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Web Conferencing, Instant Messaging & Streaming Media
           Prepared for the International Communications Industries Association
                                 To support Infocomm 2002

                            By Andy Nilssen & Marc Beattie
         Senior Analysts and Partners, Wainhouse Research, Brookline, MA, USA

Marc F. Beattie has authored public and private reports on product strategies,
distribution structures, emerging technologies and industry applications. Marc is a co-
author in Wainhouse Research’s Conferencing Markets & Strategies series. He is the
principle instructor for the Implementing Streaming Media seminar. Prior to joining
Wainhouse Research Marc was an early team member at PictureTel and Polycom –
holding his last position at Polycom as Director of Business Development; he has spent
15 years working within the industry. Marc has been an independent analyst for the last
three years. Mr. Beattie attended Gordon College where he earned a Bachelor of Arts
degree in Economics.

Andrew H. Nilssen is a co-author of Wainhouse Research’s Conferencing Markets &
Strategies series, and consults for industry leaders, Fortune 500 companies, and venture
capitalists about the multimedia communications industry. Andy has over 20 years of
experience in bringing high-technology products to market. Prior to Wainhouse
Research, he was Director of Marketing, New Business Development at PictureTel, Inc.
where he defined strategies and identified partners to expand business by leveraging
broadband and streaming technologies. Andy earned his MBA and BSEE degrees from
the University of New Hampshire and holds two ease-of-use related patents.

Web conferencing, instant messaging (IM)         of the content in a conference call, and the
and streaming media are three emerging           new reality that there is access to a network-
“rich media” communication technologies          connected web browser virtually everywhere
that have been made possible through the         a telephone is located. Web conferencing
combination        of     computer-generated     sells itself on providing a way to augment a
information and the widespread growth of         typical audio conference with powerful
the Internet. All three technologies have        graphical information exchange.
experienced rapid growth due to the impact
of their powerful yet inexpensive                Most web conferencing systems use client-
capabilities.     Each has also spawned          server architecture to enable simultaneous
dedicated companies that offer the               exchange of audio and graphical content. As
component technology in product form or          shown in the figure above, a web conference
bundle the products with integrated services     typically    consists    of   two     parallel
to present a turnkey rich-media conferencing     conferences – an audio conference using
solution for the user.                           telephones on the PSTN overlaid with a
                                                 separate data conference using web
Web Conferencing                                 browsers on a network for data. The degree
Web conferencing is built on the premise         of audio integration in a web conference can
that graphical data represents a large portion   vary greatly, ranging from requiring the user
                                                 to set up a totally separate audio call, to

Copyright Wainhouse Research 2002                                                       page - 1
displaying the conference number to call in             web conferencing systems will simply
to via the web browser, to automatically                translate the PowerPoint slides to static
calling out to all participants (scheduled or           bitmapped GIF or JPEG images, thereby
ad-hoc).                                                loosing slide transitions and animations, and
                                                        also locking the slide resolution into
                                                        whatever translation is used.            More
            Audio                   Web                 sophisticated systems use either a
     Conferencing                   Conferencing        proprietary object descriptor language or
           Server                   Server
                                                        DHTML to translate PowerPoint slides into
                                                        graphic objects, and to preserve high
                                                        resolution and possibly transitions and
                                          intranet or   animations as well. Graphical object-based
                                                        systems also allow slide resolution to scale
                                                        to take full advantage of the resolution of an
                                                        individual participant’s browser, and can be
                                                        more bandwidth efficient.         Application
                                                        sharing and “web tours” have similar
                                                        considerations – the basic systems just “peel
                                                        & send” the presenter’s screen, while more
                                                        sophisticated systems support true multi user
  Figure 1 - Web Conference Architecture                application sharing – some are even built on
In a web conference, a presenter can present            top of the T.120 (specifically T.128)
PowerPoint slides, demonstrate software                 application sharing engine which is also
applications, use an interactive whiteboard,            used in products like Microsoft NetMeeting.
and take polls to gauge the audience’s
reaction. In some specialized customer                  Web conferencing systems need to get along
support applications, the presenter can                 with firewalls – or more precisely, need to
actually take control of a viewer’s PC to               get through firewalls reliably. If the web
help walk them through a problem.                       conference involves participants located on
                                                        different corporate LANs, and the web
Every web conferencing system requires the              conferencing service is not designed to
use of a local software client on the                   understand a particular firewall, the
participant’s PC to add web conferencing                audience behind that firewall will not be
features to a standard web browser. This                able to participate. Penetrating firewalls is
usually takes the form of a Java applet,                not a trivial issue. The more advanced web
which is downloaded “on the fly” and                    conferencing technologies will actually try
usually saved locally in the browser’s cache            different mechanisms on the fly to figure out
so that it does not need to be downloaded               which policy is optimal for getting through a
again for subsequent web conferences. The               particular firewall.     The web browsing
size, features, and efficiency of this local            protocol, HTTP, uses port 80 – which is
Java client are different from one web                  probably left open by most firewall
conferencing service provider to another.               administrators, but it is not the most
The method for capturing and transferring               efficient. More efficient than HTTP is TCP,
the graphical image from the presenter to the           which is also used for streaming media, file
participant’s web browser can vary. In most             transfers, and terminal emulators; however,
web conferences, uploading a PowerPoint                 most administrators will use a firewall to
presentation to the web conferencing server             block ports to unsolicited TCP traffic.
is the norm – though some systems (ex.                  Finally, IP ports, which act like a sub-
WebEx) actually process and distribute the              address to an IP address, may also be
presentation from the client itself.   Basic            blocked or restricted by the firewall. If a
                                                        firewall restricts port 80, web browsing will

