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Cyber Ethics
What are Ethics anyway?
•Understanding how your actions affect other
•Knowing right from wrong
•Taking personal responsibility for your actions
What is Cyber Ethics
Cyber Ethics(contd.)
Cyber-ethics, cyber-citizenship, and netiquette
are terms that refer to social behaviors. In
other words, what people do online when no one
else is looking.
• Lets review and discuss some common
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Violations
• Disregard for technology or network rules and
policies. This could be willful or unintended
• Unauthorized duplication
• and distribution of items
• such as games, software,
• DVDs, music, etc.
• End User License Agreement
• When you purchase a game or CD,
• you are purchasing a license to USE
• them you do not OWN them.
• Using another persons ideas, words, images, or
original works as your own without acknowledging
• Cyber-bullying is when a child or teen is
tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated,
embarrassed, or otherwise targeted by another
child or teen using the Internet, interactive and
digital technologies, or cell phones.
• Deliberate misrepresentation of people or
• False statements that harm another’s reputation.
Worms and Viruses
• Malicious programs
• shared with the intent
• of shutting down a
• computer or
• computer system.
Violating Privacy
• Willfully using another persons password to
access his or her email or documents online,
distributing private information of or about
• The use of the Internet, email,
• or other electronic
• communications devices
• to stalk another
• person.
• To give false information or a misleading
description of yourself.
Unintended Consequences
• Sometimes human behavior results in something
• We do something that begins a series of events
that are a surprise.
• This can be called an unintended consequence.
• Ethics is about putting principles into action.
Consistency between what we say and what our
actions say is a matter of integrity.
What is Jurisdiction
• Jurisdiction can be defined as the limit of a judicial authority
or the extent to which a court of law can exercise its
authority over suits, cases, appeals etc.
• The power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law
a matter that falls within the court's jurisdiction.
Cyber Jurisdiction
• Jurisdiction essentially refers to the concept where the power to
determine and hear a case is vested with an appropriate Court
in a legal system. The main issue that clouds Cyber Space
Jurisdiction is the fact that parties involved in a dispute are
essentially placed in different parts of the world and have only a
virtual connection that bonds them all into one realm.
• The internet now doesn’t make any geographical or jurisdictional
boundaries clear, but the users of the internet remain in physical
jurisdictions around the world and are thus, subject to laws that are
independent of their presence on the internet.
• A single internet transaction may involve laws of the State in which
the user resides or the laws of the State that apply where the server
hosting the transaction is located or the laws of the State which
apply to the person with whom the transaction takes place.
• Thus, if there was a hypothetical situation of a user in the USA
conducting a transaction with another user in Indonesia through a
server hosted in Chennai wherein issues arose, they would
theoretically be subject to the laws of all three countries involved.
Kinds of jurisdiction
• Prescriptive Jurisdiction
• Jurisdiction to Adjudicate
• Jurisdiction to Enforce
Prescriptive Jurisdiction
• It refers to the jurisdiction of the State to make laws applicable
to person and certain circumstances. International law
exercises limitation on a State’s authority to prescribe laws if
there is a conflict of interest with another State.
Jurisdiction to Adjudicate
• It refers to the power of the State to subject a person or thing to
a court or administrative tribunal, either civil or criminal, whether
or not the State is a party to the proceedings. There only needs
to exist a sufficient relationship between the State and the
Jurisdiction to Enforce
• It refers to the power of a State to induce or punish someone for
noncompliance with laws and regulations. A State’s law can be
enforced by the officers only with due permission of the State
officials concerned in the matter. However, a State may have
jurisdiction to prescribe in certain circumstances where the
jurisdiction to adjudicate is absent.
Court Hierarchy
Civil Jurisdiction
• Civil law handles disputes between individuals, or between an
individual and another private entity, such as a company or
organization. In a civil case, it is usually claimed that one party is the
victim of an offense or negligence done by the opposing party and
resulting in loss or damage. In such cases, civil jurisdiction can provide
benefit to the injured party in the form of some type of
compensation, and can also serve to hold the injurious or negligent
party accountable for their actions.
