
week course on the Contemporary Korean Literature to international students for Korea University,
Seoul.The summer school was offeredby Korea University’s Graduate School of International
Studies (GSIS).
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Translation Service (1993-4)
As a master’s degree graduate student at IUP, Indiana, PA, I was hired to translate and interpret
written and oral communication betweenEnglish and Korean speakers.
The Seo Kwang Language Institute (1988-1991)
I worked for a private supplementary prep school in Seoul as an English teacher.As an employee of
SLI, I was employedby the Korean ElectricPower Corporation (KEPCO) to prepare a class of select
intermediate- and top-level managers for TOEIC* for three months in their education centerin
Seoul in 1991. *TOEICstands for the Testof English as International Communication. I taught
reading comprehension and grammar.
Uri, SaRang Community Church (사랑의교회) WeeklyNews Magazine (1988)
After graduating from college,I worked for the newsletter division of my church,a megachurch
located in Seocho-dong,Gangnam-gu,Seoul,for a year as an investigative reporter and associate
editor during the inaugural year of the newsletter. Prior to it, I was a volunteer news reporter.
Private Tutor (1981-1991)
Throughout my undergraduate years and after graduation, I worked as a private tutor for high
school students helping them to prepare for the nationwide annual university entrance examsin
Korea. I helped prep school kids with improving literacy in English (and Korean) and math.
International Communication Association
Since 1996
National Communication Association (NCA) Since 1998
Korean American Communication
Association (KACA)
Since 1996
Societyfor Intercultural Education,
Training, & Research(SIETAR-USA)
Since 2011.
International Association for Relationship
Since 1997 (when IARR was first called International
Networkon Personal Relationships,or INPR).

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  • 1. Young-ok Yum 1 CURRICULUM VITA May 2015 ADDRESS 509 N. 17th Street Manhattan, KS 566502, USA E-MAIL: PH: +1 785 341 4652 WORK Founder Center for Global Local Solutions (organization, forthcoming) Manhattan, KS 66502 EDUCATION Ph.D. 2000 May Communication Arts and Sciences(formerly, SpeechCommunication) The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA M.A. 1993 Dec English/TESOL Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA, USA B.A. 1987 Feb English Language and Literature (minor in Political Science) Yonsei University, Seoul,Republic of Korea TEACHING APPOINTMENTS Associate Professor 2007-14 Department of Communication Studies,College of Arts & Sciences, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS,USA Visiting Professor (Sabbatical) 2011-12 College of Communication, Yonsei University, Seoul,Korea. Adjunct Faculty 2011-12 Dept.of Emergency&Disaster Management,College of Public Safety and Health, American Public University System,Charles Town,WV, USA Adjunct Graduate Faculty 2008-14 TeachingEnglish as Foreign Language, Department of Modern Languages, College of Arts & Sciences,Kansas State University Adjunct Faculty 2000-11 American Ethnic StudiesProgram, College of Arts & Sciences,Kansas State University Lecturer 2007 (March) The Maastricht Center for Transatlantic Studies (MCTS)/TeikyoUniversity, Maastricht, The Netherlands Assistant Professor 2001-7 Department of Communication Studies (formerly, Speech Communication), Theatre and Dance,College of Arts & Sciences,Kansas
  • 2. Young-ok Yum 2 State University Visiting Assistant Professor 2000-1 Department of SpeechCommunication, Theatre and Dance,College of Arts & Sciences,Kansas State University Acting Assistant Professor 1999- 2000 Department of Communicology (formerly, Speech),University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI,USA Graduate Teaching Assistant 1996-8 Department of SpeechCommunication, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA Lecturer 1995 Korea University Graduate School of International Studies, Summer International School, Korea University, Seoul BLIND, PEER REFERED JOURNAL ARTICLES Yum, Y., Canary, D.J., & Baptist, J. 2015 The Role of Culture and Equity in Maintaining Relationships: A Comparison of the U.S.,Malaysia, and Singapore. Submitted to InternationalJournalof InterculturalRelations. IJIR-D-13-00163 Yook, E., Yum, Y., & Kim, S. 2014 TheEffectsof Hallyu onthe EthnicIdentityofKorean Transnationalsin theU.S. Asian CommunicationResearch,11, 5-21. Yum, Y., & Canary, D. J. 2009 Cultural differencesin equity theory predictions of relational maintenance strategies. HumanCommunicationResearch,35(3), 384- 406. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2958.2009.01356.x Li, Desroches, Yum et al. 2007 Asymmetrical talk betweenphysicians and patients. Canadian Journal ofCommunication, 32(3), 417-433. Yum, Y., & Li, H. Z. 2007 Associations among attachment style, maintenance strategies, and relational quality across cultures. Journal ofIntercultural CommunicationResearch, 36(2),71-89. Li, H. Z.,Zhang,Z., Bhatt, G., & Yum, Y. 2006 Rethinking culture and self-construal: China as a middle land. Journal ofSocial Psychology,146(5),591-610. Yum, Y., & Hara, K. 2005 Computer-mediated relationship development:A cross-cultural comparison. Journalof Computer-MediatedCommunication,11(1), article 7. Li, H. Z., Yum, Y., Yates, R., Aguilera, L., Mao, Y.,& Zheng,Y. 2005 Interruption and involvement in discourse: Can intercultural interlocutors be trained? Journalof InterculturalCommunication Research, 34(4), 233-254.
