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    Tridti Patarakiatsan

      Master Thesis
 Department of Urbanism
  Faculty of Architecture
2                      BKKs                    COLOPHON                                                                                             MASTER THESIS TU DELFT              BANGKOK SYNERGY                      3

                                                                                                                                                                                                        BANGKOK SYNERGY
                                                                                                                                                                    A synergetic spatial vision to preserve Bangkok heritage,
                                                                                                                                                                                   integrated with rapid mass transit system

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Master Thesis
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Tridti Patarakiatsan
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Student ID 4120086

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Graduation Studio
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Complex cities

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Department of Urbanism
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Faculty of Architecture
                                                                                                                                                                                               Delft University of Technology

                                                                                                                                                                                                Delft, the Netherlands, 2012

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Mentor Team
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dr. Lei Qu
                                                                                                                                                                                      Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy
In support of: MSC3 Urbanism                                                                                                                                                                       
Research& Design Methods (AR3U011), Theory of Urbanism (AR3U022), Graduation Lab (AR3U030)
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ir. Willem Hermans
All of the visual information presented in this document has been collected from the sources listed below the items and reproduced by the author.                                                     Chair of Urban Design
When there is no source indicated, the authorship belongs to the author of this thesis.                                                                                                 
4                     BKKs                 FORWARD                       MASTER THESIS TU DELFT                BANGKOK SYNERGY                       5


    “The nature and shape of the future urban world is complex.
    Large and complex as it is, this is the arena where spatial plan-
    ners and designers should contribute to with their understand-
    ing of the way urban space is produced. It is their task to for-
    mulate tools and strategies to intervene and organize space in
    order to mediate disparate interests. ”
                          (Complex cities studio guidebook 2011)

    For decades, city plans of Bangkok have been the preroga-
    tive of a few influential interest groups. Interests of the middle
    to upper class and more powerful groups have been protects
    and carelessly neglected the needs and interests of the low-
    er- income majority or other vulnerable groups, particularly
    those who live in unprofitable areas. The consequences of
    this approach can be seen in places, where a high propor-
    tion of population live in isolated areas lacking provision for
    basic infrastructure and services. In other words, when the
    city prioritizes global development towards efficiency and at-
    tractiveness, this exclusive approach results in segregation
    and fragmentation on the local level.

    Without being integrated to the urban tissue, this undesirable
    truth has triggered the author’s interest in seeking for the way
    to change the paradigm in which local level especially the
    vulnerable groups will also be able to participate and benefit
    from global interventions by the government. Therefore, it is
    very significant to promote urban vitality that enhances not
    only their living quality, but also economic viability and social

    Thanks to the mass transit system (MTS) expansion plan
    of Bangkok launched by the government in last few years,
    the hypothesis of integrating global (infrastructure) into local
    dimensions (urban tissue) will be experimented. The thesis
    starts with a serious problem of the city brought by the MTS
    (elevated level) implemented on a fragmented and unorgan-                        Due to the limitation of the study time at TU Delft, a year of the
    ized urban spatial structure (ground level) of the city due to                   graduation project has been come to a close. However, the
    a rapid urbanization. Without any coordination to urban de-                      author and the mentor team hope the thesis project, Bangkok
    velopment, when the market begins to intervene, losers are                       Synergy, is a starting point to change the way of thinking in
    local residents seen via gentrification, segregation and ineq-                   planning between global - local dimensions and urban and
    uity. However, in accordance to the expansion plan, it covers                    infrastructure development especially in Bangkok or other
    the historic core of the city, which is crucially needed to be                   similar developing countries. With a support by the gradua-
    preserved. This is a high time to reconsider and integrate not                   tion lab “complex cities”, the report consists of both research
    only global and local planning, but also urban and infrastruc-                   and design process. It deals with a challenge of complexity
    ture development towards sustainability.                                         and uncertainty in planning and seeks for an opportunity to
                                                                                     test the hypothesis, in this case is integration between the
    By planning for local inhabitants, the inclusive approach aims                   MTS network expansion and the historic core of Bangkok.
    to prepare for the undeniable infrastructure development to
    meet local demands and basic services before it comes and                        By sharing my discovery, this project is just a start of a new
    to make use of it when it finishes to improve spatial quality                    way of thinking. The author hopes if the project helps shaping
    and to enhance socio-cultural dimensions together with eco-                      the society more or less, the thesis has already accomplished
    nomic conditions. To conclude, the author will focus on the                      its mission. Lastly, wish readers enjoy reading this book and
    local level and search for an appropriate linkage with the glo-                  inspire readers to contribute positively to your own city too.
    bal planning by using the MTS network expansion and the
    historic core of Bangkok as the study case.                                                                                   Tridti Patarakiatsan
6             BKKs       THESIS STRUCTURE                                                MASTER THESIS TU DELFT       BANGKOK SYNERGY     7


                         1. Motivation                         10                        1. Case study                                   88

         01                                                              05
                         2. Principles and objectives          12                        2. Infrastructural network                      90
                         3. Problem statement                  13                        3. Natural network                              98
                         4. Aim                                14                        4. Tourist industries                          101
                         5. Research questions                 15                        5. Human network                               104
                         6. Relevance                          16                        6. Effect                                      108
                         7. Methodology                        17                        7. Conclusion                                  110
       PROBLEM FIELD                                                     STRATEGY
                         8. Time working plan                  22

                         1. Theories related the MTS           27                        1. Projects inventory                          114

         02                                                              06
                         2. Theories related heritage          31                        2. The station area                            116
                         3. Urban vitality indicators          38                        3. Transformed open space                      126
                         4. Conclusion                         40                        4. The riverside areas                         134
                         5. Bibliography for the theory part   41                        5. Local connections                           142

        RESEARCH                                                    STRATEGIC PROJECTS

                         1. City profile                       46                        1. Evaluation                                  152

         03                                                              07
                         2. Historic development               52                        2. Governance structure                        154
                         3. Infrastructure development         57                        3. Phasing                                     156
                         4. Planning system                    58                        4. Stakeholders                                157
                         5. Relation of two dynamics           60                        5. Urban rules                                 158
                         6. A change in transport means        61
    CONTEXT RESEARCH                                                  MANAGEMENT
                         7. Gentrification by the MTS          62
      AND ANALYSIS                                                      STRATEGY
                         8. Conclusion                         64

                         1. Selection criteria                 70                        1. Evaluation                                  162

         04                                                              08
                         2. The strategic location             76                        2. City model review                           164
                         3. Spatial network fragmentation      78                        3. Integrated actions                          165
                         4. From orchards to barriers          79                        4. Possible side effects                       166
                         5. A limitation of local movement     80                        5. Recommendations                             167
                         6. Conclusion                         81                        6. Bibliography                                168

    EMPIRICAL RESEARCH                                                 REFLECTION
8     BKKs         MASTER THESIS TU DELFT   BANGKOK SYNERGY                   9

    Chapter 1

                                                 Source :
10                      BKKs                   1.1 MOTIVATION                                                                                                                         MASTER THESIS TU DELFT                           BANGKOK SYNERGY                      11

Mode of transportation : the rail transport system                     The threat of historic areas
Nowadays, in the rapid urbanized period, the develop-                  A historic city has organically developed through sev-
ment of the rail transport network, stations and transit               eral decades. Their physical conditions are composed
nodes become a crucial strategy to develop city areas.                 by fine-grains in terms of small plot sizes, passageways
To make it function effectively, the rail transport should             and the connection to local economic areas. The charac-
be accessed easily. Particularly, it should be possible to             ter and identity of historic areas will change dramatically
get to by multi- modes of transport, such as, by car, bus              from the past when new mode of transport has been
or walk. At the same time, the service facilities should               implemented. Although, a number of optional modes
be provided, i.e., parking spaces and sub public trans-                of transport will increase to serve modern needs, such
port stations (APA, 2006). Moreover, the development                   as new functions, the rapid change might negatively af-
also magnets new activities into the areas, such as, new               fect old living patterns and activities leading to a lost
functions, people and so on. The consequence is that                   in “place” ( Bertolini and Spit, 1998). The most explicit
the role of the areas would be redefined. New infrastruc-              structure is local streets (see illustration 2). In the past,
tures developments would be created in order to serve                  it functions responding to small areas, but when the ac-
those activities, which make the areas livelier as Berto-              cessibility has improved, it has to serve an increasing
lini and Spit name the station as place (1998). However,               number of traffic as well. Consequently, when the size is
the way city build the rail transport is limited by space,             not in a proportion with demands, which requires more
particularly in the case of elevated rail tracks leading to            spaces, it causes an expropriation in areas both along
negative effects to the nearby areas (see illustration 1).             local roads ,connecting to stations, and around stations
The character of Bangkok is that it was planned on the                 (transit area services).
elevated level, plugging in to global functions like de-
partment stores and high class hotels and disengage to
the lower world functionally and physically.

