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Environment Plan
Sydney Water’s objectives and actions
to manage and improve environmental performance
Environment Plan 2008-2013

Environment Plan                                        Inter-generational and intra-generational
                                                        equity – reduce the effects of activities on the
2008-2013                                               environment that the community, now and in
                                                        the future, relies on to meet its needs and
Introduction                                            Conservation and biological diversity and
                                                        ecological integrity – manage properties to
                                                        maintain the range of native plants and animals
Sydney Water is committed to protecting public
                                                        and the health of natural areas.
health and the environment in delivering water,
wastewater, recycled water and some stormwater          Improved      valuation   and    pricing    of
services to the communities of Sydney, the              environmental resources – improve the way
Illawarra and the Blue Mountains.                       we value environmental costs and benefits and
                                                        use this information when making decisions.
Sydney Water’s 2008-13 Environment Plan sets
out the objectives, actions and targets required to
manage      and     improve     Sydney     Water’s
                                                      In implementing this objective Sydney Water will
environmental performance over the next five
                                                      reduce risks to human health and reduce its
years with a focus on the current year 2008-09.
                                                      impacts on the environment. Sydney Water will
Environment Plan actions and targets are              prevent pollution by:
integrated into Sydney Water’s business
                                                        reducing the environmental impact of its
strategies. Actions and targets are identified and
                                                        discharges to air, water and land
analysed using a risk management framework.
The Plan is updated annually and is made publicly       minimising the creation of waste
available on Sydney Water's website. Programs
                                                        reducing the use of energy, water and other
and targets are reported annually in the Annual
                                                        materials and substances
                                                        re-using and recovering energy, water and
                                                        other materials and substances, where feasible.
Objectives                                            Sydney Water’s Environmental Management
                                                      System (EMS) provides the framework to develop,
                                                      implement, monitor and review the environmental
One of Sydney Water’s objectives is to protect the
                                                      objectives, actions and targets set in the
environment by conducting all operations in
                                                      Environment Plan. The objectives and targets
accordance with the principles of Ecologically
                                                      drive management programs and commitment to
Sustainable Development (ESD). These principles
                                                      continual improvement in Sydney Water’s
are embedded within the Sydney Water
                                                      environmental performance.
Environmental Policy.
   Precautionary Principle – reduce the chance
   of serious environmental problems even if we
   are not sure that these problems will occur.

SWEMS0053.V5                                                                                   Page 2
Environment Plan 2008-2013

                                                       operating pressures, which will not only reduce
Overview of key initiatives                            leaks, but will also lower energy use (and
                                                       greenhouse gas emissions) and reduce risk of
                                                       system failure through pipe rupture.
Sydney        Water’s     current     environmental
performance, emerging issues and trends are key        Energy Management Plan – Sydney Water’s
considerations in the annual review of the             Energy Management Plan will see further
Environment Plan. Actions and targets have been        improvements in energy efficiency including the
identified to manage environmental risks and           generation of renewable energy with a 2010
priorities. The actions and targets are incorporated   target of 60 GWh a year.
into corporate and divisional business plans.
                                                       SewerFix Wet Weather Overflow Abatement
Key initiatives identified in Sydney        Water’s    Program – Significant improvements in
2008-13 Environment Plan are:                          sewerage system wet weather performance will
                                                       be achieved for priority sites within the
   Climate Change Strategy – Sydney Water has
                                                       Blackwattle Bay and North Sydney areas by
   a strategy to become carbon neutral by 2020
                                                       2010 and in the Queenscliff and Curl Curl
   for our energy consumption. The first milestone
                                                       lagoon areas by 2012.
   will be to reduce emissions by 60 per cent by
   2012.                                               Water Quality Research – as algal blooms
                                                       have the potential to affect drinking water
   This will be achieved by:
                                                       quality, Sydney Water and the Sydney
       producing up to 20 per cent of power needs
                                                       Catchment Authority are doing research to
       through renewable cogeneration and mini-
                                                       better understand and manage potential blue-
       hydro turbines,
                                                       green algal blooms in bulk water storages.
       using energy more efficiently,
                                                       Contaminated Sites Management Program –
       using carbon credits generated from water       Sydney Water will continue to ensure sites are
       saving programs.                                managed in accordance with the Contaminated
                                                       Land Management Act 1997 and Sydney Water
   Sydney Water’s desalination plant, which will
   help secure Sydney’s water supply, will be run
   with renewable energy.                              Heritage Strategy – Sydney Water will ensure
                                                       its heritage assets are managed in accordance
   Recycled Water Program – Sydney Water will
                                                       with the NSW Heritage Council Heritage
   implement projects including:
                                                       Management Guidelines.
       the Western Sydney Recycled Water
                                                       Residuals Strategy – Continue to achieve
       Initiative (Replacement Flows Project),
                                                       100% beneficial reuse of biosolids captured at
       Rosehill/Camellia Recycled Water Project,       Sydney Water treatment plants
       local recycled water projects, and
       planning to implement the Recycled Water
   Water Conservation Program – Sydney Water
   will continue to deliver water efficiency
   programs for homes and businesses, water
   recycling and leak reduction.
   Active Leak Reduction, Flow Measurement
   and Pressure Management Programs –
   Sydney Water will continue to identify and
   repair leaks in our water systems and repair
   these leaks. We will also continue to reduce