  • 3. Young-ok Yum 3 Yum, Y., & Schenck- Hamlin, W. 2005 Reactions to 9/11 as a function of terror management and perspective taking. Journal ofSocial Psychology,145(3),265-286. Yum, Y. 2004 Culture and self-construal as predictors of responses to accommodative dilemmas in dating relationships. Journalof Social and PersonalRelationships,21, 817-835. Yum, Y. 2003 The relationships among loneliness, self/partner constructive maintenance behavior, and relational satisfaction in two cultures. CommunicationStudies,54(4), 451-467.DOI: 10.1080/10510970309363303 INVITED, PEER REFEREED CHAPTERS & REPORTS Baptist, J.,& Yum, Y. Canary, D. J.,& Yum, Y. In press In press Doesmodernization change communication strategies? In the NCFR Report*: Family FocusonEffective Communication.[*NCFRReport is the member news magazine of the NCFR, or National Council on Family Relations.] Relationship maintenance strategies. In Charles Bergerand Michael Roloff (Eds.), InternationalEncyclopediaof InterpersonalCommunication.Chichester, UK: Wiley. Kulcsar, L., & Yum, Y. 2011 One nation, one brand?: Controversies in branding discourse in post- communist Hungary. In Nadia Kaneva, Branding post-communist nations: Marketizing national identitiesin the“new” Europe.Oxford, UK:Routledge. Yum, Y., & Canary, D. J. 2003 Maintaining relationships in Korea and United States: Features of Korean culture that affectrelational maintenance beliefs and behaviors. In D.J. Canary & M.Dainton (Eds.), Maintaining relationshipsthroughcommunication: Relational, contextual,andcultural variations. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Yum, Y., & Mezzacappa,D. 2000 Attachment style differencesas a function of culture among African American and South Korean patterns. In M.K. Asante & E.Min (Eds.), Socio-cultural conflicts betweenAfrican andKorean Americans. Boston: University Press of America. Yum, Y. 1998 The communication stereotypes of Whites and Asians in the White-dominant classroom. In K. S.Sitaram & M.H. Prosser (Eds.), Civic discourse: Multiculturalism,cultural diversity,and global communication (pp. 415-425). Greenwich,CT: Ablex. RESEARCH IN PROGRESS  Have beeninvestigating the adaptation of communication behaviors and beliefs about marriage and family of Koreanethnics dispersed across the Asian region since the Korean diaspora at the turn of the 20th century,focusing on ethnicKoreans in China, South Korea, and the Commonwealth of IndependentStates of the former Soviet Union (CIS States). Co-author: Dr. Natalya Yem is a sociologist, department of Korean studies, al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
  • 4. Young-ok Yum 4 Almaty, Kazakhstan. She will focus on helping data collection and analysis in the CIS States.  Maintaining relationships in the 21st centuryin Korea and the US:I collectedopen-endedand quantitative data during my sabbatical year in spring 2012 and am in the process of translating the data and plan to work on testing them to discover the implications of a culture-specificRMS measurementdevelopment.  RMS data collected with a collaborator at Balkh University, Afghanistan  Data on individual differencesin interpersonal perception and response post 9/11, Iraq War, Katrina, Gustav, and Virginia TechShooting has some initial coding. Interview and survey data RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS (Competitive or Invited) Yum, Y., & Nakanishi, M. 2014 Nov Chinese Dream,Cool Japan,and Korean Wave:TheSoft Power ofEast Asian Countriesin theU.S. Heartland.Presented at the annual meeting of National Communication Association in Chicago. Yook, E., Yum, Y.,& Kim, S. 2013 August TheEffectsof Hallyu onthe EthnicIdentityofKorean Transnationals in theU.S. Presented at the 2013 World Communication Association conference,Seoul,Korea.(The first author was the presenter) Yum, Y., Canary, D. J., & Baptist, J. 2013 June Maintaining RomanticRelationshipsin Different Cultures:A Cultural ModernizationTheoryPerspective.Competitive paper presented in Interpersonal Communication Division Spotlight Session at the 63rd Annual Conference of International Communication Association, London, UK. June 17-21.(The first author and presenter) Yum, Y. 2013 June PopCulture and Brand CompetitivenessofChina,Japan,and South Korea according to Ordinary Young Americans. Competitively selectedresearch presentation, the 2013 “The BRICS Nations: BetweenNational Identity and Global Citizenship” Pre-Conference of International Communication Association, London, UK. Yum, Y. 2012 Nov Asian Femalesas Third-CultureAdultsin theU.S. Academia. Theoretical presentation in Women'sStudies at the 98th Annual Convention of National Communication Association, Orlando, Florida. Yum, Y. 2012 July Nation Branding andIdentity ReconstructioninPost-Communist Hungary:ImplicationsforBrand Korea. The 9th Biennial Convention of the Pacific Asian Communication Association on "Culture, Communication, and a New Vision in Asia." Seoul,Korea. Li, H. Z.,& Yum, Y. 2010 June InterruptionandPatient Satisfactionin Resident-Patient Consultations. Paperpresented at the 60th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Singapore. Yum, Y., & Canary, D.J. 2008 Nov The Influencesof Equity and Culture on Assessments of Relational Maintenance Strategies. Presentedat the 94th annual meeting of National Communication Association, San Diego,CA.