                                                                                                                                       Illustration 1.3 the plan for the mass transit system expansion of Bangkok in 2030 (the officially preserved area of Bangkok is in
                                                                                                                                       the light green color) ,Source :

                                                                                                                                       Conflicts under the inevitable infrastructure expansion                many theories about problems of scale and rapid devel-
                                                                                                                                       Many cities conceptualize the idea to develop the rail                 opment in that it causes spatial fragmentation (Graham,
                                                                                                                                       system to create a node and, at the same time, still                   Marvin 2008) and can tear the city apart (Read 2001),
Illustration 1.1 the current condition of rail transport in Bangkok, Thailand,Source :                                  maintain “place” for the areas. Bertolini and Spit add as              with this rapid development, if we do not do it properly, it
                                                                                                                                       the renewal of existing fabric with a reason to deal with              will be more likely to harm than benefit.
                                                                                                                                       future demands with the notion of Transit- Oriented De-                However, it also provides a crucial opportunity and a big
                                                                                                                                       velopment (TOD). However, the historic areas are not on                challenge to create a more sustainable transport mode,
                                                                                                                                       the list. Generally, TOD or the station plaza is applied in            and at the same time, to prevent negative effects to the
                                                                                                                                       suburb or redeveloped areas.                                           historic core of the city.
                                                                                                                                         In the case of Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand,
                                                                                                                                       especially, the rail systems are built on the upper level
                                                                                                                                       through urban communities. In particular, in 2030, gov-
                                                                                                                                       ernment have already planned for the elevated rapid
                                                                                                                                       mass transit system (MTS) throughout the city, which will
                                                                                                                                       definitely cross the historic core of the city (see illustra-
                                                                                                                                       tion 1.3).
                                                                                                                                       Although the MTS plan has been announced, there is
                                                                                                                                       no in-depth research on how this big infrastructure plan
                                                                                                                                       will affect the vitality of the city, particularly historic areas,
                                                                                                                                       where their economic status and quality of life are low.
                                                                                                                                       The MTS, currently, could solve traffic problem, but there
                                                                                                                                       is still lacking of integration between MTS and urban fab-
Illustration1 .2 the current condition of local streets in Bangkok, Thailand ,Source :                                  ric. As we have learnt a lot from the past experiences and
12                   BKKs                 1.2 PRINCIPLES AND OBJECTIVES                                                            1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT                       MASTER THESIS TU DELFT                    BANGKOK SYNERGY                        13

The symbiotic relationship between        The relation with Urbanism                 in order to preserve and maintain its                                                     The historic core of Bangkok, Thai-       strong enough in the decision-mak-
MTS and heritage described in the         The problem definition demon-              value. The last reason is that many                                                       land, has been developing through         ing process (the Bangkok case), it
previous section is the backbone of       strates an amount of urban-related         studies usually focus on either TOD                                                       the history for more than a hundred       can cause an intended economic
this thesis. From the MTS perspec-        dimensions. The issues of planning         or heritage itself. The conservation                                                      year. From the government vision,         eviction to the local living in the his-
tive, it requires a supporting net-       for heritage places and a transit-         model mostly put more efforts on an                                                       however, in 2030, the expansion of        toric core.
work to integrate with other means        oriented development can be a city         area with a potential for economic                                                        the MTS will go throughout the city,      All of the three aspects lead to spa-
of public transportation. While the       scale thinking. Moreover, the world-       exploitation and leave the locally un-                                                    which will pass the historic core of      tial fragmentation and a decay in
economic position of nearby areas         wide sustainability movement has           listed area away. (Steinberg 1996).                                                       the city (see illustration 1.4). To im-   heritage places in terms of socio-
has to be improved by making use          created the new developments in a          Thus, this research deals with inte-                                                      pose the MTS on the historic core,        economic dimensions, historic val-
of an easily accessible rail trans-       more compact way. It is a way to do        gration of the two aspects on the                                                         negative consequences will occur          ues and cultural identities. Besides,
port network. From the historic area      historic revitalization in order to re-    local scale. Relating to Urbanism,                                                        to local people in the heritage sites     these phenomena can make Bang-
perspective, the long- time historic      sponse to the urbanization process.        those three aspects require spa-                                                          as it happened after the city built two   kok become just a generic city. The
values       and cultural identity will   With a global force, the issues go         tial interventions that can influence                                                     lines of the MTS in 1999, which are       MTS spreads generic urbanity as it
maintain. Furthermore, the heritage       broadly to a regional scale. There         positively socioeconomic structure                                                        secession, confliction and displace-      scatters soulless places(Richardson
places would contribute to urban          are many reports about planning            on the local level.                                                                       ment. In the case of secession, it        & Jensen 2008). The sustainable at-
vitality in terms of socioeconomic        for TOD at the regional scale by the                                                                                                 takes place when the new develop-         tention is not about to go against the
dimensions to guarantee that they         centre for transit oriented develop-                                                                                                 ment is not oriented towards local-       new developments following from
can still last and continue.              ment and many government docu-                                                                                                       ity, such as gated communities and        the MTS, but to search for how to
                                          ments. For the heritage, it draws                                                                                                    condominiums that causes chang-           protect the repeated-negative con-
Relating to the hypotheses men-           an attention in a global scale from                                                                                                  es in the traditional community life.     sequences from the MTS and make
tioned before, the symbiosis rela-        many international organizations,                                                                                                    The second reason is confliction          use of it. To conclude, with a low in-
tionship, and the general objectives      such as UNECSCO, ICOMOS and                                                                                                          in different ways of uses of space        tegration between urban fabric and
are demonstrated.                         so on. However, this thesis will not                                                                                                 between formers and new comers,           the MTS, when the infrastructure de-
1.We have to generate mutual ben-         do like that.                                                                                                                        stemming from, such as, a differ-         velopment has been implemented
efits to the both sides, heritage and                                                                                                                                          ent perception, background and            on the historic core, it results in frag-
the new development, when they            This thesis will focus on the district                                                                                               comprehension. The worst case is          mentations, a lost in urban vitality
meet.                                     and local-scale option, particularly                                                                                                 displacement. When the market is          and stimulates social segregation.
2.We have to mediate the conflicts        on the living heritage areas, in which
between the two as well.                  local people have been using them
3.We have to transform current spa-       from the past until nowadays, not
tial fragmentation into coherent ur-      on legally registered city’s heritage.
ban space.                                The objective is to help them survive
4.All of the objectives have to cope      and make use of consequences of
with the uncertainty of the future        the infrastructure expansion.
and develop towards a sustainable         The interest of the author is made
manner.                                   by three reasons. The infrastructure
                                          expansions can enormously change
                                          the existing urban fabric. These
                                          change offer opportunities to rede-
                                          fine the role of the city and its spa-
                                          tial strategy leading to sustainability.
                                          The second reason lies on the spa-
                                          tial implications of the heritage issue


                                                                                     Illustration 1.4 the diagram showing
                                                                                     project position which takes a stand on the   Illustration 1.5 the map showing the cur-
                                                                                     district and local scale, combined with the   rent MTS and in 2030 which will pass the
                                                                                     government plan. Finally, it creates an in-   historic core comparing with the existing
                                                                                     tegration for Bangkok in 2030.                condition.
14                    BKKs                   1.4 AIM                                                                                1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS                   MASTER THESIS TU DELFT                  BANGKOK SYNERGY                    15

  Mutual benefit and sustainable ap-
                                             posal and help strengthening the
                                             local economic and social viability.                                                   How to preserve the existing historic core of
The aim of the project is to propose         Eventually, the synergetic spatial vi-
a strategy for the historic areas of
Bangkok while integrating it with the
                                             sion will fill in the gap from the gov-
                                             ernment plan and provide a solution                                                    Bangkok when the mass transit system imple-
expansion of MTS. The future vision          to solve this widespread problem of
of the project does not replace the
old with the new developments, but
                                             the city and work as a pilot project
                                             reflecting on the improvement of                                                       mentation, at the same time enhancing social
takes a stand on that both process-          urban form, socioeconomic issues
es have their own dynamics. Thus,
the strategy would combine two de-
                                             within a sustainable manner(see il-
                                             lustration 1.6)                                                                        cohesion and economic viability?
velopments and create a vision that
the two are complementing each
other. For the historic areas, the
heritages need to be preserved and
given a framework towards social
and economic sustainability. The
optimise uses of MTS to link uncon-
nected areas and to create better liv-
ing environment with improved pub-                                                                                                  What kind of the strategic plan and spatial in-
lic amenities would be proposed. In
terms of the new development, new
comers will benefit from the pro-
                                                                                       Illustration 1.6 a sustainable model from
                                                                                       triple P to Quadruple P (Duijvestein 2008)   terventions can be applied on the historic core
                                                                                                                                    of Bangkok in order to deal with potentials of
                                                                                                                                    spatial quality improvement and integrate it
                                                                                                                                    with the MTS in 2030?
            Fact                               Consequence                                           Opportunities

