biology 生物 uec senior 1 独中 malaysia 高中生物 统考 senior 2 uec senior 1 biology 独中高一生物 高一 cell senior 3 ecology spm form 4 receptor dynamic ecosystem chapter 6 cell membrane food pyramid food web nutrient cycle pollution population theory of evolution dichotomous key human evolution taxonomy evolution phototropism plant hormone animal growth plant growth development variation genetics spermatogenesis oogenesis sexual reproduction asexual reproduction fungi bacteria virus microorganism homeostasis sense stimuli nervous system anaerobic respiration photosynthesis digestion absorption nutrition meiosis mitosis protein ecosystem structure animal reproduction plant reproduction alternation of generation population density speciation biologys phloem xylem plant transportation heart anatomy blood circulatory system immunology blood sugar level temperature ear anatomy hearing sense organ microscopic photo receptors central nervous system peripheral nervous system amitosis auxin plant movement conservation endangered ecosystem respiratory surface alveoli lung gill trachea insect gas exchange senior 1 biology 独中高一生物 respiratory quotien basal metabolic rate 6.2.3 basal metabolic rate lactic acid fermentation alcohol fermentation adaptation of plants health problems technology used in food production malnutrition digestive system photosynthesis rate dark reaction light reaction photorespiration herbivore holozoic nutrition ruminant assimilation heterotrophic nutrition cell division cell cycle science plant plant tissues nucleus cell theory nucleic acid lipids saccharide carbohydrate animal tissue tissue type enzyme
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