 The following are some of the more common case types handled
under civil jurisdiction:
• Personal injury
• Breach of contract
• Negligence resulting in death, injury, or other damage
• Child custody cases
• Divorce
• Property dispute
Criminal Jurisdiction
• Criminal law, on the other hand, is a system of legislation dealing with
offenses which are deemed to be perpetrated against the
government or society. Even though the victim may be an individual
and not society at large, such as in a case of murder or assault, the
offense may still be considered a criminal case when it involves
lawbreaking action. Criminal law aims to punish people who commit
crimes, rather than settle disputes between individual parties. :
 Some examples of behaviors which would be dealt with under
criminal jurisdiction include:
• Murder
• Theft or burglary
• Drunk driving
• Assault
• Domestic violence
• Illegal substance use
Main Differences Between Civil and Criminal Cases
There are several ways civil and criminal jurisdiction are dissimilar from
one another. The following list indicates a few main differences in the
way court cases are handled:
• Who Files a Case. In civil cases, an injured party, referred to as the plaintiff,
begins proceedings by filing a complaint against the individual or entity, called the
defendant, who caused injury or harm by failing to carry out the duty of care
owed to the plaintiff. For criminal cases, in contrast, the proceedings commence
when a case is filed by the government or state against an individual alleged to
have committed a crime. In criminal cases, the government prosecutes the
defendant on behalf of the citizens of the state or nation.
• Burden of Proof. The burden of proof determines who must provide evidence
and what level of evidence can substantiate a claim. The standards of providing
proof differ between civil and criminal proceedings. In criminal law, a defendant
must be proved guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt,” demanding a more rigorous
standard of evidence to make a conviction. The burden of proof falls on the state
in criminal cases. Civil law instead requires that there be a “preponderance of the
evidence,” or a demonstration that the claim is more likely true than not true.
The burden of proof lies initially with the plaintiff, and secondarily with a refuting
defendant, in a civil case.
• How Outcomes Are Determined. A case under criminal jurisdiction and a case
under civil jurisdiction use different methods to decide a verdict. Criminal courts
generally employ both a judge and jury to determine verdicts of guilt or
innocence based on evidence which can provide proof beyond a reasonable
doubt. Civil decisions in court are typically made by a judge (and in some cases
jury) who makes decisions on the basis of a preponderance of the evidence.
Because of the differing requirements on evidence, some cases which do not
have enough evidence to succeed in criminal court may be handled under civil
• Compensations and Punishments. When a plaintiff initiates a civil case, they are
seeking compensation for a wrong that has occurred against them. Compensation
usually comes in the form of a monetary award of an amount determined
through legal proceedings. Criminal cases, on the contrary, do not normally seek
to resolve an issue through compensation, but rather aim to determine a
sentence of punishment, which could be a fine, probation, community service,
imprisonment, or, in extreme cases under certain state laws, the death penalty.
Can a Case Be Both Civil and Criminal?
• In short, yes. In some situations, a single instance of wrongful
behavior may best be handled by both civil and criminal law. Because
the two realms of jurisdiction—civil and criminal—vary greatly in
structure and purpose, both may be used in specific situations to
resolve an issue and right a wrong. A wrongful action may represent
both a private injury and a crime against the state, resulting in a
situation in which the actor faces both criminal and civil charges. For
example, when one person is willfully killed by another, there may be
criminal charges of murder, as well as a civil suit for wrongful death.
Web Space
• There are several essential things a web hosting provider must
actually provide. The first thing is a stable server, on which
the websites should run. Once he has the physical machine, it's
time to install suitable software, such as Mail SMTP
server and DNS server software. And when everything is ready
to go, the hosting provider must face the hardest task - to define
his offers. And one of the features every client first looks for is
the web space.
Web Space(contd..)
• The web space, also known as storage space or disk space, generally refers
to the amount of space on a web server that is allocated to website owners by
the web hosting companies. It is made up of the total quantity of all text files,
images, scripts, databases, emails and other files related to your website.
• Having an idea of the web space demands for your web presence will help
you choose the right web hosting plan configuration. Thus, you will feel secure
about the online availability of your uploaded content and hence - for your
web image. This will make your uploaded content always available online and
your virtual profile - invulnerable to shortage in resources.