  • 5. Young-ok Yum 5 Yum, Y. 2008 May TheImpact of ModernizationandFairness on Personal Relationships. The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.[I was invited to a relationship researchgroup run by Drs. Glenn Adams and Omri Gillath in the Department of Psychology.] Yum, Y. 2007 Nov Engaging the Enemyin a Crisis Situation: The Terror Management TheoryPerspective. Presentedat the 93rd annual meeting of National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. Yum, Y. 2007 Nov Communicating Love in Close Relationships: A Non-Western Perspective.Presented at the 93rd annual meetingof National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. Yum, Y., & Kissick Buoy, A. 2007 May Differencesin Relationship Quality and Maintenance Behaviors betweenActive Parents and Empty Nesters. Presentedat the 57th annual meetingof International Communication Association, San Francisco, CA. Yum, Y., & Canary, D. J. 2006 Nov Another Look at the Role of Equity in Relational Maintenance Strategies: Four Moderating Factors. Presented at the 92nd Annual Meetingof National Communication Association. San Antonio, TX. Yum, Y., Procter, D.,& Schenck- Hamlin, W. 2006 June The Role of Facilitated Discussions in Political Cynicism and Trust. Paper presented at the Annual Meetingof International Communication Association. Dresden,Germany. Yum, Y., & Alicesteen,R. 2006, May The Implications of Equity Theoryon Relational Maintenance and Relational Satisfaction during Pregnancy.Paper presented at the Annual Meetingof International Communication Association. Dresden,Germany. Alicesteen,R., & Yum, Y. 2005 May The Impact of SexualCommunication on Relationship Satisfaction during Pregnancy: Pregnant Women’s Perspective.Paper presented at the Annual Meetingof International Communication Association. New York, NY. Yum, Y. 2005 April The Role of Trust in Political Participation: The Case of 2004 U.S. Vice-/Presidential Campaigns. Paper presented at the 2005 Annual Meetingof the Central States Communication Association. Kansas City, MO. Yum, Y. 2004 Nov The effectof relationship alternatives to relationship maintenance and quality: A cross-cultural comparison. Paper presented at National Communication Association in Chicago, IL. Yum, Y., & Schenck- Hamlin, W. 2004 May Reactions to 9/11 as a function of terror management and perspective taking. Paper presentedat the 2004 annual meeting of International Communication Association in New Orleans, LA (Top- Paper Panel in Applied Interpersonal Communication). Yum, Y. 2004 May Testing the cross-cultural variability of relational maintenance behavior scales across cultures:“Doesone size fit all?” Paper presented at the Annual Meetingof International Communication Association in New Orleans. Yum, Y., & Schenck- 2004 April Terror management in the contextof post-9/11 and its implications on interpersonal behaviors. Paper presented at Louisiana State
  • 6. Young-ok Yum 6 Hamlin, W. University in Baton Rouge, LA. Yum, Y., & Hara, K. 2003 The effectof culture on interpersonal communication in cyberspace:Korea, Japan, and United States.Paper presentedat the 2003 Annual Meetingof National Communication Association in Miami, FL. Yum, Y. 2003 Computer-mediated communication and relational communication in different cultures. Paper presented at the 2003 Annual Meetingof International Communication Association in San Diego,CA. Yum, Y. 2003 Testing equity theory-based predictions of relational maintenance. Paper presented at the 2003 annual meeting of International Communication Association in SanDiego, CA. Yum, Y. 2002 July Developinga theory for computer-mediatedinterpersonal communication among Koreans. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Convention of International Communication Association. Seoul, Korea. Yum, Y. 2002 July The effectof commitment on problem-solving strategies used in dilemmatic situations in close relationships. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Convention of International Communication Association. Seoul,Korea. Yum, Y., Chen, L., Hara, K.,& Puertas, S. 2002, July Cross-cultural comparison of the use of maintenance strategies in romantic relationships as a function of commitment: Testing the investment model. Paper presentedat the 52nd annual convention of International Communication Association. Seoul, Korea. Yum, Y. 2002 April Cross-cultural comparison of relational problem-solving strategies: A social exchange theoretical perspective.Paper presented at the Annual Convention of National Association for Ethnic Studies Convention. Vancouver, BC (April 4-6). Yum, Y. 2002 March Relational problem-solving strategies as a function of culture,self- construal, and culture orientation type. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of Western States Communication Association, Long Beach,CA. (Top Paper Panel in Division of Intercultural Communication) Yum, Y. 2001 Nov The effectof attachment style on relational maintenance strategies and relational quality in Hawaii, Korea, and U.S.mainland. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of National Communication Association. Yum, Y. 2001 May The effectsof equity,investment size, and interpersonal dispositions on relational maintenance strategies across cultures. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Convention at Washington, D.C. Yum, Y. 2001 May DifferencesbetweenKoreans and Americans in maintaining intimate relationships: A cross-cultural perspective.Presentedat the International Communication Association Convention. Washington, D.C.