Copyright Wainhouse Research 2002                                                              page - 2
be blocked. Because web conferencing                    and are quickly moving to augment
systems involve a local client, a good system           basic text-based chat with file
will be able to try each successive method to           transfer, data sharing, PC remote
get through the firewall in the preferred               control, and even real-time IP-based
order – TCP, HTTP with dynamic ports, and               voice and video.
HTTP via port 80 – in order to establish the
most efficient web conferencing connection      As with other forms of conferencing, IM can
through a firewall.                             be implemented by purchasing an IM server
                                                or by using an IM service. The big three
Two last considerations are the browser         commercial IM service providers –
itself and standards. Web conferencing          AOL/ICQ, Yahoo IM, and Microsoft MSN –
vendors spend considerable effort debugging     are not compatible, meaning a user on one
their clients to run with each new revision     service cannot communicate with a user on
from major browser vendors to be sure a         another. “Commercial-grade” IM software
particular web conferencing service works       server packages are available for
reliably with most popular browsers. For        organizations and service providers to
most web conferencing implementations, the      purchase to host their own IM sessions for
vendors’ attitude towards standards is often    security or cost reasons (ex Jabber, Bantu,
“who cares?” since server communications        Microsoft Exchange Server). The presence
are web conference specific and the clients     features of IM are also beginning to merge
are lightweight on-the-fly Java downloads.      with web conferencing in products such as
Most vendors believe there just isn’t too       the Polycom WebOffice and Lotus
much investment or interoperability to be       Sametime.
concerned with. However, this will start
becoming a little muddy as IP audio and         The introduction of Microsoft Messenger for
video become part of a web conference and       Windows XP marks a major move by
as users start using many different web         Microsoft to expand their MSN IM service
conferencing services and multiple web          into a full conferencing service. Messenger
conferencing Java clients accumulate on         for XP is IM-based, but features integrated
user’s PCs.                                     data conferencing (file transfer, whiteboard,
                                                application and desktop sharing), and taunts
Instant Messaging                               users with “Add Voice” and “Add Camera”
Instant Messaging (IM) is becoming an           icons. Wainhouse Research has found that
influential factor in the rich media            Messenger for XP’s wide-band audio can be
conferencing services space for two reasons:    excellent and the software-based video
                                                compression using a USB camera is
    1) IM systems uniquely use presence         adequate       for     effective     desktop
       to display personal contacts along       videoconferencing. Messenger for XP can
       with their real-time availability        rendezvous with presence information only
       status.   Thus the probability of        when connected to either Microsoft’s .NET
       successfully    connecting    with       services (which requires each user to get a
       someone is known before trying to        Microsoft Passport account) or to an
       make the actual connection. No           enterprise-hosted Microsoft Exchange server
       more telephone tag, no need for          – so clearly Microsoft is playing on both the
       voice mail – IM is bringing a            client and the server side. The service also
       welcome change to the age-old hit-       requires the network to support a new
       and-miss paradigm for calling            network protocol called “Universal Plug-and
       someone.                                 Play”, which may take many years to
    2) IM systems are increasingly
       becoming much more feature rich,