Web space functions
• The web space can serve two basic purposes. In the first place, it allows you to upload file
information (HTML files, image files, etc.) on the World Wide Web where it will be available
at a global scale. Second, this resource enables you to store various files that are not
visible to website visitors but play an important role for the proper functioning of your
• Some of the popular 'invisible' files taking up web space on the server where your website
is located are PHP files, database files and CGI program files. PHP files are stored on the
server with a .php extension and are used for various important on-site activities such as
order form processing for online stores, poll results management, etc. Databases, in turn,
store data such as product codes, customer details, etc., which is retrieved by PHP
scrips and CGI programs. CGI programs serve for processing data inputs from online
forms, which require that the collected information be stored on the website's server.
• Other web space occupying files worth mentioning include externally linked CSS
files and JavaScript files. External CSS files, responsible for defining the style
elements of a web page, are stored on the web hosting server and linked to each
web page requiring them. JavaScript files, also linked to web pages needing them,
lie in the basis of dynamic drop-down menus, visitor counters, etc., i.e. they work for
increasing the interactivity of a website.
• Log files are other website-related data containers that eat up your allocated web
space. They contain important details about your website visitors' behavior,
generated through requests sent from your website to the web server. The email
accounts and the separate email messages are also considered as disk space
consumers. The storage amount they occupy is usually added to the web space
quota of the regular web hosting plans.
• As you can see, the web space you need to launch a website on the World Wide
Web is not used only for accommodating files visible to the visitor's eye. It also
refers to storing files and programs that lie in the background of a website, but are
responsible for supporting its interactivity, dynamic content, statistics and e-
mail communication. In this light, when estimating your web space demands, you
need to first total the quantity of your website files on your computer and then add
approximately estimated space for databases, emails, log files, etc. In view of your
website's future smooth expansion, you should add at least half of the whole
estimated space to the calculation you have made so far. Now it will be much easier
for you to find the right web hosting account configuration.
Web space measurement
• The web space is generally measured in bytes, kilobytes (1,000 bytes),
megabytes (1,000 kilobytes) and gigabytes (1,000 megabytes) on both
personal computers and web servers. Since disk space has lately become a
comparatively cheap web hosting resource, it is usually offered in gigabyte
quantities with standard plans. Megabytes are represented with "MB" and
gigabytes with "GB". A popular web hosting trick is to represent disk space in
smaller units, in order to impress the customers.
Web Space with NTC Hosting
• All NTC's web hosting offers come with enough disk space for any type of
sites - from a small personal site to a complex company web page or a
popular online e-commerce store. Disk space can be easily monitored at all
times from both the Accounts usage table in the Web Hosting Control
Panel and via a neat graph in the File Manager.
• And if, at some point, the need arises for more disk space, you can always
make an upgrade for just the disk space itself, without the need to upgrade to
a more advanced hosting plan.
Web hosting
• Web hosting is the service, which made Internet so content-rich. Web hosting
represents a place on a hosting server where one can host his domain name,
develop his site, send emails from, etc. There are several different types of
web hosting, all of them originating from the different demands of the
customers – shared hosting, free hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting.
They differ in terms of price, server technology and the ability to host more
complex websites, but in the end they all provide the same basic service – a
place on the web where one can store his files, which are thereafter made
available online.
Free web hosting
• Free web hosting is a popular solution for every beginner. However, being free, this type of
web hosting does not offer the same options a paid hosting provider will offer. Often, when
you sign up for a free web hosting account, there will be banners on your site advertising
the hosting provider, or there will be a file size limit. They also offer limited to no support to
their customers.
• The good part is that a free web hosting service offers you a good way to start your hosting
experience, since it will give you the basic features and will not charge you anything.
However, if you are looking to develop a professional looking website, then you should look
for a more advanced web hosting solution.
Shared web hosting
• Shared web hosting is the most popular web hosting offer out there. It
combines server stability, feature-rich plans and low prices. Shared web
hosting means that there will be several hosting accounts belonging to
different people on one and the same hosting server. This is the perfect
solution for almost every type of site – starting from a small personal blog or
image gallery and moving to a high-end corporate website.