  • 7. Young-ok Yum 7 Yum, Y. 2001 March The effectof ethnolinguistic identity on participation in university classrooms: Perception of self and other. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of National Association for Ethnic Studies.New Orleans. Yum, Y. 2001 March The effectsof equity and exchange orientation on maintaining couple relationships across nation cultures. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Cultural StudiesSymposium, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. Yum, Y. 2001 Feb Cross-cultural comparison of relational maintenance strategies in equitable and inequitable relationships: Koreans versus European Americans. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Western States Communication Association (Top Paper Panel in Intercultural Communication). Yum, Y. 2000 Nov The effectsof culture and exchange orientation on problem- solving behavior in close relationships: European Americans and Koreans. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of National Communication Association. Seattle,WA. Yum, Y. 2000 Nov Collectivistic Koreans and individualistic Americans?:An empirical test of individualism and collectivism using SCS.Paper presented at the Annual Conference of National Communication Association, Seattle, WA. Yum, Y. 2000 June Cross-cultural comparison of communication behavior in equitable and inequitable dating relationships: Koreans versus European Americans. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Conference of International Communication Association, Acapulco, Mexico. Yum, Y. 1999 Nov The effectof loneliness on relationship satisfaction and self/partner pro-relationship behavior: A cross-cultural comparison betweenthe US and Korea. Paper presentedat the Annual Conference of National Communication Association, Chicago. Yum, Y. 1999 May The use of proactive and reactive maintenance behaviors among American and Korean college students in close relationships. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Conference of International Communication Association, San Francisco. Yum, Y. 1998 Nov Cross-cultural comparison of relational maintenance communication: A case of the United States and South Korea. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Convention, New York Mezzacappa,D., & Yum, Y. 1998 Nov Attachment-style differencesamong college students in the United States and Asia. Paper presentedat the National Communication Association Convention, New York. Yum, Y. 1997 Nov Intercultural communication as a forced-compliance situation: A self-presentation view. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, IL. Yum, Y., & Canary, D. J. 1997 July The role of culture in the perception of maintenance behaviors and relational characteristics: A comparison betweenthe U.S.
  • 8. Young-ok Yum 8 and Korea. Paper presented at the International Network on Personal Relationships (INPR) Conference,Oxford,Ohio. Yum, Y. 1997 July U.S.versus Korean participant perceptions of maintenance strategies and relational characteristics. Paper presented at the International Network on Personal Relationships Pre-conference, Oxford, Ohio. Yum, Y. 1996 July The communication stereotypes of Whites and Asians in the White-dominant classroom. Paper presented at the Rochester Institute of TechnologyConference on Multiculturalism, Cultural Diversity, & Global Communication, Rochester,NY. (Outstanding Student Paper). DISCIPLINARY SERVICE Editorial Board Member 2015- present Asian CommunicationResearch. A publication of Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies. Paper reader 2015 Reviewed competitivepapers submittedtothe2015 Annual ConventionofNational CommunicationAssociation(Asia/Pacific American Communication StudiesDivision). Editorial Board Member 2005- present Journal ofInterculturalCommunication Research. A publication of World Communication Association. Member 2014 Industry Advisory Council, American Public University System, June 11, 2014 (Review and evaluation of the APUS curriculum) Ad hoc Article Reviewer 2014 New Media& Society,Manuscript #3338-12638-2-RV Ad hoc Article Reviewer 2014 Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,Manuscript #2014-0006 Chair 2014 Competitive Papers in Interpersonal Communication Spotlighted ResearchSession (#5612), June 2013, Annual International Communication Association Conference,London. Paper reader 2012 2013 National Communication Association meeting-Washington D.C.(International and Intercultural Communication & DevelopmentDivision) Ad hoc article reviewer 2012 Journal ofSocial and PersonalRelationships Paper Reader 2012 Nov/Dec International Communication Association meetingin London (Interpersonal Communication Division) Ad hoc article reviewer 2012 July Journal ofMarriage and Family Chair 2012 July The “Media& Society in PR” session at the 9th Biennial Convention of the Pacific Asian Communication Association (PACA) on "Culture, Communication, and a New Vision in Asia." Seoul,Korea.