Historic value                                                                                                                      Due to Bangkok has been formed           In order to be able to understand the key elements of the main research
                                                                                                                                    by a market led development; an in-      question, six sub research question need to be formulated.
                                                                                                                                    tervention usually is made from the      1. What are benefits and conflicts of the combination of historic and new
                                                                                                                                    top-down level, which always gives       developments?
                                                                                                                                    a priority to infrastructure develop-    2. What is the collective network of these two developments? (to define: what
                                                                                                                                    ment. The integrated approach is         kind of co-using spaces and sharing functions? Which corridors need to be
Social status
                                                                                                                                    missing in a connection with the         strengthened?)
                                                                                                                                    existing urban form. Therefore, the      3. What are strategies for urban heritage conservation in relation with the
                                                                                                                                    research questions arise from soci-      infrastructure expansion?
                                                                                                                                    oeconomic and spatial dimensions.        4. What is the role of the heritage places in 2030, when the mass transit
                                                                                                                                    This integrated model, between old       comes?
Economic status                                                                                                                     and new developments, creates two        5. What kind of spatial design tools are able to integrate physical linkages
                                                                                                                                    challenges. The first challenge is to    between the heritage and new development in a sustainable way?
                                                                                                                                    exploit the new development by the       6. How to transform the heritage sites towards socioeconomic viability ?
                                                                                                                                    MTS towards sustainability. The sec-
                                                                                                                                    ond challenge is how to protect liv-
                                                                                                                                    ing heritage from the negative result.
                                                                                                                                    The aim is to achieve them both.
Illustration 1.7 an approach summarized from the current conditions of Bangkok
16                    BKKs                  1.6 RELEVANCE                                                                      1.7 METHODOLOGY   MASTER THESIS TU DELFT                 BANGKOK SYNERGY                         17

Ethical Problems                            Societal relevance                       Scientific Relevance                                                         The selection of the study case and the limitation of the
The problem related to ethical is-          The relevance of the thesis lies in      This research will reflect on aca-                                           research
sues arises in two cases. In heritage       the fact that we have to deal with       demic debates on the spatial inter-                                          The historic core of Bangkok is chosen as the study case.
sites,the first is the limitation of con-   societal challenges of the current       vention and strategic planning for                                           Thailand is one of the developing countries in Asia that
servation areas, “enclave tourism”          condition of Bangkok to prepare          both the rail transport expansion                                            is facing the spatial and socio-economic transformation.
(Healy 1992). It occurs when the            a solution when the MTS meets            and heritage conservation planning.                                          It displays characters of urban problems in developing
type and location of facilities are not     the historic core. Nowadays, there       In academic field, many researches                                           countries, which are facing with negative consequences
oriented towards locality. As a re-         is a demand from local people to         have been done to sustainably pre-                                           from the infrastructure development, such as interven-
sult, money will not benefit the local      protect their communities from the       serve heritage. However in the de-                                           tions from the market and infrastructure breakdowns on
economy. This leads to an increase          market that wants to develop the         veloping countries, when market                                              a local level, urban planning and governance failure. Al-
inflationary pressure on local econ-        areas around the MTS. However,           becomes more dominant, preserva-                                             though the city has been developing for hundreds years,
omy. Price of land, products are            the market also can financially sup-     tion plans cannot be enacted suc-                                            it still does not plan to coordinate and integrate between
neither affordable nor responsive to        port the existing area by improving      cessfully as plans. Besides, to as-                                          infrastructure and urban development.
local needs .It leads to a loss of sov-     connectivity, public amenities and       sure positive results, this research                                         The city of Bangkok has many heritage and high historic
ereignty for locals, which translates,      living quality. For that reason, this    contributes to urban vitality, which,                                        value. A number of local people and traditional commu-
into loss of control in decision-mak-       research tackles with the general-       in this case, is an integration of liv-                                      nities still live in the historic core of the city. The research
ing and benefits. Every area is differ-     unsolved problem of Bangkok. It          ing heritage and the MTS as a main                                           recognizes the different types of heritage that the city
ent so that it will experience uneven       provides an integrated approach,         component. Based on the different                                            has. Due to its complexity and character individuality,
distribution in conservation efforts.       which works as a pilot project, in or-   context of each city, another contri-                                        a different type of heritage sites deserves a specific ap-
The outsider gains less favours and         der to generate mutual benefits and      bution of this thesis will stimulate a                                       proach, which suits their situation.
will see a rise in economic decay           minimize social problems of the city.    new approach to other cities to re-                                          The thesis focuses on the producing a set of strategy
and fabric deterioration, while fo-                                                  think and search for a new way to                                            and recommendation that will be able to help planner
cused areas receive priority aids.                                                   preserve its heritage to cope with an                                        and decision makers to tackle with the MTS in the his-
The second reason is observed                                                        urbanization process.                                                        toric core. The result also paves the way to an integrated
in the style of approaching areas.                                                                                                                                strategy to different individual case of heritage site. How-
From the policy level, it usually                                                                                                                                 ever, the research will focus on only one types of herit-
takes action on improving physical                                                                                                                                age, living heritage, to be demonstrated in the thesis.
projects rather than social and eco-                                                                                                                              By narrowing down to only one case, the author can do
nomic dimension of the areas. From                                                                                                                                analysis in detail and deeper levels.
the past experiences of Bangkok,
when the city faces with new infra-
                                                                                                                                                                  The research focuses on the case of living heritage that
structure development, the project
                                                                                                                                                                  will face with the MTS expansion based on certain rea-
generally gives priority to land devel-
opment and new construction rather
than the conservation of the existing
                                                                                                                                                                  1.       Living heritage, in the historic places, contain-
historic communities. Therefore, this
                                                                                                                                                                  ing historic value, is still in use, has a certain degree of
thesis aims to not only create mu-
                                                                                                                                                                  maturity as a social, cultural and economic entity. It pos-
tual benefits two new development
                                                                                                                                                                  sesses certain qualities that best signify the dynamics of
and heritage places, but also try to
                                                                                                                                                                  characters of the historic core.
mediate negative effects to locals,
such as an expropriation and gen-
                                                                                                                                                                  2.       Living heritage settles heavily along the former
                                                                                                                                                                  mode of transportation, mainly water, and usually close
                                                                                                                                                                  to new development areas, mostly high-rise and a gate
                                                                                                                                                                  community. It is an example of urban polarization of the
                                                                                                                                                                  city. With its historic value, it is a challenge by the con-
                                                                                                                                                                  temporary economic pressure by the market interests
                                                                                                                                                                  came with the MTS.

                                                                                                                                                                  3.        The configuration of function reflects the type of
                                                                                                                                                                  activities, which are commonly found in every old dis-
                                                                                                                                                                  tricts of the city, characterized by a large percentage of
                                                                                                                                                                  economic activities run by informal sectors.

                                                                                                                                                                  4.         Living heritage is not protected by laws as of-
                                                                                                                                                                  ficially registered ones. Besides, in the area itself, it still
Images showing recent social protests
against an expropriation,resulting from                                                                                                                           has traditional characters like low income, high density,
interventions by the market, influenced                                                                                                                           and lack of accessibility to public amenities. The thesis
by the MTS expansion, which invaded into                                                                                                                          aims at seeking for a sustainable way to develop the liv-
traditional commercial communities in
                                                                                                                                                                  ing heritage of the city.
2011, Source :
18                   BKKs                 1.7 METHODOLOGY                                                                                                                      MASTER THESIS TU DELFT                        BANGKOK SYNERGY                              19