• The only disadvantage of the shared web hosting solution is that the hosting
server you are on is also affected by all the other users located there.
VPS hosting
• VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. This type of hosting is very close to the
concept of having your own web hosting machine, but it also has something in
common with the shared web hosting service. With the VPS hosting solution, the
server is divided virtually into several machines, each of which can use a part of the
server resources, but at the same time act as a completely stand-alone machine.
• This type of hosting is suitable for both resource-hungry and traffic-heavy websites
and portals. It will also give you root access to the machine, which will enable you to
modify the server configuration in any way you want.
Dedicated hosting
• Dedicated hosting is the ultimate web hosting solution. With a dedicated
hosting service you will have complete control of your very own web server. This will
allow you to use all the server resources yourself. This way, you can build a very
heavy website, or a very complex web application. You will also be in total control of
what is going on with the server and will have complete freedom in terms of
software installation.
• The downside of the dedicated hosting solution is that the server is quite expensive
and that you will also have to have extensive knowledge in the area in order to
administer it successfully. Support with most hosting companies is usually paid per
hour and can add to the server’s price.
Web hosting with NTC Hosting
• We, at NTC Hosting, have been in the hosting business for quite some time now, and over this time
we have found out that what a customer wants is for his web hosting provider to be cheap, reliable
and easy to use. This is why we have developed our own Control Panel, which is one of the most
user-friendly solutions out there, making the hosting start a pleasant experience. We have also
automated the installation of the most popular PHP scripts, reducing the time you need to install a
blog, forum, online shop, image gallery to mere seconds with our 1-click Web Applications
Installer tool.
• And most importantly, we have spent a lot of time developing our hosting platform, building it around
the stable combination of Linux and Apache, which has allowed us to keep the prices low and
offer low-cost web hosting plans. Our servers are also compiled with the latest stable PHP versions,
creating a stable PHP hosting platform and allowing us to offer our special CMS hosting plans.

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CLE PPT NO-3.pptx

  • 2. What are Ethics anyway? •Understanding how your actions affect other people •Knowing right from wrong •Taking personal responsibility for your actions
  • 3. What is Cyber Ethics
  • 4. Cyber Ethics(contd.) Cyber-ethics, cyber-citizenship, and netiquette are terms that refer to social behaviors. In other words, what people do online when no one else is looking.
  • 5. • Lets review and discuss some common cyber-ethicalconcerns.
  • 6. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Violations • Disregard for technology or network rules and policies. This could be willful or unintended disregard.
  • 7. Piracy • Unauthorized duplication • and distribution of items • such as games, software, • DVDs, music, etc.
  • 8. EULA • End User License Agreement • When you purchase a game or CD, • you are purchasing a license to USE • them you do not OWN them.
  • 9. Plagiarism • Using another persons ideas, words, images, or original works as your own without acknowledging
  • 10. Cyber-bullying • Cyber-bullying is when a child or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed, or otherwise targeted by another child or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies, or cell phones.
  • 11. Cyber-libel • Deliberate misrepresentation of people or events. • False statements that harm another’s reputation.
  • 12. Worms and Viruses • Malicious programs • shared with the intent • of shutting down a • computer or • computer system.
  • 13. Violating Privacy • Willfully using another persons password to access his or her email or documents online, distributing private information of or about another.
  • 14. Cyber-stalking • The use of the Internet, email, • or other electronic • communications devices • to stalk another • person.
  • 15. Misrepresentation • To give false information or a misleading description of yourself.
  • 16. Unintended Consequences • Sometimes human behavior results in something unexpected. • We do something that begins a series of events that are a surprise. • This can be called an unintended consequence.
  • 17. Cyber-ethics • Ethics is about putting principles into action. Consistency between what we say and what our actions say is a matter of integrity.
  • 19. What is Jurisdiction • Jurisdiction can be defined as the limit of a judicial authority or the extent to which a court of law can exercise its authority over suits, cases, appeals etc. • The power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law a matter that falls within the court's jurisdiction.