  • 9. Young-ok Yum 9 Respondent 2012 April Paper and roundtable, “Addiction to digital media: Exploring the Korean contextof digital media research through meta analysis” (trans.), Annual Spring Conference,Korean Women’s Association for Communication Studies,Gyeongju, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea. Ad hoc article reviewer 2012 March Journal ofInternational& InterculturalCommunication (editor: Shiv Ganesh) Respondent 2011 Nov “Migrant laborers’ social media” (trans.), Annual Autumn Conference,KoreanWomen’s Association for Communication Studies.Seoul, Republic of Korea. Ad hoc article reviewer 2011 Journal ofSocial and PersonalRelationships Ad hoc article reviewer 2011 Journal ofYouthandAdolescence External reviewer 2010-11 Reviewedthe tenure application material, invited by Dept.of Communication, Sam Houston State University, Texas Ad hoc article reviewer 2010 Journal ofComputer-MediatedCommunication Ad hoc article reviewer 2009 Cyber Psychology Ad hoc article reviewer 2009 Journal ofMarriage and Family Ad hoc article reviewer 2009 Journal ofSocial and PersonalRelationships Ad hoc article reviewer 2009 Journal ofComputer-MediatedCommunication Ad hoc article reviewer 2009 CommunicationMonographs Paper reader 2009 The annual meetingof the International Communication Association Convention, Singapore Chair & Respondent 2008 May “An eclecticmix of topics in intercultural communication,” The 58th Annual Meetingof Intercultural Communication Association, Montreal, Canada. Ad hoc article reviewer 2008 Journal ofMarriage and Family Paper Reader 2007-8 The 2008 Annual Conference of International Communication Association (Intercultural Communication Division) Ad hoc article reviewer 2007-8 HumanCommunicationResearch Ad hoc article reviewer 2007 HealthEducation Ad hoc article reviewer 2007 Journal ofMarriage & Family Panel Organizer & Participant 2007 Communicating with the Enemy,proposal submitted to the annual meetingof National Communication Association (The
  • 10. Young-ok Yum 10 Peace and Conflict Division) Ad hoc article reviewer 2007 Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication Governing Board Member 2007 Korean American Communication Association Ad hoc article reviewer 2006 CommunicationTheory Ad hoc article reviewer 2006 Journal ofMarriage and Family Chair & Respondent 2006 Nov “Communicating in a flat World: Taking action, making connections.” Sponsored by Division on Communication and the Future at the Annual Meetingof National Communication Association. San Antonio, TX. Respondent 2006 Nov Communication, culture,and family: Sharing and learning in cultural contexts. Sponsored by Korean American Communication Association at the Annual Meetingof National Communication Association. San Antonio, TX. Chair 2006 June The “Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Intercultural Encounters” session, Intercultural & Development Communication Division. The 56th Annual Meetingof International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany Chair 2006 The “Mediaand Cultural Boundaries” session. Intercultural & DevelopmentCommunication Division, The 56th Annual Meetingof International Communication Association, Dresden,Germany. Governing Board Member 2006 Korean American Communication Association Ad hoc article reviewer 2005 Journal ofMarriage and Family Ad hoc article reviewer 2005 Journal ofSocial and PersonalRelationships Ad hoc article reviewer 2005 Journal ofInterculturalCommunicationResearch Paper Reviewer 2005 Reviewedcompetitive papers submitted to the Intercultural & DevelopmentCommunication Division, 2006 annual meeting of International Communication Association
  • 11. Young-ok Yum 11 Chair 2005 May The “Culture and Advertising: New Approaches” panel, Intercultural & DevelopmentCommunication Division. The 55th Annual Meetingof International Communication Association. New York, NY Governing Board Member 2005 Korean American Communication Association Chair 2004 May International Development/Intercultural Communication Division, International Communication Association. New Orleans, LA. Ad hoc article reviewer 2004 WesternJournalof Communication Ad hoc article reviewer 2003 CommunicationStudies Secretary 2003 Korean American Communication Association Panelist 2002 July Roundtable Discussion “East meetsWest: Transcultural communication” at the biennial convention of Pacific and Asian Communication Association, Seoul. Ad hoc article reviewer 2002 WesternJournalof Communication Secretary 2002 Korean American Communication Association Secretary 2001 Korean American Communication Association Chair & panelist 2001 Nov “Radicalizing Asian Cultural Roots in the Diaspora: Past Practices and Future Directions.” The 2001 Annual Meetingof National Communication Association. Atlanta. Respondent 2001 Nov “Radicalizing Korean American Cross-Cultural Research: Intercultural Adaptation, Communication Style, and Individualism-Collectivism” session of the 2001 Annual Meeting of National Communication Association. Atlanta. COMMUNITY SERVICE (Department, College, University, and Beyond) Graduate School contact person 2013-4 Department of Communication Studies Outside chairperson 2012-4 Ph.D.candidate, Jill Frost-Stewart, dissertation committee, Family Studies, College of Human Ecology Major professor/MA thesis advisor 2013-4 Jessica Brayton, Dept.of Communication Studies Committee member for MA thesis 2013-4 Chris Mueller,Dept.of Communication Studies Focus group facilitator & interpreter 2013 Facilitated a 2-hour-long group discussion among Korean American residents in Junction City, KS,regarding “community assets” and “quality of life” research project