The method of empirical research          Products                                   among the other sectors, the sce-
The research model is created in          -Theoretical underpins for the as-         nario will be set up based on the
                                                                                                                                Main research questions
a relation to the research ques-          pect related to the issue                  possible conditions between the            Research                                                                                                                        Design
tion. Various steps of the research       -A historic overview for the city of       market and conservation planning.
model contribute to the challenges        Bangkok                                    By dividing into two scenarios, the        How to preserve the existing historic core of Bangkok                 What kind of the strategic plan and spatial interventions
from research questions. The first        -Developing criteria for choosing          first one is extreme case, while the       when the mass transit system implementation, at the                   can be applied on the historic core of Bangkok in order to
step represents the research part of      strategic locations                        second is the moderate case.               same time enhancing social cohesion and economic                      deal with potentials of spatial quality improvement and
the thesis. It consists of three inde-                                               Methods                                    viability?                                                            integrate it with the MTS in 2030?
pendent parts and the results will be     MAPPING THE CURRENT CONDI-                 -Case study of the car based cities
combined in order to design in the        TION ON THE LIVING HERITAGE IN             in order to know the possible strat-
design phase later on.                    THE HISTORIC CORE OF THE CITY              egy to be applied to Bangkok
The design phrase will start from the     The second part of the research will       -Literature review
                                                                                                                                Sub research questions
sub research question four to six by      study the existing conditions of the       -Research by design
proposing spatial intervention for        two fields. From the heritage field, it    Products
                                                                                                                                What are benefits      What are strategies     What is the collec-    What is the role of    What kind of spatial       How to transform
the living heritage in the area of his-   will study on the local network of the     -Vision and Strategies base on prob-       and conflicts of the   for urban heritage      tive network of        the heritage places    design tools are           the heritage sites
toric core of the city of Bangkok. The    core, which needs to be kept and           able scenarios                             combination       of   conservation     in     these two develop-     in 2030, when the      able to integrate          towards     socio-
research model contains four sepa-        enhanced in terms of spatial, eco-                                                    historic and new       relation with the       ments?                 mass         transit   physical linkages          economic viability?
rate parts to be explained, but the       nomic and social dimensions. The           AN INTEGRATED PLAN BETWEEN                 developments?          infrastructure                                 comes?                 between         the
time phrasing will overlap. The rela-     second one is from the MTS. It will        HERITAGE AND THE MTS                                              expansion?                                                            heritage and new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             development in a
tion and design phrase is not one-        link to the first field in term of opti-    Based on previous research, a de-                                                                                                      sustainable way?
way direction, but it is woven and        mise uses and minimized unwanted           sign will be created for the project
can be changed over research(see          results of the MTS. The thesis pro-        area. The design will redefine the
illustration 1.8). However, time          vides a synergetic vision for 2030,        role of heritage places in 2030 and        Result
schedule will be explained later on.      so a review on their potentials is         improve the current situation to-
                                                                                                                                The    relationship    Mapping           the   Possible scenarios     An integrated plan between heritage and the MTS
                                          necessary. The result will build an        wards the long-term development.
                                                                                                                                between the urban      current condition       in the relation of
                                          approach to deal with the project          The aim is to make use of the MTS          development and        on     the     living   the two develop-
                                          and design tools in the design pe-         and its consequence and maintain           infrastructure         heritage in the         ments
                                          riod.                                      the historic value of the city and cur-    expansions       of    historic core of the
BAN DEVELOPMENT AND INFRA-                                                                                                      Bangkok.               city
                                          Methods                                    rent fragmentations solved. The re-
                                          -Mapping on current social, eco-           sult of this thesis can be seen via a
                                          nomic and spatial condition                design on spatial intervention on the
 The first part of research will focus
                                          -Interview local residents in order        local scale as a pilot project that will
on the relation between the two de-
                                          to know the local network and how          create a sustainable future.
velopments. It describes the issues
                                          they use space                             Methods
from the history, because it will give                                                                                          Outcome
                                          -Space syntax in order to discover         -Drawing
a better understanding as they are                                                                                              An overview on         Context research        Vision                   Strategy             Design tools               Design criteria
                                          spatial condition and level of inte-       -Design research
currently. The historic development                                                                                             History and theory     Case study
                                          gration of the city and the area           -Mapping
will be analysed since the city has
                                          -GIS to analyse and calculate data         -Visualizations
formed as the capital city in a form
                                          and statistic                              Products
of maps. Another reason is to know
                                          Products                                   -Specific intervention proposals
the benefits, conflicts and driving
                                          -An understanding on the MTS im-           based on the toolbox and criteria          Intervention
forces which already happened,
                                          pact                                       -Integration of the existing situation
and at the same time where has a
                                          -An overview on the existing social,       of the historic core with the MTS to
high chance to be preserved and                                                                                                                                                An integrated model for Bangkok in 2030
                                          economic and spatial issue of the          create mutual benefits
the risky one to be destructed. In
                                          living heritage expressed in built en-     -Master plan for the area
relation to the design phrase, the
purposed intervention will be done
                                          -A toolbox that can be used in the
in terms of living heritage conserva-
                                          design phase
tion, which is necessary to antici-
pate threats and potentialities.
                                          POSSIBLE SCENARIOS IN THE RE-
                                          LATION OF THE TWO DEVELOP-
A review through the history in a re-
lation between the urban and infra-
                                          The purpose of this part is to search
structure development, and at the
                                          for successful strategies that can
same time searching for the conse-
                                          apply to the city of Bangkok. Be-
quence of the current MTS after an
                                          sides the MTS takes twenty years
implementation in 1999
                                          to function, 2030, which the situa-
-Literature review
                                          tion can changes. Particularly, in the
                                          city that the market is most powerful
-Historic research
                                                                                                                                Illustration 1.8 am empirical research model
20           BKKs                 1.7 METHODOLOGY                                                                                                                                                        MASTER THESIS TU DELFT                      BANGKOK SYNERGY                           21

                                Target location                                                                  Topic

                                                                                                                                             LITERATURE STUDY     DESIGN
                              The historic core of                                             The mass transit expansion
         Target location                                                                Topic
                              Bangkok, Thailand                                                and heritage conservation

                                                                                                                                      LITERATURE STUDY      DESIGN
       The historic core of                                                The mass transit expansion                                                                 Literature study                             Site analysis                 The historic core of Bangkok         Scale
       Bangkok, Thailand                                                   and heritage conservation
                                                                                                                                            Literature study                             Site analysis                    The historic core of Bangkok      Scale
                                                                                                                                                                   The role, potential and general
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Future role, potential and unique
                                                                                                                                                                   identity of the infrastructure
                                                             Problem statement                                                                                     expansion and heritage consear-           identities of Bangkok                                                     scale
                                                                                                                                        The role, potential and general
                                                                                                                                                                   vation                                                                                    City
                                            Confliction between new and traditional developments                                        identity of the infrastructure             Future role, potential and unique
                                           Problem statement                                                                            expansion and heritage consear-            identities of Bangkok                                                     scale
                    Confliction between new and traditional developments
                                                                                                                                                                Literature review                          Mapping in order to know                A vision for an integration
                                                                                                                                                                1.MTS                                      current conditions of the city          between the MTS and historic
                                                                    Objective                                                                                   a. Network city                            1. Urban development                    areas
                                                                                                                                      Literature review         b. Mobility       Mapping in order to know Government A vision for an integration
                                                                                                                                                                                                           2.              vision
                                        A synergetic vision, integrated the MTS with heritage conservation                            1.MTS                                       current conditions of the3. Spatial condition; infrastruc- and historic
                                                                                                                                                                                                            city           between the MTS
                                                Objective                                                                             a. Network city
                                                                                                                                                                c. TOD
                                                                                                                                                                                  1. Urban development ture, open space    areas
                                                                                                                                                                2. Heritage
                                                                                                                                      b. Mobility               a. Conservation 2. Government vision 4. Economic status
                  A synergetic vision, integrated the MTS with heritage conservation                                                  c. TOD                    b. Heritage tourismSpatial condition; infrastruc- dimension; population,
                                                                                                                                                                                  3.                       5. Social
                                                                                                                                      2. Heritage               c. urban vitality ture, open space         density
                                                                Research question                                                     a. Conservation                             4. Economic status
                                                                                                                                                                3. Historical research                     6. Land use
                                                                                                                                      b. Heritage tourism       a. Urban development dimension; population,
                                                                                                                                                                                  5. Social
                                                                                                                                      c. urban vitality         b. Planning systemdensity
                                            Research question                                                                         3. Historical research                      6. Land use
                                                                                                                                                                c. Infrastructure development
                                                                                                                                      a. Urban development
                                                                                                                                      b. Planning system
                              Theoretical framework                                        Empirical framework                        c. Infrastructure development