  • 20. Cyber Jurisdiction • Jurisdiction essentially refers to the concept where the power to determine and hear a case is vested with an appropriate Court in a legal system. The main issue that clouds Cyber Space Jurisdiction is the fact that parties involved in a dispute are essentially placed in different parts of the world and have only a virtual connection that bonds them all into one realm.
  • 21. (Contd..) • The internet now doesn’t make any geographical or jurisdictional boundaries clear, but the users of the internet remain in physical jurisdictions around the world and are thus, subject to laws that are independent of their presence on the internet. • A single internet transaction may involve laws of the State in which the user resides or the laws of the State that apply where the server hosting the transaction is located or the laws of the State which apply to the person with whom the transaction takes place. • Thus, if there was a hypothetical situation of a user in the USA conducting a transaction with another user in Indonesia through a server hosted in Chennai wherein issues arose, they would theoretically be subject to the laws of all three countries involved.
  • 22. Kinds of jurisdiction • Prescriptive Jurisdiction • Jurisdiction to Adjudicate • Jurisdiction to Enforce
  • 23. Prescriptive Jurisdiction • It refers to the jurisdiction of the State to make laws applicable to person and certain circumstances. International law exercises limitation on a State’s authority to prescribe laws if there is a conflict of interest with another State.
  • 24. Jurisdiction to Adjudicate • It refers to the power of the State to subject a person or thing to a court or administrative tribunal, either civil or criminal, whether or not the State is a party to the proceedings. There only needs to exist a sufficient relationship between the State and the person.
  • 25. Jurisdiction to Enforce • It refers to the power of a State to induce or punish someone for noncompliance with laws and regulations. A State’s law can be enforced by the officers only with due permission of the State officials concerned in the matter. However, a State may have jurisdiction to prescribe in certain circumstances where the jurisdiction to adjudicate is absent.
  • 27. Civil Jurisdiction • Civil law handles disputes between individuals, or between an individual and another private entity, such as a company or organization. In a civil case, it is usually claimed that one party is the victim of an offense or negligence done by the opposing party and resulting in loss or damage. In such cases, civil jurisdiction can provide benefit to the injured party in the form of some type of compensation, and can also serve to hold the injurious or negligent party accountable for their actions.
  • 28.  The following are some of the more common case types handled under civil jurisdiction: • Personal injury • Breach of contract • Negligence resulting in death, injury, or other damage • Child custody cases • Divorce • Property dispute
  • 29. Criminal Jurisdiction • Criminal law, on the other hand, is a system of legislation dealing with offenses which are deemed to be perpetrated against the government or society. Even though the victim may be an individual and not society at large, such as in a case of murder or assault, the offense may still be considered a criminal case when it involves lawbreaking action. Criminal law aims to punish people who commit crimes, rather than settle disputes between individual parties. :
  • 30.  Some examples of behaviors which would be dealt with under criminal jurisdiction include: • Murder • Theft or burglary • Drunk driving • Assault • Domestic violence • Illegal substance use
  • 31. Main Differences Between Civil and Criminal Cases There are several ways civil and criminal jurisdiction are dissimilar from one another. The following list indicates a few main differences in the way court cases are handled: • Who Files a Case. In civil cases, an injured party, referred to as the plaintiff, begins proceedings by filing a complaint against the individual or entity, called the defendant, who caused injury or harm by failing to carry out the duty of care owed to the plaintiff. For criminal cases, in contrast, the proceedings commence when a case is filed by the government or state against an individual alleged to have committed a crime. In criminal cases, the government prosecutes the defendant on behalf of the citizens of the state or nation.
  • 32. • Burden of Proof. The burden of proof determines who must provide evidence and what level of evidence can substantiate a claim. The standards of providing proof differ between civil and criminal proceedings. In criminal law, a defendant must be proved guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt,” demanding a more rigorous standard of evidence to make a conviction. The burden of proof falls on the state in criminal cases. Civil law instead requires that there be a “preponderance of the evidence,” or a demonstration that the claim is more likely true than not true. The burden of proof lies initially with the plaintiff, and secondarily with a refuting defendant, in a civil case.