Copyright Wainhouse Research 2002                                                     page - 3
Streaming Media                                  ! Content Management. This is also
Streaming media technology is a relatively         known as digital asset management.
new vehicle for extending multimedia               These products and services make
conferences to any user with a network-            libraries of digital assets more
connected PC and web browser.                      valuable and more accessible. One
                                                   of the key elements of this market
Streaming technology involves creating,            segment is the area of audio and
serving, and playing a mix of audio, video,        video indexing, which enables
and/or presentation data over a network            intelligent searching on streaming
without having to wait to receive the entire       media files. Another major segment
multimedia file of the event. Because IP           is represented by systems which
networks      introduce     variable   delay,      enable owners of digital content to
streaming requires the receiver to                 control access, manage libraries,
accumulate pieces of data off the network at       track usage, and generate detailed
the top of a buffer while simultaneously           reports and billing statements.
emptying the bottom of the buffer for real-
time playback of audio and video. Since          ! Content Delivery Networks. If a
receiving data from the Internet in particular     user is delivering streaming media
can be unpredictable, the entire streaming         on their own LAN, chances are they
process can introduce a fair amount of delay,      will have ample bandwidth and
easily measured in 10’s of seconds; thus           control. But if the stream is to be
streaming technology is uniquely applicable        delivered to far-flung locations, or
only to receiving one-way live or stored           to sites not on the LAN, or if the
presentations, where real-time, two-way            event is to be accessed by the public
interaction is not a priority. The audio and       at large, then some type of delivery
video stream can also be accompanied by            network or systems architecture
synchronized presentation data in the form         should be used. A variety of content
of still images or Flash-encoded visuals.          delivery networking schemes exist;
                                                   most use the public Internet for part
There are many different ways to look at the       of their solution, some use satellites,
streaming industry. Wainhouse Research             some use intelligently placed servers
has divided the industry into four segments,       to move content closer to the end
each of which includes hardware, software,         users, thereby minimizing the traffic
services and components, each of which             that has to move over the Internet
represents a distinct application set. Most        backbone.
vendors operate in just one of these
segments, although some of the vendors and       ! Client-Server Products. There is no
service providers are expanding their              recognized standard for streaming
offerings to cover multiple pieces of the          media today. The major client-
puzzle.                                            server choices today include
                                                   Apple’s Quicktime, Microsoft’s
    ! Content Creation. Products and               Windows Media Technologies, and
      services in this sector enable               Real Network’s RealSystem. Some
      customers to create content that is          client software systems are designed
      optimized for streaming media                to be used as stand-alone player
      delivery. We include here all the            applications; others are designed to
      steps taken to capture, edit, and            reside inside a standard web
      encode content for streaming                 browser. Some streaming products
      delivery.                                    use no client at all; instead a Java
                                                   applet is loaded automatically when
                                                   needed to play the streaming file.

Copyright Wainhouse Research 2002                                                  page - 4
Other important elements in the               The streaming hardware and software
          client-server segment are the data            servers available to streaming service
          compression/decompression engines             providers vary according to a wide variety
          or codecs, which are usually                  of user needs within these two categories:
          implemented in software though
          some codecs use special hardware to              ! Number of simultaneous streams
          increase their speed. Some of the                  supported – this can range from
          most popular streaming codecs are                  single digit numbers to several
          Sorenson Broadcaster, RealVideo,                   thousand
          MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, and                      ! Number of files available –
          H.263. Most of the client-server                   primarily a function of storage space
          products on the market support                   ! Bandwidth supported – most of the
          multiple codecs.                                   consumer/Internet users today are
                                                             connected at 28.8 kbps, but
                                                             corporate LAN users are in a
            Manage                  Delivery                 position to take advantage of the
 Create                             Network                  much higher data rates possible.
   &                   Server                  Client
                                                             Higher data rates translate to much
                                                             higher audio and video quality.
                                                           ! Security features - authentication
                                                             features ensure site security or
                                                             enable pay per view for direct
                                                             revenue generation. A server
  Figure 2 The Four Streaming Functional
                                                             interface may connect to Web-based
                                                             backend credit card and transaction
                                                             processing systems.
Figure 2 illustrates how these four functional
                                                           ! User Accounting – provides the
blocks fit together.          All streaming
                                                             hosting service the ability to know
applications start with a content creation and
                                                             who watched what video when.
encoding process. Sometimes, the content is
                                                           ! Interfaces to live video feeds such as
indexed, managed, or subject to access
                                                             news, weather, etc. Since these
control, although this is not always the case.
                                                             feeds are generally NTSC analog
All streaming files eventually are placed on
                                                             video, the server also may contain
a streaming server from where they are
                                                             an encoding solution which digitizes
delivered to the users over some type of IP
                                                             the video and then compresses it to
delivery network, corporate LAN, extranet,
                                                             the streaming format required. The
or Internet connection. The content is
                                                             encoding solution may be software
eventually viewed (or heard) with some type
                                                             residing on the host computer or it
of client software that must be compatible
                                                             may be a codec hardware accessory
with the protocols, file formats, and
                                                             on an add-in board. Industrial-
compression techniques that are supported
                                                             strength streaming applications
by the server.
                                                             often use hardware codecs which
                                                             enables a single PC to encode
Streaming media services fall into two broad
                                                             multiple streams simultaneously.
segments: consumer streaming services,
                                                           ! Management systems that present to
which uses the Internet for delivery, and
                                                             users an organized list of what is
professional corporate streaming services,
                                                             available for viewing.
which uses both private intranets as well as
the Internet.
                                                        For conferencing applications, streaming
                                                        servers are specifically configured to work
                                                        with videoconferencing systems and real-