  • 12. Young-ok Yum 12 (director: Vicki Collie-Akers) sponsored by the Geary Community Hospital, Geary County Health Department, and USD 475.Collie-Akers (Ph.D.,M.P.H.)is the Associate Director of Health Promotion Research,KU Work Group for Community Health and Development. Invited seminar participant 2013 Sept.24 COMM720Perspectives on Human Communication (Professor Sarah Riforgiate) Invited participant 2013 July 18-19 Presented a summary of “Individual and Cultural Indicators of (& Readiness for) Social Integration in East North East Asia: A Communication Perspective” at the expertgroup meeting hosted by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Subregional Office for East and North East Asia (SRO-ENEA)in Incheon, South Korea, “MeasuringRegional Integration in East and North-East Asia.” http://www.k- ublications_and_presentations&referredBy=K-State Today Archive Workshop presenter 2013 Apr 22 Staff/social workers meetingof Homecare& Hospice, Manhattan, KS on Death,Aging,andCultural Competency Guest lecturer 2013 Nov. 14 MC765 Communication Theory(Professor Angela Powers) Seminar participant 2012 Sept.6 COMM720Perspectives on Human Communication (Professor Sarah Riforgiate) Outside chairperson 2010-12 Doctoral Dissertation Committee for Matthew James Miller, “An interaction framework for multiagent systems.” Department of Computing and Information Science,KansasState University, ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing. 3513495 Guest Speaker 2012 July 7 Launching a21st CenturyOdyssey:Globalizationand Parenting.Deliveredto the Doosan We’Ve Apartment Community Association, Dongtan Shindoshi, Gyeonggido, South Korea Guest Speaker 2012 June 20 “Keeping yourEye onthe Ball”:The GlobalAge andYoung Koreans’Odyssey2012. Deliveredat Hakik High School (boys only), IncheonMetropolitan City, South Korea Guest Speaker 2012 May 26 CommunicationandRelationship in theGlobalized Workplace. The X-DesignWorkshop, Center for EngineeringEducation Innovation, College of Engineering, Yonsei University Seoul,Korea
  • 13. Young-ok Yum 13 Guest Speaker 2012 May 21 Being a KoreanHigh School Girl in theGlobal Age.Deliveredat Youngshin Girls’ High School, Nowongu, Seoul,Korea Guest Speaker 2012 April 16 TheIdentityofanEnglish Major in theGlobal Age.Yonsei University Wonju Campus, Wonju, Gangwondo, South Korea Guest Speaker 2011 Nov 22 & 29 Maintaining theSelf and RelationshipthroughCommunication in theKorean Family Context.Doosan Apartment Community Association, Dongtan Shindoshi,Gyeonggido, South Korea Founder 2007-2010 Advancesin CommunicationTheoryandResearch, a student- run online journal publishing student research papers in human communication and related fields, http://www.k- (Studenteditorsin chief have beena motivated, high-achieving second-yeargraduate student. The inaugural was Natalie Pennington who served for two years. The second chief editor was MeganOliver. In 2010, the editor and website manager were paid student workers) Founder 2010 K-State Wildcat Communication Club Communication-Club/178905108802434 Canceled. Student organization to create campus-wide social group and promote good communication on campus among individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds and serve the related needsof the Greater Manhattan community. Organizer 2010 March Field trip to Garden City, KS.I organized the trip with the help of Kayla Lee (a Communication Studiesgraduate and Garden City native) and visited civic and community leaders serving the Garden City community to learn about how the city has beenmanaging and catering to the diverse international refugee communities and other minority communities so effectively. minority-leaders-3-29-10 Court- appointed interpreter 2013- present Dickinson County District Court Court- Appointed Interpreter 2010- present Riley and Geary County District Courts Founding member 2010-2014 K-State Eisenhower Circle. Related link: http://www.k-
  • 14. Young-ok Yum 14 Founder/ Donor 2010-2013 Kansas Peace Awards (inaugurated as the Wildcat Peace Awards). Created the awards (and donated small amounts) to celebrate the International Day of Peace (Sept. 21) in concert with the K-State Community Cultural Harmony Week festivities and to recognize one K-State student and one community/faculty member everyyear for their efforts to maintain a peacefuland inclusive climate on campus and in the surrounding communities. Related link: http://www.k- ory=events&referredBy=todayRSSFeed Member 2009 College of Arts & SciencesAssistant Dean for Diversity Reappointment Decision Committee Member 2008-2010 Advisory Board for the MA-TEFLProgram in Department of Modern Languages,Kansas State University Presenter 2008 Sept 22 Doyou speakAmerican? Barriers tointercultural communication,Kansas International Educators Association Conference,Alumni Center,Kansas State University Guest Speaker 2008 Sept 2 U.S. Culture 101:Communicating withAmericans. International Student Workshop, International Student and Scholar Services(formerly, International StudentCenter), Kansas State University Field trip organizer 2008 June Planned and executedafield trip with a group of university- level English teachers/professors from Afghanistan as part of a class activity (COMM780) to The Dwight D.Eisenhower Library, Museum,and Boyhood Home in Abilene, KS Digital Advising 2012-4 Created digital spaces in K-State Online to facilitate communication among faculty/staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students together and separately ("The Commons"). I also created"Young's Advising Corner" in KSOL for my undergraduate advisees. Chair 2007-8 Faculty Search Committee for a tenure-track,assistant professor position in Organizational, Interpersonal, and Health Communication. Dept.of Communication Studies Guest Speaker 2007 August Classroom communication, K-State Graduate Teaching Assistant Orientation Workshop, K-State Center for Advancementof Teachingand Learning Member 2006-7 Department HeadSearchCommittee of Communication Studies,Theatre & Dance,appointed by DeanSteve White