  • 33. • How Outcomes Are Determined. A case under criminal jurisdiction and a case under civil jurisdiction use different methods to decide a verdict. Criminal courts generally employ both a judge and jury to determine verdicts of guilt or innocence based on evidence which can provide proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Civil decisions in court are typically made by a judge (and in some cases jury) who makes decisions on the basis of a preponderance of the evidence. Because of the differing requirements on evidence, some cases which do not have enough evidence to succeed in criminal court may be handled under civil jurisdiction.
  • 34. • Compensations and Punishments. When a plaintiff initiates a civil case, they are seeking compensation for a wrong that has occurred against them. Compensation usually comes in the form of a monetary award of an amount determined through legal proceedings. Criminal cases, on the contrary, do not normally seek to resolve an issue through compensation, but rather aim to determine a sentence of punishment, which could be a fine, probation, community service, imprisonment, or, in extreme cases under certain state laws, the death penalty.
  • 35. Can a Case Be Both Civil and Criminal? • In short, yes. In some situations, a single instance of wrongful behavior may best be handled by both civil and criminal law. Because the two realms of jurisdiction—civil and criminal—vary greatly in structure and purpose, both may be used in specific situations to resolve an issue and right a wrong. A wrongful action may represent both a private injury and a crime against the state, resulting in a situation in which the actor faces both criminal and civil charges. For example, when one person is willfully killed by another, there may be criminal charges of murder, as well as a civil suit for wrongful death.
  • 36. Web Space • There are several essential things a web hosting provider must actually provide. The first thing is a stable server, on which the websites should run. Once he has the physical machine, it's time to install suitable software, such as Mail SMTP server and DNS server software. And when everything is ready to go, the hosting provider must face the hardest task - to define his offers. And one of the features every client first looks for is the web space.
  • 37. Web Space(contd..) • The web space, also known as storage space or disk space, generally refers to the amount of space on a web server that is allocated to website owners by the web hosting companies. It is made up of the total quantity of all text files, images, scripts, databases, emails and other files related to your website. • Having an idea of the web space demands for your web presence will help you choose the right web hosting plan configuration. Thus, you will feel secure about the online availability of your uploaded content and hence - for your web image. This will make your uploaded content always available online and your virtual profile - invulnerable to shortage in resources.
  • 38. Web space functions • The web space can serve two basic purposes. In the first place, it allows you to upload file information (HTML files, image files, etc.) on the World Wide Web where it will be available at a global scale. Second, this resource enables you to store various files that are not visible to website visitors but play an important role for the proper functioning of your website. • Some of the popular 'invisible' files taking up web space on the server where your website is located are PHP files, database files and CGI program files. PHP files are stored on the server with a .php extension and are used for various important on-site activities such as order form processing for online stores, poll results management, etc. Databases, in turn, store data such as product codes, customer details, etc., which is retrieved by PHP scrips and CGI programs. CGI programs serve for processing data inputs from online forms, which require that the collected information be stored on the website's server.
  • 39. • Other web space occupying files worth mentioning include externally linked CSS files and JavaScript files. External CSS files, responsible for defining the style elements of a web page, are stored on the web hosting server and linked to each web page requiring them. JavaScript files, also linked to web pages needing them, lie in the basis of dynamic drop-down menus, visitor counters, etc., i.e. they work for increasing the interactivity of a website. • Log files are other website-related data containers that eat up your allocated web space. They contain important details about your website visitors' behavior, generated through requests sent from your website to the web server. The email accounts and the separate email messages are also considered as disk space consumers. The storage amount they occupy is usually added to the web space quota of the regular web hosting plans.
  • 40. • As you can see, the web space you need to launch a website on the World Wide Web is not used only for accommodating files visible to the visitor's eye. It also refers to storing files and programs that lie in the background of a website, but are responsible for supporting its interactivity, dynamic content, statistics and e- mail communication. In this light, when estimating your web space demands, you need to first total the quantity of your website files on your computer and then add approximately estimated space for databases, emails, log files, etc. In view of your website's future smooth expansion, you should add at least half of the whole estimated space to the calculation you have made so far. Now it will be much easier for you to find the right web hosting account configuration.