Copyright Wainhouse Research 2002                                                           page - 5
time input. The first generation streaming                            training sessions, or recordings of live feeds
conferencing servers use the video and audio                          can be stored on a server, to be reviewed on
signals directly from the videoconferencing                           demand by users from any browser-enabled
system as the input to the streaming                                  desktop. Only a single copy of the original
subsystem. Future conferencing servers are                            event is maintained on the server, which
likely to have unified user interfaces and                            simplifies updating, access management,
digital    trans-coding    to   make     the                          and distribution control.
conferencing to streaming connection
seamless.                                                             Match the Media to the Message

Streaming media clients, which are designed                           While many of these conferencing
to run as both browser plug-ins and stand-                            technologies are new and often more
alone applications, can be quite large and are                        exciting to work with than a standard audio
thus downloaded and installed on the                                  call, Wainhouse Research encourages clients
receiver’s PC prior to a streaming media                              to evaluate the message they are trying relay
event.                                                                and apply the appropriate medium to match
                                                                      the message.
Streaming video can span a wide range of
bit rates from 20 kbps up to MPEG1                                    Figure 3 presents two curves that one should
(typically 1.5 Mbps) and occasionally                                 keep in mind while choosing the rich media
MPEG2 rates (more than 8 Mbps).                                       conferencing vehicle for a particular event.
Determining the optimal bit rate requires a                           The first curve illustrates the trade-off
trade-off between the network bandwidth                               between Cost and “Connected-ness” – for
available versus the fidelity/quality needed.                         example, if cost is not an object, then why
Network bandwidth can be segmented into                               not use videoconferencing for everything?
three categories: Internet/modem speeds (<                            Videoconferencing provides maximum
56 kbps), ISDN speeds (< 256 kbps), and                               visual feedback with your audience, which
intranet speeds (> 256 kbps).                                         is important if the meeting requires
                                                                      persuasion, selling, or consensus building on
Audio- and video-on-demand technology                                 a controversial topic. If this level of
enables service providers to complement                               connected-ness is not required, then a lower
real-time    streaming    offerings    with                           cost conferencing vehicle could be used.
conference storage and retrieval. Training                            The second curve illustrates the trade-off
videos, briefings, audio conferences,                                 between Interactivity and Reach, which
earnings calls, employee benefits programs,                           fortunately is consistent with a natural

                                           Video                         Conferencing:

                                     Web                                        Conferencing or

                            Audio                                                                  Streaming:
                     IM                                                                            Broadcasts