      Theoretical framework                                        Empirical framework                                                                   The role, potential and general             Analysis on urban condition of the                                              District
                                                                                                                                                         identity of the infrastructure                                                                                              scale
                                                                                                                                                                                                     historic core of Bangkok
                                                                                                                                                         expansion and heritage consear-
                                                                                               City scale                     The role, potential and general
                                                                                                                                                         vation          Analysis on urban condition of the                                                 District
                                                                                                                              identity of the infrastructure                                                                                                scale
                                                                                                                                                                         historic core of Bangkok
                                                                                            Historial analysis                expansion and heritage consear-
                                                                         City scale                                           vation                   Literature review                             Mapping
                           Hypothesis                                                       Current situation                                          1. Gentrification in Bangkok                  Selection criteria to seek for strategic Revitalization approach for
                                                                                                                                                       2. Traditional settlements                    locations to be intervened                 living heritage sites towards
                                                                      Historial analysis                                    Literature review                            Mapping                                                                sustainability
                                                                                                                                                       3.Accessibility                               1. Spatial conditions : study on
     Hypothesis                                                      Current situation                                                                                                                for strategic Revitalization approach for
                                                                                                                            1. Gentrification in Bangkok good node Selection criteria to seek network connectivity and potential
                                                                                                                                                       4.A                                                            living heritage sites towards
                                                                                                                            2. Traditional settlements 5.Place making locations to be intervened integrate
                                                                                                                            3.Accessibility                                                                           sustainability
                                                                                                                                                       6.Role of government in conditions : studyEconomic status : search for the
                                                                                                                                                                         1. Spatial                  2. on
                                                                                               District scale               4.A good node                                network connectivity and potential endangers by negative
                                                                                                                                                       conservation planning                         area which
                                                                                                                            5.Place making                               to integrate                effects by the rapid development
                                                                                             Spatial analysis               6.Role of government in                      2. Economic status : search Social status : look for the area
                                                                                                                                                                                                     3. for the
                                                                        District scale                                      conservation planning                        area which endangers bythat tends to be segregated after the
                                  Vision                                                 Socio-economic analysis
                                                                                                                                                                         effects by the rapid development
                                                                       Spatial analysis                                                                                  3. Social status : look for the area value : investigate the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     4. Historic
           Vision                                                 Socio-economic analysis                                                                                that tends to be segregated after the high value
                                                                                                                                                                                                     area which has
                                                                                                                                                                         4. Historic value : investigate the
                                                                    Reference                                                                                            area which has high value
                                                                     projects                                                                             Theoretical underpin on the                  Mapping spatial and socio-                                                      Local
                                                Reference                                                                                                 relatioship between the MTS and              economic problem on strategic                                                   scale
     Evaluation                                                                                                                                           heritage conservation.                       locations.
                                                 projects                                                                      Theoretical underpin on the                 Mapping spatial and socio-                                           A synergetic Local regard-
                                                                                                                  Evaluation relatioship between the MTS and               economic problem on strategic                                                      scale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ing new development from
                                                                                                                   potential heritage conservation.                        locations.                                                           the MTS; function and typol-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A synergetic strategy regard- and local benefits; public
                                                                 Strategies                   Evaluation         transferable                          Literature review                             Mapping          ing new development from
                                                                                                                                                       1. Thai successful space                                                                 amenities and connectivity
                                                                                                                                                                                                     1. Infrastructural networkfunction and typol-
                                                                                               potential            model                                                                                             the MTS;                  improved
                                                                                                                                                       2. Cultural landscape                         2. Natural network and local benefits; public
                          Evaluation         Strategies                                      transferable                   Literature review                            Mapping
                                                                                                                                                       3. Spatial indicators of urban
                                                                                                                                                                                                     3. Built environment
                                                                                                                            1. Thai successful space vitality            1. Infrastructural network                   amenities and connectivity
                                                                                                model                                                                                                                 improved
                                                                                                                            2. Cultural landscape                        2. Natural network
     Evaluation                                                                                                             3. Spatial indicators of urban               3. Built environment
                                                                  Design                                                    vitality

                                              Design                                                                                                                                                                                                          Illustration 1.9 the research model
22                      BKKs                    1.8 TIME WORKING PLAN                                                                                        MASTER THESIS TU DELFT          BANGKOK SYNERGY   23

The phasing of this project was de-             fined and positioned in the time-line
fined by two angles; one is the pres-           process. The outputs are the prelim-
entation-based time (P1, P2, P3, P4             inary thesis plan, outline of review
and P5), while the others base on               paper, final thesis plan, conference
which should be done during the                 paper and final thesis.
research process. The actions are
defined as follows; research, theo-
retical framework and design task.
Besides, there are some important
in-between products already de-

                                                                                           P1                            P2                         P3                                P4                       P5

     - Study on current conditions of Bangkok
     and its potential
     - Specified research in the field of design
     - Technical research

     Theoretical framework
     - Relation of TOD and urban revitalization
     - Spatial indicators of urban vitality
     - Positive gentrification
     - Conflicts between social and economic development

     Design task
     - Preliminary design proporsal
     - Design proporsal
     - Evaluation and reflection
     - Possibility study
                                                                                           Literature study              Implementation on vision   Detailed design                   Specific project plan
                                                                                           Theory paper                  Strategy                   Design parameter                  Evaluation
                                                                                           Case study                    Design parameter           Screnarios                        Conclusion
                                                                                           Analysis on existing layers
                                                                                           Statistic research
Illustration 1.10 Time working plan in relation to five times of graduation presentation
24     BKKs        MASTER THESIS TU DELFT   BANGKOK SYNERGY                  25