  • 15. Young-ok Yum 15 Member 2006-7 Faculty Search Committee for a joint appointment by American Ethnic Studiesand Social Work, Kansas State University Research Associate 2004-2014 Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy,Kansas State University Guest Lecturer 2007 Spring Business Communication (Professor: Dr. Marcus Ashlock), Department of Communications, College of Agriculture, Kansas State University Participant 2006 Feb International Service Learning Workshop, Office of International Programs, Kansas State University Speaker 2005 Sept Intercultural Training Workshop for Faculty and GTAs, “Communicating with Students in the Classroom,” Department of Entomology, Kansas State University Speaker 2005 August “Classroom Communication,” Graduate TeachingAssistant Orientation Workshop, K-State Centerfor Advancementof Teachingand Learning Respondent 2005 May Proposal Planning Workshop for National Institute of Health (NIH) Grant, sponsored by Keysfor Networking (Topeka, KS) and Kansas Department of Health and Environment Guest speaker 2005 May Celebrating the Asian Heritage Month, Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services Member 2004-present College of Arts & SciencesDiversityCommission, Kansas State University Faculty Advisor 2002-4 DevelopingScholars Program (DSP),Kansas State University Guest speaker 2004 Sept 7 Public Speaking Workshop for International Students, K-State International Student Center Presenter 2004 March 17 “Crossing Cultures: Communicating with Strangers,” Cross- Cultural Awareness Training Workshop for Librarians, Kansas State University Member 2000-11 Governance Board of the American Ethnic Studies Program, Kansas State University Member 2001-2 2003-4 2004-5 Faculty Search Committee, Departmentof Speech Communication, Theatre and Dance,Kansas State University Member 2003 Diversity Committee, Department of SpeechCommunication, Theatre and Dance,Kansas State University Member 2003-4 ResearchEvaluation Committee, Department of Speech Communication, Theatre and Dance Department, Kansas State University Volunteer 2002 Fall Meadowlark Hills RetirementCommunity, Manhattan, KS Participant 2001 “Preparing Tomorrow’s Teacherswith Technology” (a.k.a. T3 Academy),selectedby the College of Education, Kansas State University
  • 16. Young-ok Yum 16 Participant 2000 Fall Seminar Serieson Aging Research,Galichia Centeron Aging, Kansas State University PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (Teaching & Research) Participant 2014, Nov. 22 Attended a Short Course (#21) on Qualitative Research Methods (Presenters: Sarah Tracyet al.) at the NCA annual meeting,Chicago Participant 2014 Jan 31, Feb 1 Teachingworkshop, “Actively Engagingthe Brain,” K-State Alumni Center Participant 2013 Oct 18, Dec13 Attended NVivo workshops, Hale Library Participant 2013 June 22 Participated in the "Bridging the Quantitative-Qualitative Divide in Comparative Communication Research:Heading towards Qualitative Comparative Analysis," All-day ICA Postconference [#9218], London, UK Online teaching 2013, May Taught a May Intersession course (COMM480) Participant 2013, spring Voluntarily participated in the Peer Reviewof Teaching Program. I identified and implementedteaching enhancementstrategies in one of my classes in collaboration with my team and the entire group. Participant 2012-4 Canvas Trial Group. I used the Canvas trial version as well as K-State Online to expand and enhance teaching and learning through newpedagogical platforms and methods. Off Campus teaching 2011-2 Taught online communication courses in emergency& disaster management/communication for online-only, for- profit university to experience andlearn the course designs and pedagogical methods of a leading online university, American Public University System. Participant 2011 April Attended two workshops delivered by the annual conference of the SIETAR-USA(Societyfor Intercultural Education, Training, and Researchheld in Denver,CO)
  • 17. Young-ok Yum 17 GRANTS FUNDED Faculty Development Award 2013 Spring Kansas State University in partial support for travel to the annual ICA conference,London,UK University Small ResearchGrant 2009 Fall K-State’ssupport for the campus climate survey and intervention research Special Research Field Trip Grant 2008 Fall Center for Engagementand Community Development in support of a data collection trip in Louisiana post Hurricane Gustav Special Research Field Trip Grant 2008 Fall College of Arts and Sciencesinsupport of the researchfield trip post Hurricane Gustav (collaborator: Dr. Joye Gordon, School of JMC, K-State) ResearchGrant 2008 Fall Department of Communication Studies,Theatre and Dance Experiential, engaged,and collaborative learning March 2010 Developedand implemented a new teachingstrategy by going on a field trip with student volunteers enrolled in COMM480 (intercultural communication), 756 (practicum in communication & conflict), and 780 (intercultural communication) to the southwestern Kansas to listen to presentations made by local leaders and new immigrant communities and interview them for 3 days. The area is known for drastic demographic changes,identity crisis, cultural adaptation-engagement, and economic development in the face of a huge influx of Mexicanimmigrants, followed by the recentflood of Southeast