                     Cost                                                 Reach

                                Figure 3 Match the Media to the Message

Copyright Wainhouse Research 2002                                                                            page - 6
meeting dynamic: the more people involved          audio can be delivered at low bandwidth
in an event (“reach”), the less interaction        using standard streaming platforms such as
there tends to be. Hence an interactive            Real Networks G2 or Windows Media
Meeting should use a real-time conferencing        Technologies. Each individual stream will
technology,     while   an     informational       typically use less than 8kb/sec of network
broadcast can use streaming. A briefing            bandwidth per user. Audio over 28k modem
could use either technology depending on           connections was considered little more than
the degree of real-time interaction required       a toy as few as 24 months ago. Today
to cover the content.                              effective streaming audio can co-exist with
                                                   graphical data updates and still be delivered
It may be that a simple audio conference           very well over modem speed connections. If
achieves 90% of the intent. If the sharing         the network supports multicasting, it can be
data is important many easy-to-use web             used to minimize network utilization for the
conferencing services are available to add to      one-way audio stream as well.
your audio calls. While streaming can
provide impact and reach, knowing what             While each of these technologies has its
your target audience is capable of receiving       independent capabilities, they can also be
- PC clients on a modem are not often good         used together. By way of example, IM can
candidates for streaming - will determine if       be used to determine the “presence” and
they ever get your message. If the message         status of colleagues. If your IM client
involves critical persuasion, the added            indicates their availability, you can request a
“connected-ness” benefit provided by a true        web conference to share a document or
two-way videoconference may be most                object on your PC. While engaged in that
effective.                                         web conference participants can IM one
                                                   another on the subject being discussed while
If the web conference is a presentation            not disturbing the conversation of the larger
where one site is doing the majority of the        group – this would be similar to leaning over
talking, audio streaming of the presenter’s        to someone in a conference room and having
voice is becoming a popular option. In this        a sidebar conversation.         If some team
case, audience feedback to the presenter and       members were not available for the web
to other sites is limited to text chat, polling,   conference the meeting could be captured –
and “mood” indicators – which, for                 both the audio and data - and archived for
structured presentations, can be quite             viewing at a later time via streaming.
effective. Very high-quality human voice

Copyright Wainhouse Research 2002                                                         page - 7

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WR Paper: Web Conferencing, IM, and Streaming Media