SWEMS0053.V5                                                                                 Page 3
Environment Plan 2008-2013

   Environment Plan 2008-2013

Providing clean, safe drinking water

       Outcomes                                    Actions                                     Due                Target

Drinking water is safe and Collaborative research with the Sydney Catchment          Jun- 09         Full compliance with Operating
meets customers’           Authority to understand and manage potential blue-green                   Licence for water quality
expectations               algal blooms in bulk water storages

   SWEMS0053.V5                                                                                                   Page 4
Environment Plan 2008-2013

Helping develop a water efficient city

       Outcomes                                  Actions                                      Due                   Target

Water demand does not   Ensure Sydney Water’s water efficiency programs are          Each year        Reduce the per capita quantity of
exceed supply           implemented through the Demand Management Program                             water drawn from all sources
                        and reported annual Water Conservation and Recycling                          (excluding reuse water) to 329 litres
                                                                                                      per capita per day by 2010-11
                        Implementation Report

                        Participate in 4 yearly review of the NSW Government         Jun-09           Research results on climate change
                                                                                                      scenarios for future water planning
                        Metropolitan Water Plan
                                                                                                      by Jun 09
                                                                                                      Revised Metropolitan Water Plan
                                                                                                      released 2010
                        Support and participate in the NSW Government’s Water        Each year        Meet Metropolitan Water Plan
                        for Life Education Program

                        Ensure effective environmental management for the            Summer 2009-10   Compliance with planning approvals
                        construction and operation of a desalination plant at                         and regulatory requirements

                        Ensure water efficient use at Sydney Water facilities:
                              at Malabar, North Head and Bondi sewage treatment      Jun-09           80% reduction
                              plants, reduce the volume of drinking water used for
                              treatment processes from 2003-04 usage rates

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Environment Plan 2008-2013

Helping develop a water efficient city

       Outcomes                                     Actions                                       Due                  Target

                                 ensure all sewage treatment plants (other than         Jun-09          At least 85% recycled wastewater
                                 Malabar, North Head and Bondi, and storm flow                          for treatment processes
                                 sewage treatment plants at Fairfield, Bellambi and
                                 Port Kembla) use at least 85% recycled water for
                                 treatment processes
                                 audit drinking water efficiency at all sewage treatment Jun-09         Audits copmpleted, water
                                 plants (other than Malabar, North Head and Bondi)                      conservation plans prepared, and
                                 and implement findings under a water conservation                      findings implemented

                                 at the new Sydney Water head office site at            Jun-10          75-80% reduction in drinking water
                                 Parramatta, use an onsite water recycling plant to                     use for the building compared to
                                 provide recycled water for toilet flushing, cooling                    similar non water efficient buildings
                                 towers, fire system testing and irrigation

Leaks are reduced to the Implement Active Leak Reduction, Flow Measurement                              Reduce system leaks from the
economic level of leakage and Pressure Management programs:                                             drinking water supply system to less
                                                                                                        than 105 million litres a day by June
                                scan 21 000 km mains/year and repair leaks within       Jun-09
                                time target
                                 implement Pressure Management Program (Stage 3) Jun-09

                                 implement Trunk Main Flowmeter Program (Stage 1)       Sept-08
                                 implement Trunk Main Flowmeter Program (Stage 2)       Jun-10
Recycled water is         Deliver the Recycled Water Program:                                           Metropolitan Water Plan target of 70
available in accordance                                                                                 billion litres a year by 2015, and 100
                                  plan to implement the Recycled Water Program          Jun-09
with the Metropolitan                                                                                   billion litres a year by 2045
                                  initiatives equivalent to12% of estimated potable
Water Plan Recycled               demand by 2015 and 17% of the estimated potable
Water Program                     demand by 2045

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Environment Plan 2008-2013

Helping develop a water efficient city

      Outcomes                                    Actions                                     Due                  Target

                               implement Stage 1 Western Sydney Recycled Water       Jun-10
                               Initiative (Replacement Flows Project)
                               implement Rosehill/Camellia Recycled Water Project    Dec-10

                               deliver local recycled water projects including the   2015
                               Hoxton Park Recycled Water Scheme
                       Establish a recycled water community education facility       Nov-2010       Facility established
                       at the Western Sydney Recycled Water Plant

                       Work with stakeholders to facilitate stormwater harvesting    Jun-09         Opportunities for stormwater
                       from Sydney Water systems                                                    harvesting assessed and
                                                                                                    implemented where feasible

  SWEMS0053.V5                                                                                                    Page 7
Environment Plan 2008-2013

Contributing to clean beaches, oceans, rivers and harbours

       Outcomes                                   Actions                                    Due                 Target

Safe healthy waterways   Reduce dry weather overflows reaching waterways to meet 2010              Compliance with dry weather
                         Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC)                       overflow targets in the Dry Weather
                         regulatory targets in Sydney Water’s sewerage treatment                   Overflow Program and specified in
                         system environmental protection licences (EPLs) (Pollution                EPLs
                         Reduction Program 200 series)
                         Ensure compliance with all DECC’s targets in EPLs for:
                               STP discharge limits for chemicals, toxicity, load,    Each year    100% compliance with EPLs by
                               concentration and discharge volume                                  Sydney Water or its contractors