     Chapter 2

                                                 Source :
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  • 1. SYNERGY Tridti Patarakiatsan Master Thesis Department of Urbanism Faculty of Architecture
  • 3. 2 BKKs COLOPHON MASTER THESIS TU DELFT BANGKOK SYNERGY 3 BANGKOK SYNERGY A synergetic spatial vision to preserve Bangkok heritage, integrated with rapid mass transit system Master Thesis Tridti Patarakiatsan Student ID 4120086 Graduation Studio Complex cities Department of Urbanism Faculty of Architecture Delft University of Technology Delft, the Netherlands, 2012 Mentor Team Dr. Lei Qu Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy In support of: MSC3 Urbanism Research& Design Methods (AR3U011), Theory of Urbanism (AR3U022), Graduation Lab (AR3U030) Ir. Willem Hermans All of the visual information presented in this document has been collected from the sources listed below the items and reproduced by the author. Chair of Urban Design When there is no source indicated, the authorship belongs to the author of this thesis.
  • 4. 4 BKKs FORWARD MASTER THESIS TU DELFT BANGKOK SYNERGY 5 DEVELOPMENT THAT PEOPLE MATTER “The nature and shape of the future urban world is complex. Large and complex as it is, this is the arena where spatial plan- ners and designers should contribute to with their understand- ing of the way urban space is produced. It is their task to for- mulate tools and strategies to intervene and organize space in order to mediate disparate interests. ” (Complex cities studio guidebook 2011) For decades, city plans of Bangkok have been the preroga- tive of a few influential interest groups. Interests of the middle to upper class and more powerful groups have been protects and carelessly neglected the needs and interests of the low- er- income majority or other vulnerable groups, particularly those who live in unprofitable areas. The consequences of this approach can be seen in places, where a high propor- tion of population live in isolated areas lacking provision for basic infrastructure and services. In other words, when the city prioritizes global development towards efficiency and at- tractiveness, this exclusive approach results in segregation and fragmentation on the local level. Without being integrated to the urban tissue, this undesirable truth has triggered the author’s interest in seeking for the way to change the paradigm in which local level especially the vulnerable groups will also be able to participate and benefit from global interventions by the government. Therefore, it is very significant to promote urban vitality that enhances not only their living quality, but also economic viability and social cohesion. Thanks to the mass transit system (MTS) expansion plan of Bangkok launched by the government in last few years, the hypothesis of integrating global (infrastructure) into local dimensions (urban tissue) will be experimented. The thesis starts with a serious problem of the city brought by the MTS (elevated level) implemented on a fragmented and unorgan- Due to the limitation of the study time at TU Delft, a year of the ized urban spatial structure (ground level) of the city due to graduation project has been come to a close. However, the a rapid urbanization. Without any coordination to urban de- author and the mentor team hope the thesis project, Bangkok velopment, when the market begins to intervene, losers are Synergy, is a starting point to change the way of thinking in local residents seen via gentrification, segregation and ineq- planning between global - local dimensions and urban and uity. However, in accordance to the expansion plan, it covers infrastructure development especially in Bangkok or other the historic core of the city, which is crucially needed to be similar developing countries. With a support by the gradua- preserved. This is a high time to reconsider and integrate not tion lab “complex cities”, the report consists of both research only global and local planning, but also urban and infrastruc- and design process. It deals with a challenge of complexity ture development towards sustainability. and uncertainty in planning and seeks for an opportunity to test the hypothesis, in this case is integration between the By planning for local inhabitants, the inclusive approach aims MTS network expansion and the historic core of Bangkok. to prepare for the undeniable infrastructure development to meet local demands and basic services before it comes and By sharing my discovery, this project is just a start of a new to make use of it when it finishes to improve spatial quality way of thinking. The author hopes if the project helps shaping and to enhance socio-cultural dimensions together with eco- the society more or less, the thesis has already accomplished nomic conditions. To conclude, the author will focus on the its mission. Lastly, wish readers enjoy reading this book and local level and search for an appropriate linkage with the glo- inspire readers to contribute positively to your own city too. bal planning by using the MTS network expansion and the historic core of Bangkok as the study case. Tridti Patarakiatsan 17-06-2012
  • 5. 6 BKKs THESIS STRUCTURE MASTER THESIS TU DELFT BANGKOK SYNERGY 7 CONTENT 1. Motivation 10 1. Case study 88 01 05 2. Principles and objectives 12 2. Infrastructural network 90 3. Problem statement 13 3. Natural network 98 4. Aim 14 4. Tourist industries 101 5. Research questions 15 5. Human network 104 6. Relevance 16 6. Effect 108 INTRODUCTION AND 7. Methodology 17 7. Conclusion 110 PROBLEM FIELD STRATEGY 8. Time working plan 22 1. Theories related the MTS 27 1. Projects inventory 114 02 06 2. Theories related heritage 31 2. The station area 116 3. Urban vitality indicators 38 3. Transformed open space 126 4. Conclusion 40 4. The riverside areas 134 5. Bibliography for the theory part 41 5. Local connections 142 THEORETICAL RESEARCH STRATEGIC PROJECTS 1. City profile 46 1. Evaluation 152 03 07 2. Historic development 52 2. Governance structure 154 3. Infrastructure development 57 3. Phasing 156 4. Planning system 58 4. Stakeholders 157 5. Relation of two dynamics 60 5. Urban rules 158 6. A change in transport means 61 CONTEXT RESEARCH MANAGEMENT 7. Gentrification by the MTS 62 AND ANALYSIS STRATEGY 8. Conclusion 64 1. Selection criteria 70 1. Evaluation 162 04 08 2. The strategic location 76 2. City model review 164 3. Spatial network fragmentation 78 3. Integrated actions 165 4. From orchards to barriers 79 4. Possible side effects 166 5. A limitation of local movement 80 5. Recommendations 167 6. Conclusion 81 6. Bibliography 168 EMPIRICAL RESEARCH REFLECTION
  • 7. 10 BKKs 1.1 MOTIVATION MASTER THESIS TU DELFT BANGKOK SYNERGY 11 Mode of transportation : the rail transport system The threat of historic areas Nowadays, in the rapid urbanized period, the develop- A historic city has organically developed through sev- ment of the rail transport network, stations and transit eral decades. Their physical conditions are composed nodes become a crucial strategy to develop city areas. by fine-grains in terms of small plot sizes, passageways To make it function effectively, the rail transport should and the connection to local economic areas. The charac- be accessed easily. Particularly, it should be possible to ter and identity of historic areas will change dramatically get to by multi- modes of transport, such as, by car, bus from the past when new mode of transport has been or walk. At the same time, the service facilities should implemented. Although, a number of optional modes be provided, i.e., parking spaces and sub public trans- of transport will increase to serve modern needs, such port stations (APA, 2006). Moreover, the development as new functions, the rapid change might negatively af- also magnets new activities into the areas, such as, new fect old living patterns and activities leading to a lost functions, people and so on. The consequence is that in “place” ( Bertolini and Spit, 1998). The most explicit the role of the areas would be redefined. New infrastruc- structure is local streets (see illustration 2). In the past, tures developments would be created in order to serve it functions responding to small areas, but when the ac- those activities, which make the areas livelier as Berto- cessibility has improved, it has to serve an increasing lini and Spit name the station as place (1998). However, number of traffic as well. Consequently, when the size is the way city build the rail transport is limited by space, not in a proportion with demands, which requires more particularly in the case of elevated rail tracks leading to spaces, it causes an expropriation in areas both along negative effects to the nearby areas (see illustration 1). local roads ,connecting to stations, and around stations The character of Bangkok is that it was planned on the (transit area services). elevated level, plugging in to global functions like de- partment stores and high class hotels and disengage to the lower world functionally and physically. Illustration 1.3 the plan for the mass transit system expansion of Bangkok in 2030 (the officially preserved area of Bangkok is in the light green color) ,Source : Conflicts under the inevitable infrastructure expansion many theories about problems of scale and rapid devel- Many cities conceptualize the idea to develop the rail opment in that it causes spatial fragmentation (Graham, system to create a node and, at the same time, still Marvin 2008) and can tear the city apart (Read 2001), Illustration 1.1 the current condition of rail transport in Bangkok, Thailand,Source : maintain “place” for the areas. Bertolini and Spit add as with this rapid development, if we do not do it properly, it the renewal of existing fabric with a reason to deal with will be more likely to harm than benefit. future demands with the notion of Transit- Oriented De- However, it also provides a crucial opportunity and a big velopment (TOD). However, the historic areas are not on challenge to create a more sustainable transport mode, the list. Generally, TOD or the station plaza is applied in and at the same time, to prevent negative effects to the suburb or redeveloped areas. historic core of the city. In the case of Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand, especially, the rail systems are built on the upper level through urban communities. In particular, in 2030, gov- ernment have already planned for the elevated rapid mass transit system (MTS) throughout the city, which will definitely cross the historic core of the city (see illustra- tion 1.3). Although the MTS plan has been announced, there is no in-depth research on how this big infrastructure plan will affect the vitality of the city, particularly historic areas, where their economic status and quality of life are low. The MTS, currently, could solve traffic problem, but there is still lacking of integration between MTS and urban fab- Illustration1 .2 the current condition of local streets in Bangkok, Thailand ,Source : ric. As we have learnt a lot from the past experiences and
