social care think local act personal (tlap) tlap personalisation information and advice care act think local act personal co-production making it real personal budgets person-centred care winterbourne view joint improvement programme department of health care act 2014 katie-lee percival children young people ndti commissioners winterbourne view real life options leeds city council lga adult social care clinical commissioning groups (ccg) commissioning local government association (lga) and association kevin kitching integration tlap thinklocalactpersonal impact report evaluation nhs choices data hub stockport flag the wealth care partnership funding carewise west sussex west sussex county council local authorities rachel ayling seeing the benefits shaping the future gearing up for change chronically sick and disabled act section 4 carl evans local authority proportionality rachel mason children young people and families personalisation person-centred planning special educational needs send julie hicklin manchester city council co-prodcution northamptonshire prevention agenda talent match rachel mitton mayday approach children and young people building better lives policy coproduction gloucestershire council alison cathles community development independent living co-productions disability rights miro griffiths director children and young people nic crosby families i statements nhs co-produ national co-production advisory group (ncag) one-page profile jane cummings chief nursing officer for england winterbourne view concordat nhs england section 117 milton keynes joint learning disability team macintyre on track forensic support central and north west london nhs rights-based changing our lives quality of life approach dr brian leaning case co-ordination model personal health budgets sue turner learning disabilities alison giraud-saunders providers marianne selby boothroyd. certitude milton keynes ealing la macintyre sue graham direct payments care planning local authority (la) care guidance the care act imca mental capacity act statutory advocacy independent advocacy lucy bonnerjea assessment social care institute for excellence carers and disabled children act 2000 nhs and community care act 1990 national assistance act 1948 putting people first personalisation and care act consultation events simon medcalf market shaping and commissioning social care markets care quality commission (cqc) southern cross commissioning standards institute for public care developing care markets for quality and choice (dc sam bennett health and care personal budgets king's fund integration pioneer site barnsley clinical commissioning group risk management
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