                                the number of uncontrolled sewage overflows in dry    Each year    Zero dry weather overflows from
                                weather each financial year                                        sewage pumping stations each year
                                                                                                   No more than 25,000 properties
                                                                                                   each year experience an
                                                                                                   uncontrolled sewage overflow in dry
                                                                                                   weather from Sydney Water’s
                                effluent and receiving water quality monitoring       Each year    Sewage Treatment System
                                programs to provide accurate and timely information                Impact Monitoring Program
                                for wastewater planning and operations                             results analysed and reported
                         Ensure compliance with trade waste agreements by:                         100% compliance with EPLs
                                                                                                   (contaminants from customers with
                               managing trade waste to meet environmental and         Each year
                                                                                                   trade waste agreements or permits)
                               other regulations
                               ongoing improvements in industrial and commercial
                               customer compliance with Trade Waste

   SWEMS0053.V5                                                                                                  Page 8
Environment Plan 2008-2013

Contributing to clean beaches, oceans, rivers and harbours

       Outcomes                                   Actions                                      Due                 Target

                                protecting the sewerage system and sewage            Each year       Reduction in the total mass of
                                treatment plants from damage and accelerated                         substances discharged to sewer
                                corrosion due to harmful substances from trade waste                 through completion of Effluent
                                sources                                                              Improvement Programs (EIP)

                        Implement the Streamwatch Program to educate the              Each year      Maintain community participation in
                         community on water quality and serve as an early warning                    Streamwatch and monitoring of 600
                         system for water quality incidents                                          sites

Reduce impact of wet    Improve wet weather performance by managing and
weather sewage          delivering the Wet Weather Overflow Abatement Program:                       Compliance with system limit
overflows on swimming                                                                                requirements and frequency for wet
sites                                                                                                weather overflows within STS
                                Reduce the impact of wet weather sewage overflows                    licences
                                for priority sites
                                                                                                     Decreasing trend in number of non-
                                - CBD (Blackwattle Bay)                               2010           compliant by-passes from systems
                                - North Sydney (Hay St)                                              Delivery of programs
                                - Northern Beaches (Queenscliff & Curl Curl lagoon)   2012

Priority Sewerage       Deliver the Priority Sewerage Program by:                     Jun-09         Complete by 30 June 2009
Program delivered               completing work on the Brooklyn and Dangar Island,
                                Mount Kurring-gai Industrial Area, and Upper Blue
                                Mountains Sewerage Schemes (PSP Stage 1)
                                commencing construction work on the Yellow            Jun-09         Commencement of construction by
                                Rock/Angus Banks/Glossodia Sewerage Schemes                          30 June 2009
                                (PSP Stage 2)

   SWEMS0053.V5                                                                                                    Page 9
Environment Plan 2008-2013

Optimising resource use

       Outcomes                                   Actions                                     Due                  Target

Reduced carbon footprint Meet objectives of the Climate Change Strategy to achieve: 2010             100% renewable energy used for
from operations                                                                                      desalination plant
                                carbon neutrality for the operation of the desalination
                                plant at Kurnell

                                carbon neutrality for energy and electricity           Each year     60% reduction in emissions by June
                                consumption by 2020                                                  2012 (and progressive annual
                                                                                                     targets from 2007-08 onwards)
                                                                                                     Carbon neutral for energy and
                                                                                                     electricity by June 2020
                          Meet the NSW Government’s milestones to reduce
                          emissions:                                                                 Emissions reduced from building
                                 from energy used in buildings                                       energy use to 2000 levels by 2020

                                 by obtaining 4.5 stars environmental performance      1 July 2011   Minimum 4.5 stars environmental
                                 rating for energy efficiency and water in buildings                 performance rating for energy
                                                                                                     efficiency and water in buildings by
                                                                                                     1 July 2011
                                 using ethanol blended fuels in fleet vehicles         Each year     Increase the use of ethanol blended
                                                                                                     fuels, where available

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Environment Plan 2008-2013

Optimising resource use

     Outcomes                                    Actions                                     Due                  Target

                       Meet efficiency targets at Sydney Water major new
                       accommodation sites
                               Parramatta Head Office                               Jun-09         5 Star environmental performance
                                                                                                   rating for energy efficiency and
                               Potts Hill                                           Jun-10
                       Establish the measurement of Sydney Water’s carbon           Sep-08         Incorporate Sydney Water’s carbon
                       footprint and ecological footprint as annual performance                    footprint and ecological footprint into
                       indicators                                                                  the Annual Report

                      Meet objectives of the Sydney Water Energy Management
                      Plan to:
                             implement projects that improve energy efficiency and 2010            Projects completed with expected
                             generate renewable energy                                             generation of 60 GWh a year by
                              comply with all relevant energy related regulations   Each year      Maintain 100% compliance with:
                              including                                                               NSW Government’s Energy
                                                                                                     Management Policy
                                                                                                      Energy Efficiency Opportunities
                                                                                                     Act 2006

 SWEMS0053.V5                                                                                                     Page 11
Environment Plan 2008-2013

Optimising resource use

       Outcomes                                       Actions                                       Due                 Target