  • 1. Web Conferencing, Instant Messaging & Streaming Media Prepared for the International Communications Industries Association To support Infocomm 2002 By Andy Nilssen & Marc Beattie Senior Analysts and Partners, Wainhouse Research, Brookline, MA, USA Marc F. Beattie has authored public and private reports on product strategies, distribution structures, emerging technologies and industry applications. Marc is a co- author in Wainhouse Research’s Conferencing Markets & Strategies series. He is the principle instructor for the Implementing Streaming Media seminar. Prior to joining Wainhouse Research Marc was an early team member at PictureTel and Polycom – holding his last position at Polycom as Director of Business Development; he has spent 15 years working within the industry. Marc has been an independent analyst for the last three years. Mr. Beattie attended Gordon College where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics. Andrew H. Nilssen is a co-author of Wainhouse Research’s Conferencing Markets & Strategies series, and consults for industry leaders, Fortune 500 companies, and venture capitalists about the multimedia communications industry. Andy has over 20 years of experience in bringing high-technology products to market. Prior to Wainhouse Research, he was Director of Marketing, New Business Development at PictureTel, Inc. where he defined strategies and identified partners to expand business by leveraging broadband and streaming technologies. Andy earned his MBA and BSEE degrees from the University of New Hampshire and holds two ease-of-use related patents. Web conferencing, instant messaging (IM) of the content in a conference call, and the and streaming media are three emerging new reality that there is access to a network- “rich media” communication technologies connected web browser virtually everywhere that have been made possible through the a telephone is located. Web conferencing combination of computer-generated sells itself on providing a way to augment a information and the widespread growth of typical audio conference with powerful the Internet. All three technologies have graphical information exchange. experienced rapid growth due to the impact of their powerful yet inexpensive Most web conferencing systems use client- capabilities. Each has also spawned server architecture to enable simultaneous dedicated companies that offer the exchange of audio and graphical content. As component technology in product form or shown in the figure above, a web conference bundle the products with integrated services typically consists of two parallel to present a turnkey rich-media conferencing conferences – an audio conference using solution for the user. telephones on the PSTN overlaid with a separate data conference using web Web Conferencing browsers on a network for data. The degree Web conferencing is built on the premise of audio integration in a web conference can that graphical data represents a large portion vary greatly, ranging from requiring the user to set up a totally separate audio call, to Copyright Wainhouse Research 2002 page - 1
  • 2. displaying the conference number to call in web conferencing systems will simply to via the web browser, to automatically translate the PowerPoint slides to static calling out to all participants (scheduled or bitmapped GIF or JPEG images, thereby ad-hoc). loosing slide transitions and animations, and also locking the slide resolution into whatever translation is used. More Audio Web sophisticated systems use either a Conferencing Conferencing proprietary object descriptor language or Server Server DHTML to translate PowerPoint slides into graphic objects, and to preserve high resolution and possibly transitions and PSTN intranet or animations as well. Graphical object-based Internet systems also allow slide resolution to scale to take full advantage of the resolution of an individual participant’s browser, and can be more bandwidth efficient. Application sharing and “web tours” have similar considerations – the basic systems just “peel & send” the presenter’s screen, while more sophisticated systems support true multi user Figure 1 - Web Conference Architecture application sharing – some are even built on In a web conference, a presenter can present top of the T.120 (specifically T.128) PowerPoint slides, demonstrate software application sharing engine which is also applications, use an interactive whiteboard, used in products like Microsoft NetMeeting. and take polls to gauge the audience’s reaction. In some specialized customer Web conferencing systems need to get along support applications, the presenter can with firewalls – or more precisely, need to actually take control of a viewer’s PC to get through firewalls reliably. If the web help walk them through a problem. conference involves participants located on different corporate LANs, and the web Every web conferencing system requires the conferencing service is not designed to use of a local software client on the understand a particular firewall, the participant’s PC to add web conferencing audience behind that firewall will not be features to a standard web browser. This able to participate. Penetrating firewalls is usually takes the form of a Java applet, not a trivial issue. The more advanced web which is downloaded “on the fly” and conferencing technologies will actually try usually saved locally in the browser’s cache different mechanisms on the fly to figure out so that it does not need to be downloaded which policy is optimal for getting through a again for subsequent web conferences. The particular firewall. The web browsing size, features, and efficiency of this local protocol, HTTP, uses port 80 – which is Java client are different from one web probably left open by most firewall conferencing service provider to another. administrators, but it is not the most The method for capturing and transferring efficient. More efficient than HTTP is TCP, the graphical image from the presenter to the which is also used for streaming media, file participant’s web browser can vary. In most transfers, and terminal emulators; however, web conferences, uploading a PowerPoint most administrators will use a firewall to presentation to the web conferencing server block ports to unsolicited TCP traffic. is the norm – though some systems (ex. Finally, IP ports, which act like a sub- WebEx) actually process and distribute the address to an IP address, may also be presentation from the client itself. Basic blocked or restricted by the firewall. If a firewall restricts port 80, web browsing will Copyright Wainhouse Research 2002 page - 2