  • 8. 12 BKKs 1.2 PRINCIPLES AND OBJECTIVES 1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT MASTER THESIS TU DELFT BANGKOK SYNERGY 13 The symbiotic relationship between The relation with Urbanism in order to preserve and maintain its The historic core of Bangkok, Thai- strong enough in the decision-mak- MTS and heritage described in the The problem definition demon- value. The last reason is that many land, has been developing through ing process (the Bangkok case), it previous section is the backbone of strates an amount of urban-related studies usually focus on either TOD the history for more than a hundred can cause an intended economic this thesis. From the MTS perspec- dimensions. The issues of planning or heritage itself. The conservation year. From the government vision, eviction to the local living in the his- tive, it requires a supporting net- for heritage places and a transit- model mostly put more efforts on an however, in 2030, the expansion of toric core. work to integrate with other means oriented development can be a city area with a potential for economic the MTS will go throughout the city, All of the three aspects lead to spa- of public transportation. While the scale thinking. Moreover, the world- exploitation and leave the locally un- which will pass the historic core of tial fragmentation and a decay in economic position of nearby areas wide sustainability movement has listed area away. (Steinberg 1996). the city (see illustration 1.4). To im- heritage places in terms of socio- has to be improved by making use created the new developments in a Thus, this research deals with inte- pose the MTS on the historic core, economic dimensions, historic val- of an easily accessible rail trans- more compact way. It is a way to do gration of the two aspects on the negative consequences will occur ues and cultural identities. Besides, port network. From the historic area historic revitalization in order to re- local scale. Relating to Urbanism, to local people in the heritage sites these phenomena can make Bang- perspective, the long- time historic sponse to the urbanization process. those three aspects require spa- as it happened after the city built two kok become just a generic city. The values and cultural identity will With a global force, the issues go tial interventions that can influence lines of the MTS in 1999, which are MTS spreads generic urbanity as it maintain. Furthermore, the heritage broadly to a regional scale. There positively socioeconomic structure secession, confliction and displace- scatters soulless places(Richardson places would contribute to urban are many reports about planning on the local level. ment. In the case of secession, it & Jensen 2008). The sustainable at- vitality in terms of socioeconomic for TOD at the regional scale by the takes place when the new develop- tention is not about to go against the dimensions to guarantee that they centre for transit oriented develop- ment is not oriented towards local- new developments following from can still last and continue. ment and many government docu- ity, such as gated communities and the MTS, but to search for how to ments. For the heritage, it draws condominiums that causes chang- protect the repeated-negative con- Relating to the hypotheses men- an attention in a global scale from es in the traditional community life. sequences from the MTS and make tioned before, the symbiosis rela- many international organizations, The second reason is confliction use of it. To conclude, with a low in- tionship, and the general objectives such as UNECSCO, ICOMOS and in different ways of uses of space tegration between urban fabric and are demonstrated. so on. However, this thesis will not between formers and new comers, the MTS, when the infrastructure de- 1.We have to generate mutual ben- do like that. stemming from, such as, a differ- velopment has been implemented efits to the both sides, heritage and ent perception, background and on the historic core, it results in frag- the new development, when they This thesis will focus on the district comprehension. The worst case is mentations, a lost in urban vitality meet. and local-scale option, particularly displacement. When the market is and stimulates social segregation. 2.We have to mediate the conflicts on the living heritage areas, in which between the two as well. local people have been using them 3.We have to transform current spa- from the past until nowadays, not 2012 tial fragmentation into coherent ur- on legally registered city’s heritage. ban space. The objective is to help them survive 4.All of the objectives have to cope and make use of consequences of with the uncertainty of the future the infrastructure expansion. and develop towards a sustainable The interest of the author is made manner. by three reasons. The infrastructure expansions can enormously change the existing urban fabric. These change offer opportunities to rede- fine the role of the city and its spa- tial strategy leading to sustainability. The second reason lies on the spa- tial implications of the heritage issue 2030 Illustration 1.4 the diagram showing project position which takes a stand on the Illustration 1.5 the map showing the cur- district and local scale, combined with the rent MTS and in 2030 which will pass the government plan. Finally, it creates an in- historic core comparing with the existing tegration for Bangkok in 2030. condition.
  • 9. 14 BKKs 1.4 AIM 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS MASTER THESIS TU DELFT BANGKOK SYNERGY 15 Mutual benefit and sustainable ap- proach posal and help strengthening the local economic and social viability. How to preserve the existing historic core of The aim of the project is to propose Eventually, the synergetic spatial vi- a strategy for the historic areas of Bangkok while integrating it with the sion will fill in the gap from the gov- ernment plan and provide a solution Bangkok when the mass transit system imple- expansion of MTS. The future vision to solve this widespread problem of of the project does not replace the old with the new developments, but the city and work as a pilot project reflecting on the improvement of mentation, at the same time enhancing social takes a stand on that both process- urban form, socioeconomic issues es have their own dynamics. Thus, the strategy would combine two de- within a sustainable manner(see il- lustration 1.6) cohesion and economic viability? velopments and create a vision that the two are complementing each other. For the historic areas, the heritages need to be preserved and given a framework towards social and economic sustainability. The optimise uses of MTS to link uncon- nected areas and to create better liv- ing environment with improved pub- What kind of the strategic plan and spatial in- lic amenities would be proposed. In terms of the new development, new comers will benefit from the pro- Illustration 1.6 a sustainable model from triple P to Quadruple P (Duijvestein 2008) terventions can be applied on the historic core of Bangkok in order to deal with potentials of spatial quality improvement and integrate it with the MTS in 2030? Fact Consequence Opportunities Identity Historic value Due to Bangkok has been formed In order to be able to understand the key elements of the main research by a market led development; an in- question, six sub research question need to be formulated. tervention usually is made from the 1. What are benefits and conflicts of the combination of historic and new top-down level, which always gives developments? a priority to infrastructure develop- 2. What is the collective network of these two developments? (to define: what ment. The integrated approach is kind of co-using spaces and sharing functions? Which corridors need to be Social status missing in a connection with the strengthened?) existing urban form. Therefore, the 3. What are strategies for urban heritage conservation in relation with the research questions arise from soci- infrastructure expansion? oeconomic and spatial dimensions. 4. What is the role of the heritage places in 2030, when the mass transit This integrated model, between old comes? Economic status and new developments, creates two 5. What kind of spatial design tools are able to integrate physical linkages challenges. The first challenge is to between the heritage and new development in a sustainable way? exploit the new development by the 6. How to transform the heritage sites towards socioeconomic viability ? MTS towards sustainability. The sec- ond challenge is how to protect liv- ing heritage from the negative result. The aim is to achieve them both. Illustration 1.7 an approach summarized from the current conditions of Bangkok
  • 10. 16 BKKs 1.6 RELEVANCE 1.7 METHODOLOGY MASTER THESIS TU DELFT BANGKOK SYNERGY 17 Ethical Problems Societal relevance Scientific Relevance The selection of the study case and the limitation of the The problem related to ethical is- The relevance of the thesis lies in This research will reflect on aca- research sues arises in two cases. In heritage the fact that we have to deal with demic debates on the spatial inter- The historic core of Bangkok is chosen as the study case. sites,the first is the limitation of con- societal challenges of the current vention and strategic planning for Thailand is one of the developing countries in Asia that servation areas, “enclave tourism” condition of Bangkok to prepare both the rail transport expansion is facing the spatial and socio-economic transformation. (Healy 1992). It occurs when the a solution when the MTS meets and heritage conservation planning. It displays characters of urban problems in developing type and location of facilities are not the historic core. Nowadays, there In academic field, many researches countries, which are facing with negative consequences oriented towards locality. As a re- is a demand from local people to have been done to sustainably pre- from the infrastructure development, such as interven- sult, money will not benefit the local protect their communities from the serve heritage. However in the de- tions from the market and infrastructure breakdowns on economy. This leads to an increase market that wants to develop the veloping countries, when market a local level, urban planning and governance failure. Al- inflationary pressure on local econ- areas around the MTS. However, becomes more dominant, preserva- though the city has been developing for hundreds years, omy. Price of land, products are the market also can financially sup- tion plans cannot be enacted suc- it still does not plan to coordinate and integrate between neither affordable nor responsive to port the existing area by improving cessfully as plans. Besides, to as- infrastructure and urban development. local needs .It leads to a loss of sov- connectivity, public amenities and sure positive results, this research The city of Bangkok has many heritage and high historic ereignty for locals, which translates, living quality. For that reason, this contributes to urban vitality, which, value. A number of local people and traditional commu- into loss of control in decision-mak- research tackles with the general- in this case, is an integration of liv- nities still live in the historic core of the city. The research ing and benefits. Every area is differ- unsolved problem of Bangkok. It ing heritage and the MTS as a main recognizes the different types of heritage that the city ent so that it will experience uneven provides an integrated approach, component. Based on the different has. Due to its complexity and character individuality, distribution in conservation efforts. which works as a pilot project, in or- context of each city, another contri- a different type of heritage sites deserves a specific ap- The outsider gains less favours and der to generate mutual benefits and bution of this thesis will stimulate a proach, which suits their situation. will see a rise in economic decay minimize social problems of the city. new approach to other cities to re- The thesis focuses on the producing a set of strategy and fabric deterioration, while fo- think and search for a new way to and recommendation that will be able to help planner cused areas receive priority aids. preserve its heritage to cope with an and decision makers to tackle with the MTS in the his- The second reason is observed urbanization process. toric core. The result also paves the way to an integrated in the style of approaching areas. strategy to different individual case of heritage site. How- From the policy level, it usually ever, the research will focus on only one types of herit- takes action on improving physical age, living heritage, to be demonstrated in the thesis. projects rather than social and eco- By narrowing down to only one case, the author can do nomic dimension of the areas. From analysis in detail and deeper levels. the past experiences of Bangkok, when the city faces with new infra- The research focuses on the case of living heritage that structure development, the project will face with the MTS expansion based on certain rea- generally gives priority to land devel- sons. opment and new construction rather than the conservation of the existing 1. Living heritage, in the historic places, contain- historic communities. Therefore, this ing historic value, is still in use, has a certain degree of thesis aims to not only create mu- maturity as a social, cultural and economic entity. It pos- tual benefits two new development sesses certain qualities that best signify the dynamics of and heritage places, but also try to characters of the historic core. mediate negative effects to locals, such as an expropriation and gen- 2. Living heritage settles heavily along the former trification. mode of transportation, mainly water, and usually close to new development areas, mostly high-rise and a gate community. It is an example of urban polarization of the city. With its historic value, it is a challenge by the con- temporary economic pressure by the market interests came with the MTS. 3. The configuration of function reflects the type of activities, which are commonly found in every old dis- tricts of the city, characterized by a large percentage of economic activities run by informal sectors. 4. Living heritage is not protected by laws as of- ficially registered ones. Besides, in the area itself, it still Images showing recent social protests against an expropriation,resulting from has traditional characters like low income, high density, interventions by the market, influenced and lack of accessibility to public amenities. The thesis by the MTS expansion, which invaded into aims at seeking for a sustainable way to develop the liv- traditional commercial communities in ing heritage of the city. 2011, Source :