Obligations for protection   Implement the Botany Wetlands Plan of Management to          Each year       Botany Wetlands Plan of
of flora, fauna and          ensure ecosystem integrity and health, and maintain its                      Management programs
heritage met                 environmental, social and economic values                                    implemented including: sediment
                                                                                                          and gross pollution, blue green
                                                                                                          algae, carp eradication and native
                                                                                                          fish re-stocking, nutrient
                                                                                                          management, weeds, native
                                                                                                          vegetation, and bush regeneration
                                                                                                          and revegetation
                             Implement ecological assessments of Botany wetland           Each year       Reporting and assessment program
                             health and long term monitoring program                                      for key ecological and water quality
                                                                                                          outcomes implemented as per Plan
                                                                                                          of Management

                             Implement Natural Environment Management Program              Jun-09         Compliance with relevant
                                                                                                          Commonwealth and NSW
                                                                                                          legislation, NSW policy and any
                                   managing sensitive Sydney Water properties through
                                                                                                          specific Sydney Water
                                   property Environmental Plans
                                                                                                          commitments relating to protecting
                                   facilitating the integration of effective environmental
                                                                                                          and managing flora and fauna on
                                   practices into Sydney Water’s activities
                                                                                                          Sydney Water owned land
                                                                                                          Guidelines developed incorporating
                                                                                                          legislative requirements including
                                                                                                          Noxious Weeds Act 1993 and
                                                                                                          Threatened Species Act 1995
                                                                                                          Property Environmental
                                                                                                          Management Plans prepared for the
                                                                                                          top 140 environmental risk Sydney
                                                                                                          Water sites

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Environment Plan 2008-2013

Optimising resource use

       Outcomes                                     Actions                                   Due                 Target

                            Manage Sydney Water’s sites and interests in accordance    Each year    100% of land acquisitions and
                            with Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 by:                          disposals assessed for
                                                                                                    contamination risks
                                implementing the Contaminated Site Management
                                                                                                    All known sites documented and
                                                                                                    reported to DECC
                                maintaining contaminated sites database for Sydney
                                Water sites
                            Ensure Sydney Water heritage assets are managed in         Each year    80% of State heritage listed sites
                            accordance with the NSW Heritage Council Heritage                       with Conservation Management
                            Management Guidelines and the Heritage Strategy                         Plans by June 2009

                            Implement Stormwater Plans of Management based on a        Each year    Plans of management implemented
                            total catchment approach for wetlands (Freshwater Creek
                            Wetland, Eve St Wetland) and the Rouse Hill Development

Waste from operations is    Demonstrate continual improvement in waste recycling or    Each year    70% of internal construction and
minimised or beneficially   reuse expressed as a percentage of solid waste generated                demolition waste reused or recycled
re-used                                                                                             80% of paper waste recycled in
                                                                                                    Sydney Water Head Office
                                                                                                    60% of office waste recycled in
                                                                                                    Sydney Water Head Office

                            Incorporate waste minimisation considerations into major   Each year    All major planning and design
                            planning and design activities                                          activities incorporate waste
                                                                                                    minimisation strategies

   SWEMS0053.V5                                                                                                   Page 13
Environment Plan 2008-2013

Optimising resource use

       Outcomes                                     Actions                                    Due                Target

By-products re-use is      Implement Residuals Strategy by:                             Each year    100% beneficial use of captured
maximised                                                                                            biosolids
                                 beneficially using biosolids and grit and screenings
                                 captured by sewage treatment plants                                 100% beneficial use of water
                                                                                                     filtration residuals
                                 beneficially using residuals captured by water
                                 filtration plants                                                   More than 40% beneficial re-use of
                                                                                                     STP grit and screenings by June
                           Manage trade waste to assist Sydney Water’s sewage           Each year    Meet DECC quality specifications
                           treatment operations to produce biosolids and treated                     for substances from trade waste
                           wastewater that meets regulatory requirements

Customer expectations      Deliver planned trade waste education program to            Each year     Two trade waste & backflow
and service delivery are   customers, consultants, equipment suppliers and installers,               plumbers seminars delivered each
aligned                    and plumbers to address waste prevention, minimisation and                year
                           cleaner production                                                        Quarterly customer forums
                                                                                                     Cleaner production brochure
                                                                                                     mailout to commercial sector

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Environment Plan 2008-2013

Serving customers

       Outcomes                                    Actions                                     Due                 Target

Customer expectations      Maintain odour detection and minimisation programs         Each year      Maintain downward trend in annual
and service delivery are                                                                             number of odour complaints from
aligned                                                                                              sewage treatment plants and the
                                                                                                     reticulation system based on the
                                                                                                     preceding four-year average
                                                                                      Dec-12         Deliver Wastewater Odour
                                                                                                     Management Strategy

                           Maintain compliance with the Noise Management Code of      Each year      100% compliance with the Noise
                           Behaviour under the Sydney Water Environment                              Management Code of Practice
                           Management System
                                  Undertake awareness training sessions with work
                                  teams on the Code of Behaviour
Customer expectations      Assist in a coordinated approach to stormwater              Each year     Sydney Water representation on
and service delivery are   management and water sensitive urban design in Sydney by                  Sydney Stormwater Sustainability
aligned                    participating in the Sydney Stormwater Sustainability Group               Group and key Sydney Metro
                           and the Sydney Metro Catchment Management Authority                       Catchment Management Authority
                                                                                                     working groups
Sydney Water is viewed Educate the community on water quality and water supply        Each year      Improved average rating of the
positively by stakeholders issues                                                                    overall quality of service delivered
and the community                                                                                    by Sydney Water through customer