  • 41. Web space measurement • The web space is generally measured in bytes, kilobytes (1,000 bytes), megabytes (1,000 kilobytes) and gigabytes (1,000 megabytes) on both personal computers and web servers. Since disk space has lately become a comparatively cheap web hosting resource, it is usually offered in gigabyte quantities with standard plans. Megabytes are represented with "MB" and gigabytes with "GB". A popular web hosting trick is to represent disk space in smaller units, in order to impress the customers.
  • 42. Web Space with NTC Hosting • All NTC's web hosting offers come with enough disk space for any type of sites - from a small personal site to a complex company web page or a popular online e-commerce store. Disk space can be easily monitored at all times from both the Accounts usage table in the Web Hosting Control Panel and via a neat graph in the File Manager. • And if, at some point, the need arises for more disk space, you can always make an upgrade for just the disk space itself, without the need to upgrade to a more advanced hosting plan.
  • 43. Web hosting • Web hosting is the service, which made Internet so content-rich. Web hosting represents a place on a hosting server where one can host his domain name, develop his site, send emails from, etc. There are several different types of web hosting, all of them originating from the different demands of the customers – shared hosting, free hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated hosting. They differ in terms of price, server technology and the ability to host more complex websites, but in the end they all provide the same basic service – a place on the web where one can store his files, which are thereafter made available online.
  • 44. Free web hosting • Free web hosting is a popular solution for every beginner. However, being free, this type of web hosting does not offer the same options a paid hosting provider will offer. Often, when you sign up for a free web hosting account, there will be banners on your site advertising the hosting provider, or there will be a file size limit. They also offer limited to no support to their customers. • The good part is that a free web hosting service offers you a good way to start your hosting experience, since it will give you the basic features and will not charge you anything. However, if you are looking to develop a professional looking website, then you should look for a more advanced web hosting solution. •
  • 45. Shared web hosting • Shared web hosting is the most popular web hosting offer out there. It combines server stability, feature-rich plans and low prices. Shared web hosting means that there will be several hosting accounts belonging to different people on one and the same hosting server. This is the perfect solution for almost every type of site – starting from a small personal blog or image gallery and moving to a high-end corporate website. • The only disadvantage of the shared web hosting solution is that the hosting server you are on is also affected by all the other users located there.
  • 46. VPS hosting • VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. This type of hosting is very close to the concept of having your own web hosting machine, but it also has something in common with the shared web hosting service. With the VPS hosting solution, the server is divided virtually into several machines, each of which can use a part of the server resources, but at the same time act as a completely stand-alone machine. • This type of hosting is suitable for both resource-hungry and traffic-heavy websites and portals. It will also give you root access to the machine, which will enable you to modify the server configuration in any way you want.
  • 47. Dedicated hosting • Dedicated hosting is the ultimate web hosting solution. With a dedicated hosting service you will have complete control of your very own web server. This will allow you to use all the server resources yourself. This way, you can build a very heavy website, or a very complex web application. You will also be in total control of what is going on with the server and will have complete freedom in terms of software installation. • The downside of the dedicated hosting solution is that the server is quite expensive and that you will also have to have extensive knowledge in the area in order to administer it successfully. Support with most hosting companies is usually paid per hour and can add to the server’s price.
  • 48. Web hosting with NTC Hosting • We, at NTC Hosting, have been in the hosting business for quite some time now, and over this time we have found out that what a customer wants is for his web hosting provider to be cheap, reliable and easy to use. This is why we have developed our own Control Panel, which is one of the most user-friendly solutions out there, making the hosting start a pleasant experience. We have also automated the installation of the most popular PHP scripts, reducing the time you need to install a blog, forum, online shop, image gallery to mere seconds with our 1-click Web Applications Installer tool. • And most importantly, we have spent a lot of time developing our hosting platform, building it around the stable combination of Linux and Apache, which has allowed us to keep the prices low and offer low-cost web hosting plans. Our servers are also compiled with the latest stable PHP versions, creating a stable PHP hosting platform and allowing us to offer our special CMS hosting plans.