Asian and African refugeesand immigrants since early 1980s, who were sponsored by meatpacking plants in the Southwestern Triangle cities of Garden City, Dodge City, and Liberal (e.g.,Tyson and ConAgra) Online teaching Summer C. 2008 Taught 3 credit-hour online courses – COMM630 Topic: Conflict Management;COMM450/630 Topic:Communication & Negotiation; and COMM480/780 Intercultural Communication Online course development 2005-8 2013-4 Developed(and taught) all the regular courses in a distance (online) format (for credit) and in hybrids at both undergraduate and graduate levels Course development C. 2006-8 Developednew under-and graduate courses (COMM542/742 Relational Communication and COMM780Intercultural Communication, COMM756Practicum in Communication & Conflict) Teaching abroad March 2007 Taught an intercultural communication course at the Maastricht Center for Transatlantic Studies, Teikyo University Europe, Maastricht, The Netherlands Online learning 2004 Took a graduate course (Language and Diplomacy) for credit offered by DiploFoundation, Malta (
  • 18. Young-ok Yum 18 Faculty Development Award 2007 Fall International conference travel grant: Annual Conference of International Communication Association, Montreal, CA Curriculum Development Grant 2006 Spring The Tilford Incentive Grant for “Infusingand Assessing Multicultural Competencies in the AcademicCurricula” K-State Faculty Development Award (FDA) 2005 Fall Conference travel grant to the annual meeting of International Communication Association, Dresden,Germany,June 2006 K-State Targeted Excellence Grant 2005 Worked with the research associates of the Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy(P.I.:David E.Procter) William Schenck-Hamlin,Charles Griffin, Marie Steichen,DonnaSchenck- Hamlin, etc. K-State Community Service Program Travel Grant 2004 Conference trip to the 54th Annual Meetingof International Communication Association K-State University Small Research Grant (USRG) 2003 Fall Computer-mediated communication and personal relationship development in Japan, South Korea,and United States K-State University Small Research Grant 2002 Fall Researchon 9/11, Attribution-Making, and Perspective Taking K-State FDA 2002 Spring Travel funds for annual conference of International Communication Association and the biennial meeting of Pacific American Communication Association. Seoul,Korea held in July ResearchTravel Grant 2002 Spring North East Asia Council, Association for Asian Studies Outstanding “Technologyand Communication.” Trip to the 52nd Annual Convention of International Communication Association ResearchAward 2002 July Korean Societyfor Journalism and Communication Studies& Korean American Communication Association K-State University Small Research Grant 2001 Spring Investigated college students’ loneliness and its correlates and the implication for academic and social performances OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES (Prior to 2000 when I earned a Ph.D. degree) University of Hawaii (1999-2000) As of January 1999, I was hired as a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Speechas an ABD (“all but dissertation”) and taught various undergraduate courses until August 2000. Pennsylvania State University (1996-1998) Taught stand-alone, introductory public speaking courses as a graduate teachingassistant for 2 years and half until the fall of 1998. In the fall of 1998, I started looking for a new opportunity – teaching or research position - for careerdevelopment.
  • 19. Young-ok Yum 19 Korea University GSIS International Summer School (1995) In the summer of 1995, I went back home during the summer break and was invited to teach a 6- week course on the Contemporary Korean Literature to international students for Korea University, Seoul.The summer school was offeredby Korea University’s Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS). Indiana University of Pennsylvania Translation Service (1993-4) As a master’s degree graduate student at IUP, Indiana, PA, I was hired to translate and interpret written and oral communication betweenEnglish and Korean speakers. The Seo Kwang Language Institute (1988-1991) I worked for a private supplementary prep school in Seoul as an English teacher.As an employee of SLI, I was employedby the Korean ElectricPower Corporation (KEPCO) to prepare a class of select intermediate- and top-level managers for TOEIC* for three months in their education centerin Seoul in 1991. *TOEICstands for the Testof English as International Communication. I taught reading comprehension and grammar. Uri, SaRang Community Church (사랑의교회) WeeklyNews Magazine (1988) After graduating from college,I worked for the newsletter division of my church,a megachurch located in Seocho-dong,Gangnam-gu,Seoul,for a year as an investigative reporter and associate editor during the inaugural year of the newsletter. Prior to it, I was a volunteer news reporter. Private Tutor (1981-1991) Throughout my undergraduate years and after graduation, I worked as a private tutor for high school students helping them to prepare for the nationwide annual university entrance examsin Korea. I helped prep school kids with improving literacy in English (and Korean) and math. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS International Communication Association (ICA) Since 1996 National Communication Association (NCA) Since 1998 Korean American Communication Association (KACA) Since 1996 Societyfor Intercultural Education, Training, & Research(SIETAR-USA) Since 2011. International Association for Relationship Research(IARR) Since 1997 (when IARR was first called International Networkon Personal Relationships,or INPR).