Compliance with planning Implement compliance system for environmental                Each year      No prosecutions issued to Sydney
approval regulatory                                                                                  Water or its contractors under the
                         conditions of approval
requirements                                                                                         Environmental Planning and
                                                                                                     Assessment Act 1979

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Environment Plan 2008-2013

Serving customers

       Outcomes                                    Actions                                  Due                Target

Corporate support        Ensure contractual environmental risks are identified,      Each year    Environmental risk assessment
services and systems are assessed and managed effectively for all construction and                undertaken for each project
reliable, efficient and  maintenance activities                                                   Project audit programs developed
effective                                                                                         and carried out in accordance with
                                                                                                  Sydney Water Environment
                                                                                                  Management System requirements
                                                                                                  Contractor environmental
                                                                                                  performance evaluated on a regular

   SWEMS0053.V5                                                                                                Page 16
Environment Plan 2008-2013

Developing a safe, capable, committed workforce

       Outcomes                                     Actions                                Due                         Target

Staff have the required    Review annual environmental training needs as part of   Each year             Environmental education
skills to meet the         Sydney Water Training Needs Analysis                                          incorporated into Sydney Water
organisation’s needs and                                                                                 training programs
Sydney Water attracts
and retains skilled people
                           Deliver Environmental Education Program training        Each year             Training schedule delivered

Corporate support        Maintain EMS Certification to ISO 14001:2004              6 monthly             EMS certified to ISO 14001:2004
services and systems are                                                           surveillance audits   No major non-conformances from
reliable, efficient and                                                                                  external surveillance audits of
effective                                                                                                Sydney Water’s EMS

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Environment Plan 2008-2013

Being an economically efficient business

       Outcomes                                      Actions                                       Due                 Target

Effective financial        Liaise with the Department of Environment and Climate          Each year      Financial impacts of environmental
management and long        Change (DECC) to progress environmental and climate                           policies are articulated and
term sustainability                                                                                      understood
                           change issues

Procurement is efficient   Improve sustainable practice by completing procurement         Jun-09         100% renewable energy used for
and prudent                arrangements to access and purchase renewable energy to                       desalination plant
                           operate the desalination plant and associated infrastructure

   SWEMS0053.V5                                                                                                       Page 18

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Christina Parmionova
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Sydney Water Environment Plan 2008 2013