  • 11. 18 BKKs 1.7 METHODOLOGY MASTER THESIS TU DELFT BANGKOK SYNERGY 19 The method of empirical research Products among the other sectors, the sce- The research model is created in -Theoretical underpins for the as- nario will be set up based on the Main research questions a relation to the research ques- pect related to the issue possible conditions between the Research Design tion. Various steps of the research -A historic overview for the city of market and conservation planning. model contribute to the challenges Bangkok By dividing into two scenarios, the How to preserve the existing historic core of Bangkok What kind of the strategic plan and spatial interventions from research questions. The first -Developing criteria for choosing first one is extreme case, while the when the mass transit system implementation, at the can be applied on the historic core of Bangkok in order to step represents the research part of strategic locations second is the moderate case. same time enhancing social cohesion and economic deal with potentials of spatial quality improvement and the thesis. It consists of three inde- Methods viability? integrate it with the MTS in 2030? pendent parts and the results will be MAPPING THE CURRENT CONDI- -Case study of the car based cities combined in order to design in the TION ON THE LIVING HERITAGE IN in order to know the possible strat- design phase later on. THE HISTORIC CORE OF THE CITY egy to be applied to Bangkok The design phrase will start from the The second part of the research will -Literature review Sub research questions sub research question four to six by study the existing conditions of the -Research by design proposing spatial intervention for two fields. From the heritage field, it Products What are benefits What are strategies What is the collec- What is the role of What kind of spatial How to transform the living heritage in the area of his- will study on the local network of the -Vision and Strategies base on prob- and conflicts of the for urban heritage tive network of the heritage places design tools are the heritage sites toric core of the city of Bangkok. The core, which needs to be kept and able scenarios combination of conservation in these two develop- in 2030, when the able to integrate towards socio- research model contains four sepa- enhanced in terms of spatial, eco- historic and new relation with the ments? mass transit physical linkages economic viability? rate parts to be explained, but the nomic and social dimensions. The AN INTEGRATED PLAN BETWEEN developments? infrastructure comes? between the time phrasing will overlap. The rela- second one is from the MTS. It will HERITAGE AND THE MTS expansion? heritage and new development in a tion and design phrase is not one- link to the first field in term of opti- Based on previous research, a de- sustainable way? way direction, but it is woven and mise uses and minimized unwanted sign will be created for the project can be changed over research(see results of the MTS. The thesis pro- area. The design will redefine the illustration 1.8). However, time vides a synergetic vision for 2030, role of heritage places in 2030 and Result schedule will be explained later on. so a review on their potentials is improve the current situation to- The relationship Mapping the Possible scenarios An integrated plan between heritage and the MTS necessary. The result will build an wards the long-term development. between the urban current condition in the relation of approach to deal with the project The aim is to make use of the MTS development and on the living the two develop- A COMPREHENSION: THE RE- and design tools in the design pe- and its consequence and maintain infrastructure heritage in the ments LATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE UR- riod. the historic value of the city and cur- expansions of historic core of the BAN DEVELOPMENT AND INFRA- Bangkok. city Methods rent fragmentations solved. The re- STRUCTURE EXPANSIONS OF -Mapping on current social, eco- sult of this thesis can be seen via a BANGKOK. nomic and spatial condition design on spatial intervention on the The first part of research will focus -Interview local residents in order local scale as a pilot project that will on the relation between the two de- to know the local network and how create a sustainable future. velopments. It describes the issues they use space Methods from the history, because it will give Outcome -Space syntax in order to discover -Drawing a better understanding as they are An overview on Context research Vision Strategy Design tools Design criteria spatial condition and level of inte- -Design research currently. The historic development History and theory Case study gration of the city and the area -Mapping will be analysed since the city has -GIS to analyse and calculate data -Visualizations formed as the capital city in a form and statistic Products of maps. Another reason is to know Products -Specific intervention proposals the benefits, conflicts and driving -An understanding on the MTS im- based on the toolbox and criteria Intervention forces which already happened, pact -Integration of the existing situation and at the same time where has a -An overview on the existing social, of the historic core with the MTS to high chance to be preserved and An integrated model for Bangkok in 2030 economic and spatial issue of the create mutual benefits the risky one to be destructed. In living heritage expressed in built en- -Master plan for the area relation to the design phrase, the vironment purposed intervention will be done -A toolbox that can be used in the in terms of living heritage conserva- design phase tion, which is necessary to antici- pate threats and potentialities. POSSIBLE SCENARIOS IN THE RE- Methods LATION OF THE TWO DEVELOP- A review through the history in a re- MENTS lation between the urban and infra- The purpose of this part is to search structure development, and at the for successful strategies that can same time searching for the conse- apply to the city of Bangkok. Be- quence of the current MTS after an sides the MTS takes twenty years implementation in 1999 to function, 2030, which the situa- -Literature review tion can changes. Particularly, in the -Mapping city that the market is most powerful -Historic research Illustration 1.8 am empirical research model
  • 12. 20 BKKs 1.7 METHODOLOGY MASTER THESIS TU DELFT BANGKOK SYNERGY 21 Target location Topic LITERATURE STUDY DESIGN The historic core of The mass transit expansion Target location Topic Bangkok, Thailand and heritage conservation LITERATURE STUDY DESIGN The historic core of The mass transit expansion Literature study Site analysis The historic core of Bangkok Scale Bangkok, Thailand and heritage conservation Literature study Site analysis The historic core of Bangkok Scale The role, potential and general Future role, potential and unique City identity of the infrastructure Problem statement expansion and heritage consear- identities of Bangkok scale The role, potential and general vation City Confliction between new and traditional developments identity of the infrastructure Future role, potential and unique Problem statement expansion and heritage consear- identities of Bangkok scale vation Confliction between new and traditional developments Literature review Mapping in order to know A vision for an integration 1.MTS current conditions of the city between the MTS and historic Objective a. Network city 1. Urban development areas Literature review b. Mobility Mapping in order to know Government A vision for an integration 2. vision A synergetic vision, integrated the MTS with heritage conservation 1.MTS current conditions of the3. Spatial condition; infrastruc- and historic city between the MTS Objective a. Network city c. TOD 1. Urban development ture, open space areas 2. Heritage b. Mobility a. Conservation 2. Government vision 4. Economic status A synergetic vision, integrated the MTS with heritage conservation c. TOD b. Heritage tourismSpatial condition; infrastruc- dimension; population, 3. 5. Social 2. Heritage c. urban vitality ture, open space density Research question a. Conservation 4. Economic status 3. Historical research 6. Land use b. Heritage tourism a. Urban development dimension; population, 5. Social c. urban vitality b. Planning systemdensity Research question 3. Historical research 6. Land use c. Infrastructure development a. Urban development b. Planning system Theoretical framework Empirical framework c. Infrastructure development Theoretical framework Empirical framework The role, potential and general Analysis on urban condition of the District identity of the infrastructure scale historic core of Bangkok expansion and heritage consear- City scale The role, potential and general vation Analysis on urban condition of the District identity of the infrastructure scale historic core of Bangkok Historial analysis expansion and heritage consear- City scale vation Literature review Mapping Hypothesis Current situation 1. Gentrification in Bangkok Selection criteria to seek for strategic Revitalization approach for 2. Traditional settlements locations to be intervened living heritage sites towards Historial analysis Literature review Mapping sustainability 3.Accessibility 1. Spatial conditions : study on Hypothesis Current situation for strategic Revitalization approach for 1. Gentrification in Bangkok good node Selection criteria to seek network connectivity and potential 4.A living heritage sites towards 2. Traditional settlements 5.Place making locations to be intervened integrate to 3.Accessibility sustainability 6.Role of government in conditions : studyEconomic status : search for the 1. Spatial 2. on District scale 4.A good node network connectivity and potential endangers by negative conservation planning area which 5.Place making to integrate effects by the rapid development Spatial analysis 6.Role of government in 2. Economic status : search Social status : look for the area 3. for the District scale conservation planning area which endangers bythat tends to be segregated after the negative Vision Socio-economic analysis effects by the rapid development implementation Spatial analysis 3. Social status : look for the area value : investigate the 4. Historic Vision Socio-economic analysis that tends to be segregated after the high value area which has implementation 4. Historic value : investigate the Reference area which has high value Evaluation projects Theoretical underpin on the Mapping spatial and socio- Local Reference relatioship between the MTS and economic problem on strategic scale Evaluation heritage conservation. locations. projects Theoretical underpin on the Mapping spatial and socio- A synergetic Local regard- strategy Evaluation relatioship between the MTS and economic problem on strategic scale ing new development from potential heritage conservation. locations. the MTS; function and typol- A synergetic strategy regard- and local benefits; public Strategies Evaluation transferable Literature review Mapping ing new development from ogy 1. Thai successful space amenities and connectivity 1. Infrastructural networkfunction and typol- potential model the MTS; improved 2. Cultural landscape 2. Natural network and local benefits; public Evaluation Strategies transferable Literature review Mapping 3. Spatial indicators of urban ogy 3. Built environment 1. Thai successful space vitality 1. Infrastructural network amenities and connectivity model improved 2. Cultural landscape 2. Natural network Evaluation 3. Spatial indicators of urban 3. Built environment Design vitality Design Illustration 1.9 the research model
  • 13. 22 BKKs 1.8 TIME WORKING PLAN MASTER THESIS TU DELFT BANGKOK SYNERGY 23 The phasing of this project was de- fined and positioned in the time-line fined by two angles; one is the pres- process. The outputs are the prelim- entation-based time (P1, P2, P3, P4 inary thesis plan, outline of review and P5), while the others base on paper, final thesis plan, conference which should be done during the paper and final thesis. research process. The actions are defined as follows; research, theo- retical framework and design task. Besides, there are some important in-between products already de- P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Research - Study on current conditions of Bangkok and its potential - Specified research in the field of design - Technical research Theoretical framework - Relation of TOD and urban revitalization - Spatial indicators of urban vitality - Positive gentrification - Conflicts between social and economic development Design task - Preliminary design proporsal - Design proporsal - Evaluation and reflection - Possibility study Literature study Implementation on vision Detailed design Specific project plan Theory paper Strategy Design parameter Evaluation Case study Design parameter Screnarios Conclusion Interview Analysis on existing layers Statistic research Vision Design Illustration 1.10 Time working plan in relation to five times of graduation presentation