  • 3. be blocked. Because web conferencing and are quickly moving to augment systems involve a local client, a good system basic text-based chat with file will be able to try each successive method to transfer, data sharing, PC remote get through the firewall in the preferred control, and even real-time IP-based order – TCP, HTTP with dynamic ports, and voice and video. HTTP via port 80 – in order to establish the most efficient web conferencing connection As with other forms of conferencing, IM can through a firewall. be implemented by purchasing an IM server or by using an IM service. The big three Two last considerations are the browser commercial IM service providers – itself and standards. Web conferencing AOL/ICQ, Yahoo IM, and Microsoft MSN – vendors spend considerable effort debugging are not compatible, meaning a user on one their clients to run with each new revision service cannot communicate with a user on from major browser vendors to be sure a another. “Commercial-grade” IM software particular web conferencing service works server packages are available for reliably with most popular browsers. For organizations and service providers to most web conferencing implementations, the purchase to host their own IM sessions for vendors’ attitude towards standards is often security or cost reasons (ex Jabber, Bantu, “who cares?” since server communications Microsoft Exchange Server). The presence are web conference specific and the clients features of IM are also beginning to merge are lightweight on-the-fly Java downloads. with web conferencing in products such as Most vendors believe there just isn’t too the Polycom WebOffice and Lotus much investment or interoperability to be Sametime. concerned with. However, this will start becoming a little muddy as IP audio and The introduction of Microsoft Messenger for video become part of a web conference and Windows XP marks a major move by as users start using many different web Microsoft to expand their MSN IM service conferencing services and multiple web into a full conferencing service. Messenger conferencing Java clients accumulate on for XP is IM-based, but features integrated user’s PCs. data conferencing (file transfer, whiteboard, application and desktop sharing), and taunts Instant Messaging users with “Add Voice” and “Add Camera” Instant Messaging (IM) is becoming an icons. Wainhouse Research has found that influential factor in the rich media Messenger for XP’s wide-band audio can be conferencing services space for two reasons: excellent and the software-based video compression using a USB camera is 1) IM systems uniquely use presence adequate for effective desktop to display personal contacts along videoconferencing. Messenger for XP can with their real-time availability rendezvous with presence information only status. Thus the probability of when connected to either Microsoft’s .NET successfully connecting with services (which requires each user to get a someone is known before trying to Microsoft Passport account) or to an make the actual connection. No enterprise-hosted Microsoft Exchange server more telephone tag, no need for – so clearly Microsoft is playing on both the voice mail – IM is bringing a client and the server side. The service also welcome change to the age-old hit- requires the network to support a new and-miss paradigm for calling network protocol called “Universal Plug-and someone. Play”, which may take many years to enable. 2) IM systems are increasingly becoming much more feature rich, Copyright Wainhouse Research 2002 page - 3
  • 4. Streaming Media ! Content Management. This is also Streaming media technology is a relatively known as digital asset management. new vehicle for extending multimedia These products and services make conferences to any user with a network- libraries of digital assets more connected PC and web browser. valuable and more accessible. One of the key elements of this market Streaming technology involves creating, segment is the area of audio and serving, and playing a mix of audio, video, video indexing, which enables and/or presentation data over a network intelligent searching on streaming without having to wait to receive the entire media files. Another major segment multimedia file of the event. Because IP is represented by systems which networks introduce variable delay, enable owners of digital content to streaming requires the receiver to control access, manage libraries, accumulate pieces of data off the network at track usage, and generate detailed the top of a buffer while simultaneously reports and billing statements. emptying the bottom of the buffer for real- time playback of audio and video. Since ! Content Delivery Networks. If a receiving data from the Internet in particular user is delivering streaming media can be unpredictable, the entire streaming on their own LAN, chances are they process can introduce a fair amount of delay, will have ample bandwidth and easily measured in 10’s of seconds; thus control. But if the stream is to be streaming technology is uniquely applicable delivered to far-flung locations, or only to receiving one-way live or stored to sites not on the LAN, or if the presentations, where real-time, two-way event is to be accessed by the public interaction is not a priority. The audio and at large, then some type of delivery video stream can also be accompanied by network or systems architecture synchronized presentation data in the form should be used. A variety of content of still images or Flash-encoded visuals. delivery networking schemes exist; most use the public Internet for part There are many different ways to look at the of their solution, some use satellites, streaming industry. Wainhouse Research some use intelligently placed servers has divided the industry into four segments, to move content closer to the end each of which includes hardware, software, users, thereby minimizing the traffic services and components, each of which that has to move over the Internet represents a distinct application set. Most backbone. vendors operate in just one of these segments, although some of the vendors and ! Client-Server Products. There is no service providers are expanding their recognized standard for streaming offerings to cover multiple pieces of the media today. The major client- puzzle. server choices today include Apple’s Quicktime, Microsoft’s ! Content Creation. Products and Windows Media Technologies, and services in this sector enable Real Network’s RealSystem. Some customers to create content that is client software systems are designed optimized for streaming media to be used as stand-alone player delivery. We include here all the applications; others are designed to steps taken to capture, edit, and reside inside a standard web encode content for streaming browser. Some streaming products delivery. use no client at all; instead a Java applet is loaded automatically when needed to play the streaming file. Copyright Wainhouse Research 2002 page - 4