  • 1. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Sydney Water’s objectives and actions to manage and improve environmental performance
  • 2. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Environment Plan Inter-generational and intra-generational equity – reduce the effects of activities on the 2008-2013 environment that the community, now and in the future, relies on to meet its needs and expectations. Introduction Conservation and biological diversity and ecological integrity – manage properties to maintain the range of native plants and animals Sydney Water is committed to protecting public and the health of natural areas. health and the environment in delivering water, wastewater, recycled water and some stormwater Improved valuation and pricing of services to the communities of Sydney, the environmental resources – improve the way Illawarra and the Blue Mountains. we value environmental costs and benefits and use this information when making decisions. Sydney Water’s 2008-13 Environment Plan sets out the objectives, actions and targets required to manage and improve Sydney Water’s In implementing this objective Sydney Water will environmental performance over the next five reduce risks to human health and reduce its years with a focus on the current year 2008-09. impacts on the environment. Sydney Water will Environment Plan actions and targets are prevent pollution by: integrated into Sydney Water’s business reducing the environmental impact of its strategies. Actions and targets are identified and discharges to air, water and land analysed using a risk management framework. The Plan is updated annually and is made publicly minimising the creation of waste available on Sydney Water's website. Programs reducing the use of energy, water and other and targets are reported annually in the Annual materials and substances Report. re-using and recovering energy, water and other materials and substances, where feasible. Objectives Sydney Water’s Environmental Management System (EMS) provides the framework to develop, implement, monitor and review the environmental One of Sydney Water’s objectives is to protect the objectives, actions and targets set in the environment by conducting all operations in Environment Plan. The objectives and targets accordance with the principles of Ecologically drive management programs and commitment to Sustainable Development (ESD). These principles continual improvement in Sydney Water’s are embedded within the Sydney Water environmental performance. Environmental Policy. Precautionary Principle – reduce the chance of serious environmental problems even if we are not sure that these problems will occur. SWEMS0053.V5 Page 2
  • 3. Environment Plan 2008-2013 operating pressures, which will not only reduce Overview of key initiatives leaks, but will also lower energy use (and greenhouse gas emissions) and reduce risk of system failure through pipe rupture. Sydney Water’s current environmental performance, emerging issues and trends are key Energy Management Plan – Sydney Water’s considerations in the annual review of the Energy Management Plan will see further Environment Plan. Actions and targets have been improvements in energy efficiency including the identified to manage environmental risks and generation of renewable energy with a 2010 priorities. The actions and targets are incorporated target of 60 GWh a year. into corporate and divisional business plans. SewerFix Wet Weather Overflow Abatement Key initiatives identified in Sydney Water’s Program – Significant improvements in 2008-13 Environment Plan are: sewerage system wet weather performance will be achieved for priority sites within the Climate Change Strategy – Sydney Water has Blackwattle Bay and North Sydney areas by a strategy to become carbon neutral by 2020 2010 and in the Queenscliff and Curl Curl for our energy consumption. The first milestone lagoon areas by 2012. will be to reduce emissions by 60 per cent by 2012. Water Quality Research – as algal blooms have the potential to affect drinking water This will be achieved by: quality, Sydney Water and the Sydney producing up to 20 per cent of power needs Catchment Authority are doing research to through renewable cogeneration and mini- better understand and manage potential blue- hydro turbines, green algal blooms in bulk water storages. using energy more efficiently, Contaminated Sites Management Program – using carbon credits generated from water Sydney Water will continue to ensure sites are saving programs. managed in accordance with the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 and Sydney Water Sydney Water’s desalination plant, which will EMS. help secure Sydney’s water supply, will be run with renewable energy. Heritage Strategy – Sydney Water will ensure its heritage assets are managed in accordance Recycled Water Program – Sydney Water will with the NSW Heritage Council Heritage implement projects including: Management Guidelines. the Western Sydney Recycled Water Residuals Strategy – Continue to achieve Initiative (Replacement Flows Project), 100% beneficial reuse of biosolids captured at Rosehill/Camellia Recycled Water Project, Sydney Water treatment plants local recycled water projects, and planning to implement the Recycled Water Program. Water Conservation Program – Sydney Water will continue to deliver water efficiency programs for homes and businesses, water recycling and leak reduction. Active Leak Reduction, Flow Measurement and Pressure Management Programs – Sydney Water will continue to identify and repair leaks in our water systems and repair these leaks. We will also continue to reduce SWEMS0053.V5 Page 3
  • 4. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Environment Plan 2008-2013 Providing clean, safe drinking water Outcomes Actions Due Target Drinking water is safe and Collaborative research with the Sydney Catchment Jun- 09 Full compliance with Operating meets customers’ Authority to understand and manage potential blue-green Licence for water quality expectations algal blooms in bulk water storages SWEMS0053.V5 Page 4
  • 5. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Helping develop a water efficient city Outcomes Actions Due Target Water demand does not Ensure Sydney Water’s water efficiency programs are Each year Reduce the per capita quantity of exceed supply implemented through the Demand Management Program water drawn from all sources and reported annual Water Conservation and Recycling (excluding reuse water) to 329 litres per capita per day by 2010-11 Implementation Report Participate in 4 yearly review of the NSW Government Jun-09 Research results on climate change scenarios for future water planning Metropolitan Water Plan by Jun 09 Dec-10 Revised Metropolitan Water Plan released 2010 Support and participate in the NSW Government’s Water Each year Meet Metropolitan Water Plan milestones for Life Education Program Ensure effective environmental management for the Summer 2009-10 Compliance with planning approvals construction and operation of a desalination plant at and regulatory requirements Kurnell Ensure water efficient use at Sydney Water facilities: at Malabar, North Head and Bondi sewage treatment Jun-09 80% reduction plants, reduce the volume of drinking water used for treatment processes from 2003-04 usage rates SWEMS0053.V5 Page 5
  • 6. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Helping develop a water efficient city Outcomes Actions Due Target ensure all sewage treatment plants (other than Jun-09 At least 85% recycled wastewater Malabar, North Head and Bondi, and storm flow for treatment processes sewage treatment plants at Fairfield, Bellambi and Port Kembla) use at least 85% recycled water for treatment processes audit drinking water efficiency at all sewage treatment Jun-09 Audits copmpleted, water plants (other than Malabar, North Head and Bondi) conservation plans prepared, and and implement findings under a water conservation findings implemented plan at the new Sydney Water head office site at Jun-10 75-80% reduction in drinking water Parramatta, use an onsite water recycling plant to use for the building compared to provide recycled water for toilet flushing, cooling similar non water efficient buildings towers, fire system testing and irrigation Leaks are reduced to the Implement Active Leak Reduction, Flow Measurement Reduce system leaks from the economic level of leakage and Pressure Management programs: drinking water supply system to less than 105 million litres a day by June scan 21 000 km mains/year and repair leaks within Jun-09 2009 time target implement Pressure Management Program (Stage 3) Jun-09 implement Trunk Main Flowmeter Program (Stage 1) Sept-08 implement Trunk Main Flowmeter Program (Stage 2) Jun-10 Recycled water is Deliver the Recycled Water Program: Metropolitan Water Plan target of 70 available in accordance billion litres a year by 2015, and 100 plan to implement the Recycled Water Program Jun-09 with the Metropolitan billion litres a year by 2045 initiatives equivalent to12% of estimated potable Water Plan Recycled demand by 2015 and 17% of the estimated potable Water Program demand by 2045 SWEMS0053.V5 Page 6
  • 7. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Helping develop a water efficient city Outcomes Actions Due Target implement Stage 1 Western Sydney Recycled Water Jun-10 Initiative (Replacement Flows Project) implement Rosehill/Camellia Recycled Water Project Dec-10 deliver local recycled water projects including the 2015 Hoxton Park Recycled Water Scheme Establish a recycled water community education facility Nov-2010 Facility established at the Western Sydney Recycled Water Plant Work with stakeholders to facilitate stormwater harvesting Jun-09 Opportunities for stormwater from Sydney Water systems harvesting assessed and implemented where feasible SWEMS0053.V5 Page 7
  • 8. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Contributing to clean beaches, oceans, rivers and harbours Outcomes Actions Due Target Safe healthy waterways Reduce dry weather overflows reaching waterways to meet 2010 Compliance with dry weather Department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) overflow targets in the Dry Weather regulatory targets in Sydney Water’s sewerage treatment Overflow Program and specified in system environmental protection licences (EPLs) (Pollution EPLs Reduction Program 200 series) Ensure compliance with all DECC’s targets in EPLs for: STP discharge limits for chemicals, toxicity, load, Each year 100% compliance with EPLs by concentration and discharge volume Sydney Water or its contractors the number of uncontrolled sewage overflows in dry Each year Zero dry weather overflows from weather each financial year sewage pumping stations each year No more than 25,000 properties each year experience an uncontrolled sewage overflow in dry weather from Sydney Water’s system effluent and receiving water quality monitoring Each year Sewage Treatment System programs to provide accurate and timely information Impact Monitoring Program for wastewater planning and operations results analysed and reported annually Ensure compliance with trade waste agreements by: 100% compliance with EPLs (contaminants from customers with managing trade waste to meet environmental and Each year trade waste agreements or permits) other regulations ongoing improvements in industrial and commercial customer compliance with Trade Waste Agreements/Permits SWEMS0053.V5 Page 8
  • 9. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Contributing to clean beaches, oceans, rivers and harbours Outcomes Actions Due Target protecting the sewerage system and sewage Each year Reduction in the total mass of treatment plants from damage and accelerated substances discharged to sewer corrosion due to harmful substances from trade waste through completion of Effluent sources Improvement Programs (EIP) Implement the Streamwatch Program to educate the Each year Maintain community participation in community on water quality and serve as an early warning Streamwatch and monitoring of 600 system for water quality incidents sites Reduce impact of wet Improve wet weather performance by managing and weather sewage delivering the Wet Weather Overflow Abatement Program: Compliance with system limit overflows on swimming requirements and frequency for wet sites weather overflows within STS Reduce the impact of wet weather sewage overflows licences for priority sites Decreasing trend in number of non- - CBD (Blackwattle Bay) 2010 compliant by-passes from systems - North Sydney (Hay St) Delivery of programs - Northern Beaches (Queenscliff & Curl Curl lagoon) 2012 Priority Sewerage Deliver the Priority Sewerage Program by: Jun-09 Complete by 30 June 2009 Program delivered completing work on the Brooklyn and Dangar Island, Mount Kurring-gai Industrial Area, and Upper Blue Mountains Sewerage Schemes (PSP Stage 1) commencing construction work on the Yellow Jun-09 Commencement of construction by Rock/Angus Banks/Glossodia Sewerage Schemes 30 June 2009 (PSP Stage 2) SWEMS0053.V5 Page 9
  • 10. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Optimising resource use Outcomes Actions Due Target Reduced carbon footprint Meet objectives of the Climate Change Strategy to achieve: 2010 100% renewable energy used for from operations desalination plant carbon neutrality for the operation of the desalination plant at Kurnell carbon neutrality for energy and electricity Each year 60% reduction in emissions by June consumption by 2020 2012 (and progressive annual targets from 2007-08 onwards) Carbon neutral for energy and electricity by June 2020 Meet the NSW Government’s milestones to reduce emissions: Emissions reduced from building from energy used in buildings energy use to 2000 levels by 2020 2020 by obtaining 4.5 stars environmental performance 1 July 2011 Minimum 4.5 stars environmental rating for energy efficiency and water in buildings performance rating for energy efficiency and water in buildings by 1 July 2011 using ethanol blended fuels in fleet vehicles Each year Increase the use of ethanol blended fuels, where available SWEMS0053.V5 Page 10
  • 11. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Optimising resource use Outcomes Actions Due Target Meet efficiency targets at Sydney Water major new accommodation sites Parramatta Head Office Jun-09 5 Star environmental performance rating for energy efficiency and Potts Hill Jun-10 water Establish the measurement of Sydney Water’s carbon Sep-08 Incorporate Sydney Water’s carbon footprint and ecological footprint as annual performance footprint and ecological footprint into indicators the Annual Report Meet objectives of the Sydney Water Energy Management Plan to: implement projects that improve energy efficiency and 2010 Projects completed with expected generate renewable energy generation of 60 GWh a year by 2010 comply with all relevant energy related regulations Each year Maintain 100% compliance with: including NSW Government’s Energy Management Policy Energy Efficiency Opportunities Act 2006 SWEMS0053.V5 Page 11