  • 5. Other important elements in the The streaming hardware and software client-server segment are the data servers available to streaming service compression/decompression engines providers vary according to a wide variety or codecs, which are usually of user needs within these two categories: implemented in software though some codecs use special hardware to ! Number of simultaneous streams increase their speed. Some of the supported – this can range from most popular streaming codecs are single digit numbers to several Sorenson Broadcaster, RealVideo, thousand MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, and ! Number of files available – H.263. Most of the client-server primarily a function of storage space products on the market support ! Bandwidth supported – most of the multiple codecs. consumer/Internet users today are connected at 28.8 kbps, but corporate LAN users are in a Content Manage Delivery position to take advantage of the Create Network much higher data rates possible. & Server Client Encode Higher data rates translate to much higher audio and video quality. ! Security features - authentication features ensure site security or enable pay per view for direct revenue generation. A server Figure 2 The Four Streaming Functional interface may connect to Web-based Blocks backend credit card and transaction processing systems. Figure 2 illustrates how these four functional ! User Accounting – provides the blocks fit together. All streaming hosting service the ability to know applications start with a content creation and who watched what video when. encoding process. Sometimes, the content is ! Interfaces to live video feeds such as indexed, managed, or subject to access news, weather, etc. Since these control, although this is not always the case. feeds are generally NTSC analog All streaming files eventually are placed on video, the server also may contain a streaming server from where they are an encoding solution which digitizes delivered to the users over some type of IP the video and then compresses it to delivery network, corporate LAN, extranet, the streaming format required. The or Internet connection. The content is encoding solution may be software eventually viewed (or heard) with some type residing on the host computer or it of client software that must be compatible may be a codec hardware accessory with the protocols, file formats, and on an add-in board. Industrial- compression techniques that are supported strength streaming applications by the server. often use hardware codecs which enables a single PC to encode Streaming media services fall into two broad multiple streams simultaneously. segments: consumer streaming services, ! Management systems that present to which uses the Internet for delivery, and users an organized list of what is professional corporate streaming services, available for viewing. which uses both private intranets as well as the Internet. For conferencing applications, streaming servers are specifically configured to work with videoconferencing systems and real- Copyright Wainhouse Research 2002 page - 5
  • 6. time input. The first generation streaming training sessions, or recordings of live feeds conferencing servers use the video and audio can be stored on a server, to be reviewed on signals directly from the videoconferencing demand by users from any browser-enabled system as the input to the streaming desktop. Only a single copy of the original subsystem. Future conferencing servers are event is maintained on the server, which likely to have unified user interfaces and simplifies updating, access management, digital trans-coding to make the and distribution control. conferencing to streaming connection seamless. Match the Media to the Message Streaming media clients, which are designed While many of these conferencing to run as both browser plug-ins and stand- technologies are new and often more alone applications, can be quite large and are exciting to work with than a standard audio thus downloaded and installed on the call, Wainhouse Research encourages clients receiver’s PC prior to a streaming media to evaluate the message they are trying relay event. and apply the appropriate medium to match the message. Streaming video can span a wide range of bit rates from 20 kbps up to MPEG1 Figure 3 presents two curves that one should (typically 1.5 Mbps) and occasionally keep in mind while choosing the rich media MPEG2 rates (more than 8 Mbps). conferencing vehicle for a particular event. Determining the optimal bit rate requires a The first curve illustrates the trade-off trade-off between the network bandwidth between Cost and “Connected-ness” – for available versus the fidelity/quality needed. example, if cost is not an object, then why Network bandwidth can be segmented into not use videoconferencing for everything? three categories: Internet/modem speeds (< Videoconferencing provides maximum 56 kbps), ISDN speeds (< 256 kbps), and visual feedback with your audience, which intranet speeds (> 256 kbps). is important if the meeting requires persuasion, selling, or consensus building on Audio- and video-on-demand technology a controversial topic. If this level of enables service providers to complement connected-ness is not required, then a lower real-time streaming offerings with cost conferencing vehicle could be used. conference storage and retrieval. Training The second curve illustrates the trade-off videos, briefings, audio conferences, between Interactivity and Reach, which earnings calls, employee benefits programs, fortunately is consistent with a natural Video Conferencing: Meetings “Connected-ness” Web Conferencing or Streaming: Interactivity Briefings Audio Streaming: IM Broadcasts Cost Reach Figure 3 Match the Media to the Message Copyright Wainhouse Research 2002 page - 6
  • 7. meeting dynamic: the more people involved audio can be delivered at low bandwidth in an event (“reach”), the less interaction using standard streaming platforms such as there tends to be. Hence an interactive Real Networks G2 or Windows Media Meeting should use a real-time conferencing Technologies. Each individual stream will technology, while an informational typically use less than 8kb/sec of network broadcast can use streaming. A briefing bandwidth per user. Audio over 28k modem could use either technology depending on connections was considered little more than the degree of real-time interaction required a toy as few as 24 months ago. Today to cover the content. effective streaming audio can co-exist with graphical data updates and still be delivered It may be that a simple audio conference very well over modem speed connections. If achieves 90% of the intent. If the sharing the network supports multicasting, it can be data is important many easy-to-use web used to minimize network utilization for the conferencing services are available to add to one-way audio stream as well. your audio calls. While streaming can provide impact and reach, knowing what While each of these technologies has its your target audience is capable of receiving independent capabilities, they can also be - PC clients on a modem are not often good used together. By way of example, IM can candidates for streaming - will determine if be used to determine the “presence” and they ever get your message. If the message status of colleagues. If your IM client involves critical persuasion, the added indicates their availability, you can request a “connected-ness” benefit provided by a true web conference to share a document or two-way videoconference may be most object on your PC. While engaged in that effective. web conference participants can IM one another on the subject being discussed while If the web conference is a presentation not disturbing the conversation of the larger where one site is doing the majority of the group – this would be similar to leaning over talking, audio streaming of the presenter’s to someone in a conference room and having voice is becoming a popular option. In this a sidebar conversation. If some team case, audience feedback to the presenter and members were not available for the web to other sites is limited to text chat, polling, conference the meeting could be captured – and “mood” indicators – which, for both the audio and data - and archived for structured presentations, can be quite viewing at a later time via streaming. effective. Very high-quality human voice Copyright Wainhouse Research 2002 page - 7