  • 12. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Optimising resource use Outcomes Actions Due Target Obligations for protection Implement the Botany Wetlands Plan of Management to Each year Botany Wetlands Plan of of flora, fauna and ensure ecosystem integrity and health, and maintain its Management programs heritage met environmental, social and economic values implemented including: sediment and gross pollution, blue green algae, carp eradication and native fish re-stocking, nutrient management, weeds, native vegetation, and bush regeneration and revegetation Implement ecological assessments of Botany wetland Each year Reporting and assessment program health and long term monitoring program for key ecological and water quality outcomes implemented as per Plan of Management Implement Natural Environment Management Program Jun-09 Compliance with relevant Commonwealth and NSW by: legislation, NSW policy and any managing sensitive Sydney Water properties through specific Sydney Water property Environmental Plans commitments relating to protecting facilitating the integration of effective environmental and managing flora and fauna on practices into Sydney Water’s activities Sydney Water owned land Guidelines developed incorporating legislative requirements including Noxious Weeds Act 1993 and Threatened Species Act 1995 Property Environmental Management Plans prepared for the top 140 environmental risk Sydney Water sites SWEMS0053.V5 Page 12
  • 13. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Optimising resource use Outcomes Actions Due Target Manage Sydney Water’s sites and interests in accordance Each year 100% of land acquisitions and with Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 by: disposals assessed for contamination risks implementing the Contaminated Site Management All known sites documented and Program reported to DECC maintaining contaminated sites database for Sydney Water sites Ensure Sydney Water heritage assets are managed in Each year 80% of State heritage listed sites accordance with the NSW Heritage Council Heritage with Conservation Management Management Guidelines and the Heritage Strategy Plans by June 2009 Implement Stormwater Plans of Management based on a Each year Plans of management implemented total catchment approach for wetlands (Freshwater Creek Wetland, Eve St Wetland) and the Rouse Hill Development Area Waste from operations is Demonstrate continual improvement in waste recycling or Each year 70% of internal construction and minimised or beneficially reuse expressed as a percentage of solid waste generated demolition waste reused or recycled re-used 80% of paper waste recycled in Sydney Water Head Office 60% of office waste recycled in Sydney Water Head Office Incorporate waste minimisation considerations into major Each year All major planning and design planning and design activities activities incorporate waste minimisation strategies SWEMS0053.V5 Page 13
  • 14. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Optimising resource use Outcomes Actions Due Target By-products re-use is Implement Residuals Strategy by: Each year 100% beneficial use of captured maximised biosolids beneficially using biosolids and grit and screenings captured by sewage treatment plants 100% beneficial use of water filtration residuals beneficially using residuals captured by water filtration plants More than 40% beneficial re-use of STP grit and screenings by June 2010 Manage trade waste to assist Sydney Water’s sewage Each year Meet DECC quality specifications treatment operations to produce biosolids and treated for substances from trade waste wastewater that meets regulatory requirements Customer expectations Deliver planned trade waste education program to Each year Two trade waste & backflow and service delivery are customers, consultants, equipment suppliers and installers, plumbers seminars delivered each aligned and plumbers to address waste prevention, minimisation and year cleaner production Quarterly customer forums delivered Cleaner production brochure mailout to commercial sector SWEMS0053.V5 Page 14
  • 15. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Serving customers Outcomes Actions Due Target Customer expectations Maintain odour detection and minimisation programs Each year Maintain downward trend in annual and service delivery are number of odour complaints from aligned sewage treatment plants and the reticulation system based on the preceding four-year average Dec-12 Deliver Wastewater Odour Management Strategy Maintain compliance with the Noise Management Code of Each year 100% compliance with the Noise Behaviour under the Sydney Water Environment Management Code of Practice Management System Undertake awareness training sessions with work teams on the Code of Behaviour Customer expectations Assist in a coordinated approach to stormwater Each year Sydney Water representation on and service delivery are management and water sensitive urban design in Sydney by Sydney Stormwater Sustainability aligned participating in the Sydney Stormwater Sustainability Group Group and key Sydney Metro and the Sydney Metro Catchment Management Authority Catchment Management Authority working groups Sydney Water is viewed Educate the community on water quality and water supply Each year Improved average rating of the positively by stakeholders issues overall quality of service delivered and the community by Sydney Water through customer surveys Compliance with planning Implement compliance system for environmental Each year No prosecutions issued to Sydney approval regulatory Water or its contractors under the conditions of approval requirements Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 SWEMS0053.V5 Page 15
  • 16. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Serving customers Outcomes Actions Due Target Corporate support Ensure contractual environmental risks are identified, Each year Environmental risk assessment services and systems are assessed and managed effectively for all construction and undertaken for each project reliable, efficient and maintenance activities Project audit programs developed effective and carried out in accordance with Sydney Water Environment Management System requirements Contractor environmental performance evaluated on a regular basis SWEMS0053.V5 Page 16
  • 17. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Developing a safe, capable, committed workforce Outcomes Actions Due Target Staff have the required Review annual environmental training needs as part of Each year Environmental education skills to meet the Sydney Water Training Needs Analysis incorporated into Sydney Water organisation’s needs and training programs Sydney Water attracts and retains skilled people Deliver Environmental Education Program training Each year Training schedule delivered schedule Corporate support Maintain EMS Certification to ISO 14001:2004 6 monthly EMS certified to ISO 14001:2004 services and systems are surveillance audits No major non-conformances from reliable, efficient and external surveillance audits of effective Sydney Water’s EMS SWEMS0053.V5 Page 17
  • 18. Environment Plan 2008-2013 Being an economically efficient business Outcomes Actions Due Target Effective financial Liaise with the Department of Environment and Climate Each year Financial impacts of environmental management and long Change (DECC) to progress environmental and climate policies are articulated and term sustainability understood change issues Procurement is efficient Improve sustainable practice by completing procurement Jun-09 100% renewable energy used for and prudent arrangements to access and purchase renewable energy to desalination plant operate the desalination plant and associated infrastructure SWEMS0053.V5 Page 18